The Huron Expositor, 1926-05-14, Page 60
: ,��, ' - 1r*W!t,�:4y"t""T,-V,"." TIMAIAA*,�g
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I uWr01b�M,-`.,tQ t1te 'r igion of B'rigj
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4 �, . I " I I I Younk, ' Their feats
'k 2 '' k
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li �t -4 -.-o � Proha4ly be ascribed t I
'jgl� .,g olqji.t or bandstrian to 0 re ,�gj
�11 `M�"" 1,14.1"o 4im -is � strcees!� zeal, though undoubtedly -tber�e I
� 1� I qX 1i .111t ,
. -
, ` �, ale
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fl- IV,�n,� And is-desir0,.',Tk,,eriea§qu, � 0 the Motive of finding fertile, fit
", West of the.Un
N " in the unexplored
I ,,[r1fnke4 wi-th ,the instlul � .
�1,1� 1p��' 4171eititalist's ability, is the : states. Folly al6o has some respo
I f a 4aging tom-, . I.-
I 4
1,� clear, pure
. r waXd- Martin irf 1856, for had
� ,,,, . per e une, correct style .
1, I and excelted finish of the' pioneers listened to the counsel
- Holtdn. Its price is reason. one of their number they never wo. able. have attempted the march at the t
� they did. The trip was a walk f
� . For partirulvxq apply to Iowa City to Salt Lake City, a d
� .
p I - 11V 0* N, Greene Music Co. ance of thirteen hundred miles, be
. in the middle of the Summer and
�� ..
, ,
� � f 90tario Roprow"tativap Ltd. completed until the grip of W
� I �L had descended upon lAaius and mo
. MR. 9. H. CLOSE tainis. There were 600 in the pa
� Scaforth. when the start was made, and
. I ...... a when it was completed despite a
I . births on the way. Rogerson was
I of those who walked the dista
r-�— - - -- without mishap, although like all
others he had. to endure tremend
HEMS WANTED hardships.
The great years for Mormon c
Misdag Hein are being ought versions were its early years
a from the United States Missiona
kbroughout the world. Marty People
a" to -day living in comparative pov- were sent to England, Ireland
uty who are really, rich, but do not Scotland to gain recruits. They
know it You may 'be one of them no reason to complain of their s
Bond for Index Book "Missing Hein cess, since a conversion did not rn
and Nftt of Kin," coutaiuing care. merely that one accepteil the mira
fully authenticated list8 of missing. lous stories of Sindth and Young'.
heirs and unclaimed estates which involved leaving the Old Land
have been advertised for, here and setting forth on a long and peril
abroad. The Index of Missing Heirs journey to the new, for Brigh
we offer for sale contains thousan& Young wanted his followers close
of names which have appeared An hand and not scattered over the f
Aneterican, Canadian, English, Scotch, of the earth Jike the Salvation Art
hub, Welsh, Germin, French Bel- Rogerson was a young boy in E
gian. Swedish, Indian, Colo;TA wW land when the missionaries w
other newspapers, inserted by lawy. making their Converts. He was wo
M. executors, administrators. Also ing in the office of Benn Pitman,
contains list of English and Irbh with his brother, Isaac, devised
Goura of Chancery and unclaimed System of %horthand which is
6416it0b list of Bank of VIniUnd. foundation of most of those in
Your name or your ancestoies may be to -day. Benn used to give him
In the 1%t. Send $1.00 (one dollar) hour's instruction in shorthand
at once for book. payment for running errands, a
'MatiojW 11� AigL Rogerson kept up his practice u
7 he was a master of the arL He
Dept. 296, came -not only the first shortha
writer in Utah, but probably one
Piftsbur-rk Pa,, U. $ A. the first in the United States.
29Wtt expertness as a stenog-rapher ad(
to hi -s importance in Utah and
— to his being a witness to many st
r= meKmLop An=AL ring events of which it was desi
that a re -cord should be kept.
It was Brigham Young's idea tl
ME INSURANCE COrY. the Mormons on their way to U
should walk and push or pull th
EMAD OFFICB-SEAFORTEL ONT. belongings with them on handea
I Those who had gone across the pla
first in the covered wagons had wa
OFFICE1RS: ee� most of the distance to save t
J. Connolly, Goderich - - President oxen and horses, and it seemed to h
Jag. Evans, Beechwood, Vice-president altogether feasible that other foll
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treaa. ers should proceed on foot. The
AGENTS: was an economy to be gained also.
