The Huron Expositor, 1931-10-30, Page 2,-.. _.yen 4 - .,,.. , R "\ .c'I .,A aur
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. a. we can be ii; tI e+ ';fall Auld
SUNDAY AFTERNOON � � n ����'���
bred 'boa oord oire 'preferably one.
rI e e
";;, ' of the Down breeds that c mbin ear- 7
fir 4 Yr lr �' (By Isabel HamiltanA. Goderlclu, Qnt.) . �� !� ',. ,WITH t
4 y j ( 7 p 1I.;.
, RN ......+vt4'�1, ,, 1 ... I .r, ly 1�il�aturity.' 'ant, Wee Iles'+ ing 'to �a ,
•dE7 � �`
a :
tt r�, ;,,i a... o S. 1. a Gros aris:el hightlegree. At
the Wix►derntexe lax- � vo u
4"�)�L.} 117%k `'^ 'i od tht our +a r bre 't• ®®� RA peAmental Station the Hampshire , .I
tr : h, lard you with h arm u bright; , �`9�
�n � ;, r+, " Aghty are your enemies, breed has' graven excellent xesualt. 1.11
x a
til,.a , r i. Hard the battle ye must fight. 0f Two years ago I suffered wIib eit'hex as a •pure 'breed o when etla=��
'?r+k; i
�S severe pains in a small of, my back, ed with grade ewes. The litampshir@z 4�i Va
' u 6 +'
Q zi�tJ �. 1�I1d the homes f want and woe, and could withifHculty hold Myself as a breed, is .gaining rapidly Ttu"fare= Aon
Strangers to the living wora, upright. At times I hadd to go to, bed or.' The ewes .should :be bred ficin �E
r tl Let the Saviour's herald ygo, for a week at a time. I went to and Uctaber to December, depending upon Z'
+ r " c Lett the, voice of hope be heard. from hospital for 3o' the told when the farmer can best handle too Econio
'f"�� 1 '
4 W W. ROW. certainly did me good, Y young. The gestation period is op- , ,0;« .rme they could not keep givingmeproximately five months, and from my Q0
% PRAYER. medicine, but that I needed complete - 'I ► ti
�` s Ir r • , rest for 6 months, away from the data gathered at lube 'Station, the av- ,
4�� 0 M N '' r With hope in our hearts, hope in- children. I could iiot bring myself to ,rage increase has been from 170 to ' ► Q'"
"I '� +«' spired b T1ty 'Spirit we would wretch be arced from the children, so I did 175 per cent., and around 150 per a r°`a, :
s '�' ; and work a'nd ray for the comm of not go to hospital any More. I started Gent. increase 'herr been raised. r ae
�`,:" s,�retter day in our national life'.g In using Kruschen Salts and have had no Ash previousiy intimated, sheep are ' cu°"`0
' trouble with my back since." W unsurpassed as scavengers of weeds.
�- I. :: ' Thee we trust. Amen. #
F� °�,, Kruschen contains vital salts that There 'are few varieties that they will
« • • • . S. S. LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 1st go right down to the root cause of not consume, while some of the worst c : ,
u backache. Soon after you start weed pestis, such as sow thistle, are' woR -OAtS -
tt K Lesson Topic -World's Temperance on Kruschen, the shaipest pains of eaten with relish. They will pick up
`;'i , l Lesson. backache cease. As you persevere a living around summer=fallow and
r',' ` Lesso Passage-Galatio, 5:13-26. with the 11 little daily dose " the stwbbles, and will make economical '
'' ° '' I twinges become less and less frequent; y .
Golden Text-Ephesians 5:18. g returns from otherwise* ften waste Cooks In 2 /z
In verses 13-18 the a until finall ou hard) know what an products. They will help to diversify 1 minutes after the water boils 19 --ml
i y_ - _ r--• that if they specify the name Kellogg's when positle tells ? 'y. y . . .
ache or 'pain is. Then, you're wise,
F 't ` ^'l bra in corn flakes, they are sure' of getting the t those to whom he is writing that they you'll prevent the possibility of 'a the products of the farm, utilize rough 11
, 1 i y g ;have been called unto liberty but that relapse by continuing the tiny, taste- forage, reduce the weed 'menace and ___ �=^_-�; V-�_
It most poplar ready -eat -eat cereal in the world ... i ; the liberty Chrisltians enjoy is not less pinch of Kruschen, every irnorning. _ enrich the land. . ' �'
F I licentious liberty; though Christ has , . made millions, waxed indifferent to ship to herlursual 'anchorage. t
" ® one bf the most economical and convenli 11ient redeemed us from thg.• curse of the business and became soft. Secure in "I found the fawn a ,total wreck
law, "yet he has not f 'reed us from the °"'
`,' foods the market affords .... Notorious 'Murder.
