The Huron Expositor, 1932-09-23, Page 4a x ;"?4^T. t ::.a i x,:.. ;y; - F ,...i t i '•?'.,G r< ":, r A, �: t. ..h 'R t: i,5rg^r-g3 .v 1"Tc' rad. nrt•.agr ..f ,,. , 7 },. .�,+.. ,illi .,, .. 1. a ..7 -A I i. 1 . , ., , . n _ 7 � , ! .:. .. 1. . 4-. d r:. 1. . i, 11`S ... r. , ,Y, 1. ,.. t: 1 ., .M ,�U .� , °i. ,..t .K ,. 1. 1, { .1 , , :.. r,:. w , :V , ,. ...r 7.. r 1-. ,U i 7. `1- , i v.. f w , .. , ,. ,, t• 4 n , - , 7 � � ,. .. , -.. I 4 r .4 ,:. .2 t 1 �.:. I i �., a r. 1 i� ,'. , .. I , ,. Z.. , . r , r �:. 1, ., �. r , � � , , r W A 4 1 A Y ,. (+. +: , r : , , .. I i y1 ... 1 . 1.. .: e :., .,. ,j... , � e. it � a t ,.. ., i1 ,, , , .,. 7., ,. , , ea ,. , ,��, ., ,r. I' drt, , c::r. ,.°.. ,r� r ia..... ..,,. r �. , .+,... a . t . ,.R a ,. ,, ,. ub..,r , L, , ,, 1 ,. d.. i,ur i, J- ' ,., a >, , , i s. [ _ ,.1 k ..r 1 .'1 k., , ( .4 i. 1 a .. .. 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M1i , y i rte ,pill. :.'y Y. r(,. t, ..1. r Lt� A , Y EXFQSTTp� hat re the Arks ,vers F t r,t ,"t' r ,. 0 „ , ” . , t' ,f 1,"%*,S a - ' `O Px ) eading Weekly„L 0 0 IN[ I N ( 0 i 0' r', ]R x .'T, r v F "'"") shed 1860 I'kte falbawiag ase some of the _,.� ra E DISTRICT Nt rt'I',3 y pet tine�nt questions that the vat..rs 9 p71 ` Ali 71%i1 ]SIcLean Ed"itor. -t -a���'Ip r ____ of Spud. Huron, would"l'i'ke to ask ;he . . !''�%�`�r, , Pu, 1, 49d at-Seaforth, Olntario, ev- fans, ti: lativfe oandida'te and the Gar" I J �", r a , F, ' n+ l'+, n ; x3F 7�`h r:&day afternoon , by McLean serv:stive speakers a#, all rank's, Who, parents at Kipperu, a very dam�ty wed- furigiWly, an'd' xn', t�n'ig�±,or village Mondlay af�be! novo, September 26, in 1Qo1k its Ibasit, a I3 are a,ddressin IcnegUings yin this by- 'ding sw per vows served, the dining HEN i�LL do suhnaumifii rbowu>Wi,v�n.d vi•1lages. 'the Town H�al'1, 'promisle'r to !fie most The You�bh ' W Fan+p !Clv&r oil Cstr- aj t 1 RS P and c�tsib00t• are Qa)ttglt! meetings flrtr g roo�rt betang tastefully decorated m xng " langdl'y attended ,of a.11 arnd rs looked :� Pregbykiii,grn G�ulrr ,h -held a bin- 1, 1+ '+, : Subscription rate, $1.50 a year in election +carnpatgn: autumn eskJ,ors with asters and Mrs. 'The nomination to be held here • on fbarward to with great 'interest. quet in •bite basement of the church j�4iJr+ ; • ;t4vR;ne.a; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single (1) The tariff has been increased Leo Neisson Dahlias. The happy fiorthall Dance.-tttib Pd y, Fads Fair 'poses, 5-10 ,mills; dellien+ture purposes, The !T,ate, IMhs,. ICoxwortht, - The on, Monday evening of this week vir'it?ra. %� (. -i ,gapiea, 4 cents each. by at le'as't 5.0 per cent. on everything couple are spendsing ,their honeymoon n&gbt, Cardno's Hatt, seafcuth, Music 4 y 10 i_10 mills; school purposes, 7 7-10 funeral of the late 'Mrs. James cox- earl attendance of between' 7'0 &nd SHt Spider's Kikcheniar Orehwtro- Admission 60C r et : — . in the 'G'eorgian Bay district, then and 26c, ,Dia'n'a miss it. andlls; tpttal„ 3'S i n cls. rMtckle and' worth, whose Imtaiden name was Eliz- young the farrrier buys since bast election. y ng Pie present, a41 a most e]n- �F 4 y Adv,4r`tising rates on application. , bride 'tramellring in a tailored suit of Jones: That ,Bylaiw' No. 10 be gilten , abebh La.wghlip wars heQ-d! from the joytaible and {helpful ev'e'nuzng vireos spent Are you in favour of these changes'? F r Scotgih tweed in gre'e'n and browJi; B�bQ&.. Lonreas• of baseball in third and final readivig an dfinally 'home of hsr ,aiaug'hter, Mrs. Alfrg!d by 'all ,p're'senit. T1he'firslt on the Twq- �rif% •4, X,embers .of the Canadian Weekly (2) Duties are now ilmlposed by tones, with Daisy beret and red fox; Keir.1sall and' vicinity axein flog a rare p"sed,-!0arried. Pe-tby and Spencer: IScrulbon, of ,the village, on Monday grean was the loasbmas!tem'ys addorew, , `� s x : ' "Newspaper Association and the Huron weight as well as on value. As the fua. IMr. and' Mrs. Taylor will make ,treat an Saturday afternoon, of this That the -1Cdet•k arrange 'bond for F. 