The Huron Expositor, 1925-08-21, Page 4,-•
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car loads eig trlleifig :•••.•neeeee.,a thineestle,y Gv '•tht• •
OnktQn vbited at VP5-, 1!,041`. pli4renji "01).
and 'W1/0, :041-14°.' ••••''''' • "
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A large number liefhh,h, the rn teelfiii'4441"fb;114 0441- .QC hlee*entir.B•Pkrtsceal" 4,111"'Or?•••etnitA
Mr. andllaira. F. arnala- 'erkeineaf,,eanniall.tenni
ree:e, )antik
the Steten, epent Very .4 ,reci: AfkiPlOgg. •
litiMe here on .FaiOlaY las% it • even1zt"'"•-•ii Tpi. 311We eve 'land 44.4 oft .060,.70110,K.,04A",•
Alifte a D'uw'ber 4744647$ alat zu.iielIPANAZ
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"ruing' #iet
tad ehneeler;
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elivered a4aent
wa. ,,
b,. Ouuttr,
tura and:. taikAgt
enhancedabilat •
•andid manger,
00iiit miss .141.4.
'O; who is litoMee ra
, e vioiting hereeealle san•ala theee In wareeend OW iiti tell $4))44 a
Union lee 4 eneellean on nelleee," trAt win reqUAW. OniSincaPt&On ,e,400,• ..A#
will Ukeliy Nay oif fne' the ohanvion, •"'irlx'a sigt,Of #titaitM 4oa hit90 41 :..,
even chureh pieeecke&. at Springnaiale West, which OelkO#Mla ante la ' 014:iir Tali, '„, r Oterer
Ikea on Tueaday afternoon last enielete4te athe,fareily visiting'
Conducted by Mr.. Oscar Klapp, was
lemely attended And pretty fair Pie -
.,e4 realised fer the furniture, which
was of fine quality and fine finish.
ter of lar. and liar&
;.TOrolato, are spending their atoll-
/ at the home of their uncle and
nte. Mx. and Mee, H. Keerahaw.-
,\ everal of our young men intend tak-
! in the harvest excursion. -'With
0.e Food weather the farmers in this
'Seam have got their oats safely in
fhe hare. and threshing is going on
ehip,--Last Friday the Mereliera of elea°ta 4f4at4'4'.'
the Luther League of the kcal Leith- "44 int"444' ahOrtAY .04/3040444tAk ',So/
aelnen, areesall and *in/ ,
ndLitiOn • ha' this fine onlin ahOhete atteealn
equaelarealenaidie rendered oneagivenaHudaheneerae
-Rev. H. Bombe and Rawly have
left for Hamilton to epend loll -
days and no services ere being held
Notee.-Rev. J. BC Eckert, from
Hawthorne, N. Y., and Rev. Father
Rieert, from Brooklyn., N. Y., who
have been sejournirg amongst us, are
leaving this week to resume their
work in the missionary fields. -Mr.
and Mrs. Paul and family and Miss
Kate Eckert, from Detroit, who spent
the week end amongst us, have re-
turned to revalue their duties in the
former place. -Mr. J. M. Eckert and
Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert were vis -
atom in our burg this week.--liffiss
Agnes Eckert has accepted a position
as teacher in Wallaceburg. Messrs.
Tony Simon, Joe McLaughlin, and
William and Kenneth Kistner are
leaving this week for the West on the
Harvesters' Excursion.
