The Huron Expositor, 1928-01-20, Page 4341; 41 I,* q , W,
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lam 09 Willmm Suoldiceii om the
IV r a V,
e, e ed go
aivQn in Zw$ rM
The I g2tioA V the
,Taim,, Mon' in The On, Ozoed gor the 4
the mended WANLIKY
174 ]Devil in Poll Press." The I
r hteb 411;, i,44
7 TER' etzoir rendered excellent music tion 5 .
o t4e boa gradiiia at morniag and evenluj;. A, spectal ;aar- seirWicet; to- T (4 Notes.-Diesra. Albert Sienion and 19 41
VIA hap
ay evening HoulAon ;Vk -1 der til nicely replied, e jp;FeaS tatute. The Reg ula - ces for the Heagall UniLted church ing his "S for the unexpecte.4 ad"
Michael KeLoughlin are busy cutting
f C
and tb
that All farmers' making his rounds -with the clover Psure it had been t
wood for Mr, Jerry O'Hari H.
V;'.;u mpg
Brodlikigen.. is busy has been arranged and prInte4 on pro- dress
for he rescinded Byerman, from of the QT44ri recently wit 6%, be the i0iss rep
grammes. The following- TRU
d, follvwW hy Vhe ger very interesting subjects which Rev. to IeWiii.*
ed for grading &nd huller -The All For Fun Club -has able will inj c
'er Mr. Sinclair will take u Sit
ized agaiii for the winter months 8th: - Pauls, and 116W 7'It Son, re'&O',DYL JA1,SS JUO'rot] y to April as that
J&nu&rY 22nd, 'Five Little Foir- would ei eoiprage and. stimuln6 t
county oints shall be graded organ
.48 il po ,
ulged i -oi grades; eined to fly pleS, Problems
of or in lieu ind on
-of -the World"; February 5th, "Who hour- or g4'whleh se ent made to the farmer on the their first night's sport, where they hoir, '0'y6=g P by the -drover or shipper, an of Uri, and Mr& Joe Johnston, for 0 no
d and met on the 10th inst. at the bomei. 4,1% owed y Ire roll all by Bliss
es"; January 29th, Kens Day, Kan's to ever do'his, beat for the Zudson. Reo. Mr. XcHm*-4
"'Hen Winners, or Life an Top The evema closed with a fine 4gi ! J very __t4k _.on
ve euchre and owns You, or Sold t
n progressi
- P e
pfor Shackles"; eagle'a Tdz` to i s pzsginig, ingelosed wl
arii-Wr dud
ID or
-ifie mark of identity on TOrRing. Singing Joe is jolly good ini
of the drover or shipper shall dancing until the wee hours in the FebMAry 22th, 'Women's 'Sunday, Wo- &no 4ttle: daizZliter, d Rh L;
Train Ige Ghild.- -The follovn
mens Choir, "A Young L Wo
ace a spec
=U'S which ne- of of few days rp
clipped from o
fellow on uch occasions. -Mr. John WOi
eaCp tarmers lot of hogs in every
-idb's Destiny"- Febru- the d4le
4Z, or a 111 a regarin a neont death with Mr. Anid,19ts:, A Ji Smith, not all 41ns 'A., b bu Bure, who has work ad for Mrs, Duffy ary 19t,,,,COpyigts, Imitat 9 ndepr lot, truck load and other shipment. the past two years, has resigned his ors, mini- w4ich ri V4 ded as acclidental, could O'Brie
I)rOvers"` or shippers, manifests shall position, and thinks u change ts &% We .44nk it is Well
Febuary 26tb, " Young Man not h? Wl Miss Dorotb3 n, Who hav R val It, n -&ads out for presentation to the good as a rest. and His Watei,, or Ten Commandments worthy of'Publishirg, rettlng, o
it, in. Centr&lij Past 1*
for the Engaged"; March 4th, "Xis
does, to hq and,,' ber ,bf weeks,' ir. :r1ce ...... ........ ......
