The Huron Expositor, 1924-01-25, Page 4JA. N' ..... .....
0 "Ala i ,,#At- 0 A AM . Iio cMr'box Qf Alayteld: 'At t 0 inery b. U64, art 6ame to 'Rhy .9rft-mn *W n
�rs V . g Z. ye VISO a010* -1, arrked R. NY, vingge, Sups -14"T, ,AJOJ�4 , 0,; ot this Oat , r Cl%ulvt 01404, �Qoo, A at, and with his lAAP.,6X , d �r4ntpejpg ae U surviv, asbl�nd,,one once in County Aff ajm be, W Q r,', *r.4,,. A 5.akuder of Kit- M QM! a most ofAcint and -18 Case Ir 3ileher, at pfeselit In, F3orldi -ivi tam PA Ora VMVnttert law followed by the Co.,,- �W' anio'4''.4
or 0 Council, 'this year's Warden is a Asters and zone atpd Qowpaa�,r Wo viz; F A,!Zdwards Bayteid; Glady 41 UY; t W proos.", Mrs
. I IT1110MIA10 4�m. - bonds. L for War- officer. ist.An 'twenty ai A ir According. -pAiaodpal Ily, 4 as a rp 4$r# ,, onts' of .4 izt kusband and faml ho two &or c ,gM4w,
Ista. 1401ts, ilber And Fr#nk, -of? Kitchener. Two boa t brother also survive, Anglio 4% C the erieption of an up'w-1 Mrs. 3�lftabeth Fishqr, Kft�Wtuer,- and E. W There egua S;, 'k� �ine g''a Str;. 1T 4r,aF TH FALL DOWN uj� �i�d: W4, Idate factc,", uildirig,, _00"X 80,,anq'a of Mitchell, Australia. Mri. att epare+te 04ro,_ hotwe bugding, 1QQx6q, Erwins death came very suddenly Pa Urch � IW1 TRI�,FACTORY PROPOSITION. The buildings,.together with thor 1118- and was ' �k v a Sbo* LItQ sucee6b the community ward *i a nai Xr..Eilitor. ellinery, 014;xt And the adAftionr se- in which "she had, spent so many years church'� The Wingham. Advance of Tuesday, in of 12 1�tor)r �, ocurity of the company's property oc' 'at thi�px sr er life.,.. The altural S I 4TUe I%, shqul ty on nual Mo n of the Sou� 'I V45" 0; 1401 otir'Alen 3: Apd� W1 Ia. Y ISh* 7i(404od. to K a first mortgage to the town for the December 27th, 1923, contained the Barrie.. would,;,creato the securi following reference to a new indus ..' . . A I *` ZURICH ricaltprk d Z T
try about �o be egtablishe in tha� liquidation of, t WaLs _V3 �All the accruing ind wicebt�d- ComiIiaroioA .110tel, and �7,eps -Of thought, pea 2 .1ra ness. 'The payments ---,At th4 6rgawl5ation meet- cad'to $8 20 andr.�,�o town. of the bond i Notes. 09 , - �Rolmembeki'$N Ing day lqpj,�V "It is practically assured that Wing- , s Ah', the largeq.t auowfto djscumiox� sue were to begnder �he supervision of the Police Trustee Board of of ineir 'a 9 t ee orudenepa of Ae�'tnlov nd ham has secured a new industry in of the Town Council, as the �erectia Zurich, held on Monday, Mr. Peter 't s!4 a wbe Au% the form of a woolen, carding- and statenifent'?,; al!, the factory 6*14ings 'progressed.- J. Haberer, was appointed Inspectipg no iuil spinning mill. balincij#he trea.�ury of,pd apQIk'tbB' .Ue�:unioa 11, good, rie 44y %Soo,- In fact, the 4egoiations with the 'rru$tee and - A.' F. Hess, Secretary "Mr. . �§O that -tAlb S -at '-d' wa*llig Matthewman, of Bradford, 0% Worsted Company had progressed to Of the Board. A number of itecounp Jis &n a goo posi. for t4e de(I to' cbn�su%V were passed —The annual meeting. of was-ded' atiol; �:4f that uwa ;;e England, met a number of Wingham the, extent of options for the purchase hold thoannual that of property hear the C. N. R, dipot the policy holders of �he H;Ay Town- t business men And they have an agree Seed Fair . in, th� 'Town gall, Hensall, on Fiiday,`Yebr� great'e3iarnpI16 ff.tha�'Apogte ment with the Farmers' Feitilizer Co. were taken, In the opinion of many ship Farmers, Mutudl'Fire Insuraned aary The' ge'd fair, is- the onll thi .:nptWn ' ;IiV- whereby they allow them $5,000 Of of our citizens. this factory pr6posi- omp C ag will be h0ld 'in the To,* #1W 'ieir mortgage of $6,666.66 for the tion was an excellent one and sh uld al al in the becolq#� or* *f�i 9 0 H 1; rich,! negl, 14on&y, Januiry, One hell county., and is. vWAi or 0 ers
