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The Huron Expositor, 1931-09-11, Page 8
{I: ] u11 * 1nell,ia12v CC 'i. S 4E18'Speeially' prepal;ed geaxterred and each gear- ed ao:• as to pre. q Ing; .per pbtlund...: i Uks BUTTER PU S—Made In ;Troland, 25c 4kae Fresh hard heads at Ilk per pound. TED PEANUTS IN • 1 GC ik,LI pound 1 aA •I�YC LIG!BT BULBS — 25's, l ire,, •fix .60's at 25e or 5 far $1.00. Guarfor 1,000 hours. .EXTRACTS --.12 oz. 15c quality for 10c *•; :or 3 far gek, 35c quality, for 25c 16 ort, 65c qutal'ity, for 50c CRISCO—Per 1-lb..can 25c, and with each pound • a spatula or pancake turner FREE. CORN I'LAKES-•.Kellogg's or �1Gc Quaker, 3 for L i� AMMONIA KLENZINE 2 for CLASSIC CLEANER—One of the best; 3 for LUX 'FLAKES—a for DOXI STIC ONIONS -13 . lbs. . 25c 15c 25c 25c F. D. 'Hutchison • Phone Phor Food -165 , IsYour Automobile Insured? CALL US. WATSON & REID Specialist in all lines of Insurance 1P$ADiE 33 W • SE AFORTH • IF NOT, DO YOU 'KNOW THAT IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT You lrave given a BLANK CHEQUE vrIsich may cost you, your entire life's The Financial Responsibility Law inay suspend yaur licenses for ALL TIME if you are unable to pay. SE INSURED! NOT WISHING YOU WERE AFTER THE ACCI- NEW LOW RATES Full information gladly given. i! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Hohnes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 ©' Main Street, Seaforth O 0 0 .0 S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 Goderieh Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 . .0 East; phone No. 308. 0 0 Liinousine Ambulance Service 0 0 Night calls, phone 308. O +J• Day calls, phone 119 J. 0 4 Charges moderate. O 0 O 000000000o0 AUTO INSURANCE ,Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will' take a Load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates for any number of months' you wish ft's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. Ali claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. • Phone, write or •call—Night and Day Service. --- PHONE 125 A. D. SUTHERLAND t General Insurari'ee, Real Estate - Conveyancing, Etc. Offiee over Keating's. Drug Store. SEAFORTH ONTARIO THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICER'S: amen Evans, Beechwood = President mute Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. ' McGregor, Seaforth -"Sec.-Treas. • - • AGENT'S: • Seaforth ; J'ohn E'g'mtriideille • E.G. 'Yarmouth, gh#1, s:Mee ,Watt, . Blyth, tittiOTORSt it R, 1'�0, rS, eafortht; �3$'Crdh'age�t ; Jetties ��ttes Cee tells,. �tl *11 ..1 a.�Y •kSTFr`��,6 t�, - ��'a ayr Ire 1 w � ^ yy �}};E;yye''+ nS h M1.F t M1 t EtJ �yt 17 �fx �>~ry4� Lam, r t., d 'W .carry t' Scribblers.. t h Pencils r Erasers e Ink d n 'School Thompson's ,, Book e 'Subscriptions 11 and magazines eaturing ks..amine o France THIS WEEK J•esamine Face Powder with cold, cleansing or vanishing cream Free. $1.50 VALUE FOR $1.00 ' English Pottery, filled with Lavander Bath Salts. $1.50_*flue--Special at $1.19 FLIES are "pesky" this time of year. We handle all the best Fly Killers, etc. AT • Keatgng's Pharmacy ' The Rexall Drug Store , Phone 28 Seaforth, Ont. THE HURON -EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS Announcement:—Mr: and Mrs. Thos. G. Shillinglaw, Seaforth, announce the engagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Gladys Christina, to Mr. Archi- bald Peter Hargreaves, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hargreaves, To- ronto, the marriage, to take place early in October. Golf.—A most enjoyable time was held on Labor Day at the golf links. An unusually large number of mem- bers and visitors participated in the many competitions. The results were as follows; Men's handicap competi- tion: lst, low gross, R. M. Jones, 77; lst low net, Dr. Aberhart, 64; 2nd, low grA�ss, W. E. 