The Huron Expositor, 1928-08-03, Page 61 v4",T., .... ...... . ..... ... % i o6 I rou AJ 7 4, Pkt. gow�"PXxom % q A ,4 QZ I 4� 2 V;9N I QA� * ;:NNJ� ,�I , �4,� -h, �01;� �Y, `4,WA. a W:5v Q new Q 5 qr it Nov tra N, Q1 Jk"V4 a4l �,yk _V. I'A , �M! & 4 I in eTo aia4e r t ex AGO 0 at Sim, Core sn4d Deal yellow o ap- ples, out into quarters or es end Pack ,,�s many as possile In - at e minutes,. -'Keeld tuo- No kJ hIfor to sealers. Next eovqr t AK I until the 'sealer is ovorflov4ua. Plaoe wgshluC t4ej)j� frequently VU14 941V Barrister, Solicitez, place in the boiler with vmter nearly has been added. Ten the top and a new rubber. ort, and and water to w4ith little anivini to�-the top,. Bring to 4oiling point, 6 're The highly 'CQMP ow days, 411 diaper dau ­RWI . W 2�;.aWe Block biaortbo and boil for twenty miautes�, aft;er t'VAT) 04K, which the tops can be tightly serew se t d VJl $1 able, veer I�Aus are enlarged bec&u �aacl a er, The wa A lot I ed down until the jar,14 airtight. 14- Z4WXWU ....... ... it it does they C.Iosged. Use a Com- b kept avrzy 0 thDso f tho ordina�j. -yaga 5te, t 71* vert the sealer to be sure t4i �Aautoov amps, ev�s SJi -no 'etting, FC I shoula, nOL Leak When required sui f oRPlexiou brm-A '&ad' 26 Pure soap ny digeStIve be added', and the apples will be OleaTlsie the face. 'Scrub with hot - r�ato L S -1§, -` of _the bOWAJ rinse with warm ater follow- i r rq=P s, *#hin this Vessel .''Into b water e 41 it ends in 474.�DUtjet.­ f ,Qun,d as good as the fresh ones. be "a 1 ed by a old rinse. If you heve iqe, 81 oian sould At befovp mdog, a. I_ There is an Opening n the tof3, Jig Rhubarb For Whater anE 3arly -an ice rub will close the pores and th e beginnmg,- su e thip n-taluer .,by q, �4uct acUura-wallW to Spring. tone up the skin. ;�spond M Solicitors, Conveyaa- no, , 3ters, if allowed q, continue,the which the air �ray freely esci0e, i 13arm, and the i�traosphere tvd hquce t1w co=4 not O'Pew t6-�Qxqt Notaries Public, L 00C About the end of July is a good conq ��gq may ecome serious =d 111 Age Bui ed air rush" out -wit1t -,great vel- Idiug, OPPQ`Sit�5 712 time to pull stielm of rhubarb. Strin the F a h'Pipe concerning ocity hkough er eurnoulum, -640 2t43OQItOr omee. them just a little, and cut into inch Olive oil is excellent for the dry into the chosen, but if r louglgo '4-4o the Canadian Kedleal As- CI'*l Per 44 Q any pIou .4it all it or ftaes:, scalp and hair. It is well to matmg VO lengths ani pack into sealers *s tight lut %aaln. But the cool the olive oil in -to the scalp at night So 't)kp ly as possible. Place sealernder the 8treet, Toron- eiNd "a "t of the ;Air r oils of the M, 0 o he iiPansiori 4 184 College pioe, sW'%s-Jt lea�s it humeree Is other es run and give it a chance to soak into'the to answered -by letter. 4nes- W th�'c6l$e b cold water tzp,and let the water Olt e� a, or.0 Ar 91 ma causvlz 7.& votsid. . . _,Sep roots during the night, shampooing in diagnosis and -great that M -Ad lftakIng- 40 until the sezriler is.. qwrilowing. X U10:A9 to treatTnent for the cb.4jhber, Is, so p world of i M- Ineso SonOy ff.MdUate Of Ontario V`etaZill S tops and ri Shampoo -M 9 0 under water, and crew ab- the m9rnhrg. th a Pure _t'b �3ud estate, Qry. College. All diseases Of domestic castile, soap wbkh, has been reduced � no. e answered. part is so obilled ftt'ft liqueAe' stays in the contpin4q. rwelu y orelan, anguage si e 7144Y191, treate& Calls proniptLV qt-- br on until airtight. Invert to test tion, to many Q f- ---------- d to and charg eRP0VtL dejar4Mft*, ea mettlerate. Vd�, for leaks, then store in a cool, d r to liquid frm. ftmd Coll e tra* ja I L \: and fillin!� -or Specialty. Oace Place. 