or r every year �Aq ig mateopula with 91-DrY; aovantige-tk7 brick building just north of the C. N. have 4ieen taken advantage of by the 28th, beginni4g--pt. one o'clock p.m— 11 R. tracks. The, Fertilizer a,ke or-liame, of CO. -will Town Council and a by-law submitted The coldest Snap of -the wlnter�struckF a libeV41"Iftemium list, this year name of line nikht ant� Man,T -or, sect,,but that ey g�ould.a�g the best Seed Fair -in the ticular church retain the red frame building which for the endborsement of the ratepay- this section on Sand yr on C. N. R. property just jouth Of erW day. Reports state that the the Society. T4o annual thing would h6 ftne with )% ey to he adva The assigned cause of the gen theTmdm- f the'brick building. Sprifig_$tock Show will be -'lie on GQ4"s glory- andi of manly Ethiopian ascending to the eter registered -ten degrees below a Qb*t!s, Kingdom 'on ea�th '4nd "We understand that.Mr. Matthew- dominant position of T4e�s4j,,.,-:Apri* m '7*at the t?praost zero. a -being with all. r4pe vi%it ib Ourlbcgll6dge oi�!Frkilay even n.g or . I �an eafertainineut in,tho negr. -man will ask for a $25,000 guarant" round of the fence -rail remains an Agricultural �ociety.�The 5&ji in- speciall*�Aiberal prize list -1 to t a 'aws from the town for. a period of teii enigma, however, dereliction of duty nual meeting of the membew-o a_rrngQ*,'.,.,,:, Ibis. will include boys corisq,tentious . leriples.. pp;rhq ti _ps,�-'of jng� tht f the expected, futur�, the pio0eds'-to 6o for music any 1h his own conaciefitioui� Init4 w Judg years at six per cent. per annum. and r6inissness in busines4 fomight Zurich Agricultural. Society as held ing_eompetition iu both horses. M, d" the attendance Very for the "The industry looks to -us as though lies at the front door step of those in the, Town Hal), Zurich, on Januay and ca#14 a feature which was one and -view n no oth6r �q,,eouldl-the, goOal4nd- ai"deg"ree, being put on in a y in:.. -Chicago Visitirit. her brother, D gGod"woVic be so;'well a nir tha�,Tehected raUdh credit:to HagA of the be4i drawing cards last spring. a 'd 06;xnarfully In n
it would be a boom to Winghan, entrusted with tha bestinterests ofthe 19th. Mr. W. S. Johnson, the presi- Governb I ibnf judges will be secured done.:as by �a u' nion Of the the b#k6rs M�dXr' has Mr. Matthewman has ten machines town, is, In the opinion of sorhe cjti� dent, occupied the ��hair. The finan- br degree team, a�d calioa :.b 40 ng the"o -wiO -or so
III for bA �thfe Spring Fair and, See(! Union in 134ch a causa,rheant sttelfgth forth high eco u a ith 1�i AtiVet in G0104�t--Mr. W for spinning which take up 5 feet by 2ens, a'ssuredl in evidence. Wherein cial report of the'treal surer showed. a wn which a- Iving-a nu3p- 30 feet, and three other smaller ma, did Seaforth fall do ? Will some balance on hand of $83.42, Show. Thoefollowing officeris .were and ddv� cement -and . tk0'l)-'D. llson y an ithat in-, spir- G� M_ The lodge. is rec�i "President,' William Cqjasltt;, Itua llch -h` '6r ;Gen, Bqrry, --of Windsor, hines. These ire valued at $40,000. person explaint -mount includes 77 paid up members elected. a Pre es, her of new mern�era from night, to, -eiid, here ith,+it -i T J. On the commencement he will em- a of Ist Viqd,' President, Donald Burns - eral Assembly, or Confer.��6,,-ighodld a a B ry ' Mis 60 via -
