The Huron Expositor, 1932-10-28, Page 5Ii ot ri a • OCTOBER 28,.1932. I i<t Regent Theatre °ru`SYSTtEoNo YM SEAFORTH Thursday, Friday, Saturday OCTOBER 27, 28, 29 JAMES CAGNEY JOAN° BLONDELL "The Crowd Roars One of the Best Auto Race IStorys of the Screen. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday • OCT. 31, NOVEMBER 1, 2 ' The Screen's Happiest r• Picture "SUNSHINE SUSIE" TUNEFUL SONGS JOYFUL ROMANCE UPROAROUS FUN BRIGHT, BREEZY, BRACING Matinees Saturday and Holi- days, 3 p.m. Two Shows each night, 7.30 and 9.15. BAYFIELD (Mrs. T. V..Marti'n and family, of Detroit, were !here over the week end +closing her cottage. Taking 'advantage of the fine wea- ther s'ev'eral w'h'o spent the strmanea !here were back for the week end. Anvong them were .Prof. Lloyd Hod- gins, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Detroit; 'Mr. and Mrs. Wills, Mr. and 1VIrs. W. H. Robinson, London. Mrs. Calderwood (Nell King), of Ottawa, is visiting her brother, Mr. George King. Mrs. Dan Ialrison, of Goderich, -was the ,guest of Mr. and Mrs'. G. fling 'last week lMr. and Mrs'. Knight, of Toronto, and Douglas rivinhard, of Orillia, spent the week end with Mr. and '1VIrs. Fred Ge'nlinllart. :Mrs. Robert Blair returned Sun- day from Toronto after spending a -weak with Mrs. Knight. .111r. and 'Mrs. Abe Brandon were at Landon Monday. IIIBBERT saisseinsmasomesasemeemear Death of !Michael O'Connor. --On . 'Tuesday, October 18th, there passed away 1'Ir. Michael 'O'Connor, in his 87th year, About ten days before (Mr. 0"Connor suffered a slight stroke Unit previously had been.. in failing health only. dbaut a 'month. He died: a happy death on Tuesday evening, having retained his facul'ties to the last. . Deceased was born on Lot 27, ra half mile west of where , he died. ids father and mother, the late Mr. and) Mrs. James 10'"Conn•or, having 4came to this country from 'Ireland a ((short 'time 'before his :birth. He was the second oldest son of the family, this,. elder brother, Patrick, having '(been born in.the O1•d Country. Upon ;attaining manhood he cleared and 7built upon the farm on which he Rued. On' July, 12. '1875, he was unit - ,ed in marriage to Miss Margaret (Montgomery, of Colborne, who sur- vives, together with three sons and three 'daughters:. Mrs. 'Michael Cro'w- aley, Kinkora; Mrs. James McCiuskey :and Mrs. John M. Eckert, McKillop; Thomas J. O'Connor, Boston, Mass.; Michael O'Connor, San Fr'aneasco, C(al.; Joseph O'Connor, 'at horn; al- so one brother, James O'Connor, Hur- on Road, and one sister, 'Mrs. Wall, of Brantford, and a 'half sister, Mrs: iMatfthews. of London, who is almost INC( years of age. There are twenty- -four grandchildren and 12 great grandchi'ld'ren!.. The. 'funeral, which was largely a'tt'ended, took place from 'his late residence to St. Columba/1 ,echurch and thence to St. C'olumiban •k7ermetery for interment on Thursday •(!morning. Requiem Mass was stung Ply Rev. Father Goetz, of Seaforth. 'Th'e pallbearers were all grand nephews: Joseph Burke, Jos. Eekaert, .Joseph Hickey, John O'Connor, Jas. if:Monnor, and Jos. O'Connor. A grandson, Joseph O'Connor, of Bo,,,- -ton, was here. for the funeral. The ,1eelpest •'syuniathy of the commiunity is extended to those who are left to mourn. STANLEY QMr. Wes 'C,acherrline and Miss Mabel Ars-ie'tronig, of Pilot Mound, Man., are visiting at Mir. Ralph Stephienson's and Mr. D. J. Stetphen- asain's and other relatives in Stanley. 'Mat. Fred Austin, of Varna, and 'Miss !Margaret Robinson, of Goshen }tatv'e returned to their homes after pleasant two weeks' visit with friends in Flint, !Mich. IMre. Robert 'Burchell 'and family, ..of Mitchell, and Mrs, Smith, Strat- ford, vi's'ited, their aunt, 'Mrs. Robin - Isere, Sr., and' their cousin, Mrs. H. f0rrattt lash 'Saturday. I A large number of our young peo- le attended the Y. P. convention held at Clinton last Friday. The meimlber3 of , :the Blake and 'Goshen Y. P. S. intend holding a Hallowe'en social at the home! of Mr, Roy Lamlont on Friday enienling, peltol or 28th. Mir. and Mrs. Willaim Stogdill, of Agent Wanted Province wide,' real estate !organization hail' an opening in khie loicalarbyl No ,experience necessary. A real opportunity for a business of .t'o'ur own 'Ten dollar -era: ital required. Write immediately. R. A. Williamson WOODSTOCK, ONT. r7 „its!enaAyer;' d ss tiii is it .wCh',.trA9wilt awtittxlu, lace viaini47ug 'with.' !the halter's motile; 'OelesX"g,,#r Damon, (Initende4, for last 'weiak) (Is v and 'Mfrs. Roy Lamont and daughter, :Margaret,, and Miss Mar- garet .McKinley tools a drip to Niagara 'Falls' on 'Saturday, return- ing home on !Mionday. !Mir. and ,Mrs. Alex. Sparks and famfily, 'of Lo'nd lw, spent Sunday ev- ening at the home of Mr. John A. Armstrong. !Mrs. Nelson Keys returned .to her hone on Saturday after 'spendin'g a week with her son, Mr. 