The Huron Expositor, 1925-04-24, Page 8- ........ -
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0•Ugg9§43.1 1040. Siaa 47.4 Z01.4044. vie lie .
taw 10610the age. Binee that "tW4 rok,
Robilation hag been •hopring CentralWallpapr
arid Hantern, Ca-rooda In so=PalaY With e s .
Dr, E. D. Gordan, thke Well - knOvnia,0
aUthor of the Quiet Telles SKIM, and
veil' eanne freela fora Use inspiration •
of that wonderful aeries of meetinge.. ,e_I 44.k
Miss C. B. Grunerts whese Mask both rake: # ii. 0 anY rhe
Will ykt,y,,-
vocal and instrumental,. delighted ao heechejeg . PAPER- h
many will aecorojeany Di. Robinson. 4N" • 0,: ate we had
oe iceed a nin May 4tb D goo 4 4i..• io Choose ,f
r naked down
Rebins-o; awi'llapVeresengi Dr Van "nd. 'Illri„ ,,
, tif I t mg% 'Other • ihN7 as 'PI 'SliVe are particbe a
Dykes be u s war, "The - it las, f'inn.: ';: BED BOCK.. '•
Wise Man," accompanied by a eeries es ee-P elms
of he utifuller colored slides. This rthP•r4RP- -tb‘ h an.
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, ,Ivarit List and phone li
OW (orders. •
4,18eVITSi reg' I's? _.ceran'
,, • annereon, Ginger, vamna
, .0400alt' and GM. Wafers.
' t , TM gas, .1 pkgs. for 2fic
per pelage ....Uic
*AIM Ing ADAP, 8 bars for 25c
-%. STO4P__4 bars for 25e
BATH SOA.P, 4 bars for 25c
RY SOAPS, 10 bars for 58c
$ for $1.3.5
At a meeting, held, in Remelt on
April 15th, of the Exaseutive of the
South Harota Liberal Associatien, as
constituted fon Federal' purposes, it
decided to call a nensinating con-
yention .of South Iiincon Liberale at
=sail, on Wednesday, May 2/th
1925, at 1.30 p.m, for the purpose of
selecting a candidate to contest South
liuron in the Liberal interests at the
approaching Federal election. A fur-
theta intimation will be made later.
should De an attraction that none
w. 0 ... . .
n can posology oe present, sb.ould
miss There is no deubt that over-
flowing audiences will greet Dr. Rob- OQE...S.
inson and II/flos Gruner% both Sunday
void Monday. . . SuIbsoxil9t1,94*I;,..
tions at
1 '.
T.O.. .- SR4201:-
. •'.. . ,- ' '
150.A for all 91.104.11034
pabliahtlea prices:
:Aro b414 Scott, 4. XfacTal,pith, ',I; a.
1W .... 'And'ir, Stan §:earth.... lgrit.....Age,„
who4n- maulen name WWI ISreke0.
elideraen" WO -the widow of -treon-
' tf 110ralil 10 Whelp She was mar '
' i.,.,060. 'Isii , - - - - ,•th • i . 4.
• .'•:"% ,.. - .we.- P. ir
Allge r',.01- tae. !ate riar, .alia,
Postal Informatione-eostmasters
are informed that a communication
has been received from the United
States postal authorities advising
that with a view to meeting the cost
of the service, the rate on.parrel post
passing between the Uxuted States
and Canada will, from the 'first of
May, be 14 cents a potind.
On giggiorsot,.'alW.:04.0. ttdilt in
Eigmondville Y. P. S. On Tuesday
e_vening of this zeek itlietbY.. P. S. C.
E. of Egmo In e be d eir re ar
weekly meeting with the newly elect -
ed President, Miss Rena Simpson, in
the chair. After devotional exercis-
as consisting of singing, prayer and
Scripture reading, the topic entitled,
"Yhung People and Life Service In_
vestment" was taken up. The topic
was in charge of Mrs. R. E. Mac -
Kenzie, who had enlisted IVIessrs. Ed -
win Chesney, Ronald Reinke, George
Blake, Gordon McGonigle and John
§tanong long with . her. Mr. Earl
E a d resided t the '
V n gmon 'aat me niano
and was accompanied y r. -Jack
Innes on the Violin. The musical
part of the prograinme, in addition
t o the hymns, consisted of aduet by
Mr. Anderson Scott and Miss Sim_
Mons; selection a soh? by Miss Simmons, and
violin and encore by Mr.
