The Huron Expositor, 1929-07-05, Page 8,.. _- . ., ;.. r I . ,.d:, 9 1 I I 1 1 I 1 z ;�11 1:1.i:` V.t W 4,, I �. ' . I - . , 1 is I.. -...- - - -1-1 � -_ - -11-11.1 -111. I ., - .1 , , 1� , , , - A r&ed Mussell rosea and emrnations. 14, " , �,4, * �/1: I tie 1`Jiiiss Rita O'Leary wags flower girl, .":�_ .�i�j;, I � I 11,-"", _:�i�`l,_.lr,l r . I carrying a `basket of sweet peas. The " ,'�� , S orries ` :lti;:', Fi}p,}��ll�ml�a�' groom was attended by ny George 11.11 . �� Vp a SPAQW� w4p.. Get, 70W sup. t�4dlriAtf�1At11 Sheridan. MPs. Coffee presided at fine " tJ rl',cl` IR(d.j 'i'°"`��p` Oman. After the Ceremony a reCep- , S , t + , 1 c� ,Z$ 1P'L>4tMS A,WD FEARS `��� 1 ®�� ��) � � Q tion was held by the bride's parents aalarfDc,®r ........ , at flfy9 Gerrard Street, East. Mrs. Sheridan received in powder blue geor- pll ,,"! 1 a SIOXIS 1Ea.�ZING FQ VMER N071 ON gette. After the reception the bride �a .i.,, The lnak1 a;; powder we have put up and groom left for a motor trip to ( fr cLeressly for ourselves is our hest 'Montreal and a trip through the Thou- tcalller. There is a reason. sand Islands. On their return they The RexaH Toilet Spyecials well reside in Detroit. ,f ,' 11. 410 DATES—The fnnest Haat �i fit Riirlyw; pound .............. CSU ¢➢f1Fer y4D¢a SOaIlIle 1F�SCtraOffdidn- Ff�ged-Married man to run farm. Apply St I} I to E, J. BOX, Seaforth. 8211-tf .:,JpAX'R1Y ]BUTTER ary V&Rues and Money For sale. -A Florence four -burner coal oil S ' • 256 stove, in very Siad condition. Cheap for iAj{,! � per pound ..... y Savers. quick sale. Dr. R. R. Rcss, Seaforth. 312-1 t ( Ii. 6 y 0ORN, IDEAS jolt TOMATOES �C"�' ° good Sconeion; price Bream Apply armtor. x - ,f; `�, Cans for `J BATHING CAII'.� ,rood condition: Hrice $20. RHHly cot 7h® FFvc- goyitor Office. 8212-1 I It41kr ,' Jy�u'U`I°:I%�L 5:1811®E Q�''lrt' .'M — �ilean8 A new assortment Of FffiYacy 1Snmdm¢ 'revflne.--Cmc lolad hinder twine will Oft , t be here before wheat harvest. Come cone act polishes and preserves leather 9 and Plain Caps. your :twine. R. J. McMillan. Phone 12a - of any color (��v 8211-hf : t , - • • • • • • . • " • • • . • • PJdoaraa For 9u➢e.-For Bale, a Sand 8 -foot Il t(3 �CK KITCHEN and �J�DOID Q AT Brantford mower �91ih Hoa harvester attach - " meat. Apply to John Govenlock, Egmo,�l- (3}I,SHED .................... Ville. .,;z 11' w I..1/p�J1�'fljljl 9eL° IY'�°J,•lf°��°� Private Sale, July 9th. consisting of house- -, ' ' nio Gallon Tank for coal oil Arlo ev ll �wuuu }(�1 d ❑ hold furniture, etc., one light oak bedxoom li�ill. OS gasoline suite.L beds, mattresses, springs, bureau. suc TIB(]E Il8IEKALL DRUG STORE leather -,seated oak dining chairs, 1 walnut 1, ti'_ Gallon Tank for Coal Oil OP �JGie�� sideboard book cane, rocking clxaits, kitchen `u " g JJ 5 � PHONE 2l$ : S EA1F®1E TEll chairs, tables, lawn mower, dishes, germ, etc-, R ",... gasoline ............. . . - at residence on rdi>,�h Street. L. Gaetzmeyer- szls-1 N.Bedstead and two sets of springs in t� good condition at less than half __ __ -- Drowned in Texas. -Mrs. James i.price. --"- Beattie received the sad news on Tues- i'a . :j Is o ][District Rebekahs Meet. -The Strat- day of the death, by drowning, of her s, D. Eutc �Il@®11 ford District Rebekah Association brother, Dr. Frank Buggin, of Rose- r.: held a very pleasing afternoon in the bud, Texas. On June 28th, Dr. Bug - III..' 11 ad gone on a ' ' Phone ]Phos IPJhoodl-Il66 i�ddfellows Hail at Mitchell on Wed- gin and some g -;! nesday, June 26th, twenty-five men:- fishing trip to a lake at Marlin. He ?.: bers being present. Owing to the in- was standing in some weeds when he ,' clement weather, it was necessary to became entangled and in attempting Hole 4. hold the gathering in the hall, where to free himself fell into a' deep : �`. indoor sports were held. Past Grinds and being held by