The Huron Expositor, 1928-04-06, Page 1AIL( IL 7;— ),NY, A IYear iu Advan" 1CLV41t brob., Pubullbers Iwe �Ie'ft the tomb dl�44 &ith 11thoughMU- for tears." iIE. lb ii,� ll� 4ors are to y"r, IIIIIIt( I11b, 'i vnth�, IW pit, 04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 46-80 pasture-woun t.: 0 'the bdq -being . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .0 I'd (� from's sum whieb in 0 Mr. 4 cQ 'the' Go,virmont, t. b th 1. A ;�,t Quo io dklk.,had been +, to te -roi -of Finance, tq,b'a�� Ilot 071440. �qpundahtl, ICA him to the 3 unIit of soldiers, W Q WAX0 In 'psltufMon ba iet- Valready ipo T.11�0c*- h �Ifth, I tLl Rat -0 ye. Ithe hour of biettw, itldgg :oh-'f6r,tb liifial. d1W same. Th has tho -hlesstug OCV morp-� than_'.Over 0 su- Thinhbg you. 2614:9dite . � 0..� ,, he law of love, b Quo It a :4, #'A -R& 'pros in ve-1 -XaQre W oed Ibio .hd I gX, �Aw',A A i &reie Li g of t tft0F__* I" qn1ca On; . ..... toe -,.nieoTang, r be fo. by -olding, vr,�% -illi� X., PW &V w4th apologl�s. fior� trespassing so: f h. ce ;,St�al 18 -iniieh -upon Y spa* Mr. X. X 11*J2, he -outlay calkid-,for by a hQs ern �le=CVL 100, Editor, ex SOUTHLAND DWRLPS91ONS beyon'! out meaAS'. as a, P d himniUty bSpeclall hexre WOU14 -a" say a. Wee bit more 04 to: WOU14 y.. Av'W, 'SO. thk b d.. what I would auggest that the Scott Who'd Vi� What's WhO4 —0 WhYT bdft," to',,quQte 94y-lagem.eu -an a conso*t' A yinpd; 7-bi"those -who t,: oil$ w,drds, ifthat the hospital X ,orial Board might o vdth- thi� Bre 6ot'-t pro Is not (By P1. ii Neelins, Searth, Ght.) 'b' t atd U VIX linow es things, th. was Turn definitel Aftq - , , V to t e serona",V oulit Vernon is an the Vir ed down 'wient 13uilding, should they consent I -,,my heart tvbe uupf tke, over- the Seaforth Memorial I:is Inot the oonnection,opeci'. varty so �406PM in ts entirety. L e" 'full ray- 'Fhe Goverment; only; gvi what f I-fe V,jnd�tldtndly fe U - in shore of the,� ltornac �river anff —ar4. buat L ant _fMayor, but L aim truth what 1 twt miles south of Wa-Jd n. that amlounts, to slq&, I�Ar!flur4�M *.virtual rigas asked me this. I speak , , 11FU§& On" JacO.Xi d Wn I F)" . "C Iing. one of the veryehlect. r home of George Washington is ray in that meeting. in odesty, for this is not ail)rook$ olitecome tornly had much -to as -the Mansion House of Mount Ver ca -,the side - fif "the non as ou';ukrca- aq W _' , i� ter- id a beaitifO sit;i'ov- rs mig , __.(I � i Mithael, %,aft .Then, I wi _I __a _or_ _�soo) MY havenlkihe -#Xaet dates. at hand), that -to be still ear The buildinir Rund Broo. A - :)khlead, with -77 � rm'. , W �o Go as. to business -P me that the erlooking the Potomac, rid', A'Flah, On close to. the e-, ft comes to ld"irien& of g, T46 reh caii6a pre in oiwh.- cam does, uW�60dde,�� oeg Wki i took In the sick to be ! All I OX00tin ly w�vd ,in is 96x30 feet, has two stories wit T ng*hat �kll eared for. H,,ts'ji6ing so was in com.