The Huron Expositor, 1928-02-10, Page 2-7 "7 Ar% W MakeYour,%� y 444V n Z)Oap RADIO . _: , , . _W, and lodit ot 4Z A' YW t"Ain top. I Wd you "hw. tho 40unda: d Sv, e, mv o: etAe Cry of new, the hungry V XIOU OXT US [to U01. IA" R" W' CbW wantina the r4thez% care, It'lle �kou Or, any M .9. J 40 mou in the darkiiess Bull V;hQ are 0 ieedln,g. the of tli� day. The with e c — Milt at the dawn has t th eo=. It 14, only dawn, but, thank �Iidq*,'to form but God� it. is dawn, and if we w Xae-.'F wait, and work, and watch, and pray, we will see the whole world flooded jt.f acnmb� Of Q0 Tribune with the glorious light paid Chris', of h6hor, 'A Himself shall reign. hl b Rev. R. W. Th Son. oinp un 1'it o=s Pursuit. o�f 4-11,P the is$ suQus to state that -Col! ;Now for.4'c4r ride to "take in the slghtsl� new, apprPiched t116 fa-litastic, in The bi� with C rgi -winter months, when of th accepted a#ad- merry o aking N6t'b the ypuxige The.-,QoloneVs descriptive = *at of both 014 t=ln`ta# is neg0d is, h e GenuO�e atuned"wit can be -conducted so that b Be ou Get Th i 'summarizing the pro- or -Row of ftg1 During the rr the 11gst Fowler% in to -accompany him A-zaer1eqn Ast PRUNING THE TR33 FRUITS W I! ipruning ;operations weather erin y early ispring this part of the oichard pro- FLAKE 116e,�--op'.ixit"'ofthe citizens of Jack- entl�. added b6tifico- to i a fi gra -vieut, of tile lw�,- mine may be completed. Inex to :coneL-We a t! iwk,� lvi�4 _h and ducation- sfunt�. The� English cost s quently fear the c I al .. h plies, thq advice depicts tl use of th�e pruning knife during wint- , J 16� scene' in *oU pay�' Arlding. O"t. thet 44, vdth mne er, but all fears on this score may be a beauty. your _y and your JA one -hand ap4 s. "fi -he to -the �Agfafltur_ one w V a way that fror i and Aether tl d- with as soon -as the trees are in a per Ok strate 1 rulaid aside and th work proceeded with aa'eyo insurance olicy oth�r: dihifeii4ting lbe 'British 4m,� are such U e overlo V r d6tall tb' e �guar ians can fectly doiinant condition. a The Qh1of tople—of Amer! the surrouA Also a high wateit Ville is the great commerci�d fU i0i the' scare newspaper a woman i s a of, bar' hu, The New "Royal Series" offers As ing is. Pretty much a matter tower, plac�,# in the centr!, of the polls of the South. This concept' of X=ent it is rather difficult to tors law and, order' band it -Usually ke4.s ber sc�': Sevm moieN giounds, mi�kes it possible to sur- of its fiftme greatness was also con� tiino for,*_ the greatest Radio value ever in ; _aii lidultl that she, hasnt,,.Much I buildings, These firmed 'by Mr. Legh 3. Powell, Jr., be. _Th6 a few words just what to do, vey all I �, �_ his is as it s placed on the Canadian market. in thine bearing orchard, which usually grounds a *ery extensive, totallin� President of the Seaboard. Railw a Is thing else.-�:­Detroit..Newis. 844,00 to W&GO MY about to r, presents the heaviest task, growth is about LQ.00t,Acres. One hundred aiid, Go., in ree -6 APP Oprxqte� $725,000,000 to baby ent after nner sPeecn enl ge the j�ati6iljj ng,� ar y 44d,:321crease Ohio oXnan sl6w her -b-afbT6:` Sweeping sales throughout Can- retty much the deciding factor. honor by the.army on.4 ilarity to other nations. going to. a -bridge party., '$he- ka*w miustrated above is the fifty acr used for cultiv�;q,ng at a banquet given in his ada have more than proved this have before me now some propagating Hastings --one of the r 4ttommunity. - There I Wl- the 1homb6rs -of the Chamber of At first blush it. appears- straugel t11A 0 *01dut re-�- 'his inconsistent. with 'tlio. professions of turn her I Ci Rkoal Series. For statement. -wood sent in. by an orchardist, which so a ru4boiP antation'in the inal 73�q Mason. In t Soeket" or Bat- consists of twigs only one inch long. sit a untry district 17 respect a few exceipts.from his,'tal- the Peace Conferences .1-4 considera- in co This tree is in need of a pre ki ineterg�lfrni Batavia, the pri tty severe 1, U4 'the world 'The -New Yorl -ft—W, operation. Con- son ented speech will bear repetition viz-, tlai?