The Huron Expositor, 1928-05-25, Page 4ISR"OUTH, Frida Sue loc sa THE EXPORTOR ERO� r MAY 2k IN& 777' "log PA? y1m M4 LV4191(do grout W—A N it, old 034 :40-:0 -a 44 U adq 'k Xar,04 ere$ ass 1i t ti 'MaVe �,QM. 4 ze pleias4k *M 0-00M , A ma "M n be Lord's Day shlDr, of: olyle, n,letlArmd or anwo iOil 6 vvew I if W) 'tho, old �twwn vie1w. the illase. .ior , , e d OA19,;, ft. np,over. ID roan .0i, the party had t6 to F, 90 iveor of .1pplies equaily in Dun 4r. Y. N, frpi �a the papp dent in Have� 1111P* T ade. In tbig l,0, rpr� ru W 6=9 tons taverage wm tari top andthe women and children D, -Dick, TIWX ,"v riggs, �0, the time resting oil the wayside, IMP, V. pgtty.._Xr, and A 11404et Otra.ahi ht ship*omz� modern gypsies travel I the Her- auto And of brillia, Mtred here and are M–a- 1441AN This band uses expensive closed in spending Sts for. P. eek er.,so, T�acation at u 4 0 a X lily arrive,4 4A''H0&sjj' t 7.0 t SqU041.1 �,rlo town linproyom'eilim, cars to travel 'from place to Place— the 1, #k'the I I I 'i d vvAo X- ec��. J$i -4'=e offie of Mrs� Thoypa ­Pllick, Mr, to joft,,A� A '4 "-ho his s W. �L� the Part Of turning 411 the The house of Mr. Henry Thiel Rar- Di&I, h mot or ister, herp�, Monday wom;ll; 1VeWrY,.F1eet not brown V.4 21t Uwages4 owly escaped destruction on Monday Mrs. Bertha -with -relatives lac'. .�o 4 Tbr6uto, er of the' ft % ev frenoon, hen an overheated stove and frieds in and vil urse we agree t*,, a pretty 'the Village Iry wil I - foi� th and Mrs. :!G H. Koare, in the inter- fm4g .t. in the basement, started a fire which ity�-MT. j. an asset Ying at the h damaged the �eiling &44 burned some u4#1 1 h oa P. Look, -9 at the amw twt hig- it sts of the H#nmffl Horticultural So- t a suitable we cloth was noticed just in time ciety, gave a most intefe�sting and iu� I per has receW�-tijat,. that too uld, have struetive address in th '10 not 1panj pretty as -a few minutGs more wo e Town Hall ed -40i fine Ch red o, To- lead to prosperity in a town 1qqU, eod­tTonti.) with given it a good start. The fire was last Thursday evening along the line ­4Dr,; M-ab&m aw zleflet 4a with wa 0 sisteri N 'When h ba a. referred to Put Out ter, 'thou ac ase in gh the town of flowers and plant culture. He urg- PI -4 Trmto,'are'. '' r %;ests OY frienft-from em- fvK' �1* at the AQ ton Sakiirday �Venlffg last, returp'-w-, It to house Mr. Arthur Rgimingj f I)Oroit, re. generally and touched upon the an4f ,,*ro tbuilt� they -were bul fire apparatus was ready to asist.- ed the beautifying of lavils, and pr sudgty night I)ot,oit on, -* h4risel, a cow, or Perhaps soine newed -old friendships in 417w of life imd the putting of SOW: 4 J48.Viltzge best Y, of Detroit zceolnf-� pm*,srs or all #jr They were built over the week end. Kr. H ompazied by.,W T.J. erry ee. ning was first things Inrst place. He deplor- psn-W I ace taceyj also. a member of the Zurich Dal Asit , Ivi -,,her: sow in wando0­4. consumers. Le week end with: rei.;, w house producers, not MID&H team old the life of the careless and 0, e, troitt,:�,, is - boug put 1 when the club won the homiDuship and -is to those who wtive�s.:,, 111110 6XXIGX- 44 W` 24a to, in the .paid high enconiun 11 –WITs A South