The Huron Expositor, 1924-01-18, Page 474 C
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% UWOOP A vp
IRMA .4i:li'�;,
� X 'VA W. , , 'I'V14", "," 1.1-1.111.1 , ." I
14,Pq 4 0 , ., , � , . . , .;" , �:. Qr4.4 Bend,
4, t! In. e b y op Loide q ,,?A dup
that _sboTo ........ ago we me4ti6ne
MCKTop, Dug's Churoh, rhut'AaJ oe�At ludinall VXY as,W? visitor at 91e, Pat oit 'was Mr. Albert 0 oWIV of as
Hill ........... .9
Thames Road -00
the' ft,; (e), BW gae4 of Mrs., Cqoiper. P�nt New Year'4 the qv,411fied g
Union Goderich Townsbip... 7 nd Were.-, w tt �i
i Vt.'s
Varna ..................... W000
,I literdoursp 1 and the,
3.4100! sW* of ec9AQmic �ayid �dc4�1� ques-
Winthrop ................... the:.
onis, t
tions througli thia'holding, of � dob Le
sof,-Mr, 4nd,Mr15, I J�ADXI
K946.50 and lecUms, the disaeiii1hatiQq of Mm Be* Boll left befro q
tera Of wemphlu'a bkqc Store xqwo.—A frTh fi��ek
Young Women's Anxilliarivp ture, tilie establishing day inoirting,last, f _14irime Or s", 'b1t, 9111p,
of lice killer o'i6weivd, also. Pratt s, pt i;o 4N4w A d air tap' Egmondville, "Neil Shaw".. .054.63 f attending *ll
members and their famWes, a hand
4. Brucefield, "]Kelly" ......... 84�9.80 libraries and so'forth, and by otl*r- H4
and RoYal A xple stock and ponatry, jo6�s. York, combining business wit
wise extending the knowipd,ge Of T�ukr's 4od', Berrea condition Vowder on 8ur in the way view o of To Hoxholftii�—The rent of rest office boac.
TH, Fziday, Januar� 18th- Exeter. "Logie" opepings, ther �dll b6 .,To CLVAR AT.' S&
t elevating the standard linly e �Lna
Goderich, "Arthur" 600.00 week or so Away living ia rural izipmunities; (d). ' es ie due y ble*t . e P xr.� aud
th H04spli Gat
Seaforth, Barbara Kirkman. 499.55 Y Office daring4o ntnth 6f Jamitiry, *4na those Robert gonthron are in watching legislation relating to farm- I. ..,Iveam
RJURON pRESBYTERIAL Blth Young People's Soc... 75.00
ers' interests, and by urgilig,.from, tigns taken 14','afso pl�ase settle. Subscrip- where, we believe, they irtt6nd, spehd��
all,Dally and weeky 'Xews� the winter -Aio *Ith -.,t "TS PoIR slAg
Smith's Hill, "Associate"...
time, to time - through duly, appointed P'P" At t"19 gensall Post Office-. Pat'Pni%e
The an business meeting Of the your own ForptlAuster. ing Those �ar� the- qat�ovetil frani our ObAstmai'411ing. Ladleit,
nual daughter, Mrs. a ar 9therwise, the passing of
uron Presbyterial Soc�ety was held do' '��ates
Tandors W41tited.-Tenders Mis� Margaret Wilson,j in Fine,Felt Juli
wanted fo� 8
legislation required to p6mitite the eU in'Brown 'Red,,
oray *#b Willis, Church, Clinton,.on Tues- Mission Bands. cord0 dry bggi;h. and maple bodi wood, g4 visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy Vl(bite, and dexi6le �eal; g6les a�d. low lite
44y, January 15th. There was a. Auburn .......... best interests of agricultiur,'O; (e) 1�y Inches in lept*, to 'be -delivered to 111sall Tena $wan, who spent, a wepli
$ 20.00
members, The Ptudyiqg and teaching the, a wep)i
good. attendance of principles school on or oefore February 15th; abo 4o RA
-peration andl,by pro*oting the "Orde green wood, each and niale, body and A-091dar pid"s. $100 aud'$2:25;'T6 1C]� R,
Bayfield, "Lou Graham" 5.00 or so with her sister; Miss Ilelen,
of co -d
morning session opene, w d �4 incbep in length, to be deliveped, to brpther, John, and family, of the.
