The Huron Expositor, 1927-09-16, Page 611 7 7,7 77 ..7 7.1" """ �777"""'77"', ill' .. . , e � I QWMIXO" U 0 ax X -ur from, �0 �Ner� the., train % Ito Short b 41" a 11*1k � W4ky.­ ort b iA; V unted �04' rds are me 0 cars tfii-Alt carry tho animw 0V d d bag#age wagonsi, and 04,0- e wh0e the train is under MAL WAY. Vrs The circus to -day is one 9f the best O.."W9. 101 lighted of businesses. Some old-tim- T. UUMA"' ers mall when the ring ww lAwhted by candles, which flickered feebly from Notary )Public Etc their o4ppile sconces, placed a few in- thJ 0121 sea" ches'apart on a square framework ie Block MKI.T. ing from the centre pole of the tent. In those days the "chandeNer RAYS 0 man made s v ng il� , 1. 11.1 ''. .1 111. - � 1. 1 � Z., 1�,. . I ,Solicitor, Conveyancer that he caught and sold. Ker6L i$arrlster, 'I'll .711 ' I . , ". - .1 . 1:s ", 94" for the Modpi 220 otary Public. Solicit0l -and gaso- r of the sene lamps, carbide lamps m4cl N Bank. Office in rea: line Lighting systems came in their Seaforth. Money to Minipn Bank, turn. -did owerful Rogers-Batteryless Recem Ire When the electric light finally ap control, completely Aielded au4 cation AA� ILI U 6 R t; 0, oeen aid peared it was looked upon first not io 440 it as a service, but as an exhibit. unit, illuminated dial, patented 7 0 4 IDES w4s advertised as such along with 1=11- $* T & BEST Tube, finely - fini5ired walnut ,f__%P;u`0110r the living skeleton and the trained Barristers, Solicitors, Convey 6omplete, except speakee No Battekies es Public, Etc. Office cera and Notari -stals, while for practical purposes the 7 in the Edge Building, opposite The gasoline s�stem was retained. Expositor Office. There were ever difficulties. Since tit behin. I wwt..� i,' the chandelier wagon y�ars of r6s'_ A. was the last to In 19'25, while skeptics and critics were loudly declaring that the With five d iv Ith),1"' always the last leave one town it was ars-pJ proven direct operation of a radio set from A/C curren't- (pliminao�ag all yp- P�ifi # _4ki6r'd, 6f havlog; VETERINARY to arrive at the next, and not infre- on, . `4u '101efor.-.ot mi. �40 chemicals, chargers y 'Og,, and quently it had not put in its appear- batteries, etc.) could iAot be d 'e).-, _%maidelli developed es�` pr h JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. reterin- ance when time came for the show to "Ted" Rogers of TorQhi(oj.'DID IT—aild this, CanAda's coi�iii,�, pice. 0 eveq Honor graduate of Ontario V ul 'ate, the Rogeis is thP 19 seop_.e.th" f AU diseases of domestic start s animals treated. Calls promptly at- Nowadays the heavens glow above bution to the developme*,.-ind progress of radio, was the greatest ary College. chasek ihb desires a':Netwryl that, h4s sifobessfully.passia terided to and charges moderate. Vet- the circus tents. Great floodlights il- f orward step since. the invOtion of the vacuum tube. the period of e f,aad test *ithits 4ccompanying -grief o erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office lumine the entrance and the flapping and residence on Goderich Street, one banners of the side shows. That this Now, in its tkird year, the Rogers stands suprenie\as the pioneer - have Of Mackay's Office, Sea- may be achieved the circus carries its ,, T-ead".-spelit a fIt, two lions door east of Dr. of " Electric " Radios. Today radio sets 00eratIng direct from The Canadian public If _'yi . Ir, bo mil , I own electric plant, and, within an fflosj,�and, jo Van - forth. dot4arkfor Rogers llatter�i66 `4 hour or two after arrival at each any lighf socket, without batteries, chemicals or chargers, are -not they have proved 'their i�6rtli, r -U tC9 town, a complete overhead and under merely an aciepted succiiss-but are the standard, and will veltbin couver A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. ground system is set�up in an empty another year, completely., supersede bAttery sets whereelectric continuous performiznqe, with uniforM, Graduate of Ontaxi6 Veterinary field; then twneve hours later all is College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated torn down and within another hour