The Huron Expositor, 1927-05-27, Page 3r
Poultry production in ala x
i een ii% the . past almost en. y
rat suoh- conditions attpn.-
on;'as::paid, t;a the chang,g, of the
aring• ground for the chi*, .' as at
Was' aeldom that, ane, ground 'kas
beer stocked.
Even under the old order of things,
44poultry sick" land Wee.:900-101,a1137.
referred to, and lhacisyard poultry ;.
amen had at *nes glye up the keep-
ing of chicken* for es. :elite, in order
: o clean up their ;yards;: by the: grow
.9ng of garden Chaps.'-
It was,not however.; until' specialize.
cd poultry farming betaine more gen-,
earal and the keeping `'bf poultry. by
:intensive methods Became common
Oat the necessity for the yearly
changing of the rearing ; ground be-
deanes generally recognized.
It has long been known that chicks
placed on new land, that is, land/ ov-
er which poultry had not 'previously
teen running would 'gut -grow those
raised' on previously used land.
But the wonderful developni,ent of
the "day -old* chick business and
ethe shipping of stock frohr One part
Cf the country to the other, to say
nothing ofellhe 'tremendqus importa-
ttioe from the 'United States, has
made the spread of diseases and in-
ternal parasites inevitable. To .com-
tat diseases and especially the spread-
ing of internal parasites, a yearly
changing of the rearing ground is es-
The sooner farmers and especially
those who are specializing in poultry
garining realize the necessity for giv-
ing poultry a place in the regular
"prop rotation, the sooner will these
troubles be under control.
Baby's Own Tablets are without an
equal for little ones. From the new-
born babe to the growling child they
acre an absolute safeguard to health.
tOnce a mother has used them she
-will use nothing else. Thousands of
mothers always keep them on hand.
Among the mothers who state that
• Baby's Own Tablets are the best
medicine- for little ones that they
%now of is Mrs. Russell Hill, of Nor-
-wood, Ont. Her experience with the
Tablets should be -of great benefit to
any mother who has not already giv-
en the Tablets a trial. Mrs. Hill
nays:"I have five fine healthy chil-
dren, end from the youngest to the
oldest they get no other medicine but
Baby's Own Tablets. When our baby
girl was eleven months old she won
esecond° prize at the Norwood Fair,
end when she was a year older she
woe first prize in competition with
twenty-eight other babies. It was the
Tablets that gave her the health and
development to carry off these prizes.
I always delight in telling other
mothers what the Tablets have done
'for my children."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers, or by mail at 25
eents a box from The Dr. Williams'
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Summer weather, greater use of the
automobile and the purchase of mil -
Mims ;of new automobiles " are here.
Along wife them is coming the into-
' mor 1e thief for, when . r _ motoring
reason is at its height, 1. • auto thief
is at his busiest.. Each aucoeeding
ear has ehown greater number of
!stolen cars. What will the Spring
and Summer of 1927 show?
This year, more than ever, the an-
-ewer to that question depends upon
the individual" motor car owner. New
weapons with wh'ith to fight the ear
thief have bean placed in his hands.
if he uses them, the' thief's path will
to made infinitelF harder. If he fails
to use them, the thief will find iiiany
snore and many better cars awaiting
les pleasure.
In an effort to facilitate the motor-
ist in keeping his property, the car
manufacturer has developed improv-
ed ways of Iocking his product. A
majority of the new cars employ don-
lble locking devices. Some provide
three or more ways of safeguarding
the -machine that is left unattended.
'There are transmission locks, door
locks, wheel locks and coincidental
socks of all varieties on the new cars.
None of them, perhaps, is absolute-
ly thief -proof. The car thief is of-
ten a wily, adroit' individual who can
b Wever, , the ..
alai: m,iake work
alt it , otherwise.
ld 'bo. d e 'deter -ring his get-
; wever, is completely depend
en# upon the owner making the ut-
moat use of 'the enarioue locking de-
zees • of .has ,automobile. If •there is
tut one lack on the• car, that should
:oq-used every time the machine is
le unattended. I£ there are two,so
much the better. Three are better
still. • i . .:
While: locks are net certain pre-
ventatives of car •' ,ttieftis, they will
'protect the car froth the least skil-
ful "thieves=joy-riders, for example.
'Er fore -warning is fo e -arming, the
intelligent motorist should realize
that the car stealing season is at
Have No More. Backache
Is Real Well Now
Mrs. H. P. Bel Suffered with Back-
ache and Fiund Relief.
Alvinston, Ont., May 25th. --,(Special)
9 have Used Dodd's Kidney Pills
fat backache and found them the best
medicine I ever used," writes Mrs. H.
P. Bell, a well-known and highly re-
spected resident of this place. "I will
recommend them to everyone who
suffers with backache as I did. I us-
ed six boxes and have had no more
backache. I am real well now."
The relief that Mrs. Bell found has
come to thousands of other Canadian
women through the use of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Only a few people re-
alize the great importance of keep-
ing the kidneys in good order at all
times. The kidneys are the purifiers
of your blood. If the kidneys become
clogged with impurities they cannot
perform their functions properly. The
blood, instead of being purified, is
poisoned, and in turn poisons the
whole system, with the result that a
condition may develop very seritSus.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all
druggists, or The Dodds Medicine Co.,
Ltd., Toronto 2, Ontario.
