The Huron Expositor, 1924-01-18, Page 67
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4111 431 4AM -7,
"F";4 Pro -
WE, xv Rll, MAW
f, W tree
:L60Q,04lQ,, pounds -or wMeftah
U4 alvf�rAglw, Rea
Ila adAition, ta, larg& ql4mut
'dr' 41,4
r i e
and 4fty f0 Wo 444 44� t1wenty v"
feat, au4. aarAetJ14 TM.
u _V,
P� U`�, �4, "io,".7
hQ,Q vurth of ABU I&
caught' and mairUoted apauuIly from V�tli Jo BANW$: ST49NO '"S- �q
and flity feet, zud Oosq,
antic proportip ).%
the IgIrms. of Saiabntcbewau. the �T 11 11 1
This lo the, Dou r,'44r
giv geo;
QX WAX, �;peoie� being mataly gold eyes, Mul-
VW� 0,4 Ina recenv yeow,gH e
kOAciIal' ArJ4* can I>y -te 'd A zqq,
o dian banks fo t4 `�A
gn t �,be lifting U"
Mah ColqmbI4. 14' A171 � 1. , I I novemOt AX
YeAr, Y -A Ide4 to 4omme'rcial AsbOr- -be years;
mea ),760,000'pouado ot white4oh. dmph, of Toe b4agination pqt v -A,
of the Atha aua rl"r,
berta It le fd0nd as tar T.
ar rta t4rough.tq -th!� I '
from the eaiterp, slope of tue. IRC)4y
01, taver4ty of T outw,,7 lets, pilke, Aur&eoa, trout and tuIU-
t" M TP Dry"Pf tb� t $ear ln� the eorresponding Agure
MI. Mol4jftlno, in Albe. of
Pee,, NtrtlipTa, Albart.5 lakeo. last coast. in Br
headwaters w..rW0d
app -OM. The 4, A.
and 1 forradr
T. .4t
00400 j�ounda of pickerel as after effeolto ',of We urea War, with CANA 4: �ii; I 111�
but in the intQ�ior of,British I -Lt' y--- Ir el"If", .1
ox 04te, wall, as other ywieties, and expuzu V jo lqfte�
frokn Edmonton amounted to 77 =p
a �, : � � , . its enormous' deotr�etion of 'real-
g;l bialts range extends to lakes X . Whine Well 814e a
No 09' Of lt�91 Of 5 0WROU0 lb*; -but,
as against 69 case JU the pirIevioua
all Y�ars endi era e.r, 104$
4 - i I" Ith, b ng .-V41100
A , and Stuart. -6,
't length, Teaehe'4 the NO. Op
In apgearance the DQuslao, IS ex- wqrld ; of Cara,4. People ij
Year lallio
, Y. v, Is
failures branch #, n ae
oeedingly beautiful. The taporixkg uebalae AIOTWI� b0q4uqe thOy uf�dep- jnQ; , 1.7pep
'90 1 LAWW4
The fish of these northem lakes . ......... '89 $90,MPQ 0 relatog� tq,,b,,Pq ro
0. lUe-41847., -,a; one, o , 0 ; �]PjN
6 from limbo at 4 not A whew one small ba' a Alto, Kipp 04forpoll 4r
Lrunk is sta-alglWand free V _ 0'
"Zo RFr"Z .0
X rapidly found markets in 4agt4m boy
for seventy, feet or more; the crown d others prudently TED STATW E4s Cqlradd�
Canada and the United States 4nd tt � � " "' �* - #
am- - pa
rh g. or 1egal Goran*,,1�bt So
Witor, Gmveyb paired the -4�'Qnlldence of an peo, so 4.��Aaa�
W20.2, and the demand Is steadily kiicrear� is sharply pyrabildal itt first; bee p, disturbint rumors, im�
ing niqre or less flat in old tree&; the (9 yean, �ling Jur , 2�
Each mouth loads of Ash packed
"dot bf U
* t�ij,, ,�f plaim far, )U IV i*h h4T. butt J-- t
oranches have many lo Nor, is the his
Solicltvr Vor the Do
from these inland lakes to the rag- hg, . hanging ple. Yet jo,'#ie
'1' A ' f cOss t a- yea)r ,n
Of the Do- side branchleta. Dark green above 4da has re,4pod lar at cro Class oi Bailks No.. of Liabilities O*Lovi4hig. a lqg4 Ara 141 0
OIRce in relm te head by wAgon or dog -team t Of 'Wd
'ur jb'nl6k1.m% l'and' has lest4701 �)X
e e 04r0ty,"of bank'delp eMo BAtif
Money the leayea are Vale. -green under- at in her his and failures
thousands of miles to New York or C .0.9 Zk more
WJ-44 11vt
Lieath, and a arranged in two laj t 6®rter e ona _6 .. ..... 14-w ;p 11
ges ex� (-5i4-L%UUV agi" v us piano of the
Chicago. ar;10
