The Huron Expositor, 1928-03-09, Page 3I. . . . . . . . . . w II IIT111E,11V.R0N EXPO" IIItIIIIIIII�Store
...... . ..... Iin I. . .. . ... ... .. I7 IIIIII(= rates., I7 II, 4 IICa ITory, �th, IIIIIof the. fog id A-, -0 'Ok
tI Mouador. iIasp kg the'"T, Cklifrnia is said, -to have Ies automobile 9 ing ValUe 04., pV1 United States. Xri6re 4re, neirlyi Qiw million rBzauaageo .4q. Jones the. thirteen south4w 93 vehicleb Tre are Jac regrets frm cRothing baiaght'at this St8r015, ed �s an ald t, raffic con- eo<1TH8X, WD OF, * PERFECT DAY" ubstitute.' From this of the build- nanamenothes, that are Md-to-Neasure or destructive ooks -he ag never budg,i Ing o" of rChicago,. nl.,. to requi'r- Whether you wear e IHow many -people know who -Carrie ed. all. new .4ufliaings, to prwAde adequate Ready-to-wear, we calm eve you 4, Jacobs�-Bnd is ? Not one in a hun- 6mobile. storage spae6 for the cars a-biteve'r During the' w4r MY, Do threw, .aaf dred. But everybody knows th, song the,resourpes of his! publisbini'liouse of its occupants has been- proposed by 'Which made her fortune, -segle 9I the -side of -the allies a city traffic, engineer.. She wrote into the 9. a PrIce you wish to pay Rd we win guarantee you the the words.'and music of "Th gn4 and hioilight out x great any influ- 'a Perfect Day."' Heiecond huab entiil.booksand paniphlets,; including A hotel -for the exclusive use of ,eztest possible satisfaction for that Price, died when , she was thirt, in Ger- chauffeurs is being constructed in Lou, gTr y4wo and, Gerard' s, 1�4y iFour Years lqft: bir vith ne child and I little I man don, England. Each -room will be y," of which, 200,000 copies were -hafl no capitall Although she equipped with a telephone so that -o,r ma loyers can c or usiness experience she started a I . ry Roberts Rinehart's "The emp business for publishing her Owl, Songs time. On the lower floori of the Amazing �lnterludd'l the sold nearly a any And no matter what prke you pay, every Suit fTfom thia The business grew until she had to quarter of a million copies. Hug building there will he a garage. Walpole, Somerset Maugham, Ralph nlarge her offices beeause the demand Perfect Day", alone was Store wffi make Us unfailing return Rn perfect fit, Rong for "A I Connor, Frank Swinnerton and a host An art competitidn is being held by great ft -was -written hTter a day of of other authors have been made y the Royal Society of Arts in London, Innotoring through beautiful scenery in Doran, whose books he has flug England, for decorative gasoline ps wear nd Correct sty'Re. (California. Th6 day closed with a!t�rough America by the hundred England, for decorative gasoline mrost glorious sunset, and while she thousand. pumps and filling stations.. The com- was dressing for dinner Bond Mr. Doran, is a quiet man endowed peitor must design a general layout for a complete station at �an intersee- with a tremendous industry and de- felt the need of expressing her thanks. Ready-ta-weu Suits $8.95 to $35.00 "Allmost at once came the, words of finiteness of purpose. He uses simple tion- together with a- small shop or 'A Perfect Day,"' she says. directness instead f em rage and living rooms. phasis, in con- ga versation, and about the only test he to ever takes is on his frequent ocean Fourteen years of age is the lowest voyages to and from London., Re_ age limit for a license to drive an an- MARCH WEATHER cently he was, in Toronto and, met a tomobile in the 18 states and the Di6- DANGEROUS TO BABY ns, at dinner. trict of Columbus reuiring such li- group of his old frie Our Canadian Mareb weather—one The yeargave dealt kindly with Mr. ceses. These are issued in Califor- IDoran. He has reached the age of nia, Michigan and West Virginia. Two day bright, but sloppy the next blus-, three -score and, his hair begins to states, namely, Connecticut and New tery and cold—is extremely hard on P 0 M, illin York, require the operatorof an auto- children. Conditions make it neces- gray. But it does so beautifully. No hich man could possibly take on the hues -mobile to be 18 years of age, -which -sary for the mother to keep the 'ittle r%ng ery -ones indoors. They are often co'fin- of the autumn of life more gracefully is the highest in any of the states <Ad o overheated, badly *ventilated than he, giving him. the benign aspect requiring drivers' licenses. New York that seems reserved for those only issues jtknior operators, licenses to woom and catch colds Which' ral, the persons -between 16 and 18 years of Ing. their,whole system. To guard -against who,Jive their IR�e!