A at 10,39- The Blake ......... ........... 64.50 establishment of to-OPerative 0gan- oo 'Hogg, obi;upied
president, J. E Rensall School,on or befoe Max -ch op. t
Blyth, "McLean ........... ownship of Usborne, has,return& e 305-00 izations, (f) BY Oncourp9ing mem- tional'to ten4er� fo� both 'lots or separately.
the chair and conducted th devotioV
Brucefleld, "Little Disciples" 90.66 bers to provide suitable hails or t- T 'dem to be -in to Seretary-Treas to the cit—Miss Irene Douglas
tees .. ..... '104.Zb L. Case, Secretaxv-Treasurer, pleasantly entert#Ined a nurn of
al exercises. Interestiri 413usy mee v�.ry
k L39rt6 Clinton, ing place and of -et>ruary
9 property fqrnish and
were presented by the various. seere- Egmondville "Little Helpers;, 6X 60 29274� her girl. friends on, Monda� bvi6nink
equip the same for the social and e&
taries, which showed increased inter -
Exeter, "Sunbeptyris . ....... 23.47 Good Lc(pture. —On Wednesday last -and Miss Gladys Petty k18o_ eyi.� ucational benefit of the merabers; (g)
est and activity in all departments. Goderich, "MaeGillivary" .:. 200-0 By endeavori evenin lats. , R
0 ev. E. Donnelly, of tertained a number of her boy and
The Huron Presbyterial now nun '_ Hensall, "Kitig's Own .. ..... ng to suppress. personal, JarneNitreet;.Methodist church, Exe� girl friends on the following' even -
auxiliaries with a member- Hills Green .............. 56-00 local, 'sectional, national political, I
bers �4 ter, de ive��d his popular and prom- ing� T -when a very pl�a"ylt FORM 80-00 partisan and class prejudices, and . iesday,
lbuting Kippen, "Gauld" ised,�lecture, "Marriage the Pikes' as 'Mir
sllip of about 8W conti
I tim sRent by all— s Gladys
* * 80�100 thereby to prornote the bqs�t interests �. .1i
$4,946.59, and 5 Young Women's Aux- Kirkton, "Anna Fletcher" 44-40 of Canada as a whol* Peak o 'the attendance wa Douglas, of Blake is visi ng . her
a any s TELEPHON31.1 opposqx comukuMAL VOL
iliaries and I Associate Society num- McKillop, I'Duff's Church" 26*111 reason, why any e* Is ther no7t as Ia as was hoped for On, ae- grandmother, Mrs. 'Thos. Dick, ofthis
bering 181 and contributi4&,kk,9_T7.46,
one within' reason- ig
Thames Road, "Busy Bees".. 15-25 able distance of our village should not count th% storm, but those �vho village.—Mr. Syd. McArthur speht a
lso 16 Mipsion Bands with an 6ffer- Seaforth, "Sunshine" 154.00 join our club? I think not, but there were present I were well repaid, as the day in,London this week with, hi
ing of $1,381.14, the total sum Yais-
are mapy reasons why you should lecture parkled with wit, humbur and relatives and fiiends.—Mr. -and Mrs.
ed by the Presbyterial being $1,381.14 join. See our Secretary at the very, instruction and everyone was delight- Allan Esler are here from the West ing, Janua 21st, at the i4our of' 8, V&ona"Pefiel
Twenty-sevep Senior and 43 Junior on, of Windsor, who has
Annual Statement. first opportunity and get your name ed with it., While the reveiend gen- on a visit nd at present rY
are here o'clock. A hearty invitation , is ex- been vi,§Iting Ts. T..;J. Berryj is now
life membership certificates have been tlernan cited different phases of de- visiting Mr -and Mrs.'Fred Hess, Mrs. t(;ndea to all, whether in 'favor of visiting Mrs. dhn. and: Gord6n',Bol-
nrolled, also one In Memoriam from Receipts. on the roll. We'll welcome you. lightful c(;1jrt.hip, and the many,
I Hess being a sister of Mrs.,Esler.— union or opposed, . to atte
10.00 . - Dr. ton, a,few r
Mrs. W. McQueen, of Brueefield, in February ................. $ ofles;�,east oil our,village.