in tat® Lutheran ehurch felt a ;few by Kinali. le Mureh, ef Torenta,; a 1
ley, preached in the Evangelical family hretlie'-haw of Rev. A. Kin4laie, teee aaa ale: Aa
Sundays. -Rev. Roy Geiger, of Pais- M. and Mrs. McLaughlin and
will be much miseed ae they have and thenfine playing of Mr, Fellow,in the Weat,Mi last Sunday evening and de- roved good residentse-Mr. and Mrs. of VtOttige,' who was the guest of Hadden and Ir and71Wis, I it ,
the service Miss Myrta Hoffnaan, of visited reattie-and NUHarvey, of Sea
S forthe 16-ealedaMre. Mark Drysdale, and who all of St. Catharineis, Were hereeduee,
livered a forceful sermon. Daring
Mits. H. Reid and daughter, is 4.11 'oiganist. i n one of the leading, ing the ' past week visiting relaaiye*,
London, rendered a fine solo. - Mr. Miss Minnie, last week, -The ladies chmelipe of that city, leftenothing, to 1 and friends in our village and nlfeo. (W-
and Mrs. C. H. Joy and son, Kenneth,of the United Church have erraviged
have left for a meter trip to the At- to hold a lawn social on the grounds
'antic. coast by the way of Boston. of Carmel Church on Monday eeening,
They will also visit Nova Scotia' and August 24th. A good programme of
New Brunswick beim* their return. music, songs and readinge, etc., is be-
-Mr. H. L. Albrecht, who recently ing prepare& The programme will
disposed of his stock of general hner- begin at eight delocit, after which re-
chandise to the two laced stores, has freehments will be served. Every-
Parehaaaa a eirailiax" atiaek in New body is welcome to come and enjoy a
Hamburg and is preparing to move fine social evening and there will, no
• a
to that town in the near future. -Mr. doubt, be a very large attendance. -
and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf, of Kitchener On the coming Sunday, the cervices
visited at the home of the latter's of the United Church will be held in
parents, Mr. and Airs. T. M. Johnson, the former Methodist church at 11
over Sunday. -The Merrier property am. and 7 p.m. in the evening, and
in the village was not sold at the the ser -vices will be conducted by the
auction sale. on Saturday as the bid Rev. A. Sinclair. On the following
received was not considered high en-
Sunday, August 30th, services, both
ough.-Mr. Henry Deichert, of New morning and evening, will be held in
Haven. Mich., visited relatives here Carmel church, at the usual hours.-
Motor Accident -The police are in-
vestigating the auto accident which
occurred early Sunday morning on
the Huron Road, about a mile from
Goderich. A small touring car own-
ed and driven by the two Curry boys,
of Clinton, with four other young
men, was returning to Clinton and
attempted to pass a horse and buggy
going in the same direction. They
either failed to see another car, own-
ed by John Sproule, approaching
them, or misjudged the speed, and
before either could slacken the two
cars met almost head on. The Clin-
ton car was spun around, it is re-
ported, three times before it turned
over. The only serious injury receiv-
ed was that of one of the Curry boys
who had his collar bone broken. His
brother, who was driving, had a cut
on the chin and a few other minor
injuries. The other occupants in the
car, as well as the driver of the other
car, escaped unhurt. The injuries
were attended to by Dr. Hunter and
the party went on to Clinton in other
ears. Both cars were practically
for a few days this week. -The new
telephone cable to the northerly Lim- Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Murch, of Toronto,
its of the village has been installed were visitonat the parsonage over
athe week end. -Mrs. Lorry and daugh-
nd when the old open wires are re -
ter, of Paris, accompanied by her
moved it should make a' great im-
provement to the streets, besides the , Mrs. (Rev.) Neil McPherson,
of Sprin,gfield, Mass., and Mrs. Jas.
McMillan, Liberal candidate for South McNaughton, of the Arnprior Collegi-
service should be better. -Mr. Thos.
Huron, was a visitor in the village ate staff, visited on Friday with their
on Monday evening. -Mr. Henry Ba- cousin, Mrs. James F. Sparks. -Mr.
dour has sold his fifty acre farm, be- W. J. Johnston, of St. Louis, Mo., is
ing part of lot 9 in the 1.5th conces- here visiting his relatives, Mrs. R.
siller, Hunt and sister, Miss M. Bell-, and
ion, Hay, to Mr. Ferdinand M
of near Dashwood. Possession will his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Buchanan, of
be given next November. -Mr. Ase- London, who is here on a visit with
relatives. Mr. Johnston has a host
farm near St. Joseph to Mr. Alfre of friends and acquaintances in this
Warning To the Farmers." --Goon the har-
vt will be peat for another year and from
DOW on we will be drawing nearer the fall
and winter months_ Look over your buggies,
cutters, sleighs, or any other farm implement,
some repairs might be needed. Now is the
time to have them looked after. A good line
of woodwork always on hand, such as spokes.
tongues, runners, shafts, crossbars and
whiflietrees : also plow shears for the follow-
ing makes of plows: Fleury. Verity, Cock -
shaft, Farmers' Friend, Oliver and Wilkinson.