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; those days the cost of transportati
W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mur- from Liverpaol to Salt Lake City
way, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Gods- water, rail and ox� team was betwe
rich; R- G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. ten and twelve pounds. It was c
DIRECTORS: culated that if the last fourteen mil
William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; could be walked there would be
John Bennewies, Brodhagen; Jura" saving of from One to three poun
Evans, Beechwood; RL MeEwere, CHn_ and it was to Save this money th
t0m; James Cotmolly, Goderich; Alm sOme of these notable marches we
Broadfoot, N*. 8, Seaforth; J. & made- Spealcing of crossing
Grileve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris plains, Mr. Rogerson said to Arth
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 8: Chap -an, of the New York Heral
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Bruogftl& Tribune: "I was with the compa
headed by Edward Martin. Two ban
cart companies had Preceded us f
-: Iowa City earlier in the summ(
LONDON AND WINGRAM These 'WeTe commanded by Edmu
Ellsworth and Daniel McArthur. Th
Nordt. I -E -ft Iowa City early in June, and, t
aXL P -m- though a few died on the way, in
Exeter ........ ... 10.16 6*04 of the people in the two compani
Hensall ........... 1020 6-18 arrived in Salt Lake City in good co
Kippen ........... - io.3r3 6" dition. We were late in starting. Tl
Brucefteld ......... 10.44 6-82, handcart.s, which we took along,
Clinton jet . ....... 10.58 6-46 carrY our food and bedding and oth
Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 52
Clinton, Lv . ...... 6- supplies, could not he made fast e
11.16 6-52 cugh. There was one handcart
V14-+-- T.+ 11 �
Londesborough ....
I Bly-th .............
; Belgrave .... �.....
�, Winghain Jet, Ar...
� W-ingham Jet, Lv..
. Sout1l.
Wingham ...... I... 6.50
Winghain Jet . .....
Belgrave ..........
Blyth .............
Loudesborough ....
Clinton Jet . .......
Clinton ...........
Clinton Jet, ........
Brucefield .........
Kippen ...........
Hensall ...........
7,12 —
p.m. 1
8.15 1 1
8.32 () -
S." -
3.62 .
4.13 The one
4-82 v
L40 . beost way'
5.05 Each * Year there are
more people you can sell.
The finest kind of intro-
dUction to these new
p.m. comers is to call them up
6.00 2-20 On Lne telephone - by
I flolmesville ....... 6.17 2.87 LOCal or Long Distance
Clinton ............ 6,25 2.52 as the case may require.
Seaforth .......... 6.41 8.12 MaRY merchants always
St. Columban ...... 6.49 8.20
Dublin ............ 6.54 8.28 call up a Dew Customer
I WeffL by Long Distance before
S.M. P.m. p.m. -sending a salesman to
Dublin ...... iom 6.38 9X7 see him. Think how
SL Colurobtan. 10.42 5A4 . ... ni U c h difference it
. I '$Worth ...... 10.53 5.63 9.50 makes in the kind of re-
� Clinton ...... 1LIG 6.08 10-04 Ception t h e sales
. Rohneavillet . . n-20 7.08 10.1S gets I man
I "erich . - - , - 11-40 7.20 10.zo
I . � . I
� 1 All around YOU, in outly-
11 I C. P. R. TIMA TABLB . ing towns, are custolln-
. . I ZaSL erg who will be as glad -
, I
i ... � . .. 510 to have You call thern by
�, . " .
., I ............ 6.55
1, . � � will be
.� .. ............. 644 to sell them. pon't over -
" ", ......... 1.6 6.1 t.
�� � look the
. .1 one
...�,� 6M . UbSt way of
,��.% .,., I I ....O....... 6A#
,�,.'44�: , .
!�`r,�11,',-J:: ,,,, �� :::::::, . ....... Ca their flriendship-- the
0 ...... 18."
� �1'1 � , 7 W"t telephone.
�,.,.�,,' � .
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� �. . 1P I 41 -,I
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� � I Ouftal". - I saw sev6j", � , ,1 low.. "I'll
: ra Young 1p*ts. - We did -noo *J;
. -
� � 04'Vo 10 a City untiI July 1's,
a , 66 A�,�
I )PP, a ' '
I , 4 `* James G. Withe hail -1
� � gollo on two weel.w ahead of us! 11%�� � � I I I 1 4".�4&1.111� 1 .�
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JOUrR9175 from XOW,a CitylWaS . I., . -J I ", .
t"'! '141" qg;*,"��.�,,'� , P ,i�f -,11 � I �*7 �:.i�
a', ' ` '
,o �wplve weoh§,,, � , � " I b6alti i�4'ojaihl-11� "-y�.�'...i-w-,-,�,�,q,,".,�4,,I�',�'..I 1'�',, .. ...
8 supp-Q§@ . . 4 ' ` i�'4 . 1 "I'll" �.. "I 1 � ! . I � , , , ,,, 1. . I
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, � , ,,:,, I � . . , I . . � -
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to take fro: ten t we �� I ,� vsj-�.,� - - � -., - .. . .. ... 1'� lfk �� , "I" I 11., .
