The Huron Expositor, 1923-07-13, Page 7� x"'; r 63e •s' vY !'wN��'�lh'��i
YC n�st`I � �
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1, ""I don't
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Tow *ft
I cried.
-.• •' . ., suss : rvaa+aa 'mr"ai.1GAtl
' cOTJ'i'EIaIEE►1V "(live tine a Agnes. Sr '' T iib pZys
,4' t din a~ moa„ "Xou"spoke of him as my husband" �� } t}gA.and' erkEchety a� y. a
4,'a hie
i�nstltea Dodd, Idalld do 1$ she going as.. to• spy vemaR, n
C a 6aid, -back t, 7N
eit''keep ngin n:
He, is not my husband.Olea n F
r xerk ooadition, a, good ensu to rsmemex'thab'e'. I ms to 1400",tjiem at a seYe va6 a w1b 411 o' e�+
.: Waged,r h ugh+' s +dv. 3 a .8i31y1 td, y
ping It, will be easYt L.a�sure yau.•'btay 4104nnce; ��r.:pttlfoalcitnable attitude Dy, ker 4q rioke e�eaa thought' „ r
aA�r dip ',. 1 Al I therefore venture thehopethat. it toward thefh�'u� %imoy my^hila- 8qui in �+�6o,na.; aidetiaplittl $
�0�llraker.19i1 AM�!�i you ever decide to marry again you71 bend int!aneet ",'_ ¢ •+ •r r" W
a. " t1(d a . sgilab�dd-da.'
le,ollve. - 4! t gn,aepe�t, lovely Amari. give some deserving American a "Good Loidl n�► -t Ram bravel : "8h$ t t
z~ a er xe ; can gir ,ileyvejed into the hajids oY chance to make you his queen? Poph!' He-didn t ihtte what became a1►e AyiileoWy th{jl s I look L the . in tip-top shape for the e
You'll find it better than bei o nae. Thelire was bfi(e particular roan Cunt. He is 'very handsome, you is stealth. . a
99 h,?, a foreign Wunder who happens to a t 1 0
ttlgg��r4� a Ta}�a assess e
title that needs fixing, I countess, believe ma" whom he : favaA d :the most. A sal And yet I trembled, qty a qh ; � ��p p' •,
' NVINGf1iI,E"' p g ' I shall never ma Mr. Smart,, dreadful' maul O twrtelled bitter- 'Oh that Isn't it," cried the Voun- seemed•'to be safely planted, but what
saltie, Call the transaction a crime that puts' „ __qq Able wgAl kp•
white slavery in a class with the most she said, with decision, Never, rev- ly when I declared Slit, t either he or I teas, �u. ti Rosemary in her arms would the harvest be? I knew I so to 4 ft, t'0141 + 4
Plata "A ataaw. trifling niiademeanours. Yoµ did not s should watch those u �)
er again will I get' into a mesa that would have to, leave t}te house—for- and directing iris to a spot on hes and l' en with
; •'gip Age +
r is so hard to get out of. I can say ever. I 'don't mind, confessing to you rosy cheek. "Kiss right with hypnotic zeal and" ){stat with a 1
At all Croons love this pusillanimous Count, nor Wasn't
there, M:. + Jt was p i
this to you because I've 'heard you that the man I apeaiceiDf i8 your friend Smart. There! Wasn't it a nice straining ears.for the iaev{table squall a +at
did he care a hang ygr you. You )itis.` ff
insist ur were' too young in the" ways of the are a bachelor. You can't take of. the gentle Count c Jlohendahl, some vera, ice little girl
If you are a of i child or bite bark. of a dog, Mq, . pte�e � pnjl at
BfcLARE" world to have an feelin for him, fence." time ogre of this, Cp§Ele." very, nice little girl the kind gentle- hiatal ran riot with incipient aubtsm d4r8ieasii�ys:� +
y v "I fondly hope to die a bachelor," I shuddered. 'A tooling of utter roan will kiss you on the other cheek fuges, excuses, apologies sad llea with very bright a R o
INVINCIBLE and he was too old to have any for it
said I with humility. loathing for all these unprincipled some day. She calla man she which my position was to be sustain- the Billy Seri
you. The whole hateful business mmY ly Bts i¢e tlritq
McLAWW3LimITED therefore resolved itself into a case "God bless yowl" she cried, burst. scoundrels came over -me, and I mild- meets da -da," explained the radiant ed' - ` .with rho" A'tla'�g
Hamatoa t WinaiDeg
give and take land' if took every- Ing into a merry laugh, and I knew ly took the name of: the Lord in vain. young mother. "She's awfully Euro- There would riot be a minute dur- l coria, and I Beed him rum t
that a truce had been declared for the With an abrupt change of manner, peen in her habits, you see. You need ing the week to come when I would Yoa could tell thatlie rise'
_ to thing. He took you and your father's „ be perfectly Pree to call my soul m I'
time being at least. And now let us she arose from her ;chair and began. not feel flattered. She calls Conrad y a chap who is bonnd'tq ge s
