The Huron Expositor, 1929-02-01, Page 5v
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�°��'�'CV8'a ��b .�i'��Fit"�"A �F��„���i.�4?4'�r "�di$a4�'' ��Il'A%
� • ��:s is �,��x�� ��jt;,�,���wua�� 'fl��� ����
�tae& s`��s�C '��w �a�! ��y� �aa k�a� �nie�,
�cosua,'b�aai�a� b�a��aa�as �v�s�'� � 9ru�a$ ��
�E�,�i�r�s� ��� . �a�ie�:a��s, �aa�;' �v+�s�� fav-
� c�s�s��l vtri�� �ns �nr��,�I��a �;�►¢� �oo� a�o�ds
��p� �Tai� ���rru� of � t�n� Y���.
' � c;'� � �J �D���
,�''e�th of I�Cirs. ��zm,es �eeney.—l�irs.
�¢ ' �:fi�a ]�tu�ns b� een�y, wffe oY 1�/!r. $arr►as
;,� �s'��F'�ey, �r., ,who di�d last �PVd,ay, sue-
f' `� �u�ed an 7Cuesday morning to pn�u-
¢nox�.ia, at �e ��� of a� ye,�,x'�. IIA�-
��2�.s�t1� �e�.ves fiv� son�s, 7C,eo, 1�/.��,�ls
! �amd .�axu�er,, af h�ibbert towaLs➢aa�Oy
�A�[i ic�la�e1, af dD�txoit, �and .Y�oha1, �i
�$P�$'��OTC�I; 4hree da�ug'fa.ters, �N[rs. ?t'�9aas.
1Eaari�hi awd l�rs. �eea lEvans�a o$ S'L�at-
�c�r�d, �md P�IdPs. �V. Il�onn�H�y, lL,at���osa.
�� 1�a�s. ]E'�n�y ys t➢ae I�.si �ae,tt�:� �f
�&a �uas¢us° $��a�i➢igr, �� v+no�rm �ms�Ily
Tgioae�P$ of g$i9al&�s�t �owaas�hip, cau�
wIlno�e fm�a e'l�aarns'° s�laaoh �t�u�se rovaca
�ra���. s�aadl s�ti�fl �coos 'by i�fl��,t acmx�ae.
`+ �'rr: ��aa�s ]E'ee�a�y �flied 1�$t Pl���gr mi
z 4&n� l�oa�� �'� ��cis dman�hieP, INdrs. �as.
��aa���Ily. •FI£�. �nal Pfd�ra. Jf�s. �°�ey
':� vuea� Psi��y eared for iva 'E�li'fllt Sfl�Y�YS-
� naa� grra�,PB. ][�t�raa�nt w�.s �aaaa,c$e iaa
�. lP�.trae�s°g �eYnet�rgr, fofllowin�
�i��uiearn 'iI3��.ss, sung �y �:�v. ]E��t3aea
�4'S��IIYt, �ffi ,s'�. �&.�Y'1C�99 Q�, 11%Y`L,'J(k.
No�es.�A soci�,l �,mnc� and �uchr�
� evms 1tieYd '�y bhe l�dnes of St. lE'atric&'s
�naris� oua �xiday nigh�. Mr. �Tahn
UP/Lc�a��t'h, iSr., af ]E3a�berE, �aa�as the
I1UCflry winIler Of tla� tra�en'S PiZ
e �nd
� �UJrsulas 1�rau5kQp�f, ��f %D•ublin, ecnon
# 4he prize 'for the Iadries. ]Guncheon
�vas served by the l�dies ax�di ihe presi-
¢�ent, I�/dr9. �Yosegsh �arpenter, was as-
sisGe� 4�y '1V�Lrs. lUd. J. Nagle, Nirs.
Ia/!'��ws, IY�liss l�eY�ney and� �rs.
£� �ilLiam Stapletron. �yerm,an's orch-
`� �stras furnis'hed rnusic for d�ncing for
LCw+o hours.—Ndr. �Nlilliams I�ill and Ii�s.
� �arzi�s .Lordan are slowly P@COPQY'lylg'
; �om sev�er� colds. �hair many friends
vvill be pleased to see thes� ab�le to �
�' �tt�nd to saGial �unctions as well as 9
� t
�oak after their places of businzss.—
Mr. �nd� 11qrs. Jo,hn Darling are set- i
.���r $le� i� th�eir new 'hmne near the pul>-
��� ➢ic sc�o+al.—J1VIi•s. I'. J. YZowland and
; ffamal� snoved into the cotiage near
�� �i]he ,Szparate �School.--aNir. and Mrs.
y 1Zeo �I�. Fortune were visitons
?�� �t the home of �P/i�essrs. John and 1
�oseph Kenny, broth�egs of M[Y•s. �or- i
�une. j
r' ��1 ����n° �e� t
���riefs.=MCrs. J. Rich, of Detroit, °
,� arrived k`niday to sgend some time ti
wvith he�s� mother, �Mrs. 1Vd. Green. Mrs. �
�chofield, who has been with her sev-
r�� ¢ral we�ks, returned home Saturday. o
Mrs. Gr�en is recovening slowly.—
�t I+/diss 1VLary 'W'ild, who was home a h
�.�hort time before her father's death, t
�y. siias returned to Toronto.—a'_Vlrs. Reid, a
� mf Sarnia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. _,
�Vm. Johnston. — Mr. William John- t
ston ha,s gone to the Savlt to see his
��aughter, �Trcs. Tullough, who has
�teen sei-iously ill, but is now recover- ��
�ng. — Misses Maud and Josephine ,�
F �tirling are visiting their brother, .
� �andy Stirlin�, ncar C'roderich.—Ross }�
e 7Kneeshaw, of C'roderic'h, is v,isiting his I�
�ncle, Louis 'I'homson. ��
tTestry iVieeting.—The annual vestry J
� �nee2ing of B'rinity Churc'h was held y�
� mn B'ues�day evening, January 23th,
� Phaving been postpon� a week owing
t& �o inclemexit weather. Reporis from y
�� 9:he various church org•anizations, the ,�
�, '1�bmen's Auxiliary, the �uilds, bhe d
�abbath School an�d the church treas- t
��� good ord�er. �
;,� mrer showed all to tre in
� E A he�arty vote o�f thanks was tendered
� 33/trs. �Yinde for her fait'hful serviee s,
'� snrP kindness in su I
a. pp ying be�a,Ltiful n
'�� �iowers for each Sunday during the �
��R�; summ�er. �fii�cers for th.e year were ��
�5�t,�s agpvin�ted as follows: 3tector's war- n
��`r� �$en, William J. Elliott; pe�ople's war- P
'�� �e�, W�illiam Scotchmer; sele�ct ves- R,
a��F� Vd1i
`�;� �ry, F. li. ��dward�s, Yleslie �lliott, g
�'�x <George E. �reens]ad�e, Ruasel Heand, t
i� �' ➢�, g$. iMcNaughton, Wm. J. Stinson, Fg
� i �no. Tippet, �9amuel S�Tidcombe; sid��s-
a�',( urien, Leslie �llio�tt, Russel Heard, Wil- C
!�� �iam He�ard, John 7Cippet, I). H. 1Vic- t1
ay�,� 1Vaughton; treasur�r, Rus�el H�ard ;
1�!';' �rganist, Mrs. N. W. �i�ood�• auditors, Y
�'''i° �'. P�. Fdwards, F. H. Johns. A fit- �
;� s m
4�;�� �ting celebration to conunemorate �h�e y.
