The Huron Expositor, 1928-07-06, Page 87 I JCL*t 1� ia,V(D4 -A 091 O� e3bAe -I-, be hoI4 o4,V AA The baud- V1 iiTb* 410. 40 6Z., Wo WZ" thQ qe, ...... "doz- to ftbt Aesp: beas, 54 P44% r 41 0=10 r, REHIet Ma, 240 bo, tle for. PARIR GRE—, ggy T TEA—To Ox W J Zorr 4A' 4�4 at etc" 1. rea. we offer w, 4a )U NDS F 0 ........ -he& Ga o 10 F( Vocal Solo;," In t rde,4,, TEtAs 11\1 BULIT Sprays and Pois for insects 13LAJ= and MIXED Zeart".Migi§ Florence t 75C to 85C 1b. of all Zki4die -torn Quartette ........... . �'Vl are oureA values, 4' OR KIDWICHE-S—We. have SanO- Ban4ismenXeLeod, L. Bolto. 'Daity Itunch-Sandwigh 'Spre-ad, Glive Butter, M491e ut- ........ 96onale SW _ter, Dainty Lunch mayounaise'and March ........ "The GWI Ray, Which axe dainty, handy axid R .. II DrqAg - Store' 5'God aV7 W PHONE 28 AcCompanist—Mrs. _--HARP.,,WATiER CASTILE SOAJ?_78� caes for ........ Vound.­%nall brown aeather purse, I � I I . I at The Expositor 4Dffiee. -NEWoN.Ey�T tf9rd ell poundi For- SAUL--one 1§ran. =0weT; l good as new...AApW,, or ........... .......... honey is from fruit bloom and iss Jean Hays 37hT 1-,.t Famondville. :81 This Teachers F ned. �*, who have Wanted—A girl for . gerreTal I dandelion, which is often -left to go and Miss ladys ldcPb sDod Quantity limit- been teaching Second Book and Pri.in- work. Apply to John Monowol� with clover honey. ,b_ seafcrtb, or phone 12-236, Seatorth. ed. ary, respectively, at the Seaforth P Expert KodaR Finishinu:—T lie School, have resiihed. As yet the larim Studio, Bu not decided -on any new ""lee. Jac Board has S�eaforth, Out.' teachers. cooldnq Sale and Strawberry Tea. ladies f Duff's Church are Wains a w4k,;e, home cooking tand -a trkwb D,, military Camp�—Eleven men from ork 4� Seafo ay morning to -Spend urday. July 71th, at 2 Oy.m�, In the \'A PHOR P D-166 rth left Tuesd store north of A. R . MIS ReStaurapt PHON ROO a week in camp at Carling Heights, Wantad,—Reldabde agent or firm -art, H. London, They were C. B. Stew einity io represent us, selling at McLeod, J. McDonald, A. Knight, L. most- attraiAtive mining issue.' Re. G. Hilde- septial. Write W. 'EL De Udy & 0. Youge.SL, Torenito. Fortune, G. Rolph, C. Neely brandt, J. Fergii4on-, T. Beattie, Les- House to Rent.—An &roomed ho lie Bateman, Street hard arid -soft water ins, lights and garden. For further'portleqlays,aip,�,,� A Successful Medical Student.—The ply to Xrs. John Selater, igh Str lt.,$.4 forth- Sarnia Observer gays� H Brig- �1 H. 014 Boys' Ren"lon.—Fulton Selwol, S' tow, son -of Mr. -and Mrs. 8 Grqi Township, Tuesday, July 13th, Bristow, North Russel 3t., Sarnia, has am., softball tournament; 1.30, bi shoes, football; eveming successJully passed is third year in dancing, home Cowan Co., wonderful enterbduep� Medicine at.the Detroit College of Medicine." Property For Sale. --4). West vVilf oni block from public scliacd, * chrdces� -roamed A9.,WA,.. Race Meet.