the weeds was were present from New Hamburg, drowned before other members of the Stratford, Mitchell and Seaforth. A party could reach him. Dr. Buggin . i'. ) very dainty luncheon was served, and was a son of Rev. Mr. Buggin' and v a 6- all present report a good time, attended school in Seaforth for a num- i ;. ber of years, where he was well known t' House Damaged By ]Fire. -- The and popular. After teaching school D home of Mr. John F. Purcell, Market he graduated from Philadelphia Dent - Street, was ,badly damaged by fire on al College, and 25 years ago purchas- Monday afternoon last. A coal oil ed a practice in Texas, where he had ':' )/ stove in the kitchen exploded about been very successful. Dr. Buggin was ` =1 five o'clock in the evening, and al- in his 6o'th year and is survived by his rI I most immediately the whole room wa,; wife, one daughter, Louise, and an in flames. The firemen made a quick adopted daughter, Lois. He is also D run and soon had the flames under survived by two sisters and two broth- y control, but not before the back part ers, Mrs. Noble, of Portland, Oregon; 1. of the house, including the contents, .Mrs. James Beattie, of Seaforth; Mr. i were burned, and the whole residence William Buggin, of Seattle, and Mr. badly damaged by smoke and water. Fred Buggin, of Edmonton. ,. AREN'T THEY TEMPTING High Mass of Thanksgiving. - On Golf Link ]Events. -A very keenly foursome, . IIff you're fond of sausage and End Sunday, July 7th, at 8 a.m., in St. contested two ball mixed A and gentlemen will i of ladies here � 11 tom ose< � �: James' 'Church, Seaforth, t pg fI4 Pinard to get the kind that tickles be a High Mass of Thanksgiving to players, was held on the ,golf links Brour palate, suppose you try ours for f3 Change; also our home-made God to the restoration to something Wednesday afternoon. (quite a large 11, ((mIlogna. A sample off either will he like normal health, of His Gracious entry of enthusiastic golfers, with 1 10,C3 real treat Majesty, King (George V. This is ideal weather conditions and fairy; ays II have an expert sausage and being done in every Catholic Church and putting greens in perfect shape `` (�mIl®gni aniaker now employed, sand a in Canada at the instance of His Ex- for good playing, resulted in the fol- �naIl order off either vsilIl convince you cellency, Monsignor Cassulo, Apos- lowing scores: There being three ties bfi their merits. tolic Delegate to Canada and New- for first prize, a draw from the hat foundland, ,being the special repres- gave the prize to Mrs. McMurchie 4'.. entative of His Holiness, Pope Pius and Bill Greig; second prize to :41isg -4<l. G505 (C°d, (B.T(olm Xi. Jeffrey and Bub Aberhart; third prize ''''` �� to Miss Jean Cluff and R. M. Jones. '�>X STREET - SIEAFORTBI Lions Swimming Pool. -The Lions Full list of scores:- - Club has received some complaints of Mrs. McMurchie and W. Greig... 49 M. ' 1 PHONE 58 the behaviour of certain boys at the Miss Jeffrey and B. Aberhart.... 49 'q.° pool and in the dressing room. At the Miss Jean Cluff and R. M. Jones.. 49 I;,m,... p g 1Vj' " r •' present time, the committee in charge Miss H. Elcoat and W. Sutherland 52 , does not intend to take any action Mrs. Best and O. Neil ......... 53 r� t:. a c.-•1, with the boys complained of, but it is Mfrs. Neal and G. D. McTaggart.. 5 their wish to remind all bathers that Mrs. C. Stewart and E. Keating.. 5h the pool has been provided for them Mrs. Greig and R. McKenzie.... 55 I11 i "`' I.M ��(� �ffll�Clli'�1ffIlQ°C� at considerable expense, and nothing Miss J. Elcoat & G. D. McTaggart 56 ,, : is asked in return but proper behav- Mrs. Howey and R. E. McKenzie.. 56 PUBLIC LIABILITY iour,-and this the Club insists upon. Miss Graves and T. S. Smith... 57 PROPERTY DAMAGE Parents of bathers are requested to Mrs. Burrows and T. Smith 60 kl; FIRE, THEFT co-operate with the Club by influent- Miss Brown and J. C. t=rets .... 