��of th We suggest that you reserve the heading back if' it is to be expected e fact that inc sda. eabinet by Me- accommodate's 480. At he -present lljackson�vjlle is a greaty, city and War period, the. 'BV it s mpire,. the refusal to abolish the d to continue in fruit. A full bearing h E ' model in which you are interest- moment there are only 380, inmates, -destined to be greater. It has a eau- Vulted Skatesi tree should be producimg.at least six with an, --a -FrAnco­aod -Russia as -will 'be criticized -by more Criminals limit of 25 years. If' tiiul year-round climate which will �lled power ed. inches of good, stout growth each year thei ihave each _,iloui�led the than reformers, ;�re think,--HanAltor, the draw to your city people from all we r term detention exceeds t r -lighting. str6gth large part oA its surface. I i _ of*,th4r, hir,, isea Specta, r.. on a f it age; the"y 'have to go to a place Parts of the nion,'�not ony as trans- ain'd land fore is not doing that it ne s, while; German:� and to ds a little stim- rr where adults are cared for. lent guests, but as permanent resi- 'Austria as- central powers n' s Up to the present the Seymour ulating with heading back and fertil- -in ca on dents. - You have modern transpor- an e with the Treaty' of Vers -for izer. 'by rail and C - neither Allies ghost 1as. refused to do his stuff tation facilities, - both Then as I look out of. the window ter. You have a wonderful back eve army. or. navy. Now, the press., Wh c I see -several trees that have made a GIVE CONFIDENCE we who are the allied poWerg going to ity that spook 'has thrown awayj�_ ountry which we intend to help you fight?, Why?. Li tl Denin little too much growth this last year .:TCr YOUNG MOTEIER t e ark, of Peterboro Examiner. develop. You have modern banking course. The Shakes an thinned out facilities and business institutiong. furnishes the Ca i perian quotatio —probably one-half of the new wood By Always. Keeping Baby'i use Cellum. in, Although R. B, Beimetti'M.P., JEF 'TaVets in the Home. You have a ell governed city. You "There's something rotten, in the' perhaps - the world's greatest mat6b_ aken out and some of th mor�e have an enlightened and SUNDAY AFTERNOON t more impartant than magnitude. "The least thing in naiture is a bet- k to keep the Progressive State of Denmark." maker, he has never been,able tomake CBy Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) ter illustration of divine truth than tree within bounds. A simpld and safe remedy for the� citizenshi p. The future outlook in ev When a nQrtherner like ourselves one forimseH. Surely it isn't scirc* Id - ery way is rn nies ow the seed beside all waters� the greatest object in art. It more hood.shoula be kept in,aever nie nt Powell's the tug-of-war to shake -it off as M. cirder. A certain amount of pruning is re- commoiri ils -of babyhood and chi bright. We were Particu- catches a­'sauthO col&I then . co itY*of raw material—Brackville- R&. y ho larly delighted with Preside affirmation: that he was a Southerner cently exprl North and south, and east and west, fitly represents the kingdom of heav quird practically every- year and a 'Tell his loveeyond all telling, tree that gets a severe Pruning. this whbre ther& is either a baby Or a ened.. A Southerner in en than the most elaborate of all it is necessar 'as the visualized ideals -of the South- a me -Nick � described A , "north season will need isome Attention next, yog child. Often y to Seeking, following those who flee, statuary. The natural flower is a ein people are inimical -wit en The modern girl, I read, is alloweig love rebellious hearts compelling revelation of God, the artificial flower but if the grower watches them year--- give the ittle ones something to r . ations. In p h Canadian cold" as the too much latitude in:hev dress. Still.' To his ervice glad and free. ly be