40ra - I wimary Dentistry THE UNTOUCEZD MEAL , eddence an GodeTAch Street, One an exe 6111bat So'thi eol� ftovji 6ii side %i cbuAtry. Raspberry 0am. WELBRE REAPS MUST IRE CCU lege girl wh6 Rias REacksyo Offm,, Sea- HOUSEHOLD DESCOVER23S Who� Go Hump- ath v6t�Q, definite ent There 'are also. jobs L to ha fiM &Cor east of Dr. �Secure rips fresh berries --and do ATE 7.0 A IRAIR'S MEADTH or talelt 141 that s must mg, pawouriel Znd em - Food on the Table. n6w take a eou)rsa in law oi medigine ployment, 4.0 To Keep the Dresser Drawers in or as prome- riot use berries that have been pick The litNographing of maps is a 3Vr 0*eg thatr she must fibri I je i A A. UL CAB973malsl V.2. order. or libraiianshil rhe4&3- after a rain. Newnre berries, "I simply camit eat.' Actual craft requiring great expetitude, and le�rir ypi10f al Q:" ography in or- an I these dE,- Graduate of Ontario Vebe assistant for each cupful of berries add onta Often in a dressing -table dmwer, tragedy is suggested y these lithographers , have many troubles. der'to make a,Vlace for herself in the -�armevts., of Torbol Z, ).G pl v�ords, so often heard, because 'Not the least of these is With paper usines� world. Tlds,-'Is not to; say One girl,'fresh went diseases of domestic animals t ,td cupfml sugar. Mash a few of the we want a box foiz pins and ri&I na, �by t Ta a m a s t moEera berries in bottom of kettle to Pre- and find that after putting the draw- appetite is' 'IAe L beginning of that shrinks or expandb though ever that specialized training is not "r- I training school -of or nftb� vent- th berries from scorching. Sim- er in order, the boxes soon slip trdii-bli6t that sooner or Iatq reveQs nto the a large so Chwgw reasonable. Day slightly undev� viry4ng v&ather vible. Typewriting, 4i4ecially" is 910 Nasttdru depiAniont' stov� � �,who�e fbr mer until thick, and store in small round, and thi drawer becomes un- -itself -ss inigestion, nervous dys- conditions. ily, inexpens 'A ti 'a ' from (42HO promptly attended to. office O'd :useful and so eas pensively a ort we, she id" anytb -Pg'g*' with violent eadaches and t , W Wain Street, Hensall, OpPosit3 TG'M Pots- tidy again. By using thumb tacks in Pe In 13ritains, Aftican'colouy.�of Gold, and quickly learned that it should be w�rapping packages to riding; a , deRv- Bieck and Red Raspberry Sam. the bottom of the boxes, they are Other'seriOus ymptoms. Loss , of CoAst aI, cqlor printing for MAPS has� one MaIL Phone 11L of the tools with which one fiot, ery truck. Bu she wore lxerL Clotbes kept in place and can be used with appetite, whether a man or woman, to cease during January when the only leaves college bbt with which with an r that caught the ai attelmom Six small boxes -black raspberries, the covers OR or on. The same idea is 4' sM.ptorn you dare not Ignore' harmattan lw& The dy wind fOl- -pne enters it. of the manager, �faced one L day vvi e used in desk drawers with It "xi do, much suffering is sure to or three large boxes; 2 smaller boxes can ,owing rapidly on umid' conditioiW, But a college girl entering the the necessity of immddi4tely repl6e- UDUL IV. C. SPROkT red raspberries, or I large'box; six small boxes for clips and rubber f011OW- causes a change in th4� paper -of as ranks of -earners will. be surprised to ing one:of his istylists or style ex - Graduate of )Faculty O Raefficima, sugar, I cup water. bands, and the cover of a long, nar- I The- �secret of a good appetite—the learn how mue inch In � a h. � - r. This makes, goiten, little- ourse or gav, n ,i, LOB_ pounds to much as� a qutarter of an, *rrie brief, pert check u on,'the uyiirg, He umiversity of 'Western Out Put sugar and water into pam and row -box for pencils and pens. sectret'of keeping well—is keep sheet two f�ei, square. (2orL member of College of physic- - up the -quality of the b �W;aated c i�N An opportu ity to show whE�t, 0, offm stir until dissolved. Add both the lood, By en- it impossible to secure registration of soww-fiwred outside activity may aans and Surgeons of Ontarb Cleaning spoons. and purifying the blood Dr, in st. red and black berries (do not Mash the colors in their pmise places on help her in finding a job. The� Mott g�ood taste, a sense of eol- Aberharts Drug Store, Dda them) and let come to boiling point. Williams, Pink P'jlla 'Supply strength the L MAP- Map-makilig in Canada is interesting and often, tke -best paying or and a knowledg:e of the