The Huron Expositor, 1923-03-02, Page 2;,•k. ill � iq•: �, a• ''r ,.". '�;;<��'. : 1'�t'.K;°Ta ' i�,t<jt� yry ,. �t •t: ' Y 1� t, ,P ; t ,,.,W'1�,,,,`,�, , { ;'$ '1 . s.:e "�tY�. �� 4
.t}.�� + .ti U717:t.:"i". •, >.- `fir, a t orf ,.;.. •, r p
t r . ,h. 1tr l Y n, , r., tlti.,• , i'Mt
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�' tr ,� a ^t � a ,�'a. -,� , A . s i `�;. � .1�2?��lia :6 fi •�pd
-�isf.`: .. . :,, ,•, r"'. s�r.r.,, .,. k$,:..n:.. .s: ,,• y ur- t ,..,vt,vwe�..,.,, .:, , . _.,,'.ajp7 . 4,:: . ... �'�rd:. -..n>�,i•vw. ,...:,.,t�... r, t;.,r' r k• d,' - fi.t,.. iii.^r ;t.� ... >,'.-. .:.:-: ,r:,
', , , .,ar N•,. ,:. ,.., ,:..h . : .1,• ,.". `t.. •"I�,'.,, r. _,,,,::-.::`..,,. �-.o,a,r... 1 , sak:h, ' �,'�.r,, t1,r�,..,,'_:S,:4Y�..v':,ez: �5_.,. �. lu, .�-. o. i \�:.,o,.k,,R,ta. �.�v/�P„ ..,;. -'......,. f:., 3'. +l. slf '..�•,d v :,.:�.a, t , ,, . sJ„'f i)} - �t/!. �,l,.,u}- • .. �1+. m, 's. ��,�.a:aa'.�" . t.t<,.:.., ,;. ;.., � r ,�, ..rrw��`,y. .0.��+,..>:,!'.,i,� �'P' � ;,;� �,.�•..� 1:ttiNg.,., tt,'a.+�:,.6,.pmF'aoruts4, (14aAnsni•r,,
INCORdORA��D;�� ��e; Capital and Reserve $0 �OB” Q�O 0a00 y t. .3,J.,.cUr...,i ':,�sa,ill•' .
lVpg6over 124' ranches naiaauuse, of
ti , , slurs. fav to # itola perfect. s t, y}ave beco�lrisi
u lee,
congenialfoemea a d' Issue w Mgt �letivo a,s}
n an A, � ` , 9 ±,� ,
' � '; bid the' gor'�• ••
uncertain to tltp •close,' the is no I e"trpioud}.,'h�s��lecldedtto declare an
other amp so thrilli �' *pen seas ar ?s lb ited period in a 1
g ng> sa,exhilarat: �fi �p �(+ u ,MO�.�C11�.S ��
Ing, NI r �� 1.109 ARA M rea#irietad arva i a
g, and so manly, aniy because ....r..... it prier W reduce the -
it is a man's Job to handle atones �� �{ uumber.,of arimaie. COUtLTESY TO ALL
tY ' wet hi
y4 g ng from forty to fifty pounds, � o X11 IM 0010@. �- i 1
and Be
to handl po Ott
v e thorn as to do won. Those ti l0 kAvw 'they have itlttney O awn, Onti.- A representative of In all departwAnta every effort is made to .