ranks, but not as distinctly so aa world, au4'despite low for State Commeteial .-.790 141,P-4��,Q,00 bavb-belm tried in'�a unp�.ber itively Ibit -tin Wh. bfi'j4e�
Though there is no such feature of oie
ho'� 404 '�othefo, may.,be eneo�i44�41
aose of the balsam fir. The cones some of,h
o1r Loan,& Trust.Cols 05� 103,424,000 States Of the Union" butL �vea thet�
as inexhaustibility about any lakes, �.agricult6jal p as
-n instead of standing erect' advotates are "forced, to �dmjt that
,Xgt,,X: aug dow to d pe� that this *ill ii�'e
BEST ISBN and the nun�ber of fish in these put man -k i4l ons' of dollars i the
late the case.' 'a. the, opinion OfLagricili-,
'pointed 1015 $317,981,0 . 00- -they have fdile4 to'tplfil the eXpee-.. tural Okperti-one'of, the things which
waters is. beyond computation at the. _s in the firs, and the three- pockets of, Ier farmer citizens. She
has incr4s4 her ekoorts, - invested 'The fig
Solicitors, Convey present time, the Government Is mak- acts which are ' attached L to the tatioin form6d ' '61 '!he%. Ill' li�ogt
01 ures,are the lat4�ot available.
@"m JILUd Notarje$L ftbl'ie, I;ales are long and conspicuous. Its several 4, rt Of 0
-hundred- bulligns -of d cases the � �ystem� - have completely r�quires 4tep`00 01� th� Pa ur
Ing wise provision to maintain them The period covered ls`-one which in- broken dov
in tke PA -90 'BUMS9, OPPOHRO in their fertility. iark becomes'deeply furrowed and in 'her owu'�_bscurities; reduced the d4- clud, m-, the Stat6 ' "of '0414homA farmers is ..the weeding out of poor
V,V-, .3 sometimes Len to, -twelve feet thick. es the �Grest War with all, its de- providing on of the cows from their dairy herds, to the
txvx* x=lr ofrace. During the six months ended Junla ficit on her'�-Natiolial Railwa' seen en
�Ztj e worst exazoli*. � dL
Many of the trees now growing in ys, structivionfludlice, -aiid- the operations that prbilts- noy be increased.
In only one State has such - a plan
30 last, there. were caught i1L the little unempil and bids fair, in F 'Resgrve System in the managed --Up td'th� present tirne to
ritiih Columbia. are knowp to be of the edeml Another,:oheering item is that the loss
waters of all Canada, and landed In - and spite of all' =.her way back'to United States.' from rust, which cost the
re than five hundred kldars old It, *ill be observed avoid failure Manitoba
FROUDFOOT, KILLORAN AND a fresh or green state fish to thV esti- prosperity. I- Indeed, much -progress, th .; A recent. commentator
3 0. Anql �ie Douglas fir has known to reach at the failures in the United States states-, "In ieneral, thq� system has
mated value of $8,90510 even though slow, has alread'y been avers farmer so many milllons� tbis-' year,
HOLME , he age of one thousand yeaxs before ge slightly' over two a week, not ma pio ebefore long to be prevent -
this period does not constit made in that direction, and I think He prevented fai�ures; the. 6flures y -v
te for aft
Barristers. SolicitorA, Notaries Flub- varieties what may be calleud the har- bowing signs of decay. then went on to Bay—
m Seafortb Laxger structural tlinbc s *hich have n t able, at least in great measure.,
- I in dj6ining State
Ott 40noy to lend. T rs can be that this is 'the lesson we may learn a
Test pdricid. th� guarantee s�ysteia have been few-
Menday of each week. Ofte in . jbtained from the Douglas fir than from the'lialatee sheet we have the Our Record not Unfavorable� 'Advantages over,U, S, Farmer.