60 COLLISION ing their children to act in correct and -On July 10th, 11th and 12th there seemly manner. will be a large touronut of ladies and �` gentlemen players in a qualifying con- S3sett us explain the coverages and the MclKillopD W. M., S. -The McKillop test for entry into the different club :•'' amount of protection afforded for Branch of the United Church W.M.S. cup competitions. Particulars apply - t fll premium. held their monthly meeting at the ing to these contests are posted up at home of Mrs. G. C. Dale on Thurs- the, club house. .; - day, June 20th. About forty ladies Friday will be Ladies' Day at the 1. were present and a goodly amount Of Golf Club when there will be a com- Zven a minor accident will cost you sewing was done. Mrs. .M. M'CDer- petition, after which tea will he serv- .% r mwm_than the premium on a policy. mid presided and also read the Bible ed, the tables being in charge of Mrs. lesson. There was a duet by Mrs. McMurchie, of Clinton- There will be MrommpDt Settlement off all Claims. Lane and Mrs. Millson. A splendid a second competition on Thursday, A. �. �������� report of the Chatham conference was July 11th, when tea will also be serv- given by Miss Lawrence. Mrs. Lane ed, in charge of Mrs. Earl Bell. N, also gave a short talk on Mrs. Forbes;' c - _� Cetera➢ Insurance, ,Beal ,Estate, address. Both were much enjoyed. Motor Accidents. -On Saturday ev- Connveyan(flhg, ,Etc. There was a pleasing solo by Mrs. ening while Mr. R. J. McMillan was ®NIE Il�2 - SEAIFORTIH1, ONT.N. Carter and Mr. Lane closed with driving west on the highway into Sea prayer. The collection amounted to forth, accompanied by Miss McIntosh, t, $11. Lunch was served and a pleas- his car met with a serious accident, ant social hour spent. About two miles out of town, the driver of a second Car, in attempting ?r,. Women's Missionary Society. -The to pass him, ran off the pavement. To tl. WAMa ®N & IR31iIID Women's Missionary Society of First save himself the driver made a quit Presbyterian Church, held a meeting `turn and his car shot across the roc $IEAIF®IIBTIDI, ® on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting and struck the rear wheel of Mr. Me- .'. t+ lEIIBAL INSURANCE AG]ElT°IPfJ opened with singing a hymn, follow Millan's car;' turning it over in th ed ,by the (Messenger Prayer read by ditch. The car was wrecked and liiis ooptresenting only the best Cann- Mrs. Thomas Dickson. The minutes McIntosh seriously injured. The mo }:" �2&2nn, British a n d Amernesm and treasurer's report were read by ter ambulance of Messrs. S.. T. Holme Y'' Companies. Mrs. R. Smith, and Mrs. T. Swar & Son was sent for and she wa A➢➢ Hide of insurance e9eciled Smith, both of which were very err- quickly taken to the Seaforth Hos at fisc Rawest rates, including- .- couraging. The Bible reading was ,pital, where she is still confined. ' G, R, LIFE, ACCIIIDIBNT, AUTO- read by Mrs. W. E. Broadfoot, follow- -On Monday morning, July 1st, ®1BIILIE, TORNADO AND ]PLATA ed by Hymn 171. Mrs. J. C. Greig fatal motor crash occurred on .the Mil GLASS RNSXS gave a portion of her report of the Road, a mile and a quarter east o . council meeting held at Ottawa, which Brucefield, when Mrs. -Sarah Jane Me- : -Also- was followed by a beautiful solo Iby galls, of Exeter, lost her life. Miss Florence Beattie accompanied rr , P touring car from Exeter, containing yt OMAL 138,TATIE and LOAN AG3NT2 by Mrs. W. A. Wright. The remain- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn, Mr. 