- it IS h6pe­'it is as. Tht� 1x6spital might be rented fr Rercheron I tall' -call . a tonjunct'View Ot -years, s�.ed -to —& - I I having 'bedu I m4a 1*, Robert, Agar, -0t, wi, Sipp*o�alo, to - put it 'tek and,loyal biend time.. that I 0*0_ iAd �:,� Lenuan for four such rent-. dormer windows, surmounted by - a ftt� We, Gove " A)r Sco,6t,.c,q;ex- to be entered upon through an cupola and antique *eAthervane and " * m- spoke*. by lik I Ty,ottin _�sttuatitsn I ft*,Jusing e is -precise, y v ow'' *4 * rAl1V what 1, consider the That. Stallion, vi ge _mI dly, from, tion distinct from the 'Scott constructed of cut and- painted' -at 6X M eeator wl the, . f"W�b arters , as Niell as in ful- -ment of -Ontario has bOlk"t 7 T- C- t art $z Elrington, Exeter*. 111Y. thtle ek4l oi� Ah. filinent- of �tbe various inner compul- Lennan in his ifiosplitiil, Wationship kO totd.;�bid'*,, if it MU origo'Board, and composed, pos- to resemble stone. The pi is, 15 John, Decker, , 4. 'Xera Munc . � 11 . ne 0 men taken from both Boards. feet deep and 25 feet high with square stbly, of ,NeKillopl ­Tackdrsmith., and t -an eVen eVen Pacing Stalliou, Alwa#on of Mrs. McLennan, and himself Seaforth, to Dr. j9 I that mi $I0111% *der neigbborbood,f'-and whatevei Attached to the rental would be an pillars, the floor being tiled with flag ns, Mitcheill' anl—not excluding or denying the cpn- the wi Sam Colli uv LT ase at the end of 09 pital al y1agreernent to purch ston" from the Isle of W5ght' Eng- Agricultural—Brieral rt 401 r the Gov- ns os min Scott th time, or when convenient at an lan'd. in front of the Mansion House Roney,, Mitchell- Feter'SVUPWA, �tsk sideraiion 6fprofit. and loss, but-ciir- 'bi, the, virtu or., d4feots of- ut' L' mare, I rninent�,,it deserves -a "Thank You' at including the call of human- 'cent'la*n v dowil Ifilportant and far-rea6h- tainly is a magnifi II and the Aesire"t forth- ni�are, filly or go in any W, 0 do goo to he river, and in the rear are sell, :11 rehards with the his letter, -to MY mind, auythin normal, do 't want to � make a botch lawii D. Pothering -ham & Song; 01Y Or, kI. �k min, if he is g like aid 2Dd, Rus I maintaifi.ihat i(, s, gardens and o -or farming pur- and botching in a ma er 'led in 1925 R�oss Bkoa(wb p4bli ftiatitu- tt various outbuildings, f ing 'fba .,Municipality; h of a thing By grant of Lord Culpepper i2s going to be' De sure - Xi%Van- Robert C. b4049 oestablished, and oses, and o_x­ forth- J,ohn 'Scott, Aaxboro; -,where ;4kption of taxes and public. Ahat has -to do with, caring . for those to the Washington family, a tract of ey in. sickness, of all "degrees; LOVE 5,000 acres was obtained and 4he ts ,.exp#cte&,,aud where a alto! e EYE: tr�mitiesj - ranks as inadmissible; Id- and 'S'e' -743 -by ge.1daig foaled in 1926—C. beK In y arl4d w re am. Mansion House was built in I i6a 107r,wav y Lawrence, half brother of George -Clinton; t' eals at once assert themselves i%nd, Sow,-, , John Klein, Mo 4%fk the muni 0, or Thomas Butt, loppen- t1ly or 90� aconside -1 seAted -the Marioxi Ki - 4, - that- � are As pre by T and DcLuxe Tuxis, of Be f th. Washington, and was named unt ial be reach- hara.itar.egch� that can 0 Y honor of Adin foaled in i,,9 Vernon Vernon in P . of stindard p.m Scott, -fact u -4ijiht.to, thus: 1 ity h, ead 'Apr,, 11th, at 8 lopthi 0. J. Dale- -& Qwests,,thev thas no, ed g�iadiially,,gtad-.