historica3l seaforth. Phone go. Cook until thick; put in sterilized When spoons are stained with egg, to the,, enfeebled organs of digestion, subject to'the' same difficulties biitin ocupatins- are -those on which we background f clothes, derived. from d 'enable them to digest thorgugh- boil them in- an aluminum saucepan. an glasses and seal when. cold-, a lesser degree. a 1: stumble unexpectedly, -through b1iiince designing costumeb�. for college- play& DR. a. P. I. DOUG.A&L with a little water. In a few min- ly, the food eaten without. causing Wild Raspberry and Mueberry Sam. - pal distress. , Proof of this is Paper- used in map -making is of a conversations, perhaps, that rezoind With, these accompli*hrnpni�, a iV& utes they will be perfectly clean, hav in Honour graduate of Faculty of WU4 raspberries and blueberries, superior kind specially m,a4e for..,the us of An almost og6tten talent. 16gid-acquired adaptability, and. a ing lost all discoloration in the water. Mr. William H. �Kelly, riedicine and Master of Scienc% Uni- of which there is an abundance in the purpose. -Mlost of the pr�peys used One girl stumbled into the ranks knowledge of foreign languages gain- 119"on, Ont.., who r 'general purpose's Are too porous of interior decorators by way of 'her ed'in fortuitously chosen aourses"she versity of Western� Ontario, Londom summer cottage districts, make a d A -Good Bath and Basin Cleanser. illiams, Pink lo not recommend Dr. W and too susceptible to, damp for -high coll 'the most ma(Lqgood so quickly tha she is now Ddember of College of Physicians and licious jam or jelly. Select fully ripe eg� roqm. . She' had Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 door$ raspberries, but use blueberries the' . Mix one pound of whiting (passed 'Pills ­too highly. I had been bother lass map work. 7Even w1ftn'-plaster charming rdom in tMe- freshman dorni� head of the -foreign Office -Stylists, vith edwith indigestion in a chronic, form ffice- Phone 56, Hensall, are slightly under -ripe. Wash t h e through a sieve) with about two of Paris and other filleTs'are used on itory of the large-' Eastern- eollft6 alternating periods in this country an4l Sast of post 0 for almost ten years, Everything I them, fliey are still ubj nded---the one to v�fiieh in,Europe and an,incoe bigger than Ontario. 3004-tf blueberries, add to them a small handfuls of soft soap, and add sf- ect to such whiclishe atte would eat would turn sour� I felt amo ne to make -a very fine as to be obliers. �pointed with pride -when visi-, that" of most, of her classmates who unt of water and simmer until ficient turpenti as though there was a big ball in great changes in dimensions DR. A. JqETt7oliq�113RADY well broken; add an equal quantity of cream. Use on a stoft rag and wash -,T-little use for lithographing maps. tors came. One day, to her ­amaze. 'ad&d' expensive spe italized training stomach all the time. ,I felt tired -c raspberries, and cook for five min- off with hot water. This amount will my The map bond paper used 'for the ment, 'the mother of a.wealthy class-. to... -their -general dicaion.,"' t , a d -weak and would often turn Graduate Dublin University, Ire- utes; measure, then add an equal last for a long time. Store i in 71 maps of the Topographical Survey, mate a�ked her Jif she would do pv'e� Merchandising is being dramatize& dizzy., I doctored and tried. many land. Late Extern Assistant Master quantity of sugar. Simmer until the quart sealer. The mixture also makes -ny, many dl Department of he Interior, is season- her' dafigliter roW as, a surprise not - onlk. ill. , the way that it is -being Rotunda Hospital for Women and juice will jelly when tested.' If de- whiite� paint fand enamel look Me' medicines, spending ma ?d. on racks before being used. On birthday ifft, The -freshman- thought advertised bfit 'in- the . wRy- it is dis- Children, Dublin. Office at residence sired, the shorter method may be -us- new. "I" 'it to no avail. One- day a damp day in summer electric heat- the -fee justified her in