derful works at so great a tannggo, the Tr4ub Wilt Buller wltli pain in the the, ,soldiers'. ' sett[einent. board has tI
Rs �A and distance from "hack” to "hack" be, back. re up frequently at night left for l ngland to• make arrange- eliminate unnecessary formalities and to
) '� }ng a hundred and Afty feet or so.-wi)J*q !ometheaewsthat"Frt1}t.a- meri? for handling .the fund created customer�peedy and courteous nervine to N ,
It is no trifling feat, at. a range an tives' wonderful medicine made • ''Ly.-Nillb0lent former er soldier associa-
¢� great, and with implemepts so heavy, from 91 Juices and fogJ4 will „r tpnt} Taft' the settlement of imperial" Sayings Depatttnenta at every Bran+
i to draw to tale "tee" or within a. few ppoaitiY telieveKidueymid''A µhder former soldiers on farms in Canada. B]ZANCgigg'IN THIS A TRI
a , Troub as proven by. thi ''letter. .. Sarno 5,000 im I$ CTt
Pis inchea of it, to run a "port' of twelve � O� � poria► farmer officers,
�• or thirteen iinches, to ''guard" an kglogirlhadKedney_'rpubie in Qreli, britaip with capital aggre- Bracefield St. Marys &irkton'
• andIirp s`--herlimb:and body were g t} 00 pounds each are Exeter !Clinton Hensall Zurich,
+ opening whore a 'deviation of siX all atvo{►elft, conte 'IVU to L J :
. P „ A e decided to try conrumillLting st etientent in some of a inches means failure to "raise" a Frust ti tines". In a shorttlme, the •'the overe�a dom.nions and the so1-
e stone anywhere from one to twelve, stye►►6ng rYYpnt down. Now, she's the
feet, to "wick" off of an out► r * • healthiest one of the family,". diets' settiem2nt hoard }s to induce
'�aIDONX¢ _ outlying ut,lly' •.
msacco s stone on to the winner, ejecting the I W1f. WARRT N as many as pos ible,,to select Canada
lat•_er and !ying shot in its room and fort Ro las n ' for their efforts.
b o ,Ont. oa.. ... ... ... .... .. , .e..� /
stefld-all of this is a test of keen- � 600. a' box, 6 for $,,.50, tris! size }.5c.
nmss of eye and mastery of hand and j At dealers or from Fruit•a•tives tiVrnmpeg, Mat,.-Packheg of \all
steudines, of rierve, of co-ordination 1 Limited. Ottawa, out. butter, for .export from i hinitoba in j ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN key
of L'rain and brawn such as no other I uniform boxes slid branding it Mani- • After Every Meal
gam, prclemis to furnish. 1 tuba butter was favored by the Dairy ' Among the Tauregs of Tripoli, the
y And what a parable of life is all Manufacturers' Association of Mani• then must obey the women by decree
HU,N this noLl:! game! And how many ` for forty years or more has been try- fobs, which has just concluded its of the law. -- -
'. admonitions, in figure represented, I ing for the Ontario Tankard -and has annual convention here. It was a-'; Panama women have organized mi-",+
greet the sermon -maker at every !•peer landed it. They consistently greed b ythe members present, how- der the leadership of Mrs. Esther
turn, all ready to his grateful hand. 'mop up -the ice" with the}' sister ever, that creameries may still use Nlcto de Caleo. 0
UTo begin with, every curling mail' flub in Grtit whenever they have time their own discretion in planing their Mus. Roy•A. Hunt, of Pittsburg, n4ttt_
must acknowledge the supreme au. -and yet that sister club has brought cwn private brands -on shipments. Pa., is considered one of the b0st —
Lai U thority of the "skip," else disaster I back the gleaming trophy on three P ' htokbinders in the cot�}ntry. CiDCt4/ QD6YT food - '
' will very soon overtake him. "His •diff Brent occasions. But this week Ottawa, Ont.- To encourage, farm- Women inmates oP Llle Turkish ha-
not to reason why, his not to make ; the Granites (my club) have been in ers and domestic servant immigrants reins gain their freedom by tipping vVell, -then ilsC,
reply -but his alone to recognize j the fight again in the finals in Toron- an order -in -council removes the coir-. the guards with their jewels. WRIGLEY'S 't0
MwTobacco QuA 1 V 7r
thatthereis a controlling mind and • to -and til} recently I had hoped that tinuous journey restriction. Under I Mrs. Kendal, the celebrated Eng- afl� digestion.