�6V4in,,theiI not reach- nder whom Lawrence served in th, ed,p� . erfectly.. This'. W West Indies. At Lawrence,Wai5binK- hout. sifid munlelpall#,,:�'having, a Mr. in 1752, the estate *4s Aak and quariflication soon br6uitht Riley., Seatorth; sweep, thus on G .ton's 'death s IMcLennan into Telatl -with the De. tit) ents Addsi "surely inherited by George- Washington Who at I _ . I � 0- , - : , . Scott, - . . _, �:. - to 8,000 acres and operated its inter TorOntoj to je&ril th . . ... IsUbseq m4p, -PwT­,VAh Gov ern-, tHt' 0 1�6s� . t Of went MW , 2 in 1,799� The 2-nd, A- *& J. Bi' one YMInce his death A, 9Q u asi It & process. PS ests until grucaeld� the west Alm Wkiglit, Oiitaiio_wasA purse-inva ng Mansion is approached from or Waccoin all But liuving set his hand to the hos- gelding, any -age—Win. Urkiih rge centraloor bears R 4he facts an(t oth6r rinc pitAl plough he "hung on to the front and the la Mitchell, A. & J. Broad-firmt, -Sitilation. thO ay Ise.' vifth a char- earlier time-. The terms of rental, to- the original -brass knocker and from ed �fig %lie ith 'thW- 9 dfast�- Scott; filly or gelding foaled Tn tea the venerable physician, Ing plough�hlaiidle from this communiy for its 4yinpa e e t the rent, to be such that, the piazza the sun -dial, used, by Wash- F. C Maybra �Wdin I ne". of. ponotanus of old, an7' thetie response, with attached duties, acteristic and reassuring' g stur , g her with Alex. Sinclair Kippen ls�ltrt he %tuauoWl now. in our, the cWls on pocketbook, to this hospital of ours in the days of said: "Oh, that's nothing -to worry at the expiration of the four-year ing1ton in the ce-nter of the court, may Dr gelding foaled in, 1* �1 illy 1 Will it all period, -or period a A shortened description of StafFa; f He - tells: to Amit the turning rult, extending over months its babyhood and after. greed upon, Mr. be seen. --Alex. Wright;.filuly Min with Ife yourself about; they ge of proposal at the might -have his price, plus the contents of the diffirent living d0wT and'years, that an amount well be- It cannot -be emphasized'too strong- right with Alex." Thig wae one McL -rest due Washington's ed in 1927—W1m. irlime, the lcounil 'decided to establish ynd $10,000 has been expended on hearsay of the hour, as. --it was told an amount equal to any inte rooms used by the J. McMichael; team in harness— -agr";6nt e- wa4qid .he also says in this hour of non ihe,'Hopial -to naake it what it is to- ly me at -the time; and I fiAcy there is him that -might bo considered in order. through lack of space is enfr ed. The Urquhart. James Scott, tween negotiating parties, that,' the I 'hat is!bhort of Perfection. in this _'d&jM, in my in he meantime the bequest money main hall is a beautiful example of n. Ttrinews far, as- We, council and the lan, Brusse swe day, and'it much more. t1lart more accuracy a ay, Alex. cLacb were concerne.di they had.ex;' dirture Was instru, I Gov4rnment did ..statement about a specifted,,amount would pil.ing up so rapidly through architectural design of coloni I d stake — -lliam. I rquh t- dtizen. _t,, W i r sed ' This expen smile its approval towards the- ''AM- I compound 'interest nas', being o#po -ft by Mr. Willialn ScA accru g that it, In the Banquet Hall the mantle piece by the epartment on certain under- forth Memorial Hospital. It Imposed having been le Itogether with -past income itlirough is of carved Itahanmarble. The man- General Purpose team in harn0m— to, .