—The second race meet Main Street of SeaflDrth, nine of tbeL electric light hard and soft water b* Saforth Turf Association will qp, furnace in. gupd condition. There is be,beld on Wednesday, August Isti; roperty , garden, garage and stable a When $1060.00 will be offered for the good henhouse. This property is in first a n. Apply -to Mrs. Rozeun martin. three -races, -the classes tobe announe- -neditio Ied later. The races will be held un- for $eaf-orth Wanted—Teacher der the -auspices of tlie Hamilton Driv- School to teach Primary Room. Appli '77E ALWAY$_H-A'VF, Ing and Athletic Association and will with Ki-nderglexten Primer certificates ;"A n July red. Also teae6her,for -Roorn IV STEAXS follow the Exeter rae"eet o t cases to 444 'in bo 25th, the hi6 going on to Goderich ond Book)- 4Du'l rees September th. 1928. AppNeations -to be,. 'Our shop is noted, for the, quality, from Seaforth, ha:nds of Secretary �hA -later than 6 dem-ss of the beef- loth. M. mcv�tjir, Secrikary, Seaforth illil flavor aid ten steaks, sirloin, enderloin, porter-, New Building. —'Messrs. Gallop iind pecial optical ciaer.—High grade 'house, and, Other choice cuts. McAlpine, the enterpreig�ing Massey- gold-4111ed speataoRs with . bes;C, git eight th I Broil our 'stea apherical 4enses for ony $4.00. All Properly alid- Harrisgerits, Opened their new show w es you -71 home a dish as fine as. serv- roams and service station on the east style of frames end lenses at low t the Eyes examined by iour well known and -P "I Try one for side of Main Street; opposite g specialist, -MT. Hughson, with -.2 ed in any restaurant 8 ',dinner -to-night. takin Carnegie Library a week ago last Sat- eXperieui: 18 years, 00suli o, selrforth.t-,T�be We Have Lake Huron Trout. urday. The building ii� of cement very best ir, optical work —d- at readom 7ram Monday, I P.M. JU]iy Hoke, block,.45 feet by 60 feet. The foun-� Pridw- Wednesday. 1Z noon, July IM, dation and floor were done by Messrs. A. Fair,- Senforth. phone 59 Rapien, the walh by Mr. R. Frost `8ftre Phone 58 Res WeWter-Reeves.—A' quiet I . X and Son, and the carpentry by Mr. R. Porterfield. was solemnized at the EginoudvilW Udrt� Mange on 98"r,66y mpOmug <> <> <> <> Shoewer—Mrs. Josepli Keating was at 10.3D otlock, -when GeorgIni,Mi`T_ . -'Mr. recently - at a nicely ar- garet, second daughter of and the hostess Mrs. W. G. Reeves,,Of Seaf4r.th, was ranged kitchen shower in honor of united in marriage to,�William WeD_ 19. Miss Mary Reynolds, popular bri -e- 'f- Exeter �0 Funeral Director and to -be, whose -marriage to Edward ster, of Detroit, formerly <> Licensed Embalmer. <> Rftland takes place on July 7th. The The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. D. McDonald. The liri& wore a <> guesits, -were received by little Miss sea k with pretty go:m green. " Finest Motor and Horse- <> Jean Stewart, and a pleasant evening hat to in tc� of She. wa�-'� , attended by <> drawn equipment. Beattie 40' was spent. The many useful 9'ftse her sister, Mrs. Bernard Hildebrant, Block, Main Street, opposite -0 were presented in -a prettily decorated who was becminglyttiied In a dress <> The Expositor Office. S- T- "�> wagon; aifter which dainty refresh- of fawn silk crepe withjlat'to match. <> Holmes, residence, Goderich, <> ments were served by the ho - 8tess. The bridegroom -was supported by his -101 Street West; Chas. Holmes' '0� Miss MaTy Reynolds is one of -%U- brother-in-law, B. Hilldibrant. Fol - residence, North Main Street. 