The Huron Expositor, 1925-02-06, Page 6V 7 IiL ttIRV 7 la"ve 00 J4 Q*40,; %i _�w �,;.; ,� 1i - to � , 1)1j q 1,,i5R AF of t hUlm e t old -�beUbagkgi who have -been Seven U times Wand ape- Vtorn. But s, amuhW Ij. jeorrespoudeA these days -.of ships as few ianiven- 6 lator- Itheni, is q1Xt7,,,&e *44r. Fe*., 490 r* ally used. ent the fol Seamen no longer believe that rats steamship Wks. which'"ie 78 to Per WA -.0 on one Of 'he leave an ill-fated ship, before a tunt, in tbLe'sninial bod ter� are the larg44 ion 04-", Ox pinkiw sails. But they still regard the ar- GROCERIES am in the p,6r trival of a corpse for shipment as 4 to realize that *11 algima)s %W* gria and ha NS TOMATOES y0ar,tt Wftk End SPedal&— very bad omen, and the writer has of t4o 14, md the o P*1 tt4eaus 4 Laxgely mad 0 a, substawaO ihat we to desert sooner than e ins known them %jphone to Isail with it. fire aA. RI ftidd. for ........... ............ a_tbeae- enough, the extent 4 Strangely Xrom woe 3AW in 'from MY hO&O: BOXE S CORN STARCH 2UC their apprehension on this account How W"'iw Is LOst quite, rwaopft weax M. the, 0. ........ cial. standing of the Body. OTT, ... ......... wben', 1- Tsuu "k varies with the soj of, h*4 autopsies S POUNDS DATES Water is lost from the eXimal bOdY Dulwich, .41rds rbivl the pesence 2of a 40014 for ............ .......... 25C deceased, the remains of a celebrity lumip siat 'I being more unlucky than those of a in quantity through the 2e most iWoode 0 ezable, number 0 Intestinal werw excretory lorgajaa, during tha W*- room humble citizen. kl"'ig, buil .,Up So strong was this superstition'in e-ses *ich we Call life. And, It 11" contini 40 is to be maWtaiaed with *"&I ry when it is Two he fig F. BERRY bygone days that the packing c_se so ppt, say gr�4 h containing the casket had to be lab- Muctioning of all body argama tke are in touch"_*Ithi a- vbypi In mazy caiRoo. �: elled and stowed as ordinary cargo. water supply to the body must %6 bout UUM'Ps''and also WRIX Finslix'k- C-�o halria bee BRUCEFIELD kept up to the normal requiremaent. hCanada,, -nited Stat -s- The luck of black cats is prover hU in When an animal is totally depried y bial. But what is not so well known el 't", au# finally di�%, t�.e engine�roOpx, o any Of drinking water it dlea w1aaft tea of 41rds ;��mora 611 Iis the reason why seamen are so over ship ViQ to me tht clipwr '"eiox, tp tat, - per cent. of its body water &is- my opbliou­�' indulgent to theuL This is to pre- wolial �-fiow other '66eiWi k, 0 vent -luck to appears, but will first have lest halt -e engine -room 'hat Pais- their bringing ill the changed ALM4 Praxtie%ll HEMS WANTED itsprotein and all Its tat. ed out- place taking- its. king- tes"g VID11*7 Uye- ship by running away. al out to the Pxtpnt of es. per the RentAto4es th During the war black a -Ulm is -thir cats were at ,,,curious little 6bby-hole no Intermediate., hopt, cent. by cutting off the supply and inso much extra where t, are forever flashing a preimu With fth - the life departs. it ten per cent. to ths- r, hatred, issing Heirs are bein Rou t aflqat there were not en- and' laughte if the soil of t�ejtoultry rdaud-the 9 gh tonnage astrous, think how equally detrisnea ther friem it, and every o WVEEAUeo �%)* ra xe lafial throughout the world. Many PeOP18 ough to go round. tal even one or two W cent. W4mld are to -day living in comparative pov- Sometimes a young midshipman human, e to t awe. he in ctive larvae ave vicu- Wh is given opportunity be to the general welfare of 40 "I Uty Who 'Ire ,really rich. but do not would be sent ashore in search of mal. The drinking water a4tj the of 'ed ust,by%the oa .or 6th6r,11rAi 49 -may be one of theaL The 404t inspectior is now tilk- the flick. ey op know it. You sooner .9 i*4 11"ly 4 81 *10" one. And a certain ,outhl water of combination in tbe fe" are a -�s V.'Awe cannot see., IRe