his power he' had time to indulge the nolt one ,house or .busilding that was not;.
r y„ obligation of it, the gospel is a' doe- daring recent years. Agreements voluptuous tendencies of his nature severely damaged, and very few re
k I , : l -- delicious with milk or cream for breakfast; - -1 trine according to godliness, and is )lad 'been entered into to prevent this which craved silken, underwear and maining. Lighters were not - to bee
�a so far froin giving the least counten- very thing, but evidently they have In More Human Mood
'_' ; extra welcome for lunch with fruits or honey; snce to sin, that it 1 ys us under the been larmel ineffectual. Increases expensive jewellery,' He al talked had„ coastal boats and two hundred
h fine for the children's supper or for a wholesome t g g u g g . a' Y y past there foolishly to government a ents de= ton iron barges being lifted up and?
„`! `� greatest obligation to avoid and sub- ranging from two, to ten times have For two or three ears
spite warnings teat :his, babblings earrit' to thg centre of the E'avyri, this
bedtime snack for grown-ups .. - due it. In order to persuade these been reported and in several cases in has been a rumor that Al Capone P be used -against him. 4 -He made necess tated the use of shi'p's' boats
r I I young •Christians to this way of '.hink. countries) where 'there was a . very dead and ,that the present defendant '°libuld
•,'.' � i eat to digest. Always read to serve. No ing. and acting he points out to them small white population, For instance, 'i'n the Chicago trials is -another man, the error o£ pleading guilty thinking for the .e tem rtof y our cargo,
h y g y Y that he would' escape with a light At the time'of my arrival our ag-
e. I that Love is the sum of the whole law in the Cameroons under a British a double. It has beeh suggested that
' ;, r trouble. No work ... . of m'an's ,behaviour towards his fel- mandate the imports, of such spirits the name of Capone was worth • so 'sentence. Then when he saw ,the gents .were without an office but un-
±; : gates Qf a federal. penitentiary open- der the .circumstances rendered the
1 I low�rrian. He then points) out the as,brand'y, whiskey, gin and rum had much, like a well advertised brand of -
`- with a wonder flavor and�crispness that no ing for him, and the judge willing tb ship ail~the assistance they4cou4d.
.:." - . dangerous tendency of a contrary be- increased from 702 gallons i'n '1921 to merchandise, that to have admitted
carry out any arrangement that the I then called on the 'Gd'vernor, al- •�
other corn flakes have ever been able to equal. t haviouT; if instead .of serving one .4,904 in 1928; while the lighter liquors his death would Nave been to destroy prosecutors might have- agreed' to, he so the Calotdal Secretary and offeredt
,+";1;+ t altother in ,love, and thereby fulfilling had risen from 941 gallons to 85,0'5$. a property of tremend''otis value to the
Kelloggs Corn Flakes have been imitated time the) law of God, "ye bite an'd devour In the French Cameroons the in- underworld 'gang of which he was the suddenly became -panic stricken, them may 'assistance.