, ,
$ � dan&r` 11 ards, Allm"I V41M ; .-R; " � 11 . �
I 414t wo were �: �Y*rq§', gp,w T.,q;7, � 111"
� A "., %% I I #1
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in , %
I wem We 5 " " t
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ormm on t'h& volo� . � � I , . ;_1 I
lobblent 4 , ".
of 646ing caught in earlv st I bl4uia i>f� mr,06r*., 41 q te , .,:"";��';
L I " � i '." , mffft;
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R. 1� W4.41. ".., 1. - I �Fp . ; ��imr;,IAIRIIII 9FIR, 4-4 I �
-ft --- -In , -9 i i, � 7 411", T Ji * �� a � -
�,"� ., " :;;j, . .
plains, hut ii,thing could dampen tat2, . �7 I � F I 11 . , '. W.W. " I 'i , ''I M 0, P ,:.�,.Iqa . I ,'' ,. .
I ,�� , , � . 11! ..
Ed- - It W= voted not to camp in"lowa, - � . � He 4 - I V �,W 40 �0� I �, "I'll,., I . kll, �", .,��. .
"A", 0 ,
the enthusiasm of the handes, . I z. , � I . I ,
: owl -is mairixy...7," oi&
ieS ,_ ` '� 0 1;,!p I
" ag.qtion 1 ` , " � � , , . . �, ,
Of , ; ',L, % ork , IL -` i4`44, ,� � , � I I ,
�i . I . M-,04 - I �,� r4 .'� �1 .r" ��. . 111� .9, 1, � A
for the winter and we pushed ahea1" , _ , �,,�,, Which L Y40W , , . 11, I �111, ,�� I
-- - V--- - — :=1 I I : -%
uld . PUo . I � �. rr � 1: 'Ii -
. 9;�Jer'L�T '.�'�." I 1. , � ". �: �,�, �.��r�,�"-t,r
On the route through Iowa, the set- == 1*�, 11 I , .,?��, �p��, , �:,! , , � : : 'QI'4-!,��'.� -') i ,:, I , . .�,, ., K".1, . 11 ,�,.:
. . 1.� I 11 . I... ' I 1 7 ., K".
ime �. � . - I _ tot � . :: , . - 2, , mll
- 1, 1, , : � 1� , , �
, �7', 1 ! reared should -a ,�,,p ,i', "I "....
, � ave Inao -1- I I � IL — - ... , I
� , pultjT " 11.1
rem tiers in that State treated the hand- "W"", . 1. ,,, , ... ,,� 11 \1
WN -1 , I , �, . ... n, , �,.';�"' -1 -1 I'll, - 7.'7-11- -- -.--- - ----
A � �, -;�!V'11','J��-Ijp�,j
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.1 - I " ')
, tp,on it for at Isasi oxte, ie , - ". -, , '� - - "'., . I . �4 -��',
ist cart Pioneers with the greatest Con- umm�4 the Privy Council and 'V . , - � I - 0,"', I . '! ,'A �, �1, � X�6�, ";'.
, .. - . . I "I".,, IAW`111M.�. ' ,
_ . ,h Ohould'tb<� soil 'have been fer,til ,�.��', '', . L.�;, 4� 11::,�.k, ,�,�., - Q.r , ,t1l" �. 111 "
, : .,.": ! L , " " ' " ,�' ' , - , ��, � 4
1. " . . "f% W, Omp. , I
sideration. They *ere given food and otber,not.ables. :�'ARVUAP,oex wArfa, �% t 16* [$,. .11"
gul u a � j'S, 0 , COW X OCR;, of, It
I ". $1 .
- , , '� ,. :, 4. � - ,
DOI shelter and were ured, to remain until Mio4vhy writes: "James infor'ra- with fowl ingnure It ShO I . a 19 .91.1 "', � , �� #4u up VVIAR, t j`� I e
,,I I �. . ��h, i , 4, 10i. . ... ,
t planted to a grain ,crop a ,a . , we
a niorle Propitious time for th * ed the r m at ,he ,601" sl I'll, � �, , 1a V'U - ," "-
* I
- ,--- -1 . IV rot)AFI'10 2 . ".. I � 10 0,04-
.1 ... - I t .
iter t in Mo. year Or y(*T3 Intervenhig b& ,9W-M,M,..,4#g4.aIrA . ..� 1; "" t "' " .4 =� ,',* , "
ney, but all such proposals met with thought it necessary ., 49404ti 64 �, I A j,4 �J m4i"� "; "W", ii�W' i %
un- I tween, th& perio *tj L kfithIL'i %. . ".. 10 . , . ,vVp.,...-gWV ,,�d�,Ijg, .