�a hospiltal , at that -Ong 4f the. ' George R. Love, to his executors. N f Welton; Johii standings—(viz, the recei rations hiit were well.,nig"ll; - 'd the Will, Mr. McLennan's staying on the job, tle piece was siezed by French pir- ?-, Th6t�:�ioullil be baek� 1 tgup- also hospital oblig stag see a copy", Manson & Son Zurich. Ime. 1, Government grant; days ago did I . eW or plav TT* pose years ago, wheii rig. Through the Provincial In- tea -year Government ates when on its way -to America, but Livingston 9pecial for ;� Istatus, which would include charter- ger" and it tells of no such -3%rued allow- and the future best Heav�. _thaix te f__be1§to,_ - I being a spetor , -it said to W. _.Mptennod belong- re, d,-Iike Mr. 6old1h am Ito -c-6 ine,—the da o, wa an grant--eenserved, would total a sum the pirates on learning that it ma ant 'when Segfokth,was d wondering where I go:t:-*at.W, orma- not far from what MT. McLennan and ed to Washington, semt -it to Dr,aft or AgdCultulral it t counts iYou will have to spen money in or- its des- Main U rquh4rt -is now, Eli it Th& secondary. consideration. Wha. der to got our help, and our bestoWils gre having- #ublished an his Board are asking, so that at the tination uninjured. In Mrs. Wash- gelding, any age Vd qt4teas &014 , I I , duly Prov- Postmaste to the.charter rs Special for besf'tlram�- Ch I it elm. uined asis. the right roof, sat- -01! privilege -and standing." And -Mr. 'tioli- 1 re t finish of the story the Scott Mem- ingtn's sitting room is a mirror on p iney accordingly to- error- colt by boy 15 Years 110sp Ing. o r reasons, en by he Institution;r and copy of the ed a for th-1-0--imal - the' was McLennan spent mc 000. The I do hope that the high negotiat- orial Board might have the Seaforth a card table, a framed r ITM isfactoO to, the' Department, 't witsbelieved the towweotlld the tune of more than Boys"Juging Competition, 17 forthconling.. re tog parties in this iss4�, renew Memorial Hospital for almost nothing. Washington genealogy, a silver can- W ight, Jr- a cosoy bill of particulars as to expenditu . ps -be actually ahead of the dle stick and candleabrum. The rug Gordon Reyn enough. .-,afford suc: pro ake duec.. 6�count of or perba and under in1-0 this year 1928 our, good Mayor, is there for anyone to see and '681- ceedings and t presented to all facts and figures i�o mt to the game;.and as a subsidiary -hospital in the west parlor was Id, he;-amlittle Justi- 111- ucu demile as well as official inood-, leTige. I much apl)*diate Mr. concern it might even than justifY Washington by Louis XVI of France, Points - Win. Arclubald, 7; on: Would transacti Reynoids, 72; Albert Cr position -quoted above oTL as,� then; in com., lays,.down th( Now I ask another questi -e and possession. , In the the ground of which is of a dark green Joseph Lane,40. fied n -whst I have balled the most n o ns the t, ftst ex ImPort- it be right for he , Government to. Goldifig's courtesy to mys;alf,'and I its existeve mdWIT-ig itself to- 4 0edditme. in this loett%l 61A� not writ- second half of this fur -year period, color, and the ce tre c ntai in -his h Roadster horse in harnessm-44osbus cause Mr. McLennan to put all,this th aching sentence t with surrounding $15.;000 or'ii�re! for� ahw6lfal to be' ant And"far-re ng p Dennison, Senforth; J. E. Preada, W.vves his