Welligton B I asebal sought to make premises bright, 1lipid'did, add'jilateriallyrto the-famiLvl League in 1921, and is maW. end with untitg, arcilles, etc., a4d cheery, and thrifty and incidently 5udget- The money they made or were glad to meet him ag4j,. SC� OWN A P fribnds fri Thomas. -Wo r*IJ6VIa all roa 01 Ored members of. fafill es, who that Stewart was'tikeai 0 oOlZatiig ,and biF Theodore Peine and sister, of saved ent, into the comfort and Im - New spent their time in Idle and pleasur- tha _the eommit�. e 3day and sit . . .0 wj- a-gongralf, ­iro�- Hamburg, visited relatives here as into th4k. Upon of the home, on able- pursuit and neglecting their tl no Pains, to keeping Sunday—MT.-and Wirs. W. F. -Fink Ill, inh th IR " , FM , t .K �� � 4 'I V um ion of the family and into doiens beinell and daughter, of Stratford, 5. m4by riends make the dWebatibij, si W% J� m ev orxles�The many Mends of MISS ery. jury,-. Be A� we, 4740, Kona McGregor will reirat to leaYn' P�,04040 W operaylon. Tnu prove r espeat and havo, a number 4 4,9 other things. They paid their spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and -was taken with severe at- 4-finp-st- Lair Melde have "n that she s -health, and that he trartioTie. Mrs. W.- H. Hffman.-Mr. and MTO. tack of .-a�ppendicitls last Wedne Y 0 13 .nco,'of. theW aule. rw .',T and ftt. is S'gre�" deal ing 10'appeara sda 1- wee = MUM e lng�., oe to return home, feel- look Ezra Koehler and children, of B d I ' , ' hwch1rdj�rol ith'th '44vv ling by inc&.stqps and, xvpro4che #aii can be said of the present occu- ng her removal to th , iN Ulm 0%1 - 'lliam-0; WIlson ch, oepted and:.b.-oingso nice j now the se - nd seats put in, and Jig of more".. visited relatives here on Sund r, � io Memorial ospital, where'a e ever did before. !t up4"ae Mr. W �of thes�sme "a., County Engineer T. R. Pattdr. sy- 7oT ond has see n. if 'operation was performed. Her col a uied to ba In the ap- Goftrich, and the Good Roads. COIW-*' Iffiss Katie Scott as are will, no, doubt,'- tske a pride on maWs pride '0'rer d dtiop',"N'r. V4191MI, ur 'pearance of 11I$ home an4his grounds. mission of Huron County were the v*lage on Swtu looking over They registered'his stabding in the rday ondition of the Zurich Road—I. 1�k' communi y it and his prosperity. But cO. Ginn, of Goderich, inspector under 091 THER SAFT T SER VES 'THE J,e are ge ing a -way 'A tt, fTom that day. the Corn Boyer Act for Huron Coun- PEOPLE. OF, W S Now it is getting to e that a ffisn's tY, was in the rvfllage on Saturday. 40 id� U In the 14ske and size of his He has appointed Mr.. J. P. Rau as his ?, y Township. Mr, Rau must assistant in Ha A* and a -fine i4r, Of course, bas been busy inspecting the farms in hilVe a fine -garage. 