millions and now you are both back anon, and as for nerveal Well, with
where you began. Some one delib- talk sense. Have youes if you con- to pace the floor, diaagainst bearing and Rudolph and Max dada, and this world'iiy simply #ookipg lt�,jl�ik; j
erately Committed a crime, and as it found
the consequences if you are her clinched hands against her hos- morning in the back window she rip- good luck they might endure the The man who could win tdte.'jaV
strain. Popping up in bed out of a IQs
found out, Mr. Smarts" am. Twice I heard her murmur:— lied the same handsome com hment such an -attractive creature x
wasn't you or the Count,—who lav- "Found out?" "Oh, Gadl" to your Dir. Poopendyke." p sound sleep at the slightest disturb. necessityhave
ied his legitimate toll,—it must have "If you are caught shielding a fu This startlingexposition of feelin ' ance, with ears wide open and nerves eautiful,a tts }�;,ijpalg:
been the person who planned the Y g g g" g ' Oh," said I, rather more crest- She was very beautiful' acrd velry:Cis9=
itive from justice. 1 couldn't go to gave me a most -uncanny shock. It fallen than relieved. tingling, was to be a nightly ocoups- ei', Somehow the
A universal custom conspiracy. I take it, of course, that tion at uncertain Intervals; the: was unfyggetabitypist
After sleep for hours last night tliinking of came out of a, so to say, at "Would you like to hold her, Mr. t splendency of my ersttirtiiie
that b0nefft every- the whole affair was arranged behind what might ha
ry your back, so to speak. To make it v e Peen to you if—" a moment when I was beginning to Smarty She's such a darling to Plain to be seen. All day long I would
g be shivers with anxiety who married the jeaeeloW aleck)+
me I co ld I cried, but for the life regard her i cut the emotions
callous. bald.' ng y and pray faded tato a pale 'fueBecfaive' dR 1
body. a perfectly fashionable and up-to-date {n for ni ht to come so that I mi p
of me I couldn't bel feeling and utter) without the emotions au "No—no, thank oil, I erred, socia- g g ght
delivery it would have been entirely p elated' Y y lie awake and pray for the sun to when opposed to the charms of calm:
Aids digestion, out of place to consult the unsophisti_ She had a soul above self after all! Posed to exist in the breast of every ting off. p y Batty Billy Smith. (They all 0911$
"You see, I am a thief and a rob. high-minded woman. And now I was "Oh, you will come to it, never rise, and in this way pass the time her BettyBill dk
�% cared girl who was thrown in to maktr witness to the as quickly as possible. There would y)'
Meal Cleanses the teeth, the title good. You were not sold to ser and a' very terrible malefactor, pout she suffered, now fear," she said gently, as she restored P After luncheon I got it,. ie' oB j4i'
according to the reports Max brings I heard her cry out against the thin Rosemary to the nurse's arms. "Won't 6e difficulty in getting my visitors to
sD0lI10S 1110 1hr081, this bounder. It was the other way over from the cit The fight for that had hurt her so pitilessly. I he, Blake?„ bed early, another thin to test m corner and plied her with ' e
round. By the gods, madam, he was y' P y K e concerning her friends. The ;
poor little Rosemary is destined to turned my head away. vastly moved, 'He will, my lady," said Blake with Power at conniving. They were bridge Smiths were easily accounted
actually paid to take oul" Players, of course, and as such would
.. Y fill columns and columns in the news- Presently she moved 'over to the win- conviction I noticed this time that They belonged to the most coelitis ve
Her face was quite pale. Her eyes papers of the two continents for dow. A covert glance re-vealad her Blake's smile wdsn't half bad. be up till all houN of the- morning set in New York and New . $e
did not leave .mina during the long months to come. You, Mr. Smart, standing there, looking not down at At that instant Jinko, the chow, overdoing themselves in the effort to had an incomprehensible lot of*money;
end crazy diatribe,—of which I was muy find yourself in the thick of it, the Danube that seemed so far away pushed the door o read each other's thoughts.
p pen with his black and a taste for the diplomatic service.