is the th,3 the sources of supply, aNd ing o;raq;.. Send for Index: Book. "Missint'llbirs. than return emplityltanded, dyed an exavas and Next white patches of a black and white y blase about lt� but 40, Ale"-'eyele, � Roe of Kin," containing care- Lxtraordihaii worms. T *qX*- Is to be preferred if the anintala are tally authenticated lists of mi ' and to has jusittei 'me that be re6eived one: worms;� ltpo6t re T9rX8.!un_ Ulng "stray" with ink. not to suffer from thirst gWrilen and at -least one' ie- les4 thk poultrt 0*asr waos lip iiiad 1AUL heirs and uneWmed estatgs S.O.S. ea* on -frQlh thrilve. Water In ft The Functions of have been advertised for, here and te Body. quest a prescrip'ti decides to A stroy the that abroad. The Index of Missing He Berengsda's surgeon. take his pro�Ats. The destruction of MAN SWALLOWED BY A WHALE offer for sale contains thousands Water Is. important on account of ITe' has' tWA` sistants, andk!tweell the parasite is easy. we p.as of names which have appeared in Straton, of its '4fiage to crowd in all, ap- The X1j. Tlea�tViffl;t 1. BOOL Rev. John Roach da dWer- them American, Canadian, Englis,14 Se The (1) Solvent power. It hol L � it of work. ney­are otch, New York, believes that he has dis- palling ambi A tea06onful of.,co4centkated lye t be on Irish, Welsh, German, French, Bel —in mod- ent chemical elements in solution a;Rd osed,' duty Yor. 9obT idilth:4 mix( tour quar tp of grain. covered a man who actually M1, gian,, Swedish, Indian, Colonial, and ern times—suffered the same fate.as makes diffusion of., food stuffs hours sud-o.X-jor eight, but'that nav- 0. and cooked glowly for- two hours 4iid other newspapers, inserted by I&WY- Jonah, who was swallowed b possible er actua . 11y, '14ppens. iy a - . allowed to co6l. The bIr4s aTe, given Iisrs, executors, administrators. Also (2) iemperature regulating pow '24' 'their -ordinary -feed one' mb.rg to tell the Here is thi programme for any whale, and who lived contains list of English and Irish or. By evaporation froin the and, Ing, hind hours, cour&ng from midnight. The th -'nothing else ,aimed story. Courts of Chancery and une lungs the temperature -is an This man, according to Dr. Stra- first '4 -.who, ihey Eire given VA -plilch by radiation. �voted to receiving p Ing dividends Est of Bank of England. sh messse4i',kW the Atlantic Mail; the -of jb, wlil_�at., ton, is James Bartley, able Briti (8)' Splitting -up power. It gives lye. mixtuTq�'S# Your name or your ancestor's may be the crew f o the despatchiitg of e 'this member of up Its hydregen readili and tjus next 45 minutes t e. that the water KBBP-S 1.51 0 0 O.: Cal P S M. F' ING lu the list. Send $1.00 (one dollar the whaling vessel Star of the East. long-distaneg.'rnessages; the succeed- &eaimeat should j�e gtv�ij at once for book. a- forms new eaergy yielding com- .. .� I I t, W In a whaling expedition off Labr pounds. ing hour to the taking of further Ing ihe summer. A bur�wiebk er- ments is e6sebtial. T M1.4 KE 8W L DS Val between t t dor "the whaler launched two whale Mail., messages; and the next two and rea International Claim Agency Deprived of water animals won boats -with a full equipment of men suffer. Horses suffer qui4kegt aad a half hours't.� getting in touch'with then removal of the bIrderitc, cloi Dept. 296, in the attempt to capture a gigantic long -wave stations, American and runs. rapidly lose condition'if water 10 "i .W90N the I sperm whale. sufficient. It is required W majuWn English. How,to Dud With Tppe.woruts. th deo tbA Pittsburgh, Pa., U. S. A. i"In the course of the battle w! fluidity of blood. One and a'half hours is then given CestP4es gr tapeworm -latesting wanted a'busj- 2930-tf ments the monster, the whale struck one of Water Is quickly abserbedanit lbus to receiving a resume of com fowl dider. from. the�,aek.xtwjpil-er car servise 