will not be required. At any. time break up a cold, allay fever, correct asp' assing mention C&I. longest, hangiftgon didest'nest 61d as it compensates for the lack -of longi - Fowler's quota 6fAtiterest in Jack is a proof of the skill of man. it to give tree such a �hock that'it wil sour`stom6ch and banish the ewr-was since the day ah was hewn.,, tude�T 'Thus A precious harvest gather, should be noticed that human art is ille waq ro I he Passing Show. It it is re- cutting of Sonv minently displayed We agreed loil either type. North and south and east and west, never referred to in the Scripture as be thrown out of bearing. ility that accompanies the through the splendid achievement of To the glory of the Father, illustrating the divine nature and at there is -no magic in teeth. - There r4ore. good in.the -w relieving the congested '4�ondition of than there is evil Experieiiced mothers always keep Son and Spirit ever blest. purpo& pruning, but that it is erformed to and 'I ani, ceitaim but ontinual reference is railway transportation during the t Baby'G Own. -,Tablets in the home as a- that -there will aS;Ays 'be greitef.latle, keep trees within bounds, to ad-Tni made to all the works of creation. Robert Murray. of safeguard a'gainst the troubles,th,;t world war perioa at the oce�n port God illustrates himself by himself." light and to enable the formation of Jacksonville. and in recognition of Troubled Witb Lam'e stronger forces for th6'betternirerkt or some new fruiting wood th their little ones so suddenly and e pruner seize mankind their towardsAhe destrucUon. PRAYER (-Parker's People's Bible). Jesus was f brilliant services rendered to the na- with a little judgment will not go r the yowig,,niother can feel reasonably Back Da� and Nkk of the universe.—The Popd. ever solicitous to adapt his instrue- tioft was promoted bythe U. . mili- astray� safe with a.:'box of these Tablets at We thank Thee, our Father for Thy tions to'the capacity of his disciples. tary authorities to "the rank � of -hand ana;,jeeiay for emergencies. Early to bed and early to'rise, anC Imly word contained in the Scripture He sought out -J�fie most The young tree is quite a different Colonel. For DODD'S KIDN1% PILLS RELIEVED �shiowmg to us the way of salvation- plain and proposition. Here the grower.is real- Baby's 6v�n Tablets are a mild but similar service, our own your, head—it will striking illustration such as the one Sir Henry Thornton,1PIreside-ut of the, never feel tt . kreq Grant that the seed sown by parents, Used in this lesson. ly training for the future, to void thorough'Aaxative that act without IN times its size. --Judge. leachers and preachers may take root f t re trouble and loss by the break- gripping . aiiii they are absolutely Canadian National Rat1way Syste, The disciples were young in the i "ed1ree from opiates or other was recently- loaned. by -the Canadi' Saskatchewan. Man' Has ot Been Our latest, Scotch import 17down of the trees. Probably the guarante. an N and bring forth much fruit to the Christian life and work and required best form to aim at is a modifi�,d cen- harmful Aifigs. They are sold by Goveftment to the Mexican Govera- Troubled Sium, glory of Thy name. Through. Jesus to be instructed in the doctrines. of how Sandy -MacPherson. ded","tol'* to systematize the present Muevster�-S4A., Feb. 6th.----�(,Special) leave school because . he had' 6, Trj tral leader, which is obtain�d by al� m' 'I at 25 ment Christ. our Lord. 4,men. iAbolic method in edicine d' lers or by mal Jesus used the pa lowing the original central leader or cents a bou'Irom The Dr. Williams.' chaotic condition of the railways of "I 'was troubled very -badly 'with S. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY I&h order to educate them. They were .0 whip to grow to a height of four or Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. that distracted- country� T back -day -and neh EQw11, he men of lame khly, outstanding ability; are confident of John Steil; a well'Imown,and like children and learned more quick- five feet, with -0o _' . ly by this method. So it was when the to -morrow. Lesson Title --Jesus Pictures The lat-oral branches radi- By way of furthier respected residtan t a f th, 'Place. "I e , ating from it. Then instead of pey7 reference, we note by the Canadian also had urinary trouble which century:lhat,.W�e.;Le, rationtif ereaurer, mngdom of God. Jesus spoke to thexii of the kingdom mitting the leader to grow indefinite- CURRENT WIT AND-WISDOH 61P- dciding, deliberately, what, I "without a parable spake he riot unt- newspapers received, that the Dpmi-4- ed me� to get I s� UP, many times during Lesson Passage—Mark 4:26 ly it is cut off at that point and the us, is, -v Golden Text -m -Matt. 6:10. them"; and when they were alone -he five or six branches permitted to form ion Government is severely censured the night. Two years, ago- I -took,. five Detroit Free-�P�e s_.�raers to TOM by His Lordship Bishop Fallon and. boxes of n4y 11$i expounded all thing to his disciples. DQdft-'Xid !)I , w -h the head of the tree. He6ney as "heavyweight, champion of Mr. Marcell, M.P., for -allowing Sir4relieei �6 , Religion in the soul may be com- Barnes in his commentary says: On � i m-e -fl Further information on pruning of Australia, New Zealand.), Ali, Yes, Henry Thornto , Pre Walters are' . e up- by a-ropei - pared to seid in the ground. The othe subjects he spake without par- 11 sident 'of the year ago *116n 1 t,a� touch 'of -ut oithe -apple may be hadby apoyi go it b sower comm me'nt railway system Two 'boxeslof Dod&s Kidney ston -Whig,_ its the grain to the soil ables- On these, such was their pre ng for y6u've heard 'of that town.—Border Canadian GovLern ou to Bulletin No. 18 from the Experimental Cities Star. r6lieved.-me again -17 No it germinates; neither can we trary to the nature - of his kingd9m. systematizin its ra =d leaves it there. He cann<,t tell judice, so many nations had they con, Farm, Ottawa, or on plums by getting to go to Meideo, for the purpose of -Pills completely Bulletin No. 4.5 from the same source. - Grandmother soyg that one reason hen the country is ilway difficulties and.� I 'have no,�. been troubled since. There are onios ialen' it is infi,idt4- tall how grace increases in the. �heart. and so liable would plain instructi6ns -at, war' with the-' If You h8ve'any symptoms.of 19aek. why girls are naught W MOM restful to disten, to hW y -the dullest of one's 01w sex 'He knoweth not how." "For it is have been to give offence, that he y is because they Catholic Church. � Apparently when ache you may be, sure your kidne s dozen of kd that worketh in you both to will emplo,yed this method to insinuate get the shingle in tba� wrog,place� the Marcell motion is ttbled during need attention. N6glected'kidneysare than to half dozen of the.*ittiest 0:, and to do of his good pleasurell (Phil. truth gradually into their minds, and_-Ho*1 1Je2 -and WOW igeles Times-. -resent ei'ssl6n- of -parliament, the cause of m' W the p a ore thanlialf thelig to the! opposite sex.—Mr. Robeit 14M& 2:13). After all the endeavors of to prepare them fully to understand there will the' -Old- hl�h-mtAnkinil- is- man not one has been able to -throw the nature of his kingdoin." The rift betwieii Civilization, and House that night," Dodills, Kidney Pills act directly on Fishermen itre riot the,laziest mem, amy light on how grain grows., He Gin in lwe* Christianity has - widened into a the kidneys, making them gtTailg And Some breach which -men are too lazy to Rgh..;_C!Sh_ nd - On Sunday las healthy., Sound kidneys mean pure awa: Daily Times. a= see the need of rain and sun a threat�ns to become, to t it. was a well de —Bishop of cultivation, but beyond that -he can- WORLD MISSI(DN�� McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets tal-�-a great gulf liked, fied privilege to form the acquaint- blood. Pure blood means good II6�lth. mot go. So -is it in religion. He can sugar-coated and rich in -weight bpild-" Durham. ance of His Lordship Bishop-Jubaii, bed of the l6iscG A reehorse.mAy eserl as ripture, Some years ago in one of mfy al. Diocese of Florida. bed see the need of reading the Se Inis- ing agents, are easy to take and �w,ill p is q justice Prayer and attendance on the-oi414- sionary journeys, I had the opportun- not upset or even disturb the most You have no i6a, how splendid and The Bishop a gentlen�ar. possessed e uine speculation.