01 foith's popular young ladies ' and the lowing the ceremony the bridal party e -her motored to the home of'the bride's Flowers furnished on shprt <> best wishes of all go wftb i r to �O ' edd-ing breakfast -<> notice. All kinds of up- new home. parents, where the w -<> holstering -neatly. done. <> ------------ was served, afterwhich Mr. and 'Mrs. ip to -0 Phones: '119 or 309 <> Lions' Swimming Meet and Gardefi- Webster left on a honeymoon t, re - 0 <:> Party—The annual swimming meet Lindsay and Oshava. They will 0 <> <> <> 0 <> for the boys and girls of thl' dig- Side in Detroit. s at the Lins Park trict will be held e fol - towards th OT Death of Charles -Frost.—Th e latter part of July I- I 0 — f1te, death of Mr. the fir§t week in August. Lion C. P. . w ng — e . Sills will -lbe in ch4rge of the swim- Rueben Frost's bro,ther, who died in ming meet and garden party, while London on Tuesday -of this week -- Lion Ed'. Keating will look after the "The deatfi occurred Tuesday, follow - dancing program. Special events will ing a.short illness, of'Charles Frost, he announced later: The pool and at his late residence, Concession 16, park will have special attention !r*T- London Township. He had been con - this event, and it is to he hoped that fined to his bed only one week previous the-puiblic will turn, out in even larger to his death. 'Mr. Froaf *-was well number% than last year. As mention- known in London Township, having ed aborve, the various events and spe. lived there for the past years. He cials will be antrounced later. was born near St. Marys years ago and resided there until 71, marriage The Bowlers_Four� ten end games in 1898, when he mor�ed to London Scotch doiAles were played lawt Mon- Township. He is urvived by, is ,d - day Afternon and evening at the lo- widow , four, eons, Harry, William, F calgredn. Ideal weather helped make ward and Clarence, all at home, and the day a huge success. The first one daughter, Mil Edyth Fros, a iIrho )script V and ptV�­ in chai4t,!4 e che d am t nomy,,,athlo Ilore. ir g of tht�,OIOR e:b' QFS were W a thordg#4;.` iiideaW4 �a* Ina, AID p b A the ibal -basis- 1 -ctdr'�hiip e alre Big while _b i ln�"eaeh ,nt is a e Wednesday ons, but -p'� elpome; at 1v wep �s, are, w Lime. aforth aie K. -19 a ttie, A; Widv �i; X. I.' me' man, �-W_ s7l d in ore. .1,ocal Tu�n-' k to St. cLean, EdIto' Bxposi or�. , tending' thd anilluaf- e Canddian WdeklY... . ssociation d coatesj�df Tor�nto`,Js olidays at "Mrs. D., D 7 Wif on Roeri f Toronto, ir�� i4r. �Q' A. TUiriliull; f Toroto- -is his 16o]14ays t the hom� of his thelirnbull.—MW - Eth&l T&Khyp hedford, and Mr." Rond:McKay"of stel are spending their- hoUd4y's at c me name of their mother. Hugli cKay.—Mr.. Fred Cri"". a-ind Miii r Francis Crich, of Toroiho, spent �Ithe week end at the home. of their. pv,�''( �rts, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. -Crl*ch—,Mr"; F,arl Smith, of Toronto, Spenthe fioli-" lay with friends here.-' Wr.-'Jaeck VanEgmond, of. `170r6nt6r: 1§ visiting I,-, mother and.brother' in Egmand- ville.—Mr. and Mrs,-Aej,; Itild,, of tratford; Mrs. C-. J. Baladen, her .aughter, Mrs. MdK*nzie; and ',Mrs. McLeod, of Lomilon, spent thew . eek and at the home of Mrs, J� ; Reid. �-Misses Margret,'M' d A s, 4 gne �Ilen and iss-Mary.� ra,er, a O_ Ororonto, spentAfie week enA with Mi. d )ATS. -Joseph Grummett.—Mi,and Om -,A, Dawson; of Detro�t,-and Nx. .4.