'Southgate, 80; 2nd, low ne't, T. •Calder; 66. Ladies' ap- proach and putt, 1st, Mrs, F. Sills; 2nd, .Mrs. t. E. McKenzie; two ball mixed foursome, let, Mrs. Reg. Reid. and Mr., K. M. McLean; 2nd, Mrs. Burrows' and W. Elliott. Men's driv- ing competition, 1st, W. Elliott; -2nd, C. Aberhart. Umbach-Maxwell.— The following from The Mail and Empire of Monday will be of interest to many Exposi- tor readers as 'Mr. Umbach is a form- er resident of •Seaforth: "Miss Rhod 'Mae Maxwell, daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Thomas Maxwell, and Mr. Elto Umbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M Umbach, Waterloo, were married i Dufferin Street Presbyterian Church on 'Saturday, with Rev. J. B. Thomp- son hom son officiating. The bride was attend- ed tter ed by Miss Margaret Maxwell, an Mr. William Goode, of Toronto, w best man. The reception was held the home of the bride's parents, an latex Mr. and•Mrs. Umbach left for trip through the Adironclacks and New York. On their return they will live at 9 Hillsle Avenue, East." ' at .• nle , �'• Wino > is ',� .�' Ili; y pe.�, 1�Ikl '��, RR azld an, pthefr poi its,. The brldeg'oo.nes get a to -the 'Wass, were. a *bite gold dime ring and wrist watch, to the sols and organist, silver azad crystal pend ants, and to the ushers. a'belt and gob knife. At five p'cleck M. and 'Mr Clark and Mr; and Mrs. McInrtosh `lef by auto, M'r's.. Clark wearing ar blas and white silk gown, trimmed wit white fur. Mrs. McIntosh was gown ed'•in red printed silk crepe. Atte the honeymoon Mr. and •Mrs. Clar will reside in Portage la Prairie; 'M and Mrs. 'MdIntosh will go to Islan Falls, Sask., where Mr. McIntosh is i the employ of the Churchill Powe Coznpany." Portland Cement -s A car load of cement i arrived. Get your supply while fresh. G A. Sills & Sons, Seaforth. .3326- Ltma, Peristoni' and Gyproc.—Fresh Mine ear of above. Now is. the time to get fa work completed. Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Se ;Forth. 3326 Highest Cash and trade prices paid f live poultry, , delivered Tuesday and Thur day mornings. W. J. Finnigan, Egmon ville. 3325: Lost. --On Friday, September 4th, a youn fox hound. White with greyish brown he and ears, large and small spots of same col over body; leather strap round neck • an middle. Ar. R. R. Ross. Phone 110, S forth. 3326 Music.—Anne G. Govenlock, teacher piano, organ and theory. Pupils prepared f Toronto Conservatory of Arnie examination Class work for beginners. IStudio, Niorti Main Street. Phone 103. 3224 For Sale.—Comfortable cottage situate o East Goderich Street, Seaforth, formerly o copied by Mrs. Clara McCluskey Crowle Imnsediate possession can be given. For fu ther particulars apply to R. S. Hays, Se forth, Ont. 3325 - Remnants. -3 lbs. Prints $1.00; 3 roe. Si•1 Velvets or Ci•'etonnes $1.50. Agents, dealt wanted. A. MeCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. 3303 - For Sale or'Rent.—House, and tot or hig way, adjoining •the Town of Seaforth, th property of Elizabeth Scott. House is i good repair ; contains seven rooms; hard an soft water. electric lights. Apply to Josep Scott, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 3325 Victim of Motor Accident Dies. - Miss Margaret Drake, 16 years of age daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Drake of Hibbert, died in Scott Memoria Hospital early last Friday morning the result of -a motor accident on th Huron -Perth boundary road, north o Dublin, two weeks ago. The funeral which was held on Sunday afternoo; from Staffa United Church, was ver; largely attended. Coroner Dr. F. J Burrows has ordered an investigation A, jury was impanelled on Friday ani after reviewing the remains, adjourn ed for two weeks, when it is expecte that .the other members of the• part will have recovered sufficiently to give evidence. -Daughter Repeats Mother's Success —The following despatch from Sarni to the Toronto Globe under date o a September 8th, will make interestin d reading for many friends in Seafort