___4Mr. ntigating, of splendid executive and oratorical CURRENT WIT A ms of religion, but he cannot teg ity of seeing a sight I shall -never delicate stomach. fasdina�tlng theork .of �invq ND . WISDOM asfi abilitir and exalted ecclesiastical at- qt is a very serious thing� for kow these nourish the soul and bTing forget. My companion and I were These wonderful health bufl4ing, he atom is. W"t'g4thering intep Pajn� tainmntg. The Episcopal Church e e eArtb bingeth forth fruit rose very early one morning, just a.t tabl�ets are'now sold in every drug services are We pro ucing in every. particular Anglo- ness consists -riot in. th se hburs'vrhich forth fruit unto righteousne�s. Just travelling in the Himalayas. strength creating, weight d What� a d country whel� it's peopli think happi- th P 8 sermon Catholic -and His Lardshfil- ithout the Power of man so religion the gray dawn, and started forth store in North America and -millions dly `ai6 devoted,. to work but- in those de- R) AM the soul is a God eve& power. from the traveller-s� bungalow by a of them are used every me th. Salesman held.fix-jail in New York' v1vI portrayed 4ho�,'s'aeredness of voted to amusement,—Can C.- S`.- -sold mining st"k.t,o, two fellow ris- Tiage'sa&aine on the mai nt and sanctity Woodwad. lffOwevek both are Conected wfth ef- bill -path' which led us round the McCoy takes 'all the risk.—Read p of the home, oners. He let-th0fiAn n the ground as the future welfare of TOrt, Vtrithout industry man ro4d shouldbr of a mountain and above a this ironclad guarantee. If after tak. Rodr.—Ottawa the nation depended up6jr its pros 1have 110 harvest so without apphica. deep valley. We shivered as we Ing x y's modern city is one i' -which the, iftlbe would have no religion, Like went, for it was bitterly cold. The Cod Liver Extract Tablets or two one Ition. The existing evil tendencies of average, -filling station is about -three W5th all thcseji� m(tdels of auto- the PresP -iih k po"11 in nditure—firit the air wag M of the night fog and the dollzr boxes any thin underweight nt divorce laws ich are times as picturesque as the city hall.. �Pda� then the ear; after that, the distant mountains w6j4a - mAn or woman doesn't gain gt least 5 Mobiles pedestri�' humanity is more. contrary to the teacbi6 of the —Borde Cities Star. I N forbid than ever divided-fi2to two classes, the church, -would Gventually result in a corn in the ear'�--so is grace or dng in the gray. As the time wehi pounds and feel completely gatigfied decadence of the riationle morals i religion of gradual growth in the- on, the fog settled down into the V! quieR and the (I�W.—Hanlilton Her- f Man states that'he could nevr learr mardn9t abrogated. Dmrt of man. It is first tender, per- deep valleys and. we heard sounds of health—Srour druggist is authorized Io As an example of the universe . lity' to Count beyond four. He has attain- '160d irnner�--tibl, erha,pS vLwake-ning life from far below, return the purchase price, ed' eminence in the 901filfg world— ft lies long in - 'I W - That oston wonin ournal. _& soul be- First the aoaA'6 Arill clarion. e �a P B who nev�r tbde Of the church militant on earth, the Ottawa. J the Sol a Th n Ask Ch rl s Aberhart or any good . Episcopalian negrges of Jacksonville in an automabl�q,'�Afid livd to be 90 druggist, attend St. Paulls'Church, an impos- fore any growth whatever is noticed, the twitter of oth@11 birds iseeii, knew the first i�96hiial iA longevity. We cannot improve the world faster .0* Jt rsqu:ifes to be nourished and and the exe of some early vra%ldman —Cincinnati E , " r'. fice. On. Sunda� last' we �vor_ than we improve oursel and bring chopping wood to make his morning 119141FO, � � I - ton. ves.