The Huron Expositor, 1927-09-30, Page 3V -
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4of Ceylon. His AOM
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y an!,'�S I'll a e old - tes, but a
�=bl r6a,;a tuft, -of UUMOn% favori with V -5r RY SUIT 0"RIJ.-
w bf," yhound racing.
..�A last 'kis E�
It reaphe England from this contin-
3powerful'babk of 4)hwrm&' ent, where it was conducted with suc-
0 -
This :415sin�,Ilar and lincanny colleew
of hini bR cess, where betting was allowed and
a tre
with lack of success elsewhere. But ;Aptntleal M2 and wnrkmamh 'n withnnt extr''a c
e0L e wor Uegn[IS IXLs '." in London the bookies are permitted
ons to. all the devils and spir- to, lay the 'odds on the hounds as N
iti in pinde
they do on the horses, The conse-
r1D time to time he peep§ into the quence is -that for some months past
ly to revive his memory We announce that on Mondk` October 3rd, Mr. Mr. Garfield will himself fit all men purchasing
ok, probab there has -been
JRis communion with the powers of gTeyhouno racing six Garfield, Head Office represeithtive of the Berger
'evenings of the week at'the White
e -gets tip with a -City, in Shepherd's, Bush. The st9d- Tailoring Company, Limited,_ -'.0,,1 al op -
darkness ended, h garments during this visit. This is an unusu
self-satisfied smile, cou6iggOthe pre- ium holds ninety thousand pie and personally conduct
it is usually filled. Therepe
cious hea-p before him, except the le talk of a'special advance showing df�.`Berger Fall fabrics" portunity to be fitted by an accomplished tailor,
;ror into the nearest bush, and enters putting On racing, at Wembley, which Which are British Importatl.6iis of the finest and'
the patient's. house to communicate will accommodate more, and the only
to. the anxiout relatives the oracle, reason that a quarter of a millioxi newest woollens and wOrAteds procurable, . and Men, it will pay you to investigate this amazing
which in almost all cases is a-far'r- people -do not go every night is be- finished models. offer now.
-able. one, but the obstinate patient cause the place is most difficult -of During this special display, ettra pants of identical
falsifies the prophecy -by joining the access, and is sure to be crowded. Be -
majority. cause so many, society women and material and workmanship will be given absolutely 'E"Pecial prices on Overcoats ordered during this
popultir ictresses have become grey- free with every suit ordered. special sale.
hound racers, the new fad has been
-BRITISH JOURNALIST GOT THE called the "Sport of Queens." The
WRONG GRIP women have definitely taken it up and
Sir Richard Winfrey, ex -MX., pro- it is making fortunes for its promot-
prietor Of the -Peterborough ((Faig- ers.
land) Advertiser, and at one time a Greyhound'racing is a kind of com- — BRING THIS WITH YOV
-member of Lloyd Georges govern- bination of coursing and whippet rac- Remember, One Da'y Only
ment, was not a stranger in Canada ing. Coursing is a great sport in
v,rben he accompanied the party of England and wherever else in the
representatives of the British press world there are hares and greyhounds. It is Worth,$7.00 to $15-00
-on a tour through the Dominion in lit the Western States and in Western a�
August. Both he and his son, who Canada the jack rabbit gives great When apiplied on the purchase of any, "Cldthes of
'was with him on the recent trip, have sport. In England the Waterloo Cup,
juite vivid recollec�Jons of a previous which is run every year, interests "Quality" suit purchased at this store cin the dates
-visit. some years ago which included almost as many people as the Grand mentioned herein, this coupon entitles you to
-western - Ontario. N4tional, and the winner is hailed as Mon., Oct. 3rd,, 1927...
"I wonder if they still have the the king of the dog world. The cup
'Tecumseh Hotel in London," said Mr. ii offered for coursing in which two An Extra Pair' ot Trousers
,W-mfrey, Sir Richard's son, to a Can- greyhounds course a hare together,
adian journalist at a social function the winners of the various beats
00' in bonor of the British press party. meeting and eliminating each other of identical -material and workmansMp
'-We stayed there when -we were in until two are left for the finals. Whip-
%ondon. We were leaving the hotel pet racing, a Apdrt developed in the
to gb to St. Thomas by an'�electric north andwwest of England and con- ABSOLUTELY FREE
train like a tram. My father's flat ducted by a smalled edition of the
e greyhound, is really a. two-hundred-
lblack bag had been put down in th
-lounge some time before going and, yard sprint, the dogs being encourag- tailored to your individual -measure.