'aflbernoon last, and was a ;private one to w+hirtll. all joined) in VAth, 'a since . }, tY sit CountyPress Association. their future home in Stratford;. and week, whne'n, the sudden d'eat!h semi- Bonthron as ' r A. W. E.• H'em+ hie Conducted by cheaper products are often the heav- per P Y Reivt A. Sinclair, of the song; toast to ,the King, by Rev.. W. ��Rr 1) e their many friends- extend 'their 'best finial g ne' of the O.B.A., between, I collector-ACax^t•xed. Petty and Jones'+ U'm'ber➢ 1Gburch, who spoke very feel- A. Young; toastimaa'ter; presid=V I bAR.. ' lest, the duty is hilgher upoau the lo�v wishes. 'Sloutha!miptoil: and, Milton will 'bo. Tdrat the owners orf the va,riou�s 'pro- i'ng+ly and !highly �ot the �decea•sed, and addmets's, Miss Blanch 'M'uks'tat,ul'; �vYii►Ti» I, priced coniniodities worn by the ,poor- :41rs. Wi'lli'am Hogan, of Trronto, played otn ;idle" Hiensall diamlond at a, 'porties on 'South, Richmond Street what a good +mloither she was in ev- L-Ao Bill .Murdock; teases iso P � STiAk�OR'TH, Friday, September 23. r.tk to le and li, titer upon the higher has been visi'ttkFg Mrs Jantes G.+hey- g rey- t '' p ' 'P , g ' p g p.m, This will be a game of games-? benefitting by ,tete road oil, be charg- ,ezy sense ,of the terms. The d4ceas- terdan IClhuroh„ 'Propo!sed !by Mss *r- i.µt , ;t1'alities. Are ou in favour -of im- hey and. Mass Jetnnie'Chesney, of KiP Doat't xn6ss+'it. `ed est 'the ante of $1.'00 Qx bat, same ed was ,one of our pioneer resi.denfts gaaet 'MaclLaren, responded) to. b}F ,. �+� P 1 Lar e nu'm'bers from our villa to be addled to Itaaaes on 1932 callec< sand highly esti deservedly w Il re- Rev W. A. Young; du,est IExy Jar Y, posing duties of over 100 per cent enu,ite a 'numrlbex frown here attend- g ge+ $ Y Y c g, ,We Pass the Information Q and vicinity are attending the fairs firs roll --Cart ie�dl. Petty and' Mickie.: Ispec�te�d 'and 'lealves' to mourn her Deilfileld and (Melvin Moir• boast 'tri► ,, and upward' o:rn t:he'a-p olatlh7ng foT e•d 'rl{:11sgt•een tanniv'ersary on Sunday in aur ne2�ahlbon•in+ villa. es and town. `mat we avow ail- umn.�-+Cia'rrie --+ ,d th in 'her 8'3rd �e brother, ; `w=. year, on 'Mx. and (Mrs. Young, ptrolpose'd 'by , ,° . Aloe �l" bsr'ys, while the finer surto-' of the last when Rev. Hiembei-t, tf Holms- .thk iweek. g g James A..Pa'bersoau, 'Clerk. 'Isaac Laulghl'in, of'Osltawa, and two Mlis's Hazel Thaxtnpss�rt and rtespontdlec�,"}`, aristocracy, such as our'Cabinet Min- ville, was the guest speaker. Service$ Mr. and Mrs: Mayberry, of Carth, The ,iervice held in our three local ,~ions and three daughters, ,their names ,to by Mr. 'Young; solo, Rev. W. A. °l�he Toronto 'M'ail and Empire said r were withdrawn in St. Andrew's age, 'nt the week end with -Mr. and churches on Sunday last were pretty bel,,, Arthur, of Dumas, S'alsk,, and Young; toast to rune Count b• 11+lass� ,, inters wear, carry a tariff of ,.•0 per y g: g: Country, r • ";;` • edlltar'ilal'ly-on Monday last: United Church. +Vers-. W. R. Davidson' and fancily. w'el'l attendled. At,'Sit. Phia'l's Angli- Wjalter, of Flint, ,Mich., and three Beryl ,Pfaff, resppandletd to Iby T,ona , ' ce'n't, or 60 Per cent.. Mr, and Mrs. Gonner, of Toronto, F'ror the information of The Hurozi Wedding bells are ringing here t'tis cant 'Cihwrch rta}te.servilre in the thorn- da,ugh'bems, .Mrs. S. Smythe, of Win- Iaawgall; :baaL-!t to Yottaith Wieitan+e Z Expositor a'nd' robe faimoer5 of .goubh (3) Did the, government do right visited recently with the former's brc- week for one of our core was conducted b Riev'. John .,ntipeg, IMaxn.; 'Mrs. A. Scrubon, of Club, •b$ rG'lenn Bell responded to by ,. v I, , I,., popular youag. g Y Huron, we wish to pots,, out again :when ilt imposed tariffs of 60 per cent., then, Rev. R. R and' Mrs. Conner, at ladies. 