I and vicinity, as the brilliant youn n I student is a daughter of a forme n I minister of St. Andrew's Church Kippen, and her mother was for some years on the staff of the Seatortl p- Collegiate Institute: "At the honor dmatriculation examinations, Mist a`s Mary C. Urquhart, ,Sarnia •Collegiat: at Institute, daughter of the late Rev d D. W. S. Urquhart, of First Presby a terian Church, Collingswood, and Mrs to Urquhart, .Sarnia, obtained twelve first class honors and one seconc class, and was awarded the Mary Murock Scholarship in Greek and Lat in. The same scholarship was wor by her mother, formerly Miss Flor• ence Ethel Kirkwood, of Brampton With the Bowlers. ,— On Friday,. September 4th, eighteen local rinks o mixed bowlers spent a very enjoyabl evening playing'for the beautiful priz- es so kindly donated by Mr. R. Jones. First prize was won by Mr DoLacey, Mrs. Reg. Reid and Mr. {1. A. Reid. skip; second by Miss L3 Campbell, Mr. Jim. Stewart and •Mr. C. P. Sills, skip. —The men's singles • competition were completed on Labor Day, when valuable prizes, donated by Messrs. Stewart .Eros., were won by F. Sills, 1st, and J. E. Willis, 2nl. The men have followed the singles competition with great interest and much pleasure and are anticipating another contest. Dr. Charles Mackay has very kindly donated a set of bowls and case, play for which will begin on Friday eve- ning, September 1lth, at 7.15. Mem- bers are requested to give their entry to any member of the executive. —On Tuesday afternoon the ladies had a successful doubles jitney with beautiful prizes donated by the Avon Chests. The prize winners were Mrs. T.. H. 'Diose, Mrs. H. Stewart, Mrs. C. Corrie and Mrs. J. Devereaelx. —A mixed open rink tourney is be- ing held on .Wednesday evening, platy to commence at 7.30 p.m. and plans are being prepared, for an Irish Trebles open tourney to be held on September 16th, commencing at 1.30 p.m. This will be the last open tourney of the season as the execu- tive are planning.to: start work im- mediately on the ,greens. on the occasion of her matriculation M. Mrs. Urquhart was gold medallist it Mrs classics on her graduation from ,the M University of Toronto." Double Wedding in the West—The following from a Crystal City paper will be of interest to miany relatives and friends in this district, as Mr. McIntosh is a nephew of Mr. J. W. Mdlntosh, of Seaforth: "A unique double wedding was held in the Unit- ed Church'at Crystal City, Man., on Wednesday, August 12, ' 1931, when Emily Christine and Minnie Elaine, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Ged- des, were united in marriage to John Leonard Dixon Clark, son of Dr. and Mrs. Clark, Portage la Prairie, and George Howard 'McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McIntosh, of Hamiota, Rev. Joseph 1Hlunter performed the ceremony. The brides were given a- way by their father. Mists Emily Geddes was gowned in a pink taffeta overdress with dotted net with lace mittens and large picture bat. Miss Elaine Geddes! wore •mauve chiffon and crepe de ahem, with bat, mittens and shoes to match. They carried boil'quets of sweetheart roses. The church was beautifully decorated with gladioli, petunias and ferns. Dr. Cecil CIark and Ralph' •Shewfelt were the ushers. During the signing of the register, ',Mrs, •Creighton; • of Brandon, sang, . "At Pawning,"" and the organist, list, Miss Dorothy Green- ways, played "0 Promise Me," 'Phe ee ty left: the Church to the strstins air Methddltsd'ili1• d *eddtnig math. ;bolt engh "e 3tests attended the re- 'tion ret •the b lde's Mott* where at i 'a se edr 41 Death of W. G. Pethick—Mr. Wil liam George Pethick passed away a the Scott Memorial Hospital in Sea forth 'on Wednesday morning of thi week following an• illness of severe months. The deceased was a son o the late Richard Pethick, and was born at Winthrop 38' years ago. Thir- teen years ago he was united in mar- riage to Miss