The Huron Expositor, 1928-06-15, Page 8Stu f Were (largest ofia Pen' Castle 'LASS CAI= RLATES- -special, Prim very epeatel, ant 1,5e stores at 315t. We theze ati 10e, or 25t MUM WARE — Sauce Pens, a' Plans, Pails, Kettles, Potato "birth Pans and Preserving es teed 1,000 hours; 40's and 60's 1611aS—Frosted inside, at 30c '41101IES are higher in the market. We still have them at 10 cents, or • Y CHICK FEED and Bonanza Scratch Feed. • poueds for Togaarr PAPER -2 for 25c; 3 for SWEETH.EAR.T COFFEE has been pronounced by some of our cus- tomers as "the best we ever Maim used." Per pound tt,J) SAPAN TEA—To drinkers of Japan Tea we ofaer a 75c tea at gnu.) 310 POUNDS FOR 25,c 'Yoe can save money by getting za saeply at this ..embags Ky. Do Hutdii@oaa'a WE ALWAYS IHAVE GOOD STEAKS Our shop is noted for the quality, flavor and tenderness of the beef- steaks, sirloin, tenderloin, porter- house, and other choice cuts. Broil our steak properly and you'll have a dish as fine as serv- ed in any restaurant. Try one for dinner to -night. We Have. Lake Ebersole Trout. a Stew 2i tore Phone 58 Haas. Mom 59 lao Funeral Director and Licensed 'Embalmer. Finest Motor and Reese- 0 drawn eqUipment Beattie 0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 Holmes, residence, Goderich Street West; Chas. lloiraes' residence, North Main Street. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0 holstering neatly done. Phones: 119 or 308 Datums 011tdo Registered Dranglees CIIIIIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Ifilagisetic Electric Bath Aragastmenato emir! RV eloo.o.ogo el on Mode. pot, amtztofftt m&in 11,111. 1=1 tv New a leas For Library. — The Public Library has recently rateived from Hon. G. H. Ferguson a copy of "An Ode on the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation," by Wilson MacDon- ald, and also "My Generation of Pol- itics and Politicians," by W. T. R. Preston, donated by Mr. Thomas Mc- Millan, M.P. Ilays received the information on Thursday of this week that he hati been elected an Hon. Life Member of the Commercial Law League of America, whose membership compris- es 9,500. This is an outstanding dis- tinctian and many friends will jain The Expositor in hearty congratula- tions. Presentation to Sohn Muir. — The herne of Mr. Jahn Muir was the scene of a happy gathering on W nesday evening of this week, when t e section men of the Stratford-Goderich division gathered and presented him with two handsome easy chairs, as a mark of the esteem in which he had always been held on the Division. Mr. Muir was recently superannuated af- ter a service of over 50 years on this line. The balance of the evening was spent in a social way and a thorough- ly good time was spent by all pres- ent. Wt C1160;i4 PQ client one thron honk ?rest in the extension winit o spieler/id devotion to the liente bnz been maintained, Icn the year 1$25, the conarematioia by a very con- siderable majority voted to enter the United Obearah of Canada and has 6i11,02. been numbered aniongst the con- gregations of this great new chureh. The special preacheffor the annivera- ary will be Rev. Peter Bryce, D. D„ Chairman of the Committee of Direct tion for the United Church of Canada, one of the most magnetic personali- ties in the church. Services will be being under the direction of Mrs. en Johnson. This will be Mrs. Johnson's last Sunday before leaving for her new home in Hamilton. On Wednes- day, <lune 27th, there will be en anni- versary supper, followed by a splen - d programme of musical and liter- ary numbers. The special number will be a lecture by Rev. Dr. S. W. Hughes of England, one of the world's out- standing preachers and lecturers. Al- together the whole occasion should be one of interest and enjamment, net only to members and adherents o Egmondville, but to the whole com- munity. Band Concerts.—The Seaforth Higla- lenders will next week open the 1928 season with a special concert, the de- tails of which will -be announced in next week's papers. The band has been fortunate in engaging Mr. F. Novak, of Medicine Hat, Alta., as leader, and the public is assured of an excellent series of weekly programs. Mr. Novak, who, besides being a gift- ed mueiciam is a teacher of twenty- five years° experience, is opening classes in rviolin, saxophone and coenet and the musical fraternity is to be congratulated upon his addition to its The Seaforth Home and School As- sociation.