Innes, all of which was greatly en -
joyed. After intermission, during
which a contest was hekl, the meet-
ing resumed, the minutes were read
and adopted, some necessary business
transacted, and the meeting closed
with the singing of a hymn and the
Mizpah benediction.
. „,
., . _ ,
and yearly clai'it* tited for and etswer
intended the,,han., ing of a largeslig•Onere-
ar beet etrilla101ksthis and adjoilt
counties. e was also a represpn sh,boxj:
tive of the, Industrial Mortgage and
Savings Comp' any: -.Of Sarnia. Through
his business connections he was Witle7i,
.., . , .
ily. kuown,. and as widely .nespected.
His integrity, , his - never -failing cour".
tesy and his genial. disposition made
him a well kriOnta, figure„leut he neyer
sought public
ht public life. To him his fainaly, -
and we. might add his
church, were all things. For thirty
years he had'beeroan Elder in First
Presbyterian Church, and for 17 years
he had 'Linton,- superintendent of the
Sunday Schoolah el wiale they live
T an 1
two generationnoif Seaforth children
will see and Vemember him in that
position. Mr.. Cowan was married 37
Yeaago in St. John, MD, to Miss
Maggie Logan; of •-Seaforth, who with
three daughterenlfts Eupherrna Cow-
an, of Stratford .C011egiate staff, Dr.
Mary Cowan, of Toronto, and Mite
Kate Cowan, iof the Markham Collegi,
ate staff, are left lto mourn one who
was all in all to them. He is also
survived by two sisters and two bro-
thers, Mrs. Habkirk, of Philadelphia;
, .
40,,Sini- their lam in: illeVillep;' 'al
haat time Miles front Seafai1W•FIlir.
than forty years he.r Nan, e_halt
:beep in this town, where She ha
. • .
faithfully identified in darercnt
1:014seis .of Christian endeavor. . She
wet an ' ardent worker. in the Ladies'l
:Aid Society, likewise in the Women's
XiisiOnaz7 Society. In connection
with the latter 'organization, she is
eredated..watla having made four dif-
!event persons life members.. Albeit,
at would be no easy matter to decide
-definitely in ,which society she took
the greater interest. Likewise, it is
in keeping to. mention that she al -
ways took a special pride in being
able to say, nI seldom miss our week -
ly prayer meeting in the church." And
amongst her host of friends 'were
many little boys and girls, who seem -
ingly never ceased to. be of deep in-
tamest and concern to her. With them
ahe seemed to have much in common,
perhaps because even yeara ago she
had reachedthe age, where nature
had 'Worked the miracle of having her
become once again the embediment
and simplicity of the faith of a :child
She indeed had, what we all should
have, unbounded faith that she was
truly a child -the child of a King.
C ' '''
e la
. Sunlmer•
You 11 Like
. Everone,
i ,,,easo
. -,
V. e
who sees
McGillvray Circle. - On Tuesday
evening the work meeting of the Mc-
Gillvray Circle was held at the home
of Mrs. John A. Stewart. Work was
continued on tiae ditty bags for the
sailors, when twelve were made and
filled. Mr. J. Laing's class donated
money to cover the expense of Test-
aments, and Mrs. Brodie's class for
needles and pins. Mrs. Stewart serv-
ed lunch at the clbse of the meeting.
your design from our varied as-
sortenent of high grade Wall
Papers, and we are sure you will
be supremely satisfied, because all
of them are artistic and perfect
in quality. Come in and look
them over.
We carry a complete line of
Paints, Varnishes, Mureseo, Win-
dow Shades, Curtain Rods, Eetc.