changed his plea and was given a new The shgrta•ge of food was the maim.: 1
again —but no other corn flakes are ever 1 one 'another, take heed that ye be not crease had, been equally large, during chief. We see no 'caste whatever to trial. He has been in' turns desppnd- thing so I put the ship's cooks ors
I «, , „ , 1 consumed, one of another.' Matthew the same •period. accept this fantastic tale. But there
1. dust like Kellogg s. That's why wise buyers Henry refers to this in the following This 'crowding of liquor upon back- is little doubt that the Al Capone re- ent and -elated. It is, ixd fact, alhu- night and day baking bread and haute
specify Kellogg's — in the red -and -green pack- ) words: "Mufual strife's among breth- ward peppier was. something that we veiled' .in the recent trial seems an man character and net a stark mon- sent nearly ane thousand pounds a-
' ,, :.• > . ren, if persisted in are likely to • rove heard a g personality -from from Bier that the trail has revealed to us. shore. a>
,r age ...with the inner -seal waxtite wrapper that , P P goad deal about in the old altogether diff'ere'nt y" 3 also used the 'ship as a hostel`for-
]:ee s the flakes fresh and crus even after open. a a common 'rain; they that devour one days, but there was a reasonable hope the Al 'Cailpone who exterminated his homeless people, to have °'a bath ands'
. p p P another, axe in a fair way to be can- that a.• little) more conscience in such rivals with machine gone. •The Ca- � ' a meal. The shortage of water beings
sunned one of another. Christian, matters -was exercised at the resent pp a serious item, as Belize depends en-
ing. Still another exclusive Kellogg feature. p pone who is eu osed to have. ruth- P
1,171 Ichurches cannot be ruined but by' lima', but evidently such a hope was lessly murdered- or ordered the mur- �h@ll 011l'IQ�SS tirely upon rain water for their re-- '
T,M I their awn hands; but if Christians, `:vain. T}te diabolical encouragement dens of the O'Bannions, Morons, Gen- t . quisites and most of the whets werec •
r �WA who should be helps to one another, of such a; traffic is all the more re- nes and other gorillas is now re- washed away.
:. p
I and a joy one to ,another, be as brute prehensible • in . at it i§ carried or, reeled as the Capone who wearfs ex- Pain all �loa�l)I�g
:«<:::< t}l P' I cut down the meals to•'saup, joint
w'"' I beasts, .biting and devouring each in mandated territory and among peo- pervsive silk underwear and fusses an biscuit an ees : ' 't
:::...:..:'''':.s s d ch e kkm h an oc-
other, what can -be expected but that • pies who were supposed to) have the about the precise matching ,of vari- Follow Every Deal. casipnal padding.
':; ; the Gad of love '.should deny his• grace special. protection of the 'governments ous shades in his bedroom furnish-
� ,, P P I had the. Colonial Secretary's wife'
''•t. •. E. .:'..:•:ii•
: 11;11;:;1111;;: ::':t'' ;;;; .• :....•..,.;.; . , ":: II to them, and the spirit of love should of Christian nations. The Leagues ings. It dues seem rather curious. 1, ake .This aSlltiple Test For a
I d -,part from them, and that the evil figures deal only with official returns Perhaps this seeming contradiction n daughter n and a nights.
d ht o bo tw m ss
g d Swift and 'Sure Relief and several other ladies wllo had not
....I."1111-: t s irit who seeks the destruction of thou h s u' lin •li uor into man of is a onsi' 1 'o . .
P g m gg g q Y r sp b e for the sensate nal rug- had a bath or hot n
teal for s veral,
.11,.11::..-: •..::::,....
:... :•::::1.111::.., :::.;::•::;:;•:::
•:;a:: :::.:::::::....:.R:::°:: a;;x>:•;:•::c•>:•::•::•;:•;:>•::,. ih m all 1 v'
•' ••• .....` : ....:: _ I e sb�u d prevail? . Happy these countries is admitted to be a ge's'tion made in the New York Times days, and only the clothes the sboods.
t T quickly -prove 90 per cent. of Y , Y y..
i -d t be o f u r
, would for he church if Christ-
ver ,prevalent evil. •• MeyerMer a
• �:: b. Chicago news-
;:.;r.<;,;:' ;;:.;•:ii.'••>::::':;i.•.'•:;::3:;0:.. ... y p y y }• g g :~ el unnec- in. I'did not sleet 'an of the men
x: i:`/ I • St ach distress is absolutely y P Y �.
cans would let all their quarrels. he n t at am times
h q The assertio h one s e a erman that the. resent Capone
t there P P , P P d en- bu er was always a bath and �r
essax and that you can eat an Y
1 e
swallowed u v -
1 o d this even a quarrel Of a e
' u • d has m
- hears 'that the' h or trade e s s
And the. • e
n e
P fl d old r Ca ne is a
qmeal far an of them who a
1'merely t- came off-
.-. wan
ros't an food you really Y
in t✓ i n
TOY �i Y 5 Y
a s s sin i th mselves and the
'en ,
�� g g thing in the form of a consciencefront for a much more cunning and get frim your druggist some T3isu'- I also gave them cigarettes and any--
- Q . I p aces where they live. To excite these modern times is, apparently,.. as• diabolical personality who lurks in ated Magnesia (powder or •tablets) thing they wanted frohl the bar -
rt:: _ ` Christians hereunto, and to a,ssis+t much without foundation as i't ever the •background. At the trial one g
�) 1 and take a little after your next meal. which I felt I. could not charge them.