'an , ,Prompt httention' paid, to placing der of the report was then given by Mrs. Frank Taylor and Mrs. Flynn' Ilia klc� said adjusting of claims. Mrs. Greig and was very interesting mother, Mrs. McFalls, was going i`'' - Mnoiness established; 50 y®arss, and helpful, as all her reports are. A Kincardine, and owing to the paving 'I?' hearty vote of thanks was tendered construction on the London Road the guaraauteeing good service. (�mG.s for Singer Serving M&Hmm Mrs. Greig by Mrs. James Kerr, sec- had detoured at Kippers to fisc recon ''' . onded by Mrs. J. Patterson. A few concession. They reached the Mil 1, (Company. minutes discussion of the Girls' Work Road corner as a car driven by Mr '� ". OFFICE' PHONE, 33 W Board followed, and the meetingclos- 1�&�SIIh)EN'ClE PHONE, 33 J ed with a hymn and all repeating the Ullrich was proceeding towards Bay z g field and the two cars cradled in th I'j Lord's Prayer. centre of the road. The 'Exeter ca tv:bi, r ti: went Over the ditch and through th GI, Purcell- Sheridan. -A pretty June fence unto the school yard, all th 1i fi �r ^� I� ��, - m —1 b a B UVOKS a a Bola « d GIlkls r —�. 1 We Ilua7p a new list of titles in 1 Boys? and Girls' RIOOlss, These I are triol bound and printed I from clear type. Aust the thing l for Summer reading. Priced at 5(D CENTS EACH r��hompason's 1BOOIKSTQDR E - - SHAFORTH Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at pu'blisher's prices. Local ,Briefs. -Miss Olive .Laidlaw, O Natick, Mass., and Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Toronto, are spending holidays at the home of their mother, Mrs, J. 'C; Laidlaw. -Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson and little daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Baxter spent the week end at Rochester, N. Y Dr, H. J. Hodgins, Mrs. Hodgins and family arrived from Toronto on Saturday.. Dr. Hodlgins returned to Toronto after the holiday, but the family will spend the holidays here. -The 'South Huror. Grand •n held at sra is bel Boys Camp g Bend this week and the C. G. 1. T. Girls are camping at Port Albert. A large number of boys and girls from Seaforth are attending these camps. - Mr. Fred Crich, of Toronto, spent the week end at his home here, - Mrs. Cassels, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. -Mr. Leonard Brown, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents at the Rectory. -Mr. Leslie Kerr, of Queen's University, is spend- ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Dundas 'and family, of To- ronto„ spent the week end with Mr. Dundas' mother here. Mr. and M.rs. George Handley and daughter,-of-Lon- don, aughter, of•London, spent the week end at the par ental home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gem- mell in Tuckersmith. - Mr. R. B. Holmes, of Detroit, spent the holiday at the home of his father, Mr. S. T. Holmes. -Mr. Arthur Scott and two • TScott, Wind- sor, and .Ii. Jas. children ek end with their soy, spent the we Scott, Roxboro. The Mr. John Sco father, , Messrs. Scott sang two well rendered duets and Mr. James Scott a beauti- ful solo in First Presbyterian Church on•,Sunday. Mr. Scott is an old mem- ber of the chair and the congregation was delighted to hear him again. - Mr. and 'Mrs. P. C. Calder, of St. Cath- arines, and hiss Mary Hays, of Kit- chener, were holiday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays. -Master Bruce Wright i!+ spending the holidays at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Chas. Wright. - Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wegg, of Strath- roy, spent the holiday with Mrs. G. D. C. Harn.-MY. J. P. Bell, of To- ronto, and a former well known Sea - forth resident, spent the week end with frien.gg here. He was accom- panied by ,Mrs. Bell. -Miss Jessie and Miss Margaret Smith are spending their holidays with relatives in To- ronto. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goven- lock, of Chicago, and Mrs. Munn, of New Westminster, T. C., spent a few daysithis weeld at the home of Mr. G,)v- enlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock. - Mr. George Hubbard, Deputy Reeve of Howick, was a caller at The Expositor Office on Wednes- day. -Mrs. Sclater, Miss SclatNr ant Miss Robertson, of St. Marys, wer( guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Finlayson on Tuesday. -Mr. anc Mrs. Roy Nelson and daughter, Har. garet, of North Bay, spent the boli. day with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. James Nelson, Victork Street. Mr. Nelson returned on Tues day but Mrs. Nelson and daugbtel will remain for a month. -Mr. an( Mrs. T. G. Scott, Mr. Walter Scot and Mrs. A. Forsyth, of Tuckersmith spent the week end in Detroit witl their sons. -Dr. Helen Manchester, o' Toronto, is the guest of Miss Beulal Scott, of Hullett.- Mr, and Mrs. T Hamilton have returned to Toronto after spending the holiday with' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mero.--Mr k W. J. Hays, Detroit, 'Mr. W. Hays d Lipton, Sask., and Mss. Garden, o Acton, are guests at the home of Ma e and Mrs. James Hays, Egmondville.- s Mrs. W. Fowler, of Leamington, i the guest of Mrs. J. Millson.--'Mrs. W Holmes K. Ireland, 'Climax, Sask., and Mrs. J s Ireland, of Detroit, Minnesota, art guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Adam Hays.'Miss Edith Govenlock a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gov 1 enlock, sailed on June 29th from rue f A 1FUNl . IFUNNY1 1FUNNItHl g FUNNIEST? UncrHe Mummyd The Screen's Greatest Character 1 Commednam, in e Do YOUR DU UP r Comical Chirlie, as a New YoT e cop, vamped by a bobbed hair band: e while the crooks make the big hall fir. "i M ®Mq 10.btS1LV IK9q -was as solemnized at St. occupants berms seriously injured, But does he get his man? nU " AGEI\\\T(CY Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, by Rev. Mrs. McFalls dying a few minutes af- ,. it Father Burnett, when 'Mary Teresa ter being removed from the car. Mrs. It's thrill -feel, tear -feel, laugh -fee Sheridan, only daughter of Mr. and Taylor suffered a fractured knee and �1llSBilli efince Of all �c rods. _ Mrs. Laurence Sheridan, 9�ghlrand internal injuries; Mr. Taylor was in- ��®W ��eAY�Qit t ; ]Bondi ReAl Estate bark, Detroit, became the 'bride of jured internally and was unconscious , . ' Money 1� ®NTLI Joseph Purcell, of Detroit, son of ]ver. John Purcell, Seaforth. The bride, for. some hours, while Mr. Flynn, the driver the Mrs. Flynn , 141. 82�,LA°�j]�°j EH, ONTARH® who was given away by her father, of oar and were badly cut and bruised. 'In the Seb- Monday, Tu lsmy mnnm7 �'fi7ednesdlag ,v was charmingly gowned in white brid- ringville car only one occupant, Miss IIDOLOIIt l�� C�7PIELLO ai,���� al satin trimmed with lace. A veil of Seebach, escaped injury. Th® other ' A "'. Brussels net edged with heavy lace, Occupants, lifer. Aandre�ry Ullrich, Mr. CONIR�ADD NAQl11iL ,,; avis arranged in cap effect, with or- Eckert and Miss U117ich were cut and ange blossoms and pearls, and she car- bruised. The 'body of Mro. Xcrells An ,• . 4, y1'; A AW tied a shower boutluet 'iif butterfly roses and baby's breath. She 'V= tat- was taken to Exeter In S. T. ririlolmes & .Son's ambulm a from '�ealortb, ectad o (Glop, � eta ., , - temded by her cousin, Mico foohel the other in,jumd were t6akd a to thein . ' i o("l t • t, o -gni o y � ' 'uhf kt T odbam ma mid o�2 Inonor, lrxe't�inl�7 -mad in Ito 2071 laoaeueo O z to tla®' Imof�ipntall, d:osromelr Dr. l' S. r ot`✓o, of Senfor n, mull A story Of tt �o �ntrtsb Oil Napoleon C bra, , �g , go eyed cPr over Va lb ,vAtFa lint to - . hold] fiaqueot� in Vh11r0o BCmll, Chase board. A6, +�d'l'i I __* i,' it v satin, and alaoeo &%a Sire bhGart rood a>ra '3Brruceflald, 'Ci Oat cG V, Std? ildi�la/'p 1F'TOM the fg,rdQua et45 oua�21 a1 i-, , d' ; v� _ lf, � �' fa=1 .. ' ,: y.) . " ' .,kk,y,, � _ � , I. mnctdh, e�an tismiro ab 1`J�iido Ydtelcrs /ayo, acme ba a lare€Mtl /y y '(�i�"• AOn wlaels tine ffiIIIl } 11 eo `mf or"Ga Yp1C p,} {q p n '1V1L�i�r�irCi.'1Qi ., ...