§ engaged in Fid I creating or producing of literatare. age. Ithese colds, and to keep the baby wel till the better, ,brighter days coie, The streets in the down town dis- T ertment is, ready for ;�flong, a box of Baby's, Own Tablets' tricts of Detroit are clogged with W should be kept in the houe and an FORTUNE IN SILVER TAKEN parked' vehicles from early morning' Spring. It is particularly attractive. The ne Ioccasional dose given 'the. baby. to. tive as the� 9 FROM USED HOLLYWOOD until late at night. One thusand new pring Hats are as smart and distine keep his stomach and( bowels workin cars -are placed on the streets every are attractive in price. Charming and becoih-, -:Kegalarly, The Tablets are -a - mild -FILM seven days --50,000 every year—an ti7e which never are being admired lbut; thorough lama everything possible is being done in ing these lovely new creations fail to regulate the stoms,ch and Silver reclairned from the millions t to relieve the -parking pres- You will els and thus they relieve col4ds and of feet of negative and positive film an effor by every visitor to the, Department. sure. Application, was- recently made eimpI6 fevers and keep -the baby fit. be delighted with the new styles, they are so be- consumed in the -motion picture stu- _and refused by the city council— The TablAs re -sold by medicine dios of Hollywood annually is worth (�or' Wo additional towing cars to rid coming. Come in and see what is really new in 4ealers oe by mail at 25 cents a box more than, the yearly output of a big 1roin The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., he streets of automobiles that ex- Millinery. silver . m1ne. ceeded their parking time limits. The Brockville, Ont, Hollywood.does its bit toward re- -ity now has 70 parking lots, and the plenishing the world's supply of number is being increased continual- M�e K -a Spring Haea by produ precious metal cing a re- ly- SON OF TORONTO 19 HEAD OF claimed Tortune -of approximately $8,640,000 eah twelve months. RADIO INDUSTRY EMPLOYS ST PUBLI911MRS it is a fortune of faded glories, This store ever a leading Hat Stoke, is again WORLD'S LARGE great morn 300,000 PE IA Toronto boy who has made a -ors burned out to astral ashes, splend grea"lace-Sor him -self in the worll obli Radio's heightening place in the tractive display of the last word in new Spring forgotten, beauty -lost-in eternal Sa, x aie r -s ents gone forever, passions RSONS IN THE U.S. demonstrating its strength in an unusually at- is George H. Doran. He is now at the Of all vion. But materialis denis theil national econ�omy was- trikingly- styles— Riead a probably the greatest logs. science offers as evidence: brought out in ayr, adress delivered publishing houses, Doubleday, Doran That Rudolph Valentina watches before a conference of chemcal ex- &. Co., of New York, an ad- For Men and, oys. you in your boudoir through your ecutives in Washington. last week by IRROCK HORSALRNIG ian house, Doubleday, Doran & Gun- lMon- Dr. Julius Klein, director of the Unit- mirrors. His best scene fnm dy ljtd., Toronto. sieur Beaucaire" Possbly forms the ed States ureau of foreign and do- KING FR77FELL If you would have the very newest in Sweaters in 'Mr. Doran was orn in Toronto, mestic commerce. In the course of, silvered backing of the glass - into spent his, youth here and got his which you gaze when you aply your he address he remarked that "the either Coat or Pullover Style, we have them. All the y experience here as a publisher. new-born radio trade, exclusive of its These, the standards of excellence in Men's rouge and powder. new ideas in both 'patterns and colorings. rhese are Ife went to New York in 1891 and That the image of the Goddess a manufacturing aspects, has 'taken up Hats, are your guarantee of genuine hat value the product of the Penman, Monarch, Aberley ana P with steady success until the re- .,:. . i'?, ��
