The Huron Expositor, 1927-10-28, Page 2X I 3 F 7W �,l 7 7, V", V V U 'y M� 0 "W 'FW ®r— V k 091pir-4ilm, $1, oper pii tion for These. It. prots be li0i or, Ip idUe 40 'N '4 ;Oes vM1,2TI 91A IT' `4 bolt action, long first delivered at &tbal Ali the n jgpre MIN, �:v,. 'N pq Po#. W �palt 41ad,pepper And 11� is 1#q dressing. PI.Ave 14y device, only ern kingdom, but his lboolt 1�n its pres - 7 , 1.111, ent form was arranged aiter he 77', 1 v IUAh, AUAL A1J1,At4;,i leaves and i ry cold ordered back to his home in TIM .V.5- o0ped �,6elery, f�nely m y pbueutq in smal r gwing Me, 15 shot slide ac L if ture 'lands of Tekoah, Aete with safety, modern F E. ions R be add0d"" a variety to the salad. P pieces maj By thq time Amos reached man- xx%�Q, %XrAl l®r g range ......... $1 a.00 hood he began to see that the pros- -hr 1, `7 C eop Rgs�e for, Sandwiches perity enjd�red by the kingdom of L. On0I ounce' grapp,4 �heppe. -Israel was- leading the I , t p. ot Gun, long barrel, bolt action, �J rwkp��,om wh Emm Ow Half ounc6"torq4to,catsu end in Two teAspo6nfula',;ahQppq4, nuts. wickedness, which could Z7 for nitro powder high decay and destruction. He saw on W'0,4 6ROCER SELO IT A little onion jWqepr 9r4 e �e# onion. -habitual drunkenness, dis- t I . I . . , , . , I power shells ............. $1 every side B3alf tablespoonful, sasit, . . I �.. ;,.,. , �1. ' graceful, self-indulgence, oppression, Pepper, sense of the -word, a prictic4l busiriess' Bo. d i4s at'prejeat' tf Barrel Shot Gun, Gruner robbery, murder, debtors, were sold Mix indredients together and beat man. The other members of th Nee orw Is Ttep tariff eve, as slaves, the clothes of the poor tak- well. Spread between thin sl4ces, (if Board Are Mi. 9. Larnberi,�� busiAess', V11 cross en in pledge and for many were the Me 4 '&, bolt hammerless, pistol grip, bread. This will be sufficie$ paste man of Montreal, and Mr. D. G. ,0ount*y., heathen abominations practised in for about 24 sandwiches. Ke=ie, foti�Lerly SecretaVy of tbe And the Fiiturp. for .......... ........... $27,00 the name of religion. Amos would Unjted'Fariners of Manitoba. The .'And what nextT The figoingli, of . V (0 R." �, 0. Board As at present constituted, makes th oard, pla ]Double Barrel Shot Gun, pistol grip, have been no true prophet had he not 3 :B, . ce th6,­matter of t" clearly seen that because God was free uie',Of our PI�L Iketion frankly 4 t PAINUy of ECOn' _9 the GQ-veIin- 14A MARVELLOUS VALUE Profe0i No rson could twist barrels ............. $20.00 .: omics.. They have% been ireseit at mept Of Ithe day. pe God, such a state of things could not U listen to 't1fe cases whi0h hav6 -been last. The thought that both Divine the hearings. The d f the. Ing the fact that; of good, wholesome, instructive read- c6TA 'Special heavy load smokeless 12 and human laws were being violated, It is really marvellous the wealth purpose of makingspecia investiga- -heard without re the ge shells, No. 2 shot 42 grs., sent him from herding his flocks to tions. They hAve exiiii1ned tbe oper- L , industries oi ry neJ64' gau 7 �* ing tariff revision—taiiff rev!-* 'down - 1. . qu:ubkht, and stay indoors as matter in each issue of The Diamond powder, per box, 35 appear suddenly in his she-pherd's not like Family Herald and Weekly Star of ation of different ind�atries in every ward. They have'so muc?"tarli; 00* During the rainy A dress at the temple at Bethel, there much as possi portion of the Dominion. What is the Ip to denounce the idolatry sanctioned season they don't go out at all. Montreal * It is a 7wonderful , com� fault Mr. Bracken has to find with: �hat it lies cluttered around their'feet We sell Hunting and Trap binlation Of three great papers: a I impeding their progress. The Party - by the state, to foretell the extine- 'For their one meal a day, the wo- weekly newspaper covering the news the Tariff Board as at present organ- y act or it may fail I now, in power ma Licenses. tion of the Royal family, and the men bring in new, potatoes and herbs, ized? �Has he read'the order-in-cOun- to act. The responsibility is there. of the world, with the greateist news 9 captivity of the people. 