The Huron Expositor, 1930-08-22, Page 2Im
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Rf -Vre and up -41A an m, b
We pure and. miael 0, is
f*9ni ve our lowlymin of 10 law
bo4 who didst consecrate
Amen mquire-g pma,t Wou an
the Throagisk Jesus Cfirizt our LKId,
0 0 04i 9i
cted. M A 1044. th�� larger tooto
B.4hany, inpwhose, swe4t fel-
4, M
tho heart,% of Mary and
�,OWA no end,,
thinning tQf;Sing�je pj�ants', XQXeQvVr,.
cas v4r
S. S. LESSON FOR AVfUST 24th i 15,
";TW,A _
e thiml4k �0 'single P14fits, 9 inth0i.� a 001
1Z N Lesson Topic-�Jonathan and vid larger'
Da �e on cle Part In the row': lias giyen
'than To J
-4, t,�qd . -41ocking the plants off
qVtV N Lesson Passage -1 Samuel 18;1 Aelds
the method suggested. The averv4
20:14,17, 32-34, 41, 42i 2 Sim. 1.�Z5�27,-
Golden Text—Proverbs 18:Z4
yields per acre duxing the ,past a
In the friendship, of Ah two YeavEr from the diffeTent distanee$'Qf
-Biblica-1 characters we are given, a grown in cold fTames were transplant- thinning are as. follows- 'Si:K inehes
I 011111i
view of a love surpaesin-1; that of ed� It is iluite noticeable'holw much apart 23.1011 ton� 'of man�81B; 9. -inches s and
women. 'Simil-ar instances are to bo, bettet these plants have grown th4u. apart 25.19 tons.; 12 inches apart
... . ........
ggg\��wggg�i,�, pg,'�� found in the classic story of Damon those that were not planted until Oe- tons; 18 inches -apart, 20,72 tons., uty,are built
and Pythias and in modern life that tober. The seeds -should ba,sown in blocking, 212.42 tans.
into t4em
of Hallam and Tennyson. tw:e�0
pats in May and the 9qedlings pricked
vice and satt
The chosen of God to succeed Saul out into cold frames when large en- &6fieu., -Bialuty
uponithe �,hrclne of Israel, became the ough to handle.
of dWift white (?:r,
bosom friend of the son of gaul, who Pleanies al -'so should be divided and 'Be careful what: you. %itairt while try -
would by David`s advancement be replanted in September. The p1d , Ing to etup something.—Heleria In. charviiiigly ".tPd-,_RMq0 Fix—
dethroned. should be dug tip, the soil washed off dependent'. tures A$,into wffy col�.r ocheira6.
r the signal defeat of Goliath's and the roolir divided. For garden pur-
Afte: A
into the WhA is the matter, witth the n" If you haven't runufA at�r An
F army David was brought poses eae.b. division should- have three
_g w
presence of Saul and, as he stood be, or four e The soil shouldbe deep,- pagan is t -at be is not a 'pagan; he, your home t6 supply bathroom,'kit.
has not -any of the customs or consol-
fore the king, the isoul of Jonathan lyd-ug and if it is notviery rich s,5me chen and latmdry,,aa- E
went from him to the young victor. bone meal and sheep manure should be
Ations of a pagan- -44T, �G. K. Cbeg-
It -was love at first sight and ever added. Theplants should belabout four
will solve this problem, godels
afterwlards, they were as one soul in feet apart and just deep enough that
two. bodies. As Jonathan stood gaz- the crowns axe covered -with two in- 'I'lle n6ming -of the Linderbergh made for deep or shallo* wqlls,
ing upon David he beeame concerned ches of earth and no more. Too deep baby has talken, a great load off the having minimum capacity of jooi,
tion's mind.—Chatham News.