irnet . may be superimposed over about 125,000 more hepers.5�,' ' I �;� A Liberty and satisfaction. Dr. Klein made this stab5xneiit in- X. Mills, guaranteed for quality, wear &Dd sm, art ap Zeyit amalamation) of his 'business that of Clara Bow within the silvei With the famous firm of Doubleday, answer to -the question: Wht has and that Airm's dollar that rests in. the pocket. ,cambracing his wn, leware, your cigarette case, happened to the many thousands of pearance. European conectiOnZ, Your tab that back tooth., workers who have. been displaced in even the filling in s, a publiser Mr. ie-, -by the introduction of ma- Aft the - ouitset a possibly one offered you a laugh or a factor Doran adopted this as his position: tear from the screen as you sat in chinery? He replied by saying that II441 i 1.1 publish any book that does not theatre watching a they have gone into non-manufactur- your -favorite s ;imple faith in -God ing pursuits and cited'the radio trade destroy a malri' phtoplaY unfold. an adequate, substi- six mllion -feet as one of the outstAnding instances,, ,vdthout providing From he five to book that If Dr. Klein's estimate is correct, and I will publish any stock motion picture film CQn- does not destroy ithe sanctity of mar- sumed at the Paramount oviding an adequate employs about 175,000 workers, ziage without Pr od ach month approximately try A�� FORTH of raw studio in theproduction end of the radio Ind- Hollywo adi6 mann- OS69 E $6,()00 worth -of free silver is, reclaim- o radio mann -STE`�IWAR ping I process facturers' association, Bond Geddes, ed, after the devel kc- head of is authorhy for the statement that arbutt, corinE to Frank. Famous Lasky West the industry as a whole employs 300,- the Paramount 000 persons. The government trade Coast Laboratories. This sil-ver, reclaimed from the authorities' aggregate presumably em- great vats in which the positive and braced only those engaged in the receives its acid bath of broadcast S and those engagedAn sometime ago that it proposed, under driving condition that have low- effect and has resulted in greatly f h dern, tire has t t m ftf.gative filln, ed ir 't"On 0 t IL 1hyposulphitd-, was formerly mareted the distribution of radio sets and taking a study of this subject. red mileage, in many ewes as congested streets, with a resultant ffect in Zer,asin t&e milten starts and skops "Temperatures also affect M much as one-half, are summarized as gain inhe number of In'& variety Of ways. W%hiin the cr- parts. as signal and traffic lights are obey- I 'Canada and the northern pad ��o
ehanged. Mr. Geddes also showed that there follows: OUnt -has rent montli Pzkam the United States tires give ablu I of -selling the are about 700. concerns in the tinited IMPROVED CARS AIND 1. High-powered engines that per- ed.
,-s policy, and imatew ation quickly from a halt- per cent. more mileage tbn in. nufacture of s GIE mit greater speed. "Aceeler company for States engaged in the Wa RZ MILE A sm,eltin '2. Increased traffie, necessitating ed or slow-moving Position, is an- southern staftes." huyers it s'sold firectly to the radio equipment of all kinds, from Ipriftte t ;;rnq irrancisco, the comlte receiving setAild its ac- There was a time wben, motorists more stops and starts.. other evil that greatly affects tire United States miat at e smaller part. 'Wost bragged loud and lonI they got a 113. Improved acceleraion, tending mileage, as it results in the sliding of whre it .biing,- a price of 1.0.34- cents cesspries, to th ; beyofi the -three toward tire abuse. wheels. t exclusively producing mileage with tire� price. of them are no d bral�es, such as the 0,71, OIu]fi0 n a - little later it "4. 'More powerful brakes that High powere ibhi.6; ehan�96 the silver igecur- radio appamtus, hut do so as 4m ed- figtire -mark. The four-wheel brake and the vastly im�- duction, usually elec- was something to boast. about if a tire grind off trends. Iwheels, ne- pr,oved two -wheel brake, bring a car ed from the ephotogro,phle emulsion on junct ton!9ther pro xical. oods. did not cast its treAd or rim cut ir- ".5. Smaller diameter Ithe 'celluloid, film, fOUAd' itS way to t anner that if 2,000 -mile guar- cessitating more frequent road co to a stop in such a in IConsolidations and mortality are re-� reparably within its ed a cpg� Lc� strange 11909. Then, tire mileages iounted tact for tires. the brakes are improperly appli Ing, (this number pereeptably, Re- antee. )Garbutt, Who, CEO', with duci -mitt rg of rubber is left on the 91 Th 'depleting rapidly, reaching, in SoM6,0,ases, tbir- 4. Improved road%, pei ing thin, coati On, recalls cording tI G4edde e nd more, vAth ten higher average speeds. street. Add to this the fact that 90 ILint for ffig,1.17 years, d in --facturers he said ty thousand miles a ranks that the sil"r from the film.,ase of the mnu "Greater mileage can be secured per ent. of all brakes are,ostimates rat warded as the natur Iof P, e rC Din, M0jT1 fi al mortality to fifteen, fairly commnplace. pid,tue "Belk D61A incident o a new ifidllStTy. Then 'but here's the ft� NE "Demand for 'RID ttaport of the from the present-day tire. Those who to b(I in some Aegree fault#.
