The Huron Expositor, 1929-11-01, Page 3sortmen
Poo 4Lk rap
Every O e Perf cdy Tailored Every Om New S yl
Eve97 " O e a, Woodier Vtlm
R. RI Jae a Eannages
unable to lift them from the plinks:
But performers like Barre, Cyr, Aug-
ust e
h�voi i Serious Results by Using others needed no tri hleCyr'yr's g and
�::.. Iby's Own Tablets. est lift, made at the museum of Aus-
tin and Stone, was 4,300- pounds.
Eighteen of the .burliest men in the
audience were invited • to take their
places upon a platform set upon thigh
ming nose, prompt measures for re- trestles. Says Mr. Lambert: "Louis
)lief may avert serious results. Moth- bent underneath, :braced his hands up-
ers should always have on hand , on an oaken stool, spread his legs
some simple safe and effective reme- slightly and then shoved his back a-
aiy for immediate:use. gainst the platform, lifting it clean -
Baby's Own Tablets act quickly, ly."
contain no opiates or narcotics, are 'This was perhaps the greatest lift
tasteless and 'harmless. Concern- ever achieved. August Johnson's
-ling them 'Mrs. Jos. Cadicc x, Holyoke, greatest performance was to jerk 347
Mass., says "I have used Baby's poundsoverhead using both hand
Own Tablets for my children and In overhead lifts Cyr was surpassed
Sid them a very satisfactory medi- by Otto, or Arthur ashe called him -
cine. Wlhen my little boy had ' a self in the United States. With one
seok1 I gave him the Tablets at night hand he raised from the shoulder up -
and he was well the next day, L gave ward a weight of 371 pounds. The
them to the children for constipation nearest anyone ever came to this was
and they are always benefitted. I similarly to press 306 pounds. Trans -
think Baby's Own Tablets are much lated to another field of athletic en -
,easier to give a child than liquid deavor, Arthur's feat was comparable
medicine, I strongly recommend all to •a sprinter running 104) yards in
mothers who have young children to nine and two-fifths seconds. The
/seep a box of the Tablets in the greatest of •the strong men for in-
lhonse, telligence and his influence upon the
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by development of other strong men was
all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Prof. Attila, born Louis LDuraacher.
cents a box from The Dr. Williams' He introduced the science of strength
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. into Europe, appeared before Queen
Victoria and had as : his pupils at
various times the present King of
England; old King Christian of Den-
mark and his six children, three of
LONGER THRILLING whom became crowned heads; the
late Empress of Russia; Lord Lens -
,When we come to think of it, a con- dale, . Alfred Vanderbilt, Oscar ll am-"
tsiderable period has elapsed since we merstein, Souse, the lothschflde, Jim
]have pard money to see a strong man Corbett and scores of other celehri-
twist steel bars in his hands, or ties.
break handcuffs and raise a consider- He also developed Sanders., Cyr, Ito -
able section of the audience on his lando, Barre, Desbonnet and. Samp-
k. The truth is that the profes- son. Besides being perhaps the
sional strong, man has gone out of. strongest Cyr was the most vivid of
fashion except among readers of the the ibehemoths. His wife was a
lBernarr Macfadden publications, and small woman and when presenting a
the reason is given by Joe Lani�bert, stranger to her it was his fashion to
lhimself a champion lightweight sweep her from her feet and extend
strong man, in the Saturday Evening her sitting on the palm of his hand
7orat. Why has the world Lost its ap- as though he were tendering•,a visit-
rpreciation of men who can lift huge ing card. fHe was a mass of a man
-weights? Why is it that youths in- and when in 'his prime weighed 360
stead of learning to play the dance pounds, his height being just an inch
saxophone or practising the latest short of seven feet. He looked short-
tdance steps are not before their mir- er because of his tremendous cle-
arers making their muscles tense and velopment. !Cyr, like most of the
drowning portentously? Labor saving other professionals, was a glutton
machinery, is the sufficient answer. and ate himself to death. His libe-
2In the days when the nien worked tions were merely incidental to his
^with! their hands and even swung Gargantuan meals, each of which
their whole body into daily tasks, would satisfy one of the more raven -
they could admire the man who could ous families in a Chinese famine ar-
lhoist a sack of flour over his head or ea. He died on November 10th. 1912,
stand one barrel of sugar on the top at the age of 49, weighing more than
,a)f another. Nowadays machinery 400 pounds, a victim of chronic
aloes all that sort of thing much het- nephritis.