)fi ��/ /;<1)»:1-1:•: ;them herein, ' the Apostle in verses wars. However much civilized people 'man told him that (Capone •(isn't This is a simple, inexpensive test for, even if I did, many of 'them hall
I"I 16-18 .points out haw the corrupt and ma be able to resist and, overcome
,� P y really the big 'shot. He continued : y g rything _
{:;' ^�_ t " i that can be depended upon to prove not any move haven lost eve
carnal part of us strives and strug- the evils of, liquor drinkirl"g, it is a He never was. .He's stood up in the its value in less than five minutes. In (By men, I mean the white men off`
r gles and ''resists everything that is well known fact provred 'b centuries show window, for the world to gas'
l r 0 %/� ;spiritual. On the other hand' the re- of history, that its lis almost com- t while the real mastermind behind most. instances, relief.eontes instant- the' town•)
Pe a ly• As there was not sufficient flour• or•
s; • i b . I newel part 'of us• strives against the plete disaster for aboriginal peoples. the gang's o'perati'ons keeps back in Bidirateo Magnesia is a pleasant, potatoes on board I dred upon the-
J 1 fish, and opposes the will, and desire But such a fact as that seems to the shadows. He was put on trial to harmless, icon -laxative form of old fa- cargo, this only after consultation,
'1` • /' • of it. Christians are subject �o this weigh not at, all with the man who save somebody else, infinitely more shinned Magnesia that, when taken with the Agents' a strict list of this, `.. 0 struggle throughout their whole life has liquor to sell. dangerous and far more powerful after meals, cleanses, sweetens and has been kept and will be forwarde(E
. ► � -so that by reaon of this opposition It is to be. hoped that the activities than he is. Capone never was the neutralizes the- dangerous acids that to 'Montreal in due course." ,
F 'g. ;they cannot do all the good they of She League ofi Nations in this mat- bad man they'd have you believe." "Connector"
would; but because 'o£ the principle ter will stir a y cause -most stomach trouble One The Connector' was the first ship -
p p p . public sentiment If Capone "ware really a monster day's 'trial will convince you r ask to arrive after the' 'disaster and wast
t.,'. of grace in their hearts -they are, not that will compel a decrease in these `would he ,have s ent,many thousands
I.. ;I, I P your"druggi'st for Bisura'ted.Magnesia able to render very val'uablp`assis't-,
permitted to do all the evil their cor= tragic -figure's.. • of dollars last Winter to feed home- snce in relieving the sufferin Be
<< ;ru t nature would prompt them to do. to -day, g g.
P P P less men? Would he have provided -I. fore sailing I boarded the warship
I In rs•es 19-2'6 Paul sets forth the �— shelter %oz them in the tenemen� �" and bid go'od�bye to the Governor, he -1
• c I evil t�tings man is prompted to do and v '
�'r houses he owns , ' We da not see why was most profuse in his thanks for-
= oyer against them the things that re- F O R G A not. It_ seems quite consistent that TO Do His. Exploration what the °'Connector" had done.
^4 . w I suit from the indwelling Spirit. In t a, roan who has more money than p With the exception of whiskey and?
fir. ' catalogue of the manifest works of ACID STO-MAC�i he can use on'himg'elf should use it In+ Million-D011ar„ Yacht cold storage c J y
t g Argo the ma'orit of
,the flesh -slime are sins against the t' on someone else. Tt.should"'be noted the, cargo ,has been Ilanded. Ther
.;'I; seventh commandment; same are sins Much wistful imagining will follow
INDIGES"TI�N that- 'Capone was not on trial for whiskey and t'ol'd storage are being. -
:i, -0 R against the first and second command- r usury. The ,charge that he was a Eldridge Johnson to the South Seas. returned to Jamaica as it, was nrot:.
'•' '' His new 1,000.,000 yacht, second only
ments; others are sins against our miser was never laid against him, $ , possible to store it at Belize.
!neighbor. and contra' to the royal to J. P. Morgan's Corsair in magnifi-
g Y y. Risurated Magnesia It .seems to us that if the Chicago I trust the step's I have taken wilt'
Y'' wtl law of brother) love. Others are. cence, has just been taken to Philo-
' ( Y Is Safe and Reliable trial has revealed a new Capone it meet with the:,approval. of the man-
' sins against our, awn selves such as delphia to be readied for its: voyage
has revealed' a much more under- ag ent.