,/ n disposing hand, the hand and mind , .lim Spalding and Charlie Knowles previous regulations, immigrants of lisp actress, still appears in public,
of one who stands closer to the cert- would be the heroes of the best sport-
in,these classes were admitted ,to Can- despite her 7$ years. It also. gCe Cps
ti a! scheme who sees the game as a g town in Canada. Yes, we all have ads only if they arrived direct Prom I Mrs. Halsey W. Wilson will con- the teeth clean,
whole, and who cherishes some de- I a second chance. We are permitte9, their own country. This has been duct a special course off styles in the
raciousl to "live our lives over changed to rovi a that, if an imru}_ new school for women politicians. breath sweet,
sign, some final purpose, of which the . g Y,
Stene -thrower may be altogether ig- ! againy with every succeeding day, grant has resided for a time in some ` A lizard, pierced by a hairpin, }s appetite keel.
--•'=cmc-�•.++e®.•.» 4 nolant. This master is his own in Tn-da a failures are the stones on country other than his own, he could the insignia adopted by the, anti -flirt
t4rpreter, and his methods must not which we. build the stately castles . migrate thence to Canada. A fur- crusade of New York city. The Great Canadian
be questioned, his orders not defied. of to -morrow's high successes, and the tber order -in -council repeals the pro- Many former court ladies of Ger- Saueflatrat
" o Thi:` single player, if he would sec- light of C,.od shall bathe their ininar- vihion for a $5 fee for vise of the many are eking out a scant living
Geed ,for himself or brio success to eta and towers in its oly glow. Even l.asspert in the immigrant's g y y
QsC g h grant's own by stuffing redo bears and to' elo-
his rink, must suppress his own the preaeverance of the saints, as err count p g
PP Per` r,ld Puritan country, Passports of immigrants Phants. o
sora► ambition for the common good- preacher said, is lint a" of ,.r}„r than Ur Fish or United States • In one year's -time Mian Cypriettne t •
m�rt®ir-gavn Sometimes, !oder.►, he must actually series of new beginnings. l origin are demanded with a view to Beach, of Prindetan, NJ., has won '
fret :•. jj
MANY of you have throw his stone away, its swift course _ _ having a record of their nationalities. 1 stardom in the French films. D36
ivi swiftly run, the -tnne itself relegated —' In view of the depreciation bf for- Mrs. Mae E. Nolan, recently elect- `
To people money and wish to to the limbo of exile and obscurity, 1 sign currency, :he sum of $6, form- ed to congress from California, be -
e invest it as promptly, As no longer in the game at all. Upon - erly charged for 'he vise, has become ; lieves in a modification of the Vol -
who live profitably, as privately and the ice --and in thp wider game of life Victoria, B. C. -A new high mark l a large amount. A third order -in- , stead law.
t for collection of timber royalties as conveniently as city -it is not always the stone closest by t council removes, in the case of Asiat-
people. to the coveted centre that is the real thL British Columbia government was tic immigrants, the ..cessity for wives
Zn the n
winner after all. The noblest curling act during the first nine months of ' and children loga} Canadian real- - ---- ----__ ____
FOR these reasons we may have nothing better to show11,22, accoitding to a statemirit issued
, Idents to prove the pnss,ession of $250
l } have extended our when the "end” is over, than a pos!- by the miitibter of lands, Collections ; before they are admitted.
y facilities for the sale of tior. somewhere in the rear'or on the auvanced to $1,04f1000 for the three-
safe, reliable Bonds by horizon, yet having played its most grarter period as --
compared with Edmonton, Alta. -About 1,500 miles.►
important part. Just as many a life $"40,326 for the whole of the 1921 + of telephone extension and construe -
that men call a failure, some rustic fi,cal. year. It is expected that the ; tion work will be undertaken in the
UNDER our plan we who has remain -d home on the farm total for the present fiscal year will Province of Alberta during the corn -
this coupon now. Let send youa list of high- that a more brilliant brother may re- run up to nearly $1,300,000. ing season according to Hon. V. W. ,
[is send you investment Items grade Bonds to select from : ceive an education some daughter 1 Smith, ministerof telephones and
who has consecrated her life, with a Ottawa, Ont. -Since the soldier set railways. There is sufficient mater- I i.
