The Huron Expositor, 1924-02-22, Page 6IIIJAI IAll's IIIIIIw II -4 nor at le4st 1414xi ibl% F;w-Ff Ore the se e nelum holds the 40 bluni, fruit, wliich perh4bt4 ipy,eq, 31 coil IIr# thII.4qqrd,. for long life. T um the, oldest part. Qg_ t A" 0, w as � 0 bkum. is a water Plant,, au,1 bus. a port lit*, has oput d A XA the *oane Museum, in Lincoln's, nbeA the ftt lields, some of these seeds. Were' 0 rlti�n W of Ing Ian k lit by the IIIIus, They were taken out a hundred olues, t9o, �To '�e for put in a jar in 178.0, whon Georg Natural History,, Asia B�Aga- ats 30,11OU'W'' '0OO �rgQ�01�414 04-t-0, th Third was losing America zine.., He life' Vt t Iwith one ol E who b the greates; that he w0l, b it "IMP t. of finds, KEEP SOAA F$ SHAP-U TO GROW' from lelk 4rches years later, and a plant and d r &roven from them. and attend t fat trooblej diaosaur eggs said to*be 1,0.00Q..0()9 a 4rug rb*thuti sts� h7tf faun 4tD CLOVER"' Ic aAt un relle,1 IThere has always been some doubt years old and, with ott too. e 2 Ler treasures to 4up. utter. two; yqatV IThe YA.( do] another day, as to how long seeds can be kept and be enumerated later. This was the gtqrious %obem at pre-'G� 76u's, last, ope w.,, or.w. V, 4 and one Or- qn.� * 6$tra then grow again; and there are sent confro# armer in Malay It unlikely .p Ig he seems , t4ird eapedition under Mr. ndrew@ stories of so-called mummy wheat— Of the C19VIM sections Is Me iucl`080- fiavO preferred deat iand by far the mo ce -1'97z hbu Oed. the wheat left in EgypLian ton3b.— at sue ssf ui. Much Ing difil lt' f successfully 'main- ing or deat)), b� ghoy e have, 0: _q Ia to one and n agaln. of their success was due to the fact taining st-44'qg of clover. With con- by lethal fu e: dpol�.. err f6w;ori- �Uf given 4 te*V r4t� a 0, a,T .? One df them, M. Paul Becquerel, tg ail th 'The *esu%g�tion nwhich is said to have grow t es W mes. that they used automobiles, the first tinuous Ili d e consequent is that he must have pref�rrb'd' ihe Wa to lieep "of �41ie And three told the Paris Academy some years e re uc ion th humus and plant, latter for aImpist. an inl% $ � -, _1 , .. in p J. a. S�*u & SON, tim' the' d ti ilgo of his experiments with 550 machineg',were ever seen food in tbe,�4,oil the difficulty ybo'# *6uld, A a, check', on �i,44106 w1levi the goes u Seaforth, Oat. M;)I�Olj Mr Of grow,! death by hanging Is n6t� 9:r' I ' i,:il�,.L� �I. .. e p egg, A _1k ILSpec P.M WAL 15 'b' 188 Of seeds that had been pre- aIng red 614yer is greatly. increased,, ani to contemplate t4u"�a.ile k, 1140 44181uritt, ire an d of eithei h 'h Is,' small- of, served in the Science Academy's with motor cars vast udexiglored. por- This con4i;,4, must be met and fire. Shoo y weii �1� t9 loss of clover or its ting is.,prefe:rable, i ' irId riot Museum. The seeds had been kept tions Of Mongolia can be ope sine a in ned up long ago convicted viurderer solved -ioda gry. descripth there for pe, between 25 and equivalent. tiom -the rotation leads vada were permitted �t� choose this -tlI6 teMperaf1jr4S re ia;t 90 and will yield rich dividends in COM- 125 years. A good many seeds which as are high temperatures. rapidly to .4 ruA-down farm and un- way out.' As to electrQe Poliulat'Qli Of young,, "J rop yields. The method �ve a d, MO merco- I I �ad the reputation of being able to cquired the projitable 'c ption, which , he a iMt. df n1bisture required is coming into increased'favor, it i's de towards door - '1116n, in an incubatpir depends up�6n, 'the Hep''sall Seed Show titu keep good" for centuries refused to Slowness bf transportathin has adopted in.any locality for growing pr a h as one� -,the broopi. n Igrow when planted, and 23 Out Of hitherto kept explorers out of Mon- cl _,obably as painlesa a de t says inake and GO erally it over Must ep, 4atiOns could imagine, but lately it has been, is best to follow the manufaeturer�i The South Huron Azfic4ltaral Socibty will the'550 lived. But three species over "The situadon has. practically Put bold their annuaJ Seed Show in the ollow d �j 4 the labor and weather objected to by an Ausfrian scientist 'directions. 