to Bee so great a soul, in so fi ne a planting is considered to 'be bne of the gallonsper hour. The. initial 6st"
Dody, clothed in such mean garb ana chief causes. of the non,,bl9oming of
issurprisihglylow. lnstall_anExn�ire
It's doughnuts to fudge you never
at once, on his father's decision to peonies. r'imental' arm, Duro and solve the water supplyy
retain him at court, he stripped him- At the Central Expe saw a IUMT fisherman sneaking up a
self and clothed David 1—Ch -, lkil .; q .1 4 side street.—Chicago Daily News .1 Vioblem forever.
a sy ar, —ing 5 —ep e.
courtier and a splidier, thus making at the end of September. Besides the
of him his second self, Matthew well known Tulips and Narcissus some PXoduction. calls out man power
For Sale by
production is not called out by nian
Henry says in connection wlt�, this of the Other beautiful bulbous plants
action of Jonathan's that "Our Lord should be grown, such as: power.—Henry Ford,
....... .... Jesus has thus showed Ng loye to us Cbiqn-�OoTt4—Glory of the Snow,
that he stripped himself tQ, clothe blue.
Go Ao'Sills & Son.
us, emptied himself to earich us; nay. C"kicleus in variety�Yellow, white
he did nigre t' Jonathan, he cloth- and purple.
ed himself with our rags, whereas Letticoittm—Snowflake, white. SLIGHTLY ASKEW" 0
4" A Jonathan did not put on David's." Scilla campanulata—Spanish Squill,
So entirely satisfied were these blue. happening in Egypt
"'ALL kiANADA YEAR two young men in each other, even Scilla Siberica — S�berian Squill, a fainiglimitner of light on what may
at the first interview, that they cov- blue. happen in, India if and when, the Brit -
ma 1W bmanted together for continued fel- The Siberian Squill grows very well ish Government r I to step out
lowship. under -deciduous trees -and soon of that country and t the natives
the years in which Saul spreads and, makes a blue- carpet lairs. Great;
During each to manage i�eiir own ff
QWIAN IUNFIONMAL had been king he had not taken on spring. Britain has been trying to step out Irrelssuir 0qw,
kingly attributes. His will was not of Egypt�. and at a moment when she
always subordinate to the will of God do is about three-quarter way out riots
and when David began to be a favor- break forth, men and women are killed Watcr- Systems
ite, with the people an unnaturally AGONY OF NEURITIS and the whole Eurropean colony at and B afhroom Fittings
It is
bitter hatred -towards him -began to Cairo is thrbw.n into a panic.
pdsses-s Saul. A S6rj of Intense Suffering and quite possible to argue that when
In chapter 20 we read of renewed Relief. Great Britain s all the way odt calm 11 1
OPE1& 0 AM covenants between Jonathan and will be restored and such outbreaks
OU %R7. David. Do� I recommend Dr. William'S' in the future'made impossible. Theare
11%4-a FRIDAY D1aAd having several times narrow- Pink ills? You may believe I do," is a school of political theorist which
ly escaped Saul's fury, begins to con- says Mr. John H. Jamieson, of Wal- argues that the cure for all defects of
sider at last whether it were not laceburg, Ont. libeTty is greater liberty. Neverthe-
EDWARD WENTWORTH BEATTY, B.A., K.C., LL.D. necessary for him to retire into the . "For five years I suffered day and less, so far as the present iproblern is
Chairman and President, Canadian Pacific Railway Company country, and to take up arms in his night from neuritis. The agony was concerned the, Egyptian. Government
own defence. But he will not do so terrible. I lost control of my arm and has obsolute control of the machinery
to officiate at impressive ceremony inaugurating daring a thing, without consulting shoulder and my hand became s ' brivel- for protecting life and'property in
"'All -Canada Year" at world's' largest anim-al exposition. his faithful friend, Jonathan. Jona` ed. Nothing 'helped, me till I began Egypt, It has been formally recog-
than, on hearing David's belief that taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Even iiized between the British and thG
the king purposes taking his life. then the improvement was slow and I Egyptian Government that this is a
EXHIBrTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD faithfully promises to get and gi,,e took ten boxes before, I was; on the duty which p'ertains exclusively to
him news of how his father inclines way to recovery, After that, though, the latter. It has badly fallen down.