�i-Dawson, of IIolIy*Oodi_Cat,, a%! visfting their sister, Mrs. J. * F.: e r mends in Bayfieled.—Th Porter and Manning', N01HORE MY LADY— Cohen's and Kelly's are back again n IE,COHEWS AND IN PARIS, efto and funnier sequel to the pl&urk� that rocked the world with the Grtiategt- Comedy Team in History., --GEORGE SIDNEY V. FARREL MacDONALD _KATIR PRICE VERA GORDON a million laughs in iftis�, GET YOURS. OW PLAYtNG I i..WTH SATURDAY MA'MNEE 15 and 25 cents atinee, 10 and 15 cents awbeyry Tea. tst Strawberry Tea of the !SfAson In seeforth, will be-serv- Rgdies of the North" United Churchj' in their Room, Ott ,-RKRIDAY, SUILY sth from 4 until:7 p.m Ev bod. V e Ury ilk. iW7 I'J W aal It OWI,f�.' Ral T me lvei6 Utz, I.- `14y mas -I ki, rs. A_Pbrsythdi 4 wlen h A t the `A` eetiQxx��n-,a t h' olmes, of Det6it,. hbit� f IOUs r ith. relatiTiles, 0. and, co or e Mr0M, kt,on 'ii .1 i4e gow 8. O motoieA, io. Seat , orth -last M-unday. d L osmey t his retune pent h6-.wintei�*ith h6V f 'lip _P uther o ester $U11k d Items , Anultuxal course at-Guel]�h.­, klle�p an&� daughter,_. ..�_So�thgate,_hgs,liased ne an-, e -a far le ii �tli of July 'ther 0.ry Brown,.,of. Toronto the -holiday Wr it the spent the -Week. end, .w,ith big, 'father Wr. -James Watson, "XLOO OX&LA: U OnOTS rin Watson'returned -with hImAo,. -Trblia Bennet%, T " ity p �.$liihool nivIiiost� graddate- 7:i�6rk 'it t �Sriehds ii* Toronto,. 4IKr,�: W_ J. I"t,,,Wedxt -Way night" to, gi on- is. vez'siv­ And' In New th� Welleile of .. CI vehind, *,.-1906 y-Pulblic-School and, has -Cg�; oil MaceS,, 0 P accepte,A a t ohio'-, are f Mr. - posi ion as .-Principal of in&��:Tnaiied in, 19ig-ti Mli4.46an Milvertolift, Public �Sehool for, the' com.- Lwas Ajien�,, G'aprey "TOl'ut Ge, Q..them were d*MW W, A.: Crick was .'in - Mrk-R6y X.4Q66& d2t.T,0Z-, of Ph Miss Eligolieth" Ties The Seiforth Wghlandemra' iiAb a2m ir morni g -for-., P den 11; party: fi�ld, w 10 40 Agai. Biuce, where they, wimll 'ton on W�dnesday evening 0 tagotwo-weeks.—Mi. 126Y wft.k kr, 1),"Li Add spiiit�the owin 'hir pelled A to:g re,. an Detroit,,iw -apenift. g ay'-writh Ch�athAm ssistgut., t was then! thai, he� fdr his. hunt', Mrs. J. R.. ATolfibald. parthership 11-6iiald Kerslake,.iof T6rdato, spent rs. Varto!p ' V Wfimipeg;-who souxi t�r r3op - -v,-,g Id . , the while the �ee e�d at hishomee herMi Oshawwa- Ha Id ar t6ok,e3ritire, cht M Dr.,11:4_9 ­ - in - 7� -Oghjuwgk'� z&dV,�4 T an O6tight relief and . J. A. Westcott'.iiia famlly­ wn -rg. Howard spent d� kse . atL _LOnd Citiles-4fidl. in Rochester, bttt.re�"ume and M e D.r4kton,,.fbhis, week,-14re; home iDf,ffr D . to WifiigtQn*4'6'1mp1roved and-With-duC t_'_ 4 Lodhii, 'Ttill iecoy I Alex., McKenzie, Of —TVIT. Kenzie's Or On W- A John ago' gan-grei 6,Veloped in Ing lvlk� Me 84 D -t, anliiit 4Y� d, his; -left V181 - dch, amputation of, th Ti S - of-. Gal, ge vis. f6&, -fog McKenzie o.vA,-r the hbl*., Spainand Dorothy, t, wh, . L,e- BeattiiiIq_ Drowu 19 W1 e itite at'the home Mra.