ploy 25 girls and at lea;t 5 'experi- Yours, for 1924. The society had on eR. D. Bell; 'Direc' night when, rhebtink, and mor i er o�� - a Russo VERITAS. the best fall fairs in its histo�.y lj�st 2nd Viqe be supi6ne, 'but 'that a. the sa'me' prospect,'whi6h makes,the mebtigs ited the Misses P'Ge6ce�,'and:.Daothy enced men. IH Q Soldan, 0. Klopp, .C. Carap- time PafAiame--in"t Amd. its important September, the , totl, amounts 'of ex- tors very. litarestig in Hens -all Lodge— Welsh during 'the past w6ele *" Me. bell,'T. !,$i 71r. to do ill giving validityi io..thp Mr William fforton. *�ho wat here Rbbert'Hig%his,-has� been ;��ed, to "We imagine we hear some one say, bibits being 1,�82,, and cask' and erritt, Robert MeLaxen, W. wOl as Me 'Why does he come to Wingham?, goods paid. out for prizes awbunted D. Saragrs, Johh McE�ven titl of',lanaif'and'. in that way tha Foi tl�e week end, left fat Detroit this' his room for the padt,*6ek.or so ow- Ewen, Robert Thompson, ;Wm;. Chap- Bill would 1 come before the P-arlia, week where,he ex0ects 4o takfe� a good ing" to a severe attack of spiatfi Notes.—Mr. Mat, Murray, son Of to $542.75. Depitrtmenital judges will
The chief market for his product is -
in Canada and he sees where he can Mr. John Murray, has returned home be secured for the.following classes M11,11. Wnt. Pepper, Dr. Campbell, ratifi' W.,ment foe cation and completion situation—Mr.' Wm,. Herlq, of Clin- dance given in the, Town Hall on from London Hospital, after having McAllister, J. McNau0ton, G. the,"title of. the,United' Chj�rches ton� 'a,former resident al our villge" iVay evening last by a' -number of. T
.5 I ave on freight and duty. The taxes for the , 1924 '-,exhibitiow. Vorse's, Han- 1. ., I � TINI
had a serious operation dnd is. doing ley, A44itors, H. , Arfi;1d a.iid -C. A in i!hurch property. He ins need how was h�i in Great Britain are driving the small- cattle, swine, sAeep,-, poultry and tA a a few days ago on- a visit gi�ls, w4s..;quite largely attonded and fine.—Mr. James Lacey and sor4 Clar- McDonelh 'Secretary-tre4surer, Keii� unlpn was o new tblyfg,ln the'hiSt0i)r and W-0 believe is.�plannlng,to take. a a4
er manufacturer out of business. He ladies, work. It was also decided to �=erii4 chureli.and- how -pleasant #me is .,reported. ence, of Amherstburg, visited in our McLeah� of he Pres
all rw, out
had other offers but Mr.. Josh -enter the sciety'-in the Combined to We .Webt-:��Mrs- Charles, *,.endid music was given by W�'por_
burg last week.—Mes�srs. Peter Me.; unions of the'different, Pie6�yieri Troyer is in London visitin I . - 1. Hirst is really the man who shpuld Standing Field 'Crop and Threshed Carqi-�,al_The first carniva f the g fela- syAe , Trig �OVf -:Reeve, Mr.-, -Owen
bodies iii� t�e past had worked put to tives--Mr� Will Horton, of Stratford Laughlin, M. Murray and Frank Ev- Grain C.Tetiti.h if enough -eittries season,wAs held on our rinko Tues- ger, wa; vooerich thfi week at-
zpt the credit for. bringing him to uch great'advantit'ge boit in the Old
Wingliam- Mr. Mattlievrman is a 'Eured. The prizes in -this day eypning last, when despite ver apent the week end with relativesAd 46 ng a , mee
ans are busy repairing ihe McKillop, can be se . di tilig of the County Logan & Hibbert telephone lines, as y (%iintiy' and this. he meeting was friends—M 'cil D'. Si 4t