—This month's meeting will be held at Bayfield, on Tuesday, June 19th, a picnic in Jowett's Grove being the closing event of this season. All members and husbands are cordialiy invited and each asked to bring an individual lunch box, containing food, cream, sugar and cup. Tea will be made there. Members and cars are requested to be at the public school at 3.30 p.m. that all may get away punctually at o'clock. Don't miss this, the first picnic of the Associa- tion. Will all members who can at- tend this picnic please register by rhoning 261. There will be ample ear accommodation for all members.— Mrs. Charles Holmes, Secretary. Softhall.—On Wednesday evening of this week the Blyth girls defeated the Collegiate grounds. The game was a close fight all the way. C. G. L T.—M. Cudmore. P. Reeves. M. Gardno, N. Halakirk, M. Turnbull, 0. Nicholls, E. Burrows, M. Crich, J. Frost. The same evening the De Luxe Tuids defeated the Blyth boys 16-5. The game was, far from being as one-sided as the score might indi- cate. DeLture Tuxis: G. Parke, T. Cluff, S. Nicholls, W. Barber, A. Sil- Burrows. Both games were played before the biggest crowd at a soft ball game this year. Dr. McGinis, of Wingham, refereed both games. Boys.—Are you going to camp this summer? If you don't you will miss the time of your life. There will be swimming, life saving, aquatic meets, baseball, soft ball, treasure hunts, camp firee, everything that is attrac- tive in boy life. Register now to go to the Boys" 'Oainp situated near Grand Bend on beautiful Lake Huron and spend seven days of real outdoor life with the "other fellowa." To re- assure the parents, the camp is un- der the leadership of capable men, who have had experience in boys' camps. The food will be clean and wholesome and in abundance. Fee $6.50, registration fee $2.00. Do it now.—W. C. Barbee, Registrar South Huron Boys' Camp. anniversary of the present church handing will be held at Egmondville on Sunday, lune 24th. In the year 1845 a Preelyyterian congregation was formed and Revs Gralhara, lately come from Pei -Ursa -sire, Scotland, was duly oedained and inducted, so that the -present congregatiori has neer been in eitietenet for 83 yeses. In the yeati 1M8 Vag) present ehairela being made in the form of an alcove, including vestry and choir ahem, in the year 1020, while commoillous sheds whkgh Bra eatioargemt the finest in Ontario, Were te the elimaah prerierty Ira the var. Following Rem Mr. Grab= in the ipastorats Vete Rea. Zahn &Oak 1874-18/70; A:4mph Tific047, 1016018C0; In. Otto. the h Ott Ple.104 ifeadaeau money' est ne:purchase. See_ the0a0er that ea Vast fade, Expert Kodak Phidshing.—Twenty-four hour service. Jackson Studio, Buck's old stand, Seaforth, Ont. 3157x4 Pox Sale.—New and second hand lawn mowers, garden hose and Corona Wool Fat. Apply to A. Barton, Seaforth. 3152-tf Announcernent.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novak wish to announce that they are opening class- es. the following subjects to be taught: Violin, voice, piano, dornet and saxophone. Per particulars phone 33-236. 3157-1 Quidity Coker, Nut and Stove Coal on hand. Corn of corn in a week. Phone R. J. Mc- Millan or see Harry Charters. 3131-tf . Wanted.—Emperienced maid for general house work. Apply to Mrs. P. J. Kelly, 406 Ontario Street, Stratford. Phone 279. 3156-2 Biome Baking—A sale of home baking and candy under the auspices of the Catholic Wo- men's League, will be held on Saturday, June 23rd, at 4 o'clock in the store, 1 door north of Mr. Box's candy store. 3157-1 Private Sale.—Extension table and 6 dining room chairs, parlor suite and bedroom suite, kitchen couch, couch swing for veranda, Pan- dora range, excellent cooker. APPly to MTS. James Davis, Godorich Street Weet, Seaforth. Housekeeper Wanted at once, family of two, myself and 8 -year-old girl, just housework small house, modern conveniences. Apply to W. R. Smillie, North Main Street. Seaforth. Phone 174. 3154-tf Portland Cement.—A car load of cement just 170 hand. We also carry in stock hydrat- ed lime and paristone, a ready made plaster. Geo. A. Sills & Sons, Hardware Merchants, Seaforth. 3156-2 For Sale. -3 horsepower gasoline engine nearly new, 8 horsepower gasoline engine on trucks, 6 horsepower gasoline engine, 6 -foot Deering binder, 7-floot Deering binder, 6 -foot McCormick binder. Appl at Massey -Harris Shops, Seaforth. Private Sale—Private sale of Household ef- fects at Brucefield: 8-pieee dining room suite, fumed oak; dresser and stand, iron bed, springs and mattress; 3 -burner coal oil stove, 2 kitchem tables, 3 kitchen chairs, cellar cup- board, bicycle, work bench, clothes rack, lin- oleum 4x5 yards, 8 yards oilcloth, congoleum rug 10x15 feet. high chair, baby carriage, rocking horses, Coleman lamp, coal oil lames, -lounge, gems, etc., etc. Must be sold, owner going West. Lyle Hill, Brueefield. 