-. Abve' i& .,..I*eb *as deem wd eces- home',a Mrs. J. . .'Pitterso James. Niz.on,��Mis� Thelinalobiii,&'n 'saiyl; Thl 'peration Was gueeciesdivd, Atim �Sulherland : of Toronto, is ivis- h�ls returned fromi 'Lttle7-C4itei.t -to 'but two eeks 'ago he developed in- iting, pt her:home�'—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. :spend the sumnier. �Yith,* her fluenzai wh1oh,.4n:,his wakene , d �conffi W. Spencer: and' family:are-, spending- An,was Par -:m6dlft� ih�,'holidays in Port, Colborne,___Mr. miss Edith . Daviklton- and. Mss - Jean pr6mi, ll!"'t .111 cipAc as well as XvkTay �Wavauge, -of Exeter, has- beei6: 3kur'ray - motard& t6 Tillsoliburg'-0fl- -affairg-in th� community. and- ewas�al� is, .1 -a icult 'r I transferred to the 4taff of thee CRU- Thursday _��Miss "Mary 1-aa-ys riii�, so:deeply h2tereate n its',Uin u a adian-Bank of Commerce here, -,Mr. iting' frien& Was iht6ilgh"' hial ef- Iftj Mary devd1opline d'Mr&. Robert Brolim, Mr. and Mrs. :Laing ' f" an and- iss , . Tokozltb lithd, and, the Sistem Of­�M6=7 *er & Long -and Mri' Lillian Cook to pn'Tuesday, wher'e'. tWy , . . to, &me to, 'ff. 1111stolito v xi6t6red.frorii, Brantford on Satqrdai �wir. - attend Miss induced peraent, -and he', WASP ta,visit at hp homes of Mr. ind Aim. jbuoon, o -0f Hamilton"Ai Asitinj lier take -its -inauaj A: L.Torteous and, Dr. and Mrs. Bar-- brolthp Johnsohl�Mrs, V. ictive, member of -its 13ott47nS,'.and -wh burn.-;�Miss-Elva Jefferson, was, �a, Mn Agughtet;, Frmwes, Are Jieilth forced. his, retiramenti f '41ovon her wai* mad,.An, -Jibif6r g pinding 't few days 41 � h4e guest on Zbnday of Miss Eelyn xtil.. u Rena Simos6n:.hiis bee til ber - An be n Mrs,_A. rth " ge t-0 I b6hch school No. * 10 1%4.onda# I& Doh,611t 'where, Sh,6 *111 aWi y hi� Is, y a e 'th,41iss 'Mary - !Sittwat, and -And sisters-- Peter spend a I - athl Stewart �iid daughtd,. df Pdftland,: Oze;gzon; : Xaikfi�et:'Hag n, 'dh-' ' '13 Douglas- Stewart left for Toronto l4gt� werd -11sit0main p,96Att1b; J, in-wid Lot& latat;'Of Of Tuesday in the city Migs. —WISS ret aese; of s, , - .'of! Dooly, ary, Stewart will tah�.a summer-cour4o "O - pell­_ I - ving in� olitano -and. Sit ,th4'UniveM1ty.--JMr._ and' Mr I � . e an All it "r- s. lier po, 4'of Chatham, Zint- A1101 Chesney- and-- Song, -Raymond;,OAd and Vi4s. Andke'* Gebrge, Mr. vans, Mr. and AWn. thee, eek end' iii Z, Wi, - - fl, * " _Exauis Chesney, Mv. Kenneth �d -the ,t.h I �to%o Dill Ckilton,, Misw Bayfield thd'�rissidts, "O - IV to offbpper� Miss Wildman and �keWk�, Vr. And Mlka-A C. ylk ru -- E.%andl[� Chittk, all of Tqqzith) w6pe -, 6, r Sunday. ViSitOrs at the hoin)?of 'Mr. �hdtday,w­�Wh- eman III to Jr.. IV., GhArters —Re -0. " Con- Th:ef6, Will %0 A lit I7, aifd Mrs ;lV 40T- -b Very h norg, of Ripky� pirwhed en 11 t teresting And, in-ApIring J�t,_ First Presbyte;�Ian 'Church last" S126 -i Oko, IV 14AII14or day.' �X,gkt Saii the pulpit, will � be A ppen in, epme ex. .1 W ker IA. , 4jift wr wid: �41111'dia* Okp n01 oof St. Us lan X S` M. a eamp, ,it Zoidon L4tia4bs Annie, X6n'hbd7V ford �tldi. famili, of: Dar f, gord toiwh; W ;Va A V, W gal AA4- 241 t Lai her HOWL 191ieto, 1-6iotid It of get; ftiIfle all d (� athor-of t me y I d 1-0. twoe, A,,,' in ;W 010 6 �m prizes were won by Harry Stewart and Rlipsel Sproat, while the s econd nurse, in itsunain, 1-4. I., as w as thrPebrothers, George Frost, of Sun - prizes went to Thomas Johnson and ridge, Ont.; Harry, of Brandon, Man. George Cihiirteis. And Rueben, of Seaf6rth,--as, well as —Tvvro rinks of players, composed of John Huggardi4ohn Best, R. Wine- three sisters, Mrs. Thog. 4ai of Flint, Mich.; Mrs. WalteT Washington, Registered Drmgleno ter, Ross Sproat and H. Stewart R. 4ills of Seattle, Wash., And Miss Carrie ractitioner. H. Stewart, Ed. Bright C P journeyed to Winghani. Wednesday �'-i Th ne F-,ost, of London. - e fu ral was held on Thursday -with services at 2 CHIROPRACTOR ternoon to play In a tournament there.