higher speed with
o an itinerant I buyers : 'Phere are about 7()o radio -bro6d- national moto',ring Ok9ouizations, of n-mintainjcommended inflation PreG- gold t tied States, sure%, who use judgment in starting greater safety has brought about Iand semi- C�astjjjg stRtiefts and many more shi the Uni -y the autoyntile re has and topping, and who keep the loweT centres of AT"Rvit . This has the g s%ations which are "Alhough 0 all g, O an 6atern, m0hu- and 8,110M Vireleg proper align- been accomplished in part by the lir
" your a -Ad not lassiTidd along with the others. undergone constant both wheels of the car in %1?.Soroa, 116=80 Obb IA r n -teee ent, will u -0 Id of 'novelty 98VAU'98 ad�casgng st9tionsi are Mannid by as to fabric and sril U e I It m nd ubt!dly obtain satig- of stmaller diameter wheels,, 10 7 -ivot maller wheels re- LaW ft ititt, gL In 1928 the di simple logic that 9 firmo of silveraiiiths, one to, n6 hundred pergott, depending years, tremedous chdftj9d9 In driving factory miles 0 , q, ewThere are- On s hive g of every car will largely determine volve more freqnently and, the tire bi�- 6red 'a ten off t'heir Aze. ly t dy' marfW is brought into eovfte� with the vih-vt= have off e mileage obdlliti4 according 'his own tire costs. trend 'instances, be it' 'er. Isaid, of Station Ovrtmrt avisrag tfor, %i1v Aut=6blle Associ- It is estimated that the average pavement more than larger vbe6ls.' who act as their 'Own M911126er, etv.; to tht -American The small vtratb firo - ten road is -from diameter Wh"I'a have- WIDWO 4at �. .0, nj'z� -. , I , , 'Amouncer &nd' artist all it twdot�, n e g1neer a und break eon- to fuAli A.A.A. are to fifteen .miles per h6u emay ocovt e.Jf they sh the act,; cited OL r highe than lactin' as thsT Make .M?G,2d (OTIT� At continued bigb tact -with the road. OVI MUCH SOUGHT two years ago. al. basoa bnhe ter ithout ttists it I, ugu "The tbo ballotr tirs hts. 'road "kvic - M 958 Iot- speed, tire q,lippage is mitieh greter, with phtonogrgiph rocI III -ounces, re- made proper irifirLdon alft, Item of There are more jhR g0000rRdIo ordaba throughout tlie)Uftited Stzte$3 due -to swerving and axl�- h I -act Stafts, accord- iA$ Cgift. Ths6 i�mot&'A�w that suiting from road in"US11tim TheI mount i e4 plativium *w in t1ib,Ufiit forffleft' Whtfflnod from fore it is importaritft tire users to tho tire the $,Ai Vft ITo4ay if, 'as mr the Nmt tavaflablb tft& lift, Alotok,m ho. �ga4V o� I'll � .1, r. I ; ;
99NUTA '�'A e , otiftr end mp)a ld;�447 wao n-jleb
rc . �6*L tir A TWOV realize that tire nileao is dectemmd All th ft 'L , , lot me 0..:to 10,000
th-at it it 't 1rov 'too the Idt tlie'i PrOW: 1 h
ate in the Of iltg to 10? I0 inere ell
shas also had tollinc gaILt 41L. IIIIIIIIIiIII