The Huron Expositor, 1930-05-02, Page 34!F
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Fire, theft and carelessness --all have
your valuables at their mercy.
A safety deposit box costs so little
that no one need take ttie risk of
losing bonds, stock certificates, con•
tracts, wills or other valuable papers.
Ask us about this service.
R. M. Jones - Manager
RHEUMATIC VICTIM the mature birds should be fed regu-
FOR SIXTEEN YEARS larly and in this way avoid the possi-
bility of the birds overfeeding. Good
lDr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored Her mashes, finely ground, fed in the dry
Health. state are recommended in a commer•
cial way, The feeding of finely chop -
Rheumatism is a disorder of the ped hard boiled egg and stale bread
blood. Wet, cold weather may ag- 'crumbs for the first few days is
gravate it but that is not the cause. highly recommended.
Bad blood charged with uric acid is Young turkeys may be hatched na-
the reason. Re -build the blood and turally or in incubators, and brooding
rheumatism will disap'pear.....Dr. Wil- may be carried on in either the natur-
tams' Pink 'Pills enrich and rurify al or the artificial method.
the blood and that makes good health.. Protection should be afforded the
Mrs. John C. McPherson, St. Marys, young birds until they are at least
Ont., writes:! --"For sixteen years I two weeks old, after which time they
was a ,victim of rheumatism. For el- may be allowed more freedom.
even years I was unable to walk. The turkey is, strictly speaking, a
Massage and chiropractic treatment farmer's fowl, and cannot be success -
failed. I was utterly discouraged till fully reared in close confinement.
1 heard how strongly Dr. Williams' While it is possible to keep poults in
Pink Pills were recommended for cas- a small space and still make rapid
es like mine. I began their use and growth, cheap grains are only pos-
in a few weeks the pain lessened, my sible on free range. Where the tur-
appetite and color improved, and now keys can roam over meadows, pas -
am able to do light housework. It tures or wooded areas an excellent
is wonderful what these pills have opportunity for cheap gains is assur-
done for me." ed, and since the turkeys do little
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one damage to growing crops they can be
thing but they do it well—they looked upon as an essential to any
enrich and purify the blood. This farmer since they feed largely on
rich blood banishes rheumatism, grasshoppers and other insects dur-
eciatica, neuralgia and neuritis and ing the summer months. They re•
promotes health and strength. The quire little attention and com'para-
Pills are sold by medicine dealers or tively little feed after they develop
?oy mail at 50 cents a box from The their red heads. After this time they
Dr. Williamis' Medicine Co., Brock- should be allowed to roost in the op-
ville, Ont. en from then until marketing time
in the fall.
To . make a success of turkey rais-
ing the turkey flock should be kept
entirely away from the barnyard, or
from the poultry yard, since much of
the trouble with turkeys is caused
Turkey l'reeding is not the difficult from blackhead, which is frequently
nr.dertaking that is generally suppers- present in and around the poultry
ed, when the breeding stock and poults yards. The turkey being naturally a
are properly handled. Essentials to wild bird desires freedom, and when
success in turkey breeding are: clean kept away from the poultry flock and
soil, nature stock for breeding, good barnyard gimes the owner little cause
foods properly fed to both mature for worry, and when properly hand -
and young stock, free range and above led usually gives handsome revenue
:nil the keeping of the :turkey flock for time and money expended.
away from other barnyard fowls.
Soil that is contaminated with the
droppings of fowls of any kind is not
desirable soil on which to rear tur-
lkeys. 'If it is impossible to have 'soil
which has not previously been used
for poultry keeping make sure that
the land has been ploughed and thor-
oughly cultivated. A desirable soil
for turkey raising is one that is light
and porous in texture, sand or gravel
being desirable. Low lying land or
t;eavy clay soils should be avoided,
especially for the raising of poults.