lie. grader at -the stock yards. Th- i dren. and their care
A and Midgets"- March 11th, "Your reads "The jury exprpssed uncle,, KT. 4ud Barry, returno
future Foretiol
Intention is ITMetter to assure ZONSALL d"; March IM, "Life's belief are allowedi, tog Ii?144 -this'
FlGrehc Me.- samples M b
e $4W Window
-benefit of grading to the farmer. For Correction -We learn siezg firsi Biggest Question, or a 1`16mee. Sea- much. frie4
ora on th o
e timecompulsory grading of hogs sending our report of the Firemen'4 tenco' by a Pai March 2$th, efficient'OtiwHaushi number of l to a e
s or- Where does that g be exer= recently. -.,.A Very P
on Fri ".YesuS i h
ek, that the "ts tow,&rds ir has'heen provided for, but payment dance, held in the Town Hall irr Two World , A.,IQ ete %eek 0 4 day evening of last -we re- a Soul got Immediately after Death" seA party eas
t"INLI - by all he elm ran, wa§ spent, thei'Arst'
tbzt basis April list, Palm Sunday, "Jesus I'
on was not compulsory. ceipts were $79 instead of $96, as re- n by tead ng -them the dangers of nb g heing ,, devoted to ga
nIng ported through mistake of an m Ki I I '641he streetis musici followo" by -a very 4in
orrnant, and we hasten to make the APr1l Sth, "Jesus in, life or Death away fTosi iome. Also 'P I Dougall is."spop
MIKEORY IS BUT SHORT LIVIRD correction. Overcome."
dren off the str6ets inig., a few
irWomen's Missionary Society. -The much' e." -Now ftlje' Annual Meetihg-The annual miet- as. possi I
A brutal murder was committed in and, Mrs. `Bt6ihil at 11 . . . . . . . . . . .
Peire.* e ea of di, The dance held:. In the Tovhir
ing of the South ron Agricultural regular monthly meeting of the W. ap d 0ii e th h ding 67 . -91,,
Toronto last week,when a man killed Society will he held in the Commer- M. S. of Carmel Presbyterian hurch, ford, W6'Nnh it T611 apply equally Fri4a'y evejqp- L
Tais son with a hatchet, and so injur- cial Hotel, Hensell, on Friday, Janu- was- held in the school -room Thurs- appropriate to Hensall and for Viat the, auspices] 9f.4he Hensel
his Mfe and young daughter with ary 20th, at I o'clock p.m., for the day, anuary 12th, at s o'clock, with m tte-i"
nearly all' plac- was a deqJd ,s*ccess, With- a
the same instrument, that if they purpose of receiving the Directors' the President, Mrs. Arnold, presiding. es, advice is worthy of care- crowd, in f*t,o'o of th beg,
and Auditors' Annual Reports and The'programme arradged' for the ful con 04eraion and f putting into that has atb
(5.ventually recover, they will show any of- th,6
election of Directors for the current Presbyteri. n Women's Day -of Prayer effect, as #drhaps there -was never an -for some permanent effects of the attack. year, and the transaction of other as used for the first part of he age Whel*.1children,oh the whole, were due to -the Aip on for the, -w`
silent so boi inclined to run wild, maysuccess of eveiiine4
The man's Teasons for the deed business. meeting, which opened *i
We _ ,o . r alex .1, e. I
new _Model s
were that he had no employment, no New Chevrolet. -The prayer and selected Scripture Ver es we sfty,,itA parents are likely -to ham inept. Excollent music was d 1>i g. --ore Lindenfielk -by A money, there was no, food in the Chevrolet Sed= has arrived in town -ad by rs. Arnold. This was fbl- a Tude'apakening to their want ok Mr.-, Gordonij'$61-bm 'ihd James', pe More coriectly 8 ea
cad is 24ow on exhibitiom in Messrs. lowed by Hymn No. 599; Mrs. Robt. what -.4s 'kbove termed guardiansh$ fot, accon*iAgd- n the piano by reading b3, Marion, Ke
house, and rather tha:a see his f0mily j.. ane u. McDonell's Garage. ThL, McLaren read the Bible lesson from and supervision, for the Bible Injune- Miss Rossi6-11i 6adfdiot, Who excelled philt'tnok up d to b
continue in such circumstances or e off ngio it Could'be arriange , " AVe
new nbodel is very much superior to the 145th Psalm, after which prayers tion ever 4volils good where it says- tbej'uselve ., manager was the members of band tarting not'. later than S
L r' the"hour of s
