The Huron Expositor, 1926-11-12, Page 71 ri FUf rp i o-. s k 1 •3 i a 1A t U T it N T o, $9 PETER B. SYNE t GROSSET & DUNLAP -Mew ''Rork a7, 'T,,7P71T'p�'.'i 735 4 :.d!Att,�,�',�' t4.f1F'i+�. 9t 1..��•,p�yy, ,t{{,, yy,, ^ ��bj,.,'yyT,{t n'+fj•� '�. ;-4 i. ,}�� `. xIM r� ` t {, 1?� a'ni; 0 ��' ♦1 course h r. t� .it`s t a ' yPgh�%iS1f �6�' t� �.ztG��3(�fi�p tr,,,,,�.m,�:; ; of tltIO'6 to � 0 � Qo#Va f • ' oli',rm u6iil4d banes .if yolk aind i"ortse me tp.'seA lgu i toot 04* don't _noyir that t rid ldlttor 1�3�tsac� Cxeek tie ll2e at lois .pxi0a"" i0. 0110.0-:04:gratest files} py„ IlAceyp, `fi es,t",, 1►txkey aaweod; "I dqw say in the world. that Was his object. W.Vs ' it repre- Because it. eonWAS. more. vit�li�in9 hend-ble •of him, 'U'ncle 'Seth?" vltainir:es taxi atr9 ,food yeti can get. "I�Tai p lbit, my dear. He rheas. Yw*% be, glad to kngw. tlidt Me simply playing the cold game of busi- oy'p Cod Liver Ir' act Tablets come ness. t would have done the same in sugar eoatedi forth now, so iP you thing to Cardigan had the situation really want to put 1:0 or -PCO. pounds of been reversed. We played a game to- solid, healthy ilesh'on your bones and gether-r-an&A `admit "that he won, feel well and strong and have a com-, fairly and squarely.", plexion that people will admire -+ask Then why ; s alt that 'you feel such any druggist for a box of McCoy's Cod resentment against llllm3'# Liver Extract Tablets. " Oh, I dont resent the old fpol, Only 60 cents for 60 tabletsnd if Shirley, He merely annoys' me. I you don't gain five pounds in, 3Q days suppose I feel a certain natural cha- your druggist is authorized to hand grin at having been beaten, and in you back the money you paid for consequence cherish an equally natur- them. al desire to pay the old schemer back It isn't anything unusual for a Per- in his own coin. Under the rules as son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days, we play the game, such action on my and for old people with feebleness part is perfectly permissible, is it overtaking them they work wonders. not?" "Yes," she agreed frankly, "I think it is, Uncle Seth. 'Certainly if he tion, the Laguna. Grande Lumber blocked you and rendered your timber Company, makes it accessible. Now, va'ueless,• there is no reason why, if while the building of the N. C. O. you have the opportunity, you phould would be a grand thing for the coun- not block him -and render his timber ty in general, we can get along with - valueless." out it because it doesn't help us out The Colonel banged the table with particularly, We already have a his fist so heartily that the silver railroad running from our timber to fairy leaped. "Spoken like a man?" tidewater, and we can reach the mar - he declared. "I have the opportunity kets of the world with our ships." and am proceeding tp impress the "I think I understand, Uncle Seth. Cardigans with the truth of the old When Cardigan's hauling contract saying that every dog must have his with our road expires, his timber in day. When Cardigan's contract with Township Nine will depreciate in our road for the hauling of his logs value because it will no longer be expires by limitation next year, I am accessible, while our timber, being net going to renew it -at least not still accessible, retains its value." until I have forced him to make me Exactly. And to be perfectly the concessions I desire, and certainly frank with you, Shirley, I do not want not at the present' ruinous freight- Cardigan's timber in Township Nine rate," given back its value through accessi- "Then," said Shirley eagerly, "if bility provided by the N. C. 0, If yon got a right of way through his that road is not built, Cardigan's tim- Valley of the Giants, you would re- ber in Township Nine will be valu- new the contract he has with you for able to us, but not to another living the hauling of his logs, would you soul. Moreover, the Trinidad Red - not?" wood Timber Company has a raft of "I would have, before young Cardi- fine timber still farther north and gan raised such Hades that day in adjoining the holdings of our comp - the logging -camp, before old Cardi- any and Cardigan's, and if this in- gan sold his Valley of the Giants