00- tthe boats with its tail, capsizing the swells the secretion of,urlue afttl'to in the Amostican newspapers and ihe round worms In that the�, require an cars the to boat and throwing all the men into T5 *T t1tes to clearing "traffic" oo t*p,. inne a less extent, that of bile, next -Water allg itsell from PaS4� wips. life e7jo Us been66noWt*ed ways,, =Wed M jotob the sea. pancreatic juice. law saved by tissue change a ainatim. thdt AU VO4oup 4004W f Ub "The men, however, were nd elU she bougb FARMS FOR SALE 9 a an m -be bpnic dioxide and ures; V* W those in the other boat, with the ex- rQ=%tw lie Olga. *ww tp'� tk! . 'b ssmil Ales that -the. �Iaeft caption of appetite and washes out the depuds foo6d #b r, two, both ofwhom were lit.13-are-ftte ACRE PA FOR SAUL Olrmn supposed to have been drowned. They and aids in the reinoval of *iiAa viat- 100 vwM sell on re&4onablo tonas for BANK STATEMM in eur lilicke qgfi& finally succeeded. in killinethe whale ters from the body. Larce DOMINION esiB ;vhiie._W.*ou 00& at n24L Apply to RL S. HAYS, Sonforth, and towed it to the vessel. Qf water it not taken durlai the out like." P'OX_M0u"d IF403MMS ean, be-isllow ced a �=U 28" hour 6 favor the SHOWS�`&CREASED PROFITS c 0 _e, besibatiet with- -the - 1�' "Then they proceeded to cut it up, feeding tend ssfu* as gKon, 4a econd day after it -was cap- foisnation of tat. RGA DA . POSITS t, n and the a AND ­4 7, It.,,, peo"ll one, and a�l tured they opened the whale's atom of Give Healthy Anhoob J?ARX FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 9. h d, to their amazenient, found Watex. The d# i'I)omifiioli BaA trOutmeRt, Of"440 81011 Iii W, a isac , an colneassion 8, Tuckersmith. woutaini's ee heir comrades, who they had Healthy animals may be g1vvA 'met thif'sharemoldeili-at the 54th an- runs�isve7 00491ti I in k- "in acres. "ore are on the prentsea a x4x. one of t roomed hiame house. bank barn rft`7`5, Usn. to thought had gone to the bottom k0oL Conceqtft 6d A" of k much water as they desire, wItk aer- nukl.'16'e'eting th'T63toAto on January worm anscaline 162126, all in good condition. rA zorom weeded the sea, in the whale's stomach, un- relatiOlt 28th with a most sitisfactiory state- 13re is cheap aWd V hy per- -to to crass and balance in crop; well fenced and tain restrictions imposed In fiall tile drained; mit your poultify -to e4ntinue bild er, it- , ;T qw 34 mile from school, 5 nkiles conscious, but still alive- Ile s11f to work and feeding. TUe good horse ment f6r the _tTrelve 'months ending from Sesfarth. 3 miles ft-om Kippen; rural fered intensely afterward convenient lh,it to profit i redficing. but finally -a-n does not allow his horse. very December 81st:; 19PA. ITt. many points, atail and phone. WiR be sold on reasona. parasites.4 The chickens cannot get 111the: eak made a complete recovery after a mu be- in'&de *rms. For fnrther particulans apply to ch water either immediately d; the stitkiiient Arhowed im- rid oi their tbrimentors unleag SMIL DAVFD M,LFIT LAN, Mitchell, Ont- long stay in an English hospital. - fore or after severe work or after prc� r the you yetment ovet he figures fo 0 e 29i2-tt help them a"It was thought that the man was feeding. knowing that certain d19011- rep6us year.' of is able to obtain air because the whale's live troubl6 are apt ­to occur. The go��thstalidjii depre�Wed business Extension. 0. A. C.., 01delph. inine.', e t T-begoblW445 a FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 9, COW- mouth was open and Bartley's head best plan is "drink before eaiVug" . conditions which dd throughout 1924 (me who. we&,'baxdy1eaol*h C�0.102`!