. . �, �� ".
, tj�, used for rearing CV,9 W,546�:� - . a I, " : autog. �,,Qniq ing iarfeii etpo thUA9A -
The winter set in early and pr . '40*-
rty refusal, oo#`4 the (birth of his son. Thd' I ' 04, ,�, . _Audi
'?.I,. I - I",
qr, Rem r6al� f4rru condi tiqps W'' � " -7, � '�, ./
the handeart companies were soon be of� bad men had poisoned ' the fow'- Vnd "I � ,�,i6,:, � "I '. ,,, I 11
- arts .- , "'A , �Awx , i "'. - � '33 , -, ,
I I 1. ",,, ,., I'll . . . . . . . . . ". I �11 I f , 7f: ,
450 when %'e , ,. � o , '. , I ,j491M ., , , � . . I -1
,Ck hav I . , � , , ; , . . ., �
, q in*tinal '. 11 .,
public Irilinci to such an extent that � , +11 " 1 �,01. �
set by storms. *=Aa, *;Xr, 211WW �
few I , .%. r , "I ' �00 , , : .'N'r I 0 V �
f worrA.% and the ,J4;iA,surro.M4j,#,X flio t Itt, waa� �� 1. ow, 1"04 44 14 0A f �44, and 4�-
farm ' ., . i4d,n - ,
Streams too vehement to be frozen very Imarty believed the Prince o: 4V,�tid�V
one . , ;0 � thoxe are pages more, -it Y01%4ii4�'tq
buildingis - JXits � . I I 1 05, tAotlwaa -
had t9 be forded in zero weather. The Wales to be a supposititious ' child. it is, ponse4u6Y.ffly b4e- est' iAat04sb:,9,fany citk of 1 " 11.
nee , But Pr ". come polluted, h6st to'biood S. tAk4b the *ouble to 104* �he,14- upi .
ovidence had graciously or- *0 Meanwhile 4�s X&Wwestern States, merely �
the handearts gave much trouble. The , to ask' you, :* quest-,
- .10 '-
t ot .,
slended supply of bacon was used to deTed things so that scarcely any chicks indoors and rear them on lind which, atcoraling, - 'to. Mr. Nicho , -'
Ous grease the axles, and in order to light- Princ the world entirely separated from t1re existing felt 'the life' . ,. . . Isom, "What must we. do with Out
stock. . . glvn�g ;mPulse Of Pro- Sons'.&'! ., Personally, V,have wondered
on- en loads much bedding and extra in the presence of so many -witnesses. I tection, increas,e
, ,,a in POPUlatloh in the 'often if Parlia-mArit,eOuld dev�se ma -
en clothing had been thrown away Which Those 'J�-Itnesses then appeared and a- ten years gK,811. L This iriclUdes. chinery for the coi;epdon-of obvious
" North Dakota,'Soui�h !),�k and More, mis ' ' '
lies before -the journey was completed gave their evidence. After all the WOULD WAKE UP TIRED 04 . � 11 . -$tatem0I#S of facts. If rn�n weke
4 � '
and would have been,worth its ,eight in deposOloos had been 'taken, James, . — . tana. _ Our three prairie provinces in- rehlly 'ailxjO , US to'get 4t the truoi. ,-
had gold. Deaths became numerous. with gteat solemnity, declared that Stomach Out of Order and System creased 627,961. So much for that they. -would .be t�illing to stand for �W,
uc- There were no shovels, and shallow the ini,butation thrown oil him. was Run Down. section of Mx. Nicholson's story;� that. 11i6a again, it mjght"�6 po's-
ean holes were scooped in the frozen uttej.r)$� -false and that he would ' Other parts of his argument may sible for party leaders to convey to .
earth with pans and knives. Later on ratheI�-' die a thousand deaths than ,A — be dismissed more lightly. -On page members of the -party the hint that
cu- I I suffered from stomach trouble 2864, column 2, of Hansard, Mr. obvious falsifications would not be
T- t. the wolves dragged out the corpses wrong any of his children.
and devoured them. The Martin out- "All who were present appeared for -several years," says Mrs. Mary Nicholson says: I toleratbd. Still, I cannot ,see that
and . I i Crouse, of Nineveh, N. S. "I would
OUS fit was passed by two Mormon mis- to be satisfied. The evidence was in- "Why one industrial'city the size artificial restraints . Audh as these
M. sionaries travelling to Salt Lake City stantly. published and was allowed have severe pain after eating, and as of Hamilton consumes more beef Cat- would be of value. Aere is only one
at in a light wagon, and when they hy judicial and impartial persons to a result I ate sparsely, and so ran tle in a single year than the whole sovereign remedy for the ills caused
ace reached their destination a relief ex- be decisive. But the judicio�s are down in general health. I grew pale Dominion exported lait year, and that by our Nicholsoni-intelligence in the 4. �
pedition was fitted out an4 sent back. always, 4 minority; and scarcely any_ and weak, was easily tired, and is the greatest exporting year we constituency which will not tolerate
Y- It came upon the handcart brigade body'%,'W�s then impartial. The whole would wake up in the morning as ever had." -
ng- .