tp fernal N. C. 0. isn't built, we'll be en - another burglar --,and before I had abled to buy that Trinidad timber gathered indubitable evidence that pretty cheap one of these bright days, neither of the Cardigans knows en- too." ough about managing a sawmill and "All of which appears to me to selling lumber to guarantee a reason- constitute sound business logic, Uncle able profit on the capital they have Seth." invested and still pay the interest on He nodded. "Item three," he con - their bonded and floating indebtedness. tinued, and ticked it off on his third Shirley, I bought those Cardigan finger: "I want to see the feeder for bonds for you because I thought old a transcontinental line built into Se - Cardigan knew his business and would quoia from the south, for the reason make the bonds valuable -make them that it will tap the Cardigan holdings worth par. Instead, the Cardigan in the San Hedrin watershed and give Redwood Lumber Company is totter- a tremendous value to timber which at ing on the verge of bankruptcy; the the present time is rather a negative bonds I purchased for you are now asset;*consequently I would prefer to worth less than I paid for them, and have that value created after Cardi- by next year the Cardigans will de- gan's San H,edrin timber has been fault on the interest. merged with the assets of the Lag - "So I'm going to sit tight and de- una Grande Lumber Company." cline to have any more business deal- "And so 11 ings with the Cardigans: When their "I must investigate this N. C. 0. hauling contract expires, I shall not outfit and block it if possible and it renew it under any circumstances; should be possible." that will. prevent them from getting "How, for instance?" logs, and so they will automatically "I haven't considered the means, go out of the lumber business and in- my dear. Those come later. For the to the hands of a receiver; and since present I am convinced that the N. you are the largest individual stock- C. 0. is a corporate joke, sprung on holder, I, representing you and a the dear public by the Trinidad Red - n �'k ,. ..', f an YouFindib"' Cardigans default on their interest tion which will follow the colgapse of k Pr3�'e (continued from last week) No, they, are toot all twins I Two and only two are ideiitiical, and. lase 'tl tw;E o °,well, in this instance the -old than fund. I shall then have myself ap- had overreached himself, and finding it necessary to increase his working - capital, he- incorporated his holdings Redwood Lumber Company, investi- into the Cardigan Redwood Lumber Company and floated a bond-ossue of "the more I see of business, the more a million dollars. They were twenty- for myself whether or no there is a year six per cent. cert ftcates; the se- curity was ample, and I invested for "Shirley, it's the grandest game ;n you three hundred thousand dollars jam it is in and saving you a loss on in Cardigan bonds. I 'bought them at eighty, and they were worth two "And yet," she added musingly, "old hundred; at least, they would have "I must pursue this course, my been worth two hundred under my management-"* IeSK. " "They'll "How did you manage to 'buy them r so cheap?" she, interrupted. ' "Old Cardigan had had a long run some day if I live to be as old as of bad luck -due to bad management elude that a period of several years' a judgment, m and bad judgm y dear - and when a corporation is bonded, the "News rt.heless, I feel sorry for him, bondholders have access to its finan- work out of debt, I shall recommend cial statements. From time to time I discovered bondholders who needed `Well, if you'll continue to waste money and hence unloaded at a sacri- • • fice; but by far the majority of the bonds I purchased for your account on his son, I'll not object," he re - were owned by local people who had ,. lost confidence in John Cardigan' and the future of the redwood lumber in- Oh, Bryce Cardigan is abbe to take dustry hereabouts. You understand, ed to add, "if the property sells for do you not?" "I db not understand what all this Yes, and mean enough." has to do with a railroad." 