° a eightieth anniversary of Trinity p
�� �hurch is being planncd to bc held
z�; � �t the end of May and beginnin� of �,
��� j <Yun�e. This promities to he a very im- g
f �portant and interesting• occasion.
�l f
, Annual Meeting.—The annual meet- �
�;dy �ng of t'he 13a,yfi�ld (%eroietery Gom- s�
+�r� r�any was held at the Town Hall on T
�#E, M,onda,y afternoon. The followin,� of- t
�� �icers an�d directors were appointed �n
,,� �or ]929: Pre�ident, John McDonald; S
vice-president, .Tames FI. Reid; s�ecre� Y
$ary-treasurer, A. E. P:rwin; directors, ,q
E�; 4Charies 'Middleton, George fiudi�, IJ.
� Ch p
� 7[�. 1N[�cNaughton, Wrri. Scotchmer,
, � �?o+bert S�cotchmez�, Josept� Rich:ardson, �.
� ez
a�exton, ]Etol�e�e�t Orr. &tichard �Iliott o
y�r� was o�blige�d to resig-n his position �s �
;s�xtars on aocount of illness. 'd'he h
� oemetery has been well cared for dvr- t
i`?� the past ,year and the tr�asury
' ['��s a halaAce on d�and of ov�r :�100. r
;�'3 �ayfi�eld �Boy H�onored.—The atrat- a
�ord �e�acon on �ucsday m�alces tho s
:falllowin�g� reference to the presenta- ��
'tion made to 1V�[r. Syclney Castle, in 1�t
; $hat city on �Monday evening. Mr. �
�C;as�tle is an old Ba,yfield boy, having a,,
�e�en born and received his earl,y edu- �
�cation here and he has a host o£ y
iriends who will be glad to learn of ti
�is �success. "'d'he sbaff of the �;an-
usdi�an IDepartment �tores, 7Ltd., Strat- ��
gord, tend�es�ed a farewell banquet to b
�, �n�� oP their former members, in the s
of �rade rooms last evening, fi
Sy�d�ney �astle, former assietant man- w
I c�ger of the Stratford �tore was the
" [guesi o honor and taken by surprise 2�
�ahile s�ending an everning in the city. �'
°7[`he entire staff joined in �rayin� tri- �
lbute to one of their admire�l felloar �
rovorkm�en, who has given years of d�
�; �aithful service to the s�tore under A.
�he Porm�e�r own�erships as well as the h�
�resent otuners, thr T. Eaton Co. Ltd. s
2d,lthou�h Mr. Castle ha� h,een away
fuom t'he cit,y for sev�ral months re�- i
A��vang �rianager of some of the stores �
�hroughant ��ntario, he has rrcently p.
i�ee�n appointed marna�er of thP Nia- B
�ar� Falls store. William S. Cham- h
�, i$e qnan�geT of the �tratt'ord i
��o��e p'aul gr�at tribute to his f�rmer ,T
��g���t�t an� commented up�n t,he w
�����ul �md invalvabl�e� service which f
��'• G��s�tle 'had rendered since his w
�oanin�g io �E�e eity; �"Yt is with p�Y- n
n 67g�n'� �rid fai�hfuF efforts t'hat the n
°�'�c�s � sies�li�� m�en an�Y women .Ti
� mf le/L�. �d��s�le°� ��libr� are re�arded
�� �ae� myr �i����$ �vip'h to �uY d'eaT h
., � Glpi�nrfl amc� �,e�� ��g, �vh•ose ➢�ornor we b
�arr� ��bh�e�� f�,g� �cD-a�i��4, is tt�t s
('m a���^ t�o;��9u�a�� 'A�r �o�rc°���� ���
�Il��19r ��a�� 1�a�m��uy st�; ���c�s,'' vv�p� i.
� t�h� �+�rram�Et� �� �Gi� ��,�t����,rc. l�,�auc- �
Cm�rrg �a�' "�1�� s��a' m�?� ���s� �srr ogrgs�s�� m
f�: 1�98fYd�q� �u,� S'^���j* SS' h 'F1�d'BYi�Si �i l��t'.
� ��s��f�°�+ i��Prn� t��.�t���.��a��.�, fl��a��
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x'� .M . . ynsw�t; � + Nw,w a,rx➢TF'QA,�li�li�'' 1�T�'g r,k�&���'Y - #�8k. .�k'� -. „r ,�".P�'�;�j,i�1't��"'J�. 1.A}�!?,�r�d� ti��i,'>�- G�µ � �: ,�. iw4r •,
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�iv� � �nava� ��Sv��� A�ue� ��n�a�&a��eafl ����w �+ �.. ��,����u �a�;r� �uS��, �'��a�� `� � �.��. .;
pl� 1� � � ��d t�, �`Yzt,G��> , ,'�'.T.� ,�'��7k".� �;7�.1�,' , }�'�!R�1F�'�� . - .
v��t'b i�� ��'dl��sa� �➢aifl� tfia�� ����saua��� �io��bP����i�+� �aa�' �v� ����'�'a���:� �����a��� ��a��b������x^����a���`������
tion o� �. �'�e�u�tifaaY w�zr��o�� �flnua� �e�� �„rn� a�a�c��8�gaa� �zn �T�� za�r�t �,��k�" �°e�� �. � �c��aa �:� '��� �����.°s ��,. ��;'�
vras �a,d� �kv� �'Jdis� lG�n� �$artA�ab �8�� &4om�sa �he I�1�+e� �'�c����,��. �"fl�uR�+ � ��,at`u�^u��ar�a �a�� �re��,ux.„ 4�.' ,��, ��,r,�1G�1��o
1�isa ]Qdaaa G�aailte�a�. 7�hr�a a�cr�ns��a� yv��� �das+cusa�dl f�� �'�F��aatisae ��. �.��a1zn��a3a 4�.