'Ruskin Keys and wife, of East Windsor. !Mir, ;Mesivlin Keye, of London, spent t'lle week '.end at the home, of his par-' eitts,•1Mr, and 'Mays. Ben Keys, Babylon Lime. ,Rev, R. M. Gale, of Bayfield, took :the serlvtces on the Varna c'h'arge last Sunday, Rev. E. A. Poulter, of Varna, taking the anniversary ser- vices at Porter's Hill. There will Ibe no 'service at Goshen and Blake churches next Sunday on account of ,the anniversary services at Varna, when Rev, Mr. 'Craik, of Goderich, will preach morning and evening. CONSTANCE Mr, and !Mrs. George Medd and Mr. and Mrs. George Layton, of Ex- eter, visited. IMr. and :Mrs. Jas. Medd on Sunday last: Mr. Jamieson and daughter, Mrs. Gardiner,` and :Miss Hudson, spent Sunday dinner with 'Ma. and Mrs. Benjamin 'Snell on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gardiner, of Lon- don, spent Saturday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan and Kath- leen, of Blyth, visited Mr, and Mrs. Leo 'Stephenson on Sunday 'lass. - Miss Betty Malcolm, of Egniond- ville, was the guest of her friend, Miss Helen Britton on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Britton, of Walton, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wps. Britton. The anniversary 'services of Con- stance United Church were a decided suricess. Rev. Chas. Malcolm, of L:g- mondville, was the minister for the day and botch morning and evening his messages were most impressive. In the morning he took for his text, "Ye must be born again." The choir rendered the anthem, "Eatalt Ye the Lord." They were assisted by Miss Viola Fraser, of Clinton, who sang a 'beautiful solo, "Nearer My God to Thee." In the evening he took for his text, "Lord, Save Us, We Perish." The choir sang, 5°Lord God of Hosts." and were assisted by Mr. Chas. Boyd who sang, "The Heavenly Song,"• in this usual masterly way. The fowl supper :served by the ladies on Tues- day night was just a repetition of their fanner culinary* art. The Blyth Orchestra provided the music during the supper hour and was shush ap-• preciated. !Miss Fraser, of Clinton, assisted on the program, accompan- ied by ccompan-ied'by herself on the guitar. The play entitled, "The Young Country School Manna," put on (by the young people, was well received. The church was filled to overflowing'. The proceeds amounted to $280 for both days. Mr. Lyle Worden and Miss Frayne of Staffa, and Mrs. Aitcheson, Jr., of R•oxocro, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson. Mr. Harvey Taylor, while pi:+Ling apples, fell twenty feet when the limb broke on which he was standing, and is confined to his bed. He has had a :,c' ere shaking up. • h BIRTHS $sell.—In Seaforth, on Friday, October 21st,• to Me. and Mrs. Helmer Snell, a daughter (:Margarevt June). DEATHS Dlgie,—In Seadortlh, ore Sunday, October 23rd, .Hannah Tnaquair, wilfe of William Elgie, in her 7911 year. IN MEMORIAM Note.—Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional verse. in loving remembrance of our dear hus- band and father, Albert Bele who fell asleep ante year ago, October 29, 1931. He is not dead, but sleepeth, And will wake again some morn to greet us. Oh I what a glorious morning that will he. —Sadly missed by his wife and son. BULLARD.—In ever loving memory of my brather, Pte. John 'E. Bullard, who died of wounds in France 14 years ago, October 24, 1918, lid little thought when leaving home, ' He would no more return; That he in death so Bean would sleep And leave US here to mourn. We do ret know what pain .he bore, We did not see him die; We only know he passed away And never said good-bye. - �r 338.1x1 —Mrs. George Eaton. in ever loviaig memory of my mother. who passed away 28 years ago, October 19, 1904, Twenty -slight years have passed since that said slay, The one we ,roved was oalded away; God took her ,homes, it was His will, But in lour hearts she liveth still. 3385x1 --Mie. Georgy Eaton. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Michael O'Connor and faly wish to" thank all 'these who sent spiritgel bouquets and also those who kindly loaned their cars during theist recent bereavement. 