50 CASH PRIZES "Very well -I shall proceed to ex - HEIRS' WANTED Puzzle Manager, Room 207 Missing Heirs are being sought you can win throughout the world. Many people are to -day living in comparative pov- Numbers ........ and ........ are the arty who are really rich, but do not twins that I have found. If these are Ist Prue know it. You may be one of them Berg for Index Book, "Missing Heirs a ripe prach to learn the identity of and Next of gin," containing care - ......................$1,000 tell me how to gain the final 50 points to 3rd Prize $700 tall' authenticated lists of missing ...................... 4th Prize ...................... $200 heirs and unclaimed estates which old Cardi'g n's Valley of the Giants," "I'll have been advertised for, here and Name .................................. abroad. The Index of Missing Heirs we offer for sale contains thousands that doesn't complicate matterls a little." of names which have appeared in merging it with nor holdings, paying American, Canadian, English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, German, French Bel- 91h Priyv...................... $100 10th Prise $100 Street or R.F.D. No............. gian, Swedish, Indian, Colonial MW Cardigan property in Cardigan bonds gther newspapers, inserted by wy- ora, executorfa, administrators. Also a contains list of English and Irish "But what will the Cardigans do Cotn!tts Chancery and unclaimed _0 dMileudb Hitt of Bank of England. -and I'm sure that should have been Your name fir your ancestwea tray be "Well, i•ong before the npersaity for In the list. Send s1.01D (one dollar) at once for book. game you and the Cardigans had been International Claim Agency man will have heen gathered to the Dept. 296, PitUburgh, Pa., U. S. A. Ile was beaten and acknowledged it, 29Wtf Cardigan Redwood Lumber Cnmpany LONDON AND WINGHAM North. little more genrrous to your fallen "Exeter enemy, Uncle Seth." ......... 10.16 6.04 "Would you give him employment, "I dare says," he admitted lightly. Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 Uncle Seth?" "however, I wasn't and now I'm go - Hippen ......... 10.35 6.23 "I would not. Do you think I'm ing to be punished for it, my clear: Brucefield ......... 10.44 6.32 crazy, Shirley? Remember, my dear so don't roast me. any more. By the Clinton Jct. ....... 10.58 6.46 there is no sentiment in business. If way, that speckled hot-air fellow Clinton, Ar. ....... 11.05 6.52 there was, we wouldn't have any busi- Ogilvy, who is promoting the North- Clinton, Lv. ....... 11.15 6.52 ness." ern California Oregon Ra0road, is Clinton Jct. ....... 11.21 6.58 "I think I understand, Uncle Seth hack in town again. Somehow, I Londesborough .... 11.35 7.12 -with the exception of what effect haven't much confidence in that fel- Blyth ............. 11.44 7.21 the building of the N. C. O. has upon low. I think i'll wire the San Fran - Belgrave .......... 11.66 7.33 your plans." cisco office to look him up in Dun's Wingham Jct., Ar.. 12.08 7.45 "Item two," he challenged, and and Bradstreet's. Folks up this way Wingham Jct., Lv. _ 12.08 7.45 ticked it off on his middle finger. are taking too much for granted on Wingham ......... 12.12 7.55 "The Cardigan Redwood Lumber Com- that fellow's mere say-so, but I for South. owns two fine bodies of redwood one intend to delve for facts -par - a.m. p.m. pany timber widely separated -one to the Wingham ......... 6.55 3.16 south of Sequoia in the San Hedrin8 watershed and at present practicallyq fur ir,g part e Wingham Jct ..... 7.01 3.21 valueless because Inaccessible, and other to the north of Sequoia, im- q � ars 6f of Trench arationfo E prep. worlil-famthe arationYorlEpilepsy Belgrave .......... 7.15 3.32 r + Blyth ............ 7.27 3.44 TownshipNine and valuable because , home treatment Over RO yeare� suoaeea, Toetimonlals oro all gart9 Londesborough .... 7.35 3.52 of its acceasiliility." He paused _a her pYthevREdT1CHx$ 0 ElV1EDlrs s LivM TGD Clinton Jct. ....... 7.49 4.06 tYiolrietit and looked at striilingly. I0 dt» r�&9, 0 aniers, 79 Ado aideSt:Fi Clinton ........... 7.56 4.13 .-The logging railroad of our corpora- Tomnto, Ontario Clinton Jct. ....... 8.03 4.20 Brucefield ......... 8.15 4.32 gippen ........... 8.22 4.40 Heasall ........... 8.32 4.50 Exeter ............ 