'Thompson, of 'C)l+inbon,• who delivered H� nsall, and M,%s Olive of Detroit. M6'ss Olive Waa+kmlatn: The speracsY " somne of the gains made by Canada 75 per oent.. and e've'n 125 per cent, on 'the Manse. • The friends of the Rev. M. B. Pari:- a very impressive Is,?rmGn,, sat'piplying The deceased was born in Pickering, spleaker for the oega:s+ion was Dr s under th'e Canadian treaty The sixty-fifth annd,versary R)f St. er, rector of St. Paul's Anglican for the rector, �,R�e,v. ,M:. B, Parker, lived. ,first far a los term ofyears commodities, such as art silk, crepe 'An•dr,e,w3s United'Church will be heli g moving Kess, waxi who, gave' a• srpleudid ad- , k;:,: vAgned at Ottawa on Saturday, Augus Church, are pleased to learn that ha who is in Soatt s Memorial, 'Hospital in Hdllsgreen and afterwards moving dress, +~plop rias mnncii enjoyed and °" 2+0. The treaty glues Canadian pro- ae chene,, pongee silk, -printed' cottons, October 16th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p -m: is making a quick recover from his, Seafarth, fol'lawih an operation for r_ producers the fellawi,tag preferences ao,ybwme cloth and other camonoditaes when Rev, Elwaad Lawsom B.D. of g Y g to our village and resid6ng for many appreciated. Follov,ning":t'he speaker's: k p recent operation for a;:)pendicitis and aip!pendlicilds, and Iw'e undlerrstand' is yearst After leaving here ellne made address, Mr. 1Roy MaeLaren moved a in the markets of the United King- - Mount Forest, will ,be the speaker. g g evening ,her name ixu Sttrabhroyb hut" often ~late o� thanks, to the speaker, after fr worn. by the woman in avers„>e cir- is ekpected lame here in the very making good' iecovet•y. 'lute ev door; iLs: W. Johnston, of GoderiI near futuae. : service was w,i;thd�rawn. eomdang here to visit her daughiter vrhich tFhe ,banquet canoe to a close Witnea't in grain', two shullin cums'bances in. this constituency , p Mrs. T. Murdock returned' the end The Sacrament af' the Lords Sup- Mrs. A. Scruto'n at whose home she by e've'ryone joining 'han'd's and siog- a per tolwrvshi returrned to her lame du:- <luarier, or about six cents a bushel (4) Why did you volte for an in- ing the past weeik after a short vacs- of last week from Toronto, where she per was ,observed tart Carmyel Presby- was visiting when takers: quite ser- ing Auld Lang Syne. 0 ,4 at par. creased tariff upon gasoline which tion with friends, had 'been visiting her son-in-law and te'rian•Cih'urch at the morning service i,oaysly ill and'passing'away very sud- ' Hon. Donald Swtberlandy Mtnkite'r Butter, 15 'shillings per cwt.. (112 raised isle rice of'Carnadian, London Fall Flair is agr:in a =icing daughter and fa'mdl Dr, B, Cam wheat soarie fifteen rvew m s were' , c Lb;.) 'ar allow, 3..75 at Par. P g`asodine dao y, P` dienly on ..atutrday'lastb. 'Her husband of M61itia, is t'a be a speaker at. the ' $ P of the past. 'bell. adtrtdiftd insbo membership, mostly all Predeceased her ,softne thirteen years now.1ination meebing to 'be held hex+e. , ;.,,... ;. Cheese, 15 per cent. ad valorem. all the. way fxo,m 5 cents to '7 cent, Quite a nu'm'ber attended Exeter :Miss FIorence Reynojds..,-left here of whom were Young le on k, Raw apples, four s,hidlin,gs six -pence above the American•. price? y � Pe0'p 'Pre- ago. The remains were interred in on the coming Monday afternoon, t1` -- F'all'°Fa'•irr on Wednesday last, the first part of this week fort•.,,0al- fession of faith, which was very en- the 'Hemsall Union Gem'etery. Mrs. Se,p,t, •26, and as, this will be the first per cwt. or $1.Op8 par. (5) Are you aware that across Mr, and '.Mrs. Charles Horton, of ar Alta'• after a leasant visit of conxt i to ,the 'prasbor, rRew: W. A. (Raw pears, four shillings s'ix'pence Aylmer, vifsited recently with frieatds g y' P ag Gox'wor. will be missed from our time that be wi'l'l ,have spoken hem P cwt., or $1.08 par. - Lake Huron in Saginaw ,City gasoline y” a nu'mlber :of weeks with" her sisters, Young, who ,delivered ,'mo's't exteell�itt villag?e, where slhe was long and fav- his coming as a very noted figure in in the community. T. G. Robinson and Miss A'rn Shv and appropriate sermons both mbrn Canned apple's, ,th=ree shillings six- of the s+alm'e quality which you buy Y•oratbly known. political sand ill'b looked or Miss Edna Cochrane; R.N., of To- was accompanied as far as London ins and eiv'zndng. IMT. J. W. O,rtw'e'ixt is'hiu,sily engag-, tratio'nal life will lie looked for+war,d cr �, ill Bence per cwt„ or 85 cents. here is sold for less than 16 cents a ronto, is visiting with her sister, Mrs, b her ,brother, 'Will R+eyxnolds of The •s'e'rviced in the Ututed' Chturch eld, making a niumrlber ,of improve- to w*bbh viery mru'dh interest. The fal- Dxiled fruits;, , 10' shtdl'lings sixpence Y gallon? You meed not argue about Hugh Mc.