'hes than the strongest man.
,race Barre, a French-Canadian
partner of Louis Cyr, one of the
'strongest men who ever lived, and al-
so a French-Canadian, twice should-
ered a dumbell weighing 1,200 pounds
land carried it the length of a gymn-
:asium. Join Marz, it is said, once
:split an American dime with his hands
—an enormous feat, if it is "true. But
as Mr. Lambert says, '"Whist do
'these things mean to -day? The
strong man's only hope, alas, is to
"lift the derrick that puts him to
Shaane." Mr. Larnberk's own case
?proves his points. He was a circus
lheadliner, and one of the .strongest
nen in the world for his weight, but
when his nerve was shaken by a
fatal accident to one of the acrobats
*working with hm, and he left the
.circus, about the only job he could
get was that of a laborer. In the
war, where one would think strong Use a bottle brush to clean out the
mien would be in .particular demand, waste pipe in the wash 'basin, it
the 'best he could do was to work in reaches down into the pipe and re -
'the Ford plant. moves any obstacle which closes the
Another reason for the dacy of the flow.
Bads with the bulging muscles is the
'hanky panky with which many of
their performances used to be at •
tended. Mr. Lambert tells of one
strong man he knew who used to
perform seemingly incredible feats
with a great steel 'bar. When le had
I1niished he would lay the bar on the
loor and invite the audience to du}ali-
Keate his performance. The lads who
tried to follow never noticed that
half the bar extended into the wings.
Nor did they knot that the bar was
'hollow and that ar energetic assist-
ant forthwith vaniraed a solid rod of
iron into the apewtvre. Another trick
was made possfbte toy the sharp spikes
-with which the stHamV ?Hada used to
arm their dun bells„ .At the end of
'their perforcni4nee the,' (molt," drop
theme to die OW r4t t :readt, and
the aplrtea vio¢i'lldthairthaelit.,
'the wood. When r;r,'natttrp vatt+
vited to come forward. and for v t
the ,bells they 'vo d thein tglvel
When a child shows the first symp-
tom of a cold, such as sneezing,
ztedness of the eyes, clogged or run -
A Laundry Hint.
In lining a clothes basket, inste:.
of using paper, which sometimes
marks the clothes when they are wet,
use a piece of white table oilcloth.
Sew tapes to the four corners of the
oilcloth and tie in place.
Cleaning Coil i:. d Springs.
ed springs can be cleaned thor-
oughly by using an ordinary bottle
brush with a handle about ten iauches
long. This brush will fit into every
coal and wire separately as well as
removing all dust from bands which
hold the coils in place.
Waste Pipes.
Six different kinds of trouble can
be attributed to missing spark plugs.
These are;
Sluggish engine.
Slow pick-up.
Loss of power.
Hard, starting.
Engine loses power on hard pulls
and cuts out at high speeds.
'Incomplete combustion, gas gets in-
to crankcase, dilutes the oil and causes
formation of eanbon, elrcessave wear
on pistons, cylinder walls and bear -
Before taking up gnll2 the av ane
man is inclined to thhd the patina rho
easy, rematks sa aporttt em1itor. fft°d
the same when a mown Grit SW= ax2
remarriage. -...else PhOdzig MOM,
E ARE prepared as never tti-fore tip, =PP
needs of every MEM We enlisted the-,*
adz's greatest manufacturer to put over lt`,i, i sp etaeu
showing. These Overcoats are all of the superior gra
They are all superbly tailored. They 2 e all =Wan
]lined. Every coat has been hand picked., rigidly inspe+
ed --aid found worthy of our Il'abei 4 This is a e most
wonderful Overcoat showing in our burl,. tress, Make "n
your business to see them before buying.
t Yr
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hty Offerjw
n s ..y of
viou Shwi
Hundreds of the Smartest Overcoats await your criti-
cal inspection. New " glues, Greys and all the desired
fancy fabrics, in Tube, (: ox, Raglan or Chestterfieid ma
efts—sturdy, warm, dressy Coats,
iudgmeRyft teH you w
erns to you. in
race ETA
ifirro a d cC me as we I as o
°satisfactory ego Mort and wear°
F YOU WllSH !i M.E