8.47 5.05 Cr N. R. TIME TABLE East. a.m. p.m. l Goderich .......... 6.00 2.20 Holmesville ....... 6.17 2.37 Clinton ........... 6.25 2.52 Seaforth ...... 6.41 3.12 St. Columban ...... 6.49 3.20 Dublin 6.64 3.28 r J West- a.m. p.m. p.m. Dublin ... 10.37 5.38 9.37 St. Columban. 10.42 5.44 Seaforth .... 10.53 5.53 9.50 Clinton ...... 11.10 6.08 10.04 Holmesville .. 11.20 7.03 10.13 ' Goderich .... 11.40 7.20 19.30 "C. p. R TIME TABLE East. a.M. Goderich ................. 5.50 ....... Menset.... 5.66 fKaGaw 6.04 ,ktiiburn ....•.•.•..•6.11 6.25 Blyth ............. Walton .I ............... 6.40 McNaught ................ 6.52 'i'lironto .................. 10.25 west. Toronto .... ...... 7.40 McNaught ................ 11.48 a ''idton ................... 12.01 Bl ................... 12.12 Mbturn................. 122'8 7ifidA e, 12.04 .................. 19.41 �3�,,y �o,n�ese��ta .................� 7fWe%IW �re•eee•e •,. •.•+••J.BuO a7, 'T,,7P71T'p�'.'i 735 4 :.d!Att,�,�',�' t4.f1F'i+�. 9t 1..��•,p�yy, ,t{{,, yy,, ^ ��bj,.,'yyT,{t n'+fj•� '�. ;-4 i. ,}�� `. xIM r� ` t {, 1?� a'ni; 0 ��' ♦1 course h r. t� .it`s t a ' yPgh�%iS1f �6�' t� �.ztG��3(�fi�p tr,,,,,�.m,�:; ; of tltIO'6 to � 0 � Qo#Va f • ' oli',rm u6iil4d banes .if yolk aind i"ortse me tp.'seA lgu i toot 04* don't _noyir that t rid ldlttor 1�3�tsac� Cxeek tie ll2e at lois .pxi0a"" i0. 0110.0-:04:gratest files} py„ IlAceyp, `fi es,t",, 1►txkey aaweod; "I dqw say in the world. that Was his object. W.Vs ' it repre- Because it. eonWAS. more. vit�li�in9 hend-ble •of him, 'U'ncle 'Seth?" vltainir:es taxi atr9 ,food yeti can get. "I�Tai p lbit, my dear. He rheas. Yw*% be, glad to kngw. tlidt Me simply playing the cold game of busi- oy'p Cod Liver Ir' act Tablets come ness. t would have done the same in sugar eoatedi forth now, so iP you thing to Cardigan had the situation really want to put 1:0 or -PCO. pounds of been reversed. We played a game to- solid, healthy ilesh'on your bones and gether-r-an&A `admit "that he won, feel well and strong and have a com-, fairly and squarely.", plexion that people will admire -+ask Then why ; s alt that 'you feel such any druggist for a box of McCoy's Cod resentment against llllm3'# Liver Extract Tablets. " Oh, I dont resent the old fpol, Only 60 cents for 60 tabletsnd if Shirley, He merely annoys' me. I you don't gain five pounds in, 3Q days suppose I feel a certain natural cha- your druggist is authorized to hand grin at having been beaten, and in you back the money you paid for consequence cherish an equally natur- them. al desire to pay the old schemer back It isn't anything unusual for a Per- in his own coin. Under the rules as son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days, we play the game, such action on my and for old people with feebleness part is perfectly permissible, is it overtaking them they work wonders. not?" "Yes," she agreed frankly, "I think it is, Uncle Seth. 'Certainly if he tion, the Laguna. Grande Lumber blocked you and rendered your timber Company, makes it accessible. Now, va'ueless,• there is no reason why, if while the building of the N. C. O. you have the opportunity, you phould would be a grand thing for the coun- not block him -and render his timber ty in general, we can get along with - valueless." out it because it doesn't help us out The Colonel banged the table with particularly, We already have a his fist so heartily that the silver railroad running from our timber to fairy leaped. "Spoken like a man?" tidewater, and we can reach the mar - he declared. "I have the opportunity kets of the world with our ships." and am proceeding tp impress the "I think I understand, Uncle Seth. Cardigans with the truth of the old When Cardigan's hauling contract saying that every dog must have his with our road expires, his timber in day. When Cardigan's contract with Township Nine will depreciate in our road for the hauling of his logs value because it will no longer be expires by limitation next year, I am accessible, while our timber, being net going to renew it -at least not still accessible, retains its value." until I have forced him to make me Exactly. And to be perfectly the concessions I desire, and certainly