che�rs w�x�s �,cear�e�7. �he �ar�s� a�� ��t�$ �, caz�c�fl��e �i�ip�'i��ea� �sa�'�e�.� � � ��4a�4�{ �Au���nc�x;
�1V�r. �astl� aap�ied in � spleaa�di� ffiax�- �� soc�aei ��ve�eo� ft� �!r�s ��,s� a��. � aQ,��d'a�i�r ,�a� ,�� �ne��'� e���.--�,
ner, �haa�sin�g �hr� sta�P fo� tkae �i,f�i eid�, bo T�arv� �, baa�C?Rd�y ��.x$ ��a�ia:c�, �'hpdq���''�xw�u,a� 1�:,r�.�a�s,„�iv�d 1s�:,tx��t�
� k�a c�il 4cy pukrYie �u �i� Wts S,at 9, Cosace,7��D:
which' �nrould. alwa '"
y� remina� �airra� of Giam� ��a t.�sa� m���r �ut��. 7G�a� �e,� 7, n�czs�agom acn�rzw��ar. a�n �ra����,v. �e�ru
tha m�aa�bzrs �of the� St7ca.t£oxdf stt�$e. goll call �s �o �$ �'Y18VVQP�d �1 "cP. �aV� 4FY stb, a�,a Fatknviaa�; �i;6xa� ���Q t
A music�afl prog�ramsn� wms g��covid� ori�e �$�� �� ppe���. �ivo i�n �¢axch a�,xa t�ea �,�, �cwo y��r „��
by m���cs of �Sha.w's �rche,s��� a�,t� ote�� ana �heiP�rn. . a� �,tu�a a1� wt eom Ho��xia
the b�mn�uet w�s conclud��l� with "� I�III��G� �' w�'��� '�6°i° �o�� `��sxz ����. z a�ner�
�.uFa�se b,ntsas, 16 �98a fl:m x�c�lca olxH. 4 o.avai
f',AA'&(�'�" a'➢,A� "'�nOd .Ci.BaV@ tI7B� �lAl(s',.,.ar �dda.-�$da N4e]fSi11oH. �n �'rtdav. S��narY BGkh, ���', 7l aotv tivlt�a Lm�(so �$ Puot. 1 t�oqbl�
�7y�v �v7{}� rt,m PQr. and 73QxW. &Cabert �Dod�a, a aon. �wtl�er. � eiz�la cm6t�z. .�. ' tuaa�eat�d 4u�gv
��UJU.��117.lJ.J3",4� 8 aur�ds o4 'har�BcruotS ?,. Q�pq IonQ. �'�'�a.
IID ,�, r�s� ��ii�hh ux�ori6ha' cre�t Siar�n qn f�nrniah3�,+3 efA
'�'�Ixi� l�agrs° �arYi.a�tes�iG: �J�hai is Feenek.--Bn a�oEam. an Scuanury zstp,. �ne o�ft� Yo �c�a�sh n� sedilt� t�rm�mum� ivo ��•v
&�O�r?—]�(� L$ $ p�PSO%b L�'�p!� 1'q4 �Q1YAg �urna, 6se1uve$ w&fo 08 tha Ilr:uGa .Bao. �caneY. ma �he '&a�a&sic5ttor is Q�ss� o� feed. �'
to c�s�ry on v�4�i �row �iave e$as�ie�. in hes �St� v�. s �lE4DP,�
$+'. &tiil�Pl. Pro�rset�pr; P'iaaap�9s �ravrae, Au
�'C0 i� tm 9&C s�i��l� w11PJ'r� gr�t7 a^�aY; sYt- ���ett.--Sn 7��nsaa�t, on swandav. $mnwarv tioneer. s1�9
tixlp�' aYdd Eb$�i,281Y1� �Lo '�pa��G' $�lSaT�"S 3TqytA � 9e� : Y,udv 7t2isiado Q'nr�ama7n�'at, fin fper �16�t� �
t�d7nflC 8.P0 SO iTU1pD08'��.Yl$, '�U�IlWYi yOtd ffiY'0 �'Ya�ix.�--Yn $t Q;o1u�t�'mm. a�t 7Faridav. .Uamuaxy ���PdI1�iFSTkCL+if1'$?3� 1147�+`Il'R�1V S�eL7G ��
go�ra. �io�a ann�� a�opt �1ll t�a� $DoTl�- 26�'n, ��a��t ��.estts, ����ea �e m2 �Q��n �'ar,.,. �m �to� mna� rm���nn�no�.
ie5 J7'1D11 ��.��.se, �Dw.t �A�Dw $�HOg wiY�l �1� '�Ert. dae mar �7bt, vear. �hare wiu za.v oo►d �y �ct�aiie au�cbion m
C�Y31¢¢$ Oifl� ¢��0 l"dre�t9r.�--Y�n �cetar. �ni �anuarY 2flat. George �`ridav. Febnaars� R6t$, fl92�. at 2�.�.. m
p�E1a18 O%L �➢1ADll. �..° VCIIl if A�Ube� F�Ve,hatQr, son aP A3r. and TG[ra. 'd'�has. 'the gr�uiaea. the S'nukh $ulf of Y.ot 2(D a
y�ou x��'��, �Ye�,�aa��a a�ci i��k�es, Il�e wrilfl �. �r�ba�. �ea 2� ye.suo. 2 mmoma� �,n� khe 4t� �oncession � the Tm�n�t,;� of Tu��
"h��e bo xn��m�suge $h�rn. l�,a n�s �oin� �o za a��ro. ��itm. �at�i�iRzg s� �,cr� mr c��Ge s�,n�.