�l,ultri ; of Hay. Tillsortbu who had s en c, Rev: mems- to rile dlwe1+14rug property he lowing figures in ,connection with our � per cwt., or $2,52 pax. ugh Freed Patsonsti of London, rga P t tete week were oondmated by the t Eggs g (24 t'he sdze of gallon or the tax, the end at the home' here. A. Sinclair, who game ,good and well ��y (purchased from Mrs. R. D'. poli•tic'a'1 life will no doubt Prove of cgs in,shell. from: one shiIl.tn spent Sunda visiting with his par- cF'Sntts) to one shilling ninepence, (43 comparison has been adjusted to that Y g Mrs. Detweiller„ n,eg Migs tiellie thought out discorurseo. At the worn- Bell, at 'blue earner of King 'Street and much interest to readers, namxely, sham - cents) (pea• ',great hundred (10 dozen), basris. en'ts, Mr. and' Mrs. itobert Parsons, 'Caldwell, R.N., is visiting this week ing service a duet was; most pleasing- London Road. there are 14,430 names on the vo'beas" 1^ according to gr"acre,. of Stanley. Mrs. &L, Edwards land 'Mr. and Mrs. ly rendered by '-34m Alice Joynt acid , Our 'douncil are having this wee}: lisps for South Huron, that being a 7 (6) Are you,aware that the rice Rev. R. Keith Love and his bride 'Corvdienre,d milk, w'hade sweetem!ed, P Basil F�dkvards. Mrs, IG.' Hess' an,d rriu'eh enjoyed by some ret • five shilling -per owt., or $1:24 par, of hides and skins in two years since of Kinto'tro, are visiting with the Mr. and: 'Mrs. Edward 'Sheffe'r re- the earn pairs made to our town hall gain of 300 over lil list of 19 in ' congregation, as was one also at roof 'amid 'all that is now heeded to and there are 77 tpniiing divisions in ,Copper, un,wrou'ghtt, whether refln- your government, has been i,n ` office forimer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. `Wm- ceiv'ed word this week that their the evening service feeBrig+ly rendered: make it No. 1 in every respect is the Riding. a `' ' I, Red or •not, in ingots, bars!, blacks, have dropped ed 5, Love, of Stanley. daughter, tWxs. ('Dr.) W H. Reid, of by Mr, W • O. Goadrwixt and 1Miss, Greta � redecorating of the -main hall With the Wtesi6em Exhibition over PP 6. per cent.,. and the very well and Lamimie. 4' :.;;laFb,s, cakes 'and rods, rivo pence per 'R•ally day �ser'�ices will be held in p'o'sit Rowan, was net v roam, the ground floor 'bean steel at London with an irrereasetr at`teat>d- ,1. %b. (4 cents pace ,of boobs and shoes 8 per cent.? St. Andrew's United Church n Sun- my shat_ The Snacratmiean8'of Mite 'Lords �!up- d'ecorat'ed, Otur town hall is a fins, ance, our local fairs will now be in ' ). o intend ,going to see her v S Free entry for Canadian eggs, poul- Do you approve of this? Did you clay morning, September 2'5, at 10 a'.m, ly , per w6'll be olbssrvevh im the Un2ted ,substantial lbrick ons, an'd with so I full swing with, no doulbt, also in— ' . tray, butter, chee,,se and ot`ber milk vote for the tariff changes which All the Fairs will soon be aver and Church a week from next SundaY• many tm,eeiings, nortvinatdons, etc., be I creased attendan+c•e, and 'better eshih•- (`;. products far three years certain, with i all will be settling down to •atti The palitieal ,pat wises the near h 1 i held in i• is well worth making I its than ever. `.)' productsible revision after that period. helped to bring about this cons-itdon'? g o ng, Y` s I. A 10 per cent. preference on lumber Would you do it again'? HILLSGREE+ N things in shape far the approaching fish. (bath fresh and sea; canned sal- cold fall .and winter months,, and in - _ _..