giving up most played. - Hxe is -,opportunity for the lady -praising Dr. W�Iliams 2z,tely occupied by Mrs. Parsons. ed, in which case cook the erries as JL Pill rs are turned on to counteract the bf.the coming holiday t6 the task, and girl 6f taste and background and a Pin s and I decided to try them Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to P -'M-; directed; then measre out four cup- Summer Flower Vase%. humidity. If the maps ar� to be she, did. knowledge of he'litnes -of th$nV I am -more than glad I did, for so printed in a number of colors they For the rest of her college course the who knows when, a'talk- on undays, I to 2 p.m. 286&26 fuls of the cooked fruit: add to it sev- If you put your flowers into deli- I found relief, and -after taking the en cupfuls of sugar; boil hard for one eate fragile glass vases, it is a good a couple of months the: must be taken from the press after she was occasionally asked to do a Oriental. rugs - may bring an unusuall DR. F. 0. BURROWS minute', remove -from fire, add one- r each color has been libbogralohed roorn'. She left college with a suf- collection,to the attention of possible� plan to weight them well by putting had disappeared, and nv I and returned to the rbxks to ficiently estal�l sidence Goderi half bottle of commercial pectin, skim thereon Ished reputation to get -buyers, when a well-ielected coiieert r h Office and; re ch Street, %and in the hottom. They will then can.�Lkt all kinds f food, and hae dry s -o that the next color will be a positi6i Sea- and pour into sterilized glasses. Cov- be more likely to withstand a slight ag . aiu;l old. time ealth aTid -x, in a. large decorating firm, may push ove e waering purchar�- amt of the Methodist church, my superposed in its true relatibriship whenct,- she -qu�tkly'graduated,. to a ers of pianos,-.phonagr4phs' or radios, -M 2orth.. Phone 46. (Coroner for the er, when almost cold with smoking I ock or a breeze which might other- �-strelu§*11 of hdf oi6, which is' lRour- who j* clever enough to find a group county of Huron. hot paraffin. Nvise -blow them over. giisa1or,T�.S�-,Heath Books. to the QthOr&' business uit as di- Topographical maps must be ac- ishing- like the p'r9ver-bial Oreen ba :OL, debutantes Who will disp�.Iay the - For the jelly cook the fr T�vo useful books, "Building Up to an'admiring audi- DR. C.REACKAY rected, then drain through a cheese- Left -over Egg Yolks. Blooi-1 , and "What to Ee and Fu'rate to an'i, nitesaiL.' -part of An tree. latest fashiopgt, cloth bag. 'Measure o1A four cupfuls inch -and 'many factors influnce the Another girl, whose fondness for ence. wi C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- of the juice into a large' kettle, add When only the whites of eggs are HOW to 'iat,li, ill be sent fie�,,by, -esult. but th stretchin or srinik-- artistic things,had led her to take All,! To -the tkl'�vho loves the 'countr The Dr. Williams, Medicine 0. 9 'Col,�, all: r fty University, and gold medallist of eight' cupfuls of sugar and bring to 'needed for coking purposes a goo., of the aper used is one of vital- the art courses she could get,in the branche§, of agriculture are- Brock,;ille,�Ont.,.if You mention this the lege, -as browsing one day 'in -the, opm . She may have, a mark4t gar - Trinity Medical College; member Of a oil; at one add onte Cupful (one way to use the yolks is, to drop them concern and all the patienoe paper. the College of Physicians and Sur- holtle) liquid pectin,' stirring, con- In boiling water, cooking thern until aftsman is reouired in offsetting its -shop of a dealer in antiques, When- den or a model dairy, ralst poultry, D Pink Pills are sold 7 d influence. ep geons of Ontario. stantly, and bring again to a full boil hard for salads, meat loaf and san ibe discovered sorne perfectly charm bees or can the product Of her I -depending oTu 7L, b�L all dealers in medicine or will be t �fruit tree&,. Aff the sec- tor one-half minute. Remove from wi�hes. Ing items which she.promptly bough DR. H. HUGE ROSS fare, let stand