starve, he would put them beyond the my previous model, the body is four- -ere offered by Mrs. G. Hudsoi "Train up a child in the way or Mr.-'-Will- 'Simmons. Tse .1 dal
121n' proceeds the Pennies,Fall." th D* a o'clock' or thereabouts and of legOw
rs of suffering. inches longer end the cowl is thr he fori, . %th
ee Alm. J. A. Fleming. Mrs. James A. she should go and when they are old heven* were $96. A splendid gave a reading, followed by a chorus. at 11 or thereabouts, it Would -ibe,&-
There But behind the w?hole sordid story inches longer, making the car seven Bell read the Bible passage 'from they Will -not depart from it.lp nia whs',s6rved.Mr. Gierald Pai ,)f three girls ii ntitled, 'Let--the Lower 61rable with everyone feeling betti
evious mod- John 4th, 31-42, and Mrs. Aritld gave . y,,'fio 4oubt, f
is the war. This mian fough through inches loi than the pre be exceptional cases quihar left Tuesday morning o Lights Be Burnin." Florene Me, and more,irefreshed, rqle ver hold the war, had won the rank of Major els. The engine has odiisiderable an inspirational talk on "Our Over- but the' . s god. visit wee !t Chicago, whereAte "will Donald played a'instrai fol- the following - day. - Mr. Riehard
more power and ihe four wheel brakes seas Fields." Following this was' the Council, eeting. - The: regular h&;aJ4-nt f I al- lowed- by a readingby Vera Sunder- Blatcbford was visited by anoth of
or. a while AA
P 4#jR4_Th . . , " -f: cook -adin ring
e services o.
In the British army, nd had been have -been added. There are a num-, roll call. minutes and offering, purity monthly4iiieting of the Village Couo go secure 4,L
Te g Brock; going, his sons from the West du
wn yn-! '' Dty4
text word. Twenty-five. cil was 'held on Monday eveningi,,,all Caimel Pre hyt an Church wifl :- beL Kathi We; also another past week.. St. Paul's Angrktz
rded the Military Cross. Wher i,,et of other changes which add to the being the the
eceived his beauty of the car. The total weight members were present 'ith three vis- the m6mb6iis eing present, ith the held in the- Vase;
ment of th6..'2hurch ehbrus;by the Mission,. Bond girls. Miss Church are preparing. to give'a most,
now on, L Vijilie ''the 'Study Which
of this car is around 2200 pounds, and itors, ttie offering amounting to $6.40. Reeve in, the chair. The minutes of fro Vo Was
discharge, he lost the pay that had In the audit6rkn* of Xorriwn' interesting play In -the near fuf e
;;he'price has been reduced In, lasr Mrs. Arnold gave a report of the busi- theilast theieting were read and adbp.t -theL church is. belng decorated., Fol- much enjoyed.- The meeting was clos- we believe towards, thip ntiddle, or
supported himself and family for four I
s, and during those four years' ear s price of $965 to $927. ooks ness meeting of Huron Presbyterial, ed on MONOn of Petty and Camer, on. lowing, that. thi3 Msement will,, be ed with, ilie io'j4W - Prayer. - iss closing part of Feruary, and -we am,
and many new added feztureg'make held in Willis Churchi Clinton, on A numbeX of communications wire decorated. Mr. Kay, of Clii Margaret Habidrk very -pleasantly en- told from good authority that i is
absence, he had got out of touch -kith it equal to many higher priced c n, -is
ars. Tuesday, January 10th, The mem- retA and,-',Vdered to be filed. terbained a, number of her- friends one likely to be the very best of the many
Tmhp the artist.-Meinstv Sunda
the United Ch
s r r
lvarn that , H-urazi Presbyterial had HernPhilj . in Toroi W left day, Januarjr,,49th. There will:,4e a time was spent -Miss B r ret An- St. PaulS.7-Hen a a beeM
sall Lodge I.O.O.F. are looking.f6i
ki forme emploi He was Oddfellows.-The members of Hen- hers were ve y much encouraged to Reeve Gtlged that the collector, Mi. served in Wt. week, A very pleasant. good plays gien in past yeari by
rt evening-
anan of educa-tionj could speak six or V2 ga fiall has 1W YS
it both Se