4,5 years old grew; they were ail golia. IThe country is too vast to f e I conditions the syml�athy worker'ou� of ess. The more repectable-appearing use TOWN HALL, HENSALL be exploited at the rate of 15 miles _In each place. - It May be that electrocution produces a sort 'Of Iseeds with thick skins. T o emphasized;' however, that 'to get a that . m y executed The Natural Method. Another " French botanist, M. a day. Otherwise It offers great catalepsy, and hou�e salesmen -are still working FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29th, 1924 Fliche, found in the Forest of Hane Prospects. Water abounds and there good stau4,� the clover must have murderers must have the.experience to fair charlI LAS usually seeded, too with some uccess they tell me. But 'H of waking up in their coffins to uni.,, Setting the PRIZE LIST some quantities of cypress spurge, is plenty of game. The people are , eii.—It is generally t The following prizes will be warded on or wolf's -milk, in blossom. It is a of course debased in superstition, but little attention is paid to the weak dergo the terrible pangs -of - suff..... e fellows w1o.. peddle soup, laces, agreed that,' in order to secure a ack -nd other tthe best samples of seed exhibied ness of household .,knick-kii � �'a in accord- they appear to be timid rather than (,te'young clover plant and tion. In France_ the guilloitine�. re- appq goodt hatch, the hen must be placed Plant unknown in France, though it erning Seed Fairs.— its nee Clover is important mains the agent of death. junk' ange with the rules gov growk In Italy. It Soon disappeared; ferocious and the Andrews expedition It also with nd, who back thei .al ul? iihera 6tberia hens' are not likely to 2 bus. Spring Wheat. any var. $1.50 $1.00 75c O�o6r. clothes',,, sIdk fices* 'anc enough td`,warrant special care in is ure, but bloody and as in hung- dilturb her; for, as a rule, w6 iel-, 2 busbela No. 72 Oats ...... 2.50 1.50 1.25 It would not grow. The Romans was only in danger once, and that other appeals to g�mpathk have doin'get good 'hatchea',*hen otheg 2 bushels White Oats. any useia it as medicine, M. Fliche was when Mr. Andrews, desiri 3electing the seeding method best ing the preliminaries to the execu- given Ole g41e- I have always he other variety ............ 2.50 1.50 1. thought the cypress spilrge must test a revolver, ng to suited tl>A& special soil and to the tion are calcurated to tor 25 was about to dis� ture men- as lay In ­the -nest, with the"sitter. 2 bus. Barley 6 -rowed ...... 2.50 1.50 1.25 other conditions prevailing. tally the victims. Some farniei�i� do not sdt,a.-hen 'until have been planted by the Romans, charge it at what appeared, to be a It was with thes�e a strict eye on th�se fellows and netv- have lime, PhOs- thoughts in mind that the' Nev�a MI use 2 bus. of Field Peas ........ 1.50 1.00 75c Clover Awst er per 'It them to side. or one 1,�ecom;Oq broocly our a'nest where I bus. of Field Beans ...... 1.50 1.00 75c Who had great ironworks there long white stone. In the nick of time he da doors, and if-�tl I bushed -of Timothy Seed .... 1-50 1.00 75c ago. �ey lingeli,long at� is and...potash, and if the soil is Legislature. two years ago passed Or& � lay, which often Idiscovered that it was a bleached phori. to 0 necessi- door where they 'get no answer,' of these it must be sup- the � Ii tatel-, I bushel of Red Glover Seed 1.50 1.00 75c poor in any- late chicks.' � ThO, difficulty I bushed of Alfalfa Seed ... 1.50 1.00 75 The seeds of the plants may have human skull, and to have struck this aw requiring that executions n orderothern to li�eep out of in can Boo -hyi- -a new c lain hidden underneath the old iron- would have been to bring terrible bad plied bef6�0,. clover oanQ be expected should take place by means of gas, y b -hel of Alsike Seed ..... 