personal friend of Mr. Hirst's bro- competition total $2%00, a d'the-en- unfavbri.kbJe weather, there *as quite opened and closed rs. CL impso a0�uncil A -meeting -held, -iri th. b, devotiorial, ex- tauending a few days here witLer badjallawieN.:19all -on Friday �,aveninc ther w1fo resides, in Bradford Eig all communication was cut off by tries should pour tnto ',�*ndance of both skaters and erebes, and the pastor,* Rev. 1. A- Me- siAtpr, Mrs. T. C. -JOY]It,�Of this vil. 14at, A 9 ilowi ffid 0 I - . the secretarys a large land. Naturally when in Ontario he Monday's storm, but by. this time Ov- hands. The result of the election of spectators and the COStUMIE�S, Were Vary an he a ng; 6 a . a p-
'ry phone will he in running order. ormell d Re -i. Dr. Cali -Fltcher lage.—Ww, believe that looking for-. pointed lor * he, Incolmill' term visited at the home of a sister of Mr. L officers' 'was as follows: Pre§i4pt, W. varied, -4 n S. Od good, and afford d much the last mentioned�a,late Moderator ward rtO. 4 concert here'in t a. a r a u I ug I Hirst who lives in Toronto, and Mr. The Late Fred Arnold.—The an- S. Jo nston;.Ast Vice -President, -J. pleasar�', nd amusement.' %. the n a 9 in 4 Do a 1, oh ble Grand-, Jas. nouncement of the deatl� of of the General Assembly,'fpokj*- brief- future a number would like to have Grassick, Vica-'Grand� WhK'. n while they were D Hirst happened 6 Mr. Fred P. Rau; 2nd-Vice-Pre'sident, Dj� A., J. ed around the iink to ly 9p the subject ofinidn. R�v. the d;a ',`�The Valley Farm that Retording Secietary- there,. in conversation he learned that Arnold in his 79th year was received- MacKinnon, Diipectdra, J. A. :Smith, s"tirri usic, it was quite . Mr., Ina
Mr. Matthewman was looking, for a on Friday. He was, born in Bavaria, A. R,ib6rt,* bf. Rader, E. F.,klop an in- McConnell took expeptiod,to it -In a- Was put on here by local t�jlent sev- Pin"cial, set William Kays
teti -.'scene,, to watch and all the manner he 'oatlinea, rotary�; George Petty,
and Rev. - Dr., eral years ago, repeated, As it,'tDok Treasurer. nd David W. Fosst- dare- 'Place to locate in Ontario, in fact Germany, in 1945,'and emigrated to G Surerus, J. Pf4ff#'O. Klopp,.W. J. different races and events were watch. Fletcher voiced,- when called upl?n lot so -well.—Mrs. Street, Of -6, W49 taker. So6al eveilin that he had promised several - places Canada in 1858 with his sister, MIZ-9- Dowson, W. Mr. A..;. F� Hess ed with iiiuch attention, but the most his opinion, ClintOi gs or
to go and look at buildings Lia their John Eckart.- He settled near 8ZrA- was reA0$o;ffit6d hi's v4h 16 h A ohere spending a, few days with,her, r 'of the day oe
'se� taty-t;reasurfw intere ,a earti ass
stirik race,,the men's race, open the I t re union a in agreement aunt. -Mrs. C.'A..MeDonellt'— Mn. ia-ther of the'evenings during-theast towns, but Mr, Hirst persuaded him ford for a few years and in 1868 he for the year. to all corepetitors, whether from New with Rev. -Dr. McGregor, he - thought Peter Munn has -returned from Lou- week.__-�-Mi�s- to come, toWingham. was ma&�e to Catherine Danfter, of "The council' sec�red the Services' t ' York - vr�-ela,gwhere, and known as d we"ahould be loyal't6 the Goneral As- don where she was visiting her is Kate McEwen of OAR
South hope, and settlea- on & l I 'farm in Fullarton. In 1871'hb:mov KIPPIRN !nile r*4 Of Mr. T. J_ McLean and -the Board ;called forth.-thd greatest sembly , the highest court of- the visiting�, her brotheg, Mr. hugh M�!