'more languages, but there was little ward to a very interesting meeting --ot only reached their objective, but a sta"iiiiil,with him regardink the mefi!s, choir, Xvices., Mr., derson, who- -recently., underwent an noted for its'.. fini adraqtive
jr the coming Tuesday ev'ening, Janu- 4ad exceeded thei .11
r allocation to the 1927 taxes, and that all the takes Goodwin, the leader, has 'QreldyL o eration:-in Si -Memorial Hos- churches and V'A pro-vemeuts
the' im
qr no hope of securing employment in ary 25th, the occasion being the visit -mount of $278. The meeting closed were 'Pat, 'In, with the exception-' L Of started the practises for same and we pital, -is, at the time." writing, ro- and decorations that air ,;;bdug -tuade
the old country, immediately follow- ,' the District Deputy Grand Mai with a hymn followed by prayer. Fol- two pri6i 6# ies, which were . sevieral are l9pkJng:6rvnird to 6xcellefitln Oessing, Very favorabl toeet$ to.. -Carruir^ mg the war, and he decided to come r. Moffatt, of Brucefield, and his in- lowing are the officers elected or the years and C
A nuiriber of accounts b-V--thci 'men.' Messrs. Robt. karcre 't9r6tu&n t6 her home shortly. X-4 "will -1e very attraOlvp,
to Canada to make z new home, and -italling team, to I -when comolet-
nstal the incoming year 1928: President, Mrs. H. Arn- were Presened and ordered Paid. and Edgar- Munn having and rs, Otto Stephen and !Wc. Uld, like to- se fftue
Mo. R. Y. law Noif By- ibd,,, d. some
officers of Hensall Lodge. What will old; list Vice -President, MrpP nting the different. of the past we4k -the lar near Zurieh,
a new start in an adopted country.
mad in:-tk interiq* -of
is hopes, hoever, were never ing will be the conferring of the thir was then -G,
ren; 2nd Vice -President, Mm ficials of the town for 1928 BUrtichford at the rear of
est of the meet- McLa ichard and Mrs. eo our flue d
Mellroy; 3 -rd Vice-Ptesident, J. Del- g-Vn its first, second and third rea&- lot 'on Richmi 19tieet, Soilt4 re,,, Stephen's pareibaw little
ary, Mrs. R. Cameron; ing- t -WaS MOVeJ 'by. Councillor busily engaLredthe past t... E. Hemphill made -a busi- its interioir ap
alized. It may ave been his lack of degree to a couple of members, and as lag; Secret
-4access wag due to wounds, to shell such -occasions are invariably foi Treasurer, Mrs. D.- Nicol-, Home Help. Prie Canir ing-it dowz .i d moving th ness trip to Toronto --the first part of lie building
3t, si6binded by Councillor
h qderial nee, 6 -time to time,,
it may . h - shock; -he had been gassed, or d, by lune the coming meeting on ers' Secretary,'Xiss it. Craig; Wel- eroh,- fha '.,' of appoin#n M Ir. R66A' Higgins, who a little repairing
the matter to it eir rms.. We bel this wgek.4 an lmp"Vink'.
Eaf crett inte'nids. * 'taking G. 14, NapVc,
be the things he had seen and the next Tuesday evening will be a most zome Secretary, Mrs. F. Bengough-,' the offick, a be left over until the n, make it utodate.-Mr.
eve., AiAhe last electi
an or app, lea -
interesting and inviting one. ad Tidings Secretary, Mrsi; D. Februtirk`Weeting '1` down on the rear of his lot' was 4n C%vh, JWLA ek. - Miss is having the finishing touches put
Id we en..' - Aing on M Ili t 444;1w, ' Tb- is One new d* warped his me as stables qk
so Three Ttkilori will not say if Workman; Literature a6d Library tion -s to yeevive for the p"iti oining to Mri.,,Blatchfori
ps of trench warfare had
ell upply tip -until eliffib of the next*xneieDfIng. in villages are found to be nai'much- te
gtality that he was, un- ur local tailor, Mr. Win. Sangster, Secretary, Mrs. 'J, Roggarth; S '4bb r,DnItO with her la aunt,
1-tted to fulfil
e, was -here att- din, 0. ge her
g, tion in civil life would -demand -of Wm -his ability to -the adv pin
duties Which a poi was one of them or not, but the first ',Secretary, Mrs. Alex. Smith The Reeve asked: for any amendment in need since U
tailor in boasting of -.'ral of hOL 4ujit, occur- to-4he .-motion; alldlhere'being none, Mrs. Frank- Mousse n, "IT XleA, ea,
'turning t6 'd if red in Toronto an January. 12tk give a good fit to a customer, sai
Died In Toronto. -The death an was I