Pleasant- -incidents eounected ithere- Mr. Glenn Broadfoot, who was Off McGregor is a most able and taleri - if . B; Hort of S n -
memory of her son, Albert J. Me- March ................... 325.97 9 t� M a d Mrs br� ta
ZURICH with, the married couples were notic- duty-foT some weeks on account o� ed speaker- arid well informed'o I. dar irta, are 4isitin'g. friends
April .................... 331.58 ,al Albe
Queen, who passed away August, ed to ctr6, e with glee and nod as- ill health, has resumed,his dutil?s in
matters pertainjilg to the union ques- n
1906. Four- hundred and ninety May ..................... 862M (Additional Zurich news on ]?age 3.) elittiveEi in this vicinity.
sent the unmaryled cherished the Sterling Bank here—Mrs. Ifugh tion and is well.and most favors* All�n Farnham, of thi) Molsofts Bank.
pounds of excellent clothing, valued June ..................... 268.79 Notes�-In the death of Mrs. Lydia bright visfo'ns of hope and aniicipa-
MeEweh,.Ieft here during the past know7i- by many in this section, and st4ff, of Drumboi am Porykerly ',,of
),ge July ...................... 440.22 Schweder, which took tion The Misses Ethel Murdock and week for Flint, Mich., to join 'her to hear him diquss this most inter- that BApk here, Is. -ren
at $846.10, were shipped to Port, place last
L_ 4 e ng. ac-
t�t la Piairie. August .......... ....... 248.50 Thursday, Zurich, has lost another of Greia Lamfirie gave fine violin duets brother, Dr. Daniel, on a trip tp.FlOr7 estihg subject at the present time will quaintances in the village and lAs
Sixteen auxiliaries, two Young Wo- September ................ 567.75. her respected and well known resi-
-nee, while
which ddligritited the '.&udie �da, where they intend spendin
's Auxiliaries and eight Mission October ............... 679.45 dents. The late Mrs. Schroeder liv- 9 a be a great privilege, and no doubt many Mends are Pleased to meet him
Miss Harvey �of Exeter, sang two 'number of weeks.—The choir Of large numbers from all the churches again.—Miss JesIiie Buchanan sp
Bands succeeded in reaching their ob- November ............ ... 1431.4() ed practically all her lifetirtse In splendid s -ent
3to3g.71 Zurich and vicinity. Her husband pre- olos, which could not be Carmel Presbyterian church bad a intr,,ted in the union will be pres- the weak end in Zurich with Miss La-
tive. December .............
Jee well surpas$ed. Rev. A. Sinclair 0&' fine social evening after their prac ent.—Next Slaida morning in the mont, of , that vqlage,mr. Fred
There are 351 Home Helpers con- Expense Fund ............ 25TOO deceased her a number of yiaars aijo, cupip. fhe".chai� in.. his usual able tice on Thursday evening of Ias-
tributing $480.57, an increase in' The funeTal was held on Monday, in-
mem- :1 1 t Methodist church Rev. W. E. Don- Bengougb. who . tendered ' among
manner. , wee�, when the, tabl�s were laden nelly, of Jaynes Street Methodist I of our
bershiii of 106 and in,contributions $8,3W.18 terment being made in the Bronson Congreg4tibrial Meeting The an- others for the capetaking
-with most tempting vi.Ands and after -
of $N,00. Huron Presbyterial stands Disbursements. Line Cernetery.—The annual meetffig church. Exeter, will.preach in the in- schools, has been awarded the'c6n-I
the Zurich Library Board As- nual con®ational meeting of wards a'number of intdresting games terests of social service and evangel- tract, and will no doubt� give I good
-highest in the province in this depart- Ma;ch 27th ........... $ 244.00 of
Carmel Presbyterian church. was held were enjoyed and a most pleasant so- ism, and ih the- evening the pastor, service.