'He did not and the whole village gathers round gathering organization in existence- cH covering its appointment. Hiow Failure to bring a downward chang& at the first denounce the sins of Is- the spot chosen as a commercial kit- would he improve it? What practical in the schedules Ilch k the d el - a o every wi ec ev rael, but, in order to gain the better chen. A fire is built, great stones are -as Ud�'to make? Does opment of tfie country and react upon family magazine of interest t :Go A. SILLS & SONS member of the family, old and young; Fugg,stlbris' h hearing, he told of God's judgments heated, and the food is cooked between, and an agricultural journal that is it. not serV the �piu -has in themselves. The ultimate responw- upon the nations with whom they these stones and fem leaves. When view? What ch . alle n'ge its bility tests with the Government�— Ing worth, alone, many times the price were at enmity and also upon the it is ready, everybody dips in, us methods? riot, �dth:'tha Tariff Board, The -peo- of the paper. Just imagine a..com- sister nation Judah. Israel listened fingers as T*rks, and eats as much as bination containing all the above fea- Over eighty applications for tariff' li�th; Government,to.judg- with indifference until the storm desired. changes have been brought to- the I ment tDr, its.-actim fail A&I burst -with accumulated forceupon A tribe, discovered recently in Dutch tures, in a big 72 page paper, and all attention of the Board since it was act- The- tAriff"6411 4k, for the price of the average country so long ad SUNDAY AFTERNOON phets and in later days by Thine own itself. He told the Israelites that New Guinea were not at all hostile, formed. They. are about evenly divid- Out Of Politics Son, grant unto us the hearing ear they too had traded in men ---selling and showed great hospitality to the w"kly--one dollar a year. The ed between requests for upward and ,sponsible' governmen.t. T%h is (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) and the understanding heart that we the righteous for silsver, and the poor explorers. They were keenly inter- Family Herald and Weekly'Star is a d�wnwajrd revision. Every applica- a form of' -taxation and the credit to the newspaper business of st rest with the representa- may not stray into evil ways, but for a trifle, even a pair of shoes. ested in everything, from clothes, fire- tion has been carefully examined— power mu Canada, and well deserves the support tives of , the people. Mr. Bracken'& Depth of mercy! can there be ever keep to the paths of virtue. In They "pant after the dust of the arms, and the flare and sizzle of a of all Canadians. It is said to have no witness appearing Ware the band of"college professors are excell- Mercy still reserved for me? Jesus, name we pray. Amen. earth on the head of the pOor"— ma�ch to the bell oFf a portable, type- Board has received curt treatment. lent fellows and they are doing the over a million readers each werk. Can my God His wrath forbear? meaning that their greed for land writer. Swimming was a novelty to Certain facts embarrassing to protee, c=a great service, but much as tionist theories - come to the. front I them, I shall cbntinue to pre - Me, the chief of sinners spare? S. S_ LESSON FOR OCTOBER 30th- went so far that they -begrudged the -them, and they knew nothing about Lesson Title—Amos Denounces Sin. very dust which the mourners cast writing. from time to time, but that is the in. fer gav6rnment by the people rather sequence of any examin I have long withstood His grace upon their heads. They were very Many a young daughter resembles evi .0 — &tiOn I than go�ernment bz the Professors of Lesson Passage—Amos 2:4-3115. rotected principle. The Tariff I E I s. Long provoked Him to His face, Golden Text—Amos 5:14. v.ile in their personal lives and their her mother because they dress alike. of the p conom c Would not hearken to His calls-, . sinning was carried on even at their A PERFECT MEDICINE —Oshawa Times. 