when we were ready to start, be pick- ed to raae each other by the sight (Only one coupon applicable to each Suit purchased) g%,# , w". art os, e
-ed it up in rather a hurry as there uf their owner standing at the end of
Was not much time to spare. the course, waving a rag. Greyhound
"We went to a hotel called the racing is over a circular course of
,'Grand Central in St. Thomas and he five hundred yards, the dogs chasing
did not have occasion to open his bag an electric hare, which they mistake
until bed time. Imagine how, he felt for their natural prey, and racing one at five hundred yards, which the will never fade from his memory, nor the instinct to fight remained with ex-chainpion in the history of the train the Lancashire lad said, "LeVs
probably from the memory of anyone them. They staggered toward each sport. open window, lad. 'Tis warm io
-when he discovered that he had taken each other for the chance of being dogs cover in the average time or I . the passing of lother, and half conscious they leaned -W
ond, which belonged to someone Qlse, first in at the kill. 91 thirty-three seconds. They take else who saw it, was here," and then, "Nice gent, that, fte
Ifilled with baby clothes. And, imag- place at twenty -minute intervals, this the title from Willard to Dempsey, against each other, banging away gent was that one."
ine the consternation of the motbeA There is, of course, no kill. What long delay being necessary in the in- It was the first time in history when feebly with both hands, landing blows BABY'S OWN TABLETS "Yes," said Churchill. "Do you
-when she opened the bag substitute iF supposed to be a ra:bbit is an ele t"eq 'know who that was?"
c- �tS of those who want to have a a title changed hand,, with the cham- that would not have crushed a canary; AbWAYS IN THE HOME�
and �found only a safety razor and tric attachment running on a rail. Its bet and have to leave their seats and pion sitting on his chair in his corn- hut giving every ounce of their Once a mother has used Baby's Own "Oo? 'Ino with the cigars?Nol"
pajamas with which to dress the speed can be regulated at will, and go down to a ring where the book- er, r6fusing to go out to meet his con- wrecked energy to the task. They "Lord Beaverbrook," was the reply -
'baby! It took a whole week to get it always goes just fast enough to makers are stationed. Regular race queror. But when the bell rang for were in that state that neither could Tablets for her little ones she always "You don't say. Just fancy him be -
the tangle straightened out and the elude the dogs, and dodge into a box cards are published with the past per- the fourth round of the Toledo fight, have stood up if he had not had the keep-, a supply on hand, for the first ing so nice to a couple of blokes Eke
in the wall sboffly after the finish r of the various dogs and with the sun blazing down on the 1 other to lean against. trial convinces her there is nothing t,) US."
-riglXt oags to e r gh t 0 — - 0, U., equal them in keeping children well.
line of the race is reached. The at- such other information as one sees ring, Willard sat in his corner. He ! Ile. recalls the Britt brothers, two �VL In-I'l � .1A 1, � �L 11
tendants then rush out On the track when Thoroughbreds are running. had been knocked down seven times I of the cleverest lightweights produe- e e s are a no u oroug
and recover their dogs. Diana Bour- There is, indeed, at least one paper by the smaller Dempsey. His nose ed in California. They grew up in laxative which regulate the bowels
:FYORRHEA A STRANGE DISEASE bon, who writes on the subject in the corresponding to the Racing Form, was broken, one cheekbone was much the same environment a7s Jim and sweeten the tbus driv-
-4 -Tribune, says that -,bed. Six teeth had been knock- Corbett and as they dressed nattily ing out constipation and indigestion,
',VERY LITTLE KNOWN ABO�T IT New York Herald which deals with the last details of sma
the dogs are so stupid. that they nev- the various, -dogs. There �are fVve� ed out. His face was almost unre- they had to be ready to fight a gang oolds and simple fevers, and making
ve a 'sen- er realize what a trick is -being play- six or more entries in each race, and cognizable, and his body gave evi- of rowdies every time they took a teething easier. Concerning them
if you are baldheaded, ha Mrs. Saluste Pelletier, St. DuTr,.,:
sitive skin, or have acne, watch your ed upon them. There is, though, the each has a saddle cloth with a num- dence of a terrible beating. So he walk "below the Mot" in San Francis- -rites y's
teeth carefully, for you are likely to possibility that they enter into the ber. The dogs are paraded round sat dazed and through glazing eyes co. This sort of experience was use- Que., w . :—"I have used Bab
get pyorrbes. - fun of the thing and like racing the arena hnd then returned to their saw Dempsey's gay gesture to the ful to them. Their brotherIX instinct own Tablets Tor the past ten years