W. Proudfoot6 K.C., J, The �value of the salmon was - honour to submit to you to -day. er in proportion, and so 'Atl
Block $1,023,415; cod, $700,276; haddock, row any American tree, and many failures
Nil Moran, B. E. Holmes. ;i these fire yield forty� to fifty tho . u- In "the light of the experience of of Natiq?nal bankq in the States: con- It will be -news to many farmers in
$240.000; herring, $696,000; ma4)- an gli$h speak!
kerel, $198,000; smelts, $379,000; 3 d feet of lumber, sufficient to build New' Ban� Act. the two great En ng na- cerned,.11 National- *banks are �not thp West tpAearn that, according to
talf a dozen ni54lern bungalows. Its tions of the world', our record in Can- c)iartered'-under,]st9te laws and thWre- evidepce ri�6ently' submitted t�i the
lobst6l", $3,,3T8,29l; oysters, $20.- On July Tst:)ast the greater part Of ada does 'not -tariff coolmissio o th -
or appear unfavorable. I fore do not share in such guarantees. h f 6 United States
F. VETERINARY 000. These were the leading varle- ood is the. strongest In the world f the new, Bank Act its revised.', at the hold no brief for outside audit of any The rec rd 'shows liat under such Senate, presgnt4�ives
ts we4ght that is obtainable in com- last session of Parliament of the wheat
F. HARBURN. V. S. ties as regards value.
nercial. sizes and iluantities; it in- beelt116 description, or for the audi s them. plans a premium is placed on - bad cOninlission of the� United 8tat,,qs sue -
Honor wraduate of Ontario Veterlu- law, although a few of its seeliOIPS, selves, but I wouid remind all con- banking.. We inceptive to watch ov- ceeded in proving that, the. Canadian
College, and honorary member of Paper MMs In Canada. --:eases in strength as it seasons and notably those affecCing th e monthly cerned that at all eyents until - e e er the, security. of loans is taken western -farmer has,many Advaigages
.2 ideal for building and structural c ntl-
Medical Association of the Ontario of ieturns to the Government, did not Iy audi away when the safety -of deposits is- -ver his I coareres 1, in
According to a recent census mber- Now that It has been found tors were,supposed tq be con 0 . the� ., United
come into� force until October,. in ord- cerned with the accuracy of book- supposed toibe beyond question'. As State . Among these werk inention-,
the newsprint industry, Canada haA _,szible to treat'the Douglas fir at- a
ary College, Treats diseases of e
e animals by the mdblt mod- in operation last year seirenteen mills ..ently with creosote oil (whic er to give th4i banks time too make the keeping rather than with. the vilues has been well said by,a recent Comp- -ed - lower taxation, cheaper freigi
principles. Dentistry and Milk h pro -
which produced approximately OcEs it against the attacks of necessary 'changes in their , book- M
marine of the assets. They are not trained troller 'of the Currency, the, most rates, and better yield per acre, 14
0 a eialty Offics Opposite 1 250 000 tom. There are two or )orers) it can be employed for pdIes keeping, and io gather the informa- bankers, and it is perhaps not gen- practical approach to an effective and addition to a better quality of wheaf,
moter ]gain' Street, Seaforth' t"'mills under construction at the -i sa;lt water harbors, and lately tion now required by the law. In the
erally realized that losses on bank safe guarantee ofA. -bank depbsits The,cost of wheat production in. Car�
All orders left at the hotel will re- Present time and many di the larger aere has been case of someother sections of the Act, loans do not become evident until real w6uld be found in duch a sys, as ada is claimed to average $15 per
a rapid increase in its j�m
Solve pronift attention. Night calk. companies are enioxging their plants se in the construction Qf wharves, such as thos� affecting the sharehold
badved at the oaks endeavours are made to collect'� the would come . nearest to eliminating acre less than ill the United,15tates.
and it is estimated that next year the 3cks and , breakwaters. erls, auditors: the practical effect will amount owing. the danger of bal loans*, in' other Whatever elententof truth there may -
total output will be in the vicinity of The Douglas fir, however, is not' only be seeWduring the coming year.
do, if some plan, of insurance be in these, statements they afford no
1,500,"0 tons. Up 'to Marcb6 3.lst� sed solely on account of its size While th,W.Act contains some !in- It is rather � a - curious fact that against losses could be devised that basis for unreasoning pessimism, and
-1923 (th
JOHN GRMTX V. S. foaese�� JOf the fiscal year ..nd strength. Its' grain is very provementg,ubon its predecessor, and those desirous of reviving the system p'erate as an incentive to it wi Ou'r
r W
ould not o 11 'be at least interesting to
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- take gures). 1,000,000 ,)eautiful'and it is being largely used we believe at this is true of the of small independent banks in Canada carelessness in lendlng.� farmers to see themselves as others
of ll�sprint were exported -I
College.' All diseases of domestic tons r interior decoration and' various
'o more important of the changes which never make any reference to the ex- see them.