�L already beginning to Peel heartily a- if I were in your place, I should keep but up at the blue sky that seemed Wase and strolled imposingly into the I thanked the Lord that my electric Some day he World be an EmhasBa
a Erring shamed,—and there was a dark; am- out of it.,, so near. gym, He lighting system would not be installed
proceeded to treat me in dor. The Baron was in the Ruseiane
foremember warnedmein them that should have "While I am not overjoyed by the I sat very still and repressed, try- the most cavalier fashion by bristling until after they had departed. Ordin- Embassy and was really a very n1eq
of bein dragged into it, Ing to remember the harsh, unkind and arily the Lord isn't thanked when an
d prospect g gg thin growling. electric light company fails to peri- boy' y
Seated in ��>> She arose from her chair. It seem- Countess, I certainly refuse to back Ks I had said to her, and berating The Countess opened her eyes very Boy." I exclaimed.
ed to me she was taller than before. form its work on schedule time, but to
IIS Purity cut at this stage of the game. More- myself fiercely for all of them. What wide. He is not more than thirty,"" eait�
If nothing else came to me out of ever a stupid, vain- in this case dela was courted.
1'sekag6 you, may rest assured that I p glorious ass I was, not "Dear me," she sighed, "you must Y she. "You, wouldn't call that old."•.
/rrt this transaction, • she said levelly, "at shin{ not turn you out." to have divined somethingof the in- be ver like the Count, after all. We were all somewhat surprised y P There was nothing I could say to that
I W ,11lpSlo-Ws„ least a certain amount of dignity was '•lt occurred to me last night that ward fight she was malin to con- Junko never y and not a little disorganized by the I perfect host. But to
6 a.m^ acquired. Pray remember that I am K K growls at an one but a and still be a
�.� 4 Y the safest thing for you to do, Mr. quer the emotions that filled her heart him." appearance of four unexpected serv- 5'ott I declare that he wasn't a da
no longer the unsophisticated girl you Smart ,is to—to get out yourself." unto the bursting point. ants in the train of my party. We. t✓
so graciously describe. I am a wo- I stared. She went on hurried) The sound of hadn't counted on anything quite so r under fifty. How blind women can
THE Y: z7, suppressed sobs At dinner that evening I asked be. Or is silly the word.
man, Mr. Smart.". "Can't you go away for a month's came to my ears. It was too much Focpendyke point blank if he could elaborate. There were two lady's From where we sat the figure of
FLAYQtR LASTS "True," said I• senselessly dogged; visit or—" for me. I stealthily quit my position call to mind a marriage in New York maids, not on friendly terms with Mr. Pleas was plainly visible in the,
"a woman with the power to think for "Well, upon my soul!" I gasped. by the mantel -piece and tip -toed to- society that might fit the principals each other; a French valet who had loggia. He was alone, leaning against
herself. That is my point. If the "Would you turn me out of my own ward the door, bent on leaving iter in this puzzling case. the air of one used to being served the low wall and looking down upon
same situation arose at your present house? This beats anything I've—" alone. Half -way there I hesitated, He hemmed and hawed and appear- on a tray outside the servants' quer-' the river. He puffed idly at a cigar-
- age, I fancy you'd be able to select a "I was only thinking of your peace stopped and then deliberately return- ed to be greatly confused, ters; and a German attendant with 'ette His coal black hair grew very
husband without assistance, and I of mind and your—your safety;' she ed to the fireplace, where I noisily "Really, sir, I—I—really, I—" hands constructed especially for the sleek on his smallish head and bib
venture to any you wouldn't pick un cried unhappily. "Truly, truly I shuffled a fresh supply of coats into "You make it a point to read all 04 Purpose of kneading and gouging the pinched
were rather high, as til*
the first dissolute nobleman that came was." the grate. It would be heartless, the society news," I explained; "and innermost muscles of his master, who pinched upward by a tendency to defy
lice modern your way.No, m dear countess, "Well, I refer to stn here and do y, to leave her with- g it appears had to be kneaded and p•
y p y even unmanned you area rest hand for remember- a weak spine.