3156-2 Subsceakitions taken toi all magazines w.41, .-/pers at ,publisher's Priees. Sutherland -McLean. --The following from an Edmonton daily will be of in- terest to many old friends here, as the bride is a daughter of Mr. W. D. Mc- Lean, for many years connected with The Expositor: "The marriage was solemnized at high noon on Saturday, June 2nd, of Mary Willett McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Donald McLean and Mr. Roy Leonard Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sutherland, of Oxford, Nova Scotia. The ceremony took place at the fam- ily residence in 122 Street, with Rev. Thomas H. Mitchell officiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a lovely tiered gown of alcon lace and beige crepe Roma and graceful picture hat to match. She carriei a bouquet of Columbia roses. Mrs. W. T. Sexarnith, of Saskatoon, the matron of honor, was in rose beige crepe and lace picture hat in matching shades. Her bouquet was a sheaf of baby._ gladoli. 'Mrs. 'McLean, _mother of the bride, was gowned in bronze flat crepe with corsage ef ophelia ros- es. Following the ceremony, wed- ding luncheon was held fer more than fifty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Suther- land are spending their honeymoon in Southern 'California and on their re- turn will reside in GIenora. Nits. Sutherland travelled in a smart sport ensemble, of new patou silk of yeidine green and beige felt hat to match." Tr, was taken by the Z011evallag eaa.)?,-61as. Sherwood, Miss Ithoms and *aishalfrugh Chesney. The ten her - were even: British Colunible, MIC8. W,„ McDonald; 'Alberta,. Virs• Bronni; Saskatchewan, Miss 'Plait:ma; Manitoba, Mrs. McKenaie, Si.; On- tario,,Miss Charters; Quebec, Mrs. HogatiChesney; New Brunswick, Mrs. ICelaaie; :Prince Edward Island, Mrs: wocidea 'Hymn 770 was sung, following whieheMes. R. McKenzie gave a splen- did eePort of the Woodstock Confer- ence at which she was present. The meeting was closed by singing Hymn 579 and prayer by Mrs. MeKenzie, Rural Deanery Meeting.—The semi- annual convention of the Rural Dean- ery of Huron wa6 held in St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday, June 12th, with 200 delegates in attendance. The morning session at 10 o'clock op- ened with holy communion, Rev. T. H. Brown being the celebrant, and Rev. Rural Dean Hawkins, assistant. The Deanery Chapter was addressed by Gyril Jarvis, chairman of the Lay- men's Aesociation Archdeaconery of Middleseir, who gave an inspiring ad- dress. The meeting of the eainery Women's Auxiliary was full of inter- est, the new officers elected being: President, Mrs. F. H. Paull, sayfield; Secretary, Mas. H. B. Holmes, Gorrie. Prayere for Missions were o ered by Rev. re. Lo Lewin offered the opening prayer at the after000n sessien, which commenced at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. W. a . Townsend, ef Barrie, gave an in- teresting address followed by distus- sion. J. Rogers of the Church Army in an inspiration talk, spoke on 'The Lay Work Within the 'Miura," and Canon R. Jell/. Perkins gave an able addresa aTh4 Primary Ne of the Cluireh." An eneellent luncheon and tea were provided by ths ladiee of the congregatioe to 200 perstem. meeting of the 701111,21fS' Marlionarsr was held (Ai rrklay, lune Ekt&: Mrs. Saran Alleerliretided. The Meeting was. Rimed t,aith the Singing, of Atenin by ro, Allen the reading of tho valrostea of kat ttr„sang Stark -Timmerman. — Last week's Welland Tribune -Telegraph makes the folleWlag reference to the wedding of 'Mrs E. Stark, a former well knovm and popular Seaforth bay, whose -many friends here will extend congratealations and best wishes: "A secb.I event of interest on Saturday afternoon was the marriage of laliss Vivian -S. Timmerman, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. H. E. Timmerman, 394 Noith Main Stieet, to Harold Edward Stark, emi of Mrs. H. E. Stark and the late .311r. Stark, of Seafoith. The ceremony was performed in St. An- drew's Presbyterian chiiieh . by Rev. RS A. Cranston, the choir stall's being banked with a profusion of white flowees -and ferns. A reception was later held at the reeidence, North Main Street, lbvely with its floral die - play of white and mauve lilac's, tulips and.ferns, bhe mantle of the drawing