Abbask treated. Calls promptly at- leaving ;n,000 tons for domestic Inds of carving. have been made, yet these are accom- perimellt of this kind' which has al- Inside Reserves.
fftdod to and charges moderate. Vet- uses. It is estimated that about 20 David Douglas who discovered and panied by.aA-Increased num ber.of I Te- ready been tried. '� Such a system was 1�in*ancing the Farmer.
Who . Den a specialty. Office Per cent. of the total pr . i
oduction. Is iamed these trees was born in Scone, strictions Which measurably increase, provided for by an Act passed hy the Parliament has shown signs of 'op -
residence on Goderich t. Ong used for domestic purposes leaving a cotland, in 1798. He soon attracted the COS The 'discussion of the problbm of
t of Unking and limit the pow- old Province of Canada in 1850, and Position to inside reserves,'but it is
46oe east of Dr. ScotVs Sea- very small supply on the shelf. ttention bv his knowled-e of bo 11�_ � I �1_ fi nein- the --erati f 0 AZ
vi,h "K er of a, bank to serve e public. The the Act itself rpmained on - the statute, at ome provition for set.- --?-
cer a n o - ana an
In the month of May this year, -a.1 matters and- was sent to the ting -aside a certain percentage'
Canadian Baiik AA was originally, in books for thirty yeirs, not being re- of farmers, especially in the West, oc-,
_lnited States as botanical collector rue that the earnings as a protection agidn f the last
110,232 tons of newsprint were pro- st Pro- cupied much of the time 0
I, I P1111 if"U.- duced. of which 92,204 tons w*re ex�- or the Horticultural SoOiety in Lou- large measure, the embodiment in #he pealed until 18$0. It is t pective losses, in addition to pro- session of Parliament. Much evi�-
statute law of the best banking prac- existence of',the lianks established
Ported to the United States at $75 1311. He travelled extensively in
MEDICAL Per ton (United States funds), also .�ortb America up to that tini vus short, the la�t of 'them viding for loises actually asce�tain- dence was submitWd, but as yet no,
d then went to the ' ices adopted - under it' N
�e by ex
ed, is only a prudent step.'"
perienced Canadian bankers. It will going out of existelice, or obtaining
It would practical scheniie sei&s to h&ve been
the total exports to the United St&teg dawaiian islands where he was killed
DR. G. W. DUFFIN for the Awe months ended May, lots, )y a bull in 1834. if, by the in- a regular charter, *fthin five or six
-however, be a difficult matte'r to reg' FvOIY4 Unquestionably, in an ord-
HensalL Ontario. be a great misfortune ulate by legislation, as the losses ina dustry it the capital abready
amounted to 429,890 tons. troduction of, a number of unneces- years, but the fact that no advantage ry in
sary minor regulations, the full effect was taken of its provisions over so sustained by individual institution, invested cannot be profitably em.
Riot Office over Joyat's 1316clk; phone Outside of the fact that approxl- Glassmaidn
IU4- Office at Walker Hall Bruce- mately 80 per cent of the total pro- Little glass was manufactured In
g in England.
But the importiCnee of'ag-riculture as
on Tuesday and Friday: hours 4tiction is exported to the United 'nglaad till the middle o
of which is not understood by those long a periqdseems to the ordinary must vary because of dissimilar pol. ployed it is us6loss to lo9k for more.
ie who propose thern, the usefulness of mind to prove fairly conclusively that _'c'es and management.
2 to� 5 p.m�; phone No. 31-14 f the six -
2 c
Grad- States, by figuring, say, 2 per cent& the banks should be materially cur- -nothing was to,be gained by the 'es- a basic industry and the plightof so
-eenth century, when ontinental many farmers during recent
T[Ate of the Faculty' of '3*d1eine, Premium on funds, C.abada benefits tailed. I,believe.the time has come tablishment of such institutions. The Aims of Bankers' Aosociation.
