The Huron Expositor, 1930-04-04, Page 5H' S is e ti U 1 4; • 193( Notes. --W. George Welsh tsggn basing househ(rld ,erupt eat of ' s e . 'iC h . itleads e. s andle' one •tal.ifaelt� e rgoing te join the order of the Bene- dict* George is a •linsteelr.. The snow has 'cleared off enough to make wheels possible, but the March winds are still hourlitug•-- Ir.. Drager is put- ting a deal through on the James 'O'Loughlin farm. Mr. Drager is a hustler if he secures the farm, and Keep Undies `New and Fresh , Remarkable New Tints 'PrAKE only 40 seconds to dissolve J.. New INSTANT RIT in your wash bowl and you'll see latest 'Parisian shades for your under - things appear almost as if by magic. Give these things a rinse or two . notice how easy it is to use. Notice, too, how these new tints last for weeks longer ... through many extra washings. This is due to exclusive German formula which makes colors penetrate to every fiber of the ma'erial (far superior to were "surface tinting"). Also observe how quickly and wore evenly all colors are absorbed in the fabric—colors are clearer, fresher, richer ... exactly like new. Real professional results with per- fect safety are„guaranteed by us when you use New INSTANT RIT. Try it. Tell your friends. Use also to tint or fast -dye dresses, stockings, children's clothes, curtain, draperies, and household linens al' trifling cost. 31 lovely shades at your druggist or department store. 15c per package. WHITE RIT—Removes Color (Harmless as Boiling Water) Any color, even black, is taken out of all materials completely by WHITE RIT (color remover). Also remarkable in removing spots and stains from white goods—even ink, fruit, perspi- ration, rust, etc. Brings "yellowed” or "grayed" white goods back to original new whiteness. INSTANT Q Tints or Dyes All Fabrics, Any Shade Note: ALL RIT is INSTANT RIT whether so marked on package or not. 6. 1 l419 OPi jb4e 10 b. hav4 a choice fad. in tie near fat re—Wo are soup's to report that the baby bay .ol Mr and lrs , John A. chart ;}lasshad a reg lapse and is a in under the doctor's care. DAIRY MARKET Toronto. April 1st.—Cheese, new, large, 28 to 281/2c ; twins, 231k to ,24e; triplets, 234.; stilton, Ste. Old, large, 29c ; twins, 29 1-2c1 triplets and cuts, 30c; old stilton, 31c. Butter—No. 1 creamery prints, 38 to 89c; No. 2 creamery prints, 87 to 88e. I lggs—la'resh extras, in cartons, 34c ; fresh extras, loose, 82c; firsts, 30c; seconds, 28c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, April 1st —Recleipts of hogs, 8,200; holdovers, 300 ; rather slow, 10 to 20 cents below Saturday's average; packers insisting on full decline; bulk, 130 to 200 pounds, $10.93 to $11; 220 to 250 pounds, $10.40 to $10.85; Packing sows, $8.75 to $9.25. Receipts of cattle, 2,200; better grade fed steers and yearlings very slow ; bulk unsold; and short fed steers and yearlings, $11.00. to $11.50 ; medium heifers, $10.60 to $11.25 ; fed cows, $7.25 to $8.50. ,Receipts of calves, 1,500 ; vealers mostly steady; good to choice, $14.50 to $1'5.50. Receipts of sheepu, 7.200; lambs fairly ac- tive, steady; good to choice woolskins, $10.25 to $10.50; sparingly, $10.75; medium and strong weights, $9.50 to $10.25; shorn lambs, $9.50 to $40.25 ; shorn lambs, $9 to $9.50. ,Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 1st.— Including late arrivals by rail and some 300 head off the road, there were some 600 more cattle for sale at the yards to -day than on Monday last. and while trade at the start was slow, with bids easier, killers were mov- ing readily to the scales by noon, with pric- es steady on butchear steers and heifers, a shade easier on butcher cows and a quarter lower on baby beeves. Heavy fat kosher cows were strong, a few selling from 10 to an ex- treme 102 cents per pound. Trading up to mid-afternoon accounted for more than half the offering, but there were several carloads unsold at the close. Choice weighty steers, over 1,050 pounds sold mostly from 11 cents per pound, and that range took also the bulk of the choice lirht steers and heifer,', while the odd lot averaging 722 pounds made the top for any- thing but baby beeves, which were classed in the departmental grading to -day as fed, calves or 111/2 cents per pound.. Fair to good but - ,+her cattle broueht'10Y4 to 101/2 cents, and common downward to 9 cents per pound. Best heifers, weighed out, brought 101/2 to 11 c"nf". 