frank with you, Shirley, I do not want not at the present' ruinous freight- Cardigan's timber in Township Nine rate," given back its value through accessi- "Then," said Shirley eagerly, "if bility provided by the N. C. 0, If yon got a right of way through his that road is not built, Cardigan's tim- Valley of the Giants, you would re- ber in Township Nine will be valu- new the contract he has with you for able to us, but not to another living the hauling of his logs, would you soul. Moreover, the Trinidad Red - not?" wood Timber Company has a raft of "I would have, before young Cardi- fine timber still farther north and gan raised such Hades that day in adjoining the holdings of our comp - the logging -camp, before old Cardi- any and Cardigan's, and if this in- gan sold his Valley of the Giants tp fernal N. C. 0. isn't built, we'll be en - another burglar --,and before I had abled to buy that Trinidad timber gathered indubitable evidence that pretty cheap one of these bright days, neither of the Cardigans knows en- too." ough about managing a sawmill and "All of which appears to me to selling lumber to guarantee a reason- constitute sound business logic, Uncle able profit on the capital they have Seth." invested and still pay the interest on He nodded. "Item three," he con - their bonded and floating indebtedness. tinued, and ticked it off on his third Shirley, I bought those Cardigan finger: "I want to see the feeder for bonds for you because I thought old a transcontinental line built into Se - Cardigan knew his business and would quoia from the south, for the reason make the bonds valuable -make them that it will tap the Cardigan holdings worth par. Instead, the Cardigan in the San Hedrin watershed and give Redwood Lumber Company is totter- a tremendous value to timber which at ing on the verge of bankruptcy; the the present time is rather a negative bonds I purchased for you are now asset;*consequently I would prefer to worth less than I paid for them, and have that value created after Cardi- by next year the Cardigans will de- gan's San H,edrin timber has been fault on the interest. merged with the assets of the Lag - "So I'm going to sit tight and de- una Grande Lumber Company." cline to have any more business deal- "And so 11 ings with the Cardigans: When their "I must investigate this N. C. 0. hauling contract expires, I shall not outfit and block it if possible and it renew it under any circumstances; should be possible." that will. prevent them from getting "How, for instance?" logs, and so they will automatically "I haven't considered the means, go out of the lumber business and in- my dear. Those come later. For the to the hands of a receiver; and since present I am convinced that the N. you are the largest individual stock- C. 0. is a corporate joke, sprung on holder, I, representing you and a the dear public by the Trinidad Red - n �'k ,. ..', f an YouFindib"' Cardigans default on their interest tion which will follow the colgapse of k Pr3�'e and the payment due the sinking No, they, are toot all twins I Two and only two are ideiitiical, and. lase 'tl tw;E o you are asked to find. Can you? To las aures, the 18 i3ietu?<.ed( lotltr ai. fund. I shall then have myself ap- but look clover. How about their hats? There are other differ'ewces, too - , Read the clues. Only two girls are exact duplicates. " They are Twiatts '-sort from under." .vou find them? Redwood Lumber Company, investi- M- M r rJJ L U E S 0-- At first glance alj of the pictures look alike. But upon examination you will see the "the more I see of business, the more almost every one differs in some way from all the others. In some the difference xray Die for myself whether or no there is a in the light or dark band on the brim of the hat or in ' a brimining on the hat or'tii 'e collar. Or, some may wear necklaces, or ear -rings, or b4fh. Only two are exactly alike. "Shirley, it's the grandest game ;n No, it's'not as easy as it looks. You must search carefully. jam it is in and saving you a loss on Just look closely -make sure that you have the twins, then send in your answer. Route - body who finds the right twins is going to win a big prize. Make that "somebody" be "And yet," she added musingly, "old YOU. "I must pursue this course, my F I 1 e Oft 0,0 MAXMUM AWARD IeSK. " "They'll This is one of the greatest array of Cash Prizes that has ever been offered In a Mall and r Empire Puz le Contest. That's what it is, folks-an'd you can be a, winner. The prizes range from $2 to $50 and from $50 to $2,000. All prizes will be awarded in time to reach some day if I live to be as old as the winners by Christmas Day. elude that a period of several years' Think of it! You can win as much as $2,000. Yes, sir, $5,000 in cash prizes may be We31 In this interesting puzzle contest, and will be awarded• promptly anter December 11th. "News rt.heless, I feel sorry for him, There will be 50 winners and the First Prize, the golden opportunity, $2,000 IN CAML work out of debt, I shall recommend Won't that be a wonderful Christmas Gift? In the event of ties for any prize, duplicate prizes will be awarded. `Well, if you'll continue to waste 1,000 points wins First Prize- We wt71 give you 950 points for finding the Twin& lm - trust and RCtA as trustee, that the mediately upon receipt of your correct answer, we will send you particulars of a - word - budding contest, Ti which, if successful, you earn the final So points required to win a on his son, I'll not object," he re - $2,000.00 First Prize or one of the 4.9 other Cash Prizes, ,. MAIL YOUR ANSWER TO -DAY' Now, find the Twins. Write the numbers in the coupon below, fill in your name and Oh, Bryce Cardigan is abbe to take address, and mail it to the Puzzle Manager. Get started for the Big First Prize. ed to add, "if the property sells for Puzzle Mgr., Room 2071, THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronto, Canada more than the corporation owes such Yes, and mean enough." 50 CASH PRIZES � TWIN PUZZLE COUPON Lristed below are the maximum prizes Puzzle Manager, Room 207 you can win I THE MAIL & EMPIRE, Toronto, Canada. cess of the in Shirley; rl.rhtednrss"" Shirle,yand Numbers ........ and ........ are the twins that I have found. If these are Ist Prue removed the backbone. "I'd give ........ . ............ •$2,000 correct please give me the 950 points and 2nd Prize a ripe prach to learn the identity of ......................$1,000 tell me how to gain the final 50 points to 3rd Prize $700 the scheming buttinsky who bought ...................... 4th Prize ...................... $200 win First Prize. old Cardi'g n's Valley of the Giants," "I'll 5thPrize ...................... $200 Name .................................. he said presently. be hanged if 6th Prize ...................... $100 that doesn't complicate matterls a little." merging it with nor holdings, paying 7th Prize ...................... $100 89hPrise .. ................... $100 Postoftice.............. Province.. _ . _ .. . pert of the purchase -price of the 91h Priyv...................... $100 10th Prise $100 Street or R.F.D. No............. Cardigan property in Cardigan bonds ...................... 11th to 50th Prizes, inclusive ...... $10 for fifty thousand dollars less than num Der of minor Dondnoiders, will woos ilmoer t,ompany To geL tine saga w _ dominate the executive committee of dear public excited, create a real -es - the bondholders when they meet to tate boom, and boost timber -values. consider what shall be done when the Before the boom collapses -a condi- y Cardigans default on their interest tion which will follow the colgapse of k Pr3�'e and the payment due the sinking the N. C. 0. -the Trinidad people fund. I shall then have myself ap- hope to sell their holdings and get pointed receiver for the Cardigan from under." Redwood Lumber Company, investi- "Really," said Shirley, demurely, gate its affairs thoroughly and see "the more I see of business, the more for myself whether or no there is a fascinating I find it." possibility of working it out of the "Shirley, it's the grandest game ;n jam it is in and saving you a loss on the world." your bonds. "And yet," she added musingly, "old "I must pursue this course, my Mr. Cardigan is so blind and hel-p- dear, in justice to you and the other IeSK. " "They'll bondholders. If, on the other hand, he saying that about me I find