The Huron Expositor, 1925-01-16, Page 6W -M
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IAume fxe�
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a7r And, 4 M91M rely, aAd, n Q 4 by on, are Q tra e Aevoti hetqlhe� tOgn, t 44br Dee if 0 4 is to
tooth, bro
t4e SO %,r
r fo 7
ayou gee, his
Cal sumolent, evi eul on With th The repalver no statement put- out by the ajau, to make V, not 0ve done, a blessed, t149 t0':,'*e es
a' hand, at apy
ad ]Dealers, Association mak jV
devi -lize rV Pus use of. 9
engine, yet it would perfa0m b� Wo ho th0i T46,
at curious nd- pgQes4Jty_of keeping;,
an4 Irish
aus I&SIes af pu
Ipwood, mou(th in proper. c6ndition.
P the tremAnd h, is; .4 1000 the hill in the daytime. at exami t, i'l, and out'vroue, reao.1141;
then wben you f , .bane*,; irst tried climing someWb surfaces of,t,4 lo, g,
y 4xid Rotor
r than. those connect- Far somq�, time pa
With the industrial utiliza least tw a
You'll, bear a lot of noises at night from causes othe tion, of, 0 the to as, f0 4P, �,Qxt 04 A,; Qr YQ ice a VM
inceatorq� e. ardiiiary ed ta and. fr Bv�ory tQ
hear in . g,4, t� C�' that you wouldn't th
the wood as above enumerated. The been -av90A d. Nbw educatV, oaStr
I'' Dill if be wor'ked
fIlqt, list, $ d $1.00 (one driving. which. is in daytime. If the -y one see t! aa'114 b
I, il�, mouth and -4
dealers argue that because these de- trying q in, ve Nh
for book. r ta tchener Re
ly lengine has been taken to the shop -d ta minAtt(In
structive agencies account for some vantages *f. ;t en I exa
W chew Ak _S`urfd�eS,
to be quieted it will sound as y Qu, eo
the of -the total annual de- every three months. InflainTA,0104 AtKOk ''bternational CIMM AgeneY a, usual if you test it Out i n Is -which is the be e fo-od' ot fTo from- various lines ao� atd�hgye thoixglit,tAis nea-zqXtif
n of the gums, moved
pletion no attention need be paid to
hin ept. 296 quiet of the evening. And here's an-, the loss sustained by the countr y, of �yorrheA,_may -be" grooves qT4
of the e urc :9,U
D h Oil discus
other point: At night you drive ash the te6i w
through the unres�.,ricted shipments mediately by:. the removal of do, Bri
., U. 8, A, slower. Your car may seem to run llion and a ha minatiol'i —before breakfast'WM:, Pittsbwgh, P of a million to a mi If osits. Th4 regular ema
298042 unusually quiet and without vibra- after each meal cords of wood to the United States Should -begin when children Are and
WAS" woman is
tion at what you think is your usual .-A person who wi, lkbuy
ev,�ry year. The truth of the martter about two yours old and have most paste & powder.
a�pock6tbookzaln credit umbla
over with speed, yet if you were to hit it up to th. Thesie'iir dental A66 is just the reverse. When the. total of their temporary tee e an gaii
advised before retiring, as most of
a daytime pace.. in daytime, you'd find loss is so great as to threaten our to be protected so that the perm -
a lot of things that wouldn't please
ly with extinction within a peri- alipt teeth arrive without irregihari- the decay' takes place during - sleep. FARMS FOR SALE you. Sometimes this affects your hill suPP argu- ties-. The improper striking of upper Brush two minutes 'by the clock, as ago a man who. polighed citizen has
ad of ten years, what stronger Dearborn IndependeriV, 40. climbif?, even though an engine is ekets which it takes that long t6 stimulate th� even the
FOR SAL. 0 men could be advanced in favor of and lower teeth creates pp
100 ACRE r�ARW icblo terms for aulab normally peppier at night. If you nfection,, lAtef and properly cleanse the teeth, Goff, Who Made M411114-fit4nh
e, r
reserving what we have and of mak- collect food and harbor i
will son on reaooz
3. aoaftrth, Ont It is an exagger4ti6
w4s, Apply to R� S. RAY. start up a hill at twenty iniles an P it do service for our own indus- perhaps to i ir health and effici� ing Manhattan is not cikean� jw,th
hour instead of twenty-five as yo an iw,th
long as possible. The fact ency.