'Peet butcher cows sold a shade to a nuerter lower than last week at 8 to 854 rents per pound, with lower grades downwerd to 6 cents, and bulls were firm at from 6+, cents per pound for boleenas to making 8.90 Bents ner eeund. Good to choice baby beeves brought 101,11 to 13 cents per Hound, with one choice pure bred at an outside 15 cents selling to a breeder. Some three loads of store cattle sold strong in view of butcher prices, the range being 8 to 9.35 cent per pound on lots averaging from 850 pounds downward. There was no outside demand for milkers and springers, and trade wee slow on a light offering at $70 ie $100 fer vend to choice 'fresh cows and no higher than $110 for best springers. Calf supply was near even with that of lest Monday and the market was stronger for choice veals. which brought 13 to 14c ner pound fo rthe hulk. with small lots .et 141/2 to 14% cents. and half it dozen primes et 15 cents. Plain light calves sold steeds downward to 8 cents, and a few rough heav- ies at 61/, cent, per pound. Most of the lambs were Westerns. but to- tala week wassome200 less than a su�nly ago. The Western lambs, 400 in number, sold at 11% cents per pound, or 25 cents per cwt. higher than last week. and while the price on,the bulb of . the good native ewes and weters was steady at 12 cent, a few of the best making 13 cents, with culls down- ward to 91/2 cents per' pound. Spring lambs kfiltl: ':;tG,'il+ii i,;'�'~}r�Y»•;1; aaa 11 tj 1 {i. +ut wilt Ft1 i1/ tm 14 a�'..fi• �i t�j�f fa li li 991C lsre from) •It$ ti ;1$, oai0a BR '4t^ fer,rlg O two Alozo» firtdirs a eouuewlrat eiv.iit Marlket,. Fair to gaud hatcher' sheep sold, from b,yrx, {s' 9 +aunts Per Pound,Most i ost ,of ' the . beeepa in n Mean& ¢f aigar' 1,000 hogs said 2s ;Outs per cwt, higher WA .10.01 week's close, at. 221 cents LOA, and 633 cents w.o.c. per pound, tough Packers' bids dor the remainder lof the weelt were lower. The receipte to -day were 2,900 cattle, 410 calves, 995 hogs ands, 700 sheep' and lambs, $1,1.potations : •neavrfi beef steers., $10.00 to 00 ; butcher steers,' s,hoice, $10:50 to $11; do. fair to good, $9.60 to $60.50; do. common, $9.00 to $9.50; butcher heifers, choice,. $10.50 to $11.00; do. fair to good, $9.60 to $10.25; do. common, $9.00 to $9.50; butdher cows, Toad to choice, $8.00 to $8.50; do. medium, $6.50 to 47.00; canners and Cutters, 54:00 to $5.25; butcher bulls, good to choice, $7.50 to $8.25; do. medium, $8.50 to $7.15; do. bol- ognas, $6.60 to 56.15; baby beef, $9.50 to $18.00; feeders, good, $8.75 to $0.50; stockers, good, $8.50 to $9.00; do., fair, $7.60 to $8.25; calves, good to choice, $18.00 to $14.50; do, medium, $10,00 to $12.50; do., grassers, $7.00 to $7.50; springers, $100 to $110; milkers, $75.00 to $90.00; lambs, choice, $12.00 to $12.75; do. bucks, $9.00 to $9.50; sheep, -++s"'e, $8.00 to $9.00; hogs, bacon, w.o.o., $18.75. ilo., selects, $1 per hog premium; do., but- chers- 75 cents per hog discluunt; do. f.o.b., price, $1.25 cwt. under w,o.c. ; do., trucked in, 50c cwt. under w.o.e. AUCTION SALES LIVE STOCK SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE, .SHEEP AND HAGS, at Lot 6, Concession 4, H.I.S., Tuckersmith, on Wednesday, April 9th, at 1 p.m.: Homes -1 Clyde mare eight years old, in foal ; 1 four-year-old gelding; 1 eight-year-old gelding. Cattle—Thirteen cows. These are a good bunch of cows, Holsteins, Durhams, Polled Angus, 1 part Jersey, two with calves at foot and two fresh a few weeks.Balance coming in April, May and June. Three .heifers in calf, 2 farrow cows. 14 heifers and steers rising 2 years old, 1 fat steer and 1 heifer about 10 hundred. Two brood sows, 1 litter choice suckers. About 50 Leghorn hens. A quantity of hay.. Terms— Seven month, 322 per cent. off for cash; ap- proved joint'Ytetes, WILLIAM M. SPROAT, Tile Manufacturer, Proprietor, Phone 136 r 2; Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. 