the situation hopeless or con- some day if I live to be as old as elude that a period of several years' •John Cardigan." must ensue before the Cardigans "News rt.heless, I feel sorry for him, work out of debt, I shall recommend iTncle Seth." to the hank which holds the deed of `Well, if you'll continue to waste trust and RCtA as trustee, that the your sympathy on him rather than property he sold at public auction to on his son, I'll not object," he re - the highest bidder to reimburse tho torted laughingly. bondholders. Of course," he hasten- Oh, Bryce Cardigan is abbe to take ed to add, "if the property sells for are of himself." more than the corporation owes such Yes, and mean enough." excess will then in due course be "He saved our lives, Uncle Seth." turned over to the Cardigans." "Ile had to -in ordor to save his ex - I "is it likely to sell at, a price in own. Don't forget that, my dear." cess of the in Shirley; rl.rhtednrss"" Shirle,yand Carefully he. dissected a sRnd-dah queried anxiously. removed the backbone. "I'd give it is possible, but. scarcely prob a ripe prach to learn the identity of able," he answerers dryly. I have in the scheming buttinsky who bought i mind, under those circumstancos, old Cardi'g n's Valley of the Giants," "I'll bidding the property in for the Lag- he said presently. be hanged if una Grande Lurcher Company and that doesn't complicate matterls a little." merging it with nor holdings, paying "You should have bought it when pert of the purchase -price of the the opportunity offered," she remind - Cardigan property in Cardigan bonds (,3 him. "You could have had it then ar.rl the remainder in cash." for fifty thousand dollars less than "But what will the Cardigans do you would have paid for it a year ago then, Uncle Seth?" -and I'm sure that should have been "Well, i•ong before the npersaity for suiffici-ent indication to you that the such a contingency arises, the old game you and the Cardigans had been man will have heen gathered to the playing so long had come to an end. bosom of Abraham; and after the Ile was beaten and acknowledged it, Cardigan Redwood Lumber Cnmpany and I think you might have been a has ceased to exist, young Cardigan little more genrrous to your fallen can go to work for a living." enemy, Uncle Seth." "Would you give him employment, "I dare says," he admitted lightly. Uncle Seth?" "however, I wasn't and now I'm go - "I would not. Do you think I'm ing to be punished for it, my clear: crazy, Shirley? Remember, my dear so don't roast me. any more. By the there is no sentiment in business. If way, that speckled hot-air fellow there was, we wouldn't have any busi- Ogilvy, who is promoting the North- ness." ern California Oregon Ra0road, is "I think I understand, Uncle Seth hack in town again. Somehow, I -with the exception of what effect haven't much confidence in that fel- the building of the N. C. O. has upon low. I think i'll wire the San Fran - your plans." cisco office to look him up in Dun's "Item two," he challenged, and and Bradstreet's. Folks up this way ticked it off on his middle finger. are taking too much for granted on "The Cardigan Redwood Lumber Com- that fellow's mere say-so, but I for owns two fine bodies of redwood one intend to delve for facts -par - pany timber widely separated -one to the south of Sequoia in the San Hedrin8 watershed and at present practicallyq fur ir,g part e valueless because Inaccessible, and other to the north of Sequoia, im- q � ars 6f of Trench arationfo E prep. worlil-famthe arationYorlEpilepsy mediately adjoining, our holdings in and Pits -simple TownshipNine and valuable because , home treatment Over RO yeare� suoaeea, Toetimonlals oro all gart9 of its acceasiliility." He paused _a her pYthevREdT1CHx$ 0 ElV1EDlrs s LivM TGD tYiolrietit and looked at striilingly. I0 dt» r�&9, 0 aniers, 79 Ado aideSt:Fi .-The logging railroad of our corpora- Tomnto, Ontario ,y7 I Ca, r: 1'v : i 4 idn,; S . % h.. , 'f.. yP}, , iv � 4•Af:, w .x..r .,! P: ,. Gt:b.W t..,.,:;,..,Jvat...,.F.c.r,...s.�,iii u.x .,.,�. yr_.0 1i�„-;,.", ra3>__n>.�i ,,.:, - , ., .. _c „ _ ..La,W..u,,,a,d .,. '4. .i, r , +_r „..,'.r. ,, r.•�,..,.. airy, ' + a. rkk +i'a y ,� r:- ,r•'�rn5 ?;, ,t� I I,,e ,f f'. n p(r y:>.