Ladien' Aid Tea. -The Ladies' Aid
of the Presbyterian church held a
very successful tea on Thursday ae_
ternoon, April 16th, in the echool
room Of the church. Tea was served
from 4 to 7 at prettily decorated
tables and an enjoyable time was
spent by alL The proceeds amount-
ed to the gratifyingsum of $48. The
ladies of the society wish to thank
all those who, in any way, helped to
make the tea such a decided success,
jll illtilitili
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"We Save You Money"
Opposite Expositor Office,
• Seed potatoes
ter than others. Here only.
C -IT. -The new glass cleaner. 35e
.. Per -can '
EROOMS..-Spiendid value at 50e to
CANNED PEACHES -Extra quality.
/5c Cansfor071] 50e Cans ai5
: ... . . . 0 1 72C for L C
lent quality, double size cake fo r
single size price To he had only
at Hutchison's. '
I hist Class Dairy Butter and CLEAN
Eggs Wanted.
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. - On
Tuesday evening Mrs. J. H. Gibson
entertained the Barbara Kirkman
Auxiliary of First Presbyterian
Church to a social. Each guest wore
a costume to represent a song. Mrs.
Harry Charters won the prize, being
"Old Black Joe." Guessing contests
formed part of the programme, lArs.
McKellar having the most points,
thereby won the prize. Miss Jennie
Steele gave a reading, "Wlien the
Minister Comes to Tea," which was
enjoyed by alL The proceeds amount-
ed to $4.20.
Man Wanted.-Mtu-ried man to run farm.
Apply to E. J. BOX. Seaforth. 2992-tf
For Sale.-Studebalcer car, 1920 model. in
Al condition: 5 good tires and 1925 markers.
Apply at The Expositor Office. 2993-tf
Cutter For Sale. -A good second hand iit..
Mrs. DerrannOind.Mr. Hector Cowan,
of Edmontrat'and Xi% John Cowan,
/c.c , e
in Sarnia.'" •'The funeral was
held. on Thuraday. _afternoon at 2.30
from First Pres' byte' n'an Church, io-
te ent bein Med in Maitlandbank
. g 9 .
And with her passing we are con-
strained to feel that time brings not
death, it brings but changes, and so
with sincerity we quote the follow-
ing stanzas:
"Time brings us change and leaves us
ter for sale. May be seen at James Martin's
store main Street. Seaforth. 29734f
House to Rent. -Modern conveniences, t
to suit renter. Apply at The Expositor Office.
First mortgage anoney wanted for well se-
meted Toronto and suburban property, er and
8 per cent. Hunter and Hunter, Solicitors,
707 Temple Building, Toronto. 2.9934
For Sale. -Black gelding, rising three; well
Mrs. Magid •Hits 'Passed Away.-
Mrs L. L MeFaatiekone of Seafripth'a
' . • - - . . .
most highly esteenied crtazens, pass's
ed away at an early hour last Satur-
day. morningIiiiiii. ' her hen* Lorne
Villa, CrOdelith Stffieet. The- funeral
T --
fretting; • -
We weep when every comrade goes-
Perhaps too much, perhaps forgetting
That over yonder there tare those
To whom He comes and whom' He
"I would net hold our loss too lightly;
McKillop W. M. S. -The McKillop
branch of the W.M.S. held a very
successful meeting Thursday after-
noon at the home of Mrs., J. L. Kerr.
The. President, Mrs. J. FC. Scott, had
eliarge of the meeting; Mrs. Drover
r4tid the Scripture lesson; Mrs. Jas.
iterr led in the opening prayer. Mrs.
A. Sparks read a lesson on China out
of the study book. Mrs. Hopper sang
a very pleasing solo. Miss Janet
Grieve read a very interesting paper,
and Mrs. J. Finlayson read the mes-
senger paper. The meeting closed by
all repeating the Lord's Prayer in
unison, after which a delicious lunch
was served by the hostess, Mrs. Kerr.
bred and sound. Make grand third horse.
Will be sold cheap. Apply James G. Mc-
Michael. Phone 261-13. 2988-tf
aleFooraaalMeZttTlere:rtiazen WhiteLeghorn hens.
separator. Apply to
miss Rednemd• North Main Street Sea"
ferth• 2991x8
8:riti:F7 "le
4, ',-,- ''.