5E, W i raftsmen obtained license to set up years
Western University, Londom Mem- -by $150,000 In one month or abwA force the problem to b�Approached
41 na. for the creation ofa body of inform- fact was that the system' could -not
j511 From the middle of tihe Beven- At the last annual meeting.of ihe from,no Ordinary angle� - D
ber of the College of Physicians and $1,500,"o, Per year, so that tW0 -eenth to the end of the e ed public opinion on the subject,,both be Worked on the scale of profits un "Ahe
ghteenth Canadian Bankers, Association my discussion in Parliament this hailli
oUrgeons of Ontario. Post -Graduate industry Is a very- lucrative psopoel, Lzentury the industry greatly flourish- among customers as well as share- which supported a ch"red bank
I I fellow,,bankey f suggested. that a ible solution
member of Resident Staffs of Receiv- tion to Canadians from every stavA_ ad, and during all that time London holders; It is to Great Britain thht and the public was not -a did me the 'honour o I poss
willing --to pay 'I ting, me 'President of the As'sgcia- might -be fonnil - in money, borrowed
ge of do -
18 2nonths. Post -Graduate member So many by way of thi'issue of/long-term se-
ngl!L�d. tiogn for the ensuing'year.
ing and Grace Hospitals, Detroit, for point. vas thd premier glassmaking city, In we look for s6und guidance in the hig1her rates for the privile e ec
& , Glasshouse' Yard, ]Bhtek- matter'of banking and there we find ing busihess with them.' Undoubted- wro e
A of Resident Staff in Midwifery at I John Owten Hopkhm. �riam pr�iserves in its'navae remem- that the banks are' usually free from lY this is as true to -day as it,was to- be car -
ng Impressions ar abroad, and curities, the'marginal risk
Herumn Kiefer Hospital, Detroit, for - John Castell Hopkins, well-known orance of one at the early glassworks legisla --tions. many false statements are ried -by the issue of stock of a cor-
tive restrii then. made
Orkee Months. writer of financial, historical and bio. 1�'hich has' been traced back to the by many who ought to know better, POration to be formed for the pur.
graphical works, who Wed suddenly year 1607. As the sevedteenth cea- Syst4ms ot Audit. Two Remedies a -to the aims and purposes, of this pose, the money- for: W -h ould, be
F! 0 Assoc !iation and as to the field of its found in -such proportion as might be
closed there were as many
ift Toronto. - was 5 9 yeary of ago. '-11:7 as
The, failure Of -the Home Bank of There are two remedies which have activities, that I feel it ray duty to agreed upon by the Dominion Gov-
)�T DR. A. NEWI�ON.BRADY wenty-Bix glasehouseB in and about Canada has made the eftacy of the met with the approval of a small endeavor to correct them. It h
Among Mr. Hopkins' notable books
was bla "Queen Victoria- Her lAra -oudon. To -day, in the wide embrace as of- ernment, the Governmehts,of the var�
Bayfiem ystem of audit to which the Canad- tion of the public f9i such a §Itua n ten been referred,,to as. a giant trust ions provinces interested,
A Greater London._tbe full number
Graduate Dublin University, in. =4 Reign." publishied. in 1896, amw the banki;
"Vife and Work ofMi. Gladstone," iim� banks are stibject a matter of as that produced by 'the Horne Bain or combine ivith' immense powqrs a - other Jarge c6rpokate interests
tend. Late Extern. Assistant Master �an be counted on the Angers and ind
wbich came out In 1895. He was o -Aliumb of one hand, and. certain of much discussion in the *press and else- disas�et. They are government in- employed solely for its' own, selfish who share in fi
Rottm& Hospital for Women and time associate editor of the Toron rie where. Again it must be emphasizqd, spection and the- guaranty of deposits purposes. 14othing Could be,' f niineing the farmers. -
Midren, Dublin. , Oiffice at residence hese are specialized, for elect urtfier The det*ils might prove difficult to
7 0, t)ulb-making and battle -making. it and perhaps at'the present moment by some sort of � an insurance plan. from the'truth ,I ac
Wly Empireand was for Y a. _,- to ' tivities as a work out, but the plan of. financing
cupied by Mrs. Parsons. las probably been forgotten that till thip point cannot be stressed too much Frankly, our contact with govefiment voluntary association w
-Attor-of "Morranlers al gi eve,originally such requirements by long term se -
Urs, 9 to 10 a,mL, 6 to 7 p.m,
3eventy-five years ago the product of th�t no system of audit or of govern' inspection in "those foreign- countries almost 'entirely educational. When, curities, rather tharl from monies re -
Of Canadian Aftirs.11 Opk a
1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 was closely associated wt in -he glassmaker was hampered by ex- ment inspection can.render a business where we come closest to it does not -the note -circulation -redemption fund payable on demand, is ti�qii6ationably
torical and literary organiWxtt no, 21se duty. The works at Whitefriars institution, such as a bank, proof impress us favorably: In the United was founded, the Association ' a in- sound from the economic oint
wa p of
t%e ong preserved the old exciiewan's
AU outstanding work was against failure coiisequext upon mis- Statew where it has had its fullest corporated -by Parliament because of view.