u -ies as the word has WomIn would in daytime, the final result", ti , � and, never that the wood exported is taken from Surveys in 'achools have pro-velI IBANEZ'S DENUNCIATION OF- s6nse7 of been,. according to Canadian stand, may be different. ty is affected by
be�' g
FA�:x FOR in t% sALE.—FOR SALE LOT 9. Most of you fellers make this mis- our most available and valuable sup- that the mntah Goff was the ..Ion S. Tuckeramith, containing 100 ply and from districts that are most poor teeth, the backward childirm KING OF SPAIN
ore on the premises e of testin, at night showing the g t lack of moutli Spearhead of 01I Lexow investiga. Brunner, M.P.
Cam. There a G4x- tak _hecause you easily accessible and consequently eates Ibanez's ferocious attacks upon King
ftame house. bank barn Sox75. lean to -hygiene. Thi. adult, it is'safely ae".: tion, inspired �y Rev. Charles Park.
zoomed in good condition.- 60 acres seeded usually stop for the car after office least liable to destruction by fires Alfonso have brought.him into the burst, a Presbyi,�erla�4 clergyman, and
1&125. all and hours and drive it home from the re- tituting, in fact, sumed, und6i�mines his vitality and If you would be well-to-do in your
to grass and balance in crop; well fenced ard-to
all tile drained; 'A mile from school, 5 miles You want to see whether and other causes, cons international limelight and it has been that investi� at*an did create a sensa- old age be, h -do in, your:youth.
from Seaforth, 3 miles from Kippen; pair shop. our only really safe supply, strongly his mental- powers through the ab. unkindly suggested that he is press- tion. t 10011 t6:;:p'�Wer - of Tam -
rural —Xitchener Record
mug and phone. Will be sold on reasonable you got your money's worth, and emphasizes - this point. The futility sorption of poisons from dental in- agentin many; it led�to of num�
testin'. My advice is . g for his next novel. But the
apply to promptly start of the effort to minimize the effect f fection. suspicion probably does Ibanez an in- erdus -corrupt 60iclala and. er, us-
orms. For further particulars
1. Mitchell, Ont. to wait till morning. A test in day- A -good wife,will 1orgiyo' � h
MRS. DAVII) XcMLLA1 rmittihg the unnecessary exporta- he wo, most common diseases
2952-tf pe T justice, though he is not blind to the revealed a conditioii of morals in the band for lie bas io
t snoring provi
time may make a difference. th rect 'fhe mouth, and subse-
tion of Vulpwood is further demon- t course'may add city. _that shocked thi:oAlAr6 -'U- ation. It othei very bad *]ion h 4-�
A srated When it is understood the, h Ith, are caries, or de B1iieonHi*4 els- .
DAY OF R C 0 that quently �cj to the popularity, especially among also oyoff.a useful and wake.�JS*htford
cay, and pyorrhea. The caries affe E h -speaking readers, of his`11ekt honorable career'. Ho�beeame Record.
SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 11, these exports during the past ten
AII=R tis nglis
F 3, Evidence as to th al, of the teeth proper; pyorrhea, the
book. One should bear in mind that' er or Judge of the Crimi�al' Court, . Lloyd George S.-ays-the,:worl'
acres. There are on the premises a good which forest deple i n is'pro per 'cent. of the tothl sues surrouliding the teeth.
ti more than 20 . . I and some aftI.Ae-most ntecl criminal ting drab again., Well, very
frame house, 10 rooms; bank barn, 5ox80. _ I years constitute an annual average It is difficult to recognize canes in the novelist has property in Spain '
driving house, water in barn and house; IV2 On this continent continues to in I cut. its early stages. Harm is often done which is likely enough to be sequest- trials in the 'history were blue for a while. Then it turned* red.
zeres, of excellent orchard, mostly spies. The ply. President Coolidge, on the au- I leave to others the economic ar- ered, and that after all Spain is his held before him. One of -the% nwsi A return, to drab -may be no disd-
farm is all tile drained and well fenced; 1 Y2 thority of the United States Forest gument—the difference between the before the condition is recognized. A own country,, and that to. become a sensational was -the trial. of Becker vantage.—Kincardine Review'.