Also agent for the Fleury. Verity and Wilkin-
son plows : wheelbarrows always in stock, also
De Laval rubbers, discs, oil and repairs. If
in need of anything a call will be appreciated
at "The Old Stand." W. L. Mania. 3010-3
WAVLS.-The regular meeting of
beetienered in the way of a rich -amen
cal tiliat, as M r. Fellow is certainlY
a professional at the pipe organ, -Mr.
end M. William White have return-,
ed frank three weeks' visit ;with-
nemeberi of their family in London
and, petet.—Mr. and ilars. Islornine.
Keday And Mies Lois, of Detroit, cal), ly contested from start to finish and
ed. so? fiienAla in the villege quite r- . had :the cuetOmarY nine innings been
CeirtIlre,--:Wss Grace C4#Prerattii4're- Played- it is aligt t! little bard to say,
turned..frema truce Beach, where_ she how the score might have stood, as.
spent ne fortnight camping with her "it did seemnwheri the name was de-
frieier 'Wee Lillian Rivers. -Mrs. W. clared closed by elm umpire, that there
N. tlendof the Bounda'y, aecom- weeldhave•been time and light enough
Phaniefielen Mrs. Wickwire, Miss A. for an inning or two More than were:
Const and Miss II. D. Sutherland, played..
rich Brisson has leased his 150 -acre
ity and at Kippen and district,
Meidinger for a term of five years. who look forward with much pleasure
Mr. and leIrs. Brisson will move into to his annual visits extending back
the house on the corner of the 14th for a very long term of years. -Mrs.
concession and Zurich road next T. Murdock and daughters and Mrs.
spring, when Mr. Meidinger moves William Lanamie and family arid Miss
on to the farm. Hunter, all of this village, together
with grandchildren of Mrs. Murdock,
enjoyed a fine picnic with their rela-
tives one day recently in the neigh -
Change in Half Holiday tor 1925. -Daring borhood of Exeter. There was a very
June, July and August. Renal:Ill stores wbe
closed Wednesday afternoons. Stores be large gathering and a good time re-
open Tuesday night instead of woenneay ported. -The Misses Viola and Flora
during these three months- 2894 -ti Higgins have been spending a few
Middle School Report. -The follow- days very pleasantly with relatives
ing report kindly furnished us by Miss and friends in Wingham and neigh -
J. V. Johnston, teacher of our Con- borhood.-Mr. and Aire. Gillette, of
tinuation School, will be read with Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
much interest by the pupils and their Blatchford, of Toronto, spent Friday
parents. The result of each candi- last with their cousin, Mrs. Charles
date's examination by papers is indi- L. Jinks. Both couples were on their
ca -ted as follows: lst, 75 to 100%; honeymoon trips. -The District Dep -
2nd, 66 to 74%; 3rd, 60 to 65%; and uty Grand Master for South Huron
C, 50 to 59%. Bona Blackwell, Br. District will be here on Friday evelt-
Hist., C.; Gretta Blackwell, Geom. C.; ing of this week to install the incom-
Nellie Boyle, Comp., C.; Aldythe
Eacrett, Alg. C, Geom. 2rd, Physics
2nd, Chem. C.; Lester Fisher, Alg. C,
Geom. 2nd, Chem. C.; Nora Follick,
Alg. C, Chem. C.; Evelyn Heffernan,
the W. M. S. was held at the home Lit. C, Br. Hist. 3rd, Alg. 2nd, Geom.
of Mrs. P. Fisher with a fair attend- C., Chem. C, Lat. Comp. 2nd; Herbert
ance. The meeting was opened by Horton, Comp. C.; Gladys Luker, Alg.
singing Psalm 38; Mrs. W. Fairburn C.; Ferne McLean, Chem. C.; Rosa
gave the Scripture reading; Mrs. J. Stone, Geom. C.; Alma Scruton, Lit.
B. McLean took the topic on "Trini- C. An. Hist., C, Alg. lst, Geom. 1st,
dad," assisted by 1Virs. W. Alexander. Physics 2nd, Chem. 2nd; William
The meeting was closed by repeating Simpson, Geom. C, Chem. 3rd; Floyd
the Lordls prayer. The September Smith, Alg. 1st, Geom. 2nd, Chem. C.;
meeting will be held at the home of Helen Smith, Br. Hist. ist, An. Hist.
Mrs. William Sinclair. 3rd, Geom. 1st; Olive Workman, Comp.