zentry-boxes. Chamee's grea� glass -
DR. F. 1. BURROWS wTIting and compiling of the Cana, management, �A no legislation can developement ithas become a factor the joint liability of all its members
twe Before leavinithe subject -of agri-
than Annual Review, the aouse, near Birmingham, was found make bank managers infallible. All imperilling e s
010cs and rosidence, Goderielk street th uccessful future of to this fund. "It was also called uptmI
ed in 1815, and there the system of cultural credit it will not'be out of
.g' second V91UM40 of'which haa r that is humanly -possible, is to J'ssen the National banking,system, because oil to name a -curator to take charg
4aft of tke Methodist churck, Seafortb e
been Published. Others of his P .,lass for flashing signals from. light- the number'of errors that are made, of its inherent tenden4�y to Wvelop of e place to w6fer tq the very volu minous;"
ftoue 46. Coroaej�for tke County of a bank which suspends payment,
lications Uwe been louses, has been greatly d legislafic�q
suroEL Toronto an eveloped.
and to minimize, the e&ect of them. only a restrictive policy. The Presi- for 'the pur enacted in the United
pose of pr"ery the
s h -ea n
"I.Afe and orit Not even, the erpeellence of the British dent of the Canadian Pacific Railway rights of all creditor Stiii;0 W�th regard', to it. Some parts
Historical Sk6tch,"
i et u til a
of Sir John Thompson," "The Sword P�emiers Lacked Style.
system of banking has been found to Company pointed out in a recent ad- liquidator 'can be appointed tilider the of it are functioning, with more or
of IalAra," "The Story of the I)cxmfn-� The lack of style shown in thb be proof against failure'B, a4d. some dress th�t corporations only succeed slowdr judicial processes. � Beyond leWisuedess 11� ,
b%tt, others 'are not, an(l
DR. C. MACKAY ton,,, Efistory of Soiith Africa," an&- clothes of the
Empire Premiers of them,. in thdi� sphere, at lea:st as when they embody the eager spirit th functions i exereis a 'n the opinidn'rece t17 expiesied by a
tl, ipf k pow -
C. gradu4e of'Tria. "Progress of Canada in the aroused the editors of various'Lon- disastrous as that of the Rome Bank. of the pioneer; thai the moment they ers over its members, disle ary
Mackay Itagor Orominefit eedri6iftiat'in that country
e. it 'that
otherwise, and possesses -
In 1921 he V28 made a P%U*W. 0, "remler Bruce of Australia was the. arisen with- U. f1lix not so,',a code Wrules could be has undoubtedly pefformed,its duties
r in a 176vieY( oftbat,eittfatior,16
University, and gold medallist of teenth Century." don magasines on men's wear.. become static, they decay. Were 0
in�*bsr of the course of agrieult�ursl'cr6dit 1
a of oral So'clety
94 Pkysl as and, Sur�' )Uly one, according to the Men's framed to meet _ry islation in -the Unitedi'_$tates,durlji�-
��e �m`brgency, in respect of the note circulation, in th
OM -Of entarlo. whict7has a standjngorequ�ano vear , Organizer, who "takes his If we turn tol the 'United States,
He and the good judgment of an experi e manner Past deegdelhol&
the Institute of f1rance., Jothing seriously and fashionably.,, which is usually li�ld. up as a model .7. the most uneiccoptionahl " ' A
V,�% 4!1 enced manager would cease to com- a a warning to otherl countries whicli
4, was a 3*Uo* of the Statistical nd no irregulatitiea in the ekereis
"g -p Concerning Premier Massey of New of excellence by. crities of our Can- mand apremium. in the world of of this most- impoTtant of
det5r and of he Royal . / function. conteniplat�,- similar attidli,
ealand, the paper says, "His jacket adian system, and where outside audit
]DR, It. HG9, ROSS Society. business. If the spirit of good eiti- the banks have ever- occurred under
is cut for comfort, and make no pro- and inspection, -both-by. Government
iefishily be -absent in the conduct of its juri6diction. During the war and Bank Of HaIihil6n.