Mabel Armstrong, daughter •of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Armstrong, of Hullett. Following his marriage he moved to London, where they lived for a time before moving to Seaforth, where they resided' until about four years ago, when Mr. Peth- ick purchased a gas stand at Exeter, which he carried on for two years, and then moved to Stratford. Last winter the family' moved to a farm on the ninth concession of Hullett. Besides has widow he is survived by one son, Gordon. He is also survived by two sisters and three brothers, Mrs, Miller, of Seaforth; Messrs. Samuel and John' Pethick, of McKil- lop; Mr. Thomas Pethick and Mrs. Dean, of London. The funeral ser- vices will be held at the home of M. Matthew Armstrong, at Constance, on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. Interment will be made 'in Maitlandbank ceme- tery,- and the pallbearers mill be his three brothers and three b•t'wthers-in- law, Messrs. Sam, John and Thomas Pethick, Howard, Fred and John Arm- strong. After the Game Was Over. --Fol- lowing a Crawford 'Cup game of a week ago between Eginondville and the Mill Road, Art Nicholson, Wilson Wright and Wm. Archibald, of Eg- m�ondville, are alleged to have assault- ed and caused bodily harm to ono Jartt'es Landsbarough, of the Mill Road. We don't know who won, but in any case the outcome was in the Clinton police court on Tuesday of this week. Here is what the Toronto Daily Star of Wednesday has td say about the fracas: "Echoes of tl,9e days of the old Seaforth •Hluron.s, football team, the only'Canadian eleven not defeated by the all -conquering Cor- inthians in their tour of Canada mere than twenty years ago, were heard in police court at Clinton Tuesday during the hearing of three assault charges arising out of a football game. 'played on August 28th at Egteonil- ville, birthplace of "Cooney" Weiland, of Boston Bruin fame. The game was played on Papplo's field; and the fight started in a driving shed and wound up in a straw steels. Jiin Landsher ough, manages; of the West end Tuck, ersmith, had his fate beaten and ltd•.. charged Art Nithelsos , Wilson 'Wright and W'ilhani Art ribald, of the Ege mottdvill� fea1n lith the deed Sent of Winer* a with their wi"ireil h 9s° d 3 s r, ust z a- as or ea. y, a- k, rs tf h- t s 1 f iw `' `hal "�: u e c if YY I t l bow ri�Y{}} a•ilti�' �?. ,4 r t., d 'W .carry t' Scribblers.. t h Pencils r Erasers e Ink d n 'School Thompson's ,, Book e 'Subscriptions 11 and magazines i a School " '•Dra`wing ' Mathematical . Brushes Fountain Bags Store, stoiek • Compasses Paints newspapers l of :' ' , ' Books • Rulers , ' Slates prices. ,..-„,—,.... consplete Supplies, ” Exercise Books Pens ' Crayons Sets Pens Seaforth taken for at publisher's 1- sweethearts, 6 Twenty-three and the meet in d ioning bodily son and' f assault charge 4. not be I. Where the e this year ' tition the n held by lenge for r- that the 4 LOCAL Mrs. e Lean, who o mondville h the cottage 3 James Street, it. ' Dr. and _ daughter, :rouri, were 'Mrs. Charles ' end. Miss Evelyn ing as a f,Hospital • Mrs. John ' Michigan, 1 '_Maple Hall, 9' J. A. Case. the. late Mr. and 1 Mrs. James ; Thomas'Gillespie, ; week end ' and Mrs. Miss Dorothy- is spending of her parents,, •• Kerslake. Dr. Reid: ' visiting Mr. and 1 Mr. and Chatham, = 'Stephens Mr, R. ing his holidays 1 crowded the court witnesses were trial lasted all day. the cases of assault, harm, against Wright, was reserved. against Archibald heard until September Hurons work in they re -donated for coveted Crawford them and it was over possession cf this silverware. fight started." room. heard Judg- occas•• Nichol - The will 25th. is that compe- cup, long a char- J. Me- in Eg- leased on occupying and Mis- Mr. and the- week train- Memorial Decker, week at Mrs. sister of Mr. and and Mr. were- of Mr. Toronto, the home W. E. is parents, of of Miss week. is spend- of his 6 BRIEFS W. S'. Hay and Miss