miles from St- C�lumban Catholic Church and of the
school, 5 miles from Seaforth, and 3% miles -Services, stated in a recent address value received for this wood export- whitish, m1ilky appearance refugee fromhis home cannot but be and 'his associEftes for the murder of
from Dublin; rural mail and Phone. The that five -sixths of the forests in his ed in its raw state and its value if enamel s�Wsign that it has been a blow to him. Suggestions that he Rosenthal. There were more electrO-. "Eighth wife omforts Kid McCoy
Carm. will be sold on reasonable terms. For country had been cut down or other- undermined, and if the cavity is
further Particulars apply on the premises lor manufactured here and exported in is working for the sale of his books cutions in Goffs'days than after he in court," reports's headline. How
address, Seaforth P. 0. JOSEPH McQUA D. wise destroyed within a period of 75 the form of paper and the consequent deep a ceAain amount Of pain may also overlook the fact that Ibanez has resigned, six years ago. few men there are -that have the
2975x4-tf be causelby.�' gar, sweets, salt, fruit,
benefit that
years, thus indicating that not more would accrue to Canadian long been a reliublican. He has been John W. Goff was barn in Ireland comfort of an eighth wife.—Buffalo
than fifteen vears' supply remains. capital and Canadian labor from the acids and iiritating food of any
urging democratic ideas on his own and went as a lad to the- United Express.,
Th t'on is coming y ery close 11 latter course. kind. ounid his first employ- Home is a sweet place where -you'
oca'cu'a countrymen for thirty-five years. In States. He f
CHOICE FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 9, CON- the estimate of thirteen year, made 1 My contention s that Canada is Frequent examinations determine fact his first notoriety at home was ment with another Irishman, to. wit, can growl for -service instead of tip-
cession29. Stanley, containing 100 acres in
EL high state of cultivation. There are on bySthe writer over a year go. already over -denuded of forest growth , arly cavity formations, as one often the 'result of his political.and noi his A. T. Stewart, the dryg9Qds king. In ping.—Stratford Beacon -Herald.
"me People
the farm a large solid cern nt house with may attempt to deduce I and that we have reached the danger is unaware of them. literary activities. We are prone to is lunch hours he was wont to fre-
enthat the remaining one-sixth of -the i point as is evidenced more and more Dr. Kurt H. Thoma, assistant pro- forget that before lbane - wrote, "The quent the, law eburts, and there im-. Away with the cant of "Measures,
hardwood finish. also hard and soft wv
foundation; stables with
side, and other modern conveniences. Barn, United States forests, which are situ- by the resultant changes manifested fessor Of oral pathology Harvard Four Horseman of the Apolcalypse" bibed the'idea of becoming a'lawyer. not menl' -the idle supposition that
40x86,t on stone cemen Boom and with water inside. This is ated lar�ely on the Pacific Coast, will in- alternating periods of extreme heat university dental school, advises fre- he had a long record at home. When So he saved and stu4iled and eventu- it is the harnes'and not the horses
in choice farm, situated on good gravel roads, yield a '�reater percentage of timber i and extreme cold, of droughts and 11 quent X-ray examination. Some Of he was only twenty-eight years old ally earned the. right to -hang out th
2% mAles from Brucefield and Kippen sta- - than Lhe forest already de- at draws the chariot along. No,
tions. For further Particulars apply to MRS. per acre foods anh disastrous windstorms. I his patients have their teeth X-rayed he had to flee from Cuba because his his shingle. 'Clients were not num- Sir, if the comparisons must be taken
STEVENS. on the Pre ises, or to J. A. Me- stroyed The time for trifling with
m owing to the greater size 'If this, thelonce a year, and often it is possible criticism 6f the Spanish administra- erous, so 'he had time to brood over men are everything.. measures cam -
EWEN, Bracefield f. te the trees. It is known, however, that!
Listowel, Executors r the esta of Walter greatest of all national questions, is to find in this way, hidden decay tion there was so outspoken. the wrongs of the world, particular- paratively nothing.—George Canning.