'Mere a manPs the towfiship. treasure is, there is his heart also. If q T�e has not enough money to keep up a home and a,ear too, why he will i1fave thO'car anyway. And if there - Fanners. Listcn�xbw is the time to look over Your mower and binder knives and see s anything more ridiculous, or any- what iseeded. A full line r of GectionA, gu4s, a Plates, guards, etc., onband, also fork, shovel Oing. -more calcyalated to give -a and hoe handles, Plow'castings. far varlous i9tranger a bad impression of a town nl2kes of Plows, Firerton,- tires, patches, cement, tape, etc., woodwork for buggies an -i Ithan- seeing a -fine garage on a pro- wagons; cup and axle"grease. At the Old li�re the grounds are ill -kept Stand, W. 1- Mellis. Iffiss Elva 'And -and the house getting.out of repair, Notl I erso, of London Nornial, was a week end guest we would lik,6, to know what it is. at the home of her parents, Mr. and We do not mean that a man is- Mirs. A, Abdersn.-Mr. and Xf-4 foolish to buy a car. If be can af- Jahn Forsythe and daughter, Maxine, ford it, or has need of on,e, he would of Detroit, spent the week ena .be veryfolish not to. To such a homo of the former's parents, DTY. inventiop of a century has all4d '24TS. A. Fo-rsythe, -of Tuckor- smith. -Miss Sarah Petty, of Ailsa in value, that of � car-' But Craig, spent the week end DEMAND -FOR- thtwe u5 a vast difference between use mother's lionie in Hay. -Don't forge� spending, not only too much money, ed efore Group games will be lay r T HE El NT and abuse. Too -many peole are the Y. P. meeting On Friayfnilght. DO S -nor Ijs . . - : � f -, 11 � 1- I I 1, I I - -1. h- also. to tneeltipe.--Rev. X!f% Oop but all their money on cars and %Twrtinig a new Pontiac -Coac -5: garagfe,& Too many thiv)k [because -Willia�m Ivison, who has treated him -,-A U A& ffjlflU' they have a barn on their h'dnds they self to a new Chevrolet. -All -roads ence Ao,brt.From Tra�n�g of Students—A of' I Viust 'have a car to occupy it. If the will he leading to Hensall on Thurs- 1he Peple R IR -In reas- day May 24th. -Quite a rumbgr in vas kept, in the backgound this vicinityi are confined to their k9 enafit,'From irk as it used to be. and was filled with rooms with the flue and severe. c Id Mith, underwent an operati the occu�ants it used to have, many -Miss Mna McGregor,.&f T k OT ALONE through their- =of hilmbers of -students lull "er towns would have a greater prosper- [on for 1p: ity than they have to -day, and more- endicitis at Seafortb Hospital dtr- Nwho go to them each year, sive kaining along Rar- over they would show it. ing the 'Dast week, but at date of ticular lines; but -through t4,gr ever wi Uene, as writing is doing nicely. Her many '�lfare and adlo ies generally, friends. hope she will. s I oon b!e Ou- well, upon the trend Of PUblii, W. I , t Above tho Sch, universities today are indiSpenalable eveit n hase of human Natural ScAseeps existende Continued from Page 8 aAd endeav( the"W-Viffizecl- world ovi�ft� 17' 7 Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays. -Mr. and nati ernors of th,6Ui2jversjty on, owes the wealth o ts mineral and seeks to raise p neces Mrs. G. P. Cardno a n d tw 0 Detrtft- '%�aPor stovd ata great bargaiii. for tir�ber. resources, he deveippment'Of its .,�hw or it ik�theii daughters spent the *eek end quick ale�'a six -burner itIf agriel vx�l riches,, the of V�ester 9b fine oven; jusS. U.J�ft i , , ;­� :.- , latest design. Appfir __effjcjerlc�,. of its and Dundas. as good as new and -72 ind On, I s pre$tige and, attain. at Grimsby . ustrW exploitaii William Scott, who spent the wi Mrs' at Post Offies- 0. J. S-therland. filter ri-t,, d F16w0rS.