1.5 76c beat. gs,,tveredme' bro, I bus 0 1.00 I bus. Potatoes. any early var. 1.50 1.00 75e workings all these centuries. When luck upon the tribe and also upon W do well. , A deep, well -drained soil In the case of Gee* Jon the lethal -on a poorly drained box about twelve. �n squarp I bus- Potatoes, for gen. crop 1.50 1-00 75c the forest which has long covered up the explorers. The belief of the Mon- is desirabl6;�,as agent was hydrocyanic- acid, recom- Peck f Onion. Dutch Sets., 1.00 .50 the 'iron -workings is cleared away, golians is that spirits come back to soil red CII6.ver will not thrive; better mended as being the swiftest and and six inches' de 6 OR;, ss,Oet, -ear IIIMost creditable showing of Grain and Seeds ........ Sweepqtake Badge the cypress spurge gets a brief hold haunt the living, When one of them sow alsike clover on such soils if the nVost painless. It was purchased in 6,9.00 BUFFALO AT WAINWRIGHT Or an overturned. sod in "th RULES AND REGULATIONS- of life again, and then dies out. dies the body is put on a cart and drainage cannot be improved to i liquid, form in Los Angeles and, be- bottoin, with c4re to have Ahe I. -'AN seeds entered for competition must This is in accordanc with what driven at break -neck speed over suitable state for red clover. The causeiailrftds refuse to transport it, PARK corriers very -full so -that no eggs con roll out,from. the�hen ai;id get -chil-� have been grown by the exhibitor within one we know of the after effect of forest rough ground so that it falls off. The questions,,qf- lime and fertilizers are had to be carried 500 miles b motor Sam Purshell,' sharpsJiooter, hag y year previous to, the exhibition- All exhibits fires such as have just been raging in driver never looks behind, beciluse largely local-, ones. The soils seeded to Carson City. The death led; next 'about 2 inches of straw or of eeds shall be held to be representstive of house was killed 1,847 buffalo for -the Federal thestatad Quantity of such seed offered for the Riviera- Always after these con- this would iiheourage the spirit Ao to clover vary widely, and the var- extemporized out of a sinall, detach- Governme chaff, hild then a few,durthen eggs: nt-on the reserve at a . - sale by exhibitor- The Secretary of the so- flagrations plants which have been return, but makes his way home us ious fields.,).On the same farm. may �d stone buildings in the prison yard into -the nest., The nest should put iety make take and preserve samples from choked out in the competition with fast as he can. The district sur- need differ4nt treatments. The most which formerly was used !is a bar w -right this "winter. 'He used, an av- be in sotne pen, where nothing each �h; it for reference in case of dispute animal- placed their neighbors take the opportunity rounding a' erage of 27/4 bullets for ev can disturb the hen, and put her on arising from the sale of 6eed by exhibitor. villagtr would thuil, be su4able treatment for each farm or ber shbp. One of the two rooms -4CIompetitors must become members of their rivals, destruction to make strewn with unburied- corpses. if it , killed and shot an average 4 each 2. of field is best determined by test, and air -tight, and fitted with ventilating I after dark. Feed and.water must the Sociiety by paying to the Treasurer there- a fresh start. The cypress spurge, were not for the presence of huge this carl-be-'made without a -great deal flues, has been divided by steel bars day that the special S g - er Ouse within easy reach, and, a dust be of. either previous o or at the time Of though dormant all these 'centuries, half savage dQgs, which devour th,il of trouble. at the park 'was oper Ing. �nkiri entries. the sum of $1.00 each, which into three cells, each of which don- bath should also be convenierit. If These and other interesting' facts the ben is sitting quiet the,next day, vrffl also entitle such member to free entry or at any rate unperceived, seems to dead bodies, and which, when the A series.of plots, eight in nuinber, tains a bunk. In the other rOcinn lIas are retailed by a Calgary man who you 11 b e� safe in putting the eggs -No, P emiums shall be awarded on ex- than wolves and try to drag down returned recently from, the buffalo d h in the Stock Show. have taken such an opportunity. bodies axe not plentiful, are fiercer may be laid out in the field to be been installed a fumigator or Ia' r gas un e;� er bib tested on land as nearly