3385x1 CARD OF THANKS 98+. William Elsie .and family desire to thank their many friends and neighbor's for jt:he kindness and sympathy extended to them during the illness and death of wife as -1 mother, am.l also th sse Who sent floral tr il.' u te's. 3980-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS ,HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others havtne claims against the estate of THOMAS MARRIOTT, late of the Township of 141anehard, in the County of Perth, Farmer, who died en the Tenth day of September, A. D. 1932, are required tis fornvsrd .their claims duly proven to the umdcrvdg-nerl on or beft,re the Fourteenth day of November. A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Administrator will proceed R,o distribute the est'atxe, having regard only to She claims of which he them shall have native. .,DATED ah, Exeter, Ont., this 26th day of Ootoben,. A. D. 1982. MADMAN & STANIIU:RY, Exeter and Hehsla:ll;' Administrator's) Solicitors. 28219-2 !;i G rn0a,risfi.,a4;.,va Il, WORT TNO1IQF,�.— 11 Pa S,P;I' i K,OF.' Y BAiRRVDr' 1:t001C pulleys, 6} Moldhs old, 50 ceute each; 441,- ,0 two good winter CQw!3. Apr 4y Alp M0 --Y LAWSON, Led 11, Oon. r•, Kellett. 338641 port SALE, — FIFT1Eaq • BARRELS OF, hand picked SPY aroplee. Price, 75 cents a bag, att 'Log d2, Cancessitt 14, McKillop. Phone 248 a• 11. J. R. LEEMING, 8384-2 WOOD FOR SALE." --A QUANTITY QF howl dry maple body wood, 12 inches long; 88.7k per cord delivered. VICTOR FALCONER, IBruedfeld, or Phone 629-12,° Clinton, aid we wi'U pay the charges. 8383x4 e SOME CHEAP, FARMS .FOR QUICK S•A1 . 120 acres; !large bank barn; 1a/2 storey, house; orchard, running water. Three miles groan Trow.p of Goderich. Price. 81,500.00, etr7ctle cash. Also two hundred acre farm for sale, altauhnhter price only $22.00 per. acre. Soil principally clay team: no waste; very few stones or Pots] weeds, About 120 acres now under cultivation, more ready; balance pasture; about 60 acres timbered. Good bank barn, 1%sdlorey house in fine con- ditkn ; orchard; good water, Located twelve miles' from Town of Goderich, ' County of Huron, Ontario. Close to school, large vil- lage and handy markets. Terms—$900,00 down cash, balance very easy terms if -de- sired. Taxes paid in full for 1982. No back Ma.x413., i8o e+wchatnge s cepoled. iImmedfate possession. If interested, write J. W. ARM- STRONG, Real Estate, Box 89, Godemiob, Ont. 3364-1 JJ. F. O. MEETING The annual meeting of the i U. F. 0. of South Huron and the' Progressives of South Huron will meet in :the Town Hall, Hensel!, on Wednesday, November 2nd, 1932, at 8 9.an, JOE FORREST, Secretary, 3885x1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT GARROW, Deceased. All persons !having claims ag'ains't the Es- tate of Robert Ganrbw, late of the Township of MnKillop in the County at Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the Ninth day_ of September, 1932, are hereby eotieed to send in to .the Administrators, clo their Solicitors, en or before the Fifth day of November, 1932, 'full pambicwlaars of their claims. Immediately after the Bald date, the said Administrators will distribute the assets of the said decessed, having regard only to (1•anmk of which they then' shall have n6tice, and they will not be liable to any nerson, of vnho;e claim they shall not then have notice, for the asset so distributed, oz any pant thereof. 'GATED at Toronto this 17.th day of October, 1982. MARGARET GARROW and CHARLES GARROW, Administrators with Will annexed, By Fasken, Robertson, Aitchison, Pickup & Galvin, 36 Tonontb Street, Toronto 2, their Solicitors herein. 3384-3 MORTGAGE SALE OF CHOICE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Under end by virtue of the powers of sale contained in. an Indenture of !Mortgage which will be produced on the day :of sale, there nvs111 be offered for sale by public auc- tion, by George 38. Elliott; Auctioneer, on the premises on SATURDAY, the 5th day of NOVEMBER, 1932, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following' lands and premises, namely: -' ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel nr tract of lands and premises situate, lying and belie; ire ,the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, and Province of On- tario, being composed of Lot Number Twen- ty-nine 129) in the Ninth (9t1)) Concession of the said Township of Hibbert, containing by