d to McKillo�. Hig wife pr4ileceas- D. -e in the Kippen Town Hall Tuesay interest ind was won by Mr. Lee church, in'whai they had done:,.�.�A daughter, Mrs.. Miltafi'Ortwein.�Miss wen,Bnd assibting-in the home dur- Vercy Geiger is in Ldndon visiting Ing Mrs. -MeEwens absence:on' a visit
ad him three,years ago. He is sur- lunch, Music br - Varn's , onl4eora- - G�ntte way. has�,thus far been:.a winner, in Rev. Dr. McGregor for 'his -sple to- Florida.—,Rev. Mr. W. R,, Don -
of Trade got Mr. Samuel Bermett to e night� Januaiy MIL. Ladies., p1gase pravidq Hedden,,�ef our village; who, by the hearty'vote Of thanks --was given, to her brother,,and tel,atives and friends 90 to Barrie and look over th% ma- chinerY which Mr. Matthewma�kihas vived by one son. John Arnold, of men .75 cents. _W�tiit Mark- all our al. carnivals aiid hag also M di4t
Du an4two daughters M' i. , �'. 4 iddres& ndid in the city, -'and fiom there intends nelly, , of 'ltmea,, p. acer. 2928-. Street`��
won rat! UL Hamilton and Watford k66116i . alld' - Wat6f1do on ebar'e%' Exe'bet, jjAV6. a. splendid Ber-
purchased and paid $400000 caslior, In I. . going to 'Btiem.—Mr, Franklin j% q. visit.. M of a. ?4artin Notim—A public meeting ot all lk�se rWilliam- -Honthroz!, who nion In and they Are load in their pr*e of -i�h Dublin, afid Mr" t d Atheft-h eonsiderably''handicap- here'liont the WesA--ogiting: sis ..
w C chtWeb7-hei� on
e uterested in Baird's lemetery will b6 'an a herle from, the West on a visfi Sunday Ingi 4 I& S
-what' they foand. Thtj -find he ar- CO ally 6 f Logan to The berld in WaJkees, �Wl; Brucefield. on Tuesday. ped aii TV'6sday'�vening last; won by sterls, Mrs. William Lamm abject be -
St. January 29th, �M. at 2 o'clock 0-m.,: Lair the Ia, Mrk. T. ociAl Sprvice and Vvanjoligin.ft - chased at a hargairf and did noitell fu� e.1 k J?1ace on Monda to two lap§, ilthough his main.competi- tQ his, mother, hai returned home;— . . I I Patrickle'ehurch, where requiem nkass purpoe;,� of waking 'arrangements for the Murdock mid, Miss M. Hunter.�-�e W5e ar the WlinOani people any -thing that cleaning of lots for the corning_,.s tor,�Xr. Percy Harris made, �a- splen- p pleased to, learn that Dtr. the 046011ows
was celebrated by Rev. Fathe;- White wpather during the. past - week 'Bert; -peck, who recently underwent 1,14 n�*bers' of '
he could not Prove when he had to- Thomas Baird, Secretary., '2928-1 did- �howlxt and in fact led in the been severely cold'arid frost Lod& Ate f4riW4 a"The Wingham Council 'held a and from thence to St. Patrick!9 earn- Hattie with high wieds, taxing the Pled an OpOiationjor appendicitis i1i,the moutX466 it in Horticultural Society—The annual race y to on oy me*ting on Wednesday night and will. etery, where Anterment *as,�, made. business meeting of the. society Whitesides- in -the ladies' -five la race aces Siaf9rth`*HOa�1tal,'is &Ding..�1011, !rhe kriowh The 11bearers; were I . aql� ind stov' s tql,keep. atores--and,%dwel- 6parition vM most a �,hold another t -night (Thursday) Mesarg. �Qon, held on the evening of Jallivary th me out -1i gs arift a t i i " i P*.has;3pron, 0 g the own Fred = -Peter Eckart shoVv�d g�fbd 4peed 'and' ca have gone fqj-med.hy bis new. lneInb am -of.. S first In a tedhly tonteited" race. � The do In ',aizi iji� Rai -almost, alh t
'v4th a'view to instructin MaAin Con- in the school, ro aid oal' bips- brothers, Dr. 3. Kellsall"Boara'OT, Trado in to prepare a proper. by-law follo-*�ing 'i's the prize liit: Ladies' 0 Dantzer. 91 rench ma el� Mffaiburn mv% HaR