current is available. by the most modern principles. or so loaded on a train to make an - Charges reasonable. Day or night other stand a hundred miles away. The electrical outfit of one circus Three Years of Proven P.6rforma�ice Consote 200A calls promptly attended to. Office on consists of two large generators, each Cameo Console symphon. - 'With ROger$ Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town mounted on a wagon, and a third A 5 -tube Rogers-Batteryless Recei I ver, With �uch a reEord behind it, everyone who intends to buy a radio same Radio, Receiver a$'Model 226, HaIL Phone 116. will be a htm­ symphony Speaker ia,beai#sw, smaller one for lighting the dressing combined with Junior Symphony Mors this Fall should see and hear the Rogers. now. There walnut C&S01V cqoh�et. 130.60.' rooms and operating the calliope. The --a very compact yet eAdent dred special events broadcast tilis season that you won't -w'ant to MEDICAL generator wagons reach the field a- powerful Receiver. bout half past eight o'clock in the 1325.00 complete. miss. If used only for these major events a Rogers willmore than DR- W. C. SPROAT moining and the crew of eleetricians repay you. Then there will be the myriad of daily progFams to Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, -proceed to get out their cables and University of Western Ontario, Lon- lamps and tools. - But the time the afford you pleasure and entertainment by the touch,of a button and don. Member of CoUege of Physic- menagerie arrives and the big top is turn of a'dial—today, tomorrow—for years to come. tians and Surgeons of Ontario. office ready to go up, trenches have been /1%2 in Aberhart's� Drug Store, Main St,, dug, eight inches deep in spots where Seaforth. Phone 90. the crowd will pass, cables have been laid and buried and the necessary Let Us Demonstrate in Your Home 01010 ... k standards set up. Connections by e it is to be used—in your DR. R. P. L DOUGALL overhead wires from the cables to the The place to test a radio is wher going Honour graduate of Faculty of standards furnish light for conces- home. We will place a Rogers in your home for test and idemonstra- Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- sions, ticket wagons, cook tents and tion and if it does not perfor m. to YOUR satisfaction. you may return versity'of Western Ontario, London. so on. More than a mile of wire is it FREE of all cost. Rogers sets cost you no more than any.other Member of College of Physicians and used to hook the generators up with Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors the lights. first -grade radio --$215 to, $395 for the standard model&—payable east of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, 1, The circus seldom, if ever, goes on terras to suit you. It takes only a few mbutes to instal a Rogers Ontario. 3004-tf'dark. If anything should happen to less than Sc a week to operate it - I I- fl� +11 and one generat,or t e o er car es DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY load. The electricians begin to dis- Bayfield. ty, Ire mantle the system as soon as the Graduate Dublin Universi show starts, and everything is ready Arm land. Late Extern Assistant Master to go back to tke train by the time Rotunda Hospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence the big top comes down. On the train one of the generators is kept ,lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. I running to aid in loading and to flood Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 P-m-;�� the exterior of the train with light, 'Xi Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2860-26 ar. well as to provide power for the 0 es on DR. F. J. BURROWS electric fans and the lights -inside. Office and residence Goderich Street, I - — - east of the Methodist church, Sea- MAIN ST,, SEAFORTH forth.. Phone 46. Coroner for the SCIENCE EXPLORES THE County of Huron - MYSTERIES OF SLEEP DIL C. MACKAY to prevent light specialt� of individual instruction. Its, and ons as business execu- At mans birth his mother is the the bride is; at his death the widow I Why do all