� Double o,claek -at the fimily 'residence. In- ZL3CTRIC71rr --!he annual Scotch tourn-1 terment was made t 3�irr Cemetery. wagneve Electric snerhio ameilt � will be held att the bowling green on Wednesday, July 11th. Eight Rev... Mr. Llod, of. W eslqy Church, London Town!hiP offitilated-p" beautiful prizes, og,etlier with suit- 1,11629927, Wl��soft 0M(Q able trophles, ar provided for the various events. Every efiorit, is be- . Retirement Of 1�hn F. MacLaren. - -a from, the June The following ike BYdz7 Aftwmcsmo. in;, made by,�the executive to mae 'succesie, number of �'Th e North -western Miller" this ., tournament a ecided and the playerg are assured of one magazine; Of T*ronto, *ill be of in - tl�resttoany of,oiw �paders, as Mr. on Mill ire gra nd,dAy's sport. The gree" Art in, wase -for a, ut inber of years exetalent condition, and every Reco- i dation vill �te ambi,dad Visiting connected -Ogilvie Flour h e,n,.tbtt� company owned bowlerg. Prize., art an IeAilbition in the mill in ,SiO60 I F- Mt� W of . T. Holmes & S6m- *lio f 0 40 ydgri has, repres- son, 'and Ochool. Plenfc.—Mie&bos eaW the 0gJJ#J# "bot ]Wills'Co Ltd, !A Toronto landr 4�th�-r pgrt3 ot On td t1te'nuzy"r of W froti the 'Home tarlo, IS iTetirifid,.,fftiA. bi "Ievs. Mr. tgaas= =d U00T=i. and School A(saociation�'of Godid-t1ch, XacLarefh. i�(, mopW ad im� iwtamo fvlwo. Clint* Exet4y and eaforth, met lift Jowdttls Girovp;� 'Barfiold, on Tuesdivy sagoming ad, *Oald 41it �tho last one *4 atttibuto t1W impot- aftdftoon; invio 19th, f6v tb?� il g�-Ve. to JhL- berjidL% he h9i Tendered poeb of f4r.ming.a cotmt�r or ni: fo the,o�jlvie tiot And 6AJ63 es *ere givchilo$, the follo-wi lgffles�f smesun r f le clintft" local rew eo'a of the'Ptoviptiml 1k60aftiiii: 42d eoid Will c iIrho )script V and ptV�­ in chai4t,!4 e che d am t nomy,,,athlo Ilore. ir g of tht�,OIOR e:b' QFS were W a thordg#4;.` iiideaW4 �a* Ina, AID p b A the ibal -basis- 1 -ctdr'�hiip e alre Big while _b i ln�"eaeh ,nt is a e Wednesday ons, but -p'� elpome; at 1v wep �s, are, w Lime. aforth aie K. -19 a ttie, A; Widv �i; X. I.' me' man, �-W_ s7l d in ore. .1,ocal Tu�n-' k to St. cLean, EdIto' Bxposi or�. , tending' thd anilluaf- e Canddian WdeklY... . ssociation d coatesj�df Tor�nto`,Js olidays at "Mrs. D., D 7 Wif on Roeri f Toronto, ir�� i4r. �Q' A. TUiriliull; f Toroto- -is his 16o]14ays t the hom� of his thelirnbull.—MW - Eth&l T&Khyp hedford, and Mr." Rond:McKay"of stel are spending their- hoUd4y's at c me name of their mother. Hugli cKay.—Mr.. Fred Cri"". a-ind Miii r Francis Crich, of Toroiho, spent �Ithe week end at the home. of their. pv,�''( �rts, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. -Crl*ch—,Mr"; F,arl Smith, of Toronto, Spenthe fioli-" lay with friends here.-' Wr.-'Jaeck VanEgmond, of. `170r6nt6r: 1§ visiting I,-, mother and.brother' in Egmand- ville.