nation w tired, as when I went to bed. .1 such men in parliament and possibly
late in October when it seemed that -as convinced that all sincere Then In 1925 we exported 175,578 head a high moral sense in the. House
ere nerves 'began to give out, of cattle one year,old and over, and where the common sense and decency
rk- the tents had been raised for the last Papists thought it a duty to perjure my and
rho time and that there was themselves whenever they could by my sleep easily disturbed. Naturally 42,606 ,head, one year old or less. I of the members will smother such
the immig-rants to do b nothing for perjury serve the interests of their I was being 'treated for the trouble don't kno,w how much beef -a Harn- individuals if they do surVive the �lec-
the ut sit down but it did not help me; indeed I
and wait for death. But even, with church. Wen who, having been Pro- . was ilton man can eat, but the average tion. -
the the supplies brought by the rescue testants, had for the sake of Were growing worse and could not walk to consumption. in Canada and the But the Conservative Leader made 40
use party there was -barely enough food pretended to be converted to popery, the neare§t neighbor's without stop- United States is around 60 pounds no attempt to check the wild outburst. .1
an to last Martin's commando until it were, if possible, less trustworthy ping to rest. It was at this stage per capita. Hamilton has a popula'- Indeed, -be watched with rapt attexi-
as that, as the result of an advertise- tio,n of somewhere near 120,000, so tion. 'He took off his
nd reached the end 'of the journey in than sincere Papists.
ned his dark eyes on the speak- .
Itil December. "The,people asked, as they had ment I read, that I decided to try Dr. if we leave the animals one year old faste . glasses and
avkea,fioin the first, why, if -all was Williams' Pink Pills, I had taken and unidei and turn Hamilton loose er and an occasional Hear! H . earl en-
be- riglit,: the King, knowing, as he the pills for several weeks before I on the remaining '175,000 head, the couraged the morbid exhibit of ignor-
nd . .41111. knew, that many doubted the reality could notice any improvement in my good city witl take a cut of on-ly ance. There was no effort to restrain
of of big w1fe18 pregnancy, had not tak- candition, then I seemed to have a about 40 pounds out of each of t�errl. the unparalleled exhibition.
lis better app?
ed Is Your Child en care that the birth should be ,tite, tand -less difficulty af- What dreadful nonsense our Nichol- But it may be asked what harm
more fully proved. Was there no- ter eating, and this encouraged me son's talk. But that is not all. Note does a "n like Nicholson do? Not
led Thin and Weak? thin&- su . spicious in the false reckon- to continue taking the pills until I the last sentence, . "that is the great- much, perhaps, if he were alone, but -
ir- in& in the sudden change of a -bode had used a dozen boxes, by which est. exporting year we ever had." In there are many such -he is only a
red ' time I could eat a hearty m6al �nd
Cod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated in the absence of Princess Anne and enjoy it. My general health had 1920 when the American market was type. No doubt that speech of his
at Tablets Puts On Flesh and Milds of the Archbishop of Canterbury? open, we sold 515,525 heads. Instead printed in Hansard, will be scattered
Why was not the Dutch Ambassador felt I was of last year showing the highest re- right and left in that constituency.
�ah Them Up. - again a well woman. I have not cord, it is. lower than 1920 or any Young men read it. The� grow up 4
eir sumnioned? Why, above all, were �
6 not the Hydes, loyal ,servants of the since had 'any return of the trouble, year since. Still some constituencies with the idea in their minds that Care-
-ts. In just a few days -quicker than Crow.h., faithful sons and feel that I can with confidence continge to send their Nicholson's to ada dead- ey grow up wi
ins you ever dreamt of -these wonderful of the church recommend Dr. Williams, Pink Pills Parliament! is th th the
and natural guardians of the in- fixed purpose of going to the States
lk- health building, flesh creating tablets terests ,of their nieces suffered to to other weak and ailing people." That speech' stretches across 18 as soon as they get old enough.