mem- fireplace being banked with these. The dining room. was charm- ing with its green leaves and dog- wood. The bride, wfho entered the church on the arm of her father, wore trimnied witla rose point lace and short feont and a lovely tuile veil, featuxing a tiara of orange 'blossoms. A long string of pearle were her only ornament The bridal bouquet was coanposed of an exquisite grouping of Easter lilies, maiden -hair fern and lily -of -the -valley, and was tied with. a larga bow of tuile. She wore also bizekleseset in silver. She was ac- ed -lawn -led by Mfrs. Burgess Dillon, the rtmq,on of honor, who was dress- ed inhantown of pale blue georgette oVer pit* velvet and a large mohair LAYING "Dhlle e miff Home. in Gerald Beaumont's story of the Texas Rangers aass I best 'Ma% Bead vita lawn ' 4 gasp DA .off Toronto, Jerry Rundle and R. HalphseiD ! Wei&'and, were the aaeiae 'e. During the eigning. signing.of the Mister a adOlin st„ as aen ai. was rende'ed by Cul gena, of Stratford, The &arid..e . as played throughout ley !Keg, , Willi= ulligan, of Stratford, oose4e. sif the bride. Following the Ceremony obout 76 guests adjourned to the esesidenee. op North 'Main Street and wee se-. cern= by Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Time mersaaan Mrs. Id. E. Stark, Sr„, -the bride and groom, the snntron of •holm or, and the little flower girl in beautifully decorated drawing room. Mrs. Timmerman was smart in a &alien georgette drees trimmed with eorrespQnding fringe, a corsage of pale pink sweet peas; tray's breath and ferias, and a hat ®f fawn shade trimmed with ostrich. A contrasting cinnamon Ping fat was also worn and black satin shoes. Mrs. ,Shark was gowned in 'black georgette trimmed with Fiena;h wand -made lace, and wore a corsage of Mauve sweet .Peas and maiden hair fern., Her hat was in 'black to match. A dainty buffet luncheon was served in the dining - room from A. table decorated with a lovely silver basket of roses, carna- tions, baby% breath and ferns. A handsome wedding cake occupied the central position. The pleasing e i ect was completed by four' small vases of flowers at the corners of the table. Mrs. Xonkle and twq assistants cater- ed for the evening. Following the luncheon, the bridal couple left about 5 o'clock for New York City and other points in the United States and in about two weeks will be at home at 394 North Main street. The bride travelled in a smart beige dress and coat, the Tatter featuring trinuning of butternnole fur. She also wore shoes and stockings and a hat to match and carried a contrasting purse of green leather. A lovely bunch of velvet orchids were placed at the back of her collar. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Timmerman entertained the out- of-town guests, these being present from Toronto, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Port Colborne, Stratford, Brant ford, Oshawa and Seaforth." Staged in Cathedral Canyon, California Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday s Out with JOAN CRAWFORD Rumsrunners, pirates of to -day, - plying their million dollar trade— Hajackera," more desperate, preying on rum -runners. With the screen's -greatest romantic aetor, Metro has taken this Broadway stage success oat on the high seas and produeed a thriller that will make you grip your seat. INC ss 1041 gielahed Plage iairilitlee found Alt At enamor ad 6 vat on tbn ema Local Briefs.—Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary arrived home from their honey- moon trip on Friday last and are re- ceiving the congratulations of many friends.—Mr. and 1VIrs. Howard Kerr, of Toronto, and Mr. Fred Larkin, of Windsor, spent the week end here.— Mr. and Mrs. F. Novak arrived from Medicine Hat on Tuesday of last week and are guests at the home of Mrs. Novak's father, Mr. John Scott, Rox- borm—Miss . Ballantyne left last week for radford, Pennsylvania, where she will spend the summer 'with relatisses.—IMr. W. Brine, of Toronto, spent the week end with his sisters here. Mr. Brine has just retu-rned from a trip to Washington and Rich- mond, Virginia.—Mr. James Sleeth, of Detroit, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and lairs. W. M. Stewart. —Mr. Arthur Breadfoot, of Moose Jaw, is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot —Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Hamiltim, is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell.—alfrs. William Oke is visiting with Hamilton friends this week.