Notes. -Mrs. S. Jackson, of Toron- 3rd, Lit. 2nd, Anc. Hist. C, Alg. 3rd,
to, is spending a visit at the home of Physics C, Chem. C.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. McLean, of , Presbyterian Service. -The August
the London Road. Mrs. Jackson is a I meeting of the Presbyterian W. M. S.
sister of Mrs. McLean. -Miss Mable was held in the basement of St.
Johns, who has been visiting relatives Paul's church on Thursday. August
in Chicago, has returned to her home 13th, at 3 p.m. with Mrs. James Bell
here. -Mr. Robert McLean, teacher presiding, in the absence of the presi-
at North Bay, and who has been dent, 1VLrs. Arnold. Mrs. Workman
attending college at Guelph, is spend- gave the Bible reading and Mrs. Bell
ing a few days at the home of his the opening prayer. An interesting
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mc- account of the meeting of the Huron
Lean, of the London Road. - Mrs. Presbyterial held recently in Clinton
Gordon, to the west of our village,
-had the misfortune to lose a good
cow during the past week. -Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Johns, of- our village,
were in London during the past week.
-Mr. Robert Cooper, of the London
Road, accompanied by his two daugh-
ters, Grace and Doreen, and also his
sisters, Mrs. F. Upshall and Mrs.
Thomas Forsythe, of Tuckersmith,
motored to Peterboro during the past
week, where they will visit with rel-
atives. -Mrs. John Calvert and chil-
dren, of Ilderton, are spending a visit
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Bowey, of our village. -
Miss Rose McLean, of the London
Road, is spending her holidays at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Waliam Craw-
ford, of Ripley. -Quite a number at-
tended the sale of Mr. Walter Slater
of the town line, which was held on
Monday of this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
John Henderson, Of the London Road,
visited. at the home of the former's
parents in McKillop during the past
week. -With the few fine days of the
past week, mealy farmers in this vi-
cinity have finished harveating.-Mrs.
Peter Fisher, of Stanley, has sold her
100 -acre farm to Mr. Cliverles Switzer
of Exeter. Mr. Switzer gets posses-
sion onee. In the -meantime Mes.
li'lener has tact Juet decided where she
iotaten-Iltise Dorris Graham, of
Landon, is vielting at the home of Mr.
andellitin. 14. ivigot, a the town line.
-A friendly' want, af soft ball was
pleyed in Mr. Robert Cooper's field
thiThirelniait ef, last vseek, between
the" girls of laillegreen and ltippen,
the latter beitig vietoriom Vire.
of Nein 'York, was a visitor
•et.the loOme Ur. 1tt*S. Wflhfan
•Ittima, of telt duriog the peat
ack-etar. and Min. V7eRet oral
ktarr, of" tetiail'Iter4 Mee. tiehtek of
:64 ,Citk;' 3117* Olttit, of lkiorth,700,-
• .11gidti Potter, of
ARM, let Vte.,•litihe' Ur-.
Basebail inatch In -con
neetion with the League played on
our diamond:en-Thursday evening of
last "week • betiveen Zurich and - our
•home plater, l'eultael, in a scoxe • of
3,to 1, in faver'ef Zurich., The game
as the score iridicattes, Was yeryekeen
',that inateilh,lbvs
•erianaine 4
• . a nol• q••••'
fluf8' olid leatliOt PO11041' 'aS4Agi
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IL ,-,,Tak 44- 25
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• '•• '•••"'••••.(' • 4-r.leif..:••-
•'•• lei•;•?'
• s One. ne en.
ing officers of Hensall Lodge No. 223
I.O.O.F.-Quite a large number fret*
this district are planning to take in
the ha-rvesters' excursion, which is
billed for Friday, the 21st.-hirs. C.
L. Jinks and her sister, Mrs. Miller,
of Windsor, together with members
of Mrs. Millar's family, are camping
at Grand Bend. -Mr. and Mrs. G.
Laughton and children, of Toronto,
who were here visiting Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. 1VIcDonell, Mrs. Laughton's
parents, have returned to the city. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Young are visiting at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Duncan, of Harrington West, in the
interests of Mr. Young's health. -Miss
W. Cudmore, of Toronto, is here visit-
ing her parents. -Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of
St. George. (nee Miss Minnie Sheffer
of this village), was here during the
past week visiting her parents and
her mother in particular, who is and
has been so seriously ill, and her
rr.any friends were pleased to meet
her. -Mr. W. C. Davis spent the lat-
ter part of Test week at Grand Bend
with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. - The
was given by Mrs. Nicol. The roll rector of the A-nglican Church at Clin-
call was responded to with a verse of
Scripture, the text word being For-
ward. Mies Rena Hudson favored
with a piano selection, and Mrs.