� 14 acres pla�w�d, 6 ucrea o8 �oice ma�He an
S'�'� R$ .y6AbY' �jZB�C fliN t1Il0 •8'EII��I,$� �BP�t� Vincenk.—f4t �Lva, on .Usnu�rY 17tih. 9nfan't e�� bush. �the Ihlalauce �b
oc�eagY gra�ar grflac� ��, t'�ei �saa �a� �on u� ma,r. �.na r�.m. .�. v��n�, a;;� fmnr �:. a���e m�d �a
� wee!¢3. . land. T�he �lan3 is rove13 Pra�P�.mzd. dnaine� as�
�DBri�}l. �0 W'(fl�. �.�SS'UtTE,� �i0%➢f�Y'OIl �f � Yenced. �,n said �damd 3s t�n excellant Il�/a
yrnar citie�s, sta.t¢s �mm� Yl�'C1OY1• �'O9IlY etnrY �brick 2,o,�e �na �c�menc wtth axn�e
pP1SOri5, tC'�IUPCpI� y�SC�L0�018, tflYll'V0Y81$128 Youndxvbion conitainingq eeven aoome, aloo gr�vue
mnd �orporation'a. A.&fl yotua� �vorflc is p� b� $6�c66 an good can3att�on w;tt, �,e
g' i' J � , 11������� VV Eild��11�� Swunciation a.nd altmWix�. �is'm9atins x�wided: �al-
oin to be ud ed ma�d mraised or � 90 �r�me flrivin� �ea 20�c30_ At �the aa�
cond�nnnxued by 'hi�sn, ilou r ae putation t;me w�ll me ao�a the 8 a llmwi�IIg : Tw� ho��
an� a cvh�ioh w,a
1kP fut �' rk a
y i1P0 are irs his hands. All ��e�s wamted Eor Yim�fcn for McKilla�� r dM�e� Y Il'urs'e'Land cutter, mae
j�011P WOP�f 13 for ➢�inny and t➢�� fate of Telephane Syskem Par Y929. TeRdexs to be i� $O°d rubher tixed buggy vv2tli ?�op, also one
�the ha�nde oP the Secsetary by Febnpayy �� 8�e1 tired �buggy, 1 eet single 'hann�s, one
t�'1'C Il�tl'OYf &YI'(1' Of IlUri11.Y11'�q' Y3 lri �118 79Zg. The Laweah or �ny tender not nec�- 8� Dlow harneas, 1 30-'hoe 'QNit�ner dri1�1 and
nds. S i
O t mi�ght •be a�s welY tv pHy sari�ly a,ecepted. '1'enders �o hE me�neci at the °��O same househmld iunniiure and effec}e,
hipn some atterution.—Q�oys' �'ilub co�r,ar�ia� �otei, �ut 2 oa��k, w��aav, Ter1HB.--��n �tt�, uLt eums oe Sio and un-
News�. bt is next to impossible to �eLrmary 6th. �er. Cx�sh: over �er,at amoun,t a n,onttt,„• ereaia
.U. PQ. �F11ENII.��1�, w�i11 be �iven an furnlsihin�' e.Demved Joim.t
make a report on th�e �'uxis� �oys' n.atee. Terms of r�, �ae known on d�y
Panliament. One beCOTriPS gp »t�P_ aiso-0 Seoretary. of ea�le. ELIZA,BETY� F�RSY'PH, ��n_
eated in it and� so •mu�ch captivated 4�y istratriu ; T. Brrown, Auctrioneer, e1180-3
the spirit thai prevad'�s, t'hat tha
bhought of �a�;n.g �. r��� �,��r p�� ��j[T 1L�II�IE °11°� ]I➢]I�A�J`?
crdss�es one's mind. �'ellows, it can- 1T7�v
riOt �De �2SCT7'b�. �710 '1185 $O }.D� '�}1Q'IC0 �DraYtsmen have IBig Pay, stead9 P�imons. ° � 11L�+'.�9� ��� �!J t�11�
to get any id�a. �whatwer oi wha�E it 5nare bime, praotical home 8na ahop training. �Uylrig cheag m�icin�es. �'ret I�rs,
s like. d might say this much �h�at �ndoreed by Engineess. Reliable emnioyment Sybdlla Spahr's �.'onsilitis for ]EE�ee�ad
t Wa5 •gY'B�t. .�.��011t 11� '�?OyS fT0231 gervice. BUrite for $Hecinl �t�er. QSammercial $
over all �n Engineening Lnboratoriea, $uite one gundred, Golds, Catarrh, �ooping �o�gg�,
t,�rao tr�e�i in �'oronto dur- 5q Q„ee� st, West, Toronto. s1g9-2 Cough, Croup, �ron�chitis, Enlarge�'
ng C'hristmas week. ']Ciiere were and Disease�l �'onsils and all �h�mat
me-mbers from �immins, from �t;tawa — Troubles. A�bsolutel
and fram Niagara Fa11s an�cIl the Bor- y g'uaranteed. �..
der Citits. 1VI'ost of u,s had never seen �(�°��(�� E. gieating; also 1�. �T. E. Hemphil�,
eaeh ot'h�er before, but in about two Hensall; Hambige & Son, Dob�binton.
min�uteg one would bhink we i�ad No`I'ICE ;e berebY given ,ch�t the anm„ai 318�-2
rnown each ot]ier all our 1Yfe. Sure- Meec;n� of the members of mt,e Usborne and
y t118t ls a, Sp1Plt WOY'ttl CllltlVStlri �'bbert Mutva! Fire Insurance Compmny, wi11 — ---
t 1S t17�'1Clllt� ��IOWS, t0 tpjl] g� 6e held in the Tow�n Hal1, Farcqu�har, on Mon-
y0❑ day, February 4,th, 1829, at 1 p.m., Por the ������ �� (j'9TIDj�V1TTTTP�p���v
hrowgh the press all that hapgened nurnoge or r�a��;nr; tt,e r�norm of tt,e �.�ilt�'�•^llvul� l��
at the �'uxis �oys' g'arliameni. Some D�rectora 8:�a nndito� for tt,e v�t year, nnd
f y011 have t�le id�ea, perhaps, that lt for the elertion of two Directois, for a ahree NOTICE is �hereby given Yhat all credito�
� 8 SOPt Of m,aek parliament, Op a, Ye8r � ynd 6wo Avditora, and for aay and athers having clairros aqainnt the es.txte
other buainese in the in-Ceres�ts of the Com- of John Y3ules�to.n, ]nte of the Towmehi�p �of
tunt. It is neither. It is a real par- pany. Tuctce���th, in �the c7ounty oP Huron, who
iament can•ied� on by real live awak�e The Directore, whose t,��-,,, or oas�e �p;r�, asea oa tt,e ionn aay of Sanuary, 192g, are
ellows, W}l0 are WSiltlri� but who are eli�ible for re�election are James �'eryuired Co farward their claims duI
g y0•ur CO- y praven
peration t0 make lt a success. �t�� MeKenzie and Simon Dow. t� the undersigned solicitor for the admin-
3v� &Il- CI�Ct]�Ori riEXt Dated -ut �xeter, January 4, 1929. ietrahrix, ,on or beforc �the �l6th day of Febru-
year, f2110W5. F�+/. A. aqJF2N16IIT�.II,, 1t-v. 192�J.