went. May 23rd ................ 685.00 sociation will be held next Monday— —Miss Minnie Reid has, re -
on Monday,.evening last, when the cial time�spent.—We are pleased to Rev. A. S. Sinclail\ will take for his turned from a pleasant visit with
The subscriptions to the Missionary July 25th ................ 750.00 Mr. Ferdinand H-berer has moved in- . re
was a very g epr
Messenger for 1924 number 749, an September 24th .......... to his new home and is now enjoyin cod atteridance, t that Mr..William Craig, who subject, I'Dauglater Jephthaks,'�—Tfie friends in the locality of.their former
9 interest in this' important meeting was ql%ite seriously ill from a very toung People's League,,of the Metho- home, before coming.
W 00 mode to Herisall.—
�ucrease of eighty-three in response November 21st ............. 1800 00 the comforts of a fine and 1711 held orice't%,a' year. T�e chair was severe cold, is gradualljr improving, dist church elected offic6rs for 1924 . Mf. Frank Fatqultar who was' con -
to the special appeal. Deember 20th ... 1600.00 dwelling.
taken by Ihe,, pastor, Rev. J, A. Me- —'Mr. Alex. Forrest, who has been on Monday evening last -resulting as fined in f0r? the past week
to, his root
There are 23 press secretaries in January .......... 2426.18 Hay Council.—The council of the Connell. and "after the usual- opening here from the West for some weeks follows. President George Follick, or so, is now able to resume'his'du-
Township of Hay met according to devotionaf,
the Presbyterial. The work in con- Transferred from expense service, the minu�es of the on a visit, was called �back to - the Ist Vice PresideW, Greta Lammie; 1 ties as torlsorial artist.—Mr.) and Mrs.
-necti the Municipal Act, on Monday, Janu-
on with the strangers' depart- fund .......... ........ 25.00 last meetingmere read' by the Secre-
ary� 14th, in the township hall, Zurich, West pn business, but Mrs. Forrest 2nd Vice, W. C. Pearce; 3rd Vice, Noxa I Thomas Hemphill, who have been'
ifient has almost dobled this year. tary, Mr.'J�mes W. Bonthron, and
when the Tollowing subscribed to the and Aaughter are remaining.—We Follick; 4th Vice, Flora Higgins; here on a visit for several weeks;,.,.
A most interesting report of the
T8,T330.1 8 following the minutes the Treasurer are -pleased to -report that the new Secretary, Laird Joy
Mrs. of Carmel E;Iva Shaddock; Pianist, Nellie, Boyle. are making their home again afitor
anes wai given by the Secretary, Auxiliaries Church,is giving splendid service and —We are pleased to see Miss Thelma returning from the West, where they
Recapitulation of Receipts. qualification: Reeve, CE" F' KlOPP ; densed report of the finance and the
work of the Young Women's Auxili- declaration of office anj property Mr. A. W. E. HeNphill, gave a con' Sunday School Orchestra, nt-1 Treasurer, !have returned to etroit, where th
-G. Telford, Blyth, and also one from
;-X. $4946.59 61incillors, L, H. Rader, J. P. Rau, momeys that, passed rough his adding greatly to the interest of tho Hudson able to be around again
Young Women s i1xillarY - 1977A5 W. R. Doug4ll, A. Reichert. The' hands. th af- h4d een living for some tirne.—�Mr_
rd with
the Literature Secretary, Mrs. Naftel, Mls.slon Bands ............ . 1381-14 council was then organized foi the earning
The Mission Band Secre- )od hat the eye could as- a factor in increasing the attendance. which we reported in a former issue. 1. the art of barbering, with Messrs.