conception h ersona y a ensive to or when judged advisable, the Scott American eagle ietteri where .1 an institution of this in the Music Room is the cele - he istre Seaforth. I ights as they more re- of g r and Board might leisurely bu 4 or are af- money into ... yone ild and equiP stars. d, a bridal present chell; -Dr. H. H. Ross, kind, that became more and brated Harpsichor Horse in inthis iiiatter, and especialli d to hospital purposes, and of Carriage would ithel;-icitizeilp t 1! Sim-ps stricte to Nellie Gustis from Washington, his . judg- Levy, Mitchell; Peter tells us what, in ngland at liam 0 take oil a.,l where he right lessened uses for other Purposes di urge ..which was imported from F ent G�ir.eftm#nt has no expenditure and exten- e k through such a cost of $1,000. The N Ilie Custis SafOrth- Judges --J. X. P t to, dbg noft pftva sion—would it be right for the Gov- pec al rAster -Z3ervice Room is quaintly furnished with a D. BrieA, Ridgetown; G. R nd irny� good fristd. that e May I reimi the ernment to do this, and then to co high bed, which is reach by carpeted J . 6tt ik T�ylw- mun,i the.r;uniclpality of Seaforth was In to Mr. McLennan at this present time Bed son, Clinton steps. The George WAshingtou bedstead, chair 6 or 8 years ago just as USBYTERAN CHURCH of .6, and say, "MY dear strat 0 have given Room contains the T4 i6t you our faV" truly as it ii. in. existence t -day, and ls( MCKILLOP and mahogany table, and on, the chair ble from 'is I ound in -reaS01IL to Maintain which his wife that it .14 rerideied good hos lay the open Bi -mfoTt -st�ncy between #`auts' you 'have OUR --- Sufida-y School Report,.—The fol roof set.. -COWT had been reading for spiritual co; now and p'tal sl�`rv'ce; -your mortality ts"tistics illiand now, �qr between yo at the time of death Mrs. Washing- the report of 'School See 'H. LARKIN, MMSTER then it. Let are highly creditable to r institu REW k4- then just 74DU PO bon; you -have also your -Oharter, as bedroom is on the third floor and coix- McKillop, for the 10 k the, Present - 90 vivid 461106 ith, not ma 19 Ii d in undertakings of early date; tainr� a bedstead, washstand and dress- (Easter exami-nati ns). Mp itolding is, to eclipse t4e.past. municipality of Seafrtli ala eye -1 but, sir, your gibJect Morning Made Known in Breaking of Bread" ing glass, a tea set and a christening �n Beati 88%, Jr. S, jesterday, and - to- in -one.f ng to filid bowl ng to the family. Mrs. ster 79, Bafbsru Eberbat 74, a U, lihiblith, day walk woke up nomi thiin.- belongi -room on May Shan -non 61. III—Rutl �4!e amazed posses- I rselves the proud and. .. ............................ Leslie Washington died in the vie., that -s the,,, ee�j ANTR lie Day Xovr I ask this qUeWOTIV o, left for a hospital, aud 22, 1802. The 7�1 d sork of $40,00 room is historically -84, Angela John'ston 74, Linne *.as� � the Current abe that, of course must be on a interesting as Mrs. Washington select- inan 69, Jack4ohnston 66, Alen 'Te rine, of Spipanb solo, Mir's E. McKay, duty ind I its 60, Lulu Webster 52 Archie SOLO ­"I Know WA My Redeemer Liveth".... (Handel's Messiah) whU and pocedure Miss F T om promise-shatte��g -and Beattie �d .916moli%l Slog- Ing ,event so far .- as Jr. 111 'We D you at don "lare Unto You -Glad Tidings" ........ Maunder ndow sbe could see the tomb where 47 *Llyd Yantzie 44 IWe havo, now t hind -tTgs telling thu f e 0 t 'Solo Miss, E. McXaY he -P husband's body was interred. ig6srhart 86, Sr. II -L -Scott Xerk e4uipment under 'r Minyou that Bma&g.' U4 'Sun #= L at a cost you the lenwn, and inform te4ieaded H.Rd SERVIC-2,7 p.m. The servants' quarters are two bui�d- Gus Johnston 56. Sri. UVrnni Instruction, anc ire- no longer the Whi ,TRS'-L1I,MG CIRRIS" Z I (Easter Cantata) ings -adjoining the conservatory and shannDn go, Ross Gordon ht Of Sor-roveo ....... the negro, s bee in -a- you The Choir Ylvester d &biv6d �df i%l&, Aid public' has n t fNig lliam Booth 1 supposed birthright hlave cabins are situated at McClure 72p S _,tblo IhoMnty� 1, ask 'this boy; your Prelude and Chorus.— R. Rennie -ftom. his wife, #e, Up to passed ow haTeafter your, bospital is 'I Z4 Do -he ...................... convenient distances around the plan- Nunrber an roll is 19; rage vast! jjajj�ive Solo--01eit Tby WH Teethe ar. on snffr��Wr_,a as it ministering agency Has Risen" The Choir relies are ante is 17. ---JG. R. soprano Solo and ......... tation, A collection' of kft1l, shop and to. he alak'aad dyin,e. BS effift' Ngs F. Beattie preserved In the carpenter ----------- that you are even oft suf- Choruo---�'This W034, I%, Not hy Goal" the burns,, -and Washington's famous have goodwill to you, Thou -vv travelling coach, the "White Charior fr ­ &3101wen %50rro it,". g�e you t1h5 jib Dnet. Beattie, Mrs. W. Wright coach -house. The C.W.L. Elects Mew Mks 2d. is -kept in the and- His Ownr —Mrs. J�aseph to swim; or� rathdr to Chorus of Womeu�j`,.,,p 4�"He Ku* s Spinaing House contains the old loom, Yeaj� I su& time as, you may solomp' seed E. MCKRY, P. PstteTsOn -0110els, reels and flair -brake Tftrs Werillop, WDS eleCted est Gift viiniming, my boy, fok Duet, Chorus au&� rag carpets and other fabrics forftw- 2nd and 8rd Vic Pt,§d but BIT. James tewal. Love is the Great do, ily use were woven. All th 'rooms Michael, J. y -he 7 Always" Mansion 11,ou"_ , are furnished ton, Vdll Irel %v aft really '"MY Solb.-JiLo, I -A , 11 oms in t I't6 -Put You. in A Position that Must be The See-rdary, MssRskl� with Tag mats and carpets. mi;t , Vit*h its rag car- reaonditg sererlsht% Maio 11 d 9A_ r , r Mot .6r, leg# torturing an QttAtt4bte_--The upap Lafayette f2edroon, IA*filg, -but f is lif&', Would Xijyjas F. Beatti Fatirson, messr pet is in eircellent Oesiervation. The Hid1rhbIll, Iremain of rested from X JStewart� D. L. Reid Tiio�'We ica It, be, tight for 4110 G016rnm8nt of g�� Jr to . L. Reid, Mr. Jas. Stewart to miss F. troAt, Mr. M&Mwi; ov to 1799 until 1831 in.. what is'knotvn W lrg,'a t himi, In 'thil Or 'ift 8010­__�'We Shall - but oviag to ithe D. U. TAecoaaelli at= mo t"a Willis Tomb, . the Old ath d Fat6r AFO frequency of laud .4r do. go?. 'Will" 'ftdt doyied. The nbw ton1b Greeted tl=e, d Vk. dail fka, Gavi- slides it was Oblan- V01 of psttorson, Mr. James Stewatt Misse: &NAJO, n is sa I gt- ObWtt44�T&M _ 1". ,Ij� unJU 'M I h P66. th[Ut WDtfid the death -with frou d6orx. At 00 t Goldift'edl brik vault dt Ut t pojjftt� thht. W.M19 old eft t, Coma 3h, lift, 06 tid tbe" reonfts, dk Ioft T IMD.D a 'all oba 04 Orgzmist rent, ig an iur in of iIIIF, II