T}IIS acclamation business g'1v�e5 a fel- 318s-2 Secr�4asy, AND NOTIC� IS FURTHER GIVEN �tha.t
ow the idea bhat he is representing �tte� tne baia aate the admin;ytrat�rX wiia
bunch Of �YOyS• W}70 STe nOt OVeT- — __ vroceed to dishribute Ghe zstake, h:�vinK rega�rd
rnthusiastic i•egarding their own in- �n�v � tne �ia�„ o-f whtrn tt,eY cnen eb�i
d.�Q�xS �f���'g''.� have n.vtice.
CY'25tS. Y,et- OU: �Ylemt?@I' fPORI SOU'�}1 DATF.P �at Seafonth ithis 30th dny of Ju�,nu-'.
Huron rnext year•kre a f'eLlow who has ` n*i', 1�?�.
won a hard fought battle to have the Will buy logs, delivere�3 at Saw aofrtv J. HUGGARD,
rivilege of representing Sou�th Hur- �ill or in the bU51]. Sulicir,or r�,r Administnatrix,
White ash .tongues for sale, 12 feet ';lso '; Seaforth, Ont.
n. This y�car ten additional se�ats to 14 feet long. Also a quantity of _
vere �ranted to '�'rail Rang•ers. Mem- — — _ .._
ers of Sunday School �roups takin� �Iryr hardtivood, ]2 feet lon�;.
ar�t in snm�e mid-weelc activity in WILLIPuM I1�O�IG, Jr., ���°�°�(�;;� °�� �'°��q ������
lui•c.h life, 2re eligilrle for Parlia- R. R. No. 3, Kippen.
nent. �'his is all very we11, iellows, �hone 138 r 2, Seafor�h. 3194x4 NOTic�, as hereby bt��n wnder tt,e Btawues
ut what earthly good wild it do if ia et�at bee�tf ,that aii peisons t,,,��ng a„y
we do not show enough interest in it �iR;� azaim:,t wsmnsrred MeGrath, l�ate of
the Trownahip af McKidlop, Huron CoucuLy,
O Sll�pOT't lt? �0111C1 y0U Il�{e t0 S�E a7������ n��y �T������ widow, mho died en �he 14th day� nf dsnvary,
our Tuxis Sr�uare or �'rail Ranger 11 t+t� 1L dv zs2�, $re renuired ,to send -to tha �undersigned
amp fal�l through just because we s�i•iasto�• for hhe Executo�s, fu11 p{i�YCi'culaxs tn
7[I ROt PTOVICIC money t0. C2LTjl OIl �A�� ���' S�' -�' �� ���ICE �r��m�ng and verified by �nfffdavirt, ` of th�r
� 4armm in the B`ownahiIDe oY BJeborme, claiRns and �the �nature of the secnrities, if
he boys WOTli? Last year W2 W�PO �ekeiymiCh and �ibbert Q',on8 buildi �n1'. held by �hem, on or beQ'ore the 20th of
1;2�Q behind�. �What aP2 y0U gOing me11 located as Co marke�. 1'�O,➢G[� C� P'ebru,ary, 1929, after w.hich date Y,he said Ex-
O C�'O t}11S year2 ��Orif�'S are }�E']n�' GHON, �ceter, On,t gpgg_tq ecu�tors will proceed •to d�is�tribmtQ the a.asets
�nt out. If ou hav or tne g�,,a a�e�
Y e not enoug'h or ed, havinq r�ara on�Y to
oIIe at all, s•end a line to i4�lex. t�d�di- '�°RF.E TOPS FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY �e claims of which they �then shall have had
af maple and elm tree �tops, good frt�r notice.
On, Brucefield� Orit. fire x*ood, �to be cut AIID1y to JOHN Y,OUIS DATED at Seafar+th, Oivt., this 29th day of
FiOy �.lf� Inves�tors.-I3urin'g the MALONE, Lat 14, Co,n�cession 4, D/IcKillop. •lanuary, 1929.
ext two weeks you will have the Phone s4 r 4, Dublin. 3190x1 R. S. IIi�,Y5,
rivilege of �buying'bonds from Trail �sol�ttor t�r Exe�Wt�-,.
angers, �'uxis Boys an�d members of �'ARhz Fox saa,E.—ioo ACRES, LOT NO. 5150-3
8, Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun-
unday school classes. By buying rv or &iuron; T. atorey brick house, bam '
hese bonds, you are doing a s.hare in �5xso �n s2one £ounda2ion; another building -- �
ome ��isSiOn �!O1'k. Boy�s' �%Ork ls 26x56; windmill, drilled well; 3o acres plowed, ���p�y���y �� ��¶y������
onsidered to be One of t}l0 mOst Im- b�ulanoe has been under pnstvre for severa] It lca l�,
peats. ThirCeen acres hardwood bu..wh. Poa-
OYtHflt p&T't5 17l 011T CtlU2'G}1'S 8Ct1V1- s-essian Tits�t of March. ApD1Y to ALEx_ ,NOTICE IS I�R�BY GIVEN that all credi-
es. B'he money you invest will brin�g �UCxaNAN, R. R. No. 3, 4�+alton. 3186-tf to,8 and okne� having �t��m9 a�in9t the
ou dividends in Christian citiz�ar,ship. vp-p estace � E.��tt,eT McLeod, iace nf the Town-
nc� a year y0u a1'e 2.Sked t0 hP.�p 11 WQ 50-ACRE FARMS FCk SALF,, ONE hhip �o£ Tuckenmith, in the County �f Huran,
ake Ontario a land t0 IOVC. `Aj�jl] being the w�t ha14 of I.ot fi, Conceseian who 'diecl on 2he fourteemth �ny oP J�arivary,
1, Tuckeismi�Lh, lt/� miles eaat of SeaPort'h. 192�, are �require�i to For�.v,ird 1:heir claims
O'A C�0 your share? It has been� a on the H7RI1W8y. A�II sznod fertile ]and. nzwly rtvly proven M.o Williatrn Chan[ern or Thamas
I'ObIPYrI t0 O)Jt87ri a�f2'�lOW W1�]]iTlg t0 '�rai�ned und fenced, and sil s�edecl, w'vth good M. Grieve, af Senfonth, r;�ecuto�s, �om or be_
95ll7Y1C the re:sponsibility O{ getting 10 room frame houye; Kaxl barn, newly f�ore the eleven�YJ� dxy oP b'ebruary, 1929.
b011t �I��Q fOT BOyS� V�Tork ]II SOU%$ �'hir�,¢led, 36x50. Three xood ��ells, .nice apple A,ND NO'PiCE IS FUR"C.1F,R GIVEiV that
orc'hard. B�aWC'vful�ly ai;tunterl for pnultry aft�r �the sa5d dnte the F.aA��ul.�rs wi11 pro-
UT`021. WOn.'t y0u p�a,ke� th149 (]7ff1- plant. A.lso 60 acrea of pa.vture, aoukh }�alY ceed to diti�tribu�te the es�ta�te, hav�ing reu.ard
ulty of fimancial support � pleasure oe Lot .is, Con��s;on 2, Hibbert; �two miles on4v to �ne ciat� oc w6ich t.hey 4han ana»
V Jllsi a little co-operation and Cori- frnm DuMi�n. Al] well drnined and fenced, h:�ve natice.
d�eration for the youth of to-day ? w"�n never fa�ilin•A sori,�z ,;��k. r�oth rtn�e DwTED at �Xet�,r tt,� t�-�-�tv-th;rd aay or
Uropertiea wi]] be sold at n ba,rquin. Apply Jaaivary, 1929.