each month and advise you from and make you definite I dog otion a Ca•holic saint might envy tlement board began operations 2`L,- ; ial now on hand for this work and
time to time what if would be safe recommendations. Then, to a lonely fa'her or an ailing mother, 048 former s,0dier settlers have been f there is an amo mt of n,arly $800,000 1
and profitable to buy. when: you have made your some maiden aunt who has renounced, gr'a'nted loans totaling $93,235.902, 1 remaining from last year's appropria- i SPIRIN 1
choice, you order the Bon& 1 the holy names of wife and mother atui, in addition, 6392 men have been 1 tion with which to carry on the work
from us just the same' as
that she might care for a sister's settled on crown lands without loans, '
you would order goods by
mutherless bairns -these are the true
kings and priests, and
making a to'al settlement of 28,940. cal
Ute to the end of Januar soldier ( gary, Alta. -Formation of a
UNLESS you sed the name "Bayer" on tablets
. yl yO1g
mail frdm A big depart-
meat store. We deliver
queens priest-
eases, who minister in invisible white
before the unseen throne of Him wha
cern rowers' organization to carr
havesettlin,. the Province of Ontario ! out the plan of growing corn and peas
Paid $sok 73 per cent. of rho
are 120' getting Aspirin at all
them to yotlr batik with
made Himself of no reputation and
on summer-fanowed land, was form -
amount doe. The district of Regina ; ed in Calgary, with 160 farmers as
draft attached. so that you
may inspect them before
{took upon Him the form of a servant,
+ o
second to Ontario with 70 ,per cent.; , members, and with W. D: Trego, of
the Maritimes 67 per cent, and the
'purchase- You take no
I! And the curler, if he would ever
Gleichen, as chairman.
Prince Albert district of SktFarmers in
asache- Alberta are growing a greater quan-
carr! his "beef and cera,' the curl-
� gr
wan -66 per cent. paid 'try of corn each year for silage per-
BY investing to this way,
er's age -long diet must learn to
plat' the broom. The skip holds his
poses and, contrary to expectations,
Invermere, B. C, -Twenty-two dol- .the yields have been very good.
tare and fifteen
you get prompt ser-
vice. You have the same
broom, and you must aim for that.
Nine -tenths of the fruitless plays, I
cents' worth of1,e'
taken from the craw 113
a dead goose 'remand 663 boats Were
by housewife here,
choice of investments as
city clients. and you can
think, are due to the almost uncoil-,
querable tendency, on the part of the
man deliverin h' t t
a , has caused a employed in
Peds up Brady Creek. The
mild stampede the Manitoba fresh water fisheries,
goose was fattened in a barnyard that with an equipment valued at $696 414
g Is s one, o pay con- includes the creek in its boundaries. Over 1,125,500 pounds of fish were,
alas � the 'reps.. th,t buy by mail On exactly the sideration to the stone he desires to Y p caught, y
ar".d to " eras hit or to the Thirty-five laced claims have now g under domestic license, vAiile
same terms as big !ratite goal he is delirious to been filed on the creek and mining the: commereial fisheries realized over
B yo.. don't wish rq cot the �,.., tions and large private reach. The broom is often held five
g P will commence when spring permits. 111,000,000 pounds. p y package" Of "Bayer Tablets Of
ss„d ns yov= a.n < nd address on
or six feet to one aide or the other % Accept otiP an "unbroken
ttaste,ra o` I`tt of the objective point -but the sk}p Saint Johns N.F.-A despatch from AS lr n " which contains. directions -and dose Banff, Alta. -For y'he first time in P ( worked Out by
knows best. And happy the curler p s a
Royal Securities Corporation; Limited y the history of Canadian winter carni- hEadBr}fish Empire Steel corporation physicians g
who has learned to inflexibl "take h sicians durin 22 ears and roved safe b tniliions for
the broom," to glue his eye add his vale a 100 -mile world's champion doge quarters posted at Bell Island, Y p Y
.. Telephone W. P. NELLL, race was run in full view of tho announces that the iron mines there Colds • Headache Rheumatism -
TORONTO 58 King Street West Manage, mind alike upon it, to forget all about wall reopen Adelaide 438 rtra".i. spectators at the seventh annual win- pen immediate] in full swing,
TORONTO various destinations anti objectives ter carnival here from February ?4th and that a full staff of 2,000 men will Toothache r Neuralgia Neuritis -
dfot{trea! HafiJa St. John - wmn peer • Vanco-er - Vs. Pork. London and even results, absorbed only in this to March 5th. Five thousand dollars be taken on. The, news has been re -
one most profitablebtisineds of steer- have been contributed to finance this ceived with great satisfaction, ea eci- Earache Lumbago
ing by the compass, let the winds. and P g Pain, Pain
the waves, both within and without, race. Over twenty dog teams, in- a11y around Conception Bay, from ,
--- eluding seven teams from The Pas, which section most of the minerals Handy `Bayer' boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100-Druggistg.