living creatures sleep ng eye, is purposed t, for pmit! —Duluth Herald. C. Mackay, honor graduate of,Trin- at regularly recurring intervals? How from entering the eye, since the pro- courses are standard and its degrees ive,. It ii, helping materially to important character; at his marriage �is. ity University, and gold medallist of is the change from the state of wak- tection afforded by -the eyelid is not ire accepted -as, equal to any granted strengthen the secondary schools of Trinity Medical College; member of -Pi ole province through its spya- and Sur- Ing into the state of sleep recogniz- complete. The breathing becomes elsewhei In competitive examina the wh the College of Physicians 1 7 .0ower and more noisy, owing to lack tions hf-ld in Canada the candidates cialized teaching. The Medical Fac- geous of Ontario. Ed ? What is the nature of dream . These are questions asked and partly of tone in the soft palate, which may representing the faculties of the west- ulty -has already an illustrious history, be so much relaxed as to cause snor- ern Ontario University have taken while the Institute of Public Health DR. H. HUGH ROSS answered by Dr. Ethel Browning in ing. The pulse rate is slightly less the highest standing. This is par- is rendering valuable service to near - Graduate of University of Toronto 1 T. P.'s Weekly. All these are vexed blood -pressure a little slower. ticularly true in medicine and natural ly two hundred municipalities in thd Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-, questions, but much light has been re pi Surgeons of I thrown upon them by the recent re- Real sleep is easily distinguishable science. These facts are not over- Province of Ontario. A0 lege of Physicians and ited States institutions Ontario; pass graduate courses ln;searches of scientists and psycholo- from that induced by drug-, or produc- looked 1�� Un Q The favorite theory of the ed by disease. by the fact that the selectink, unil,7ersity graduates for Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;'gists. sleeper can be easily and almost in- important appointments. CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM WITH SAFETY ASSURED Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,icause of sleep is still that of an -Aantly awakened, while the drugged The 1.*niversity has an exception- AND A BONUS OF COMMON STOCK England; University Hospital, Lon- I anaernia of the brain caused by fa- or comatose subject is aroused w�th ally good working library of 75,000 Women are born naked and spend don, England. Office—Back of Do-, tigue; but the most modern scientists minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No- 5. of France and Vienna agree in the difficulty, remains dazed and drowsy volum-. together with the thousands most of their time trying to get back COMMERCE & TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, WITED Night calls answered from residence, theory that the mechanism of sleep for some time, and is liable to drift of Pamphlets and 'roanuscripts in the to their original state. — Rutgers I Victoria Street, Seaforth- 'has an active element as well as a back into unconsciousness. Since Barnett. collection. -It is hoped that Chanticleer. SeCarity: A modern -office EaMing,s: Leases now signed i hearing is the sense most easily ex- in a few years we shall have a sep- building, located on DR. J. A. MUNN passive, an actua, control, by one cited in the sleeper, the depth of sleep arte library building so it will be Any woman can keep a secret if one of Toronto's most valuabe and under way as - part of the brain, of the process by I sure the ent of the above Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross has been tested -by subjecting hlyn to possible to house and make available she wants to but the trouble lies; in business sites, which, ls"rapiily Paym which -bodily activity is suppressed as becoming one of the most out- rate of Interest ., ani leave a sou standing business corners In splendid margin of profit for the Graduate of Northwestern Univers- well a., the hypnotic action prod�ced gradually increasing