represen- pump to drive�deadly vapor through I'D our experience we. get its that contain weed seeAcL which, in the I park at Wainwright and who watch- ninety pet cent. ot the liens'to sit' Opinion of the iudge. are of a noxious nature., Oldest'Orchard. living beings. Mr. Andrews. had a tative of thd entire field as is pos- an inlet pil3e at the floor level of the ed thie process of yreeding out the by following this method. narrow escape from a baud of these 4. -No exhibitor shall receive more than North America's oldest apple or- sible to determine from observation death chamber. At the ceiling level big herd. There Are about 6,000 one Prize in any class. brutes. chard, so far as known, is a group beforehand. . The first plot is It should be remer- 5.-Al samples must be correctly labelled left is an outlet, pipe, through which, by 1) pbered that -the of trees in -a remote hamlet of the The following are the chief fruits ff left on the reserve and they -hen will be i'm bett�r condition if with the name of the variety. the amount _ untreated -ff)r a check, as is also the means of a auction fan, the deadly are the best and huskiest of tbe' at seed for sale and the selling price. Grain Mana-zano Mountains of Central New of the expedition:— dusted with insect powder *he set, last one, in i;he row. Lime alone is air may be withdrawn in'o'rder that bunch. n not less than 25 bushels for sale. except Mexico. The origin of this orc4ard 1. Twenty-five dinosaur eggs, the. put on the,�� , second, lime and phos and also a few days before e hatch In -the general slaughter I at in antiquity, says a writer first ever discovered. those conducting the execution may Spring Wheat 10 bushels; Alsike. Timothy is 0 in phate on the -third, lime and manure enter after they Many of the old and weak animals comes off. This. will usally keep and Glover, not less than 3 bushels; Alfalfa 2. Seventy skulls in all stages of believe th6 etence were disposed of, in addition to the the ice in check, especially if some 3 bushels; Early Potatoes. not less than 5 the American Forestry Magazine. on. the four�th, manure alone on the of the law has been carried oust. busbels; Late Potatoes, not less than 25 How it came there, whence the seed, development of Protoceratops. This The younger buffalo killed fc�r their meat- i bushels: Onions, not less than I bushel. who the planter, are questions that is a form ancestral to the fifth, manure and phosphate on the law provides that th tansy or mini leaves are used in frilled, e execution shall Stqries of inhumanity in killing making thO nest. 6. -In case of disput. a statutory declara- horned dinosaur sixth, and' phosphate alone on the take place on a night not named in go unanswered. a of America. The these aninials are quickly dispelled Von that the above rules have been complied seventh. The eighth plot is left, a cSytain week. The prisoner will by a visit to Spanish eggs are from this reptile. with. may be required from each or any The word "manzanoll is the park When the Selection of Eggs. exhibitor of seed. 3. Choice skeleton, material of for apple -tree and "manzana" means the untreated for a check.\ owing the day shooting is in progress, 4cleording a -ugement allows the ap- of his death. Select for color, size and shape, This rr4 7 --All exhibits for competitions for prizes semi -aquatic dinosaurs related -to the anust be delivered at the Town Hall, Hensall, apple. It is - believed that the plication of.all the lime and all the It is presumed that the penalty to the Calgary visitor. The animals the duck -bill Trachodon asd Iguanct on are herdecT. into one �of the small not later than 12 o'clock noon, and shall not New Mexico orchard was started by d kind of eggs you- wantf9r war.; be removed until the close of the Fair az One Fra Ceronimo de la I.Aana manure to one continuous area. -will ot be a of Europe and America- inflicted up -on either th�' pastures. Sam Pufahell drives out et.. - Continuous, selecticiiL, year after The phos'phate alone must "ight of the specified` in a 4 p.m. ADMISSION FREE missionary framin Mexico, who in i435- . 