Goderich He �sed the blackboa Sunaay School, and will, no doubt, be ter her severe scalding accident, i Donald McKinnon, who, was I
tary, Mrs. Lundy, Kippen, ieported sist
M . . I
con- the subscribers of the HaL uniaipa siness men rep
25-00, year 19Z4. The annual nipeti.g 6f 9, the mirid or memory and big out- —As we mentionedAn a former issue —Our bu ort trade -as, Myins and Farquhar, has gone to
Mission Bands in 17 of the 27 Total ............... $8,3300 Telephone System line of the'receipts and expenditures the Union question has been, what pretty good.. but are � wishing for a I Detroit: .Mr. Fr6d Smallacbmbe ' at gations in the Presbytery. Miss Will held onA is
Saturday, Jan. 26th, 1924, at. two interest,
wals followed with much. rning qued- little more snow to make good sleigh- I -present in Guelph where he has relaw-
Urqxart, Kirkton, Library Secretary, coupled with the explanations he ga tion" and has been much Idise ing.
ve Garnet, - being In'
Clerk of the differpnt items dui�ing the past,weeks in particular. ford, of Tpronto, are here visiting i business there as Painter and. dee6r-,,
3MPorted that the Work of her de- BRUCEFIELD 10 o'clock p.m. The —Mr. and Mrs.- Williath. Blatch-itives, his brother,
-come to the Big sale, starting jani was instructed to subscribe for seven showing he was
Partment had grown much during the Well versed in his duiies and
18th. at The Big Elardwam See our br a pains- As the anti -union side of'the ques- their 'many relatives. and friends in' ator.—The Scotch corrcort�and chla-
year, 1.558 papers and 62 books for IL Edge- Seaforth. copies of the Municipal World, one taking. and -capable treasurer. At tion was very ably discussed at- a Hensall and vicinity -,-Mr -Lati upperAo be given,under1he,
s. more eyt-pie.s�
copy for each of the following: Reeve, the close 6f his statement fie intimat- meeting. called quite ; a number of of London, was here,reeentl
studentsl� library having been sent
Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gil- Councillors, Clerk and Assesor. The y visiting auspices of, the 'Ladidal Aid Sdcibty
ed to the meeting tl�at having acted weeks ago in Carmel church, it haa her brothers, the.� Messrs. George,
to outlying districts. more are receiving the congratula- foll pointed as officials
owing -were ap of Qarmel Presbyterian church an
Several valued auxiliary members tions of their many friends. __5 Xr. for quiie a long term of years and been the desire of many ihat they William and DavidA carnival,will the everying of Frida
have been called away by;death dur- .-Ross Scott,' of the Hays' Statio of the township of Hay for the year having so many other duties to at- miglxt Januart 25th,
nerY 1924, at the salaries stated and'a By- _bear a well informed speaker be held here on the evening) of Tues- and for which a sp) did programme
ng the year, among them Mrs. Cur- Cc London, spent the e6k'end at law whs - prepared, 'corxfirming the terid�'to, that be would have to resign on the merits of the union. This day, Jantiary 22nd, and'f'dr which is being ad, is looked forward-
prepar fis, Clinton; Mrs. McLaughlin Exe- hi "home here—Mr. and M his pffice as treasurer, an desire will be met, we Venture to say, spiendid, prizes are Pffered. for' tei to With great iut�rest.-r-rMr. John.Me'-
rs- Geo- hile re
-tex; Mrs. Cooper,'Seaforth, ana Mrs. same: Clerk and treaswer, A- F. gretting 'it he felt he couldw t con- hi the fullest sense of thia-term, when difterent events and whith aye.'now on Donald, -George C. Pettjr and Thoidas.
Swan are spending a few days in Hess, re township, $W; re township timia in ffi,
Clifford, Goderich; Mrs. Carlisle, Hen- no
salk Toronto.—Mrs. Ed. Munn is visiting, roads, $20; re telephone, $180; Asses- e. A very hearty vote we intim4.te that Rev. D. C., MaeGre- display in the windows of Mr, Win. Sherritt attended th0t� eilghL-n bau_�
her father, Mr. John Swan.—Don of thanks was given to him for his gor, D.D., of St, Andrew's Presbyter- A. MeLaren, Hardware Merchant. We quet in 1pridon. last week.—Mr., Jas.