4Grieved Him by a thousand falls Originally and primarily the pro- places of worship, for near every al- FOR LITTLE ONES phet was an orator, a preacher to the Charles Wesley. n�_ A tar they lay down on clothes taken in ird 0eing CaUgHL: %.an a war trum- alone—make delicious salads, sarid- brains the country can produce—that pet be blown in a city without the wiches or a pleasing addition to other body of men to be chosen from the people taking alarm? Can there be dishes. economics departments of the great oth a Model 2"10 W1 a calamity in a city apart from God's The food \alue of Canadian Ched- Universities of the land." Providence ? dar cheese ;s well known. More of it Yes--Sorne Like It. The enemies of Israel, the Philis- could be used to advantage in Can- EFer since this speech was made it tines of Ashdod, the people of Egypt adian homes. The English miner for h t with approval --some places! asime —are summoned to take their stand his noon m( -al, eats not "bread and If the Conservative Ftarty does not Distance, selectivity. volume, tone -quality . . . everything you on the mountains of Samaria and to cheese" but (,heese and bread." embody it in its platform it is miss - could wish for in a radio is built into this famous Ro(,ers Model. look down in exultation on the city The Canadian housekeeper will fin3 qg a God-giver� or Bracken sent op - A few refinements have been added this season, but & reccivin­ brought to ruin because of oppression many ways of serving it. It does not pprtunity. It could be given a sonor- unit of this model remains the same—the ulmast in pou,or and and corruption. God's visitation would lose its flavor or nutritive value 'when ous name and made to sound almost FT -T quality at.a minimum cost. fall upon rich and poor alilie, upon cooked, and rvicipe books contain many as well as the great Conservative slo- L.:4." palace and upon altar: "In the day delicious suggestions for its use. gans of the past. How times change Five iubrs, of course, single -dial control, rnmj;lorly shioldrd audin that I shall visit the transgressions amplification unit, illuminated dial, patewrah Rog'rrs 4 Pov rr There arc- many kinds of cheese in —we with the times—tbe farmers Tube, finely -finished ivalrut cabinet, $275,00 compirle (rx(rpt of Israel upon him I will also villit Canada, all nr which are good value with us. It's a long road we have ;1w speaker), payable on terms to suit you. the altars of Bietht!]; and the horns of for the money. travelled since 1910. In th�t prear a A the altar shall be cut off and fall to Creamed Cabbage with Cheese. great farmer delegation bore down Remember, there will be dozen-, of splendid, interesting prograrns the ground. And I will smite the Chop coo�crl cabbage finely and put on Ottawa, flooded the corridors and broadcast during the next few months, that you can't get through winter house; and the houses of ivory even occupied the seats in the House Canadian stations. Tune in distance% --tune in the season—with shall perish and the great houses shall itself, while its leaders poured out a Rogers "220". Call or 'pbone now for a frce home demonstration. have an end, -saith the Lord."—(Con- tale of woe on wbat the tariff had densed fro The Minor Prophets). done to them in the sad years of the V., WORLD NUSSIONS WOMAN COULD past. To -day the college bred farm- er Premier of Manitoba, suggests 8. T. Holmes & Son Both Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan had tbapt the whole tariff problem be turn - been trained as medical practitioners HOLY WALK ed over to the college professors; in - V and abundance of opportunity was to their tender hands he would coin- cosy Home Main Street, Seaforth it—in the interests of harmony, of Q11i found for the use of the healing art Mrs. Horn Teffs how Lydia E. course --the Canadian tariff, that ebec in their work for the Bbils. The first building erected was used in part as m s Vegetable CoWpojLld tariff which intelligent farmers every - a dispensary and is now used for this Restored Her Health where recognize as the means by A wonderful stove with nly. which millions have been tiiLken from purpose o The son of the first all the "vantages of YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE convert was sent as a young man to Hamilton.ont.