-% Stanley, containing -100 acres in GREEN IF k0A FOULMY. ear the throat." if the ani al Is in normal condItIctUn the -statement rAaes it clear that the 11101si"pilik&:�In ithe In, iiel �SUVtieii the citrand her high state of cultivation. There are on Be careful with tired or overheated Bank's funds av the farm a large solid cement house with Dr, Striation says the account was e been �fully slid business vupwvdc�- rather',ope who be- Uifne-ad tha-f4ia4- -but it gave her -ex- 11ta " L, mlim -.- - ' at,seventom, q I -the most animals, and see that ail far The Beat Hateheff Are GAncMny Due lieves if a, &f ituts out to c sh 0, t, to hardwood finish, also hard and soft Water in- in stock Ofitably enga- oide6 and other modern conveniences. Har". fully investigated by one of t ., e ork ft -the Orand-, T 'un t 4Ox86. on st;one foundation: stables with careful and Painstaking journalists in receive sufficient water during the It is to be doibea'that profits were to.the Vitandnes In Qrass, CW� acsiteer-slid.&O d strive to attain tbje In pom t:, "i mi ihat ess" cement ficiors and with water inside. This % Eurom M. De Parville, editor of the winter period that their bodies may somewhat hetteirj�`tharf in 1923, that bage, Sprouted On*% Ati. vr�!,el rda, Journal des Desbats Of Paris, who function normally.—I� Stevelixtonj ctirrent loans d w2s I o get- She eboic-e farm, situated on good figrease that deposits The old-time., poultry -mvx knew MissWikht-"'� W should, Wyoung. f920 she we�ik 2% m0es from Btrucefield and Kippen oft- Lp iftepft said the statements given by the cap- Department of Extension, 0. A. 0. iinprdved by ft 0 ind that that it was necessary for tfie breedIng 0 Qrmarriage., parefor Co.,talapgr ­66fO'k Co ittons. For further particulars apply to MRS. ' 0 the bat gn'EVENS, on the premi�. or to J. A- lffe� tain and the ctew of the English ves- Guelph. Bafik's stron 'd. position had pre o:-1 . There �44, -ob- g- - birds to get outdoors during, the. busin _Jil,.:thefiWkWr, oe at- Ito Brucefield, or CLELAND. BERT imaintain Milstowel, E�Kecutors for the estate or waiter coincided perfectly and were been liatching egg -production, soason�� if, home lftics*� the'� b"n �eud taine6vi4bable ROUABLE VACCINES. bjL'eje year, after de tevnsZ959-d worthy of belief. The profits A the r4eiults -were to_'be realW-4 �,Uftd arrdn&-to meet to raiiraulia& V, � l 'I, 'b'&f Li'buain du�ting charge6 Magemnt and able. Why the outdo" lftma,de pr ll6ss it is distributon- e ---""Young �W� the W era; giicbessfW -Idiss ied, that her job. For the Prevention of Coutagims b - making full Wit for bad and. diftrt�ce hat did not know bW)60V W491it U", iah buf ap experr W calls for 6thet:�*& inem —FARM OF TWO WM Abortion Sent Free of Charge to doubtful debts *iii-�$1,144,082.22. To have learned since that tho,out400r SPARM PO'A 13AIN drod acres adJohning the Town of Sea MOVE TO STOP BRITISH with thei Uiah Ik6owthatm $825,- Ili* had little to do th!F9 - -amount 6s be' QUU=ed Veterinarians. en added lorth. eonveniently situated to all eharehas my case it would boa danjerous tbi nhools wind Colleglatm There Is a eamftri, 374.98 brought fdi*kt4 from the pre- ability'df fte eggs. The itutted's WAS MEMBERS, ALLOWANCES Reliable abortion vaccines and bW. able brick cottage with a etoneat k1takan: to what the 1thLtjAS Wei , tj�od'ctjoa toJZ�� Me must knoi I r emp. terins are pxepared and sold by a� vious year.. thus,mQdn9 available for due hen ate *hIrO.-tris' .;n. 113 ve and, ;We** bern l0Qx66 with atone stabilas hm A small group of Conservati number of commercial btological,lab- distribution $1,961aili&7.20. This amount -outdoors. graso' U itions. Nor 9 ikomes 75 head of cattle suld do Wiightiixitaftid�4"weth46s'drpr=o a Abum wh6a.havest means Ad Stj%'- Into, a4fftift fbVA_&­ the , thfi iTrunka§ ral wifth ateel oflanahlom and ater beftm 4 members of the British House of oratorles. Reputable laboratoffes 'is Bisposed of as Wlo*s: Quarterly ca4bag, letfuce�,.'Aale, traffic tnanager u t idends at the"VI I I I w U;,jVerV slock; Utter earrier and feed earrier awLt Commons, by no means