4. A skull of the largest fiesh-eat. be ap- first or the last 111 rig from which, �e shoots his year, will give results.- Dl� not select Icame to Quarai, five miles below the ing mammal plied to separate 'areas, and phos- period and that dirty, eggs., nor do not handle ggs; ever known—a great the doomed man will victims with a SpringfiL-ld rifle us- The Annual Spring Show of Stallions. present hamlet of Manzana. There phate is the cagiest to apply. Pot- he asleep when the lethal gas is turn- ing soft -nosed bullets. byena-like animal, about thirty feet unless your 'hands are, clean. The - long, with a Jaw spr ash plots -can be inserted if desired ed into the chamber. The law pro-: The brain of a- b0alo is located Palls, Cattle and Harness Horses will bc was at Manzana, it is said, a w6der- ead of about two Shell is porous, hence there is p9s- rheld at Hensall on Tuesday, April 8th, 1924. ful spring, and it is believed that the feet, somewh 'r to the ible containination. Mes- but over most of the clover area vides that the warden, a physician higher I he head than that of A aat simila Parbicul, ars later, Spanish priest planted the orchard onyx of the Uintah Mountains, in scarcity of phosphate is much more and six' other persons must be pres Eggs deteriorate in hatching qual- WM. CONSITT, K. M. McLE.AN domestic steer. In order to gei near the spring. Utah. common than scarti of potash, ent at the execution. They will tyf with ge. President. Secretary. ty not them' right 1hrouib. the brain, it is i When �old eggs vi the outline pre- turn the gas into the chartiber, but necessary to hit the- curly bunch of P It 5. Twelve skulls of Titanotheres, and -bi following. 0 2991-2 Although this eaxly settlement was for hatching, kee 19em. in a, cool abandoned for more than a century an extinct family of. huge beasts first sented the farmer is likely to find will.peer through a. window of thick, hair that HesJust below the level of place, about flfty,--,�o sixty degeeK TOR SALE because of Apache raids,' the oichard discovered ifi South Dakota. To the which fertilizer is best to use. A clear glass in the side of' the room the horns. _When one' of these bi Fahrenheit. Be sure the -place -is 9 logists these constituted convine- ton 'of ground limestone and 250 to where the murderer sleeps and note animals is hit. directly through the FARMS grew on- As it stands to -day, it is 9eO clean,and not musty. Eggs for. in two groups, one of fifty Ing evfdence of a close land counee- 300 pounds of 16 per cent. acid the effect of thphydrocyanide, The brain it drops . as if a'niountain had i trees, the hatelving should be kept not longgi Ition between Mongolia and the Rocky phosphate per acre is suggested un-' liquid vaporizes as soon as it strikes than ten days. �00 ACRE FARM FOR ALE. OWNER other of sixteen trees. The trees are will sell on reasonable terms for quick of "sprout" growths, may Mountains in the early age 'of main- less the land%is -fallen on it. So heavy are the heads of them The �gjs..froni late hatched pullets, =14L Apply to IL S. RAYS, Seatorth, Out known to be very the air and its, paralyzing action of the buffal-o that when they in groups of two or three mals. poor in lime, when two tons of upon the heart is supPo§ea. to be a 2865-ld starting , oi ilnmature' birds,, seldom hatch: as 0 the under jaw'is L. from a common centre. They a 6, One complete skeleton and limes -tone may be applied. often fractured. till rapid that the victiiii dies as As they are -killed th6 'carcasses elt as e frommat#e birds. Our FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-LoT 13, bear fruit, althouili the apples axe he inhales it, presumably efore he 'a at Concession 2, Tuckersmith, Huron Road small. parts of other skeletons and situlls'of Wb h9g eggs have � been pro- -4- b are drawn to, the A ghter house, $In rhinoceroses similar to those of can notice its presence by the char an duqed from, early hatchgd puilet§ Survey. better known s the McKay Farm The guardian of the orchard to-dav Eastern Nebraska. According to Mr. - absolutely. m]6dern plant, -where a 'There are good buildings and the soil is In FIRST