admeasurement One Hundred (100) acres of land be the same more or less. There are said to be erected on said lands a one and one-half storey brick dwelling with asphalt shingle roof, 8 rooms and kitchen, stone. foundation, hot air heating and in excellent state of repair, a large frame bank barn, stone foundtetion, cement flooring, wa- ter piped into barn, size 40 x 60 and` 12 -toot leanto, well roofed and in excellent state of • repair, a large frame drive shed .in very good repair. The lands. are wellfenced, well drained, very -fertile and there is no waste land. The farm is convenient to church and schooi being about 2`9/ miles from church and ltd miles from school. TERMS OF SALE.—Ten per cent. in cash on the day of sale and the balance without interest in Thirty days thereafter. The pur- chaser will be required to sign an agree- ment to complete the safe. Further oond'utions of sale will be made known on the clay of the stilet and may be had :in the meantime from the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of October, 1932. JOHN J. HUGGA.RD, Seaforth, Ontario, Vendor's Solicitor. George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton,. Ont. MORTGAGE SALE OF CHOICE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF }SULLETT ' Under and by virtue of the power of Rale contained in an Ilndenture of Mortgage which will be produced on the day df sale, there will be offered for scale by public' auc- tion, by George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, ISeafforth, Onbarhlo, on WEDNESDAY, . the 2nd day of Novem- ber, 1932, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon„ the following lands and premises namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of lands amyl premises situate, lying and being in the Township of 'Hallett in the County of Huron and being composed of Lot Number Ten (10) 5.n the' Sixth Conces- sion of the Raid Township of Hullebt con- taining by admeasurment One Hundred (100) acres of land more or leas. The said lands are well fenced and drain- ed and very fertile: it is believed that the greater part of said lands are now in grass. TERMS OF SALE.—Ten per cent. in cash cm the day of sale and the balance without interest in Thirty days thereafter. The Purchaser will be required to sign an agree- ment ko ,cernplete the sale. Further conditions df sale will be made known on She day of the scale and may he had in the meanbnne from the undersigned. Dated Ads 12th day of October, 1982. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario, Vendor's Soliei'ilnr. George H. Elliott, Auotioneer, Clinton, Ont, 3383-3 FARM FOR SALE North one-half 'of Lot No. 4, and part South one-half of Lot No. 5, Concession 8, 'El -shortie Township, ' containing about 85 acres, .the property of the late John Batten. On the property is a good frame house and batik barn, a never -falling well with windmill and connections to stabling; good hard wood bush, about $ acres, and fine young orrehard. Farm is well fenced and drained, end-- convenient to school, church and miarkkelt. Immediate possession for ploughing and full possession April 1, 1939. Apply tb GARNET W. MINERS, R. R. 8, Exeter, THOMAS MORLEY, R. R. 8, Lucati, Executors, or GLAD lig AN & STANBURY, Herman and Exeter, Solicitors( "tot John 'DM, ten mitata 2222-4 • Semi -Annus sponsored by the BERGER TAILORING CO, makers of the famous CLOTHES OF QUALITY ead! We have been successful in again making arrangements with the makers of Clothes of Quality°for a FREE PANT SALE to be , Three Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 27-28-29 The`' new "Fall Suitings are hero. The prettiest patterns you've ever seen. Berger Clothes of Quality Suits at our regu- lar prices always represent outstanding value, but with an extra pair of pants FREE; you simply cannot afford to miss it. Woollen and commodity prices have dropped during the last year, and copequently "Clothes of Quality" have been able to put far greater value, workmanship and quality than ever before into their garments. The suiting and topcoatings are made from beautiful all -wool materials that represent the world's fin- est looms, and are more distinctive and attractive than at any time . during the past. Wepersonally measure every customer and guarantee every suit for', FIT -STYLE WEAR AND WORKMANSHIP and up Extra Pants Free. EWART BROS., Seaforth 4tY$ktti4,4 fit. tJaC4'm�+ ts.4'sltea:Nl,.rtr.,i.`c>M.a.»i1:i:.lo-°Awlisati, .i,