—" have 1; en Ly:!i a the pockets of the people and turned the famous American Presbyterian E. Pinkham*9 Ve over to Carqadian Manufacturers or both range and heater. ble Conipwind t Hospital and Medical School at Miraj and would not b- worse still to stock jobbing brokers v Ize whocapitali -the privilege given and and, though technically ranking as withvut it I., n "compounder," yet, because of the I had a f c rn,-� turn it into coin of the realm. Cosy Home Qaebee is needy situation, Dr. Warileas gave% trouble so, bad1l v I The idea of taking'the tariff out of TaBEPOWerfd heater. It WiU lZ could barely wil' politics N not new. -It has been sug- him special training in diagnosing ;Z X k gho e=andcosy Thg Cosy Rothe q and I was al I rur - getted from time to' time by tbor- ec M and* treating disease and he is now J�1, down and could oughly conv�ntlonal Tory winds. A MEnV old moith�t does fiie thillis the stand-by medical helper. Born I 1� hardly get around tariff out of politics, made by a hole on landthat is -now part of the mis- to do my horse- in the corner Committee, fashioned to The large roomy cooking Sul% I c sion property, he has his dispen sary -',77, .1�1 work. I would be face is a boon to th6 busy hOUSLI. L 4 heats your hamet- within thirty paces of his birthplace. suit the Sainted Orders of Privilege in bed three or-, d Protection would be to some - a *if& It lightens,her work. It 2. It cooks yourmealiM —Rev. G. P. Bryce, Rasalpirra. four days at think of beauty -*rfection and a joy forever. cooks,an&bakes W easily on th6 I&T96" time. I was� tn:3 a friend to tr,, Protection always finds It difficult to a &e saine Upae, k�&Ping a roomy cookbw au�- s-wb itas A Inside as Out? PYGMIES SMALLEST RACE 01 ourVeptable mpound. Idid and stand the calcium 6+1 a of publiciiy- hice- the tune I to6k two bottles I'wg.. Hence the desire to Ive It brought plen �APVV'of hoi. wiit Tla on Ird.1 61 It bakes evaiIY4 �&41��S your summer cottage comforUble and home -like MANKIND beginning to getarouhd again. I took fqrth in a dark room, fe-d on ptodi iWd' 4, '96 with 0 roa Fireproof pardtiow and ceilingp. At ten bot es in all, -and not NrA all gested food and 'ttbat*4 a an itlaat tat �a, thiw comb y Y04 u -11 00st t e who -IQ intesioi guy be transformed into Pygmies are the smallest race of ri bt again and d6ing my _ work. all'the days of it life. mankind. They once ' I I ave six grown�ups. to -work for, r o Compro T6 M061 P6&Y. 4ftrAaiVe,. cosy r6cim.4, r4ug, and ter to "y Eip- *lite for fret booklet --- P)Ay Rome.' It Mll b haye&nty to. db,.'l MsWused Lyclia pteN14 ;A its outsUmifing "0", �eW_ Wind Of I ou how Gy large port16-A Of th glo, but thelf This pdliO is he p*66 t6id exact fgb sum laidating Sheathing atid IdauftZ E Pin 1 f,7 �& barn s Sanative ash, and f to 40%- natural timidity AnTsimallnen of ota- opposite of the P611d_V of, the lhberkl think itis good, -Butl owe my lieall.h ture 9XIdUally forded -them InW 640W Party, The Libof 61r, a *e& hfg6' --------- Africs, ih fb the Vegetable':06thpowd, an I wotk� so J OWAIM OC�# t�IW`Tlt% rAftq. CAIUDA 182 ?VeMote, spots 4�1 % as Centrid ied think if more of f# Woo used 64 wom "Ri U410 POW 16ala the Aud!ivq&*. Wofild be"better off�" ll*btld nbt bd OLL 4,4 Mazda, tind the 13hF Pin a,, *hdi$ th V it if it d6av,mdeh Incite, dbliddWei ii SON & Lx�z Co. 