The text books, "Wonders of Mis- forget the Choral Society W. H. Edighoffer, $120; Collector, very efric*t services. The different ian church, London, has consented to 'have some pretty good skaters here Nichol, who was relieving at the
concert on R. Miller, $45; Au6tars; William S. r6 . pbrts of aX.the societies connected address a p-bblic meeting ba Cirmel and the competition promises to be Sterling Bank here, has gone to God-
uildi a- Monday evening, January 21sL—Mrs. Johnston and John A. Smith, $12.00
tion" have been generally used. The
Munn spent the week end with friends with the churqh were given and Presbyt*rian church on Monday e*en- vetX interesting and keem Miss erich td,take a position, there,
auxiliaries visited by Miqs Hardman, h,,e.—A number from our viNage and $4,0- Member of Board of Health, A. progress being mae during the past
a retired missionary from India, speak each; caretaker of hall, Mrs. L. Rupp, brap6li�s of its work showed good
community, attended the annual busi- Heiaeman, Sanitary Inspectors. East -
Of her inspiring story of the people
riess meeting of the Huron PresbY- ern Division, B. C. Edwards, Western year and on the whole of a most en-
work in the
source of blessing.
Several auxiliaries referred to Mrs. ssed: Ontario Hos-
report a very interesting and Profit- accounts were p. , exception of the statement of receipts
real terial, held in Clinton this week, and Division, C. Eilber, The followinF cOurAging nature, with perhaps the
able meeting.—Mrs. Arthur McQueeft pital-, re C. RUPP, 3 nionths, $39.00 ; Id xpenl�bures, which showed a
Redditt's full and interesting report visited friends iii Clinton this week. Muni: considerable balance 'on the wrong
cipal World, dog tags, subscrip-
-of the provincial meeting at Windsor.
f Joh4 G.
—Mr. OTouke, of Dashwood, -who ti side. This report wastak ou
Other speakers were Miss the business a pp 54.17; Xomina- fully discussed in all its`phaes and
Social Service, Moritreal; Mrs. (Rev.) tiori expenses, $0; E. F. Klopp, re F- a
ile the cost of runAing a chur6h, so
to speak, is much more now than in
Alp. Auburn, and Mrs. W. Strachan, business here and Mr. William Lane -10-me, $5,25;
Kaiser, has started . the blacksmith Thos. Bastow to County 1 wh
-of Goderich. . J. Routledge.'re Board of Health, long past years, it was - much re -
has charge of the garage,
—Word has $5; Mol
The following officers were elected: been received from Mr. Jas. Walker, stamps, ; - Ba.,,k, Exeter, revenue
Honorary President, Mrs. Jas. Ham- who left here last week for Detroit, Road 1,: (1'736: D Shirray. com. work, and family were, not commensura er
gretted that the givings per meni
pro to
ilton, Goderich; President, Mrs. J. E. $20.00; A. Dic, teamin te
that he has secured a good position gravel Road 14, 9 with the req0ttements'and a eom-
Hogg, Clinton; Ist
tory. He and Ammane Society, Goderich, grant, to deal with the fingrices and make a
Vie -President, in a carpenter work fac $7.50; Childrens Aid mittee was appointed at the meeting
rs. F. H. Larkin, Seaforth; 2nd vice reports no s Every housewife knows she -can
President, Mrs. R. C. MeDermid, God- in Detroit. carcity of �vork for men $10; Sick Children's Hospital, Toron- carivius of thf- congregation t save nioney at any one of the
Owi�e S. That is one reasoriwhy'vre have a millfon
Social Evening.—A very enjoyable meTCe
erich; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. C. A. to,grant, Z; Canadian Bank of Corn out the, outstdnding debit balance. t DOMINION STORE
customers each week., Another reasoA is'DOMINION qitality.