` r :' IOry'1+_,yt„ ,;'�y,, r -; tl ° i'J v 'i' ,y 'LIYQ�sil i'�.ria�-atll''.rLaiil., `LY91L1".A3LL', r�x'&i�effi, S9TF ® irLiflil�%rf.�i'L 1r,L, L-il.U�'.' SE �0pllfl".,Gr6P6, �r°�'ti+'�!)��i � �, Jat�7 PRINCESE. '• r I is ap tilt,, � OL $"l m : JlclQb 1Lt L� �+lS 1� ' E yd " 4Dallaio . &'d"d O¢ y 1+ na lei. lI+a11 g� 16 V4lco u x pc sulci, %WVY u 100A . , 0 n .„ . J .ga villt, vin f n� dl o 1A, Asti vm> dat. o nd Jolafm ttt alta. a ; r i;, d r M a. t : I` 1 I ',)., 1 I ` 1,§ :. ., t ...;, ; r ., I I' `'.:r pt J 1 , , `� 1 r p.. 1 Ir ,, 1 II sc on the S, $• ueaiaa der smpea; ' ad will also yiait the battl*14%_ fr. and Mrs,. James Nelson and Mr. ad Mrs. Roy Nelson and daughter pent Sunday with friends in spina- am and vicinity+�Mre. S. Flynn and figs Flynn, of Waterloo, spent the +eels end with Miss Belle Ballantyne. -Mrs. Robert Fraser, Mrp. E. Ritchie, 'I Ir. and Mrs. A. Fletcher and family; &r. and Mrs. E. Humbey and soca; ,?r. V. Elliott and Mr. Norman Duppee attended the funeral of the late Mrs. fames McDermitt, of Fordwich, on 11 Chursday of last week. -Mrs. J. O. lose and two granddaughters, Miss lean and Miss Catherine Brerton, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie, of Toronto, were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fohn Beattie. -Mrs. R. H. Sproat is visiting with,friends in Detroit. -Ur. A.. Mero, of Goderich, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hero. 'Mr. and Mrs. 'George Allen, A Detroit, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mas. R. F. Jones. -+Miss Cora Strong and Miss Elva Jefferson are in Toronto taking a course in vocal music. -Miss Mary Matthews spent the week end with friends in Detroit. -Mrs. Miller Ad- ams has returned from spending a holiday with Miss Verna Adams, Port Colborne, motoring through the Raw- ar•tha Lakes District. -Mrs. E. Geddes and son, Stewart, were in Bayfield on Sunday. Her daughter, Miss Mary, who was visiting with friends there, returned with them. -Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Hamilton, were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell. -Miss Ria Hills of Oshawa, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hills, Egmondville.-Miss Mae Mc'Clinehey, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McClinchey. - Mr. James 'Scott, of Edmonton, is visiting with friends here. Mr. Scott came east to attend the reunion of S. S. No. 2, -McKillop, and his many old friends here are delighted to see him again and to see him looking so well -4Miss Marjorie Brown and Mr. W. Godfrey, of Toronto, spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Brown at the Rectory. -Miss K. Graham, of Ottawa, is the guest of Miss Gladys McPhee .---4Mr. Arvin Sillery, of Lon- don, is spending the holidays with his mother here. -Mr. Arthur Ament, of Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. -:Mr. A. Reynolds, Man- ager of the Bank of Commerce, Peter- boro,°spent the week end here. Mr. J Reynolds had just returned from Mil - Y waukee where he was attending the Kiwanis' Convention. Mrs. Reyroids and children who spent a 'week with p l h Mrs. Reynold's parents, Mr. and airs. G. A. Sills, returned to Peterboro with him on Monday. -Mrs. L. Bry- done and two daughters, Doris and Florence, and Miss Steinhamer, mot- ored from 'Seattle and are spending a weak here. Mrs. Brydone was born in Seaforth, but had not been back since she left with her husband 33 years ago. She is a granddaughter of the late' -Adolphe Meyers, one of the prominent early settlers of this district. --Rev. W. D. McDonald, Mrs. McDonald and family left on Wednes- day for their new home in Agincourt, -Miss Bessie Grieve, Miss Margaret Grieve, Miss Mary Stewart and