't a natural Inaw'.68 ty Lit;g J 00g, F, t can. 1.00 Fte �rl TOO giou rather tl Pf 0, ,�ffi 01 A y�, b ob f, helh."f Mi 691t - P� j' Alk net lwti� �4, I , 11t, people. e in gMy Agency or goo PRAYER exercised by such leaders of men as pledge, thus pitilessly leaving ` the Baby's Own Tablets ShOU14 be in A trainman is a fellow who neLpS on and off trains all women under Samuel, Elijah and Elisha, was car- poor debtors without protection against' the dews and chills of the Every Home Where There Are . Children. thirty and over seventy-five.-TSydney Almighty God who in times past ried out exclusively by the living night- and, in the house of their false Record. did speak unto the people of the pro- voice. They spoke as they were gods, they drank the wine purchased The perfect medicine for little ones from unjust fines. All these things is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They they did, forgetful of God's dealings are a gentle �ut thorough laxative THE BRACKEN REMEDY THREE YEARS OF PROVEN PERFORMANCE with them when he brought them out which regulate the bowels, sweeten (By R. J. Deachman) of Egypt, driving out from the land the stomach- drive out constipation OTTAWA, they were to possess the giant Amor- and indigesill on; break up colds and -Some time ago Mr. John Bracken ites and settling them in their stead. -,imple fevers and promote healthful artl A ed the Eastern Tories by offer - cz God had from amongst them raised refreshing sleep. it is impossible for ing them a policy all wool and a yard up prophets and Nazarites and these Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the wide. Mr. Bracken was speaking in SALT LAKE 0% FFALO they had drawn away and caused new-born -babe, as they are absolutely Vancouver at a meeting of the Can - CITY tbem to break their vows and the guaranteed free from opiates or any adian Chamber of Commerce—a sin - prophets they had forbidden to sReak the God. As the other injurious drug. gularly suitable place for such a NEW KLAND messages of out- Concerning the Txblets,*Mrs. Alex. speech. He suggested a joint Coun- YORK come of all this wickedness God j. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writes --'T *1 f griculture and Industry to c' " A FRANCIX0 spoke to them by the prophet that the the the the always keep Baby's Own Tablets m meet occasionally and con over the swift, strong, mighty the house for the children, as I have Nation's problems. The thing has are " h(.r, the runner, the bold -hea�ted, found them a perfect medicine for bee, done before and nothing ever should all be over-whelmed as they little ones." came of it. Re also expressed the ANGELF5 sought in flight to escape the cata- Baby's Own Tablets are sold by idea that the tarif( which has long strophe that would befall the nation. medicine dealcrs or by mail at 25 divided men in this country, should be In the third chapter Amos continues cents a box from The Dr. Williams' turned over to a bunch of school mas- N his prophesy, telling them they were Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ters- for settlementl PK_Mr� ". r a chosen people, therefore they Do I paraphrase too loosely the , or Aerial should be pu -nished. To impress upon suggestion of the gentleman? Here W'. them the reason for his -appearing NO FOOD LIKE CHEESE are his words as quoted by the Fin amongst them, that neither his pres- ancial Post, a Tory publication in the ence nor his words were accidental, Cheese is a real food It's use in 7f City of Toronto, which took to the he used illustrations that they could many meal-, will make them more Bracken idea like a starving cat to readily grasp, Two walk together; nourishing and attractive. a dinner of "Sockeye":— must there not be some agreement to It is economy to use cheese, as it "A scientific study should be made make them do so? A lion roars; is i.,, a suita�)Ic substitute for more ex- of the tariff. The one question in our it not a proof that his prey is near? pensive foods. There is no waste economic history which has done more A young lion growls in his den;, must when you buy cheese, and