He felt. he was :a faiiare. To com- 11VOVJDII tO, the -council, last week'attending the fu Wt -put the he'r coudos
he could get a good look at a man Mrs. Mary MacAlpine Mrs Ewen McEwen, Willa re is'
=Jt suicide would entail greater e, formerly Mary MacEwen was carried, ,Several other by- relative there, and also visiting her -Mr. and
pas -sing along the street he could MacEwen,,wh Was born in'Lthe town- `1 e iii ail, but Were referred to relatives. -W.* iind Mrs. Fred,_G-0ib6tt' -side in T40nto , elm
aV..s wer
hardship and disgrace on those de- make a good fit. The second one, to ship of Beckwith, Lanark Ocunty,on '- stablish' d
By-law No..2 was visited with -relatives and frbi;,14.9, in Ewen base spring
p4ndent, on h so he tried to do'speak- out, said that if'he couldJust August 5th, 1840. being. a dai r., eg re%
er 4a set the date ofth6 annual, nomins- Exeter recentlyMrs. Wil ae a barrlstL-r.-0ur,,itreets an&4106
i e %hay ith1hem imstead. get a passing, glance'ai s man turn- )f Dimedn XcZwe n-. who came to b4n- -tlo to -the 'firs Monday in Decent- man, who has been, spending some alkz are presen -in a ver1jr, da-
. -*ay w- jreai it! Ing of
is, the story -of this man. He a corner, -he could make a per-_ ).da from Glen Almond, Perthsl tri bief Polling to be -one week"latek,'and few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. 'geiOus COi owing- to th 11' 4nning f0i Still hdtWk
feet fit, and the third, one, not to be Scotland, and Catharine McEw'erl:,,. a the polls to be dL.St 8 O'clo& In_ 'Wilton Stewart, who resides in Sea- Condit -The Hensall Man uccess W are o0er-
4d succeWed as a soldier, but -when 1 ion. i business
Ing Company. intend very shortly Ing great inducem,
bel returned to civil life, there MEwen, who stead of n ne, Oil
jutdone, declared that if he was only aughter of FhAcy i A, there was some forth, has returned to the home of her ents in the w4 of
as to L moving
'Pas pointed out the corner where he man came from Lochearnhead, Perthsfiim, -doitbt the authority of tht son, Wesley; "ere she intends re- from the second floor -of clearing off surplus stocks. - Mae
-nqthingf success Left in him and he had turned, he could make 9 swell Scotland. ' In 1851 Mrs. McEwen m O i- to6cil in settling4he hou Of the Op- :maining for, a sh rt fime.-Mrs. Wm. Pety'$ brick block, immediately:.wrest Victoria Bolton the Boundfiry,
be seen y this that there .d with her parents to the Town I P, ei of the P6!Ii it- was decided to Blackwell spent. last week with Mrs, of the postofflt , to the first' %'6uld not beg. And, aside from mur- fit. It wi -Pent, the 'iek end here ith her a"it,
that is the sto of are geniuses among the tailors hard- of al, 'her father havin tV-1aw io -be tai at M. TinneY, -who-isi confined to her room r their present- stand, and- whichl-
ry g purtiha'sela leave de
to be outclassed.
other returned soldi a lock of land containing 6()6 he.Tei the next meetini. The members O_, through illness. -The British Consols ill be much more epnvenie to loazz
Horticultural Society. -The Horti- immediately south of th* Village 1 he council t'hoi this would be a Social Club -,met At the home of Mr Louise Drummdnd very pleao4aft M*t bei is vory. p . od I r 7.
their country, but they cultural '-d has bee m
nit ;lltt.
Society held a meeting in Hensall. Later she lived with her good. move, andhich'is, being adopt- 'Alex. Moi on Thursday evening: 'entertained a number of er houi#,
, a not save theraselves. the Town -Hall,.Hemsall, on Friday mother at Exeter for so
y with 'E *hV
ds to a s-ery pleasant even! d M.
iro ma y the' war meant riches; to evening, January l9th. There was after her me, years, and ed in other places, th do awa Cards were plVed, after which a r1en W ',:J-
,;, mother's death. she married the'election in the'h6l' Y- - iir" served. -Mrs. David last week. A Very enjoyable tim , 6 1
Ma it was a means of better not a very large attendance owing to John Alpine iday time B dainty lunch 1. ii' L ' L sh6ri diztanae from vhp& .