one minute, skim and sent by mail, post -paid, on receipt of as wed -ding gifts. tion of the country, the amount and Graduate of University of Toronto pour quickly. Privacy For,the Sleeping Porch. price 50: cei4ts er ox. As she was waiting to have. th era! kirid,,cd liand' at her disposal, aiid her WHAT COMES FTER? wrapped she said - t,the prog'etar�' ' ­ I and tastes. LandsiVape archi­ Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- If esired, the juice of a lemon may Give theL Wire screens on your 'whom she knew, "I.came in he , te onl5­ tecture, the intellectual big' sister of lege of Physicians and Sur In this twentieth century the whole geons "f be added. sleeping porch a coat Of '$khitA,- Paint more raining Cintario; pass graduate courses in on the utside. This prev RAINY RIVER COUNTRY wide world belongs, to -z the college to satisfy Mysoul bylooking, ure.,%­requires Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ents the no idea you. had- such delight ul'and'' than its simpler branches, ut for the possibility of any one oUtdblors 8�ee- girl. Wh6n, her fuf years of aca C I Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, EP reasonable things tu�k6d­ in"bebind girl whose interests are along these demic life ehind-her, she looks eag England; University Hospital, Lou- 3,000 MORE CATTLE SOLD IN MAY ing through, while from the 1 11 the priceless rarities. It is too bad lifies, it is worth while. ee out as well as ­ever. Paint -A lot itiore wool and larabs have erly over. the business fild she wi don, England. Office—Back of Do- onle can S been COL--_ __ t tL more people on't know about them." -A ve�y happy combination, and one THIS YEAR THAN LAST is also a very.good preservative. Ming out of the Rainy River find tha. no. only are iwst of the jobs minion Bank, Seaforth.' Phone No. 5. "Wby don't you see that they do?'-' which'has. an Appea for many girls, is country in the last few years, but a- open to her brother equally ai�ilable Nigbt calls answered from residence, The combined sale�; of cattle at the Paint Saves Lost Tools. ut :that she has great op, he parried. f;aTn-dng;,an& g-. It is not easy cording :W[ritin tcy -AgAcultural Representa- to her, Victoria Street, Seaforth. Out of that grew the girl's job, -,as for the�bdginning free -lance to make eight central public, stockyaxds in ti v J. A. Garner, this is only the be- portunities, to make a place for her- I or' � only 0 this establisiihdnt . Canada during May were about 6,000 If you paint the tools and other ginningo because he she,�p industry �itelf in vocations that eithei-have been advin not a, '11ving"'at writing, go it is well to r DR. S. A- HUN the place, but'to several others. She knows her hAe', it fOod-and-shelter-providing oc- head- more than- during the previous garden equipment about is makiAg'a real -start in this part created or &veh;p-ed by s oi�ie eager R. Ross �O. "Pasture and P512119 graduate of the past deca well AM arranges it -to the,best cupatin until one is eatablished. Suceessor to Dr. R. month and 3,000 head more than bright red with a trim of blue, yellow of Northern n de 'stock orthwestern Univers- Graduate of N v id�s, she knows who Fariniug� offers a pleasant contrasting Ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal during the same month of last year. or green, their gay appearance will be climatic-eandtions, are ideal," he said. or are waiting to be created by her. -, is interested in the rarer thinp,,and activity to writing. College of Dental 'Surgeons Toronto. The market was as a whole decidedly a gT-ntle but incessai�t eminder to all L,Some of the. land is a little low, The boymbo leaves college at the bujlish in tendency and extraordinary careless ones who borrow or usethern not heard of -any disease, same time may 'have. a. hard -climb if a special "find" conies in shOphrres , In, additin" to all these occupations; 'Office over'Sills' Hardware,'Kait SL, . but I have Generally, cattle were of to promptly return them . to- th,jr a po�sible buyer. She has created for