3251-1 BIRTHS Dale.—In Hullett, on March 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale, a daughter. IN MEMORIAM Note. A Items under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional verse. In loving memory of our dear father, John T. Moffat, who passed away three years ago, the second day of April. No one knows how much we miss him; No one knows the bitten pain We have suffered since we lost him, Life has never been the same. In our hearts his memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true ; There is not a day, dear Father, That we do not think of you. —Sadly missed by his family. 3251x1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. John E. Daley wishes to extend his sincere thanks to the many people who at- tended his auction sale of March 26th and. helloed in making it a success. Mr. Harold Dale also wishes to extend his appreciation for the assistance given at his first experience as an auctioneer. 3251x1 • ".tInn•'4 r: 3w ess '. NO ,> al Terme, strict ly' t ' h.Wyly kR AM?' /14.4 Kipp. 1, `ori phgne 95.9. ?dip ,k744' C SALLA imug Rocks good %YIPS strain. also ' good., weighers for table 'Aro. Phone 24-284, (Sea - forth. 4250-21 rt OR SALE.—SOW. AND NINE PIGS TWO weeks old. • AMA" to CARL DALTON. one mile west of Winthrop. Phone 8 on '287. 8201.1 CATTLE WANTED., -.A LIMITED 'NUMBER of cattle will be taken in for pasture. Plenty of water, Apply to J, M. GOVEN- LOOK, Executor T. B. Hays Rebate, Sea - forth. 8251-bf HORSE LOST.—,ON SATURDAY NIGHT, A dark brown horse strayed from the home of the undersigned, IHabas a white face and Is marked on the left hip with ,F. U.' F. Anyone having any information eonces-ping this horse, please phone PAUL DOIG, 136 ring. 22, Seaforth. 3251-tf NOTICE. — IF THE PARTIES WHO broke the windows and also removed the locks from the house on Lot 8, Concession 4. Stanley. will pay the damage at once, they will save prosecution, as the parties are known. 'WILLIAM F. ALEXANDER. 8261x1 rj OR SALE.—I AM OFFERING TWO DARK red Shorthorn bulls ready for service, from well bred, good milking dams and sired by Vanity's Knight. You will be surprised how low these calves are priced, JAMES HILL, R. R. 1,- Staffa P. O. Lot 27, Con- cession 8, Hibbert. 3250-3 pOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF SEED oats grown from O.A.C. seed 144, at 80 cents per bushel. Also a limited supply of dry slabs left at $2.75 per cord for soft wood; at $3.25 for soft maple. Good York hog for sale. WILLIAM DOIG, Jr., Kippen, Ont. Phone 138 r 2, Seaforth. 3250x3 WILLIAM HARKNESS Phone 163 SEAFORTH Box 234 District Representative Sun Life Assurance 'Co., of Canada—Canada's largest and leading Life Assurance Company. Assets at December 31st, 1929, $568,197,000. Average rate of interest earned en. invested r ssets, 7.02%. 32544f DR. MOIR'S R. P. White Leghorns University of British Columbia Strain Large birds and Splendid Layers BABY CHICKS, $15 per Hundred HATCHING EGGS, $7 per Hundred Smaller lots at slightly higher price. Order ahead as supply is limited DR. MOIR'S FARM Phone 1 on 85 Hensall. 3251-4 DEMONSTRATIO ROGERS BRUSH- ING LACQUER Dries while you wait—for Furniture and Bric-a-Brac. ROGERS POLISH A high grade Polish for all surfaces. QUICKOTE Four Hour Enamel for any interior finish. NEU-VAR A Four Hour Varnish for general use. NEU-GLOS Medium Gloss, Quick Drying Interior Enamel Finish. MARBLE -ITE In a class by itself as a - Floor Varnish. WOOD -LAC VARNISH STAIN A Varnish and Stain com- bined, for new or old work. NEU-TONE An Oil Paint for Flat Wall Finish. AGOOD Paint, Varnish or Lacquer, if properly applied, will pro - duce a beautiful finish on any surface • You need not hesitate to attempt any painting or varnishing job, providing you obtain the proper product and know how it is to be used • You are desirous at times of doing over some article of furniture„ your woodwork or your floors, but you hesitate, not