�- — rage and howl as they wills Thlrs
do they also succeed in 'life's great, have been entered. In addition to come, r Aspirin is the trade mark (rrglgtercd in Canada) of sayer Manufaeture of Mono-
acotleacideelor of eallcyllcecld. yypphne 1t Is well known that Aspirin means Bator
and. complex game. Not consequences the dog derby other sports will be { manufacture, to assist tho Pubile $gainst ImitellOne, the Tablets of Bayer Company
R� c-_- : :r _•<,_ ::;r_ or pit cedents, or eonventionalitiea, or skiing down the natural slopes of ' , Montreal, Que.-It is reported that will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Croea•
prejudices, or probabilities, Sulphur mountain# skating ,on the investigations are being made of thtf - s
= - ' - - - - acral P ba res, .or per- Brix river, hockey matches, swim- ; Possibilities of the water power on
-' ` ° ' preferences, or expediencies,
=_ = = ='= '-="--- ~"'" ' 'Y"i '-'' ='= rule their co I the Back River by a strong Canadian
_' �_ ___ ::_.;;_ urse-but certain fixed and United States financial — -' -
`�'= principles, obedience to which, as with group, -
' th•r martyre, may seem to lead only ! with a view to developing from 46,000
w 60,000 horsepower. It is under-
'--= - K= ec disaster, even to death. When Iain- Yo
D�� stood that the interests in
�.. ecln took. his stand against slavery DNTER Heston irwo�zs 1iQ/iipOM%t
as intrinsically wrong, he stood alone, have under consideration the develop- 1500
His art went of a large industrial area in the may.
D _ _ Party pleaded and anathematized, s auld d"//Q%j(= th( m ;
Bzek River district; their intention t, o
the wisest telling him his course BADE WELL ` being to bring in some large indus-
meant political suicide. But the rail- I. DiHeretitand better
splitter "played the broom;'' he set tries which would use the power thus s. Scram er.and�afer
Mother Tells How Her Dan developed, 3. Contain no
d n E his course by the stars. Defeat and Daughter i poison
4: Rats won't gnaw them
overthrow were his portion in con- i s• Withstand more moisture
=-_ ~ p URE _ Suffered and Was Made Well by Montreal, Que: The Southern Can- 6. W11Inotglow atternee
ry MARo seruence-for a time. But the stet- Lydia E.. ink}► s Vegetable Pang which
r v i p oda Power Com
zeal laws befriended him and his nth- Y S1,0 g operates 7. Canadian wed¢for Canadians
1 on the Saint Francis River, Qub., is
J--- f way led to a place among the immor- tinpound
talc. This Province trusts Ernest P Iabout to undertake the deer in order t of another 30,000. horsepower in order
Drhry, after all is said and done, and Vancouver B.C.-' My daughter lea- to meet the growing demand for powLE
;�-�- : , _ - _ _ , _ fplaysnothing
the br mUcsteadil this,
cmieount, ;;irk who 1}as been p feelingssevere
for er from manufacturing enterprises.