17058 Of VOU Wh0 2TC interested Iri to Y. DILL, DubLin. 3139xS Q:II,AQD1t�qN �z 8'VpKi3Lil[8H,
his work and want to have a share --- S�ii��corv ror RACC1110[9.
pTOICIntI71K' It� K'Pt aft�r SO]l7P �hOri(� �ARM r'OR SAI�.—LOT 3, CONCESSION 3189-3 ]Eseter uod 1E$eneall.
ell�er or write to A.le�. Ad<liGon, 6. Stanley, 100 a�r�, an cleared. On r.!,e
i'UC��IP�c�, flrm xre a 1�/a storey frame hous�e, cemen� ._- ____ .__�__...,. .
�rit., 7'P�1'��SCTlf,2{.IV�� f�1' ��u�ndation, cistern a.nd cement floor4 in base- ' �
outh Huron in Fighth Ontario Tuxis ment; barn aax�o w;th lFmn ot tz feet, on a g���g���,s ���,���.�,��II11,3I
O,yS' Parliament. Ar�ne fovndation: ba;n 36x52 and drive e�hed.
Hockey. — On Z'}1llT'SC�By ]2St tW0 r"rm ci�:iined with tile, and wire fences: 4
ery fas� hockey �ame�s were la ed A°r`� fati whenR, 40 A�r� Dlou�he�i - balance �'� ��Y 7Fa�unu �� �c�ur CD�eT�n ]Pr�c�.
P Y Aeeded dow.n. '� Sikuart,c�l o�half mile from
ri t}l�e skatin•g arena. 7[n� splte o�f the Chorch, 1 mide from echool, 4 miles inom 700 acreG, �beinR Lot 17. Caxv¢ession 4.
�lllly V�8�8�]1P,I'� S]Sig@ number pi h�Pv�: 6 miln from Hensall. Rural ana�1 Tuckarsmi�th 'Ibwn,9hi�p, ]L.i:.S, S'vtuai.ed o�
ocke,y fans were jAl'03@YY� b0 W1t]7eSS 1nd telenhome. Farm in �ood ata4e o4 cnitiva- the fartn .is ui Rood framc n�,we wulth stone
}lf? matrh. .�ill fftD11]8 8T1C� Charlie tion. �For furthvr pnrtidvinr9 aDDlp �n f�undati�n and cemerut flrxar. A eplendid w�ind
�O�iS% pr�^'R�'• R• �• CA�.LIIFL, ProDrietor, R. �,, brea�lc of apruce Rreey �i:� �m the neqth, eavt
e�ad .(�nva g�-lang e71'('TT112S) l. 7.t54ddh P. O. 8187-t4 +�nd welb aides. The barn iv 470' n 20' hav-
8Tl'�'PC� t71C7I' tQSLY1S A+}�011t $ O�CIOC�C, in�* �Lwo threahinQ fiFancY. ;�n�7 iv on stone
nf� t}1f Wf��l played game �0�ga71. gt �ARMS FOR SALF,.—T.OT 12, CONCESSI�N fuun�mtion wikh cemPnt atnb�ln¢ beI'aw. 'q'here
ure was a thriller. Both teams S�IOW- �� Stanley Township. rnnsisting of 100 's R lar�re cemc+nt lwnlc at ihc 63m, oapacfqy
��'l'Eat t2Ct al7C� S�C7'll Iii the &171P, 1�rva. Th�re ia �n thP prrmisea n�aod two =�>0 barreis, aLam two well� cl��r to ,the buil�l-
�' atorry hrick cott�p,e, n�+nod bamn with atraw Sru�. Thrre is a.lao�'�pr 16' x 14' on
lt �]�I�R �S1YYl f711��,y YYt&718�'CC� t0 shrcl nttnched flnd aNablina un�lerneath, an comint ir�unditicm. The f�ir�n i9 rne mile
OmC out a�head CIeSpIGe ttte P.nt}1USi- �mplemen�t hnuse, nn orchard, nbont five acres frnm Hn}wol, 2�.e mi9�w fro;n rhuruh, 6 milc�
Slri' 3Tlt} S�t1C�t IlAT1C���tt]Q' pf C',}�UC]�'G o4 biivh on a hnck corner o4 the farm, frmn the Tnwn �f Seflfnrth, 1�<� miles from
177�,''. 7'}lE' ��l�l R.Oa(j� 871'CI t}l0 �iT7Ck EhmU�h which rUnq x never Pailing eprinq ��rnPen nnd fi mi]ee Prmm 'I�n�nll. The land
rrnek nnd two never Pnidinai welle, one near �9 in �ood con�L�ltimn, nboat �:G acies beinR
27'C� WPl'(' tilC 71PX1: to ta1tC up gps'i- the, Che other nenr the stable. The cleared, thr balnnce in butih. 'ihere are aix
on. You COU�Cltt't 5E'P ri1llC}l of this farm ie tn n �zood ntate o4 evltivation. Alan anreN of taI] whoat. If �l�irrd the owner
ame,'.bee$usa It WAS t60 i&4t t0 f01- B'Oti 10, Conceasion A, Stnnleq Townehip, eoa- wild imr.lurle vtack and imDlrmrnrts, e.lso i�ay,
w. Talk BbOUt daz�ling gP22(j �17� 9iqtintt oP t00 acre�, on which t6ere is a urain emd rooha, if you hrz��� n w.iah to fatm,
very aood barn and nbout 15 acres o4 btuh; inve�cti¢ate hh:ie. Paafiaaqihn nrranged to euit
Pfat}I-tB.ICIri'� 8tt3CICS, 0�1, hpyt It �n never fni�lin� ctrewm n�nv acrRae 4he back Purchn_ver. N.� re:vaanable -,P'rr refvgerl. The
ure was gre�at. 'I'he 1H�i,11 Road was P�a of khe 4rtrin. Good foT e;ther �rain or fa,rm mtL4t nP 9hia mn tne v�Y,r�+�tor is vhva�-
nally c�efeat�d and the �t'tck Xard n"�q�re. Apnlv � ML7RRAY GiE80N, Bruce- onlly �nnfit t,o work. Apn�v fn W. d. M�-
fleld, I:xecvYnr for the Fstate oY the �ate CUI.L7E, R. R. S, Kiy�pen, Unt.. P$one 138-t8,
alked off victorious. avtniw,�, cn�ai�. ai�e-t¢ s�rarrr,nn. aias-z
i'. P. S.-�(Dn 1V[on�a� evenin�r, Jan.