being sure of your ability to bring about the finish wanted. IMPROVED SERVICE IN OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT We have been careful in selecting the MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE line of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers, and are convinced we can pass on to our customers the best obtainable • The Martin-Senour Co. is just as anxious as we are that you becomi fully acquainted with their various products, and have arranged for their representative to be at our store on the following dates to demonstrate and give complete instructions on the application of any one of their products • Be sure and bring in your painting problems at this time • We are assured that advice of any nature will be gladly given. To further advertise Martin-Senour Products in our locality, we offer you the Coupon below • We do this, believing that those of you who have not been in the habit of using these high grade goods will be so well satisfied after your purchase that you will become a regular paint customer. MARTIN-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT —SPEAKS FOR ITSELF REMEMBER THE DATES APRIL 8th AND 9th Coupon Redeemable On De- monstration Dates Only. THIS COUPON ENTITLES ME TO A REBATE OF 25 CENTS ON THE PRICE OF ANY MARTIN-SENOUR PRODUCT Name Address Geo D. Ferguson & Co. Seaforth, Ontario ?s. Draining season is almost here, Get,. yiour Tile early. We have the following sizes in stock; -- 3 -inch, $18.00 per Thousand = 4 -inch, $25.00 per Thousand ,i -inch, $30.00 per Thousand 6 -inch, $50.00 per Thousand We are prepared to give our immediate attention to orders for sizes up to 16 inches. R: FROST & SON Manufacturers of Concrete Tile and • Blocks SEAFORTH, ONT. 11o,1ihy1N amafrlulatl n rll)E'f Emil gild tag'itogr' 1,0rt nil+ "13wy41" lux g,Rornoci ts, F1' 13tgc dens W{e a11So 11;itas4 cod liver oil, oyster shell,, We will have a litnited spact g, cents per egg. Now is 'the .time to order your. Baby! y (is,. layers, when egg prices. are high and to re broilers. , ' :,4,,.a' SUNNYVALE POULTRYT RN ANDREW A. *0 it ii ars PHONE 137 r 3 It, R.' 3,Ek.rne Ontario Breeding Station INEXPERIENCED AMBITIOUS MEN, QUALIFY FOR $5 TO $10 DAILY Wanted for jobs at Garage work, Igni- tion, Battery, Acetylene -Electric Weld- ing, Electrical and Aviation Experts. Short, practical training. Part time pay while learning. Increase your earnings. Be independent. Steadier employment. ACT NOW. Write or call for application., Commercial Engineering Limited, 57 Queen W., Tor•ento. 8251-4 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders marked "Gravel Crusher Tender" will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, April 24th. at 3 o'clock p.m. for furnishing power and operating the gravel crusher for the Township of Hullett for the coming season. Separate tenders for operat- ing and furnishing power may be considered. Operator to furnish all necessary men and teams to keep the plant running to full ca- pacity, and have the crushed material in the bins ready for hauling. Contractor for power to furnish either 30 H.P. gasoline or 20 H.P. steam. Operator to clean off all surface soil and keep the pit in proper repair. Also at the same time tenders will be received for the delivery .by truckl of not more than 1/ yards capacity, of the crushed gravel at a price per yard per mile haul. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifica- tions may be seen at the office of the under- signed. JOHN FINGLAND, Clerk of Hullett. 3251-3 FARM FOR SALE Desirable farm for sale on the Provincial Highway, a mile and a half west of Sea - forth, Ont. 200 acres being Lots 17 and 18, H.R.S., Concession 1, Tuckersmith. This is a very fine farm, being well drained and fenced and in a good state of cultivation. On the farm are a splendid brick house with modern conveniences, two good bank barns. large driving shed and two artesian wells. This farm must be sold to close up the es- tate of the late Joseph Fowler. Further par- ticulars may be had on applying at the premises or to JOHN H. BEST, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated March 27th, 1930. 