solicitor t. An�oewA di�r village;.1who, We believe, ii �v
nelly, Frank Evans arld Andrew Church, the pre`46nt Mr. W . 1 't4 publish in 'the local press for three Dis perf orn, Derations hi th a ��nuwber oY�, 64� the hij'o
Welsh, 0 a tume,'Dorothy J'Yknftr �, ftot;��
in the chair. Tha�,rep6rt oUtIlesere.' a a -weeks prior to giving the ratepayers tary-treasurer,. Ali.. William Iveson, Mrs. amel; Shgster; gent's� comic Lodge of pt Nye Die s ,a asterag;Uti- . believe -Carmel Fred kni.W ;;nt d s,,p4ld ok* L I are taW 9 of. put- farm. -farn� qf..*ea�� an OPOrtunitY of voting on the pro- BAYFLELD showed',good, work done and it, tidy cs Jkmet"Pat6raon -Jas. 'rea rl Olah r POSItiIL Dad- A4PPlicatiats wiR be receiveff 6y the under- balance on halid. Doieng of( v6ges star;, boysl-�,cornic costui�e -W- sizued up tb Satdlidaw� February 2nd, for the and shru?)s n, F. Hedden I44While Mr. Matthewinan wishes a and hundl,eds of gladioli SO girls' fanc� costume, office of P�ssessor fgr the Vill.g' rantee for $25,000 for a period Of for, 1924. APPlicant to state sfaar3r wanted and other bulbs. were -distributed' to Lillian Steity, Louise Drummond - -zu e of Bayfield, ten yelirs' he does not want any -thing By ordgt. eo V r h r a, Hattie Whitesides; Daro! IL W, Ervvi,M )C]Lark. Bailleld the members fr . ac,h membe av- ladies, ac for �0� He will pay interest1won January 2%. 19024. 2928-2 ing the privilege of choosing to the 1 I I thy Welsh --men's race, Lee Htidden. the -money borrowed. So far as the Breezes.—Robert-Penhale is visit- va The Judges. e I of $1.25 from A long list of 'irf allthe different events -building is concerfiect, he simply take% ing re�atives at St. Thomas.—Sa A. McDonell, Dr. G, over of the Fertilizer Comp- Kirk, �of Toronto, has been visiting the society by nursery men at the Smith and G Michell, who gave of different'kinds supplied to were: Mrs.- e muel stoc _b
an7's mortgage on which be pays six James Sturgeon _—E. Hunt, of Lon- very special -rates the list. very gener1al "�isfaction in what is 4� hs per cent interest for the remainder d who was the.,guest of T. Bailey, Man� of the" members also availed no eavy office to',fifl. The ic OZ4 e on the of,he 10-y"r.,,term, has returned honi. themselves- of t1lb whole was in very good condition, re- ri-41ege of order- 'Mr. S. B�niOtt and Mr., T. J. Me- , Annual Meeting.—The annual meet- ink extra,stock at' -the same special fledeng the care'taken by Mr. George 1,ean who welito Barrie arld inspect- ing of St, Andiew's congregation was rates. The officers for 1924 were 'H d n, of this -villgge, and the earn- 1�( a 0: -ed the machin�ry which Mr. -Matth- held in thel basement of the 'church elected and are'os follows:.Presi ival WAS looked upon as a very good y do you suppose eMonVo pur.'hased are veryenthusias dent, buk.� c - on Tuesday, January 8th, Reports Mr. Wesley Frendh- 1st Vice successful one. fro e rD Y -tic over the pr9je 1�resi- and th 300' OMI�(IOX STOP= et and ha-Ve valued were given from all zations, dent, 1Y, eacli wtek? -1N101q fi4j. tfL� Propert �eith; '271A Vice- Church ifnion.