,r,- drunkenness and revellings et caetera. - ' to Master island 2.000 miles tiff the
.-.:__.________- __ _ __---_-_.- __.-_ _ . __._ • e an one. Witnesses testified cannot describe the debit Wit ss st fi 1 y en
k'r Then he concludes with a warning , If you are a victim of 'Stomach coast of Chile. There is evidence of.
Trouble that he wore silk underwear that ling conditions at Belize scarcely as
^�, : saying these are sins which will un- ,-Gas, Sourness:, Acidity, Pain a strange, last civilization there and;
", ; doubtedly shut men out• of heaven. or Bloating after eating, Bisurated cost $12 a set.' Capone blushed. an- Mr. Johnson with a sci2ntist, will ea4- house standing and out of a popula-
'.n. . should have blushed too. But we can- tion -of ten 'thousand there are about
:Y: , "The value o f your telephone is just what yops'make it." • I ' In Writing on the same subject to 'Magnesia is made for you, plore it. two thousand dead and' m'is,in and;' ,
a>., the Corinthians he concludes with: At the nearest drug store et a (bot- not im'agine'rourself turning a machine y
g "fin his earlier days, Mr. Johnson g s,
" I gun on , anybody. He was also- un- fourteen hundred wounded. Burial of1.
�,, "And such were some of .you; but ye I tlet-,powder or tablets -take a little earning an average of $2.50 a day in
easy when testimony about ;his' per- the dead being impossible, fires ares
i are washed, but ye are sanctified, but and get instant relief. bi,§ machine shop, made a talking ma- burning night and day, burning then-
C Yr chase of diamond 'buckles in whole- „
ye are justified in the name of the beeps your stomach sweet end chicle which squawked Telegrtfph My dead.
Lord Jesus; and by the Spirit of our tron _di estion sale lots' for Christmas distribution y " $
:: s g g perfect. It works Bab He borrowed 6,000 and built
I among his friends was offered. It May •own home'is devastated:, I have,
God. In verses 22 and 23 Paul sets like a charm. a plant It burned down and• he bor-
OUR tele ))011e is .aS st6e natural to us that Capone last everything, but by a miracle my
y p forth the fruits of the Spirit of our rowed' fnoreornoney and built arnather wife has been saved. The water com-
sh•ould make Christmas presents even ,r
�'� � ' Valuable as you make ' ;God and adds '`against such there is P • one. N�'y word„ how the money rolls lett)
y though he may be a •poor example of „ p y filled the lower part of our
:z, i no law." in, sang all the phonographs. "
u, it for it is always read the practising Christian. The same house and was up, and wed' up, in th Z.
,.t,, • }' y The apostle concludes this chapter Sheep As a Side Line In 192Q he sold control of his talk house
criticism might lye offered of other bed rooms, my wife ,was. up to r
r%a' with a caution against pride and en- r jug machine company for $28,175,000. neck in water struggling „, and always dependable. vy, The glory which comes from men Although there is no apparent re- people who have. never'been nominat- 'A later exchange of stock shares throe' 1�.
)Y' . It offers youspeech with v vain glory and is one great ed as public enemies.' 'Other witness- wreckage to save herself, she evrent4-
ground lief in sight for the general depres- es testified that be was, extremely o shoved thajt:'Mr, Johnson would have ually managed to wade to a house-
_••. ' • for that 'biting a d devouring which sion in agricultural conditions, farm- p- received $86,914,396, had he waited a
more and more people. It en handed with his. assoviates spent which was well back' from ours •an(V
I.r U p p the apostle war ed thent against at, ers are naturally looking for ways and ' while, was ten minute walk, Awa
•H: his; mon, free) 'and was always y, she ar--
the beginning of this lesson, means of improving these conditions. Y y Y He'was was not d'o,wnhearted and has
E." iS always • increasing in •• ready to make a loan to a friend who rived••there nearly naked, and was.