Donell, Hensall; 4th Vice Presi- blisliv000d, fees re tax col- was shown that the givin
gs were not It i13 a comfort to knPW that you can't go wronlg in an3fthing'yo�
evening was spent at Mr. and Mrs. lections. $7.75: H, Howald. labor tele�
Aet, Mrs. J. C. Greig, Seaforth; Se- Thomas
as large as might be reasonably ex-
Chapman's Thursday even- phonelofffee, $21.75; R. Cudmore, lime buy at your groc�W. Everything on,our shelve* is of as ifigh a
cretary, Miss H. 1. Graham, Seaforth; ing of last week, when they pected of a splendid congregation like
opened for telephone office, $5.20; Narthern Carm6l churc�, which, in the . past quality as yoti cah buy anywhere. Here you findhe natioridity
'Traasurer, Mrs. H . C. Dunlop, Gode- the door of their hospitable home for Electric Co., Supplies, $43.17; Strorry� years, 'had enjoyed a very eirviable known brands You have b6ught for years. Here wiU find'
-rich; Mission Band Secretary, Mrs- the teaghers and officers of berg -Carlson Tel.- Mfg. Co" supplie-s!
the Sun -
R. J Lundy, Kippen; Supply See-, day uchool. This the stuff thought Position'for generous giviM
Mrs. W. D. FaiT, Clinton; A $8C.91; Bell Telephone Co. tolls and our own special brafids, of high quality and low price. Yoli win
ssistant would be h fitting time to a honor $30.92; M. G. Deitz support oi missions and which had do, better at the red front D MU;ION ST RE..
3 moyi�hl gal.' 0
1, who erec
Supply, Mrs. R. B. Kiggitis, Clinton; to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gemme, ted such a handsome church, so 0
ary, $412.50 P. Mcisaac, 3 months
Press See., Mrs.W.D. Me
Literature See., Mrs. W. F. Naftel, are retiring fro well equipped, and with good Manoe
�Goderich in the work 4 the salary,, $462.150, less C. 0. P. S. to"', ad'oining and itwis felt that when
school, where they have been so faith- $65.65—$396-85. The council ad
Donald, Egmondville; SUNLIGHT SOAP
Stranger's ful and regular in att-enrance as journed to in the congregation wAs brought face CLARK'S P�QRK aEANS
act again on Monday, to face with the situation that It orily
Secretary, Mrs. H. Arnold, Hemsall; teachers and also in every departYnent February 4th, at 1.30 o'clock p.m.— 75c. IN CHILI SAUCE
Library Secretary, Miss Urquart, 'of the churches work where their required a little con6entirafgd and n 2 for 23C
Xirkton- Secretary Young Women's A F Hess, Clerk.
Auxflia;y, Mrs. G. 'I'611ord, presence will be very much missed. unitdd effort t6 wipe out What was 3 cakes CLARK'
ow a balance� on
Messenger Secretary, Miss Jeckyll, attend. but despite the pouring rain the right side� It is colifidently ex- IN CHILI SAUC&
Blyth ; Some of the teachers were unable to outstanding and sh 24c
Exeter; ocial Service, Mrs. R. M. over thirty were present. The tahleg ected that within a few week� time
McKenzie, Egynondville; Forward Come V� the Big Sale, sta Z for,
were bountifully pread. Oysters rting Janna- this will be done. 25C No, 3 tin 18th. at The Big Hardwarp- See our bills. If there is any -
Movement, Mrs. A. Henderson; Au- were served and other good things. H. Edge, S�aforth. thing that is t�orth.suppofting, it is PRACTICALLY PtELED,
burn; luterde-nominational Mrs. W. Aft social
A. Alp, Auburn; Financial'Secretary, time was Good Prices paid for'fiesh,* clean em not. the church of the livipg God, for.