—Mr. and Mrs,-Aej,; Itild,, of tratford; Mrs. C-. J. Baladen, her .aughter, Mrs. MdK*nzie; and ',Mrs. McLeod, of Lomilon, spent thew . eek and at the home of Mrs, J� ; Reid. �-Misses Margret,'M' d A s, 4 gne �Ilen and iss-Mary.� ra,er, a O_ Ororonto, spentAfie week enA with Mi. d )ATS. -Joseph Grummett.—Mi,and Om -,A, Dawson; of Detro�t,-and Nx. .4.�i-Dawson, of IIolIy*Oodi_Cat,, a%! visfting their sister, Mrs. J. * F.: e r mends in Bayfieled.—Th Porter and Manning', N01HORE MY LADY— Cohen's and Kelly's are back again n IE,COHEWS AND IN PARIS, efto and funnier sequel to the pl&urk� that rocked the world with the Grtiategt- Comedy Team in History., --GEORGE SIDNEY V. FARREL MacDONALD _KATIR PRICE VERA GORDON a million laughs in iftis�, GET YOURS. OW PLAYtNG I i..WTH SATURDAY MA'MNEE 15 and 25 cents atinee, 10 and 15 cents awbeyry Tea. tst Strawberry Tea of the !SfAson In seeforth, will be-serv- Rgdies of the North" United Churchj' in their Room, Ott ,-RKRIDAY, SUILY sth from 4 until:7 p.m Ev bod. V e Ury ilk. iW7 I'J W aal It OWI,f�.' Ral T me lvei6 Utz, I.- `14y mas -I ki, rs. A_Pbrsythdi 4 wlen h A t the `A` eetiQxx��n-,a t h' olmes, of Det6it,. hbit� f IOUs r ith. relatiTiles, 0. and, co or e Mr0M, kt,on 'ii .1 i4e gow 8. O motoieA, io. Seat , orth -last M-unday. d L osmey t his retune pent h6-.wintei�*ith h6V f 'lip _P uther o ester $U11k d Items , Anultuxal course at-Guel]�h.­, klle�p an&� daughter,_. ..�_So�thgate,_hgs,liased ne an-, e -a far le ii �tli of July 'ther 0.ry Brown,.,of. Toronto the -holiday Wr it the spent the -Week. end, .w,ith big, 'father Wr. -James Watson, "XLOO OX&LA: U OnOTS rin Watson'returned -with hImAo,. -Trblia Bennet%, T " ity p �.$liihool nivIiiost� graddate- 7:i�6rk 'it t �Sriehds ii* Toronto,. 4IKr,�: W_ J. I"t,,,Wedxt -Way night" to, gi on- is. vez'siv­ And' In New th� Welleile of .. CI vehind, *,.-1906 y-Pulblic-School and, has -Cg�; oil MaceS,, 0 P accepte,A a t ohio'-, are f Mr. - posi ion as .-Principal of in&��:Tnaiied in, 19ig-ti Mli4.46an Milvertolift, Public �Sehool for, the' com.- Lwas Ajien�,, G'aprey "TOl'ut Ge, Q..them were d*MW W, A.: Crick was .'in - Mrk-R6y X.4Q66& d2t.T,0Z-, of Ph Miss Eligolieth" Ties The Seiforth Wghlandemra' iiAb a2m ir morni g -for-., P den 11; party: fi�ld, w 10 40 Agai. Biuce, where they, wimll 'ton on W�dnesday evening 0 tagotwo-weeks.—Mi. 126Y wft.k kr, 1),"Li Add spiiit�the owin 'hir pelled A to:g re,. an Detroit,,iw -apenift. g ay'-writh Ch�athAm ssistgut., t was then! thai, he� fdr his. hunt', Mrs. J. R.. ATolfibald. parthership 11-6iiald Kerslake,.iof T6rdato, spent rs. Varto!p ' V Wfimipeg;-who souxi t�r r3op - -v,-,g Id . , the while the �ee e�d at hishomee herMi Oshawwa- Ha Id ar t6ok,e3ritire, cht M Dr.,11:4_9 ­ - in - 7� -Oghjuwgk'� z&dV,�4 T an O6tight relief and . J. A. Westcott'.iiia famlly­ wn -rg. Howard spent d� kse . atL _LOnd Citiles-4fidl. in Rochester, bttt.re�"ume and M e D.r4kton,,.fbhis, week,-14re; home iDf,ffr D . to WifiigtQn*4'6'1mp1roved and-With-duC t_'_ 4 Lodhii, 'Ttill iecoy I Alex., McKenzie, Of —TVIT. Kenzie's Or On W- A John ago' gan-grei 6,Veloped in Ing lvlk� Me 84 D -t, anliiit 4Y� d, his; -left V181 - dch, amputation of, th Ti S - of-. Gal, ge vis. f6&, -fog McKenzie o.vA,-r the hbl*., Spainand Dorothy, t, wh, . L,e- BeattiiiIq_ Drowu 19 W1 e itite at'the home Mra.