J. Stevens. 2959-tf antage in this direction will I passed. "Definite, radical and con- which would have led in a short time To the outside world Ibanez is ly the neglect of ambitious young
be more than offset by the inaccessi- I structive steps are of transcending to serious ". consequences. Cavities are one of the best-known of living lawyers and what England was do- bility of much of the remaining timber I importance," as the Pulpwood Com- sometime�& not discovered by 'means Spaniards. This fact and the fact ing to Ireland. Ile was a Fenian or
WARM FOR SAI.R.—FARM OF TWO HUN as well as by the indifferent quality of mission warns, and I propose the fol- of instrum4ntal explratio, especial- that his charges against King Al- something like it, and gradually be- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY
dred acres adJoining the Town of son a considerable proportion of it. Fur- lowing reforms which are not as 11v if they occur in Obscure places, fonso are specific and of the utmost came well �nown among the- Irish
forth. conveniently situated to an churches CO., 4%O/o Sinking Fund Secured Note
and Collegiate. There to a comfort- thermore, much waste is encountered 4radical" as they are imperative: such as w3der. the gum or beneath a seriousness' make his attack upon patriots of New York. These pa -
school* I Certificates, Idue December 15th, 1944,
able brick cottage with a cement kitchen in perating in large-sized timber, I —Prohibit the export of unmanu- crown or filling. - the King of unusual lmp�itance. triots were filled with rejoicing one
barn IG0x56 with stA)ne stabling underneaft actual tests demonstrating that waste fact'ured wood. Thi would immedi- I ! �aries and pyorrhea may -He is not so much denouncing the day to learn, that Johii Boyle interest payable by marked clieque
far 6 hones, 75 head of cattle and 40 hap s While both: 15th June and 15th December.
wJ& steel stanchions and water before all runs in the heavier stands to an aver- ately save thirty-five million trees be due to some constitutional cause, instituti par- O'Reilly, the Irish poet, who had .
stock: litter carri r and feed Carrier and age of more than 20.000 board feet annually to Canada (constituting a PRICE.: ---92.25 and interest yield-
fto cement ailos; driving shed and plat. such as a lack of certain salts jn the titular regime of Alfonso,*and this been transported with some of is
Sorm scalea. Watered by a rock Well and per acre. pile of wood four feet high, four feet system, ail students of mouth hygiene also makes him different from the fellow conspirators to Van Diemn's ing
windmill. The farm is vmll drained and ft In calculating the longavity of 'this wide, two thousand miles long) with- agree that the clean tooth is a average -Socialist. lie accuses the Land, ad escaped and was in the
a high state. of cultivation. The crop is IRV remaining one-sixth Supply consider- but the expenditure of one dollar of healthy tooth Icomed JOHNUANKIN A-GE14CY
In. the ground—eholce clay lown. bnmedl , and the cleaner it is King of personal misdemeanors, of United States. He was we
age possession. Apply to X. BEATON. Z afion must also be given to the pro- the taxpayer's money. It would kept, the less probability of either grafting, of offences that touch his rapturously and immediately blurged PHONE 9�1. SEAFORTH.
a 2. Sesterth. Ont. sm-tr gressive increases in losses through merely entail'the passing of a simple disuease. P who maintain the honor as a man. In his book, "Al- -into plans to set free -his compamoiis.
fires, insect pests and wind, brought order -in -council, for which authority
strictest about keeping the fonso XIII Unmasked," he says that John W, --Goff bqpawm-- the chair -
about by the drying up of the earth's was voted by parliament nearly two mouth clean are less subject to pyor- the King betrayed French military man of the secret band that was 0�-<> <> <> <> <). Poll SAM.—FOR SAM LOT a surface as the forest cover gradually years ago. c as to I to aC ir rid
FAConcession 11, and west half of Lot 5 rhea -than those who brush the teeth information to the- Germans, though h en Oak af r the . a , a
cssdisappears, as well as to the increased 2—Appoint a permanent trained but once -a day-. Deposits about the he does not assert that he did it de- when it came to successful head S., T. Milmes & son, talufne 11530 acres. There are on the prerals4o needs of a growing population and of uniformed force of well paid fire rang- teeth cause the 'gums, to become in- liberately. But he is emphatic in great glory.was his. A whaler, cidl. 0 Fan". birectors and
twn-stm br
Ick house with slate red new industrial developemnts depend- military 0