it can be to put agriculture and industry in it not be that he has seized his food? used in an (,ndless variety of ways. s eparate camps than all others coin - Hem In Can a bird be captured if there is no The softer types combine well with bined. The tariff should be studied ret? A spring displaced without the L other fo(,(I,-,, and in this way—or by a body of unbiased meri—the best ird 0eing CaUgHL: %.an a war trum- alone—make delicious salads, sarid- brains the country can produce—that pet be blown in a city without the wiches or a pleasing addition to other body of men to be chosen from the people taking alarm? Can there be dishes. economics departments of the great oth a Model 2"10 W1 a calamity in a city apart from God's The food \alue of Canadian Ched- Universities of the land." Providence ? dar cheese ;s well known. More of it Yes--Sorne Like It. The enemies of Israel, the Philis- could be used to advantage in Can- EFer since this speech was made it tines of Ashdod, the people of Egypt adian homes. The English miner for h t with approval --some places! asime —are summoned to take their stand his noon m( -al, eats not "bread and If the Conservative Ftarty does not Distance, selectivity. volume, tone -quality . . . everything you on the mountains of Samaria and to cheese" but (,heese and bread." embody it in its platform it is miss - could wish for in a radio is built into this famous Ro(,ers Model. look down in exultation on the city The Canadian housekeeper will fin3 qg a God-giver� or Bracken sent op - A few refinements have been added this season, but & reccivin­ brought to ruin because of oppression many ways of serving it. It does not pprtunity. It could be given a sonor- unit of this model remains the same—the ulmast in pou,or and and corruption. God's visitation would lose its flavor or nutritive value 'when ous name and made to sound almost FT -T quality at.a minimum cost. fall upon rich and poor alilie, upon cooked, and rvicipe books contain many as well as the great Conservative slo- L.:4." palace and upon altar: "In the day delicious suggestions for its use. gans of the past. How times change Five iubrs, of course, single -dial control, rnmj;lorly shioldrd audin that I shall visit the transgressions amplification unit, illuminated dial, patewrah Rog'rrs 4 Pov rr There arc- many kinds of cheese in —we with the times—tbe farmers Tube, finely -finished ivalrut cabinet, $275,00 compirle (rx(rpt of Israel upon him I will also villit Canada, all nr which are good value with us. It's a long road we have ;1w speaker), payable on terms to suit you. the altars of Bietht!]; and the horns of for the money. travelled since 1910. In th�t prear a A the altar shall be cut off and fall to Creamed Cabbage with Cheese. great farmer delegation bore down Remember, there will be dozen-, of splendid, interesting prograrns the ground. And I will smite the Chop coo�crl cabbage finely and put on Ottawa, flooded the corridors and broadcast during the next few months, that you can't get through winter house; and the houses of ivory even occupied the seats in the House Canadian stations. Tune in distance% --tune in the season—with shall perish and the great houses shall itself, while its leaders poured out a Rogers "220". Call or 'pbone now for a frce home demonstration. have an end, -saith the Lord."—(Con- tale of woe on wbat the tariff had densed fro The Minor Prophets). done to them in the sad years of the V., WORLD NUSSIONS WOMAN COULD past. To -day the college bred farm- er Premier of Manitoba, suggests 8. T. Holmes & Son Both Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan had tbapt the whole tariff problem be turn - been trained as medical practitioners HOLY WALK ed over to the college professors; in - V and abundance of opportunity was to their tender hands he would coin- cosy Home Main Street, Seaforth it—in the interests of harmony, of Q11i found for the use of the healing art Mrs. Horn Teffs how Lydia E. course --the Canadian tariff, that ebec in their work for the Bbils. The first building erected was used in part as m s Vegetable CoWpojLld tariff which intelligent farmers every - a dispensary and is now used for this Restored Her Health where recognize as the means by A wonderful stove with nly. which millions have been tiiLken from purpose o The son of the first all the "vantages of YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE convert was sent as a young man to Hamilton.ont.