� :�\%Ir'��t �� r� {•vY fl i� � k:7 9i:�.., it.'e`.Wi�' �,ly�� ' 1�S i,�. r• 1 I w , .[ +�%n ,�i•l P t;� ' �Cwzrr 'yrs' ` ; � • � 1 1" '. i'1`'s � it ' � i+ .k,) ^"�,�� •�1� G• ,w•A; r� Govero n ment 1� ' does evilse YtJt ':%A4 fret,: cure theuse $. BOOTLEGGING -,-""Bootlegging to extent of 5,000 cases a month.... in and around Vancouver." -The Hook (an Anti -Prohibition paper). "Bootleggers handle twice as much liquor as the Governrnent stores.." -Vancouver World. 2. FLASK DRI NG 8®The Sherbrooke Daily Reaord, speaking about con- ditions in Quebec, says: "The hip -pocket flask is an institution to a greater extent here than in Ontario." 3. LAWLESSNESS OF YOUTH: -Andrew Blygh, J.P.,, of Vancouver, describing the state of affairs in British Columbia under Government "Control", says: "Any night, cabarets are operating with 50rZf, of those present showing signs of intoxi- cation_ The dance halls are a -public scandal with young girls slipping to the back alley to get a nip from tl�e -Basks of their escorts." 4. DRUNKENNESS:- There have been 851 names placed on the Indian hist in Alberta during Government "Control", the majority of whom procured liquor without permits. 5. RECKLESS DRIVING Comparing Montreal and Toronto, Mayor Duquette of Montreal stated: "Montreal has registered twice the number of automo- bile accidents with half the number of automobiles." `1e What wV7 ILL cure these evils The honest, sustained enforcement of the Ontario Tempawance Apt® fa%r Your DRY 0 Candidate : a+' t 5�z, >�ilpjr ONTARIO PROHIBITION UNION it Y M� 24 Wear Street Rest Toronto t ° t. ate IrY i� Wm , , .. � ,,,. ,, r,., ... ,. .,., .. ... ., r.a... F f. .,..r a _, :,., _fW. T,... ,,., v. ,,. .>.,. , .A• ! h J ,. ,,, .'r.., r, •, .., ..... .. k r. .. ,. ...r ..4 YA ,. . .r k. .si .t?.. ,.. .,...r .. x.. ,. �. ,, .t A,. , .., 1.. n� �, F iib. "jt.�"?i yx rR, �!+S f,. f��; 1rk �,t�t�fr7l�d{i. ,,',� 4 :v�, ikl .a. f1�41: 1. 4,*,F qr,t rr...7..,i1Y �'f3 ,+Iry r,fy., ,!?, i, rt.,.. p.,r r n!.I t1f,lb::,. S ,��.c: e, � r,•-�^`tl y N. kt t k Pr3�'e �1a l� airy, ' + a. rkk +i'a y ,� r:- ,r•'�rn5 ?;, ,t� I I,,e ,f f'. n p(r y:>.� :�\%Ir'��t �� r� {•vY fl i� � k:7 9i:�.., it.'e`.Wi�' �,ly�� ' 1�S i,�. r• 1 I w , .[ +�%n ,�i•l P t;� ' �Cwzrr 'yrs' ` ; � • � 1 1" '. i'1`'s � it ' � i+ .k,) ^"�,�� •�1� G• ,w•A; r� Govero n ment 1� ' does evilse YtJt ':%A4 fret,: cure theuse $. BOOTLEGGING -,-""Bootlegging to extent of 5,000 cases a month.... in and around Vancouver." -The Hook (an Anti -Prohibition paper). "Bootleggers handle twice as much liquor as the Governrnent stores.." -Vancouver World. 2. FLASK DRI NG 8®The Sherbrooke Daily Reaord, speaking about con- ditions in Quebec, says: "The hip -pocket flask is an institution to a greater extent here than in Ontario." 3. LAWLESSNESS OF YOUTH: -Andrew Blygh, J.P.,, of Vancouver, describing the state of affairs in British Columbia under Government "Control", says: "Any night, cabarets are operating with 50rZf, of those present showing signs of intoxi- cation_ The dance halls are a -public scandal with young girls slipping to the back alley to get a nip from tl�e -Basks of their escorts." 4. DRUNKENNESS:- There have been 851 names placed on the Indian hist in Alberta during Government "Control", the majority of whom procured liquor without permits. 5. RECKLESS DRIVING Comparing Montreal and Toronto, Mayor Duquette of Montreal stated: "Montreal has registered twice the number of automo- bile accidents with half the number of automobiles." `1e What wV7 ILL cure these evils The honest, sustained enforcement of the Ontario Tempawance Apt® fa%r Your DRY 0 Candidate : a+' t 5�z, >�ilpjr ONTARIO PROHIBITION UNION it Y M� 24 Wear Street Rest Toronto t ° t. ate IrY i� Wm , , .. � ,,,. ,, r,., ... ,. .,., .. ... ., r.a... F f. .,..r a _, :,., _fW. T,... ,,., v. ,,. .>.,. , .A• ! h J ,. ,,, .'r.., r, •, .., ..... .. k r. .. ,. ...r ..4 YA ,. . .r k. .si .t?.. ,.. .,...r .. x.. ,. �. ,, .t A,. , .., 1.. n� �, F iib. "jt.�"?i yx rR, �!+S f,. f��; 1rk �,t�t�fr7l�d{i. ,,',� 4 :v�, ikl .a. f1�41: 1. 4,*,F qr,t rr...7..,i1Y �'f3 ,+Iry r,fy., ,!?, i, rt.,.. p.,r r n!.I t1f,lb::,. S ,��.c: e, � r,•-�^`tl