good ers, under a non-political flamed, and provide a perfect Itotbed his assertion that at Madrid there ed the. Catalpa, was chartered- and *
lar" bank barn 108x69 feet with Ant claw ent upon wood. To allow . Mut�r.L.;'jkud 0�
slabUng. water In the barn, drive shed liftlo fifteen head with full power to enforce all for the germs that produce pus. This was a leak of French information sent to Australia.. Communications 0 Filiest
pig house and hen home. Two good spring years, therefore, for the complete wip- fire protective measures. to Berlin. , Al- were established with th4 pfisoners 0 drawn, equi j3ji wens, sho an over4owtnv sprinc. condition in time'eauses an absorption which found its way
The ing ou of the American forests which 3—Place the cutting on all forested rearranged time ther-made 0
is all cleared but about 20 acres. The e teeth, then fonso desired to be thought an and at a p Block Main, Street, 60, t#
good bIrrdwood lyagh, prinelpany maple. A, existed 75 years ago, and which have rty. They; were 0
areas, whether publicly or privately- tbe teeth loosen and eithei come out authority on military matters and their break for libe The hipainai office, 8.'�T wall fenced and Hle drained. Eight acres alread9l shrunken to one-sixth of their ovmed, under the supervision of gov- of their own accord or have to be re- frequently discussed the , war with picked up by the Catalpa and return- 0 Holnles',, residences
of fen wheat town, 40 &crab reaft for aprins original extent, would seem to be a
Street-Vist- Chas. d1inw 10
arop. The farm Is ottuated I Canes ftxm ernment foresters and limit the cut moved. the French military attache in ed in triumph -to New York. Goff 0
Besterth and 4 Issues from Hensan, ono4wit very conservative estimate indeed- to not more than the gross annual ingled out for po- * residenci ovir store. 0
The moment th;re is -the slightest Madrid, and carried on conversations was immediately. a
1111110 from school; raral wag and vhona. win When We Come to Canada. the situ- which 0 Flowers fbitzildheo on AIiit <>
growth. (Our stock is now so low felt on the same subject with the German litical advancement in a city be sad on easy terms. Unless sold by Sirrin tion, as I have frequently pointed we cannot longer afford to live on our' �enderness, redness or soreness military attache. was run then as now by Irish re- 0 notice... All kinds of 10� 0
It will be for rent. For further parUculaw in the gums, the individual Should ly doi�i.
Apply an the premises, or address R. R. No. out, is even more alarming. Taking capital). be off to the dentist immediately. The French soon learned -that the fugees or their descendants, and was 0 hdbteiing neil
6. Kippen. ANGUS McE3NNON. 285" the Province of Quebec as an example or ay,
4—Withdraw all forested lands German military attache at Madrid made an assistant district attorney. 0 Phone, Nljht ` �D" 110�. 0
i. settlement. (Settlers in Wooded
(and Quebec is better off than most fron The discharge of pus from the pyor. was able to communicate to the He was in this post when his great
of our provinces), I have repeatedly areas have been the cause of greater rhea pockets is a consstant danger 0 <> 40 0 0 <> �46 0 �6'40
stated and have ffered incontrover- loss through forest fires tha to"the patient's health. Dr, Thomas German War Office a great deal of -opportunity came round in 1893. Man-
n all other information that appaently had; hatta.n in those days was "wide open".
tible evidence to prove that the avail- causes combined. Why send people war�s. The infection. may spread come from the French military at- Vice of all kinds was rampant and
from the gums to the tonsils, and, by
THE McKILLOP MUTUAL able Supply of pulpwood will be ex- out into our small remaining wooded tacho, and that might easily be valu- verybody understood that the police'
hausted within ten years unless some- land when inhalation of moisture, globules laden
areas to clear up more bran
FIRE INSURANCECO'Y. thing radical is done to check the pre Canada already has with bacteria cause laryngitis, _ able to the Germans. An inquiry were being paid to. let it rami). To 0 W. T. BOX & CO.
such a vast sur- chitis and catarrh. Digestive disord- disclosed the fact that the French he vast majority of the citizens it
ent rate of depletion.
ome critics are using a statement plus of vacant land devoid.of all for- ers ensue with food taken into the attache -had discussed certain mji� seemed quite a natural state of af- 0 Funeral Director and,--*
OFFICE—SEAFORM ONT est growth which is much more suit- ters with Alfonso, but with nobody fairs. But it did not sebm naturaf * Licensed Embalmer.