pyorrbea is a strange disease which against each other just as boys and I;ennels, which are all boxed in one crowd. It was not thus that the fly- was so strong that -when Jimmv and am never without them in the
somehow or otber, causes a man's colts like it. But the dogs have Iit7 piece. Then the hare is run round weight title passed from Jimmy Wilde was fighting they wouldn't let Willus house. They have always given the
tteeth—generally sound ones—to drop tle chance of realizing that they are the track, the dogs following it in- called The Mighty Atom. He had enter the arena, for if Jimmy should greatest satisfaction and I can gladly
out. This is the great cause of loss being imposed upon. The sense Of tently with their eyes. The next time been beaten to a pull) by the younger be getting the worst of it Willus recommend them to all mother-, of
.of teeth in adult life, just as decay smell in a gre�hound is notoriously round, the kennels are opened by an Panebo Villa, and lying back in his would be sure to jump in for his pro- little ones." The*Tabletq are sold by
of tooth structure is the chief cause poor, It runs by sight alone, hence automatic lever, and the dogs rush corner -between rounds, painfully suck- tvrtion. The Oay that Battling Nel- medicine dealers or direct by mail at
of loss of-oteeth in childhood and adal- its ancient name of gazehound. It out in hot pursuit of the hare. The Ing the air, he listened to his son knocked out Jimmy, 'Arillus forc- 25 cent% a box from The Dr. Williams'
-i4escence. never gets close enough to the fleet- place is so arranged that every dog seconds who urged him to let them ed his way into the arena about four Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Floirestoarie
-' Though so many million people lose ing quarry to determine what it I;, is in complete view of the spectators thlow in the towel. "There's round-.; before the finish. He cruch- 0 Aft
so many million teeth from pyorrhea, and it is the well known tendency Of all the time, and to heighten the ef- only one way for a champion to lose, ed beside the ring, chin on the floor BRAVERBROOK'S CIGAR WAS OF Saves
and though the disease is as old as greyhounds to run after any other feet all the lights in the stadium, and that's to be kmocked out," gasp- shrieking, "Go get lim Tiger, get 'im" A6—
the bills, nobody knows much aboat small creature that seems to be run- except those over the track, are turn- ed Jimmy, and he staggered out to until the referee noticed him and I GOOD BRAND Motoris WS
it. The Carnegie fund -gave the Uni- ning. If a hare is not handy, a cat ed low while the races are in pro- 'his certain doom. chased him out. At that fight there, When Lard Beaverbrook wa-, plain 'IL A514P
-versity of California a considerable will do, or even another small dog. A gTess. It is said to be a remarkable Another picture recalled by Mr. Ko- was another memorable picture. that' Max Aiken doing newspaper work a- Imunalls
,sum Of money to help pay- for re- greyh ' o - und encountering a rabbit at sight. foed was that of thf- sixth round in (J Old Man Britt, the father of the . round Torronto, he liked fine cig s. Backed by ample resources.
search work on pyorrhda. large will chase it until the rabbit a fight between George Chancey, who boy%, standing like a mourner at at . ar
He couldn't always afford the best in
One of the reports from this in- is caught or until the dog drops with bas the longost knock -out record in runeral with his hat held acro,". his those days but his cigar was almost special facilities for obtaining
-vestijabon is that In which bra. Wig- exhaustion. MEMORABL�, PICTURES TAKEN the history, of the ring, and Jimmy f,reast. He was the only man who as often seen as Premier Baldwin's
mer and WestbaY found some rela- It is this generous quality in the Hanion, wfio was called the D�enver stood in the arena and even those be- famous briar. raw materials, unequalled
tionship, i6etween baldness and pyor- greyhound, known to all dog lovers, AT RINGSIDE Caveman. Chaney had a murderous Hnd him, knowing who he was, made Evidently the tastes of the pub- engineering experience, greater
-rbea. ;Another fact that this re- which Joistifies the betting. The pub- left hand, and Hanlon had the same no complaint.
-search-46ams to establish, is that lie knovirs that each dog is trying to Most people who have seen any sort of ability to withstand punish- lisher of the Daily Express have not manufacturing efficiency and
-pyorrhda Is ynost likely to appegr,at do Its best. There is no jockey to in- prize fights will *agree with JoCn C- ment that characterized Battling Nel- A sad %igbt was presented when changed, for this story come-, from more economicial distributica,
eertair ages. One of fhese is terfere witt it. It is not sent to the Kofoed, the New York reports writer, son and Ad WolKast. pp to half a Young Stribling fought Paul Berlan- England.