__-_ •_ _ ^— . (7) Do you know that the price the meantime ,the good' wives are put- xrnxn, other canned fish, asbestos, zinc ti's'. M. S` -The re.gulax monthly and ierasil. of rano wool has been cut in two n1,e,eting of the Wlaitren's Missionary tin's down large quantities of fruit while the price of cloth ,has dropped Socielt w and other provisions. n .; Modification bf restridtions against y as held on Friday afternoon q) Canadian l c,e cattle an agreed lines. only 12 per 'cent., blankets only 171,E September 16, at the home of Vlrs. Flectioti talk is the all -absorbing This, it is esstiinated,, will mean at per cent, and carpets are higher than) Troyer, with ,Mrs. Robert Stephenson one on assn streeisy paces of business r v m least $3 more per 'head,ho the Called- presiding, The, meetdrfg opened with an'd homes. , iaxn shipper• they wen•e before this govermnent a hymn. The iScri'pture lessan was Ovr, chnt'rah chairs are ,gestin~ tool;1. Bacon and ham quota up to a maxi- came, into office? read responsively from St. Matthew, in full force af'ber the samimter holi- xilum, of 2,:x00,0'00 cwt. per annum. (8) Are you aware that the ex- 2,ith chapter, 'Mas. J. C•ochrarie ',then 'd'a'y time. , Preference 'on. Canadian tobscco to !Messrs John Elder acid . Laui pensee ,of the federal governmex>t are led in paayer and a hymn' w tions. Clark left 'here the first art of the . . continue far 10 years: The Secretary and Trealsurtr's re- p now oven $60,000,000 higher than the jj� a While Potatoes are not slpecifically.g Y poa•,ts were read and adopted. 'The spend a week or so in- hunt- In the interests of the Liberal Candidate W. H. GOLDING rnenti,oneal, "Great Br,iitai,n will consider were dhtring ,the highest year under roll was then called and answered by ing af4d fisthin,g yin the: -northern [parts � � � � .. !r lifting the embargo against the Cat;- 'the eight yearrs of •Liberal ad'ministra• the letter `R'. Th'e offering' w:as then of Human. and Bruce 'Counties and mall$ be held throughout bout the ridm as follows : adi'an Product. may take yn' other parts before they f Ptr' tion and- almost $100y000,00U more ta,keru Mrs. (Rev.) Conner gave an Y P e'Y s The farmers of South Huron are v item on the work of 'Miss Vl, M. return,. ,i' ' it entitled to this information. coring the average of that period? A number of our tbase:ball fan's and 1''ha,iltlby , . The stuffy was then Wednesday' Septei,anniber 28th Surety the farmers of. $'owt'h Huron (`J) During the last two years you talaen toy :12,rs. R4 Gorusiit and a hynnn enthusiasts in the snort motored •to added to, the national debt $200,000,- was sun 'The meeting closed '� all Southampton an Wednesdlay la t to I are, em,tilled to this infbtmation, ane g' y witness tbhle return, match betweenel Tare Fixpalitor bail sex in alone. y' rals during their re,p,eating the Loir•d's Prayer'. The ;HON*'Wo w;;• { • • gladly 1. 000 while t3:e Libe Southampton anal Milton and in whichMc ENZIE KING ' R;'R last two ears of office lowered the oclety presented Mrs. Troyer .with a Anid with this inif tr nation w•e also contest Sokithampton won out by , a' diebt- b 120 000,000, What has this lovely purse as a remembrance. . ass aloe same fa'ct's which the Mail bells are ringing in this score of 6" to 2, p • g y $ Wedding g country of for that money? . a Large nuimtbex•s left our village and arxd Empire kiuonys very well, but has g vicinity. xreglegted 6o state. (10) Do you realize that last year Anniversary services were conduct- vie nniity on 'Wednes'day afternoon, to RT,o it took 77 per cent. of the; entire ex- 'ed in the H:i'llsgreen ch•wrch oil Sun- atbexnd th'e Fall Fair ah Exeter. . For instance', in regard to wheat Mrs: Charles L.' Jinks has been - ports of the Dominion of Canada to day. Rei, J. W. Herbert, of Halrttss- „ and capper on which, there is ry� no ville, was the guees,t ; }peaker for the giAte poorly during the tpalst week or i' " pay the expenses of the'.federal gov so, 'but at -date of writing is improv- Leader of the Liberal Part m the Dominion Parliament., preference, the terms under vwh(ch the day and dlelivle,re'd inspiring serntbns. g ° proposed prefea•exice of five cents per ernmen't and that the ,present rate of The Ki,ppe'n ,choir, with their leader, ing nicely. In Exeter bink at, 2 p.m., in Seaforth Rink at 8 p m ,,: Riws2tel an wheat and 3.3 cents per p;rogre,ss-is likely to take 100 per cent. Vers. J. B. M,cLtxan, gave special mus- .Our council are getting our pave- ic f'o'r ,the oc'casi'on, A duet