MURDER(DIES acterisiie odor of �'ittr almonds- that laid'Xell in the early winter good fertility, with fall wing is the Rev. Jose Gauthier, a rench Andrews, the entire mammalian staff of eleven butchers hie'on the 0 Pie - Offered as The witnesses at the Gee Jon exec, and then went through a partial- -bargain for quick disposal., A6i;dy to P. padre, who has served the Monz,,a fauna of This Period is practically job. Jack Waddy, Government in-, FROM POISON GAS tion will report whether the infl on the job to inspect the nioult- W. JIDANSTON, Woodstock, ont. 2980-8 townspeople for the last twenty-five identical with that which rknged le- Spector, is The pullets hatched in early tion of the death February have the following Spring, enalty by the animals for disease. The dise#sed -100 ACRES, LOT I years. The orchard is the property through Utah, Wyoming -and South On a day last week not previously means of gas 'FA'Rm FOR SALE. is as swift and pain- c p ciduced rOmarkably good eggs.for arcasses are immediately destroyed ' Concession 8, Hibbert. On the premi of the local church. Dakota in the middle of the Age of announced there occurred the first less as it is believed to be, if hatchin Heavk breed'pplleti hatch-, theYo in an incinerator, The good car- 9 - there a" a brick house, two, bank barns, Mammals,,except for camels which legal execution on record by means confirm the assertic)ns of chemists it casses 'are dressed and, shipp6d - t,i ed, in May have produced the' poorest garaffe. two good ;vells, spring creek, three ar4-found only in America, and for lik CorRica's Chief City. 'of a poison gas. The victim was a i�eems ely that this new method o hatchinj eggs. �f hardwood bush. wire fences and tue horses, which appear to have been f Edmonton, where they. go into reold acres ( -drained. 'Rural mail and telephono- 1% miles Distance oftexi lends e Chinaman nained Gee Jon, and big from school; 71A miles from Seaforth. Apply more abundant in Amdrica than in putting murdets'toi death will be 'storage to await disposal. The Eggs from birds out' of condition'. to the view so It is often with people crim,6- was murder; the scene Of its adopted- in'other states, whether from feeding, housig, - or to MRS. CHARLES YOUNG, Staffa, Out Asia at that time. younger buffalo are sold to the'pub- 2980-tf and equally often with places. The expiation was a little hermetically 7. Discovery of Permian deposits produce eggs diflIcult management, sealed building. in the yard of e,the lie and. the older' ones are reserved beauties of Corsica -have often been of marine in -vertebrates which would for the manufacture of pemmican to hatch. It is alga true that the FARMS FOR SALE. -FARMS FOR SALE Proclaimed by tongue and pen, but Nevada State Prisan, at Carson City hatcbing�,Vovrer of eggs1fi,%u day or e that a wide seaway e murder coMmitted by Gee Jon* 0 The peniMicum will be` -made A A -up picture of Ajacio, extended a T� plant west of EAmo' two vfiltary, the cAiMe-of "whith- at in the townships of Tuckersmith, Usbarne here is a close seem to prov PEDLARS RUINEDI N DdORS and Hlbbert at Pre-war prices. Poss i traight through Mongolia wAs of a kind �.not uncommon among nton. Opera- esslon For further particulara OPEN; MURDER SCARES- tins will sta times is dfificult-,ick loeat6,, -given at any time. 154. the capital of the Island by 6ne who during ancient Permian times. the nyore lawliss Chinese. It was t there in April the supervision of rketer, Out.' 2928-12 town has bad ater, no electric fossil Ifeld. TORONTO WOMEN CL"IY to THOMAS CAMERON, Bar: was, there. Ajaccio Is filthy. The 8. Discovery of the greatest known part of a tong -ar, and Gee JoiV as Howald SiblA18,17 Ostaffi of squaws are en-, lights, and no street lamps. "The - 9. Discovery of the skull of Ballm a p FOR SALE. -loo FARM FOR shops close early and after that the a San Francisect'tong to go to Mina; and hardware mrcharits gaged in this'work., . PermVean'is DAIRiiNa,� POMM, eRl IS SOIL - FA=. ACRE rofessional--gunman was hired by 8% miles north and -14 miles east the Mount- -of Seaforth, in good state of cultivation; a darkness,is stygian. The