IN EXPANSIVE ARRAY towards him; and further atlte�ssts his relief was rapid. My hand gradually In the meantime, 11,000 British troops Conserrvat" e government� he would
, i�' I vit and, the present trouble
love iby engaging David to continue filled out; the pain left me and I could in Egypt which are there for the sole hav� had
their friendship from generation to sleep in peace. That was two, years purposeof guarding British rights on would not -have arisen at thii time
ALL,CANADA PERMANENT FORCE BAND generation. ago and I -have not had a twinge of the Suez Canal remain idle and im- and in'its pte-sent form. We Are ex -
Seventy -six skilled instrumentalists in daily concerts, Jonathan, upon strict observance the trouble since." potent, They coulid have been called pressing no opinion as to whether this
finds, to his g-rief, that his father is Suffeyers :from neueitis, neuralgia upon and the open rioting instantly would ' have been in the interest of the ull of long
enraged against David. He was a or rheumatism should try the common suppressed. This, in the opinion of Egy-ptian people them -selves. To state lasting delicious flavor an&
loving dutiful son and he inust stamd sense method of banishing these trou- the Europe -an colony there, is what a proMern is more conger�ial than to made of purt chicle atxd�,ther
""LES VOYAGEURS" -or fall by the side of his father. At bles, by enriching the bloqd and should have happened. But the Mae- &01�0 it. ingredients of. the highest qualitv-
the same time be must be -true to his strengthening the nerves with Dr. Donald Government hag clung to its What effect will the present trouble
an elaborate Grand Stand presentation, nightly, commencing bosom friend so he tries to defend Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills are policy of not interfering to the Blight- have upon the still pending negotia:
Monday, August 25th. Adrnis9ion25C.,$i.00and$r.5o him and excuse his absence from the sold by all medicine dealers or by mail est degree in matters which are or tions between. Egypt and, Gres Bri
feast. So angry was Saul that his at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- ought to be of exclusive Egyptian tain? Those negotiations, designed to S
rage turned u -%on his own son. With- liams' Medicine,Co., Brockville, Ont. concern. settle finally all.questions between the
2,000 -VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS— out doubt David's suspicions were well The Government's scrupulous, even two countries, were interrupted wheil comes toyou in 1peifect c * ondition....
FIRST CONCERT'NEXT SATURDAY founded and there -fore Jonathan goes fanatical adherence to this principle the British Government refused to ac- 'All of its. goodness is sealed tight: -
according to appointment to notify his RATES OF SEEDING AND DIST- is blamed for permitting the trouble cept the Egyptian proposals regard- in the clean wax wrapped packages -
accompanied by All -Canada Permanent Force Band. 25c., 75�., $1-00- friend and bid him farewell. Jona- to approach the rioting stage juat as ing the Sudan. The control of the Su- The days work goes much eaAer,
Remaining three concerts, Thurs. Aug. 28, Tues. Sept. 2, Sat. Sept. 6, than was a hero in, more Beiges than ANCES OF THINNING MANGELS it is blamed for not suddenly quench- dan meang virtually the control of the with WRWLErs to sustain anct
one. He died on the battlefield fight- ing it when that stage had been reach- Nile, and the eontrcg of the Nile em- refresh.
ing for his father but he had won a Gowing 6 to 9 pounds of the best WRIG
ed. Sir Percy, Loraine is the British braces ithe very life of Egypt. But VLANDY for RX.