you were not to blame. You thought, what little I can to shield you and out letting her know that I was ing names and faces. Think hard." gouged three times a day by a mas- "And this Mr. Pleas, who is be?"
no your parents did, that marriage Rosemar said I sullenly. heartily ashamed of myself and earn -As a matter of fact, Mr. Smart, I sour in order to stave off paralysis, 1 Elsie was looking at the rakkW
!method of selling with a count would make a real conn- "I 11 not say anything horrid again, pletely in sympathy with her. Wisely do remember this particular marriage locomotor ataxia or something equ- I young rasa with a pitying expression'
bytens of you. What rot! You are a Mr Smart," she said quite meekly. however, I resolved to let her have ver clear) ally unwelcome to a high liver.
I.O Dlatlrrice K ( her cry}', Y." said he, looking down We had ample room for all this to her tender blue eyes.
� simple, lovable American girl and I take this occasion to repeat that more far-seeing
one a great deal ac is plate. physical increase, but no beds. I I . "Poor fellow," she sighed. He is
that's all there ever can be to it. To I've never seen any one in all my g than I let the world "You do," I shouted eagerly. The in great trouble, John. We ho
The history of material the end of your days ! into a most important t transferred the problem to Poopen- P�
y you will be an lite so pretty as she) Her moist red portant secret when he new footman stared. "Splendid. Tell � that if we got him off here where it
progress is b a s e d on American. It is not within the lip trembled slightly, like a censured advised man to take that course when me, who is she—or was she?" dyke. How he solved it I do not is quiet he might be able to forget-.
substituting non- powers of a scope -grace count to put child's. in doubt. My secretary looked me steadily in know, but from the woe -be -gone ex- Oh, but I am not supposed to tell you
fatiguing machinery for you or any other American girl on a At that instant there came a rap. For a long while I waited for her the eye. pression in his face the morning af- a word of the story. We are all sworn
plane with the women who, are born ping on the door. I started a re- to regain control of herself, rather ter the first night, and the fact that
PP "I'm sorry, sir, but—but T can't do di secrecy. It was only on that con -
human labor, Wherever countesses, or duchesses, or anything hersively. dreading the apology she would Poet it I promised her this morning I Britton was unnecessarily rough in d}tfon that he consented to come with
possible. of the sort. I don't say that you suf- "It is only Max with the coal," she called upon to make for her abrupt wouldn't let it be dra shaving me, I gathered that the two
gged out of me of them had slept on a it us.
Per" by comparison with these liable explained, with obvious relief. "We reversion to the first principles of her with red hot tongs'." P pile of rugs , 'Indeed."
No merchants in t h e ladies. As a matter of fact you are kte a fire going in the sea. The sobs ceased entire) I in the lower hall.
y P g g ' grate all day y She hesitated, uncomfortably plae-
World h a v e ready to surpassingly finer in every way than long. You've no idea how cold it is experienced the sharp joy of relaxa- CHAPTER VII Elsie Hazzard presented me to her ed between two duties. She owed one
ninety-nine per cent, of them,—ponr up here even on the hottest days. tion. Her dainty lace handkerchief friends and, with lordly generosity, I to him and one to me.
their bands such an t I Receive Visitors. resented the castle to them. Her
things, Marrying an English duke Come in found employment. First she would P "It is only fair, John, that youl
estraordlnary aid to doesn't make a genuine duchess out Max came near to dropping the dab it cautiously in one eye, then the She was indeed attended by faith- husband, Dr. George, thanked me for should know that Pleas is not his real
making sales as is af- of an American girl, not by a long scuttle when he saw me. He stood other, after which she would scrutin- fol slaves, saving all their lives and then, feel- name," she said, lowering her voice_
forded by the Long Dis- shot. She merely becomes a figure as on petrified_ ize its crumpled surface with most Ing a draft, turneii up his coat collar '•But of course we stand sponsor for
I of speech. Your own experience "Don't mind Mr. Smart, Max," said extraordinary interest, At least a The east wing of the castle was as and informed me that we'd all die if I him, so it is all right
tanCe lines in Canada Y y. your P puzzl- still as a mouse on the day my house didn't have the cracks stopped up. "Your word is sufficient, Elsie."