he called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract wing14 with the crowa of Papists For indigestion, or any of the num- pages of Hansard. Almost without We a I recall the story of the boy - I
in, Tablets will start to help any thin, whip erous troubles I
,h was assembled? Why, in short due to thin, watery exception, each page contains state- who ran away to sea. His mother was
blood, Dr. Williams, Pink Pills are mentis as grotesque as those to which lamenting the fact to friends and said
.w- underweight little tone. was -there, in the long list of assist- strongly recommended. Sold by all I referred. i ea
TC After sickness and where rickets ants, not a fiingle .name which com- I do not propose to fGl- she could not see how be got that d
In are suspected they are especially val- mended public confidence ,and re- medicine dealers, or will be sent by low him much further -an illustra- for he had never been near the water
on uable. spect?yr mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. tion like that will suffice. He said: in his life. Bu
by Most opeople know that from the ,When King Edward VII was born Williams, Medicine Co., Brockville, ,"We have practically closed So per the t right on the wall of
en livers of the lowly codfish vitarnines Ont. . i living room was a picture of a
there were official witnesses, includ- cent. of the woollen industry of ths clipper ship and its sails were awal- --
,I- of the first class are extracted -the itig-Sir -Robert Peel arfd the Duke -.1111— country." (Page 2862, Hansard). ling to the breeze. That boy had
men, women and children. The wer is that we are importing grown up with that ship. He had
es kind that help all feeble underweight of W,ellington. A few minutes -after WHAT MUST BE DONE WITH OUR an$
a the event the Archbishop of Canter- less woollens to -day than we did in in imagination,
ds, Try these wonderful tablets for so NICHOI,SONST walked the decker, be
bury .,hurried in. There were also 1913. So if the industry has closed had climbeil the rigging, he bad sailed
at days and if your frail, puny child don' t (Written for The Expositor by R. J. it has
re greatly benefit -get your in witnesses when the present Prince 'lot been killed by ikiports. Of from the tropics to the pale aqd sip
oney back- of Wa, .
he sea and
A very sickly child, Age 9, gained mainly because the health of his I have been watching Parliament has 80 per cent. of it closed-Niphol- he bec4me It WoOld be in- _
he ,Jei� ,capie upon the scene, Daechman.) course the industry has not Closed nor that picture drew him to t
ur 12 pounds in 7 months. I '
I P father was delicate at the time and now for three months and I want io son is running a political tempera teresting to know how many peo 0 -
d_ Ask any druggist for McCoys Cod - -
Liver Extract Tablets --as eiksy to it seemed that the newcomer might tell you what in my humble opinion ture. That is all. On the same page have been driven Out of Canada 'y
ny V .e-
d- take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 Cents. soon he heir apparent. The present is the strangest thing of all thp he gives the following items as im- Nicholson, Manion, Meighen & Co.
m � Lord Asquith was in attendance on strange things that have -Dassed be- ported manufactured goods that we Hansard is full of this tale of woe.
r. ---.O-- that occasion. Never in England was fore my eyes. It can be stated in one could produce: They depreciate this country --they
a royal accouchment attended by word -Nicholson! Now, who in crea- Vehicles ............ $318,416,906 demean our National life, they fill
nd OFFICIAL WITNESSES FOR such riotous and unseemly demon- tion is Nicholson, and -what makes. Freight autos .......
ey 1,693,369 the minds of youth with
hirn so strange? Nicholson is G. B. Passenger autos ..... 12,855,840 ance of inferiority, Our achievements I
strations as used to be customary in ,an inherit- *
I- ROYAL BABIES France. When Queen Miari, A,- Nicholson; -he is the member for Al- Auto parts .......... 20,690,999 have been amazing, Our Progress dur-
st toin-ette, sprouse of Louis XVI East. Of all thet gentlemen Do we import these items to the ing the last three years dwarfis into -
es W -hen the Duchess of York was de- I gave goma
livered of a child the other day a cur- birth to a daughter tl;le very hed- whr, have stood up to address Mr. values indieated7 No. Our total insignificance that of any other coun-
n e ious and ancient custom was obsen,_ room was jammed With sightseers. Speaker, no one has s,i,,,ed,d in import of vehicles last year (year try in the world. But the sad tale
ed, namely, the attendance of an of- Sorne of ittern were duly accredited making a speech more false in fact ending March 31st, 1925), and this of these disgruntled Politicians dark- 6\
er ficial eye witness. No doubt the at �;Uch a'; Princes ,of the blood an� and inference than the Honorable includes autos, freight and passenger ens the slam. There must be and
n- tendance was a mere formality, and high st,tte officials, but others thrust Gentleman from East Algoma. auto parts, bicycles and railway cars there is a way to discuss political
we have no doubt that Sir W1 thevlves for*'Ard until the royal, This subject is important. Nichol- was only $25,769,661. Mr. Nicholson issues without slandering the country;
to illiarn , chanibcr looked like a place of p,l, I son from the wilds of Algoma is simply counts things twice, just as surely some statesman can show as
Joymon-Hicks, Home Secretary, did r lic aniusernent, Two Savoyards in nothing to you or to me. The fact YOU �might say of your
not make hims,elf conspicuous, but neighbors: the way.