Graduate of University of Toronto tense of being of any, fashlo� at an.,, officials. and otherwise, have been de -
of Medicine, me any business the Government may, -since it has pioved a
ml of Call. Jf Mackenzie King of Cana", it velo convenient
Rywars RetorL ped beyond anything ever known
well step in and regulate,- but the'eh4lifiel, of comfti4nicaffon between ess aWare t el
And, "We fear he has no respect in other countries, the only bonclus- As Y6w�ore'doubtl " _' h
AT81619ing ritz'sond, Of Hem Is another story of Joe work of that business is best done the Minister of F c the Governdin�General W
pan graduate courses bt inance-- and all 'the
ror his tailor. NJ* coat,la poorly cut, ion to,which wo�cap come from
Ryinal., supplied by a reader at,DeJb4,
'go Clinical Sekodl of, ChieAgo an "- in the spirit of the individual and With banks, Tbnderifi him valuable ser Council to-tho 0�ver 01 - the
his pockets are used as handrests, amination of thg re'6rds is that &Lnk
Ont. At one tinio on the floor of a# 9
OpIttlialmle HosplMl Lando ces in c6-pnection w#h. his finarie- buiJifie'sit of the�
lid his trousers are Badly In need of failures ars sb� numerous that they all, the self4eliance and initiative v! 1&12%f Hamilton by
7" �,IiPl(f 41,41, nd; 'University Hoaxal, =2,1 H,$use of C�ommon, uplift"' Gen. Smuts, is that this implies. The past history hig, the this bank, was given di, Sist, ultimb
subJected to a% severe attack by a called the are taken as inatters Of course. I flOtAtlofi of, war loans, and
Office—Back Of Da- Nm mostpoorly dressed of the group, but of Canadian banking other ma ik Its bianches" opened' on 2nd -:0
tI.jl%Q,A,Ji" whose opinion bore little weight know that thisiektement'ViR,be Oial-� inelddes,, many tteta. These- services hayla
home No. 5, 'Xftl the�cjothjngi editor remaike: "He evi- a crisis a;Vodided by' courage and in- bein publieJy. -tecoghited 'by I'liere stalit, as branches of this bdnk, Th6�
attack was Be bitter that "Houest lenged and that'figures have been itati e. f,
�9604 rex dently haa too much important buoi- V, 0 which Cana4i9n bankers'than one Moister. In rkoe 48�e ',has added great --s
0. X66Fe' T601Y was awaited with fty. produced purporting to show the'op- nt years -Purel tc*
aess oil his mind to bother about the its edwational' activities. 'Which had our b4sition in'the city,0j,UgTAi1tOn
0 teyeat.
posite. As a i�ulb Atch fig'U''t`es� con., are justly proud, when fit] predbilents
&ge, fit or quality of.his suits,- were Waived aside, and the situation 'fallen almost Into',des and the tOrri-tory lying'. to3the,'soUth
"Ofttlemea," said he. ' 1n ra sist merely of the stAitisties regarding
youth I was -a', boxer, and to test M d bank- fAeed in a mannir that might not been'.,iesum�d, and'iflis now actively as far As the7"ghorgs of Lako -Erle 'As
National banks' I A c6inmercis
striktng.po*4va I had'a bag of 8&44� Plymouth P.Ock From Canoidal ing business s;6h. �w lo trafibadte& by have been possible under government (�ilkagbd i�x �,the work of. PT67idinit well"as in tkb Provinces d"Map
-AIM"O"MS for
o*inginj auap0nde'd by a. rope. U Patriotic societies in the State of the C4n�dian chartered batilre, is �ak;, inopeo-doyi. fadlitieg the - teAtical, education and Saskatchewan -Wd ft& "'kift"
of the stafts of the* vari wro. of. fg6i Bank -of
THOMAS* BROWN -one time, Just*8 I aimed a powerfu) hlassacbusets!, recently became agf- ried on in the thifted Stateg,fiat only ous banks in most of the biree
Not a Prevention. their. profession.., Perhapsits relative Iq
-TACeMed AUptione r1ar tka AouxlAss blow the rope.,broke, the sandbag fen tated over a geological report which by bank� belonjang to the National ,R.Thilton to accept seats on,"the" board