Cameron gave some readings from
"Good Tiding's." Seven new members
were added at this meeting bringing
the total membership up to twenty-
eight. Rev. Mr. Graham, of Avonton,
occupied the pulpit in St. Paul's on
Sabbath afternoon last, preaching ac-
cepeably to a large Presbyterian con-
gregation. Next Sunday at 3 p.m.,
Rev. Mr. Foote, of Exeter, will preach
at the usual time, after wbich a re-
ception service will be held for all
those uniting with his congregation.
Sabbath school will be held at 2 p,m.
as usual.
Fines-Whitesides.-06 Saturday af-
ternoon last Miss Hattie Whitesides,
now of Goderich, but until very re-
cently one of our popular Heiman
girls, was matted in marriage at the
Parsonage to Mr. Edmond A. Fines,
high school teacher, of Clinton. The
marriage wee verr quietly ce4ebrated,
only the pimento Of the beide, High
Chief A. Whitesides and Aire. White-
sklen and their two daughters being
present. The bride was most becom-
ingly attired and looked Chan -rang.
She will be missed by a veer large
circle of heiregirl friends who only
very recently vivo her a fine mis-
cellaneetre shower at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Hudson, of this vil-
lage, and not only by her girl friends
but by many °there with Valeta she here on Monday last totrisit relatives
was quite a favorite and in the Toting in Goderith, lantern and 13rossele...-
People's Societies she took a de* in- Mrs. Rebinson and her &tighten, Mat
terest and leading art, in the entee of ltoblosoo, Who bane been vieltine et
giving readings and songs. After the the home of litre; llohltismree deogh4,
marriage eeremoty, which was per. ter; ilitrs, bines geogster, tet<ehd
formed by Itdv A inelair, at whose torah* totheir home lit ileglo&oeit
ehereh the lnide attended, the benne the end of Oda week. flit 0 Agar
couple left for rovettended Matte 'tviri otiot. he :viol :Week oedettlYs
followed by the good wiehet of a hort. 'Meade in *e
of triode lie her .fble':5101#t ttiod tt.itt# 0'0
• ,.- • .•,.
• '
ton is supplying the pulpit of St.
Paul's church here every -evening,
while Rev. Mr. Naylor, the rector, is
enjoying a month or so holidays, and
is delivering very able discourses.-
Mrs. Robert McArthur has- been
spending the past week or so at Grand
Bend in the interests of her health
and is benefitting by the change.-
Miss Flossie Foes, who has been in
Toronto with her relatives, Dr. and
Mrs. William Graham, is home on a
visit -Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas have
been visited by relatives at their cot-
tage at Grand Bend. -An executive
meeting of the South Hurori Censerea-
tive Convention Was held in or vil-
lage on Friday evening last, to set a
date for a convention to nominate a
candidate for South Huron in the
coining Federal election. The meet-
ing was quite largely attended, but
the executive feeling that there was
a doubt of an election being held this
fall, it was thought better by the
exemxtive net to name -a date for the
calling of a convention at the present
time. -Reeve Geiger eras an London
on Tuesdety last attending the fun-
eral of the late Sir Adam Beet from
that city to 101211411Xseri, *text the re-
mains of Lady Beck were toterred
few are ago. -Our hall holi-
days closes with the end of this
month for the present year. ee Mrs.
John Elder, accompanied by her tit-
ter, Mrs. Mr.) Sent& Swink, of To-
rente, who is here on visit, left
Interkor of this magnificent store situated at 87 Ontario Street, Stratford. owned and occupied by the pxoprie-
tor, P. ikelly, for the past twenty-five years. It is claimed this store is the best equipped Clothing Store in
Western Canada. This Store is conducting a
aig Stock Reducing Sale, opened -last week,
and will continue till the end of August.
This Sale is called The -Bank -Wants -Its -Money Sale. •
Everything in the store Heavily Reduced,
25 t� 50 per cent off regular prices.
60',000.00 stock to be reduced,, thousands of dollars in a huiry.
•• • ,
j...y,124e/iLf \ U't..t
ernele„.eeeneee eneeene.,