3250-tf NOTICE TO .CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AMBROSE MARTIN HILL, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Shoe -repairer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all credi- tors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of Ambrose Martin Hill, who died on or about the Fourteenth day of January, 1930, at the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, are required on or before the 19th day of April, 1930, to Beni by post, prepaid to James Hill, Port Elgin, Ont., their names and addresses in full an 1 their accounts in writing. AND TAKE NOTICE that after that date the said Administrator will proceed to dis- tribute all assets, having regard only to claims received. JAMES HILL, Administrator, Port Elgin, Ont. W. R. TOMLINSON, Solicitor for said Administrator. DATED at Port Elgin, this 26th day of March. 1930. 3250-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of John Engeland, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of Decem- ber, 1929, are required to forward their claims duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 12th day of April, 1930. And notice is further given that after' the snid date the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED this 24th day of March, 1030. MRS. CAROLINE ENGELAND, Zurich, Ont. JOHN JACOB, Clinton, Ont. .. HENRY ADKINS, Hensall, Ont. GEORGE LiNK, Dashwood, Ont. Executors. 3250-2 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -50 ACRES ON EAS1 half Lot 22. Concession 5, McKillop, grass farm, orchard; good water and plenty of it. Apply to THOMAS HABKIRK, Box 305, Seaforth. Phone 364. 8242-tf FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. -100 acre: Lot 11, Concession 5. McKillop. On form ex, a bank barn 4.4x68 on stone founda- tion: cement hog and hen house; a 5 -rooms, frame house and kitchen. Farm is all seed- ed end has good supply of water, and i.f not sold will be rented for grass. a For particular,, apply to MRS. MARY GiVLIN, Goderich St. East. Seaforth. 3249-tf FARMS FOR SALE.- A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships of Usborne. Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter, Ont. 3068-tf of BRED -TO -LAY BARRED ROCKS BABY CHICKS—STARTED CHICKS We have 150 chicks for sale that are started in 'battery brooders under the most sanitary condition, ready to go out this week. Drop in and see these Chicks. Beak orders now for your supply of April day-old Chicks as we are nearly sold out. Our breeding stock is of the high- est quality, only our own eggs used for hatching. Plant under supervision of the O. A. C., Guelph. Located one block north of new Hospital. 0. F1 Siegrist BOX 173, SEAFORTH. Phone 304 FARM FOR SALE.-- FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29. Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acre and known as the T, E. H1ays farm. Must elm sold to close the estate. If net sold will lee rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor. Sea. forth. 3203-tf D. H. MCINNES Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustment 'given for diseases of all kinds. 3054-tf Notice to Public Having disposed of my grocery business to Mr. Archie Jeffrey, all accounts must be paid by April 15th. Accounts may be paid at the store of Mr. Jeffrey, Main Street, Seaforth. W. M. STEWART 3249-3 FARM FOR SALE. — MY TIME BEING taken up with other business, I am of- fering my farm of 100 acres working land for sale; one-quarter mile from Seaforth; well watered and in first class agricultural condi- tion. Buildings beautifully situated and com- modious. Farm has always been heavily stocked with dairy cattle and hogs. Suitable terms to reliable parties. Phone 25 or 24-148 for appointments. Apply to J. A. McKENZIE, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, $282-tf For Sale Or Rent. FARM FOR SALE. -e100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron ; 2 storey brick house, barn 135x60 on stone foundation ; another building 26a56; windmill. drilled well ; 30 scree plowed, balance has been under pasture for several years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pos- session first of March. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, It. R. No. 3, Walton, 3186-tf The Residence of Miss Alice Archibald, Goderich St. East. Possession on May 1st. This is choice property and will be sold at a low figure. If not sold will he rented. Apply to A. 'D. SUTHERLAND , Insurance, Real Estate, Etc. PHONE 152 Fertilizer News Have you bought your Fertilizer? We shall he pleased to fill your orders for high quality plant food, at the fol- lowing prices, off car. Tennessee Natural 33 per cent phos- phate, the cheapest source of plar.t food to the farmer. Use it with your manure, it will save you buying a fer- tilizer drill. Price. cash, $30.00 per ton. October 1st, $31.50. TANC,UAY — A French Fertilizer manufactured in Quebec City, A 1 Quality. 0.12.5—Cash $30 your note to Oct. 1. $31.:10 2-8-4— " $33 $315,00 2-12-2— " $35 $37.00 2-12-6— " $38 " " $40.00 Armour's High Analysis 2-16-8— " $49 " " $51.00 4 16 4— " $53 " " $55,00 6-16-12— " $70 " " $72.00 Nitrate of' Sada in ton lots ...$65.00 Smaller Lots, $70.00. Aero Brand Agricultural Limestone, an all Canadian Product. ECKER. Chick Hatching and Breed BRED -TO -LAY S. C. W. LE E, O. A. C. BARRED ROC If you want better quality e from . a carefully culled and /asp ,. flock of high egg ppoduetion and, high t grading, our Chicks bring greater pro. fits. Hens mated to male birds whose records run from 250 to 316 eggs. Here is what one of our customers says: J. A. Eckart: Dear Sir—I thought I must tell you how well those Baby Chicks did that I got from' you jassfr year. First we only ordered twenty- five. They were such smart, healthy chicks we ordered three hundred more. We raised almost ninety per cent. of those. I am so pleased with them that I intend ordering 500 baby chicks early this year. Yours truly, Mrs. Ed- O'Hearn." Book your order now for Baby Chicks, three-week old Chickens and eight-week old Pullets. Send for Circular. Visitors wet. come. Phone 23-23, Dublin. J. A. Eckert R. R. NO. 1, DUBLIN, ONT. 3248-8 Automobile Insurance. We issue the Standard Policies of the PROVINCIAL - INSURANCE COMPANY OF ENGLAND One of the few British Companies operating in Canada to -day, at Non -Tariff Rates 1/2 ton " $4.50 1 " $8.00 " $8,75 5 " $7.75 " $8.00 10 $7.50 " P, $7.75 30 ' ton car $7.00 If stored fifty cents extra. We de- liver to you for one dollar per ton. We guarantee our Fertilizers and will put them ton for ton of the. same ana- lysis against 'any offered by competi- tors. Yours for Service and a bumper crop, William M. Sproat This means a saving in premiutm to you with protection, security and the night and day service of this of- fice. Call, phone or write us for full in- formation, rates, etc. Our services are at your disposal at any time. A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance, Conveyancing,' Real Estate, Investments, Etc. PHONE 152 : SEAFORTH, ONT. O 0000000000000 W. J. Walker & Son O o O W. J. Walker, Funeral 0 O Director and Embalmer. O O 0 O Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars or flowers furnished 'O O as requested. O O Day or Night, phone 67. 0 O 0 • 000 00 -00000 O 000000000000 W. T. BOX &C . O - Funeral Director an O O Licensed Embalmer 0 O H, C. BOX O O Best Motor and Horse -dr wn O O equipment. O O Charges moderate. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O O Night Calls Day Calls O O Phone 175 Phone 43 O O O 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 O TILE MFGR. PHONE 136 r 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 O O W. J. CLEARY , Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Up-to-date Horse and Motor Equipment. O O O 0 0 O O Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five acres, one mild from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, 2953-tf Seaforth, Ont. THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan • SEAFORTR., ONTARIO Phone 91 i4