Y I A few sheep as a side line on many worried along with his handful of
Ira' efficiency and simplicity. farms would not only revert in some was hard up. Even Fthe fact that he millions -buying .the original menu- lent �'a man's under clothing and
,, y p g was shown,to.have di«o ed' 200000 )ears dress it was in these clothe
WORLD MISSIONS casual revenue from both meat and betting on horses shows drsharm- script of "Alice, in Wonderland," ,that 'I met her on my arrival.
t . wool, and provide the hou's'ehold vAth Remlbran'd't s. -portrait 'of his mother
1. ony in his character, for it is, notor_ I have kept her on the ship, and
'J Liquor and Backward Peoples. delicious lamb and mutton, but in most ,anti other famous, paintings, -
hF q cases would carve their board as a ins that betting is the particular ,He says he wants one of those fifty brought her to Jamaica, and I feel
' weakness of gamblers. sure the Company, considering the-
:»1The, League of Nations has been scavenger of weeds and rough forage ton ''.mages gn Easter Island and that circumstances will not look upon thisw
V` v rendering a -very useful service 'bye crops. Men who make great ruing coups he may have to send a freighter for with dire ro,val. (There is a" strict
i w will be found dissip•sting their g'ai:ns PP
y publishing the fact that very startling The investment incident 'to ,'stab= it. rutin a siert such action under nor-'
i ":i: `r increases in the quantities a liquor .lis'hin a small flock is' relative small "at some crooked' crap. game. The g g
q f q g'
,mal cir8rrmrstances .
'' r of I consumed by backward peoples les in compared with the amount and, c _ men who operate gambling dens The tidal wave }that followed the,
"1 cRH� mandated territory have taken lace it f the return's. A few good P g ' where the odds are always in their huxricane•caused most of the dam•a 'er
"',.:-'.. Y P' Y g gra a favor will go against.the races where Canadian Ship First g
s . , __ _ _ ____ _ __ _ __ _ _ the odds are ,always in favor of the and Doss of life.
�'r:... _ J I bookmakers. Mr. Berger call's atten- • To. Assist Hondurans It would not be, fair to conclude,,-
tion to the fact that Capone laughs - thi's, fetter without drawing to your -
'1:' ` - _ easily. We never heard of an )rod attention the, admirable way„in which•
Y y More thrilling than fiction 'is the the entire ship's crew worked' during~'
. Mdescriptiroe letter in which Captain Ii. y g time and es ecially
F .. who had greater occasion .for .the
�. 'exerciseaf his sense of humor. When W. Robson, commander; of the C'anad• my Belizetsailors all of whom had ty; . 1, F Lye I . he laughs. he is said to be the ver last .some member, ,a their fame) ad
g Y fan National Steamer Connector, re-
',- picture of a jovial Italian with more ports the c'ircumstan'ces by, vrbich he well as their homes. Thgse men family,
than a hint of Caruso in his features, was forced to break the rules estab-
11 N'<- f ha:.'i'-•; *Lye should never be In. their he is' unlike Les Diamond most faithful and loyal to the ship,.
g lished between mat•jners and opierat-.
t� %' '' `"'? .::1' dissolved in hot water: who is shifty -erred, thin and ge'ner- ing, companies. ,Captain Robson itis g working well throughout the day, to.
I, P C l e a n S S I N K ,S �� , ally vicious- looking, and who talks native -of England, ,For three years pa ashore at night and try and rjr"e
, :. y out of the corner of his mouth. But pair their homes, but to a man, t a
`: /=� : 4 5o far A5 co could his
from But
he lias made his home,in Belize, Brit- . I
: %..-' `''' -” g i'slP Hon'ddiras. During 'that time he
airways' reported for duty at '6 a.m. li i •.
,et_l x remain, Dear •. Sir„ Yours faithfttlby�
DRAINS and the -;01 1, few word's be spoke into the micro- has commanded the Conneetor in her
x phone after the World's Series; runs 'back and forth :between Belize captain W. H. Robson, :M'a'ster.
' UsEfull strength Gillett's Lye to keep
' ` ;F,. s%f Frankie Frisch is about 'as tough a and Jamaica, to connect with' the
: T ®I �, E �° B ®�/ L - - �? all, our drains clean end free -running., ,
�F Y g' talker a!s the• underwprld'eoul;d •pro- Lady' liners Noce the Bahamas,
- . �' duke. 'Another ,'witness. told. o£ " •
? :.:fiv�,
, � � +'•�r5`•� `rr�"` Pe steel) quantity poured down .your Bermuda, Pas'bon, Halifax- and Mont -i -I
; r: .,.,•:.•, •�,.•;a�A•;,, , . ,y Capone"s sentimental ristreak, . which 'real.