Breeding stock should be well ma-
tured, especially the females. Good
yearling birds are preferable to any
other age. Well developed cockerels
may be used to advantage, but should
'Ube bred on mature females. Avoid
using males which are over grown
-and also the use of females which are
over standard weight, as they fre-
quently break many of the eggs, at
hatching time.
Feeds for turkeys should be made
of sound grains, and in no case should
shrunken grains be used or grain that
has become moulded or heated in any
way. Avoid overfeeding, as much
loss in turkey raising is caused by
digestive disorders. Suitable grains
are oats, cracked corn, wheat, barley
or (buckwheat. Variety is recom-
mended. Mashes of the above grains
can be used and should be fed in self-
feeding hoppers, so that the birds can
help themselves. Feed the graips and
mashes from hoppers or troughs and
avoid allowing the turkeys to eat
their food' from the ground, as this
is a frequent source of contamina-
tion. Poults should be fed in much
the same way as baby chicks, and like
".So Skinny Shamed In
Bathing Suit.
Gained 15 Lbs."
How Are You?
If the subject of conversation is an
indication of interest in the subject,
then, without doubt, health comes
first in the public interest, since the
question most frequently asked is:—
How are you?
'What is your answer to -day, and
what is it going to 'be in the future?
Are you making things pleasant for
yourself and for those with whom you
live and work, because you are happy
with the joy of good health, or are
you one of those depressing persons
who demands sympathy because he
looks so miserable?
It is surpsising how much of
health is due to neglect of those es-
sentials which can easily be' secured
by most people and which do not cost
money. The proper kind of food costs
no more than the wrong kind. Fresh
air and sunshine are to be had for
the asking. 'Sleep is not for sale; it
means a proper bedtime. Exercise,
rest and cleanliness can usually be
secured by making a reasonable ef-
These are the factors upon which
personal health so largely depends.
They are under our own control; no-
body can help us very much in secur-
ing them. If we' want to enjoy health
we cannot neglect them.
Too many late dances which take
up the time for sleep; too much liv-
ing in artificial light and not enough
sunlight; too many sweets between
meals spoiling the appeti't' for pro-
per food; indoor parties instead of
outdoor exercise, are tome of the
common reasons for ill health.
In addition to neglecting themselves
many persons are, in other ways, par-
ticularly careless as regards the
health of others. They cough and
sneeze without covering the nose and
mouth; they talk right into your
face; they kiss the baby on the mouth.
In fact, they do about e•vexything they
can do to spread to everyone _they
chance to meet any disease germs
which may be present in their own
nose and throat.
,Many are also careless of them-
selves in disregarding the limits
within which they may expect their
bodies to function normally. The hu-
man an body can stand up under a great
deal ; of wear and tear, but, beyond
ceted yeast. Results in 1/a time. certain limits, it begins to break. It
So quit being ashamed of "skinni- I is a matter of common sense to keep
ness," •sallow skin. Get hotted within the .limits. Success is empty
Yeast from druggist taidaryy. Feel, which is gained at the expense of a
'(great to -Morrow. Money back from wrecked 'bedy. Health without, wealth
manufacturer. if clot delighted with is preferable to *.i a,lth without health.
kquiok results. ", 1
"Gained 15 lbs: taking 'Ironized
Yeast. Was always ashamed to wear
bathing suit but now I can and not
feel too skinny."—Eulah Lanningham.
Thodsands write of 5 to 15 lbs.
gained in 3 weeks with Ironized
Yeast. Bony limbs round out. Ugly
hollows fill in. 'Blemished skin gets
clear and rosy like Magic. Nervous-
ness, indigestion, constipation dis-
appear overnight. Sound .sleep. Nem
health and pep front very fust day.
Two great tonics in one. --special
weight -building Malt Yeast and
strengthening Iron. Pleasant+ little.
tablets. Far stronger than uritnedi-
is%ii11k0:414.% csv
EXTRA heavy linoleum
that will withstand
hard wear, and also
display the rarest beauty in
design. The richest of the
new colorings. For kitchen,
pantry, bedroom, hall or din-
ing room.