AGRICULTURE IN ALL BRANCHES great victory over the passion of hu- grade of mangel seed per acre has Hfigh Commissioner in Egypt. He is vital as this question is, there is no 3PACKS 5)e N6
man love—be gave up fellowship with g1len as good a stand of mangels as supposed to miake any needed repres- reason to suppose that it could not
Displays, Competitions, with $125,000 Prize List. his twin soul. David and jojajb�, heavier seedings. Six pounds may be entations to the Egyptian Govern- be made to yield to amicable negotia.-
were "one in heart, -in inte,,# and �ufficient if the seed is high in germ- nient when British rights are in ques- tion. The MacDonald- Governmefit is K
PROFESSIONAL TEAM RELAY RACE design," -but were separated by filial inaVng power. The. following table tion but'his position is in no respects beyond suspicion of trying to make *6
devotion. shows the average yields of manglels, like' that -of the former High Com- constitutional government unworkable
Ray, Gavuzzi, Newton, and others of the world's greatest runners -from five years' experiments at the missioners who would not only malcge in Egypt in order that there might be
SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, GRAND STAND TRACK WORLD MISSIONS Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, representations but issue orders in the more -general acquiesence in the re- A LOT 1701C
A Japanese Reformer where- four different rates of seeding day when they and not the Egyptian SUMPtiOn Of British, control. - But it A NICKEL
have been used. king Or his ministers were the final Is'nOt above suspicionof having fur- A CIC46
Miss Helen R. 'Hurd, Kofu, Japan. Influence on Yields of Sowing Dif- authority in Egypt. No doubt he thered by blunders a policy t�at' a 49�
writes the following letter: Mr. ferent Amounts of Mangel Seed. ervers saw the dangers more imperialist adininistration might
FIFTH M RATHOIN SWIM Wakao is the adopted son-inlaw of -3 Yield per acre ahead have promoted by strategy.
A L 'A like other obs
very wealthy -banker, deceased. Rate of Seeding, 5 -year avers, when the Nationalists were
Women's Section Whereas the o'd man's idea was to ge passing through their Parliament a
tons bill calling for miniAerial responsi-
amass a fortNe, establish a strong 6 pounds per acre ..... 21.25, bility, as we understand it in this The Highway Traffic Amen , dm_ent Art, 19310
NEXT FRIDAY -10 Miles and minierous family connection, and 9 pounds per acre ..... 21.79 country. It wis, a bill aimed to de -
sett up his own figure cast in bronze 12 pounds per acre ..... 20.07 prive the king of sonle of his author -
Men's Section in a pretty private park commanding 18 -pounds per acre ..... 21.97 ity. It it now argued that if Loraine
the city; the one -aim of the Christian Thirining mai)gels to 9 imbes apart had been, permitted to offer advice he
ran is to see the Kingdom of God in the row has -given larger yields per would'have been able to point out The Safety Resunsibifit" Lav
WEDNESDAY AUG. 27-15, Miles established in his homeland. acre during the past six years than, means whereby this bill would not P
For years big particular responsi- thinning them to 6, 12, or 18 inches have been submitted to the king. If of Ontario
Rffervations for Exhibition Chorus SAM HARRIS, bility in the 14rge banking In
f,Z was apart in the row. Blocking off thq he had -been unable to,d-o this he would
,romerij and Grandrtand Pageian,t Pywident, collecting the," rice toll tenant plants, when they aye at the right at least have advised the king to i
performances sbould be made at once. farmers. Probably the "Tite riofts," stage for thinning, into little bu sign
nches it insteadof refusing and thus throw-
Alail cheque or money ordeir. H. W. WATERS, during which the main Wakao busi- 9 to 10 inches apart has also been' ing consti tuitional government over- M,
GeneralManager ness plant was burned, gave this tried. tsually there are two to f Our board. But he said nothing.'The bill
young man food for depp thought. plants left in, each bunch. Blocking was submitted to Fuad, and be, refus-
However, that may be,,Ifl'S interest in off the small mangel seedlings -rather ed to accept it. Then the riots be -
the peasants and sympathy for,their gan. Its,
poverty, has made him most eager to
-Parliament was adjouirned by royal Opel "0
find the best solution to the antagon- decree, which the. WaMists, or Na -
ism existing in Japan to -day between tionalisits declare is unconstitutional.