- probably smoked in another part of � order t�) get a better view climbed that a man can stand up in the House — . . C�E- I -
the house while the baby came into on th(� furniture. It became necessary and make unchallenged and uncor- I =
I the world. But he was present forifor ihr, guards to eject the crowd rected the most slanderous statements I
C the purpose of swearing th4 , forcihly when the royal physiciayi about this country -statements cap- -.,CTZA-F'r8A&EN I N KF-EPING 'MI --- -_- 7 -_w
Duchess really did give birth tothe� called out that if the queen did ,,� able of doing the greatest injury is NO$ NEW
a � - - -
S () rn e fresh air she would die. important -it calls for some remedy, � ��
baby and that no changeling was be-jg"t' N )."� .
ing foi-,ted upon the people of Eng- The Xing himself, according to a a remedy sure, certain and effective. §4 )
land. It would be beyond the powers chmnicler who was present, ripped I select his name to adorn this tale X ills
,)pc,n the windows and pushed back because he illustrates a type. it is fill -
of Sir William to swear that the 1�e rnf,h. When the Queen was con- the aolemn duty of the House of Com- - I
baby now being adored in the town
house of the Earl of Strathmore, fa- fin,d a �;econd time the custom .... mons to -eliminate its Nicliolsons no - -- - I
6her of the Duchess of York, is i altered to a more civilized procedur,. matter what their party name' or 0 � -3tz-7.21- - ;
n i label. Canada cannot afford to giv , �-- I
fact that baby that he saw there or is -0 e Shampooing" .;-.� -�-
supposed to have seen there on the these men shelter in its Legislative . . .
morning of April 21st. No stenqilor
other identifying mark is placed on Quick Relief for HRL'e'-t me illustrate the point. Speak- Rugs or - �
the new born baby, and if -a plot were 0 ing in the House on April 23rd, 1926 .00 *
formed to ring in another infant we %O "AAK (see Hansard, page 2863, column 2), Dyeing Portleres - . .
dare ,say that Sir William wovld not Rhotimatics Mr. G. B. Nicholson used these words:
be more helpful in the emergency "Why is it that while the two cities - Langley's in Toronto -Canada's most out- .
. of Minneapolis and St. Paul have been cessful cleaning and dyeing plant -is as
than be bas proved in others. But Local Druggists Sell Rheuma on adding a million to their population Lanirle.vii now ,1 handy as your mailbox if you want your
the law was complied with. A baby Money -Back Plan and furnishing a market for the peo- ahip dremles and I
that has a chance, however rem-ote, sults In a RLvs or Carpet"hampooed.
ple in the Northern and Northwest- new patented Curtains --Cleaned and Fiame&
of ascending to the British throne has r from torturing-rheu- ern States, the cities of Winn' container that I
been Officially recognized by the rep- ipeg, retaw the fresh Portie,res--Dyed or Cleaned. I
Tnatic paing,' swollen, twisted joints, Brandon, Moose Jaw, Regina, Saska- finish without Blankets ---Cleaned -and made Fluffy.
resentative of the nation. and suffer intensely because your sys- toon, Prince Albert, Eldmonton and cr"aing. Eiderdowns --Cleaned and Mothproofed.
Thus was observed a very ancient tem is full"of Uric acid, that danger- Calgary have added less than Dresses -and Suits --Cleaned, Dyed, .
and indeed archaic custom, but like ous poison that makes thousands 100,000." . . . Altered or Repaired.
others it had its origin in common helpless and kills thousands years be- He then goes on to attribute this �� Thousands of homes in all parts of Ontario
sense, however ridiculous it may ap- fore their time, then you need Rheuma marvelous increase in the United - , are using Langley eraftgman�hip for' keen- I
pear to -day. There was a time when and need it no*, - 'States to the Policy of protection. I things ne We ave in 31r. X �
it made, a tremendous difference to Start taking it to -day. Rheuma The last census of Canada was in I W. h W�
the pe . ople I . Pogntaine the ni --t expert, dye�'Jn Canada,
who happened to be acts at onebon I�dn#ys, liver, stomach 1921. The American census -,was tak- . . . Our plant is ti- best- eqWpped ,in, the .
king or queen and who happened to And blood, and'you can sincere)g ex- en in 1920. The American census Dominion. Our reputation and our success
be in the line of succession. To -day claim: "Go6driddande to bad 'rub- figures give the population of these are your assurance that work -Fill be -done . I
the question is of relative unimport- bish." :". two cities as follaws:� . � well and with every, care', YoIi c4g�safel
ance save a few persons. It was a Many pebple, thb'modt skeptical of Minneapolis 301,408 380,582 79.174 � entrust to us the most precious 4rtf&es* �-
it this city and in the St. Paul... 214,744 234,698 19.954 1 most delicate of mate'rials. - ., - . , I
burning one when the religious �Orem skeptics rig;ht: i .