8t�, the Young Yeople of Fg�mond� --- ------- -. _ ---- -- - ---,-- ---
r]•le an� Ptrucefiield held� a v�ery suc-
easiul skati�g part,y, �he ice vaas
plendid�, which contributed a great
exl to the goad time enjoyed bv all.
�fter skating, a� �social pc�rio�i wag �/��� lyg� ���Lt 1�,1�15 � ��J����o
eld at bh� chuxch. R. Ii��n� lunclm w�s �� �,� G��J
Notes.--��'he annuat husinPss meet-
n� of the �Jniterl, Cihurch, will be heid ������� �����.�n��� ��➢� jT°1j�����j��{}{��
n Wednesday, Februar,y 6th, at 8 9 llll ll Illl
m..—Z'h�e many friend� of Mrs. fiugh
erry av�d dlG�apgaret J. McQueen wili �� {rn�� ���� ����Il��� ������Il��il
e glad to 'hear tha+, theV arP recover- �.t��
n� from theip recent illness. — Mr.
ogeph li/ic(�ully, who has'bepn lhvin� �]�[]F;�� flA➢��S S�II'� ����'� �,Y�� W��� ?,SSOfii��� <lll(� �,II'�
ith his aunt, QV[i88 N[ary .Y. IVfcCnll,y. f➢,�SO�llA���� ��� �D�S� �flfl�,�l$y �,ii�� �,➢'e CFiY'��,1i1��7 �X-
�r the past fe� monbhs�, received
nr� ir�t week �of �'he nudd-en pa�sin�� �f'�DiG➢O➢1tb� V�,IIl1Q� �1J'IiIlP,fl1i ��➢� r'A��DCDV� Q�Il$��9IlIl'DL �� �9�k�T3.
f hia moth�er-iN-larov N1rs, Mashier, ����9� �£G�I�i� �➢O�Il�� $]i��,� �7Il��Il �Q�IlS��,�V�iC�fl8�d1[D0&�t e�� �1Il��
�f ��file,y, �hio. &3�� and' his eon, z
'mmy� )�Fft P3��ttcefie.l�� o„ suna��,y �H9C�iC9�Il1(➢V3� � Tna7Il�'D� CC�uu'� D�Il'�� '�flt�%➢ 2;R,��Il j�DIlIlICC�➢�Sc's, �P,lifl e i l
.D � �
mornin� in their motor cap �o atiend �&b�� �S�IlAp�O➢'99 lil�'6`5 �'UE� ]Cffill718� �D� 1CB���IIffD��' 1@�i� �S�tOII' ��t�IlIl
Pr fnrneral. 'd'he�r vn�ang frien�le ex- {
erid Y,heir a,ympath,p.--�1�L�c. �2�rt �oy�ce �i'`Q��iDffIlIl�,��'�7 ]��Df��Il.
p�mi t'�e week e��, in �t9�rieh.— ;
�lf�qq 14evth€n Nv��ard, of ]Lo�ac��aboro, ` a � o }� t�
� � , ? �N�%o ����� � �C�o9
a vT�ai�in her cousin P�/fis� �sr�c� A�- 0' �I�'�� '(�.o���ll(lll -
�isor�.�ra. VU. �?�ou�➢ag ys �pa�nd�nu� 3P�ka�ame: �9-7i4Z, ���ia��fi'�. ��'n+ms��c 71�v�Il$, �D�i�''�t��
'�@W i�'S�7 4'GV���1 pR9Il' YU��SD'�9+BP' �v�1'c'�l. �
IE�andsor�, i�s ��rsa91.
hP�'iQD� QD4d17�''t �+GLis�B�tDffi Q�flr"�t:�w°.—�-�P1��1s� �._.. ______� � '��,
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a�¢'a c��cma t�ame wee II an�9on�w�� Il�: �' s n l�� aara� ¢aa r�i.� a� n� az�se sU�y>., � `,;? "'`
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rn ��LR1 ����� � , trV h+'S,.
G^J'�(,...5^4�fRR7 �GqL17A[� pi4�'dDG4 C.`�t4.�.J�`3 ��. O...UR!�QiI'�IC9—W,ILTQQ9 @�" (F�C�[�, it'�6t�S17'II� ' ,,
�a�r� ca�r.� �� sc� � � ° + ` r ;
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J°�I��`��I�I�� D����1°I��D o o�° ��� o a o o��
� �'ry7@�cy�ry d
Tendera wanted for S. S. No. 6, 'hidker- � ��, 11,> 11y�11j � 1�j�, 0
emith, for 10 corda of 14-inch green badp � ����,�fl �����p ffi� �
hard wvod, at ]east 60 ger oenh. ffia.ple. 0
Tendets to be in by February 4th. Agply �to �'�@��� '�°��fl➢�fllffi(L"Ii, �
a. ffi. ���r,a��. � �[. �. 76�ZC �
�. �. a. s�r�Pau�, ��� O J��a 1�3otos aasd 1H[ora�a�s� �
8189-2 �
� �Q1dlgtRdl'P�ffit. �.
��a�s,sges �aoderm�. �
� �'flowexs fus�nis�laed ��a e��a� �
� YlO�ECO. �f°v
1 �"�''�'�'',
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y� �;�,
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'�'�(lillIlll��' �1�9 ���D]i�IlcflTPjV `���Il ,
�e �o ������
V�Till display a complete line of
ladi�s' and� gent's
�l ���� �����
incivding Patent Structure
A�ci�� ��n all➢ S�aIl�v r�iIlan�a4s I
' auaa➢ �Va� aase �� IIan��� ]fZag�ndl.
Phone g€otetl for Apgointment
�I�� �la �e I���l��rc S��rc�s �
1L'a �nn��a➢
flB� X�I�T�IE S'd'., ��1[��1�T��,
Ae IIDe �tU�CI�[IEII�lL1�1I�T�
�erne¢�aIl IIuosmmsaayc¢, ��anv�y�au�n�g,�
lltea➢ IEs����, I�e.