landlord and tenant farmer. He felt And now as it reopens evidence comes This is v OT,
so . &Jly 0
surle this -solution lay with Christian- to hand. of a plot -which is at least Important"
ity and Christianity alone, and to find, widespread, however formidable it
the wisest way of applying Christian- may be� to -bring about a revolution to -ayou
01A ity practically to this urgen,r need. and get rid of King Fuad. There is
became. the deep inteTest of his life, also qvidence of some -thing like a
Finally he knew what must be done. Gandhist plan of civil disobedience DO YOU KNOW the details
and with utter self -abandon and wise which may be more menaiciiig to the, of this new livl,
and careful planning, he set about effective Sept. Ist?
Dgyptian Government than, armed re-
tbe.doing of it. sistance. That is the situation in
Lim F-0 .. In a small village of two hundred igi-yaA to -day. So far as British resi- DO YOU KNOW the offences for which your
hoirses, some four miles from Kofu, dents there are concerned, it has been, driving license may be suspended ano under
there was a bit of land, belonging to somewhat improved- by the Presence what conditions It will be relnStatedl
Free Flowing his farnily, and- on this be biuf�fi a of two "British warships Wbich-should
modest stractim guitable for use as The. Unive be enough to give whatever protection DO YOU KNOW that
a hoige, and also a community cen- rsify was eflablished in th to Are prato
tre. three earnestly, inclined young 1979—Rearganized in 1908. e reign colony requires, Thie fu- by iiigurance you must eted
Fertilizers Three Paculties—Atts, Medicine! and ture-, atoording to a Cairo correspon- be Prepared 6 pay.
men rallied tothis need, and the four Public Health_. dent of the New York" Times., is for for whi6 YOU Are responsiblel
-of them -took up residence there- last
Decer4ber. Fri6-W01iWd-ed11&jFef- _jloomybeeanse there is not in E." or permanently. 10se your lieense if Jt6u go,
A'sinkle strong MaU 1 not-var?
(To be continued.) Enrolment is WiNd. Only studirats c�ulld bes counted -upon to attenitt to
It's here at last I An entirely new, having ihe highQ$f cluallfic66009'aftd. soIte, the coustitutioua� PrOblem Pat �DO YOU that th6 he*
Free Plowing Fertiliz�r that can't clog in 01ving evidenci 4 sultability'wif be totileally, and without iagowd to party' in law afte
accepted. Eat �'Opphcsfii�h fbf eir. r when other provincepi
blas, �r ad,�antagqr.
FLOW79RS TO PLANT IN AUGUST 4421ce is deslrA 6, Or- in Ithe UXA?
the dr.1111 Thgit saves you tim. e and �1. - " iKiug Vu:ad is in an unplossant pG-
Course$ art- froid Wde to Aven year
That gives you greater and
AND SEPTIE:MBER 0. sition if , not a Oung 6 -A Th
�re 6VOn cbvtt r or 06at.
'Ament and an evien l reider ryiA- BE
quired, acedrdiriV I M 1, �,f
fricdfaflon re. ;to who represe y
19 ro *J IVE CAR -1101
-age I ent, an "'Oility, i ,
If they hhave not already been plant
parli �h
C -PL made in Canada. ed, the Bearded Iris should Ti6w be or. rAL Joritz Prbsumsbly� Atvy� tire
dered and' planted in well pilepa
red bofttou &tting rid'OlAho mottax&y. 86 NOW
�T "'I
grauhd. Old gpodm4oni which im-te 1k J
Let us- tell yolit Abdut them. Hut the md'ngw& is pavt, of_ the con-
40rowded should bo take;n u1i and di- 06* eAv. it 66, 4661ithed,
vide& and th'* y�o6ng healthy Abomes -&6'. dM4t('jUtJ*fj
Py . Ty
ePF -Q.
M. mplhiit6d While the old ceft*jil por;.
tion. dlsoard#64 I#
miaftl6ut, !, .1, 1 .
U tu
ki; E -1
. T 4
61. 10 � " k,
,0, �
'. JJ #