4 yards wide
$3.75 to $4.00
Floor Oil Cloths, big variety
of patterns in every width
made. Specially priced.
HESE new Congoleum
Rugs which are the
smartest of hundreds
of patterns would be difficult
indeed to match in either
artistery of design or beauty
of colorings. Their cheery
brightening presence gives
a colorful cleanly freshness'
to any room.
6x9, $5.85. 71x9, $7.50
9x10; $10.50.
9x9 $9.00 9x12, $11.95
OU'LL be fascinated
by the adorable youth-
ful, frocks featuring
the latest styles in uneven
hem lines and flares. All the
numerous new and authen-
tic ideas that have recently
developed and are now be-
ing shown for the first time,
are here. We want every
woman to see these lovely
new dresses. Come in to-
58.75 to $25.00
A wide range of Brocaded
and Striped Patterns in thc
new modernistic designs.
Every wanted color com-
bination to harmonize with
your room. Full 50 inches
wide, and fully guaranteed
absolutely sun fast.
Price $1.50 to $4.50
That Radiate
Beauty Inside and
White Marquisette
With white, rose, blue, or
gold coin spots; 36" to 39"
50c to 75c yd.
Fine Marquisette
Checked design, White,
Ivory, Ecru; 36" wide.
25C Yard
Cotton Net
Modernistic or conven-
tional designs, Ivory or
Ecru shades.
36" wide, 25c to 53c Yd.
40 to 45 inches
wide .... 75C to $1.25 Yd.
Silk Net
Newest designs, excellen
quality. Ecru or cham-
pagne shades ; 42 inches
81.35 to $1.75
Fine Marquisette
Single or clustered dots,
White, Ivory or Ecru; 39
inches wide.
35c to 50c Yard
Checked Marquisette
Trimmed blue, rose, orch-
id or green; ruffled edg-
ings, fancy tie backs.
Special $1.29 per pair
Fine Check Marquisette
Blue, Green or Orchid
trimmed, ruffled edges and
attractive tie backs.
Special 81.75 per pair
Fancy Voile Curtains
Plain or with rayon in-
sert with or without Val-
ence ;
ence; fancy frill tie back;
Blue, Gold, Red, Rose
82.25 to $3.95 per pair
Swiss and Filet
Net Curtains
In Ivory or Ecru,' in a
beautiful range of new
$2.25 to $6.50 pair
Best Possible Value In
Men's Suits
FEW stores will show you as many
suits. No store will show you
nicer suits. And no store can possibly
give yon better prices.
With a determination to have the
best suit values we have bought gener-
ously, selected carefully and priced
Blues, plain striped ; Greys, solid
or fancy ; and Browns in new shade-
ings are here in quality clothes, cut to
fit, in the newest styles, and guaran-
teed to keep their color and shape.
Come in and see for yourself.
Prices $15 to $35
Stewart Bros.
Seaforth, Ont
Ire f,'dl`I} u7942.ik4,'�',t4�Ypi
Carpet Rus.
The FloorCovering De Luxe
RUGS colorful with thc
best dyes, clear and
unfading; colors that
will last as long as the rug.
Soft and deep woven, they
are a pleasure to walk upon.
Beautiful new patterns ;
strong and durable, and yer3
reasonably priced. _-
Wiltons, Axminster
Brussels; Tapestries
$10.50 to $60.00
will admire the -new
graceful lines a n d
beautiful details as sponsor-
ed in our showing of millin-
ery as modern as to -day.
Prices Always Reasonable.
REVEALING all that is
new in Women's
Coats, and assuring
you of qualities that are
worthy of their excellent
styles. We confidently in-
vite you to inspect these new
creations just being display-
Women who are fashion
wise will appreciate these
lovely new coats. They not
only represent the very lat-
est styles, but bear the mark
of distinctiveness and indi-
57.50 to 535.00
This Store will close
Wednesday afternoons
during May, Joie, July,
August and September.