Ing (Blizin) MacAlpinei 'ei lit* No. 3, which was also Shirray bag 'returiaed from loronto.' -spent, -the first gart of the e h'
..h' been living befori
-tb pselves, but to thousands u other functions being held the same Glencoe,'who died in 1904. Mrs. kae- he next meeting, and which is find- irbere she has been spending the'pasi bein devoted io airds folio sa Helen Johnston wai im Pon Goderich during fAie, past Week f4i m
night in. the village. After the busi- -Alpine continued to reside at -Glencee ing favor In a great many places, that number -of 'w6eks with her mother,
thousandsof the young Tnen wh lunch and danang.-We a
o serv- ness part of the meeting was over, until two years 0go, when she -moved is to collect theitaxeg Wee &-year in- who has been and y1rs to see X -r. John De ry out a - in I day or so. -We regret
to report '24, the war was a cruel thing. It took the following officers were elected for to Toronto. She was the only daugh stead of once 2-nd to give a per cent. Dignan d our. streets duting the past week as Mr. J. W.
-visite with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skinner has been qUite them used them and then returned the coming year:
Honorary '-Presi- ter, but had several brothers, now`de- off4he first 'half collected. We bi Forrest ree'ently.-Mr. and Mrd. al. lie had beein confined to the house for poorly for the, past few
tfom, some b &en in body and spirit dent, Mr. Nathan Peck President, ceased, namely, exand r, 114 we6ks, tut John, Al e . fe,this would-be a' great help to ter Mof?at sAd little daughter - Lois# 2 number Of s ering from havifig his t onsiIS , _,e&ently boar-
M65tL painful, b uncle, P -impro
sogae ith a twist f mentality, tha Mrs. C. A. McDonnell- list Vice-Presi- ?eter, William 'and Dance. - who liv- the- average not having to -spent the week end with, Mrs." Peter rtly ori his ated. onJit I$ h6lied ve- 19s
if "it has not Already, may some day, dent, Dr. A. Moir; 2n Vice -President, ed near Hensall. Anothen' the full, arnbunt at olf0e, - and Fisher and daughter, Miss Eleztnor.--i- neck and sboulder.-Mr.
r brother, pay . W, -& 96her4l health. --:We Mr. F. Hess; Secretary -Treasurer, James, died, in New York City in 1870. especially as zt--Pyevelht, at the tinle At the evenink gervice at Carni4resiiw
m4ke them a menace, Hemphill returned- the latter part d Me- Mr. Robert Bontihron-; able to- be
and Others K
-Mxs. John Elder; assistant, Kiss . Nfis. MacAlpine -was a Presbyterian, of the year -when there is a greater byterian church on Sunday evening. this week from a business trib to out -agi after being, vonfined to,"
hwdicapped in the battle of life, but J. Johnston. Mrs. Merner nd- rs. being a meniber of Glencoe Presy- demand 'on the purge of the average last, Rev. Mr. Menroy gave a fine Toronto. --:-We regret to state thai'Mij ro fot several- we :j ough,
All still good soldiers, and like this Elder were appointed as delegates to teriln Church. The funeral took place ratepayer, nd J r and instructi Oka 1* paying half in the ve sermon, while- Mrs. Fred Berry still Continues ness. very pwr-. -Wd itinderstaii(i thit: our e6ian-
man too proud to beg, attend the Ontario Hrticultural Con. from the residence of John E. Me- mbnth of June vilien nioney-and work Andrew 901 nd Mrs. W. A. Me- IY at the home of -his brotber-in-law, Zil for 1928 intend,esilli-ag for applim.,
Dou very pleasing duet 'WfiJizim. Consitt, And, is sufferifig Ons
vention, to be eld in Toronto Fbbru- Ewen, of tht5 London Road, in r n s -ore plentiful. The Reeve asked Laren rendered a ti for ih diff4r nt'o&6s, such as
Amid why should they beg? During te me t 1 Mr.