—" have 1; en Ly:!i a the pockets of the people and turned the famous American Presbyterian E. Pinkham*9 Ve over to Carqadian Manufacturers or both range and heater. ble Conipwind t Hospital and Medical School at Miraj and would not b- worse still to stock jobbing brokers v Ize whocapitali -the privilege given and and, though technically ranking as withvut it I., n "compounder," yet, because of the I had a f c rn,-� turn it into coin of the realm. Cosy Home Qaebee is needy situation, Dr. Warileas gave% trouble so, bad1l v I The idea of taking'the tariff out of TaBEPOWerfd heater. It WiU lZ could barely wil' politics N not new. -It has been sug- him special training in diagnosing ;Z X k gho e=andcosy Thg Cosy Rothe q and I was al I rur - getted from time to' time by tbor- ec M and* treating disease and he is now J�1, down and could oughly conv�ntlonal Tory winds. A MEnV old moith�t does fiie thillis the stand-by medical helper. Born I 1� hardly get around tariff out of politics, made by a hole on landthat is -now part of the mis- to do my horse- in the corner Committee, fashioned to The large roomy cooking Sul% I c sion property, he has his dispen sary -',77, .1�1 work. I would be face is a boon to th6 busy hOUSLI. L 4 heats your hamet- within thirty paces of his birthplace. suit the Sainted Orders of Privilege in bed three or-, d Protection would be to some - a *if& It lightens,her work. It 2. It cooks yourmealiM —Rev. G. P. Bryce, Rasalpirra. four days at think of beauty -*rfection and a joy forever. cooks,an&bakes W easily on th6 I&T96" time. I was� tn:3 a friend to tr,, Protection always finds It difficult to a &e saine Upae, k�&Ping a roomy cookbw au�- s-wb itas A Inside as Out? PYGMIES SMALLEST RACE 01 ourVeptable mpound. Idid and stand the calcium 6+1 a of publiciiy- hice- the tune I to6k two bottles I'wg.. Hence the desire to Ive It brought plen �APVV'of hoi. wiit Tla on Ird.1 61 It bakes evaiIY4 �&41��S your summer cottage comforUble and home -like MANKIND beginning to getarouhd again. I took fqrth in a dark room, fe-d on ptodi iWd' 4, '96 with 0 roa Fireproof pardtiow and ceilingp. At ten bot es in all, -and not NrA all gested food and 'ttbat*4 a an itlaat tat �a, thiw comb y Y04 u -11 00st t e who -IQ intesioi guy be transformed into Pygmies are the smallest race of ri bt again and d6ing my _ work. all'the days of it life. mankind. They once ' I I ave six grown�ups. to -work for, r o Compro T6 M061 P6&Y. 4ftrAaiVe,. cosy r6cim.4, r4ug, and ter to "y Eip- *lite for fret booklet --- P)Ay Rome.' It Mll b haye&nty to. db,.'l MsWused Lyclia pteN14 ;A its outsUmifing "0", �eW_ Wind Of I ou how Gy large port16-A Of th glo, but thelf This pdliO is he p*66 t6id exact fgb sum laidating Sheathing atid IdauftZ E Pin 1 f,7 �& barn s Sanative ash, and f to 40%- natural timidity AnTsimallnen of ota- opposite of the P611d_V of, the lhberkl think itis good, -Butl owe my lieall.h ture 9XIdUally forded -them InW 640W Party, The Libof 61r, a *e& hfg6' --------- Africs, ih fb the Vegetable':06thpowd, an I wotk� so J OWAIM OC�# t�IW`Tlt% rAftq. CAIUDA 182 ?VeMote, spots 4�1 % as Centrid ied think if more of f# Woo used 64 wom "Ri U410 POW 16ala the Aud!ivq&*. Wofild be"better off�" ll*btld nbt bd OLL 4,4 Mazda, tind the 13hF Pin a,, *hdi$ th V it if it d6av,mdeh Incite, dbliddWei ii SON & Lx�z Co. 't a natural Inaw'.68 ty Lit;g J 00g, F, t can. 1.00 Fte �rl TOO giou rather tl Pf 0, ,�ffi 01 A y�, b ob f, helh."f Mi 691t - P� j' Alk net lwti� �4, I , 11t,