-. Abve' i& .,..I*eb *as deem wd eces- home',a Mrs. J. . .'Pitterso James. Niz.on,��Mis� Thelinalobiii,&'n 'saiyl; Thl 'peration Was gueeciesdivd, Atim �Sulherland : of Toronto, is ivis- h�ls returned fromi 'Lttle7-C4itei.t -to 'but two eeks 'ago he developed in- iting, pt her:home�'—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. :spend the sumnier. �Yith,* her fluenzai wh1oh,.4n:,his wakene , d �conffi W. Spencer: and' family:are-, spending- An,was Par -:m6dlft� ih�,'holidays in Port, Colborne,___Mr. miss Edith . Daviklton- and. Mss - Jean pr6mi, ll!"'t .111 cipAc as well as XvkTay �Wavauge, -of Exeter, has- beei6: 3kur'ray - motard& t6 Tillsoliburg'-0fl- -affairg-in th� community. and- ewas�al� is, .1 -a icult 'r I transferred to the 4taff of thee CRU- Thursday _��Miss "Mary 1-aa-ys riii�, so:deeply h2tereate n its',Uin u a adian-Bank of Commerce here, -,Mr. iting' frien& Was iht6ilgh"' hial ef- Iftj Mary devd1opline d'Mr&. Robert Brolim, Mr. and Mrs. :Laing ' f" an and- iss , . Tokozltb lithd, and, the Sistem Of­�M6=7 *er & Long -and Mri' Lillian Cook to pn'Tuesday, wher'e'. tWy , . . to, &me to, 'ff. 1111stolito v xi6t6red.frorii, Brantford on Satqrdai �wir. - attend Miss induced peraent, -and he', WASP ta,visit at hp homes of Mr. ind Aim. jbuoon, o -0f Hamilton"Ai Asitinj lier take -its -inauaj A: L.Torteous and, Dr. and Mrs. Bar-- brolthp Johnsohl�Mrs, V. ictive, member of -its 13ott47nS,'.and -wh burn.-;�Miss-Elva Jefferson, was, �a, Mn Agughtet;, Frmwes, Are Jieilth forced. his, retiramenti f '41ovon her wai* mad,.An, -Jibif6r g pinding 't few days 41 � h4e guest on Zbnday of Miss Eelyn xtil.. u Rena Simos6n:.hiis bee til ber - An be n Mrs,_A. rth " ge t-0 I b6hch school No. * 10 1%4.onda# I& Doh,611t 'where, Sh,6 *111 aWi y hi� Is, y a e 'th,41iss 'Mary - !Sittwat, and -And sisters-- Peter spend a I - athl Stewart �iid daughtd,. df Pdftland,: Oze;gzon; : Xaikfi�et:'Hag n, 'dh-' ' '13 Douglas- Stewart left for Toronto l4gt� werd -11sit0main p,96Att1b; J, in-wid Lot& latat;'Of Of Tuesday in the city Migs. —WISS ret aese; of s, , - .'of! Dooly, ary, Stewart will tah�.a summer-cour4o "O - pell­_ I - ving in� olitano -and. Sit ,th4'UniveM1ty.--JMr._ and' Mr I � . e an All it "r- s. lier po, 4'of Chatham, Zint- A1101 Chesney- and-- Song, -Raymond;,OAd and Vi4s. Andke'* Gebrge, Mr. vans, Mr. and AWn. thee, eek end' iii Z, Wi, - - fl, * " _Exauis Chesney, Mv. Kenneth �d -the ,t.h I �to%o Dill Ckilton,, Misw Bayfield thd'�rissidts, "O - IV to offbpper� Miss Wildman and �keWk�, Vr. And Mlka-A C. ylk ru -- E.%andl[� Chittk, all of Tqqzith) w6pe -, 6, r Sunday. ViSitOrs at the hoin)?of 'Mr. �hdtday,w­�Wh- eman III to Jr.. IV., GhArters —Re -0. " Con- Th:ef6, Will %0 A lit I7, aifd Mrs ;lV 40T- -b Very h norg, of Ripky� pirwhed en 11 t teresting And, in-ApIring J�t,_ First Presbyte;�Ian 'Church last" S126 -i Oko, IV 14AII14or day.' �X,gkt Saii the pulpit, will � be A ppen in, epme ex. .1 W ker IA. , 4jift wr wid: �41111'dia* Okp n01 oof St. Us lan X S` M. a eamp, ,it Zoidon L4tia4bs Annie, X6n'hbd7V ford �tldi. famili, of: Dar f, gord toiwh; W ;Va A V, W gal AA4- 241 t Lai her HOWL 191ieto, 1-6iotid It of get; ftiIfle all d (� athor-of t me y I d 1-0. twoe, A,,,' in ;W 010 6 �m