ary 9th. being made at Exeter Cemetery. The that the work of the council be divid- which wa by the co4n-' much
pain from his knee lour Clerk,. Ass6sscii Caretalcpi, etc,-4W2 ,
the oar and for a very short time af- Municipal Pot Still Boiling.-Mun- funeral -service was in charge gregation ministers are vow giving
ac appi W
McIlroy, assisted by Rev. Mr. a fire and light committee and a street of Stratford, spent the week end wih courses of sermons that are proi vdrsky At London, is spending lhoRi-
ter patriotism burned, high; every re- icipal matters areore than ever now Mr. Of Rev. Ed up i11tO coinmittees,,and asked for -Mr. and Mrs. gpedial J k T is attending the U -
turned man was looked after, even ergaging tKe attention of our rate- Sinclair. Mrs. MacAlpine is survied committee be formed, said c6nrmit- Mr. And Mrs. Ge6rge Brown,Miss very interesting, the idea being ;bo jday& hetwen - e=minations, at WiD
burdened with kindness and good POYers and with a very likely re- by a number., of nieces and nephews tees to be formed oftwo members Of E- Tieman, -of Diashwood, spent. the make the chur -h,serviees interesting, home- here. -Mr. gn' d Mrs Le
rks. That day has passed. Even contest for ti I?eeveshipl and there around this- localify, and she lived tb the Council and the Reeve. The Reev,- week end -the guest of Miss Mildred and it that 'Can be done without pan- dim spent a day in Ldn-&n duiin g
"if it is true, that a generation , i iz likely to be i eal boiling of the mun- ripe ord age, being in her 88th year statedi that he tvbs not very well sat- McDonnell, at the home of Mr. and dqring to anything that is not orth6- th
nee icipal Pot. It was thou,
e past week. with friends there,--
ght that Reeve at the time of her death, and wits issfied With thei,vray the business of Mrs. C. A. McDonnell -Mr. and Mrs d6z or reverential,'it is always ost
then has been born- that know in We regret to report at date o
s 'lot R. Higgins and councillors, the lat- Trost highly res ected by all whe new the town -was conducted,. teams being William Fairbairn and fainily spenj desirable that 'the 'ch
urch seiwiees jAgi that Mrs. G. S. Tbom'son, vv'fie
w9T, nor what war me ns, has the ter by acclamation, would compose our her for her many excellent 4ualities. put on ha illing gj?6vel and men being Sunday at the home of Mr. 2:6d jdrg sb6uld be attractive and iriterestffig. last week suffered a a` stroh6, is previous one forgotten these things Wuncil oard for the present year, The pallbearers live nephews, 'put t -Motimean. -Social functions and evening pait s not improving.
0 worik.without any check on Alex. Mousseau, -We re sorry to re -
Ewen, Hugh, Alpine, Alond and th-iir time, an'4..th6ir bills are put in Port that'at.. date of writing Mrs. !G.
too? but as we now underst"d it, owl
to Mr. Hi gins eing past Auditor and John, E. MeEen. It was hoped that and -pajd. He idggested that the dif S. Thoinipso'suffered a very, severe
if the people were behind the 9
accepting the office of County Audi- 8nother nephew, Dr. John, who lives rerent commi"eesi,. keep a check on stroke on Thursday evenlng 'of 1 st
worthy returned men to -day, as they tor foT the present year, that he could at some distance could have been the idifferent accounts 4:nd 0 K. iheirn week, causing her one sie to be"com-
were ehind every soldier ten or not, if thjre was objection to it, bold present, but he was unavoidably de- before presenting themi'toi Medical aftention
twelve years ago, the world would be both the position of Reeve and Audi- tained, so' 'his place was, taken by il. Councillors. Petty and Sangster war, given o her immediately; and av-
e6UD nightmare t was to this ret rather unfortunate that our village is of Tuckersmith.1 Gonimittee, andCouncillore sibly be di but at date of Writing
urn -
d in Toronto. altogether likely to have another con Vestry Meeting The annual vestry Cameron to tNt %jeet ejo .jamittee, the' L her con itioii - venigins unchanged, POS- S