w•as v _ ment on _Hain Street nicely fired up s�irnd on ca per are ranted, read ar. of; the exports to pay these expenses ' in the way of ,Putting on (boiling tar 'f P g this year. Is that ,the best a Con- en in the morning by Misses .ilea, where there are any cracks' or little follows: Jvison and Pichia 'Cochrane entitled, µIt is agreed that the duty on servatilvle government can do? `'The Old Rugged Graa,.s," and in the holes. They have alsa'had the catch Friday, Se ter 3rd at � ���" ', , e#nhher wheat im gtraiin, copper•, zincaor (11) Do you ,believe in crucifying eveninlg' Musses N'au•y and Florence bwins•cleaned•up and''the street thar- pplead as •provided int thi+s agre-me'nt, the farmers with thin, burden of debt Thartipson„sang "After.” We wish oughly cleaned, which 'vas' a good•> may be removed if a� any time Exr,_ to'thank the choir for their kindness. halting to do, and it would be, well to 1• and expenditure and addling to that take allthe gmss or weeds out that Fred. Sanderson M P and R J Deachm an, In Manley spire producers of wheat in grain, cap- Rev.' R. Keith and :Vers. Love, of per, zinc and lead, respectrvfely, are the contribution whi'c'h they .must Kin'tose, bri•d#al coulplea, and 117. and are coming up so thi'ck'ly in places in � �+ � f • xtnatbde or unwilling to offgr these riria,ke to Canadian manufacturers :by Mfrs. ,Mia'nuel and sari, of London, vis- ar •s'idew'alks and which is bound to School House. - oominici lilies 'art first stale in the Unit• reason of the• high tariff under the ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, injure the walks if allowed ,6o spread ed Kingdom at prices not exceeding Worn. Love. out as well as being an eyesore. • Ihhe world prices, and in Present government? look Mrs. Fred Kennings and' M¢s. Y.. pr' quantuties A nurtnbt�r from this vicinity . sufficient to supply the requirements in a day at the Western Fair, Lon- Saunldercock recently visited friernds i � '1r of the United Kingdom consvanvra." (bony last week. in Blyth and vicinity.tu�rda�]eri1ri Sept. 2t�Pkat is to say we will be permit- EGMONDVILLE Nils Glady,; Stephenson ent't�rtain- (Mir. and 'Mrs. Floyd ,Smith, of De- Y ♦ g, 'lie lterd to sell these' products at a PrefaT- ed a number of girl friends ane after- trait, have ,been vusioorsi at Flayd's 7 11 ice as long as no trice rairi-n is noon. lame here. Speakers Ross Gray, M.P., Hon. Nelson Parliament aIld� g P g Miss Bessie Grieve, of Ghathairt. M'is's Mary Hagan returned to hoer Mr, (Milton Orbwedn and sons t atteimpted and as lung as we co-,tirtue .spent the week end at her hone par Goldin' here. duties i'n Lonfdon aftem-spending sev" the week end' heme w�ibh IM59bons the Liberal Candidate �V_. H. . so offer them for ale at prices that eral;weeiks with her sister, Mss D:,lly. P�� l Rev. C. Malcolrm is in Toronto this colts. a, D g i Flo nsrt exceed warl'd prices. (Mrs. R. Lase is visiting with tier Rayfield Town Hall The same coni itions apply largely YveFk Mrs. James W. cheneron is visit- „ 1 Dr,m't forget the Rally in the S•tn_ ,son, Mr. and Mors. Ross Love. ing relatives at Kitchener and Water- v to Mlle proposed pre%erences on butter, day School on Suxnd'ay t'tuowndng, Sep- too, • y,, the present preference on which is 10 te,rrtlier 25. The Young People will Mrs, Van De Kere, of Guelph, has per cent., and which will be, raised to have charge of the evening ,,cr7irp, ZURICH been visiting with her mother, Mrs. -3 per cwt• eggs frorru• 10 asci cin,Mondayregular evening there - will be S. Smit, and, brother and sister. Monday, Septi 26th,atgg per cent. the firstl re�g-ular weak nigh,, mrirtiny to 2 cents, to 3.5 cents per dozen, and of th': Y.P.S. 'since the holida sea_ An organization for Hay Towns'hi'p 1Ti,ss'llary Hulisser has been in De- • 2 p.m. '. ,,� y in the interests of Mr. W. H. Goldink,, troit during the past couple of weeks ce cheese, from 10 per cant. to 15 per c, n. the Liltion, candidate in the g Nomination- Joint Meeting-�in Hensall Town Hall 1+' pending with relatives. cent, by-election, was helot here on Monday Our carpenters, fpainiters, masons 't As lo'n'g as the Canadian fPrme, evening. 