light of the chiter�unl, a giant browsing rhinoe-, Nevada, and toke the life of Tom reco shop -windows made little diff eros rd the public- reaction to the'mur- sold t6 wr- bush; farm well drainerk; large bank the largest land mammal erence, k, der of -Mrs.,Crooks by a lo Police and 9ther' organizaii6ils- BXHAUS9tN barn with water inside, im large implement oQuong Kee, who -had offended the or- ne maniac for the gas was so bad that purchas- ganization. Pee Jon a and the hamper ass with osts Jw the far orth. It is shod and large dwelling hous. Near church ault, on Mits ]Yj ary -A 'poilif., 4 for 10, Obtalued thousands of specj�- ecepted thi� Intia achool.. Garden of small fruits lately set, ers had to carry the goods right up Mena of living I Duncan i Ideal food for melt on'the trail' In Main als irc*k n Toronto. auiL Fa* Gold cbftp for, M* sale as to the gaa-Jet in Order to see'them in , b commission and,,set out on the enter- 'Profitable Pr due-baz4iL a, bo6ldii li_- vtidpriet6i� is leaving in zrifir For further fishes. reptilea and bai 3e taking with him a China boy A sudden great increase in the the north country." slfte4 Frar at all. ' There is a theatre in Ajac� largest collection of rachla-fts—ow PrIl 9-,. WaA )COrrie, -to GORDOXI E WEBSM once or chain -n*6g1hf luntucultM UPPIV named - lfughi4k�,S' sale of � door loelts, and. do' All the,opefhtlotw� at Witt clot lint it seldom opeiij. Mammals ever taken from any part of Asia In a worked his habits. per- t6 ani, ithek sketch, or I gle season. In d'a axicab-'-driven n4put Snothi� or, is that, -fthe.�,practice -of dan 2927X4 visitors at Ajacclo e 2 awortk' IL R, 1. or phone 935-6. S;�L;ih: foi Ke� 'a bolts is reported by hardware merch- are caMia obt , under th� s a n Reno they lfiir� ants throughout the city. Visio Of 9604144t6 take Photos, there is nothin eta Tng 40 to by Pedlads com�plain that their- bus!- the Buffalo, I The eggs of that Monster reptile, a Greek and in it dro Pai*# and" A,. Dd�losp Of very tpil_bkhguAinj' and ve 150 miles of Mon 44 p a requires FAIRMI POR SALP--rK HbRON CGUWf r, do." The surrounding sed-5er is a-"ur, are conslAered, a 'a' tr , a edi I -Attention froth. the. 6 1hilds froin Swarth, Lot ir,, Gth.-con_ the dbitis of to Mina. They left the vehicle has. been, ruined by the fear in- EdMOtOni, 'f6rMbAY cb�sion. McKillop, 100 acres of fimf elars SuPerb. cour in housewives by the Crooks the',contractor f6i Itthe slaughfOr of manurial garin laudd, The sand En in a firtt class state se, the great prize, yet the3, were, short distance., 'frolh the town and Spired st"dpaipt!? Good, farmyard anaimro; the a of caltiv.dtfon and there are ereeted &n the found with less olible than the eggs went to Kee's �hslnty, where Jon shot 'and' Plineall cafes - Women will I no J says the author, is the bail$ Itonxiso$f a g lggypt*u ve-iPtes. longer answer the door to at an gfs Spbeio hea" that are flit -L f0t 5frame dwallfuz horem with u. It appears libra dead.. The$,U-en retuined to,the 0 of many a I Xly be I d; frame barn 76x154 with Owing to the Prevailing solarinau-, that GdOrge Olson one of the taxi and ed. , ifut!"a. In three days," said a' mouiAX1101'a" flayed 'at the, shoulderr uI11 dbscription df Par Kie' 'ately, such de'vetop6entb as t�.ao .:, stabling underneath and ence, Egyptian temples, certainly in ants in paleontol tdrs .0 :not fit for mo and, 111I daifT 04thent floora and water tbrougho t6 driving ;gy, was strolling them had been secured ai2d they were hard*areman,,111 sold out my.611ti.re Heads that at uniting hAd, to ig hid. Heads and, house, Pis pe)Y'And hen hiou6. Ila& about early tims and Often lateF-Were orl- near the camp one night when. he -arrested after1hey. line of 'chain boltaf and ordinaTy bolts, are sold *ith th acres of good hard wood bush. The entated east and West go that the came up on the eggs lying on tbj! Rerio. and a five dozen rush order to,r6fill tor. sale. -. Ibde's win cto-the-pdiliedon, 6f ko.od tbPerty Is well fenced and well dr rising sun at the equinoxes might ground. He rushed bac� with nevik 'Sing �nade - Chain bolts are the prineipali demAna probably brink from $5o - t6 A $M farni7y�rd manurO.' alned nnd obovenietit to good markets, chur al eolifeggion and the - For further particularn­ ��V ea ch-, wfiiI6 some of the best Bgads' statement uoted will doulk. chaO and light up t9eir dark interiors. Indeed, —th6se bolts that pernft, fi opening 8 a surprise '.to mds� Ply to of his discovem Hig' compablonlW, taxi driver wag'rel6dsed. The two UMS according to the current Egyptian LILLY J. McGregor. IL it. Ne. told.him that, he was grazyj tha�,w Chinamen wer�-_Aried and convicted, of about ten inches on h bkasa' or will rindlarge SUMA,* dairy ofine as Dfilotta, or on the premises, or fo R, S. HATS, in tjh�er afficitor. Senforth. Ont, conception, It WaS the sun god before was impossible that thO7 should ba� being the first. f! to be condemnidd steel chain. he buff ir soil 20954f all others ho dwelt InI eve' look, for ipVitoV0*biit1 of thel ry tem- lying on the surface, as exposed- aa- to death by idtlial'gas. Then bOgaii VVThat ba� always amus6d m� a- heard never 1h - bet* -*c�ndiiiF64-as a, result of - d'Aft farming- The ple, which was regarde4 s a small pebbles, when the dinosaur hid,beeve! a terrific ]egg battle to. 66"astoqW - piobld,m, lip , f .1, AM VOIX SALV,-VAMW� bout the d than they ar� this'Winfer acin IV "6 'RW' repllca� of heaven itself,;- Thus a Save 4he -_ . k 'booklet deajd% VOW' -the itillOng a0alding e Tatm of­giw� Yet! lives of the t*4,-,*urde4s. 'Perhaps 0166r� Will PaY� anywhe eceg- ad acres extinct' for millions of �kears. . that a houeh to vigtois to I the -'park.' he ni 60h. c"vionieutty ettaaw ts an *wmb0. favorite description of s temple is a el lael tbai wad bap�- e tong twentvii-five 611ars for Alreps. 0 Ithat I th m r e th ;from five to sit�r'of"Idiling off a turAtipt of ard� thl" Collegiate There is S plority of Money u.. 260 � e X111 Mapu a t I;a= that It is "like heaven In its.lnt�erio'r, Oned for upon exAmination the eggs tkobg and p6werful front door faat� Mlids 'on- Aceotin't of -the limited site of ent bitic1c etrtttga, ;itg n amm I . to, spend for diOe,who, Served thenL 20OX66 With- st4MO 6100blift while R46 (the sun'tod) rl��s with- were found to eontaln'tllI6 9 the' fee&g. 6uhd *ill inem that 'of ma Mi IS hwd 0t,d9tUb Plad 40 k*o fifty, t&, ado., Of kelto for. there was Ad Oiiing, buft, is ,contelit, ain it." ek, -of 6nds and the e -or the most. They had' b expensive ]a -'reroula" Will b f of baby dinoaaurg� eft cent or dollar contrdption-,4 thing thosin rt 9 �Iafsg ud and wfltar hbfdft IM 660, -h ', c e(f.. Atli t and leM emA -44 314. Covered up ta '649ily r -mashed,/ and, readi Ilaid on the sa part pn all *#6* Platinum, Wire, of. ,a flats, ­.� A ­Pt Idirivins sbed order, on *6 back and dile� door 1W 21" blitch- Six 106*� 411MY lay he fo ksd:� of the 'Ind scrimi- Wt&bd b# k fkm Platinum wife has been drawn so silized reMA1hs-,df a dinosaur which "Yet- It is the back -and sfde- doo tf4m fs V611 tTftfW itad tz fine that .30,OrOO pleb'ea' of It Placed may hwer, laril, the, eggs. eidtivAtida" The 6.60 fs One of the! house that require guarding s14 by side would not cover Mqro problems "of thd* egbedition d was Alhpg date to 'A I to X, WATON, A EIIAM an Mich, While 160 Plegt�g bound Pae t mater ad "n hstogether *6uld be n,dossiry to form of Packing 14-1 h b Pat ktb' take Peddlers as a, *I'lid'11 P. thread as thick as a filament of alolig, but the hatveat� wim so h, boliald isl tow goilig. ouitable'. voo tug" It"' t 9, ravi, sil'k, Y � afte.ted., by A it dt 14*. &, 'Our bugfneso , ag Of . jJ# that it and so at tht keletom werh wrap�edl for 'ho* , the arot: 4eft", t 6 Y In the Clotrdng,O*f the men� 'Ali& An aiteMO't is. b61219 do to, ralme A golu-, ift- It'llth .&fd I aftte� it the on U wbini r, I 0 Ipoddlift *49 and ng dt fr In i MrN it United States, _h r e els. 0 a Oo e On' ds have purposes' othdr$i, ;c­rAo In dnd- r, !Ww 1VS1108 TIttle minds are t9jil", dist Into.. po�#�War to I 19 Aot the 1d, 001%9ftgo the wo row, m hut, rds to, �bdt' Id. %fi rll�� above n Or H ing! been J%t, want 3rou to p,,,,A a IIIVolii d ot t, IIIIImore fisturr, iice 14 tbtWt"" Nt the v fhg' True at Ih IIII Noll, 14 14 .4 0 I J