-For sale. things. First, ofthe realtz ments, inI­he Aelds of science, and, the good hegi lbq People in fi'nzi�ially- the, seb,�e,V of at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S, 3man plants sueb as tomates, czbbaga, pop_ is i1xini itself "SedU�sjy They t, b. iheir h b. me McIntosh in Detroit, returned 28ten. Pomsies and both mind dy, in great -measure to its t0d ently -in 'the faindd Of.' cen raliz AU%-�' f. this Pies. geitaniums, man .0 1. , j),ij. , k. L, I .. .1 li�re, tha i�or sneq to paron 'Week to her home here. -Mr. Glen otlier 'varieties, both in Plants and flol h�y,,e been" and. the commi:trd64;lj�'e�ver�,.w Ranging. baske4s also ld and made up to continu6lo.,b6 the discoverergo:,, -1jr t a unj-7 ture ver Smith, of Toronto, spent the week Order, as well as Wl kinds of Wreh neers; ths. Gdad. kaders.*. and the ct�-7 sity:.edudatiol a vital faetor f* L not a larde' pit t _ bf%. artiOular.inoo end at the home of his parents, r. -file in -all and a call solicita Z ,pr M e whole ]m v�- jot"a ume. s,Qf the gzeatf�f sliecess and hi,ppifloss of ordi I nd Mrs a va 8dibio -is, the Un thle, 'IndiviAu I-. is( 3Dr, J. L. Smith. -Mr. and Mrs. R'l nc.pmeo . i j of' a , Van or woman�-� jifa#� l I i . A H. Sproat moved this week matter *hat his 6i; h Lbague. Th e Out'Of It has into Youn guffiftAt fie or fTepent., sta'- e residnc6 of Mrs. illiam David 9 S, t,- k League People VrIlich"the �ib d e ut grea t held its weekly meoti Ve an -th t tic;A.�.*ay '-bk- and no ma ter tn.7w.h.�t it son, Godrih Street, -which *Wfftes 1101hinational ure:� 1: -,6 -� 4 IV' T'll 4 F , �ty Wgbg-ft. I nleased for the summer. Many eting was, on., as ''a 'bitt' Vth its OW#1466MY functlon� sity, or, Us. I.." �, it friends of Mr. P. A. O'Sullivan are Opened bY, the ift'ging of H Xor. ast with Miss Ong on of",004ada...miLy, be justly lies; tb* 'hii�-AAY Anle, they have Monday evening I ith Its field of tu Radys t,46 ]people of the Do proud: th'st kqUom I'k bf 9 Luker in the chair �, The nf�, Th6le'stand- at the ha the:4 t 't 9h.- 'to see him able to be about 138, after served: tot t44 (to - . 'files; b which,the -.I* w-throughoy� lal orld as vlc� 4f all Of f t pleased 'mm No- -of- all the �eoples of liffluence floditAted to- the ser- -gm-,S, y 1.11 I , pteidlier �aud teat 'ers t -minutes the-Aren of-&bUe4Vj r again after his reeent senous -opera- was repesf6d In.un, Ws paye the lie; _I son, -The -Most LDlra�tjCzpy Intel Its -colicj*1 1% p 01le ii ilrer a I'A 'near .5 nee, as Ir In. agridul ter, Maxine, of Detroit, spent Se ead by' -Aho country havt� had a - �lArgo-r In Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth and Of -last ml6e# �g in tion— q1ye or their er6 r primary and'seeondary qi,e� ,ereeds. sed. Whet I tli,4t tlW- ujill dau e or In bus 09 M4 we The.. fourtee op X Let[ of Western Man lot womin, -going out' itito AVh ith 'Was 'the the attainment of that, positfoii IN41 'I a ral two" "A - -the ek at the home of Mr. and e, paljU -4t was rd tses 1-71 world.Aoday, or remainin" Mrs. E. Forsyth, in Tuckersmitb.