RRA made by the "Royal Commission On body through pus infected teeth. H. C. 'BOX
OFFICERS: Pulpwood" to attempt to refute th I I s able for farming purposes.) In the treatment of pyrrhea, Dr. else. Then a trap was set. The to the Re. Dr., Charles Parkhurst. 0
5—Provide for universal slash dig- French attache was loaded up with He began to protest. He preached fiery <> Beat Motor and korse-drawn 0
J. Connolly, Goderich President calculation, although the report itself Thomas believes the diet of the pa-
posal and eliminate the present waste misinformation concerning certain sermons and predicted that the fate equipment.
Jae. Evans, Beechwood, vice-president in reality substantiates every conten- ful logging methods. t ent must . be ca;efully studied. Eat- future plans, and sure enough this of Sodom and Gomorrah was impend- <> d
1). F. McGregor, Seafortb, Sm-Treas tion made by me. They take the Cam ing excessive amai ints of certain foods Charges mo orate.
With the above regtilation� put in ---�§uch as meat misinformation found its way ing. 0 Flowers furnished on short
mission's estimate of 131,000,000 cords sweets and wbite
AGENTS: force throughout the Dominion, no bread—is wrong. Such food should promptly to Berlin. This was the Some of his sermons got in -to the 0 notice.
of sup,70sedly available pulpwood in one, not even the operators, would b end of the confidential conversations newspapers, but the police authori- 0 Night Calls Day CARS
Alex Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; e be replaced by cheese, buttermilk, raw
W. E. 131inchley, Seaforth; John Muir. Quebec, together with an estimate of injured. The cost of forest conser- b�tween the French attache and ties when asked to comment upon 0 -Phone 175. Phone 4&
the annual cut, placed at 3,000,000 vation would simply be passed along or slightly cooked eggs, uncooked Ki g Alfonso. The King is credited them said they were the ravings Of
Pay, Gode, n
Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, cords, and by a simple matbematicaf to the consumer on whom it should fruit, fresh vegetaliles and other foods did not a, <> <)� <> <> <> <> <> <>
rich; R. G. Jarmuth Bradliagen. rich in vitamines. by Ibanez.with being cast in the a well-meaning man who
process, figure out by this method rightly rest. The land owner would same mould as the former Kaiser. know what he was talking about.
DIRECTORS: how long this supply will last. This, be immeasurealy benefited for while 'He advises brushing the teeth t spotlight. He desires Thereupon. Parkhurst abandofied
William Rim, No. 2, Seaforth; of course, ignores past 'history alto- he would be restricted as to the vol- thoroughly, even if it makes t�e to be recognized as an authority generalities, and --accompanied by <>
John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James gether and takes no account of deple- gums bleed. Bleeding is not ah
ume of his cut, the price obtained upon military matters. His ambi- two members of is congregation as
Evans, Beeebwood- M. McEwen, CHn. tion through fires, fu-ngi, insects,wind alarming process. It is 9. natural 0' W. J. Walker & 801k,
and increased eu would be proportionately greater. He tion -has led to his disastrous inter- �chAperons, he sallied forth into the 7 -
ton; James Connofij, Goderfeb; Aks tting to supply the clean -sing process to those afflicted
would also be living n his interest ference With the Spanisl� campaign vice districts an& returned laden with
Broadfoot, No. 8, Seaforth; J. G numerous new wood -using industries instead of consuming his capital as with pyorrhea. After a few weeks in Mdrocco where Spain has been specific information, with names, 0 W. J., Walker, Funeral Di- 0
Grieve, No. 4. Walton; Robert Ferab which are springing up in the province of brushing the gums will become
at present. maintaining '100,000 soldiers against. dates -and amounts. With these he Co rector, and Embalmer. Rarlwk; George McCartney, No. 9, faster almost than one can keep track 30 firm that one cannot start bleed -
The alarming situation in our re- ing by the use of the tooth brush. 1-0,000 Riffs. Yet the Spanish have i6asoved his sermons and soon he 0 Seaforth; Murray, Gibson, Brueeileld of them. Even the Commission makes maining forest area calls -for the im- not been able to win a single import- had* the whole town talking. Ile 0 Motor or Home Equipment. 0
no allowance for losses sustained by mediate adoption of all of the above With the proper mouth hygiene ant victdry. kicked up a tr�inendous -rumpus, 0 Cars or Flowers furablied <>
blow -downs, although experienced and prophylactic, treatment, caries
remedial measures and any party or The bones of twenty thousand and eventually got the matter taken 0 as Vequeste(L
woodsmen -will agree, wind is not only any class of people who would under- ai�d pyorrhea can be reduced to under the up at Albany where"there was in 0; Spaniards lie bleaching Day or Night, Aone.' -67.