. .,-..
God knows, and we, hove deep the
pain, .
But, friends, I see still shining bright -
The brightest link in all our -chain
That hnks us with a new domain."
We now niake a
stiecial •mid-uea-
son display of
Benatifai -lens
bi• tery ,that you
have net seen
before_came. •.„
• g.rmr •
to thiwstoregnio
• •
the -m- new Hats.
children's. head
gear is a very
st lig. • -feature:,
- Wi '' - ---v
Wi Mi.
The high ' Standar*-4 Excel-
knee which we have set es our
gaol is well. eiceMplilled.. in the
., . - . -, . . .
clever and 00400 ereatiena-new
- •.. „ .
being' Sheen lette: • , .
Thai Haiba' haii: 60 eleitud wee
• . .. ., . ., . , .
clusinemeas about theei that lifts
- theta out andliii'ibovethe ord-
Wary, and Places them in a class
by. themselves. 7 -
Weil niV"iionatantO 'changing
hid billeting forth NEW''Style*-•
so, thitlf ,Yeninivenot gat' tvliat
'ydir an ye yeetrthrii very hat Opt
Will "deliklitiktiM: WittY Iii 'ilia- first
terga- eethphii- etlifive. `'•' '
1 . ' panNstrAsoN"
NOW': '
OariMins 'Mer -
attended Ate
„ ,
liners .0Benliikga
" in ,TAront0 Ode
week. oia • pro.
cured' any YAW
Style ideiae that •
will lie' aPPreeli-
ated by our ens -
Wel' 'Can .- Make
Yofr jiiktIliel HO
you want at a
on ......
,f.ratcti . 34• alit*
deuceonrmerr Tit
owned by the late D . a. G. Scott. Apply tit
J• v.% Beattin nr R'r. a' nal.. Bealarth. En -
embers. 292141
Land Wanted. Beason of 1925. -Sod land.
Ewing or fall ploughed, for growing Flax.
Anyone having ;same please get in tench with
the undeinifoieC at once. .1. A. Kerr, P. O.
Box 87, or „phone 261-13. nesset
For Sale,-Orame house on North Main
street, 1.1,4 acres of land and garage; six
apple trees. If not sold will rent at once.
Also some household effects, rock elm end
oak planks and some luinber. Apply to Mrs.
A. Kerr, North Main Street. 2993x2
The Industrial Mortgage & Satirise Camp-
any, of Sarnia, Ontario, are prepared to ad-
vance money on mortgages on good lands:
Parties deairtng money on farm Int'rtgages
will please apply to James Cowan, Seaforth.
James Oliver Cur
- ...i.
' ' LAND
"The AlaSkaii„
Produced by Paramount
._ i ,,,, e
. , ; - 4",,f-
Local Briefs. -Dr. J. H. McFaul,
MM. •Meraud, bliss Ethel Menu'
and Mr. ' Harold McFaul, Dr.
Croudh. and Mrs. Crouch and Mrs.
Ellison, of Toronto, were here over
the week end attending the funeral of
the late Man. L. L. lVleFauL - Ma'.
Frank Freenrane a in or, was here
last week. visiting his father, Mr.
William Freeman. -Miss Jessie Wil -
son, of Waterloo, spent the week end
with her father, 'Mr. J. K -Wilson.-
Mrs. Livingstone, who spent the win -
ter in Detroit, has returned to her
h e are and Mrs Robert
F. D-. Hutchison
Phone 166.
An Important Apple Case; Dnrnin
vs. Websten-This action was tried at
the non -jury sittings at Goderich OD
the 15th inst before Mr. Justice Len-
living at Clinton, sued Mr. Robert
Webster nor. • Mr. Durnin, an apple dealer
Webster, of Stanley Township, for
$2500.00 damages arising out of an
apple deal. After hearing the evi-
dence Mr. Justice Lennox dismissed
the case and ordered the plaintiff, Mr.