—On Monday even- do it for stead_v sasijng�. DOM orgabri Irs. A. Mon a7 ##rchased at $63,000. showing satisfatory progress. The President, Mrs.., Lundy; Secretary- ing last R v,'Di. D. C. "A woollen mill, properly conduct McGregor, of er's books showed a Treasurer, Mrs. I church treasur 11 I I : � ing d*PCrts Search the worldfde'high-grade foodstuffs -Monteith- Directors St. Andrew,,'g . Presbyterian 'gh V - t'tpf 6 this largd -�grO IeQueerl Mrs J, London, delivered his promisad ad- st A, With an experienced man at the total inconie of $177 and for Missions, for two, years, Mrs I y urch, tial'pri664 a,�sjlable,6nly t C. head of it, should make good, but $536; Sabbath School, $171; Ladies'.. ?inlaison, 6 , * Miss Jean Ivison, kr. 1 *l*. rk"ation. abada. VV*4 f nion, dkegs. in the interests of the U ted.your isoli, y,fot assuming the worst and that it went Aid, $241. Ivison. Miss* K.,� Whiteman- for �o ve the hgibitofbuy�61i at the ncarest Ile j4a6stion, v4Aeh has been A live sub-, the 4
broke with thaefull $25,00.a sperft, the Young 'People's Society.—At lar meeting of the Young Peb- Mi" Je rs. Harry Fuss town would be ahead for they could 'regu year, Mrs, P., Manson Mrs. J. Bowey, ct of discussion for some time ast, r , ed ... front DOW �claim. the machinery arAd -the build- s ge'and-union side was quite ably fin McLean,, ple's Societi held on Friday evening, Miss M. Mellis. ing- Regret was expresi� dealt with a number of-weeks,ago a 0 Ther latter would be -in a,great the 18th, a paper on "Abraham"'was ad at the resignation of Mr, Willi 4. public meeting. held in .,Carmel -deal better shapethAn it is at pres- given by Miss Elva Dewa.and one Ivison from the see4tary-treastTer- church and it Was - t '6 Wish bf'many. . Car. ant- When thi by -raw is presented, on "The -Chief Factors of Industry" ship owing to the h' let us all get together and give it a by Miss Lucy Woods, An interesting to be away for go fact that he expects that a'well irdormed.�Speaker.'s�ould me wee ust boost. It will mean a thriving-indus- discussion folloed, then some Con- a good deal a the Uiel e, ks When tbe� invited t6'speak ill. the interests lo Coff e: Otnini*12 StOft',S SoCigI 5
try and that is one thing that Wing- tests�. At the next In wSrk da to be of the union side, and an iftvitatiou 'Ad Was tent to Dr. MbGregor ;speak -meam a few Ist, there 'is to be eating, February dohe. lie hasleen a #bry -able a o................... ...... ham needs; it will also a -debate on the obliging officer in the society and the om, the aubj4ft 33 new families to our population and subject, "Resolved that the� ad,varice- thanks of the'whole -soclety,are surely here. . In res emPloyment for 25 ladies, as -well as ment of the -country depends more due him. The sochi�y is- fortana that opeal, he Hndly ca7he ou� Mon- 6 or 6 experienced men. te In day evening last, alid While both:the Pad Pianut Utittim'' "The- eanInlittee who are working -Ple." Aff 0 unfavb ible, Almost prohibiting ............. ....... 2 ot nfavb with the Board of Trade and the Watson. ae Pollock; Negative, Don for 1924 are ,t;aneative, W. Stewatt, se&etary-treasurer, Premium.lists on its natural resources than the pel securing Mrs. Monteith -as the new weather and road c nditions erg council are: Messrs. J. A. MacLean, Dw being trepared: Ao e in from. the cojx�, on Wan'EX00aA 13rand 'Singapore On S. Bennett, Dr. R McKenzie, Harold- Scotchmer, Elva soon as they am ready,, one- 11 be - a-. " a us asem:ent. of tho:-ahurth Baker's edmond, C. P. Smith, Dewar. There will also be a short mailed to each member and also no T. J. XcLem R. Vnstona and Dud-' Progranime and lunch w , filled, reptltaiioif'of Dr. ....... Mi 11b"fin This meeting 64ifest to any one else who may 6' 16a - r as ii forcible and elo4uelif'. e ple ..... ............ ley Holmes. Aftet careful investi will be open to the public "d a small sire to join for 1924, All are 1"ke gation these men think it is a good fee charged t9 non-members. 9�Viiker, beft suifteient to draw a Map N to co-operate *1th the executive in &oad=nd9.hee in spite of �ad,wta_ gger d b; thing." Agricultural *hite Satin Pas" Flotii ayAeld AgTicultural sending them 10,:to ng ociety.—The ual making their choices promptly and road - cdkid ots,- aiid those % 1of .4 'A carefut P�*al', of tite above will metifig of that r rna4d6i4' 1b.fin- ................. 24 lb.,bij tether with mem.� i pild 6ut' reades that the pro� Socieb as held in the Town Hall on berillip fe6 of any-extta I t. as hd, gave a aJpl6v4fd addtess vr. $1.0 , and dested, so ng, on Aoey for extra stock posed -hew industry in Winglkarii is Wednesda3r, January 16th. Owing to r which fairly, J66#tled,gbod rits, ideptitally. thq same industry, -which it. being a very wet day, there was that the socWty's order ifuly be sent arguinent., i� ille interest, 0 t White Be ahs, - U side T&nat, the union Valeri the Seaf&%h 89-ard of Trade afid citi- not a Jarge attendance. The financial away early sh a society is in a in the XursefrY Illen. fill -orders and as be degl�-�afo, Ahlj,vAth the 4ups- 4 ib�. 2 2 t1lis 3sc ges gallaratly endeavored to inter- report showed .;is..
order theY ae sefit to them, tiolvi the m69t th the 'T00'n'00111161 to ftiftherr the prosperous state, there being a sur- .,Md o �projeet to %a extent of ga6mitting a plus Of afXmt se�veu hundred dollars. garly orders a'e haturmllY'filled *101 ift marmer', :he hard',t6 closest gt�. better stock and fewer substitutidAs, atItit to 4., e tqi�ire-lneit;g of for 1924' �Pose AiT t it 6 9 c roemb eft 'Ity h follows. preal. for the officers' and directors The SOciet3r1s plipuing a rae,treat -finfsh. In tl�6' to the Tntepayera for 'the pUr terttiqA of 1* 'hearers fvom ftsie Rice
The election of tht Woftigif Compgfl.r bft without dent John fdClure, Ist Vice Presi� in the forrA pAip and nWiTh a Submitt,04 , th't ii d1d V "h9 or al dbrt) �'6derStii ,rdted lee Bud 0 f, ent, MeaA0*1 care iThe Exposit6t. Treasuror, F. A. Ed. vale, Fuller 4.W4..pacl, age that A. PD. Zi�witi a d' ails. -Of the ao ka� falt, f� tit a 'r- Ooldillg. Reeve Parka, Ouun� aias;'A6dii6rs,, T. Cavisron, , A. given late Aodiety 2190 aTr'Mlg-' cakeful per t a A Wth6ut blilid Tea un the negq atiors dimt Willi a Vice on by Miss -M. Mversiaecor It, Of 910*"elidt Ga d, -Ste art."S loe I t 46t Ath the wr ade President John Vr ee dtdTV be 40b U4P ot� b en. e0ltdtal to 110 held I ton P,;t . A � � , , ; *,?,; - , ". is - - � d,8th, said. t6 Whit,& -we 'an gt R I h AVIW� 0 at %., 0. 9i 'ffpods, T064t�q F0*6e :�7 at twq' At. tilat udalltid by Skowde A 4�r th r'o Ir S gal tb# Ontario grti_ salh� wj a fritanob Io,f the Board of TV$tde%'U a H- ad lot a- 661afflitd- to attfto the an., Bill ld woo -Fd
r, IV RO, both M
t"Ift, fill opW1 H.' Wise, R roster. btfu baft-4 Xopt�rt, 4re plaijig, to, Qld iL nWd The D1 'Of tbel, �A trac -ht ddtftd 11 1 7� VM boag im eAW1 or or tabout ai## iftg AftAfte#d �4)y,fho Wo, might injlift it T#*,bf �Main *04� 24 ow-Jefib e $0 gard WD Of U304 66,11 liverva Ib "Iffty0l 16f VIL U ry 15* I vae 21M. ode I'WOO TWW W d Iftod ,*a 11 0aI