1- I .
were blazing, notably iii the reign country he)!,d&bduts, bless the day WePayRefttt-st A * I * .11 Che � Wge# .
of James If. By 'his first wife James -ben C. AbOUrt and other good Total . . . 6,1 280 9128 - . and charge oift ippling .
',Stuart 'bad two darighte,rs, both druggists o&&jdJkfId -- - 51 5�9 615, 9 .
I umn'to the af- There are the facts, verify them if - I . otfr To-ronto'1rl0'qs. Simply
. La y an,i
Protestants. Then he married flicted at g g It 1�ncd and ./ send your parcel to Mr. ". ale
again MW � you care to do so. The Twin Cities I
� guaran-
his subjects by choosing a ave increased their popula- and what you want -done., Hell give your I I
and greatly agitated and outraged teed money r6ftinded if not satisfied. Could not h 1P write a letter sitying -what you Ve 'SeAt
Roman If You have t'heumutisrn get a bottle tion because their combined popula- order his,persoli4l Sup *1 I
Catholic. In due time she gave birth of Rheunifi'to-dii�, - tion is only 619,280. The increase I 1�� I'll � ervimon. .
to a sap, and according to law this . 01. I during the Census Tprim for - I � -I I -
. period *as less bookl?t I
son was heir to the throne. Immed- I than 10 0a. deqcAbipp tU I I , : , � 1.� . I to
fately �there arose whispers wbioh I 014 vianu th1#0 I
,.Je specific HYG � we can dea* :: ... ,,, .. .
grew until they became IEXlb OIL- CONDmoNs Now for the next step. St. Paul ,; 11 I
r E" 1 , alld MInmeapolis are much older cit. tw dye; 4" q,11 11 I.. I
-charge, believed by a ESS av IN POVLTRY Ovinor priala 1. I 11 I -1P 0
People, that illiolis of ,0#A,91XG leethan wkinlpeg. Population, 4dde M I WOO.- � ..� 1�1 - -v I
the - Roman Catholic �, 1, : ,4� . � I.. .� I .. �;,., , , "
- POP't'at"671- ' VkAllge 1ir$8 ttj6 tL fse- I .;t �, . I � �11 D ..'r.,� ., .
I .
� .
. 1, X �� r , " �., I I I'll
, , ,
King and the Romati oatholic Hygiene "" Oat"t "'i �, , Ikk � � , I I ;1 , I .
s r 1:0 J*is"* not OUTY tor ih I'Adf-OW(d bf -Population a city 0 -1P "< 11 . . - i,'�, I ,
' '
,Queen has, conspired.. t4 get a includes cojlgj�dWA#Wc;'�bf th' Vatioift of 30,1060 adds Inov6 to i ' . � .1 � .... I ,, ��.� . " *Z - . 1. . � v
Romlan Catholic on the throbe of needs of tlje`� ,,�;�&T, t8 Popula- , .. -1. v A`� � 11 1(
N , ,&�,h '4 'i, �& elo. tiort in it y6for Ithalt A . ':. �170�016y,,`�, 1 , �� � � I , . � I �, � I?, 1. 11 I" I I "I
-queen ments ligh && but ihuAt at Winnipeg�et population in I - " . "
tingland, and that it fact fhe dity of 100,000, " �, , - , ''�,� , 1.� . ",:, ",
. ":, ",
. ":, ", 11
. ":, ", � . !�,'.- .
�4�% -.1 � . I 1�,"!
W�l , I � I - � , . I
had not given bir�4 to a son. The " 910 was - � ,�, 91 Jef" Ph . I . . .
%� J(b4 � � ,
11 ,
MI C 4-ifii )fhe -411YA1,11a;. 136,,03&,, in jogo i � was 179,687 an , ., I I . . I I ... .1 . ... �4:1, , � . 60 . ...... � ,1111 I . I ,. "�
87, ion 4ulte dispelled tion of tbOSbi�ft7n##.6f'An lind ' bl' - UL '40,V94 Ine U Merl States , ; .. - , �)�,, " -A� I .1 ,
ando= ne#igr -. , I , , ill- I�A K
- 0 *bad efght ,cities 240 4&"L ' - 1. . I
rila. — -,. . I , I � - ,- ". -
, y , 1 ,pohl 0-A P 1, , � I
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fbe. downfall , 'a " - � with POD . Heelitil. office .. q ;
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