have been residing for some time, have of Mrs. T. Grieve, and are now - Mrs. W. S. Campbell Diss Jean, of Albany, the guests of Stewart over Golding entered nurse in the .Scott this week. Willis and son, of were guests this .the home of Mr,•and Mrs. Willis is a Mrs. F. Case. Mrs. P. C. Kerr, Gillespie and son of Toronto, guests at the home Neil Gillespie. Kerslake, of her holidays at Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds, of Toronto, at the home of his, Mrs. W. G. Edmonds. Mrs. Walter Watts, were the guests at the Queen's last Hays, of Detroit, at fhe home s ,NOW The,Stertling • GEORGE • JEAN Give Prom the stage Hoffman. •• A story of two man factory owners, come back from modern business YOU'LL GET OUT OF THIS PRINCTHISWEEK PLAYING Character Actors SIDNEY HERSHOLT —i n— andTake success by old fashioned itihose college to systems. A BARREL BATTLE ROYAL. END ESS! . Aaron Ger- children institute OF FUN i - l MONDAY EVENING ' t PARTY '•h Another Good' Time at St. Joseph's p Hall, CLINTON F a MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 14th b Cards Dancing Lunch a Henson Orchestra it GENTLEMEN 500 LADIES 25c it a M RICH IN .. VITAMINES . lht CRICH'S SIN WHITE CLOVER BREAD PRONE y� 3y4�y� SEA O.L TII. IV T Y. of t, b, it Tl G� to n id Bl Pt all v11 sister, "a,'y Mesers" AYa ,,`, thi r r,u �: !y°Q UAk �J'km+t�- ' Jii. Adams and Mad ]Slew wore in Tq emery .ever the week end en lag tip• . Miss J. !Steele is in 'pronto this Week. 'Mm S. T,clines, Mise Muriel Beat- tie and M. Ken Beattie spent the, week end in Toronto. iMr, Karl Anent, of Port Stanley, is spending a few days at his horn here. Mrs. F. J. Burrows' left on Thurs- day for Winnipeg, where' slle will visit her daughter. Mrs. F. C. Jackson and Miss Mary Jackson are Wending a week at their cotta at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate wer3 in Toronto this week attending the wedding'' of Mrs. ,Southgate's sister.' Mr. W., Hays, of Detroit, is spend- ing a few holidays at the home of his parents, Mk. and Mrs. Jas. Hays, in Egmondville. Mr. Dawson Reid, of Guelph, spent the week end at the home of his mother, 'Mrs. J. F. Reid: ° Miss Jean Stewart and Mr. G. A, Stewart, of Toronto, were holiday guests at the home of Mr..and Mrs. W. R. Plant. Mrs, George Love, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, at Thornton Hall. Miss Greta Ross • and Miss Beth Hansard, of Weston, spent the week end at the, home of Dr, R. R. Ross. Miss Fergus McKay is spending her holidays in Grand Bend, the guest of Mrs. J. G. McDermid. Mr, and Mrs. George Seip and Miss Wilma 'Seip spent the holiday with friends in Galt. Dr. Fred Clarkson and daughter, Miss 'Doris, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Calls, of West Palm Beach, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bishop, of Ha§nilton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Frost. • ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sproat.and Mrs. James Sproat are in Waterford, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goven- ock. • Mr. Howard Purdy, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. .. :'Master Billie and Miss Betty Scott returned on Friday to their home in Chicago, after spending the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Scott. Mr. and M�•s. Tribute, .of Hamilton, are the guests of Mrs. L. T. De,Lacey, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart are in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Richards and Mrs. Fred Robinson, of Detroit. spent a few clays with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. C; 'Goldberg• and niece, Maxine, of Detroit, and Mr. Jacob McGee, of Goderich, were the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. George Eberhart this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans and Mr. and Mrs, A, M, Pringle were in Cay- uga on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Miss Ellen Meno. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Habkirk, of Trenton, Mich., spent Labor Day with his mother, Mrs, Robert Habkirk, The Seaforth and Clinton Boys Band will give a sacred concert .in Victoria Park on Sunday evening next. Mrs. George Grassie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graesie and son and daughter, of Hamilton, were the guests of Mrs. Ellen Murray on Sunday last. Miss Treby and friend, of Easton, Pennsylvania, were the .recent guests of Miss Margaret Thompson, Misses Mary and Gertrude Mat- thews have returned hone after I two weeks' vacation with friends in,Detroit. Mr, Alvin Oke has returned to To- ronto after spending ten days with Nis parents, Mr. , and Mrs. Andrew Oke. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Smith and son, Everton, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of the latter's par- nts, Mr, and Mrs. • W. A. Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edmunds and con, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with fr. and Mrs, W. Edmunds. Mrs. W. T. Thompson and Miss Margaret Thompson motored to Al- antown, Pa:. where Miss Thompson will resume her duties as teacher in Allantowe public, school: Miss Beatrice Trauter, of Bradford, ennsylvania, is the guest of her eons- , Miss Ballantyne, in Harpurhey. 'Mr, and Mrs, L. Bolton and son, David, are vsiiting in Detroit. Mrs. Frank Moore. who has , been visiting her father, Mr. William Dugan, re- urned with them, A Harvest Thanksgiving supper, nder the auspices of th'e Ladies' uild of St. Thomas' Church, will be eld in the Parish Hall from 5 to 7.30 .m. on Tuesday, September 22nd. The annual meeting of the Huron resbyterial of the Women's Mission - Selecte d from Fall Stytes'. You Will Find Them Here 1 LOWER PRICES PREVA L Hats That are Smarter Dresses That are More Distinctive Corsets That are Better Form Fitting Hos i erp That are More Exquisite Than it has . been our pleasure to begin a new season within years. Mac TAVISH'S. this week. Miss Lillian Bannister, Mrs. Beebe and Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead, of De-• troit, were week end visitors at the home of Miss Helen McDougall, in Egmonflville. iRev. G. A. McLean; B.A., Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, and Mrs. McLean, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Knechtel on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of Sarnia, were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. T. Swan Smith. - Mrs. Wilkinson. of Woodstock, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wil- son last week. ry Society will be h,eld in First Pres- HILLSGREEN yterian Church on Tuesday, Septem- t 10 o'clock and the "afterno.on meet - g at 2 p.m. Mese will be interest - g meetings and all are welcome to tend. Miss Gertrude 'Crich, of Toronto, ent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton, of oronto, were visitors at the home of r. and Mrs. Joseph Nero, the end last Week. The postponed game of football be - p• layed on Friday afternoon at 45, This is going 'to be a real game don't miss it. Mr. Arnold Turnbull is spending his lidays with his mother, Mrs. G. T. • Strangway, of Sarnia, is vis - ng her sister, Miss Beryle Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moro and Mr. omas Hamilton, visited friends in derich on Sunday. Mr. Frank Reynolds was in Toron- this week taking part iu the Junior , rmers' Judging Contest at the Canr ian National. Mts. M. C. Gillespie, of Toronto*, d Mr. and Met. FT* Gillespie, of enheitn, were visitprs ever Labor y with Mr. and Mrs. Will/ale Rev. I. 8. Keine Ocettpied His: own lpit it First Presbyterian Church Sunday Met, aftef efication. he Waste Smile, ,tif Toketto, were gr. and Mrs. Ashton and son, of Tilisonberg, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rich- ardson. 