should tell oil that. Well, it's the she serene) "He won't bite dozen times she repeated this
and the United States, same with all of them. They acquire head off." ting operation. What in the world party arrived. Grim old doors took He seemed unnecessarily testy about She seemed to be debating some
a title, but not the homage that The poor clumsy fellow spilled was she looking for? To this day, on new padlocks, keyholes were care- it. inward
"Men differ," said should o with it." quantities of coal over the hearth that strange, sly peeking on her art fully stopped up • creaking floors There was a Russian baron (the question. The next I kneAv
g g P were calked ; windows were picketed man who had to be kneaded t she moved a little closer to he
Charles Darwin the We were both standingnow. She when he attempted to replenish the remains a mystery to me. P ) he last ge y,>+ she whis-
P R His life is a—tragedy,d
eat SCldeployed to keep my ruthless first five evading me in a perpetual.
was still measuririg me with some- fit hShe turd swiftly by uncompromising articles of furni- syllallle of whose name was vitch, the , than, "less In ncreous eyes, rre at command, and moved with neswy upon me and Pered. "His heart is brokenI firm]y
what incredulous more greater celerity in making his escape beckoned with her little forefinger, tune believe. Oh!"
capacity than tri their from the room than I had ever known Greatly concerned, 1 sprang toward refugee from adventuring too close chase up and down the alphabet. For The Billy Smiths came up. Elsio
tolerant than resentful. her. Was he o tc the danger zone; and adamantine brevity's sake, I'll call him Umoviteh.
determination to use the Do you expect me to agree with him to exercise before. Somehow I preparing to swoon . Y' proceeded to withdraw into herself.
powers they have." you, Mr. Smart?" she asked. began to regain a lost feeling of con- W}tat in heaven's name was I to do instructions were served out to all of The French valet's master was (a
"I do," said I, promptly. "You, of fidence in myself. The confounded if she took it into her pretty head to my vassals. Everything appeared to Viennese gentleman of twenty-six or' (continued next week.)
Are you deriving t h e all people, should be able to testify Schmicks, big and little, were afraid do such : thing as that? Involun-
fullest advantage from that my views are absolutely right," of me, after all. tartly I shot a quick look at her — "- --_ `- "--i- ---
q "They are right°' she said, simply. "By the way," she said, after we blouse. To my horror it was button.
LongDistance service- "Still you are Pretty much of a brute had lighted our cigarettes, "I am ed down the back. It would be a
We can make you a re- to insult me with them." nearly out of these," I liked the way bachelor's luck to— But she was
port On how Long Dis- "I most sincerely crave your par- she held the match for me, and then smiling radiantly. Savedl
fates i8 being used sUC- don, if it isn't too late," I cried, abject flicked it snappily into the centre of "Look!" she cried, pointing upward
once more. (I don't know what gets a pile of cushions six feet from the through the window. "Isn't she love-
cessfully in almost any into me one, in a while.) fireplace, ly?"
business to increase "The safest way, I should _ say, is I made a menta} note of the short- I stopped short in my tracks and I' ®1l®W this
sales. for neither of us to express an opin- age and then admiringly said that I stared at her in blank amazement.
ion so long as we are thrown into didn't see how any man, even a count What a stupifying creature she was! ?
E v op contact with each other. If, you could help adoring a woman who held She beckoned again, impatiently. I a
e choose to tell the world what you a cigarette to her lips as she did, obeyed with alacrity. Obtaining s Sim rule
o "Oh," astir) she cool) "his friends rather clear view of her eyes, I was
a think of me, all well and good. But y' rather
er ea
rP9• please don't tell me." were willing worshippers, all of them. y surprised to find no trace
"I can't convince the world what I There wasn't a man among them who of departed tears. Her cheek was as
* failed to make violent love to me, smooth and creamy white as it had
wc,rpoP think of you for tgr, simple reason and with the Count's ermission at been before the deluge. Her eyelids to have lovely, gleaming hair
that I'd be s eakin at random. I P were dr Y
A,—" sdr 7',Wopha„. sn don't know who you are." that. You muiLt not look so shocker). y and orderly and her nose
L—gza"st.,a"asr t;- "Oh, you will know some day," she had not been blown once to my recol-
said, and her shoulders drooped a Tit- _ lection. Truly, it was a marvellous
tle. recovery. I still wonder.