adamt Place instead of the bid- tor in the same county, so that it i Robert MeLaren 'Sr., of the Tow -n -ship were appointed to theflre and Light erything is -being done tliat can pea- 'Archgjr L
test. meeiting, of St. Pauls Church, was Reeve, to be a member of each c6m.. s0y. a little worse. It was veTy
To 'keep abreast with tk6- demand of lidies -who desire only the
it should not. be forgotten that th,- Mollard Mission Circle. -The Mol- held on Monday evening last, JP -nu- mittee. Mr. Geidrgie Vollick -was ap- fortunate that this should have
generation mes a debt. When lard Mission Circle of oc best in fOOtweRr, we have just placed into
the, United ary 16th, when officers of the church Pointed a TneniUr of - the Library curred to Mrs. Thompson, as she 'had stook Clurch, met in the basement of the for the current year ere el cted as Board for anotajej term and. R the product of 61av- of taade
sdg are plWng and the flags Spring styles of "kRCWR1.pS,)
number of years the care,
ev. Mr. for a ]on,
07 iidg it is'eagy to be patriotic, church On.Wednesday evening, Janu- follows: Rector, Rev. T. W. JoAe8; Jon6a -was pioifited 'bo 1111 out the of aii invalid, son, vihe pass,*d &Way foremost manufteturers.of lai exclusive fooi
Ith, with si very good ttend- lnigtier s Warden, A. L. Case; Poo- term f a we offor you the same ' jvice as c1ty shoe stores
ary I
Na -916r on the a few months ago, And Ae u -by stbelt1bg
tumult dievavd Rev. :;Ml
"Atligr 8' In widths AAA: d at Very 'coliservatitie Ott
daiigh,,. 11%ost -active-lineg to
ITIftms'n zftemorY is but short with -a hymn, followed with prayer by Rousto VODA-A fouir-eiyelA , 00ht Wher,'nead S ecl
fe m4tg in, it 19 elftrY man for presiding. The meeting -was cipined Vestry, G. C, Petty, Wim. Fee, W. A. adMirneid, the AdeVe Wought the ter, Kra., Nimett, f Toon , is with
mee, and with Miss Elva Shaddock ple's Warden, Louis Clark; Select library Board. Nfors the meeting ing, a wall-earined rest. 11107
n, 1. Aldridge, D, Shi"ay; wAtter of the light in fri tbLs ber, arg -will take Ocari of - htr. -we
Miss Cvbgitt, After Which the 2atd Ceotge Armstrong, Thos. Simp aa residence of 910zjossid Bill, On kilrlig Cubanheal; rubber top lift 'rigid 'for a chpnge'son -Th Yo g LINDA- A panelled
Psalm repeated in nit &Pi b&ek vi*i
18on, was fol. and G. F. Chse; Auditors, 14ro, rlaul- StrqL%t,' Eint as
eX 141 ed to the 1eagii R the Vftft d.Chu kid, onifafav,
lowed by ihe minult the h
es of the Idat kinson and Mlig 'Mary -V torned twith black suede overl
ip1b"t tr4s, jiaz; lw.ld 'their meeting in the ba eme)ftt of
M. Cage. or&anj iit,
Meetitfg, read by Miss Gladyg Luker, er, 0. ed t1l&re t, V gid zhaO ....
Bell ha4, the 6hnreh with a ver god ttena.
and LOL 8-buttion Slippe
An, instrumental duei was given hV leader, notto". agreed to pay 06r. k 11a stated tha gnc , with Miss Mildred tvjtDonagl Paelled ftont, in ?A leathe a Drummond; dhoh
310e Scruton 94d Marion ton; delegate to Synod. 066; C, design,
d1tva, fhe Misses
e PO*; it *90- r btd Ir.d. ovaA27.q,, Su
).-tting or--deedenti pres ioflgi'
eaf Sinclair, whieh W- paig
an taterestind reading r Mis A. L, Case. The di'doi JTj op or t 0 9aV6716 tolild %ld a Slices, tvr. 6
99 very mue - sub. -delegate, L. Vgi.ti-y Cid - u-? biek -ago, V ub er lift, rigid 6hank ........
h enjoy egpegintly oil hezp "of the meeting wag ovior the b
i7ivits you 10
viiiieh eWoj - 4oledially I
of tho Sociefida -nbd orgzrdva- wout-d ay for" it, giftid, In, wise, tendAg M10b, VA61 id, Alniz'Saruiov; '1VIiss, Glhdys alAd wilth".aAd rourself VAO*.
Indd it inakea to htga of Rave a plogdua tjoas eonnqtted witu dureh %Jdk'0 061 *as ad9i t1ho At. ofadoft toolt' r a most t7gaour&6iiiir, vwtui 6, ma*- sin 0ne
4 om
U, A
'%4 hig gid" 1611mvib Irmeor'l 0A no, 4 all 540iW-11 thodAl It WOOK bo W -'for, y6a P. tv, v6u data pue,
rASO Mj J r&Jra 0 %Wd Vre t&" frX6,pffied'. tlt *6GIA6 coUtwil ts 011ftillf 0 --ft p t tj ft t fJJ 'Xieo A4T
Jl, 77