'Dr. Bilair, ,M.P., for North 'and bricklayers are rushing on with • offers -t'he'se cornoodd'ties on Britis}t KIPPEN Wellington; 'Mr. R. J.. I' eaFchrmon and their work, not to be caught with Mr. J. Woodcock were the speakers. ' bad wea'th:er the pre,enit and -past crickets at world prices, the prefer- Mr. and 'Mrs'. Wilfred Laporte, ai Weeks heist Brice SJband'S, �}JRtt n0 1'OTngPJr. Sn�thall 'ponce, --This. Friday. Fall Fair 1 ' ' g 50 favaraihl'e. y� ��c`%i r+qh.. C^rran�'a Hrll. Se:M'vrth. 1.1utic by V'lndtsor, Itiilg6ted at the home of thl� I,e.l�''aUnlGil.--,.Ell Sl e'C1sl m�e,e'tln O'f Thursda S,,.,t',.29th, 13 ` Also (when the Mail stpeaks of a 10 sn,'O,r'9 Kitahenor Orchestra, Admission 5oc forim,er's father Mr'. J. La rte near villa e cnun,cil was held Monde Bev -p.m. ,per Cent. wnd 25c. Dnn''t mina it g y 1. preference which is to be Drysdale, over'the w•aek end'. eninig a -t 8 p.m. to consider by-laws i Taylnr-Din�dale-On Friday after- • Mr. and 'M•rs,. J. Trevebhick, of • f , :gran ed om lumber, fi:.ft, both frena and strike talc raid, all memlbexs be- Speakers—Hon. rY • D. Euler and Machell F Hepburn .r noon. September 16, the 'lame of Rev.. Idrinsley, 'sp'eht Sunday in fawn with p F. and sea; canned salrmvSri" tither canned P ing pretGent. Petty and Mtiokle: Tlhat T L. and Mrs. John Hart, St. Marys, Ont., relatives. ' Transient Traders' By-law No.. 8, be in Crediton p fi.s'h,, asbestos, zinc, lead and tahaOCC, was the scen.� of a very pretty wed" Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith end given first and second reading --Car- • , .and which will ,be of such advantage dir,Z when .'Miss Helen Alice Din:dale. 'slaughter speint' Sunday with relst= ri,ed. Jones and 'SlpenCer: That Bylaw r t R.N., of Stratford Lives at Milverton. to the farmers of South Horan, i- datie•htex; of VIr• No. 8 be give'tY,.badrd and final reading. just neglected, perhaps, to 'spate the an,4 Vlrq. Robert M. J?insdale, of 'The concert to be held in the ,town --Carried. ,Petty and M.i,ck.le: That \. K`rTYp•n. was mon o +n Vic. T. Fd• nal] on Fair night will .be icon by Friday,Septemberfact that the present 1 g yawn holt reTvt,b awl No. 9 be' preference an ward Ta tor, s'an of Vic. and Mrs. local young pe,aple and will consist � �glvem Y lfirsrt! asci setconld meadarnlgl-Carmed. 30th - ,it each and every one of• then , pro- J.!ne,s Taylor, of Stratford. The bride: of a comedy sketch entitled, `t,Jr.•nah." Jones and Spencer: That Bylaw No, N ' ducts is the same figure as it bones ';'as lovely in a beige- and silver trim- 'Mr. G,eorge Thded is re'model}in} gu q y g 9 be given third and finial reading • ' , -10 per cent. -mo more no less. n"'d gown of imported Persian green. fart of hi large :,corn which, .n>heit Speaker -'--Hon• Ernest Lapointe, in Drysdale at 2 p , ,. p g Carried. Spencer amtl. Janes: t That p �. �n I'll rilver fleck, with hat of same' mater- cnmPdeted, will provide much 'more the resignation orf A. W. E. Hemrplrill .l x wherein lies ,the advantage between tall, brown gla acs. brown snake -skin room foo has ian,plcmeats• t'ax collector, be ac'ce, •ted, aGarried. Clinton ~Town Hall at $ p the old a -ad the new? g ..11T. and ,Mts.. G, K. Farwell have Mick.le and, P!e'tty: That Fh-ee Boo- ' m sl se's and matching accessories. She • i ', Now that The t p''ositolr has set crrried a Ibourquet of Talisrian rosea arrived here from a wedding trip. thron !be 'ap,poimltad' tax colbecbnr at a1 f•. and wore a fbe'autid'u'lly oarved silver A:r. Farwell roefgre her marriage was ° - �, forth then great benterfiits, as seen by salary of $45 per year and that •(she, r bracelet; the ft of the Misss Irene Runstedler, an'd the wed- '4I -• r:( the ,gib ml and Empire, w'hrich the farm- gritam. Het Clerk pr�m'are' a bylaw for same at u . tri:vell.in coati was of E1TgNs'h silver c m took place at Kitchener an Sep- carried. M.icrkle an Saturday,°�etober ��g d'. Spencer: That 112141, ers df ISs)uth Htrmon are to fall heir el.een witch ibrown trint,min s. Only tcrrtbet 10. B law No. 11 oinr to•' g• Y apep t' g tax co']lec-tai bhra'w h the terrrus of the Fits re the i'mm'erlia,te relatives and fr}en,ds The by-election is warm4rog up ar.ria t, "' roc g Pi tar be given firstt and second, r'eading. 