"I've—I've done a most cowardly, The cause of her oxeitement was
I der icable thin in hunting you—" This New Discover l visible at a glance. A trim nurse- Never shampoo your hair without olive oil, It is convenient for home use, and most
stop! Look! Listen. P g g Y maid stood in the small gallery p "Please!' Please don't say Anything g y whiAh hair specialists warn. To do so is to leave economical—casting but a fraction of what
Beautifies your hair circled the top of the turret, just a- hair dry. dull, brittle—all its rich warmth of ou'd ay to have the same treatment from
more about it. I dare say you've done s' P
CREAM WANTED me a lot of good. Perhaps I shall see Removes dandruff hove and to the right of us. She held solar and life gone. No hair can be beautiful a specialist.
things a little more clearly. To be Si0 fnllin hair tit her arms the pink -hooded, pink- unless clean, the say. Nor can hair be bcan-
We are not only.s. Cream Market perfectly honest with you, I went in- 8 casted Rosemary, made snug against a Y• It cleanses away all dirt and oil—thoroughly
Ilk P Y • the chill winds of her lofty parade tiful without the glossy sheen so much ad -
for you, but we are also a large to this marriage with my eyes wide mired. removes dandruff. And it leaves hair fluffy,
D Indust in your community. open, but I was only one foal among Grows Hair ground. Her yellow curls peeped out soft, pliant as a baby's; with the gleaming
Werrea respectfully solicit your Cream. many. Dozens o£ other girls in my. aa�fof•----- from beneath the lace of the hood, Therefore—use olive oil shampoo. sheen of new silk.
p y set were crazy to marry him. I—I , and her round lit.t.k cheeks were the
7 Sutherland Sisters color of the peach's hloom• You sec prettier hair everywhere, today. Send coupon today for free 15c -size tris}
Our Motto: haven't told you that he is extremely CU M P L E T E "Now, isn't she love ?17 crier] my Women have learned that the most delight- bottle. Or get full-size bottle at your deal -
Guaranteed Accurate Weights and good-looking. And he was—was a- eager companion. Even a crusty fill form of olive oil hair wash is PALM- er's, Use it. Results will amaze you—after
Teets. rlorable in those days." bachelor can see slip is adorable." OLiVE SHAMPOO. even one shampooing.
Courteous and Prompt Service. A far -away, dreamy look came In- TREATMENT "I am not a crusty bachelor," I
Highest Market Values. to her eyes. She was staring at me, protested indignantly. "and what's
but I felt myself quite outside the Fertilizer—Grower—Shampoo more, I am positive i would like. to THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, United
Cream Grading. range of her vision. Moacrca, Que, T.—. -.oat. wiaa"iDs, M.a.
A difference of a. cents per pound I ventured a shrewd conjecture, All 8 in one package $1.00 sass those red little eheeka, which i- 15c TRIAL BOTTLE FREE
P S saying a great deal for me. I've nev-
Butter Pat paid between No. 1 and considering the obvious character of er voluntarily kissed a baby in my �Ay ®T T T� ,rn.t mi to nam« ata "aareea, "na all to Tho
No. 2 Grade Cream. + her abstraction. FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE life." PALMOLIVE V Pa mau.a rw. ur Canaan, LM., Dept $�{
i "Stranger things have happened "I do not approve of the baby -iris- Tnr"nto. On L, for iso viae botue, creel
Cash For Cream. than that you should patch up your k,yp their appearance eavax aU7A- sing custom," she said severely. "It [1 T A POO l\ f
Cash paid to any Patron wishing difficulties and go back to live with ERLAM sisTplur OOLORATORB rW is extremely unhealthy and—middle- l`J rlyi L(�1• �✓ {ale ■�!■
It when Cream is delfyered. your husband." Ern imps ehetr boli to sty shade acelred. Class, Stilt," seeing my expression
Creamery open Wednesday and, ( She uttered a little cry of revulsion. �navo�e cab be treatment Harname, fnax- change, "I cha'n't mind your ki,sing
Saturday Evenings, The dreamy light died in her eyes her once." naareaa" — ___.__ ••• r
g Y Ask ro see yard ehawlns e1,M dlRereatelmdtr. '1"lic Blend of.Palm and Olive Oils
and she transfixed me with a look "Thanks," said I humbly. tms City.-__...._--- ...... ....__-...-.._.. Provtnee. -
e Seaforth Creamery. of indignation. a. R. VMBACH, Druggist, Seaforth. It was plain to be seen that she did