one of the most serious of all the (fe- mimmuni. The best results are ob-
take to block them would lair them, African sun, to use Ibanz's figure power a 6(>VoTil��t that had no e,,
JAMES WATSON structive agencies affecting the -for� tained by giving the teeth the right
selves open to the charge of despoiling ympaty for Timminy. it wat do-
ry day; supplemented frequ- of speech. Half this number per- CIO 0 <> <>
ests but one that is constantly be- their ountry for their own selfish cided t1kat the whale affair should be
ished in the disaster. at Annural,
Agent for Singer Sewing cami-g mo" aggravated. At the ently by a thorough treatment at the
ends. where Gen. S110ester was defeated. investigated, and the hithefto ob-
In_ present time losses from this one
Machines, and General a, personally office of a dentist,
agency alone are more than sufficient The life/ of our wood -using indus- Brushing is necessary, not only to The Xing he oays, wa cure -representative Who made the tris is at stake. The existence of stimIr onsib?", i6r proposal a man nami)
S=nce. to offset the -total annual growth. keep the teeth clean, but to resp this defeat. The Lek
our water powers, upon which millions hk the appoiiite� of the Zor' ='it' -
The losses occasioned by fire, late the blood cirel0ationis in t h e plan of battle, was dran, up
med after him.
fungi, have been spent and further hu -n- King without any consultation with tee *hich was na At W. J. CLEARY
KaiA Street Seafortb and insects are dmitted by the Cam -
gum and -other ai&I tissues Certain
dreds of millions are to be expended, the Minister of War, and in the in� the special request (if Dr., Parkhufat, <>
mission to be of the most serious char- places which re�Tc6d with depends upon the adoption of the a- vestigition that- followed it a letter John W.� Goff was acter. (In case of the forests a tooth brush reqUire the use of for the committee. Elmealong bove measures. The very fate, Of a found from the King to Silvester counsel
the lines of the Transcontinental Rail- richest our dental floss. A thorough ringbig of.
Fuhtrit Diredtor
remining inheritance, our ast� in which he said!- '�Do as I tell you Goff was an dxtrer,61y mild -man
way it has been demonstrated that fire the mouth to remove all foregin, i Hol"86 d406
mines, is also at stake since wood and pay no- atEeAtibn to :Owe inis- n6red with a soft 011111111110111 has destroyed twenty cords of wood ter -will complete the toilet of- the
ter olf War. He'is n ass.9t
for every one sacrificed to the axe.) and water are vitally necessIty for ftiouth. , it was complexion and a whb4d11ng'.inAunef.
AM. D. 'ff. MM their develollement. Each person sh':' thi i tt' liv the b6ok thebi led, Tammany at first thu t that , he NiAt gild Dai gar#16W The Commission itself points out the ould'have two tooth , Ad, DOW The ininiediate adoption of the a. bunt d"tin to 'aallenge IbdilO% *ould be - the t1ib id V7 the Minister to dig any. "a
to a duel, for he' Wag-' 'defice oft of hsidi,�
CHMPRACTOR fallacy of trying to calculaite the dur` bove enumerated measures is the brushes and use them on 'altornme ovi
ation of supply merely by dividing
days, so that each wilhaVe a
only means by Which Canada can be 1*11,1110 Of _WAi a the time. bailed witilegga,; Then one dayp
yquglism, will be At &e gaved froth fotegtil bdaltruticy vdth� to. dry ftkr it is 'TheY P116141a Goff's polite the estimated available wood by the thot :-Me dor
Annual cafigulAption. 19, abund. nbeeri'ditdoW to tho"! to
aw g6ftl, swtth 4 antly clear," -aayg the repprt, "that
a pre a AW IX,&
mouday All y ff �Jplidn of' Annilill 6niumption into t0j".
RgureD derived VRATX URIOtg Ip :9-
-by mathematical di- Montreal, Dee. 31st, 10PA . ai�i
tv nIV
;I mot eg
I Mal AW,
on the �,Sf& of6#6imitft- to -i-st -th,
AdOUdeuts givoin for diae"ea lot. ,A bly,
tent Which can in ft*.sowe be JUH&
one tialreg, ft
r at bet tu
... . ....... ..
.... ......
... . ......