nds. Tlkere for study the numerous collections of finding a woman who wailts to—chi- ity, Chicago, Ill. Licentiate Royal by the "poison" of fatigue. The actual are two types of sleeper, one whose book-, and manuscripts that are com- cago News. America. common stockbolders. Colleg% of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. t of sleep is assis . ted by the re- sleep is deepest (luring the first hour, ing to tho University from its friends. lonse Office over Sills, Hardware, Main St, _val of stimulating impressions becoming gradually lighter up to the The lil,rary has made unprecedented Bill—Don.'t you think the violinist's Seaforth. Phone 151. ra the outer world, such as light time of awakening, and the other, who growth since -the close of the war in obliga-to is very beautiful? lightly at first and most Aeep- 1918. Jfm­Can't tell. Wait till she turns DR. F. J. BECHELY and noise. ly of all just before he awakes. Most pi-ople want to know 'how the around.—Bobcat. Graduate Royal College of Dental Few people fall asleep instantane- During sleep the thought processes University is financed, First, it may cusly; usually there is a period when Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. great brain fatigue is felt, when the become much more simple, so that in be interv�tirg to -know that a recent The only thifig harder for a wife Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea- attention wanders, and the surround- dreams we approach the more prim- study of the student body shows the than laughing at -her husband's jokes forth. Phones: Office, 185 W.; resi- I - ings fail to interest. The eyelids itive emotional states of childhood. following facts: Only 11 per cent. of 1E aE li, 31 dence, 185 J. 3055-tf of the nialc students have all their ex- fE grow heavy and the muscles of the The ordinary sense impres'gions neck begin to relax, producing the touch, sight, hearing, etc., become vis- Penseq paid by their parents; 16 per AUCTIONEERS familiar "nodding." The sound of ualized in dreams, and memory plays cent. pay all their expenses out of Local U 3f 3i the spoken word becomes soon con- a great part in their reconstruction. their earnings; 71 per cent. pay part Ja �1� TF1 fused—who has not experienced the While some of Freud's theories on of exp(,n,,,,es out of earnings; 56 per THOMAS BROWN -crsation of listening to the sound dreams are rejected by many modern cent. live away from home; 20 per Representative Licensed auctioneer for the counties r.nd rhythm of a discourse without psychologists, his statement that cent. borrow money in order to pay of Huron and Perth. Correspondence dreams and their accompanying emo- their way' through college,- 12 per receiving any impression of -its actu- - cent. depend on scholarships in order arrangements for sale dates can be content? Then appear the "hyp- tions are the expressions of some hid Wanted I& nm al selTeS; 87 per ceT4. mvAe by calling The Expositor Office, notic images,"—the confused visions den fear or desire is recognized as to finance them Seaforth. Charges moderate, and being fundamentally true. In dreams earn their living during the sunriner, One of the oldest and.most ro- of sleep, repeating Aft�; of the threshold aranteed. certain impressions, compressea or while 61 per cent. state that they liable bond houses & Canada sa-tisfaction gu themselves with f antastic incoher- gathered together during waking would be unable to attend a more ex- desires to secure a local :repre- OSCAi KLOPP ence, and disappearing as soon as the hours are liberated in the form of pensive uniWersity because of their se�utative to sell a 70/46-'Juve t- The (3onarneree and Transportia- posed Canadipm Federal Build- financia grgde tion Building, lAftdted, has pur-.. Ing, witb4ar hift a -block.fpm the attention is fixed upon them. These I pogiflon. Secondly, a more inent of the very highe's Honor Graduate Carey Jones, Na- images are neither hallucinations nor emotional. incoherent and illogical ex- capable, beft6r, behtived 9-uP cof -that will stand the most rigid, chased the plot of land at,,the new 26 --story P_ FtatdL Con- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- dream -pictures, yet they are not un- periences in which criticism and Judg- student% it Would be diffeult to find, invesitigatioyi. Applicants for nort�east corner of Sky 6,nd ialning �vpr T,46, rqbms; this, eago. Special course taken in Pure der the control of the will, and the ment are entirely in abeyance, since Front Street% , Toftuto, upon, I�Ulldlnjgf W111 oonstltdt4 -one of ori this coifflnent. Thirdly, the fees this pogitioh, mpst be capable the 'pon&val- btikidlngs, tit' the Bred which to erect a moderii VIPJ�Im Uve Stock, Real Estate, Mar drowsy subject, still capable of being the mind, no longer the controlling ton -story Of Ise and Farm -Sales. Rates In aggregate tibout $75,000. The Gity and . of undoubted integrity. PROOV offtee and � �bltr of �!rorojt* disturbed seems to remain t, is itself directed by the fan- 'o A. "Pot on. ehand inert and 2gen wevalling market. Sat- of London 1hskes an annual grant of A ptl',y in ftst Instance by let- store building of the most- 4u-; 'the,. ne*'!b'-,, be oadv;- keeping with -P pas�siry a of.the brain. 4r ilea Resiaurant, *ho e, watching them. Eventually tasie, $55,000. The, Provincial Goverrimetit �rovok �Itype, -and *L aix�#R&Y - pled1W 33ov carsige for the storage of 41to 16&6 aljj%ed a thitty-yeor leme- 6n assureiL Write o wire, t 0410V Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Pbone he is overtaken by real sleep. All at presont tfi4is a grant of $25omoo., BOND HOUSE, care of Finan- withilti a phbtt a b�apbh, offilbo of OU6 041h; muscles which hold the subject 28664i the This makeq,`*n income of $380006.� 41al Adv�6rtising Company, 6 distance 6f the 0"ada, lgftAnl� litiont . qjnAdlau bemks 1. in in- WESTERIN but it cosi ately Arh1V dbotg ourh4- 'eq 3r,� o nV3 brok- for rest is ins6rictively assumed. UNIVERSITY OF $Z,0 Jordan Street, Toronto. IAOatr , 61W.. C"0*8q, atlaf j)L- varlotig"i 0hA ity. 'th� Not sill the voluntary muscles are to run the thi�=" IL T. Luxua- ONTARIO Stftlft,'ITUO Vrhtwslfiii� &11�, trt-4—,4� relaxed; the jaw-museles retain their It is pir establish aii en- qu# of We'lat)N *aY6,*nt46r1fk9 Tot The University was founded In 1918 0 il - h . qnt6, 41A ticengod v�.uctioneer 10 th'S COUOtY tone; a child sleeps with clenched 'dowment fad atk ng t 6 Sett three is laughing 14 the -0JA j� gh� has' iii dig 01k. pLir'Uh-1 -,Orsi� , pol, 146, V ot R, ded I to J" All fist,; and the eye remains closed, not reorganized in 1908 41A, reftamed- in yeikrs am, �t to $2000000, and for -a husbgnd.--�-San, Diego Union. "�qsj-th4 *treet_fi6*, 1116 Ing Tdft, . 1 WWI y0*16 $ merely by the fall of the eyelids, but 19t2E i� =2' ',*i tales 11,02 toll, A66,000, It is a rg&nall ffistjtut[�Ij,' increase i- th Adamto d" IN, "16�3 by contraoign of the muscle *hieb harving for its constituency the f6tir- The Uni 1 9 $in unculti- L*ett* else, 0 your.,tiinw 6a al(d Sokabdite 76" X 1 keeps A closed. -rhe condition of thf3 teen counties of. Wbzterft 01, as b7igher educatiot '�Ck�h'tr tAT1,01. , vated field '04t '" r U., r.16, elased eye is curious; it has been The Univer9tty hag '&ree' %duld6s, it ih6eting a real = 431. .%ko "CIt.-I-1, .01 7 Ettron mv. M� died in rare cases where the eye- Inaviely, Arts, Mealeine And. ftbljo,' nhed. If not bi the City of' lid e6uld be raised with6ut awaken- Health, and five ilffiltated-0140.0 liz London soi4,i.4 th6,4blest young men to 'procure is U�ider'ptoVillef4f 0e, Rw. con , inj the sleeper, also it one patient is undonoAj,,ft Afional have in;,, "U'Would not be *Me ;3-1 Vers sitting; ft ho suffered,from a digeage i whi6 al and the Uds could ndt close and who d " d6li " iftfk& Thioto It 'M ion is w4he ift # goV, 011 011 AU, thdrIefore, was obliged t� sle6p With replir �tlideiiis :,,'bodW:s and -, I . ..... 44AA h,.tq esres. ojen. %se. puptils tit# t1ift.. pyo�d ­k44V�A* - :ed up*irds itid &twAvds, 00dilt ift as to 1 0, *d ratiAre have Icing UJW-6r1x IZ,�o r&qo% V 4,01.6, 'Viftfol :7 7�Z�7 W, �% mhou,66. 0M:p ril;� Ti 4 ,", iy Whidj�­ it i '110. A ft WC qblfft, And t�, A 5 # wla�ilu( b Mg, 7' 1.zl _k W