"'' :f, sinks and toilet bowl each week vire11 T na ator's Iefiter is a Valu-
.. %�:' ��, ,.a:;4 r was illustrated when. he fell inbo he vi
�.°. ,r %<:. : ,sr'a'`'•, ,• `y�s•. , ,,,;.ik: is'A• k`A," .' F .r+ac•.• . ! •:: . f%rf• .. g
y r %.. �- ,y : rr %�,: f/ry; 1 '..,,1.11-1 xr ? N ea er conversation with an odd New, able document b which bo ,gather and
«I,.R.; _ p sH•.d:• ,;, � „�,_ ..v .:'�1�,,,.Sf, 3,., a;M,,:,�:,r•, „may,; ,,`•• rid therm of all dirt accumulations end g ' y ' Q p,�
'�. '•*! fs p� %`%:'','f J; rl , °'•'; save you costly repair bills. i}orker who. had been brought record a c•onfirrrting impressirori bf the
�' :.; �� .f r - rx tete name dtlsrtrict with • bran. ,
fr '.. •'r.: F�' v.,c :,� •F /F U ',v ,� Y F,..` .. \ Belize dioasrter. ,.
n, "�?%;t.' +' '% , ' ` s� For/all househgld cleaning, one table The trial, so far'as' we have fol- "k )beg to tender flit following re-
�, F . '} ,«•5�,-k F•. ., /� ln•',,,�Y,. t / .y .. Ys ' 'v o M1 ,
: - w - :'S <; �,, r + spoonful of Gillett's Lye dissolved lei a lowed .it, has merely served to, round p rt -dn the ,position at Belize: v
I 1.i' ,. ,/ ,.,r - ,,• �. : ` . ' out the (picture f •Capone and, give it The Voyage foorA Jamaica to
,,. ` " .;
:,� ,�,,. f �„ •> gallon of cold* water provides a safe „
Yt �. � s � . a three dimensional' character it Belizey' Setpterrrnber 9th 'to 12th', was i . r
' y : ": solution For �rvashin floors thin
. y,. '` g g� lacked. The essential facts remain. inadz• in comparatively fine weather t
i; r r a . V i k,., v • /'lr. f?%, F< + ^":<vyt., His first' Start in life was' as a kind although I know byygwiireless reports
p ,� , reFrigeratorsr etc; v
I Hil , of runner or public relatiofis coun• .threre was a Hurricane in the, vicinity
ri «" f f :f-' ,`ci a • • • set for a house of prostitution. � He of Belize, iso vvats no, surprised on ar- a ,
1 F c was a husky youth, viciows1 and ravel to fired' no pilo at clic station. I I;r
7 k; p! d , . . �ltr, new Y Gillett a Lye booWet handy with fist or elulb. weick to co*lnued' tbraugh the ebahnel until
rr ` latter'. rt we found the etas•
i lt,
ty� 3." ,'W t,; , destrib'es.many odic' ways ibis handy ' Chicago and beeame blody:guard for Fat the Pa • . A�° � t1
" ��,Strf gf t#of' irilt?I�reifY§ � Qt60 gtfi ldrthr'lo letrbowl 'r�'ln solrttionforall elitraldeantng ' arae. W&4n " I iinniediatel• anc'h'or- • ' .
fry t3
it V,
ptoduc't cavi with all yodr another thug valco Was getting, rich o , y
�,, r Z r e
t ,�Yri �y rr .L Gi EOf ft. On the ,'beer racket, tOo,ponelo g'or'ed, 'ed tib sal y �l�ld �0it away 'a .bout.. to 1r ut
;r Wt P" „ a `!dc w« Cle6fllnl{`. S 1 Q thio i$e00nd {if�ll'e� t{1 �a
: fwl character naturally atdnrarlced him ldra y
" sir = pasitxo>n at. os- '
F �✓ '"Y'
;' rn '' t .4,r t r, ;v; J lte gen. ter'. 'He was 7ruthjee ,by1 as near bhe'
wrath t ly
' s "�f « ,r ti ti i � Y r t r . _ end pati rivall ;nut of t`he way' Y .6 sib, 'and so eventua.Ili, Worked, . t'he .. -%;
r x
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tab . ' ! . :�t
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