Durnin, to pay all cost,s. Witnesses
were present from Fort William, Ot-
taloa and the Townships of McKillop
and Hay. Mr. J. C. Makins, K.C., of
Stratford, acted for Mr • Durnin, and
Mr. J. M. Best, of Seaforth, acted for
Mr. Webster.
ow II '
, a au
Ontario. who will furnish rates and other
I' articninrs. The Industrial Mortgage & SayBun-
ings •Company. 29664f
Mon;, Tuesday and wa...illescbq
.JLtEN LANDIS '''.. -
Habig:irk left on Wednesday for
Gross Ille, where they will spend the
summer) -Mr. and Mrs. William Dou-
• -
Sudden Death of Mrs. R. B. Scott'-
Death came with startling and unex-
pected suddenness to hn old well-
known and greatly respected nee' rriber
of the community on Saturday even -
ing last, when the summons to the
great beyond came to Mrs. R. B.Scott,a
Sr. Mrs. Scott had just returned
from her sons, and stepped into thp
..okl-time- stagerlorania
LAW FOR 'v'E'. :-. WCIMAN"
, ...h..
gall, of Hensell, were week end guests
at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. K R.
R,ennie.-Mr. J. F. Webusilsh was in To-
rooto this week ,on ness.-Mrs., W.
Hogg and daughter, Miss Mabel of
Stratford, spent the week -end with
Ifedgins, of
Kincardine, is .a, guest at the home of
her Mother, Mrs. it. Winter. - Miss
Verna Jarrott of Blareilton, daughter
, il.
, -..„.
vv-S•nsl," . , - s
1.04`2:,--,,,,-o& ig14111L'• -". ; \
'el hi-.'-•
1111ffilre 1. . ,4
( Oh en 111111he
. -
. .
0 V
e ... „, a . e es ,
on the Racks this Week -
- ' ''
' '
door of her own home, when she fell
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarrott, Gode-
is always found at Stewart's
Meat Market. Our meats are all
carefully selected from the best
cute in. the wholesale market, and
we keep them in prime condition
in our dry -cold refrigerator.-
Order some to -day and verify
what we .say. .
Death Of An Old Resident. - Mr.
Thomas Paton, for many years a
familiar figure in the life of Seaforth,
passed away at the hospital on Sun-
day last at the age of 80 years. He
had been in failing health for some
time and early last December was
taken to the hospital, Mr. Paton
was born in Scotland, but came to
Canada with his family when a youth,
first settling near Almonte, and af-
terveards moving to Grey township
Fifty years ago he was united in
marriage to Miss Helen McKinley,
when he came to Seaforth where he
continued to reside until his death.
For many years he was the superin-
tendent of the D. D. Wilson egg em-
porium and was well known through-
out the country. Mrs. Paton died a-
bout a year and a half ago. but -he is
survived hv one brother, Mr. Adam
Paton. of North Dakota. and one sis-
ter. The ' funeral will be held from
his late home in Seaforth on Friday
afternoon to the Maitlandbank ceme-
tery. -
and passed away before any aid could
reach her. Her death came as a great
shock to her family and friends, as
she had always been a woman of
strong constitution, and right to the
, .
. - s an e
Egg TAT-' A d
rich Street West, played e .part in
the play, "St. Joan," with. the famous
actress, Julia Arthur, a former Ham-
ilton girl, and her company. Miss
Janntt and two other Young ladies
moment of her passing enjoyed ex-
cellent health.. Mrs. scat was a
daughter of the late John Grieve, of
McKillop, and was born on the farm
EGGS-, .'
Bought on a Graded Basis.
were the only three taken on in Ham-
ilton for the play., -Mrs. Frank Gut-
teridge, of Sarnia, visited with Miss
Steele -Easter week. -Many friends of
now owned by Mr. EaHunt, 77 years
ago. She resided there until her
marriage to Mr. Robert B. Scott, 55
years ago, when she went to live at
Carlow, where Mr. Scott kept store
for a number of years. Later they
moved to Roxboro, but for the past
37 years they have resided in the
home at Harpurhey, where Mrs. Scott
• e ' a • ••
Thos. lc. ell
B# k
' a e
One door east cii Hutchison's
Grocery Store.
Mr. Robert Edgar will bosomy to
learn that he is at present seriously
ill with slight hopes for his recovery.