➢'iFE�1�11E fl52 - SIEt�IF'�Il�'ll'lE�. �1�i7C.
D� a Il ° �
�� �
1��➢�1��.rf°� �IlIlITIlC�
���fi I��VII�Il �`�����
1s4.. 1CDff8.�II1�T��1�
We make Tile 3'!4" to 16". !4 wet
i2.P7Y1 19 �. 1710ri�y IO5C7.
2rudf, 1,TIIr�Q�A1[8� S�TIPIEIl:IF'II1�TII�--
99 p�r ce�t, pu�+e lime. No Ti�ara�e:, �o
clover; no OZOP�T� poor g-ra`�2u craps; (rro clov�r, plenty � sow tk�isbl��.
3ra9. lf']El[Z'I['II II,V7 ]EVZ--
Hi�;h �ade, rea,onable prices.
Smith's Sacco. We gi��e ,you 0-1�6,
�ame price as ot7�iems �ive yau 0-fl2-6.
T;,:VfIF'IRi;—Man'ufac',ur�d �by' Ca�nad-
ian Co., Chatham, On�. Damp pro�of
arnd dust proof bag,; also ca�rbonate
of potas�h, re�co�rti�Prl as the be�st
�-ad2 af potash far plant food.
�tQ�, �11F. Q�A�I]E �'QDQT 31�F8.VII�tf�---
Good:� an hand at all tir���s. YDe-
livery by truck (we ha�-e thme�e ready
to si�n-ve pou). Re�a��nable.
59.➢�, 'II'lf:l[��N[i S 'II'QD S�Jd'�' �'Q��J
�Il��Il�11ff111 �1�J�. �j�Di���l�
lf�rmira 'll'uH� I�/fi �annffm�Eunffex
R➢q�e �ero�ra➢ l���rn4, ffanr Nimg�vm iL'ueuu�
1Faa��xire arne9 Svnit.4a'G �es4.elia,ea�.
�1FA�'1DVt'll'lljl[ ➢'IFVQDNIE Il��-2
4 Ni�ht �aYle �➢�,gr ��9fl� �
� ]Ph�one �7b 1Ph�at� �� �
O y�
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O O m� O O O O O� O�
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I o ��%o �o �%���ll' �L ��I111 �
O �
m 4Y. �1. �T�Il'kes, ]Fmun�amIl Imn- �
� p����s menrtIl ]EffiIbffiIl�n�rr. �
O �
O 1V1 t
9��e are in b�e mmrka�h Pou� afl9
kieu3s of GYain, av��d w� ¢� ��n p
p�irtios� f,o paxq Ghe hi��e�s� �S2i�a..�.
We cmm a�➢so mmk� arr�n�eme���sa P�
tructc your �;r�.iat for s�ow.
BV'e �h•�.ve in�akmY3ed me� c➢�n�
�nd �.� ive � h��g paa��9n� S�
i��a�dY� graaIl �ai�.
t��£op� sel�irn�, c�fl �4, ]9f�ua�t��lIl.
���� ����� ������� ��b
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w� 4
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1.,,.«.w;� M. �. -
O OY OY �OPS'2 '�i,d1P2Si�p�. � � � m
O C:2P9 or . flowers� furnishea$ � � '
O as request�. m • "— '
O Da�orNight,IE'laon�67. m 400�0 J0440/� � � 1''
� � � / � �,,�
oo�oo�000m�� � �o �o (���� � r�p
- — � 1L' dl ]E }'�
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I�.��fis4�se�f IID���Ilc�s�
�l8[IIIIB�Il'IIB.A ��'�I[8
PJIi ��an�4nx ]EIle��sn� IBm4llu�
��unn�n�a�flaIl Il3[�4¢➢, ��asff�ffLlfn
PJIi ����5'9 ��m�unQsall�� ffi�m�
1F'u�3��y Aff4,�sun��ang.
A�f��s�mcn��4� �fie�an ff�ff �Ins���
�ff �➢Il ll�un��.
ne��se �nlbfl�ffi�s a��! � �
� 1Frmna�s�➢ IID'nP¢e4�g. � "�'<
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O �'�;!
Equmganeac$_ �
� 1mT'��hi �mu �r.g �avn� � � ^
4 �hon� fl9-22, �tabPa�. '� '
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P1It1 �]m�� �� IL���,Il'il c�,
�lG.Cf�L' �1Lb JL 1C71y �X'tl �L.(„ "G11� 7�i
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��ee� ��flt the ]EflaA—�'➢�at's �I��t �'o�a S1��ua�c� ��.
�Ie��° �I��°� �J�adersvear, 1Pu�� �Ic�c�l a�a�cfl ��.s➢affie��
�3lose, Se�eat�a- ��a,�s, �i�l9ode�s, �J�,rr�� ILi��� ��o�r��
o� I�IIltts, �TIl��I�a���,���5, ?��hI�c�bnssW �o�t�, J�flg 1�fiT�sa�ffi
� Il���nlblle l�r�a�s��� �J➢s���� �ntl� ����°� ((���fl�s�°sD ��Ia�,�mm
�� �C��DS 4�Sll(GI� �1[° �7Il��Il�611�, �'bflII" �D�IIIQ�IS.
� ��� ��a� i�n�cn��s� s���� �,� u°eas�e��,�9e �mu��s.
: �o �o �c�� �
C� � � o 0
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�ne way fare paid from lU�,itchell, I)ublin an�d Seafort�, �����rc ➢�g1 ���
roud or c�,r, o� purchases og $20.0� mr o�v��,
I��.�.�I� /}/r �y���J //�/�\\,/�,"�\�) PQ �j /�
� � U i%0 2S �S� �J � r�s� �O���J���
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I�t, �w�aalc� �h� ��.11 for yo� t€� '�'��1�TI�C Y�iT oaa �u��
����� �r��s���� �,�� �A��e��r����� ��t�����.
'�'he �a�vy �TA�1� �,IEl�T�'ICI�t as k�m�n�;au�� o�a� 1��,����
�a�Ilces; ffc�a- �fl�stanc�, o��� �S�D.��D J[sadigo �s �3.�� ��a����n
mma.9�Hn� it �4�7.4D� �u�c� caigu� �4R.�Q� �ryn�o�t�dl ��°e� �'��°—
���dl ➢1�� dl�o�D �c� �'9�5.�9�.
II��i��s° ��G���� �IT1� �n4;�a $l�gs ffi�a�t�am�a �v�mq s��� �,rrndl
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