statistics of - the various, colleges tira good grass and ahead of him. He comes out into a Seaforth. Phone 151- while wi. haO�e ex che in the tool ouse. " Inci- herself A most -interesting occupation show graduatbg engage4 as camp lighter weigts�than of the same per- proper ni enty bf.'iough land, that is more world of specialists and long lines of` SL . -y of dently they are more easily fotind if P1 with pilea�ant­surraundifigts, interest- councilor oii!hes and tutors, hotel iod of last year, says a sumar suited to -sheep thany any other arl- applicants for every vacant place. He i� $ i contacts And a c'onifortable DR. F. S. BECIEBUY domestic Tna�rket conditions issued by mislaid. imal. 3"reover we have had pra, hieh he 19 salary. or club,hstesses an -managers, doe- ti- finds those at the top, for w., There is a college womair in one of th�,!S- asgstants, research axid 'com- Graduate Royal College of Dental the Markets Intelligence Service of cally`n�o trouble *vith sickness or dogs would be,willing to serve a 10)' g and Tomato Vine Stains.: oui large.Easiear� cities -who is m*- Surgeons-, Toronto. Office over W. R. the Dominion livestock bran'eh. I impecunious apprenticeship, % I '=! aboiza� orke* workers d verp, Very little with- wolves. served ry '9� an ing handsome coniruissioris on the sale in edbuoinjo.. and, Industrial. research Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea- If your hands "me b:adly stain- look for conined expansion in the in advance for h,& boy's whose, fathers I of ehildTen's ­account1antsj- literar forth. Phones; Office, 185W,; resn- ed while working in the toinsio gar- nxt few, years. are the presidents or the insurance, just because Statjjtj�14ng she happened to talk to her - dhiner giid dramatig , agents,, franilatorZ6 d ence, 185 J. 3055'tf When a man gets home late be re- den. out ripe 'tomato in half and It fs not very many years since the dents of the firm, or tM bankers or partn6_r,one night an the advantages, bona aalesw�26n and dealers in an- ut rub it well over Your L hands,.- - The (anadiaiqL, o- perative Wool Grow- friends of he sme. The places op alizes Mr. Kipling was rigiht abo uianee-foi.,chlldren� She,,bdd tiques., One giA directs, -a pageantry AUCTIONOMS the female of the species.—Oshawa acid in the tomato will be 6und very ers' r---- - Te first wool from this en to him. are limited in scope, in -ore. i116 taken, ut endowment policies for Itudio, � -another 'manufacturers toilet -affective in� removing the stains. Pxtreine Weptern corner of Morthara almg the conventional lines. iHe must just ONAS BIROWIT Times. have special training of special skill her family, -aid her-enthvsiw�� mm pr6pwations. A variety, surely?—In, Save Danger From an, Electric Pam. Ontario,;'�but this, year some 20,003 fresh�- Her difiner'partner asked Ladies' Iftme Jourfial. whi0h License7(1.�11=0.av for the coundeo Aiieditor refuses to publish obitu- An excellent way to prevent little pounds wer* sent in for grading and tc - overcome the competition d to 14,000 pond of Huron and Perth. Correspondence ary notices of permus' who, while children from coming in contact with marketing compare includes not only all the other college arrangements for sale dates can b living, failed to subscribe for his the revolving blades of'an eleftric fan in 1927..�Vhe output of lambs, too, boys but the giyls as well, Many giras already know what they made by calling The Expositor Olffics, rate He explains it this way: 'P s 'to covet- completely the fi�ame Of has"incye�Lsed' by leaps and bounds, and paper- eo- Seaforth. Charges modei ple who do not take their home paper the fan with screen wire, gemer4lly "Two y#ars ago we- got shippers to- are going to do When they leave col - get -her Dint in 'the (Estrict lege. Eith-er they avi�. jobs toward oatisfaction guaranteed. are dead anyway, and their passing for screen doors. out 50-0 lambs," stated which they hAvd een directing their and s *,From the Sam away has no news alue."