-Mrs. I. R. Habkirk and Mrs. W.
W. R. Smith have returned from a
week's visit with Hensall relatives. -
Mr. and Mrs_ E. McFaul, of St.
Thomas, were guests this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac -
• e,e- Sits ... '
T. Receive- . into
$ 15 to.$30 oo,
r,e,s,f'es •
si35 to Sjs
Phone 58.
0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0
0 S. THohnes & So o
0 Funeral Directors and 0
0 Licensed Embahmears. 0
40, Finest Motor and Horse .0
0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0
0 Block, Main Street, opposite '40'
0The Expositor 0 ce. S. T. .0
0 Holmes' residence, Goderich .0
0 Street West; Chas. (Amen' 0
* residence over atom. *
0 Flowers furnished on ;short .0
0 notice. All kinds of nriln 4)
0 holstering neatly done. *
0 Phone, Night or Day, 111101. *
0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0, ,t1,, 0 c:,, 0 ,,,„,
died. Besides her aged husband, she
tavish. They came up to attend the..
is survived by on son and one dauIn
- g
ter. Mrs. W. McKay, of Reston, Man-
Rohe, and Robert B. Scott, Jr of
Harpurhey. The funeral was 'held
from her lahome on Wednesday
afternoon to Harpurhey cemetery.
funeral of the late Mrs. L. L. Mc-
Faul.,-Mrs. Robert Carnochan spent
the week end with Hensall friends.-
Miss Mary Flett has returned- home
after spending the Easter holidays in
Toronto. -About three inches of snow
o Ai
je. ac.Tavisil
Death of James Cowan. -It is sel-
dom that the annuncement of a single
death so closely touches as many
homes in a community as did the an-
nouncement at noon on Tuesday of
the death of MT. James Cowan, which
occurred that morning in the Toronto
General Hospital. so recently had
his familiar figure, in what appeared
to be rugged health, appeared on our
streets, that his death to many seem-
ed aim -oat unbelievable. Until Easter
Monday he had been attending to
business and not even his closest in-
timates knew that his condition wen
not all that it appeared to be, On
Thursday of last week he went to To-
ronto for treatment, where a preliin-
inary operation disclosed a serious
bowel trouble. A second operation
was to have been performed ten days
later, but on Monday night he devels
oped pneumonia, and passed away the
following morning. Mr. Cowan was
the youngest son of the late Sohn
Cowan, and was born on the Cowan
homestead, Lot 22, Concession 6., me.
KiIlop. 68 years ago. There he re-
rosined until 18%, when he purchase,d
the Lapslie farm, atljoitiog Seaferth
on the north gravel road. This farm
he conducted, also being an exterrifve
breeder of Sher/thorns 'until 191g:when
he disposed of his farm and Steele and
cone to Seafonth, where he has Since
lived. Titres years Ago- he hulk 6
beautiful 55* home on Chareli stott.
Mute neuidnelo Reaforthlaelind anted
fon t a -110Pibehhd:Yditgtf ltd. f406ftg
tro4 0 titO tWiditaft. SttOr t/04
omp e f, lies 1 .l
la C 1 t sir t A*(1. K°t
Thousands of boys and girls through-
out the land are joining. the Junior
First Aid Legion this week.
"It's. a splendid ideal Every boy
and girl should study First Aid
And it costs only 12c to join.
This store is an enrolling station.
Join up 'here -and by early mail, you
will receive from Bauer 8e. Black, who
are sponsoring the Junior First Aid
Legion, a handsome Meldbeiship but-
ton, a book of First Aid instruction
and .the complete handYlioe`get First
Aid Kit.
Think of it! A course of lessons
that may some day enable Yeti to save
a life -‘.-your own or your host VOW
And you get a Kit of .'llrat aid sop-
plies free -'which aloted-rs•Weirth many
times the inembershiP loe,• .'