'Miss Edith Forrest and Mrs. Lav- ender, of Hensall, visited with friends recently. .Mr: and Mts. W. Blackwell, Jr.; and children, and Mrs. Jarvis, of Lan- sing, Michigan, 'spent the week end at the home of Mrs. W. Blackwell. We are pleased 'to report that Mr. William Love is able to be at. home agein after having an operation at Victoria Hospital in London reeently. Messrs. Jack and Fred Steacy, of Detavit, spent the week end with friends in and aroued this vicinity. IM.r. Ross Dick, of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends 'here. Mr. J.. Cochrane, who has been spending a few weeks visiting in.ehat city, accompanied him home. ' Mr. and Mrs,. W. Turner and Miss Eile,en spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MeLaehlan, of Crom- arty. Mr. Herbert Stephenson and sister, Miss Rena, spent the week end With friends in Luckftew. Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., left for Toronto ma Sthiday. Miss Ruth itiohardeon is spending a feet wepkt with her sister in Tinsel/. burg. We are Ord' te blow that MP& W. Reichert doing nicely after hevieg Dr, O'rnwster'e office, Zurich. " seitiee will be condneteil the Hillegreen Church on Sundays. September 13th, at 2.30 p.m., by Rev - A. Sinclair, of Hensel]. The regular - anniversary service will be conducted by Rev. A. V. Robb, of Centralia, one Sunday, September 20th, at 11 a.m- and 7.30 p.m: Special. music is being; prepared by the Kippen choir and? Hillsgreen• choir members also. Mr. and Mrs. Horner, of Varna, ich, were recent visitors with Mrs. Le. ,1Virs. R. Love spent a day withs friends_ip, Brigden and Ailsa Craig. The Late. Mrs. Hagan. --One of the - few remaining of a generation passe - ,ed away at her home on the Parr - Line, Hay Township, on Sunday eve- ning, September 6th, in the person of: the late Anne Hagan, wife of the late. James Hagan. The deceased had been in her usual health until a few.' weeks ago, and with the great advancer - of her age, she passed peacefully- iaway in the ripe age of nearly 88,7: years. The funeral was held from her- ilate residence on Wednesday morning: at 9.30 to the R. C. Church in Zurich. member. Rev. Father Power, of Zur- ich., conducted'.the service. Those left. to mourn the loss of a kind motheee are five sons and five daughters. One - son, Dr. Edward, predeceased her - some years ago. Those remaining at% home are Mis,s Dolly and Frank;,-. Mother Angela, of Chatham; Mrs - Clark, of Detroit; Dr. John and Dr - Lawrence, of Chicago; Miss Mary, or London; James, of Seaforth; Peter,. of Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Bigs- by, of Seattle. The iympathy their Many friends is axtended to theme in their sad" loss. • MeXILLOP Serious Accident. —Mr. Pat Murrays- recently met with a serious accident.; He was hauling in seed timothy to thee, barn to thresh, when the Toad upse, and the team ran away. Mr. Murray - was thrown from'. the load and in the-' fall he had several bones in his rights: foot broken. He was taken to thee' Scott Memorial (Hospital, where .ane x-ray was taken after which the foot - was gut into a plaster cast. He wilg; be confined to bed for'some six weeke....., • Last Sunday at 3 p.m. the resi--' dence of Mr. Brine O'Hara Was burn- ed to the ground from an• overheatedff chimney, and'had it not been for theft water supply running out,- the bucket brigade could have saved the house.. All the eontents were saved, but the - 'house wae a total loss as there was - no insurance. Mrs. William J. McKay and leer da'ughter, from Timmins, called ono friends here this week. ' Miss Eva Lae Raux„, from Port Ar- thur, is at mzesent spending her yam- ' tion • h friends in our burg: - red and Mr. J. M. Eckert anct- not tored to Oakville laet Sunder 7 to visi friends. are s y to -learn that he has been, and weather ef late and wisle' him a speedy recovery. • Mrs. De,sbura, from Northville,. Miehigan, i.e. at present visiting- her The stone crusher, which has bear? 4erating here $of late,' leas: teemed to. • s.Petet Hiekeell'e td eon/40W-