..'22; aai�4tbdr'is 32, and the third is post alter�ately'6ped and undoped, that what remains in the memory is minute -before the bell ended the sixth bacb for the light heavyweight chain- Lord Beaverbrook and Winston Firestone not only saves Tnot0r-
n It ot n4D ar fight but flasheS Of round Chaney raked atid shattered pionship of the world. He was giv- hurchill, chancellor of the excheq-
48 _Wkct� ifter, Few girls and boys of as It is ifitended to tvi o J e, and t any particul er, arrived at a small station in Es- ists millions, but produces better
.22 years of age think of pytikrhea as we assum6 t1rat at the Whitt City an� dozens of them. Even the uninterest- Hanlon With evev, pauch !n his re- en an unmerciful beating bemuse he F.ex almost at the same moment, both tires of greater safety and
meaning 'anything to thern.' In fact, dog that does not display 9aftiefit Ing meeting of a couple of �relimin- pertoire. He reeled. and staggared had come into the ring over-traMed, London. Their train comfort, while the Firest06#
most people 32 adopt a let -it -rut at- speed to be a contender in the ra,6e ary boys may have dramatic TnOlm- against the ropes, but Chaney could and his mother and his y. ung wife hurrying for
Will be eliminated from future edh- entd if- one has the eye to register not put him down. Then Hanlon by sat at the ring -side and saw him take was just pulling out. They had no exclusive gum -dipping proem
titudO toward, PYOrrhea- to select a coach but just jump -
tests. Gre�hounds are not afflicted *W�m; A Vbteran newspaperman, af- accident landed a lon�swing flush on it. The elder wonlan was 7 -)t great- time gives them the wear-resistift
w1th fempl&Mtefit like Rome Ta�6 t6r rar&fng � W06sa the once famous Chaney'�s jdvr. At that"irstant both ly perturbed, for she had ;een her ed into the first one in front ofo an
h -nard.
ir day, said "The were practically out on7ltheir feet, but son in many fights and wrr useg indignant g It happened to be properties that gives thousands
horse;. They are always reldly to Ao Tom Sha�kgy thb othL atainei
-bride it a third class carriage and co.
their -best. Of dbufte, so 'long as one th.ihg ViiMembet. 'Urd-inost cliaar- if, but for the e one other passeng of extra miles.
y ivbvdt� the Jeffrido-Sharkey fight been a ghastl� experience to see the er—a lean lad from
there is bettlAg on a 19irte scale the I AI
Itself. At WVA face she had kissed and f;)-,djed be-ILaneashire Yourlocal dealer will glac*
..tfimptatlo" to resort to crookedness *as not the battle aee- Beaverbrook produced cigars ani
to alter the odds on a dog will exist, Ing 9harkey come into Jny'offibe be- 4ng pokea and busted by t'i, rmf%f*"- I as he and the man who pulls Britain"S explain the gtim-dipping procd*
mental Berlanbach. Throughout the
Ve have no -doubt that htfiWATk W- f6te the §ttaP, young and, A ft,that at&
Abloftustdimh ate, unfid. with lifb and cotrfidenee, so stirriz conflict she gripped the wrist of 'her financial strings were pufftg the land other advaritag
Xenuzzyan 1-r-6 f e4 nger sniffed contentedly.
I ry aAd whatAvAA ahead, and thell mother-in-law, flinching and wincing third passe
'th hot- vieto GUMZXpped tiMp can gVie�
to tam ar successfully t
p 'Pretty good cigars thals smoking,
le 71
, 4". unds. so fAr scWtio hihi again after the battlid, at every blow which landed on her
klw" .11 e Se hi
fqfi , -nd. man from the north.
IV nto a'btdken And diodgusto-h- husba Another memorable picture lad," said the
611roul There $g turned I "Av
-to 'Old 61&huM in one M&L" Oft'er-Cob- contributed by Jack Dempsey to tlais
fb Gieyh6bvid � OU0, w ic coinduc e, lad, them's good ans.
-a wMaTa
ss� the, aiivantage 'Of tdowt '10 "A failft, of the ',shut -k -ex, , gtkllary was a year ago in Philadel- , Amused Fit this the publisher a
the sport. It
swered, "WM you h" one?" The dhtoia
�j -ftijfillj� It lippoart, for laek lbeogod
being totiftfito ,103h 1 wow.0ouk"y api-rc tvx- *"UP %pbia. , With his battered Mask of a
for a1k-,,opV
Wh# face, one eyd closed, and the other lad from the cotton mills didn't mind IjOST MIUS A DOUAA-
a 2"m prifuttity to met M.
R" rikpidly closing, he vm led from his if he did and a good time WAs htd
The ti,&61441 ZVO 6 &A rhd whet � V V,
Afd%d Uk' 11' the, hdavy*.e 'i"k comer by the �brokeii-bearted Jerry by all.
eomol TO 4d"% _ I W. IN tir an with tht
)* � R A few stations furth
-fidapted to t
the Greek, to put his arms around
&ating W;
J'hVh6W �'Ubti df, buttin! P&H& Gene Tunvey elid c6hgratulate- him. ci
Ed to leave the ttftilh� 9-a left
Im I ars still ablaze BeUV#rbf06k Ad
No iw It Wks � thid gportgrAanlilts gesture ci
that *tned De=V1W'*61ft an d1hpop. Churchill to datry on wftl*Adk"�hew
btak, at," XbtAlsd t4ys ular Mmihpidn to Jhe �Mogt popular found
Aftor:. Ile -
4 i C
40'a All 111, 1 1