—Mr. John Brown, of Galt, was a guest this- week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. — Miss Annie CarnoShan, of California, is visiting at the home of her brothers in Tuckersmith.—Mr. J. E. Keating was in London this week attending a convention of druggists.—Mrs. W. R. Cole, of Winnipeg, was visiting with Seaforth friends last week.—Mr. Don- ald McKay, of Stratford, spent the week end at the home of his father, 'Mr. Adam 'McKay. — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd, Rev. W. D. McDonald, Mrs. McDonald and Miss Fergus Mc- Kay were in Atwood on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late MTS. Alden Reid, nee Pearl liene.—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 'Scott and son, James, left on Wednesday on a motor trip to Brockville and Ottawa.—Mrs. L. W. Guy is spending a few days with her husband here. --Mr. Reid Edcnunds has successfully passed his second year in dentistry at the Toronto Den- tal College. He left last week to as- sume a position on the S. S. Assinibaia Brantford, is relieving Mr'. Dawson Reid at the Customs Office. — Miss Margaret Munroe, of London, was a Saturday viaitor at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes.—Mr. C. Eekart and• Mr. Robert Smith had residence phones installed this week.—Mrs. A D. Sutherland, who spent several months with relatives and friends in Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan, re- turned home last week. ---Dr. F. J. Burrows, Mrs. Burrowe, Rev. W. P. Lane, -Maim/Lane and Dr. -G. Mackay motored to Toronto on Wednesday, where the -dee -tors a,tteraled -meeting of the Provincial Board of Health.— Mrs. Shoecraft, of New York, is a guest at the home of Miss Edith Davidsen.—Mr. Angus McKinnon, of California, is a guest at the home of Mr. Robert McKay in Egmenidttle.— Mrs. Cm Scott, of Wheaton, Illinois, is a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart—Mr. Jelin Hineha ley, of Stratford, ripent the week end with relatives here.—Mr. ant Mrs. 3. week _attending the funeral of Mr. loreeis father, -who died stiddenly at` his tcoine .there air -Saturday gut— are in Montreal -this week, where W. nOterned to, their residence on vim 616144 ,,- issentittr. ttnid 'WS, 'Naga '700O-teottift4t1 Ya git Aa to see ea. a and Mk aid Wool tad Suits for Sp Coat Slybo light w COME AND SEE THE NEW THINGS SHOWN HERE NOW ciaa=alailBlIto of :Imported ano 'nestle aute. T4o News WE MUM DRESSES IBPSIERY GLOVES NECKWEAR CORSETS UNDERWEAR, ETC. It is a pleasure to see- the exquisite new cre tions we have on display You will certainly enjoy looking them ove re. Come soon. We Cara Delight You. 'Ali- ur Present Showing Linoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs Room -size Rugs Hearth ugs Linoleu s by the Yard Congolewil by the Yar Window Curtains Panel Curtains Tapestry and Very ffee,, Dale attended the Brown -Crozier wed- ding dinner on Saturday evening last. —Mr. WmPatriek of- the Bank of Commerce staff, drediton, underwent an oPeration fee appendicitis in the Seaforth Hospitals en IVIonday. Mr. Patrick is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Montgonsery Patrick, of Tuekersmith. —Mr. Alex.- Kerr has purchased a Miss Margaret Forest and Miss Kate tilison, ;cif Tuckersmith, took in the Greyhound excursion to Detroit, last II/Liss Addison, Mrs. Boyce and Mrs. Noble, of Godericla spent Wednesday with Mrs. James Archibald and Mrs. A. L. Porteous. The 'first mentioned three leave 11VIonday mkt on a motor trip to Vancouver.—Mr. C. Eckert is spending this -week with his brother, Peter Eckert. —Dr. and Mass. Curtis, of Marmora, were week end guests at the parental horaP Mr. and Mrsi_ Kenzie, of Orillie -mare, week end. guests at the hom of Mrs. D. Ma- Kenzie.—NPiqs Gam gine Reeves is. visiting with Det -o -:t friends..—Miss- Beth Govenlock, of Detroit, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. J. M. Govenlock—Mr. Gibson White, of the Western University, London, is epenclisig the holidays-vrith.. his mother here.—Mr. and Mrs. R. s Holmes, of Detroit, spent the week end with relatives here.—Mrs. Cous- ins, of Washington, and Mies Glaclye. Cousins, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mn William Wilson.—D/lase Hagerman, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Keating.—The Misses Florence anrE Daisy Spain, of Galt, are 'Spending a few days thie .tieek with friends 4-4 turiayNR When we close our store on Saturday Night, this Great #1* aiin: Slime S le 0 van, There are kiiity of baxg.6136 itift 6r Mon, Women and APto but you'll have to hurry.