—Creigh- in that church. Holy do' -A�nded that it my grow, ivid :gbrth the frpits f holiness to the fire. As -we turned a corner my A MOD191 PRISON PA says he beg e I is munion. was admitisteredi-th psyer doi6ted h Re*. of God. friend said 'Look!' We sat on our i. Pollard, thb 06loy'dd rector, and Tb,, It let 6xhibition of the lightof �Shs-*on legs, eannot-last, Jesus w0 sowing seed when hrses speechleig. In front of us Upon a recent inspection, a Bri�l hi as celebrant was appropriately rbed in go out at tight. 4-1 Xingston IVL Poitet. �7�, 5keaebing.,th gospel and at first the was one of the P-reatest'peaks of the ish Indian expert said that he con- ard. Whi,_Sta,d with chausable, alb and niAni ra results were small. He likens- in Himalaya range clad in Virgin snow, olyte-atte sidered the new juvenile prison at accompany c ndaiiee. On Take them y and large,; diaries Are, d1r,must tall John,bf-Lotf&�- 767 -Me 30 the kinidom of God on earth and the top of that peak bad caught Tangermig, near Batavia, Java, a The modern ntan as, a roiking the Altar was the Angld-Catholic O -E much more veVe r him kovr to a grain of mustard seed. From the first rays of the rising sun and model institution and the best of,its that is ver� little removed from c Oss of. Christ -with - than an I y other kind f writ- got here 411 Thoz fail san�Auary general to mankind in Distance and. let .&=it beginnings great things may was glowing like a carbuncle in the kind in the Far East, This was not Chrlstlanity.—The�--Ilev, R. ppointments for th4 'pioper conser- Ing except the inspired.—Mr. Hilaire. neRbei of Us will be ration of -the sacred elementp, to- Belloc. § -light, a promise of the new only so with reference to the build- eprdshowing us that vitality is wondrous ings, but regarding the treatment of Ing. - Rda wohdetful to 'te number of those detained there. gether with. the requisi rs I�, gd- lighted candles beatlng,tegtlwon� to tv': �You like tblt-" r One quality an athL YOU woul,dn't be any happidr,with md, ti,'keep- as 66s6 -Eng.1 the gaVialit's assiorf­ The . Choir double your salary. Watch -those who The endeavo' of the authorities is mire among the'qUliti oa of the as if I ere�,:tb to educate the boys alohg' right lish, and that i indhgeenee to -members, singing the processional and 'have doil I Ik a r b e r ala y. lines. Directly after their arrival 'recessional'churo' music, we MUS it have beeli. jke�, rP- 812r- Chroulle-Telegrapb. da 8, k- ore 011A-, they are 'taught. some craft. Vlach Plicen in white and 6xtdrd caps, and In tlia. bid of them has his own cell. Every* preceded by a'dhurth acdlyte� bearing It loosszl� "Another schoolboy group of cells has its bathrooms, the 6tosg. n6 04diling,of the -ser- 'Y071 can add to you sanitary . installations and V0.1tes uk" rn Plata thi Whom hff 3", lijg�bp vice wag gogtly adfnir4d "thf-ough 'the G., "is, 'this ane�* 'Sie tTghs1t,, that, f6t, 70a room, Enteiing as "second claneys," 'you, ai,6 tahjno�"o the while bcomo third class members at- ligrwonr of 'pee�liar Va*sj pit reter �Iine IftoAhs a hogifted -0&b'a� vesoft'rit The r"to is urthor imlirrovekyniant ir coldduet av WC '96rmon, treated 'd the r gooll , :�,, . , , , , , , . , , , , hkt,�, Will in he 'arid A0, btingri them into the stdt *heve ally ek a of 61 :fitdistiu - etibi -in the, United they wear a attv oft their U111focift ftil frlifa= froin th'd�"4' 4ex the Of force * �*A iiI6 L I tot* last Ybgi4 -tetX&t fag, at shethe, chrtli eLZNG td %A4 601 0 accompardd to thd to, t4v,611, a, a emees. 'to b6 'VOW19 %ldth the tt6140 90vaer 6i 01fid tA W 'rho for aftivo Plant& Tbo� 46 loaozfit test #�� W� E ,Ln , p 0 _,(Ift - t W itwo. its "46 f� widid tit 6 t Ift ray I 44,