Bauer es Mack will OSSA 'lute hurt-
dr0d tell -dollar -gold *op --40-..thia 500
hOVI and ;girls Who .:taadtly.',111a best
firat toit 6e-174de. in li),*;,!...4110mtier-
ship :in the. Junior pitee-.'70111Lgive
rim the first aid kne:r c' s'Ait,.;
Ii446,,'And .terlaaPS ti, 6
thih-011011hr ,trall.d. Plaaeihi::
' ,;
'4' .. ' '
, , ,, .
on Sunday and
Wednesday was very
F,lcoat has purchased
Sedan from the local
13e11. -Dr. and Mrs.
derson, South Carolina.
the home of Mrs. Latimerh
Mrs. George Weir.
Mre. Norman and
Miss Tovell, of St.
Quests at the home
.T, A. Stewart. -Mrs.
Reeb. of Port. Colborne,
the home of Mr. and
Snencer.-Mr, James
oia, sang two beautiful
Preehyterian church
log last. -Mr. Fred
spent the week
eots at the Maose.-The
of Mr. Arnold Viresteott.
in the London Hem:vital
are glad to learn that
attend to 'business
TT. Proadfoot is visiting
in Hamilton -Mr
accented a position
Virtallterville, and le.,leftfee
on Tuesdair.--Vlisi Lulii
rettirnod from the Smith,
'Ailent the winter. --:Mrs,
"ngliter 0f Iiirilinghana,
Mk. V. Irish -gr. Port
*AO; Olt niettiteir 004"i*,
Of'Clifictonl, 'oe .reaesfs
Vi: andMra„ '0': tc'Tdrilitilt:-
' li.totitvo'liff*.a0004
' 0 • Oh" the ..,. :Staff
the weather until-
cold -Mr. w:
a new Overland
agent, Mr. G. C.
Latimore, of An-
are guests 'ht
- Rev, and
Marys, were
of Mr. and Mrs.-
Reeb, and Miss
are guests at
Mrs. W. G.
Steed", of Sar-
soles In First
on Sunclat even'
Larkin. of. Wind-.
grid with. his par-
infirm friends
Who 'has been
for tease time.
he is able to
again. -Miss. .1.
With friends
Wafter Scott 'hag
With a &irk in
that Plate
Where 'ehe
ehMv and
It: ii. rOti; trr.,"!laert- -
116*14., '01titi.
' '
'' • ' ' - 4000
_ ,
challenge Euchre. - A challenge
euchre, held in the Parish Hell be-
tween the ladies of the Catholic Wo-
men's League and the gentlemen of
the Holy Name Society resulted in a
victory for the latter by a majority
of , el games. Prizes were drawn for
by the ladies and gentlemen obtain-
ina the highest individual score and
were awarded to Mrs. Robt Devereaux
and mr. Frank Sills. The following
musical programme, every number of
which WaS enthosiastieally received,
was then presented;- Chorus "0
Canada!" piano eolo. Mrs W. H. Bul-
lard; selos Mr r. Thiel, Mrs. L. For-
tune. Mr. T. Flanagan. Mr. P. Sills;
.election. Daly Orchestra. The sub-
ieet of a paper prepared and read by
Mrs. Josenh Treating was "The Fils-
tory of Seafeeht" Much credit is
due Mrs. Keating for her Painstaking
efforts in collecting the necessary
data for this wenn interesting paper.
m--('. siiis presided as diairrnah.
While rot the usual sneeeee in mint
of attaadar,. ii.,,,,,,,rfliela.a fii,a,
present reported this to nave boon
"'hp a Ow. moot froloyaMe of the
season's Abdo evenings. .
,. -
i 0 • '
as mt.
tab e
LA ,
Agent for Onger Se . _
:,,,,,• g.
4iliehines, ' And General In-
7.1V1. 1/11 btreet - - be tortn
s ae: e • •
4 _
00511Pla Oil
P . - — -
1 ,
1 ,
r /4, , s.
i, ' . ...
. , ,,.
. .
1 ,
.Pdr nogg "Itilito-
0. to
Reenentee Senenesstne, - libe
people of. ronapdvine deems
ibel", orapeditto," fortattoo tri,
for their autillwrsurs. ormeit.
" $titila#4, Ita:sP'tt4,lie'.?; lihs V'.
flow:, *16 tiotkitioU4', rad a,
Au,. ,
$ '
;ti,,ii ,