The preservation of the teeth is
much ,more a matter of nutrition than
it is of cleanliness. The motto, "A
clean tootih never decays," is no long-
er accepted as correct.
The teeth should be kept clean.
They should be picked after each
meal. After the picking the mouth
should be rinsed. Regularly every day
the teeth should be brushed with a
brush 'and some cleansing compound
which contains soap as at least one
of its ingredients. •
All of this is wise. But' something
more must be done. That somimething
relates to nutrition. To begin with,
the teeth must be built right chemical-
ly and structurally. Even after the
coats are laid down the nutrition
must be kept right, else some of the
good material already deposited will.
be absorbed and poor stuff put in its.
place. Building departments, street
paving departments and such axe not
the only places where the inspector
must !stay on the job else weak mix-
tures will be laid down. What's worse
in this tooth business, the contractor
may take up gold stuff and relay
In order to have teeth of good
quality there must be plenty of but- ,
ter, green vegetables and milk in the
diet. Dr. G. D. Scott does not think
our present day diet is as good for
the teeth as was that of the aborig-
ines. They ate a mixed diet of d'oarse
foods. It was rich in lime and phos-
phorus, and it required plerrty of
chewing. He says their teeth are
found to be worn down like those of a
six-year-old horse, but they are al-
most free from deoay.
In order that they may have good
teeth he gimes babies raw tomato
juice and raw carrots, scraped and
strained. These are not given until
the baby is old enough for fruit and
vegetable juices. Every effort is made
to have the juice clean and free from
typhoid and other germs and para-
Exposure to sunlight under proper
conditions is another factor in having
babies develop good teeth.
Dr. Scott does not say where he
stands on giving babies a very small
dose of thyroid if they are extra slow
about cutting teeth. Some writers
say this will start the teeth to com-
ing through the gums. Dr. Scott
does say he does not lance gums as
our forefathers did.
Is it possible to name a single
beautiful place that is more beautiful
today than it was thirty years ago?
Mr. Robert Lynd.
Of • all the things I have done in
my public life I am prouder of the
Irfiali treaty than of anything else. -
Lore Birkenhead.
"Most attractive display of hos-
iery."-•JSbore advertisement. Huh!
you don't have to go into a tore to
see that, -Hamilton Herald.
• T eonsuitier the English law core-
ti$e bly ..10ogieal, but existing do its
develop ueut- at a monumental testi-
ntigosth eomznon sense. •...
bond Ill to r • ,
( taiijak
Year in and Year Out it Pays You in Dollars and Cents
deal here, to say nothing of the surpassing Variety
you have to choose from, and -last but not
leastyou ALWAYS get QUALITY.
Interesting Prices
Men's Work Shirts
Men's Work Sox, good wear
, Men's Snag Proof Overalls
Men's Khaki Pants, good weight drill
Men's Sun Shades
Men's Scuff Felt Hats
$1.00 to $1,50
Men's Silk Hose
Men's B. V. D., Arrow and Forsyth
Men's Balbriggan Underwear
Penman Merino Underwear
Men's ,Fancy Sox, good patterns
Men's Dress Shirts
Men's Soft Collars
Men's Second or Scuff Suits
Men's Fine Suits
$1.50 to $5.00
25c and 35c
$15 to 335.00
Interesting Prices
Boys' Cotton Sweaters
Boys' Cotton Hose
Boys' Caps
Boys' Blouses
Boys' Shirts, (separate collar)
Boys' Wash Suits
Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, (good)
Boys' Sun Shades, well made
Boys' School Suits, big values
Boys', Khaki Pants
50c to $1.25
75c to $1.25
$1.25 to $1.35
$1.25 to $2.50
$5.95, $7.95, $8.95
$1.00 to 31.50
Interesting Prices
Fugi Pure Silk, 12 new colors, 30 inches wide, yard..39c
Fancy Crepes, new small patterns, yard $1.00
79c to $5.00
89c to $6.00
15c °40c
Rayon and Fancy Cottons & Crepe Dresses, $6,50 to $15
Women's Fugi Dresses - $4,95 to $12.00
Women's Silk Dresses, (correct styles) -am to $25.00
Women's Coats, (all new) 39.00 to $30
Raynbeau, new cloth for Slips, new shades
Curtains, per pair
Curtain Panels
Pure Linen Towelling, yard
Well Drest and Kaiser, Pure Silk Hose
Supersilk and Pierrette Hose, pure
Monarch and Mercury Silk Hose, (Extra)
Monarch, Silk and Art Silk Hose, (all colors)
Watson Fine Cotton Knit Bloomers, (Colors)
Monarch Silk Knit Bloomers, (all colors)
Women's Under Vests, (Extra Quality)
Interesting Prices
Girls' Odd Skirts, pleat or plain
Girls' Middies
Girls' Bloomers
Girls' Vests, all sizes
Girls' Cotton Hose, Black, Grey, Sand
Girls' Art Silk Hose, new light shades
31.50 to $2,95
$1.25 to $2.50
25c and 35c
19c to 25c
Girls' Silk Knit Fugi and Rayon, 6 to 14 years.... $5.75
Girls' Fine Dresses, Voiles, Fugi, Rayons. . $1.75 to $3,95
Girls' Gingham Dresses 59c - to $1,50
$4.00 to $10
Girls' Coats, (all new)
EWART BROS., Seafort