P,.Jthe dinner a oT dirt Large package c PEACHES—Pound
in games and music after oldeT than. five days. Small -without our churches the world would 28
Mrs. Gardiner, Blyth; Convenor of will have to be Paid for as seconds. which Rev. Mr. McIntosh rose af1d in 13%im 2ika soon be rolled back thousands - of RINSO' SLCRARLESortAIMA
a Stnall packa I ge -3-io I 9c
Nominating Committee, Mrs. More, a few well chosen remarks on b half The gjving.�s Should -be, 'as far TIONMILK-Baby size r
Xirkton- Home Helpers ' Mrs. Mon Notes,—Mr. Sandy Doig, of De. years' 2 for 15"C
-pen: Conve of the Sunday School re
gretted � the troit, during the past week spent a as possible, more equalized'so, that
teith, �ffip
the burdens, i� they may -go be te-pm- ARNA-#b*
me not be carried by -the com-
Mrs. Chidley, Thames t I IC TIONK
Road, Miss 25,
er-9 of Progran retirement of M�- and Mrs. Gemmel, visit witif his father, Mr. John Doig, %
Committee, Mrs. Kydd, Thames Poad, to which Mr. Gem ' I made a nest of Tuckersmith, who a shor time a- el W 11 L ILk-16oz. can
Jackyll, Exeter. Prayers were offer. reply, and expressed the thought he go suffered a slight stroke. His Pwratively few. In reading some
by Mrs. Jdmes HaTailton, Mrs. F, teaching. Then all many friends will be glad to learn
oined in singing, "For a's a jolly that he is slowly imProving and we to sde how C 'FLOUR -24 pounds
cott and Miss
Ad Mrs. James 8 always enjoyed chidrehes finaneial,'r6pofts f givings, tr_EM_C0A S '25 WHITE SATIN PASTR 84c'
I., rpa Uag�
h it'would almost shock one
good fellow." We hope if, possible hope see him around again in his
1. arltirf, many in good -dretimstanceEt give
they will still be with ug. Our sup- n OTIAKER. OAT$ SPECIALLY PREPA=b
Usualo2g000d healih,—Mr. Joh Wok- _/C BULK COCOA -2 I -1b. b
'C. Dlihlop Was appointed .2 othing or a Mere trifle, reminding
erintendent, Mr. Haxigh, Proposed a Man, who 'has been so serivuly ill U Large Se
�'resbyt,*rfal defegato� to' the provin- s Of what'n -dood aid lady In �-retty round �Ocka,90_
f2t HAMiltW4 and Mts.
A; vote of thanks to the host and hostess for sonie time, is, nOW)Trovir%-, nicia- good "gave as her ex.
rmid, president's substi- for their hospitality,. and after sing- IV, and we,bope, to se perieieb at a chutch meeting, "'Tht FRESH MILLED RZOLLgOD RICHMELLO
Wt. F. JY_ Larkin was app6int- the Lord thO, religion rw An
Woe W4 up and,a 2- "God Save the Xing," a happy round ggain A00n.—Mi she thanked 5C Dominion �8t6CjjgP9x!1'U
ME ps
a i4entIts au titute to the Gien- ft-ILt*RS LITTLt- CHIP
fu4n, of bur village' left for Toronto wad free and �jore teigtimony of that Brand -1 pttn4ti
ming wag brought to a close,
Mee'49 at Montreal. V. this week VAM Ae filtends to te- long,tehn of years MARMALADE L9MON OM IV RICHDAELL.0
fact that in il, j
F. 0. Club beld their annual meeting main foi, �ojng tiMe,-Hr, nd A'he hid,been d '!Aeiltib�'of the chure
f the f6titing pmas Secet- it bad � only coWhitr h fev� dollats! Yo PoViid, tffi
00tioll OY appreciation of the in Walm's Mail on Tues. 97 4' Thomas 'VVOtkmsjn of the' tollog
an=rY Sth. 111e. ameery el WeIntOsh, Of Bruw_ this yeaj are,. 3� *ted friefas in Seaforth dur, ,That-,*611Id r4oft seett to Ife the Road Vita MeLAcman, ing the Oast week�lqr. W. W�Zbop. ell a& bp X:fl Ut Peri
VL A. McQueen
vice g of i1ii Lond4a P #a appointed
aTs.` �Ameg f1it wad, apelit 6 Asit 2,54
-during' the '21
presldpmt- Mi Seott Pir. Larlr4 vbo Ir6pte- n
ssPast maj($Xit� of t 6�'
A. W6,911 W., gtdiif; iidewe nd orga
'MOW _124,06 troftj A' ldtorliad hopt Wote r04601to A4jI
a 1, . V.
tie Aw, n 13 no (Wi pt,
a 01 owea by
A ;5 W Z�s 'T"an PIS
RAV ce
�Aakd it
-or u 1 4"
4p; I, �T�'