a Iran Ana r c0*80.0ond4ft, 6or s0d I struok at nothingi stated that a fragment of historic banking syster&, btit b,"thd . ra chur- Nor -has -goveirnment inspection In unimportan6e ind inaetivit a of, this bank, And-o2tefid W-h6a!V�6e wdl-
'i'lax , i to the a '�41arcs, fell.'Oh ray aos6tl Plymouth Rock showed that the r y for
to* sale ditm, em be I lost my numbs -of years endw�d
tered by the vatious �§tates for the the United States proved a prevent- it with an come to the f6kixiOr AiOftberg�'Of th6
Odo * C0 g up an staff'of,
* . J* Y 1�. 6 k' M 00045rW bumped , TATY head and skinned MW. stone carne from Canada. On the air of mygter�l -which b&s' served to
-;`by trust eompanies ative of"fraudulent failur6s. . Mt. .1oe t i
Ckftes,mo.d.' face. I learned my leison nIever. to atre purpose an4 8 tin,
0 , , ngth of the first annotinceme t b *hi the public, mitid with ink- of opportilhity'tin W. �pifi to them. Th6
t A. as** strike at, nothing. Gentlolpea4 fro*. the unfversitY and the subsequent ch Wnjoy exn�,tvlderl powets than. Kane'the 'veteran, Deputy 06mptrol�, Mense,unkfiown, Bank 0f`H*i1t6fihAs1ad d,50 mil -
the Tegular bAn1W, I subiult then POW�rs I shall hope,
9"Ir ler of the Curt6ywy, .. 1,eeently pub- as' its, President,. to �iapei this im. holis,
that Any td this T havlelm4kyer done igitatloia caused In the Bay State, t1k6 'it the re- h6hel of dd ItA, AM 10'niMi6tis d
.".4 wep'.4 that - is, unf. to compare d an aecou�t of hio experiences
so, and retrain from doing ao hoort.0 acting governoir of,the AUX-te ordered iultg ift h
A ag ac-
1 4111
'banking syg-' which shows that under the fqgime gq
avadian �p Mble by
xaftifna;tfou of the rock- While tem with th qu li'w i
A kewarlmWer Shstp. e tbfy�,�ft foil
Omer Jonesp XA- at 6k only a part of the of every CoMptirol-kr 'df the j urfepeV, aims and its I'sal fioutiot 4.
Lhe Impression seems to prevail in 0
recenny *AiAu;Ron% in, the Uri- save one, since 1408
WassachuBetig thut, the -rock corresponding I when -6he 'butdau,
and the
I I . 1 41, 60060,,' k6eivi( UOd
5ble Gh6v- Is OW d bf ras imPorted from Canada, an emi- t�d States. was OrgEinfted T&ftaiiat Bank- Clouds Liftint. De
A -rettarko
".t'—we W MM1600 -a Printo Edward kqland'fairmer, at- ent, autborit3.r tem founded failuteg
says a little matter of, Sir John Ai�$-��itfien -gave' tho fol- irig Sys �
-have �takv
of lseo-.: isOlntervOped 16wift table of,Unk failtwed Iii'the fkaud ala *rOpe'a6ing. "the dark
since 016u&f �*pessfhiisni 69-700W'_bfhA*hbi9
v� traftzfeir—whi�h a bug6 aefer at "t A
10 maiket. Satik The 0heep Is Seven United States Aii, plue y "t pl4co. -An6thet illfl4tr ift, �o$
Ira xii h 6t
enfooi6d s� 1�! a.1ir in es 0 A,,
prftfttd4 its O*ner V=a
0 O� Y&
AMU fMA gl
olctlhd h%
a southw,%rJ and covero
_d Now
two im. ut§ evoir.1f �Afpttng diltil
!.,,id with im, The ualveri;lt
rd -
ill I0, 'tit' 016: Dbst�h
ty oiw� of *6 rtet rJ1#V# dl, b c, "'ADA - - tots, MWA0 140t�
6,11�at, the rock is 1_,Ce;1r1y
4) et, the tide- bag turAoil
woit boitIA, Pounds, Ils- qxndw theI 'Voila. ports..
'htfig y.J . I A
-A 4 1101 4 Ut tabI6 fact *hdit ffl$� ob
�A_ th6"dwor *47 ond 4" gVest fiumbbi 0
iW"t" ji'if,
to AV ;- .,t� e
X aile rettirping t6 thilgo
*Mtreal, 4
Utchlbe eAftal I
'tit A
N torig
88.a5w %ha
'Ail ev o p6grApimo
C 0A
ig, AV ng . -
Wi2ftbit Of -at' 1340 ft b0i h4t. , 6
-6f 1 A . . 'I
ikAlll. '89 A' h*i d6, dot% 'Ai"AA, WAR.
Iro"Nil 9-0 W
... ... ......
.. ..........
t: unfF.-a "liba. *6 "
Ing., in
yy I,,
jfivolv th
rVa"p 0 00 -di. tuo'llk best p "que Y4
"4 'go 0W.,-Mlim
r %
'9 a Ing
am ig
ffit,ffl WWI hda. 14 -MA41 111WIft , ,
6tt 1 �Vvfth, ."Ago
6f, thff Zda "br, Ndft , 9 6,
01 W
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