'v 8p�• �V. Conifer ence will that of ,the (Bride arid groom werf"present, next week will see the heavy artii- paper be good-Cartried. Petty and fomes: That �,, Rev. John Hart perfor-min the maT- lei in 'action. Hon: R. Weir, Minis- . s; . enough to en'urrneraite the acrvantages g Bylaw No, 11 be given Ihir. d and finial Speakers --Hon W D Euler and Duncan. Marshall 1n Zurxclx. ^ rias e eereinlon An unique feature ler of Agi•icv}tuTe, will speak in the • • • 1 1 , tx' Y• q reading and finally p sse�l.-0arried. u plop are to accrue to robe marnufac- 1 gill here itu the interests of ttEe ion • . , ! r rE,', sof tlae occasion was the fact that Mr. Petty and Spe'rireer: That 'Bylaw No. 6k,, tnreirs and 'monied interesbs' of Can- Hart, a very close frien, , of, the �Frciautive next F'1 -1&y night,, and, on d 10, striking tax rate, be given first +:l� 0 ,rrafti-'thr{ough the same conferrenea? hrid,e'q fa flyli head tnarrietd' the bmide'.s 5aturculay night, October ist; it is Px- and second reardiwg.=lCaa•ried. Tax A I two paremts and also chrishezred the bride pf.cteld t'h!att .Mr, Ehtle{r, elx-Cabinet ATTEND • EVERY MEETING ---VOTE GOLDING. ItlVihFt prefetnces and what dnafties rate wtru,c'ic ,at ,the following: That while, 'm6ni#5ter in change %of the Kip- r­nist T, will speak 'here in the in- the rate for ctoumt V6, rand flow lktilgth will, they be, on elVe'ry terests of the Liberal candidate. a lntrpo5es, be , 5 ,9,�y • pen e]rCvit. The ,house waw beatirtr- 2-1p wills; b}i't the rate fox village r oj'P` 2urticle tJltrese salttve farmlars' have to fully decorated with tstises' and fern Mr..Jaseph i7orriveau; ,Jr., has 1'eas- tptyx'e,a be 11 5-10 mfi$i,s; lillxrary par- ° " • , ~ 1 •ray drrli use? and, after they ,ceremony, Mrs. Illiart ed the 10,0 -acre farm of 'Mre, Viek'oria ,4t ,1 ion in 1$o'utbh ,Hnuron to rill the �e candYdate and others X11 speak at each ineetan '. 2 s gi"acaottrsly emrtextaime'' ' those Den,olm+mre on the Biue 'Water Hi 'h g� Pic„ ',C'1 lsxm. sxP �mifih Huron are d th ' gtresent De g - vacan�by Icaulsed, by th:e c�ea+h cif the � . °. ° . , . . , +611%5 to Alt ix'd3dd'>kii'atigln '17W. with 'a vetiy 'dalighitful ]rsrrch: Upon Y, north orf St, Joseph, for o teras late mtemilter, Mir. Thxrrtrnas' Mcliillan, �'�,� adr�ertrs�nent �s inserted by the Liberal Assoc�at�an of South Huronj Sw�„(iia reltu-Ming to ithe •bowie oif tho !bride's of years, bs'bofliog, wbait mi8'ht ibe termed, most t ,1 I rV llq i - I Y 40 : i 1 . , i 311 n n 11 iii :: i n�sFl Nytk ll3t1v4 , °ll{ "Y rs 'y li ar- ,>z' j”, O�4to rz, 'rt u'::,: t1. t. . r^. J. n,r, v'if w illi ,.ria. t k t....s, ,,d L t, ;iy t t, ,t _ :° t ,:r`+ { r ,,; �. !,,,,,l, p,.,{. ., is .. nu af, ,.t c. ,dlu ur c.. .r, [, r'1 ,,. n : * „ + t: 6 ez. . 4 u n 1 .. a. . t I o 1. , , r .. o- .. .t r:. .. , /.. „ . , .., f xr .r , : 51 n. 3., l". ..., t., r Y P nr ,, ff. , rc. ,,,, :, 1. a r , . r r §. 1. r � " °, r .. ,,. ti, -gill ,.,. ,,.. +,i, ,r,. t r ^, � r r R �,a" ,. I 3 r.. .,',. , a. ,,. ,� , y. ,:.. ,.r + r , . .. • t . , ,.,. t-.. - n ,, :,, :;1 .ale , , � 1, 'N „t .Y w J I +1 s l , a a, °. .... y.:....... n S .,,r , .1 T , .,. y , I t. 1 f )9 r r, n,�3.n„, , d. '"w, w F s ,, ,f ,,.. .,.F. ,{ ,.,., v.. e, ,.t ,. fln,..0 V t, �.., , ., r ,.t, , .,,., 'i -n. •r..i. ..1. ><-„�. :.; rtA.. , ,.: a ..., 'ri r.t � ,.< .. , �. ,,... .r ,, N. .k ¢ .. >.. ,.! , r..;f ,l L, «.a .w': t i , ., }, ° i it t't ) ,�... „ , , � , .. ` •...,.l w r r n, A. hk + , ,, • x,n l ! . ,. . �3+ � t + w: z pp r r v .r, ., ,. , r._P Y iS,'. 4�t �.�t,. 4 , h. r. ... a: 4e . 7 I � 1'. J. M I { 1.- ,•E . � Y1”.e.. . :,'U 4?,. f ,t,..±''r. ., ,. ,. .. .:a ��...„, t ,.,7 . h' ,Yew .,” a �' ,i, r a_r,.,..,,....,, ) ,..., .r,. S. ... .,,. .'\y ,r: f,.,. „F ,. .,...�` ,...,..�'`� ,.n. Y { bye, r ..x. rn{{. e. �rs�e.?.. .Z. �. .�£� a. .r•,•4 Il�.,r., `,�.. rr k 1 f } S , {.r "�, Y � "f. ! �„ri .'Y ^” Y , Ertl .1 1 r t � � + obi e,n,�..,.,��'u'tra':� rNeir;,.,, '«;4fas'r„en���:k1 a„t+�.a,'ld,a�.H..d':,.: t, .<, ,,.� 1.,..,_..,, „,., , .,