MisF Mary Jackson are taking a summer course at Toronto University. - 1Vliss Watson, of Port Arthur, is spending the holidays at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. James Watson. -,Miss M. H Young leaves on Saturday to spend a few weeks in Muskoka. -Miss Rich- mond, of Galt, was a week end guest at the home of the Misses Young. - Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and children of Owen Sound, were the guests of Rev. I. B. Kaine and Mrs. Kaine a{ the Manse this weep. - Dr. AubrPg Crich, of Toronto, spent the week enc at his home here. -Mrs. Alex. Lower3 left on Saturday for Grosse Isle Michigan, where she will spend a fev weeks with her daughter, ,Mrs. Gor don Little. -Miss Madeline Fitzgerald L.L.C.M., of London, rendered mos beautifully Stearns' "O Salutaris"il St. James' Church on Sunday. - Mr and Mrs. James Lockhart and daugh ter, Mrs. W. J. Scott, of Sarnia, an visiting with Seaforth friends. The, came to attend the reunion of S. S I No. 2, McKillop. -Mrs. Murray, o Pittsburg, is a 'guest at the home o, , Miss Davidson. - Messrs. Ford ani • Alex. Aitcheson, who were here at tending the funeral of their sister the late Mrs. L. Worden, have re turned to their home in Rosetowr Sask. 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flannery . of Detroit, spent the week end at th ; home of Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery -Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Olui3f were is B'oronfo this week. -Mr. Don Kerslak and sister, Miss Dorothy, of Tor„nt( and Mr. Fred. Colquhoun, of Winni , 'peg, spent the 'week end at the born - of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake.- - Miss Helen Crich is visiting with Tc ronto friends this week.-iMiss lGrac Dickson and Miss Helen Kay, of Strat ford, were guests at the home of Mr: J- H. Broadfoot this week. -'Mrs an Mrs. N. T. 'Ives and Miss Margar( and Miss J. Knechtel, of St. Cathai ines, are guests at the home of M; and Mrs. W. Knechtel, in Egmondvilli -Miss Audrey Summers, of Detroi is a guest at the home of Mr. an Mrs. A. F. Cluff.-Miss Jean Govea lock, of Windsor, and Miss Not Govenlock, of Ottawa, are guests E the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. I k Hinchley. t 1. Vr✓ A1' (DI� 1. Y. P. S. -The Young People's SI ciety of Duff's United Church, Wa ton, held their regular meeting in U auditorium of the church, before cla'. Ing for the month of July and Auguz The young ladies of the society ht charge of the service. The presiders Miss ]Edna Reid, presided. Mrs. Leor and Leeming led in prayer and, Mi; Ferne_Lowe read the Scripture lesso The topic for the evening vans qei ably Igive�by Miss Helen Banker, i ]Brussels. -kiss Umbel Ltvingstone.i Kimburrn, gave an inspiring aaddr°,i about the work that is ,being carrels ° on in th© Indian Maooiorn Seboolo i British Columbia, W&20 al V M0 towber for some time. 06 Clean aao>moi'oted of the scums laa ,f' tl soeimty and Wgri asoiated Ilayp to Iroi,�elsi0' errs' Consisting of Moo 1+11'as?6�11 r m4 Of afm'rth, Cind 1`J,Ce QVIe. ,28 1*9 imoolm ,aad well Mao, , df Wdltoi . it I ! r: u I I'. e f II I 'I s. t 'l F' I i �! I�:�F. gym. .. r, , Solid LeastherSillcalo �Kaud Bads � � Bed Spreads Values to 72f/ x € 01" - $2.50 each — ` Beat Shades • 3. Now $1,49 $3.95 Each a rel*) J k , _ - PP I) I 01 1`0 Mcg �Q � p /it . W I ,' S m ® �' �. o ® ® ® 6ev ' 0/9 o i 0 ® / ® ° ° - ° ® V ® I G 1 L, p �o. I Ilfu � ® wmsh �I��br�� v rIlC�S l l fah- aIl� au 0.