uninfluential, & 6f 12 per cent. carry the fat sal file. vf"In�6, 3) bm cement stlos; driving shad and plat sell these products only to qualified, divi j;;jW 7 thef offees "if ihi adia, b f one which Is essential for A .111- . . , V_ is endeavoring to produce a gesture veterinarians, b0cpaine thtW-do'jjot p�r annum4 $720,9,W,* a onus o Gralid Trunk Lines at Detrat 00L, fket;Ogepapi 664 _�60" thpther: Swa scal. Watered by a rock wAll and ropos- afe 'contributed to Of- hatchability of the* -4 Ah �,-Uti- -aiid-dbwanded: 'Me farm Is well drained and Im towards national economy by p consider ft adviiiLible or.s �Pgj per cent, $60,00%. r azA day a b tate f Cultivation. The Crop, to all the"b6dr 0 a *t4g,lif 'Wlrees-the I&4ftj6Utor? �'Ae 6iftal 'Car'- ing the abolition of the sessional al- Pension Yi6dj,i$45,000. Domin- lization In Creneral Car *6 to allow an Indiscriminate use to be ficers9 tw r. 11;rvund--ebolce clay loam- Immod! iia. " MOW. lowances, or, as they are called here, made of them, which might be hjur- ion and Provive 4: -taxation, $169,- 'lime, so e@60utial In- me his offim sas poosmsion. Apply to 3L BEATON.- R Geas;d Car a t es .'-P'rQ,7 332.2 :9aItk'Premises Ae- soluble V lk" qLMUch is urging that the salaries should at cured through qualified ifeterialt. coun% $75,000, lesd4iik'a balance car- In all,., greern' teed&,' slid to 4; I -,th the It �was A&ida Atey W 'be Ily r1aus et' ' 4 lito'sitt'l 111, dcea# extent In turnips, -mangels, and rist- -M a 2. Seafeyth. Ont SM-Itt parliamentary salaries. The group louts. They can at all Im b 15, written o9i ftamft�e A Is Woo- ptege#t "Flem I am.' I'ka the least be -made conditional on lack of and used under their direction. Tio ried forward of $0-06,124.87. A(I;M FOR SAla—FOR SALE, LAT 5 other means of support on the part labratories of the ()utarjn Veterfftart The figure ca jjj4 forward $000,- abagas . The-ais4 of gieth feed hind her neatly kept du. 'from -which she- late 10 F ..enlan U. and west half of Lot 9 some 5 tempegratures; d"ge QWV4_0 I , ft4glfit, of the members. College will he prepared tt, supply & 124�87 is -not $75,00 some form 18 ausolutety ""RUVA -it '000" Obnemsion 10. EUR.S.. ThekeirsaiM, mn. 0 more ca'srfo rim prilaft Ili 'Of. tftfttng 150 acres. There a" on the vromixes e end- h Zbfthi 4 4 h .After the sho* of #ub- a 1�0'w It- is understood -that the party limited amount of abortion vacedde to than was carrie& fi�twafd at th "ahalk 23A th the qualified rgot 9 a good two-story briek hotme with olsto roof leaders flatly refuge to open veterinary surgeons, prdVid,; of 1923, but is " largest sum the iliow! hill - sided the actory representati*6'fo X heat,orcojt,,orevqh,6f forge bank barn 10WO feet with first el"I standard., J"k poor question of members, pay, which pro- Ing an owner of cattle makes a re- Bank has erer'66iridd to its profit what it was he "wanted 0 'tell" and, egke, I& the,W44 ottiffing, water in the barn, dAve winter igid'oArly s#tfhg- ate dlie to, abed 26x2g, 'Twal weed bably will continue indefinitely. Sal- quest, that he desires to have his aut- and loss account: at the end of�auy listeued insteddto Iteatis, dr- #Is h6wa and, hen house ary is Y400 per annum. mals vaccinated, and furnishes '- the th4i bre6ding stocic not retbivftlF tI.W. Irs&, &%o an ouer-4owing ispring. ho otder'l Thl. . I I I VVhYL th' CarSh No= Is all cleared but about 20 serm. The year in its history., tioa.lof just vitamine earrying green hta ot beeadeh'�retpd,. ofe *6 . 6d' Urdwd6d bnob, pffne(bally aftols. 'AL Four years ago a parliamentary name and address of the veterinarian During the yeii`tbtal deposita i6� u;',.wa� aren 4w, well feneed and tile dralned., Eight &arm committee recommended that the he desires to employ, 96nd the number creased by about f2A00,000 and no* 6ats anit jet them grow our ell Appointment of i�6i lucy Wri&Vi66 dblvfij�'aind. Cars Ala Aot aut6di becimo for spri" 60 t ei 'a- 6i'mers hold om -high�bof&eteedlng. 