—Galt Re- Mr. Ga OSCAR KLOPP N,, Life For the Bro6m. point educati6n because of economic neces- porte Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- I yeal -QveT 1,000 animalrs were sity, orLthey ha%le some bent or talent When t1fe �biistles 6 e this year the total will which they are planning to pursue. tional School of Auctioneering, Ch - come cushed and- flattened, do not cago. Special. course taken in Ptro t . hrow �900. All the lambs are But h�ndreds of others have noides it a�Ay. Fill a kettle with run ovek,, gra fteI]F YOU WOULD ]BE BEAU FUL -water, and when it boils. - hold the Bred Ilue Stock, Real Estate, Pler ded 4,,'p,4114�ch a premium on the what life holds for them 6andise and Farm Salez. Rateo in mencement. Some 9f them - need crushed ptE�rt of the broom over the avoid the -of them ust want w6 -MRS, LIM FOURAIRR Eteeping with prevailing marke- Eat- To reduce a fleshy riose, gteam for a few mom ents. Tir bris- e bfJ oi the sheep being raised jobs. More .§sfacdom assured. Write or 7ATO, use' of hot water and be car Ti� vany River country are Ox- ocepPation. comes lrwk San -Bornar. eful of tles will then rise to their old posi- 1n t e dino, Calif6thii. Oscar Xlopy, Zurich, Out. Phone, your diet. -Hot soups and otherfoods -d. Kri4s, according to Mr. Garn- Then comes commencement, the te. fo� 'S from which steam arises shuld-ILbe contly won t1aft. 9 a Ths,,'�jk�ediing stock was origi - culminating end toward twMeh J)ie tis, 3�aclflc. Coast' 26r avoided. The eat is relaning. Af- illy brojigt"in from Old Ontario And whole ha, been directed; and, after ostabluhin R. T. LUMM ter,clearrsing the parts at -night use fhe men are beginnin that, blanfiness. Vo short time 1, _ mifiUten and J .02 dfioi�rs. 2 Duds. Tho cold water, then N 8 U �o hell) ft� v0pplying the grade ewegs Llo=ed auctioneew for tka Com 'love the nose an CARE OF VIS BABY I she may revel in the feeling of. noth. seoice rub, &A the cold shrinks a -ad con- �h-ougi� jojAy rams are still. eing irL-_ to d6. But the Morning conies yft lid of Ljoron. Salea atten&a tZ RM nil thin event Is helill b#1 a. An astringent may 'be Used.. L More babies- are' sick in -surnmer In body, Huddl A-*om, outside, Apparent- when she, wakes up, rested pavta of the co=ty.. sevm 1 thah at other setzons, TlAs i�%V b- 1v more��Js farmers are iuft- liv�ly iii'mind, tingl4rig for stet4on, stvam colffinuoudly 1�1 a"poo parIGnea 1k Iffatitaba and 8-;OL�= 60, hogi,6 pmvanted .,by proper iuw thl district as Mr with u6thiid Chicago. clud6g.: g to more to lool�-forWArd to 6 oer 100. applcalflos than a. t" Aanee with a man. -who Minutes. AIS 2 11, lnmdc-r� Conftalin 7.0, RM To reduce the.legs, tr --exer y this fit AZA$V FIDEii ory baby +0 the 0��VlWial G&Vernment for bok6s her. The Aitto stret�lie, a- lard, F�irrier arm -,hould be �breaat-fed by 'hlo mother, ng a Ths u"t IVM- cise: Stand oect, With the left 11 Offleo, ffoftftztb, pr=*VV at,- forvmvd, right 'backward. Icaicl(. for- av2mit Thilk isr the best �Twfllc for '6 OUPplied un4er the ne e 10 , at, hopelemi—an, unend- khelhfild Wifsldy�,K VIIIIJ toLbibli ward nith the left leg to touch the 11004win �d nafils a thob6- tings atized, dayD; aud Mghts. Then comes on Lake'Ontoil left haud, Itatmt, and 1dek. the right by's bodr vequiWg. - It Is the nr6,e for 4edute to do, Nw webkd. ek' Out let wfth should eve*ean thoit. CHRLL good tinl leg sack to toubli the it hand. Do som j�erms� �Aoatc it is fr fr rs 4t that time it �411 b6 anli&hteiting *t, er; this te.A tivids. Mm t I for 'her to tdnwlt the'-ftures' of her :,�4vded , U 0, N by college 'platemexit' bureau, T hey vAll hft -by iz ot 'Mhen�d air, oitoouim4, ii still' 0 on ti#Wo' thei h sliow -her that �ho majoritr 6T wornen id tooll 9, k and fot& bag wo 0 !�,b Imb teadhinuO,,, thaf. blYdo-hon- . . . . . . . . ttn or.aiter he htsbgav ti 0 "tint r, A gaaes­4s ored proftDiah Which was a *oMaws COM V, warm, us Itlyoid Ili. all eon umffit rdtim gut., 'tt eto 0.4 d5 VOZT U* tvill 1 t (90 1A to thdoo of osli, do Naldi , it r&d of Aft ­ thd o tot& he I j, . ­ � ­', N: 40mfd, b ejVe W Ion am' Aagug Qav elan', I 0L M