�I ( keep o� no 88,5TO 1, Qo a ,base I o o o o k,�..i. i a� o c o� Y /AP) 'Ili I d n , ` Came anal . o0 ll` ° o r y �l Make I1, 9��edolms I 10" Q� 1 °�' O g z:` G L'' . i�lI 1 C, c.: I�NOW r. U At 45c—Rayonbean silks, an ideal fabricforchildren's wear, slips, etc - At 25c— Special yard -wide Dimity in white, nile, mink, peach, maize, Mauve, etc. At 55c—,Polly ]Primum Voiles, guaranteed fast, in partic- ularly pleasing patterns and color tones. ' ;` . At 19c—Scotch Ginghams, 32" wide, fine even weave, dependable quality, good patterns. At 20c—good quality Prints, 30" to 36" wide, last col- . � ors, this season's best patterns. At 59c—Peter ,Pan ,Prints, a wonderful 32" fabric, is guaranteed tub -fast, patterns you'll like. At 43c—Agathe Percale. the guaranteed Washallfidd ,Print, 36" wide, absolutely fast colors. At 75c and 85c--IB>roadwa,le and ]Eine Cord ,Piques, in white grounds with ,many -toned p a t t e r n s i painted thereon. A popular fabric for the smart ensemble. l At 59c—Wendy ,Batiste, an unusually attractive sum- i comer fabric, fast colors. We have only listed some of the many attractive sumrn- maer fabrics on sale here. Come in and see , them a,ll. - a. . J MaIrDTA,V�SH : f�j - : I. II . - Solos were rendered by Miss a -Bila ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bbl= Lawson and Mrs. Colin Fingland. Two ton. -Wesley Hackwell accompanieoS ' choruses were given by the choir, by his 'mother, Mrs. William Hackwa% . "Crown Him Ding of Kings,90 and spent Sunday visiting Mr. and l frs_ "Saviour to Thy Dear Name VV a Frank Hackwell, of Ethel. -+Mr. anldl ,Raise." A duet was given by Misses Mrs. Jaynes Bishop visited friends in, 1 Janet and Isabel Ritchie. The offer- Molesworth and Palmerston on Sun- ing was received' by four of the day. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Sollier Sana 'girls: Misses Flora Harris, Ethel little son, Kenneth, accompanied by- - Shaw, Isabel Farquharson and Edith Mrs. Sohier's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. ,Ennis, during which the orchestra Thomas Clark, are visiting with Mr- - played a very pleasing number. .Miss and Mss. George N. Clark, of Nlo- Gertrude Miller acted as organist. towel. -The many friends of Miss. e Notes. -Ms's. George Hood, of Port Susan Driscoll are sorry to learn that: - McNichol, is visiting 'Mrs. William she has • been very ' ill. -Miss Marg 1 Murray. -George Wells and two ,sons, Dickson, of Seaforth, spent the holi- d of Toronto, spent the week end with day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid tfriends in Walton. -George Felrguson Miss Ruby Young, of Ateinolite, mr- ` of Toronto, and Misses Annie avid rived here on Monday to spend herr Maude Ferguson, of Seaforth, called vacation with her parents, Mr. ands l• on friends here Saturday evening:--- Mrs. Thomas Young. -Mr. • and Mrs ''Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Porigar, of ,Detroit, William Hoggarth and son, Bruce, of'd who have been visiting Mrs. Bori- London, visited relatirves in this vi- ,- ,gar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- cinity over the week end. = Thomeas- a Donald, Have returned to Detroit. -.J. Rands and Miss Mayrbelle Rands, off' ;t Bolton and Miss J. Dickerson, of Ro- Seaforth, visited with Mr. and 1,/20' l. chester, N. Y., are visiting Mr. Bol- George McTaggart, recently. 1-I wolycrton D t. 09 , 9 Seaforth�ontco) M N®°l ECE .. .' 0--Ammg Soo Q0 kis tDil as V0 area commpolately 0v0rrkaan➢lmg clod r amm - bf ZtTlIC M9 6`37 60121CGRth plamtt, tre AMIR as >mmaNG thio yang CFnopmtaime b f nnrntnl elli rthe r metice. M d WIZ KAVM A GOOD. 17 DIP �'1%41U 1°i , M-AI4r1rDI A ny p��y�� Oyy,�,f�^��yy��Dp�/s• TO, 'OAA 01101 '� AD110 �L�OTtalf 0A11 B,y1:. /�{� ILL 2q'�`.,'�".",�,�{,uu'+ ��,ut�-•-+k1'�In' .....................:1 p .. a .... r • . y�,'�(}epee 1, .'"y'.v^w-.,,Lu tem to j���ljA,}}tfyU��Yp�,yqp �}1�7��¢%qyyIWT .II,}}�,,�y. _ a sp s b ..... o .. a n a eo e b a• n c � a e.(��f tyeV �y�g t�^�({s /,iyy M�Qll �_ :Lw!'l41t0,aJ, ��,U• Y,.Ya IVE jV e n e .. e . • • .. h o o ...ala ...,. b . • V 6 1f6J ftm t� ' MO 1 4 9 .' p `n U. _ ' i F ; •s :.:'J�'. fl t � 11 IY 1.., 1 .t 11, I II k 1 I, l J +"l ��{4 5 8