'Stock h mportatit o%det'bf, gta�ral car dis- af ftH wheat sovm, 40 acres ready fron members should have the privilege of animals to be treated. On redelvi Stand at $91,378$8518. fe I VIVO$ I -thd The farm b oltmated I milm 'will "0,000 is noted tributor by. the Wahj , kalilt dmai As'. a WheA' Uftstfy MA and 4 miles fraft Hemall, 6U0419" teine 10 . a 1,�. ,0 , of free postage on their mail, but Ing such a request, the va An increase of., In afid 'Uiaiiba big surpris"6 to ichigabi'tailrd d in nioto cost," Ai�s fjio t to 'the veterinary surgeon, �13 i . I ­ . "o from lchodl; rural mAR and phol- Will nothing has yet been done in ' the be sen in Current Loans, ' ivfiiih during . a 6`10W a cu�' 11 . be aold an easy terms. UnIfts sold by arribs wre.0 9 stock havi all. su grog It isbeliev6d At is t1i �Iear itor.. Aud,,car matter. with directions as to Its use, afid on year of admitted1j'Usitatit and back- -00 Wwlll be for rent For further 10"tkWaft fir4d"'A,13 th4y' odre to_eofiA 'America sUc1i,#v0',6*ibft. am id .ZWW' The French Chamber of Deputies condition that,he will report to the ward general busiiless�* appears sig- 4007Y eft the, prewfoes, at eddrens IL IL $k Stevenson, Director of- 011L. is,ker dutg=, .oh � e pove, -the dh4 36 pt4arofor th'iffii' a, lameft ANOUS, meirtmom. 2 recently As the nificant of the highir prices ruling for 'thous�ads offteight combir T itink j passed such a measure, College the results obtained. Gt=d' BOM eothert jW,by- t C.NT that 0 A 'O., diiilrihi, whereupon one of the deputies at- keeping Of ca reful records and turn products speeial� ,V ain, in the ft- Wlfu lying the d I Of tog di, bf � iw tempted to make a free dis a &&� e, - L*d. tribution ishing the roport to thL- College w aticing of bich"IfMo thia-Bak hap The rir�n a;tar a d Awidl* f visiting cards as a New Year's take considerable time of the vieterin, for many years V1 Vla tidndlhkft� FWAh- " MCKILLOP MUTUAL arian, he wint receive the vaccine froo part., There gre, two YU4 are 0 r6ba t* gr eting to his constituents. There 01 saw Imme- of charge to cotapenaste him for his, UL& '11prillig _(h6th �haid V*tor) tarsou 6 FIRE, INSURANCE Coly. is no- . limit to the olume offree It is well known fUt the Domiyflon ..yeaf - ,032% , a ad AAY',� one correspondenctf allowable to the de- trouble. Op0rS 'and Vet Bank has always mAlittained a strong Th6ughnan 't P., thil puties. liquid,pooition. aud'thi present state- 0% W�:,: Is' WAO no! Vft -106-At Iarr syptabi olid -his, * 6 t;,'the, others desiring to avail themsel toad p6en and angenient, may do so, ow 'k heh lip" OFFICB-14r"ORM ONT Th9 work of a member of t h e ment makes it cleAkAhat this policy tw WAX I I . ". . British House of Commons has in- to the Principal," Onta rio Veterkilary gh,6ldd inalte'alivo t) when Mwc has � been. striedy�� id fed to In1W4. colifte, Cash assets 011�- L -*q -greatly of late years. and it 0 0 I,. U 'rl tect;stl 01 rbil "A "of K Presideal is now thei aceepted idea that -no ofwithirl A f dift .5 -tile wa A& EvAns, 86aehwood� vice-ptesident Digetinftatlug buye 'their ra secure ,the be member can disd lahis parliametht- lifiliffi 144miti to A k". uwregoti .968forth, SM-Tro cattle from, herds that Tie regularly airy duties and at tbb same thne fol- rNo "Aghkd teste4 "d proven free ofituberett is otiettj)atkon Addh de- low another and ooaftglous abovd0a., or g*''. . � i . I !P 1 w4o), mantig gubsitzmVial attentiotli � Evry* th go ''6 tO vike-bred "itle YOU, 1, , V11 0 *4 ie-inber's correspondence fa,ehoMoug -.Vinero Of -the 46 lo#b ihip og Xahn _U0 ata loo letwts a week is tedArdda-ad It u Id 'A & g _ ta, rAbderate e *o- ro* in f hi .01 tis line. It lb 06 :h6Ur d.qf for 1hiftft , tegPi6ndeftee 41fta ftlaldt'' *1 Its r t"Woo Ile &W 08 fft t I7 .. ...... .. k