- sd . - 79 to its universities goes th 9 6t fl, B uron, jt'Lambton, Mid— *bo his -Y Bell, Mrs, O'llowed: by chieveinCht.. , For 'it Is aON4, 3'f The, Mrs. R. 1�. Bell, Miss Mai principal A not -the bacikkround�-df her Butt, and Mr. W. Bell spent the week fr thtit -have come pr University orfol -wor Walt- .-knowledge or. th tomilaafid. Of e sa W9 I rea.defr4a& -the tw'h-', e N� -,-.o I L6 �-are :0 I i , �- . -W end with friendA in Wifkerton­-Mr. ers, froni'them. the in o and td in I 4gt0-*, fi1'6-* has been: SeVA'n'' X1, en an wofne ?zw ban thrb, vezlicy;;, I the from Go- a the At ego . tT# d '' ,Jnec 0 if g arth Tin, -ad presc t g -And Mrs. E. Davis and daughter, of 'Played in hei no ihem -the ideas'and"Meth- ,VkOersity. 11 =Utalty hZeMIM., 6161P#6-te, s -its to -5 t *611i 0 'O Uo * possess that, bjcj�­ a nd , ,,, , M. �Tillsonburg, were guests at the home nstrumental. The -ods­-:-ftftd the application very"aa Vroftet flioge of the Univ W,)t _0ptesentative of "T and, that tralrdhik. 10 'Miss E. D4vidson, an Sunday— of the Cro-P�d,�� wasto*l IdtAp and��Wtthodsj that have given the hole of min't sute -=i,jn terl Oflt4rlo e r4 0 blie hed, i1r, ure, ca&,had[Asn 0 -luount"a tn we Madys Luker' Azid gfter,;,tho, its JUrisdictlu' es wlEnln fairs toft�,are the "t, adthorliles In co-apprAtI61i 'Wi -w d at the home of her 0 pveii % -by "s Canadian �-Jtgtieujt education, of. the to erEr Iii-tho turm611 hnni Wiss Ruth Tlvompson, of Tillsonburg, and interesting1p, A plo"ingly jao- bxrkely� to Canadian F-vei7 bpent tberk e atd Mrs. J. B. ThOWP- ary fferink vv -at taken up- '64igsion- -edlnce, Cimz&ailr.--!�Ijidustry, 69- Be for that obserftition, ante of the 'rhe Unt- 111riftei atia Kelqchen, of Gwen SOTIM, 'tie Ellis ga�,4, gum Mat-' adihn Ailiblic Ofd'*id Canadian 9064- *0610r of Wes Ihikilo! Is under mnimw= 42. *nga; one of her-reidings that . health the, hillmeVk 0Z -Cofte ged I. in; 00 sou9MV the 4 10 -V daugh- lcoll4plete Publ troL ' It Is, a Pqse�,V�! h 0ecollid, It is ;;s. YIS ng at the home of he Iare al*ays well chosen �s; on., -that, 71wb, Wiiiit bu cl� a, 0 t a people.!- e se. Mrs. W. H. Golding. -Miss And the Meeting wis IA 1 69 t4& the eirg W K Iople bf western out4rfo, r*))I nee, of f(tit op b6 No. Cotatim, THth* r% 011--: have Coins to recagnLoe tUll, VV Spent the winter in ;* - I f, Y* B�nedl an ow,�4, V Wftilia, has returned to her bom� I'd, . I . t I � 1. b &h a oreas-, S�epsity!�of rk? tit or. tit. he 'ft'NOkth bftin Street.� - J. &IS ct Is?, ther, leal outlet for their &�4et -Mrs, F. I . Biiefs.-The cr6 in qw Pa. & -who e. more - Ott ) ­ . "a , , q by. A the.- -kind ft;this awl viaitillg are looking a4Ost­prbMisjfig� -e for some.*@ - woo(b, we novi out WOMI� hel i wt 6g --the �Vbsjlble 15ut for. -4A -,: 1i - I U. ea WAW,410�, 77 20 TO her 110Tne in lChICago, bn, Wsd- ;'ea� for e�mon Ofhe -40 ty. �Ih -The ftelli yev'r, Thati. !�Rp- -�.o nt% Aften, ...... $14 evening, 're at MRa "Vega I 9 5, The"M rera 111 *St. j L for t v pagtoth;rod ntouths, islic a rv,wM bas.bemi in Gode�ich ere, i that tan4ar to .rgr non Was'a groat �jj;d in,, 4 sr ow Ott& rom th et WPM. tbw� 0 k RN Lodleal 'd on@Ar . U� NA 'and . I :. $ bo 'Ajar, Agma 2wir -&�-o s'. th to ML- 0 6 do DO,* VI" *69; b vroklit 'AM tho tj b 'M IOf. jVAa7 ftob UV 0 d1 oil lk 1. pm.! u 10 do 19024P �1, —4M 6`2 t moll, ally Il