' =''0 _, qg y airs and weak and dizzy
==`r'=='-" =_= sisrently, let tlxe results be what the some time and had lost her appetite
This and other enterprises in prospect
y p will mean the increasing .�
;i may, Through an ol�ef daughter who had g' D
of the rcr
he: -:•l ra I woman who was taking }t a]of the company from $6,000,000 to
,•� _ _ t , -_ s 'Another fundamental truth which Lor the same trouble, we were told of $20,000,000.
_ _ curling illustrates most vivild Ly'lia C. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- NLIi7 rs.
%,.°- g y rs'has ,,,r,!. Ny daughter has been taking it Detroit, Mich. -Nearly 100 boys are
that there is no second choice. Every i>rsevcral mont$isand is quite allright 'working hard endeavoring to qualify
=r= curler knows the dismay one feels, now. I t hal done all it was represented for George E. Buchanxn'a Alaska trip
just after the stone has left his hand. to do and we have told a number of in July. Mr., Buchanan, who is a -
k Y _ = ?c at his -swift perception of its imper- fri_nd, al)out it, I am never without wealthy bachelor and .president of --
Every Day factions and its dgom. Narrow;' he a b,ittle,, of it in the house, for 1 myself three coal companies, has two, hobbies
t 7 E3 howls like some Dervish of the desert, talo it for that weak, tired, worn-out . -Alaska and business training for
1i "I'm too wide,",comes down the ice fee]imp,whichsometimescomestousall. boys. 'If a boy will ear onethird
jJa y �� °� �% `^ like a funeral wail. "There's too I find it is buildingme up and I stroX�gy . of the expense of a tri to -Alaska If yOt1iN oven 18 Slovrf t0 Ill @at yd�dt'terjll filed E
_ - • much in it," he warns the sweepers, recommend it to women who are auffer- Buchanan will lean the bo
s , or ' I m short, I'm short -sweep, oh, meg a' I and mydaugbtex have. "-Mrs. provided the bo -third, lea
tiSt A� S�Ow t0 act- Iti, 4olil pe 1�OtlOn )(0�.
�P�ty awes her all the way," his soul sick J. n9ci)o role, 294�1'26th Ave. East Y's parents ftnanee Vlil>C! with $ 1;IOw O XtOt;Ovell,
Ways think Of rJIJCd�1tJt[ P Va.ncnu r:, B: C. the remaining third. The bo a sell
coal; coke, steel ash baskets and en- )
n _ _ With despair even while he roars the • Fromthr 9.C.twelveagirineedsall y p
futile instructions. What Would he the care n thoughtful mother can give. cilS.
as the "Real Soap" for general _ liar give to be able to pick up the Many a wniiian has suffered yea e 'of
__'= vagrant thing, re-establish himself in y g P ami '
`"= psin and miser -the victim of thought- ' Prince Ru ant, BsC.-The report of
use ah0ut the "hou.Se.
IR -5. =sE='. the hack, and, with steadier hand, lessnessor ignorance of the mother who rho district forester £er'.the month of _
165 r - se=and truer aim, send it :again on its should have guided her during this time. December shows that 10,J19,182 board
3 =s more creditable way? But no, his 1f she complains of headaches, pains feet of toP0
chance is gone. And yet, thank God, in the back and lower limbs, or if you 8 gs, $,866 I}Heal feet d poles
" 33-t r _ � � F„ l= Y. it is not really gone at all. For, aft- notice a slo els of thought, nervous- i2ti lineal feet of piles a d Prince �. t
�N� `� �ns==� r :r er a few minutes, few ty railway ties 'were scaled i Prince `
� 3 ,=r= a penitential daughter er�itiabll life eaeierport o ryour. Rupert district. The log; scaling in-
`s`` ter- minutes, his chance wilt come again. g £
That is the supreme philosophy sail Lydia k Pull=ham's Vegetable Com- eluded 6,881081 feet of aoruce, 2,87.0,-
1,: + - psychology of curling -you will do it Pound is espostly adagted fol' such 377 .feet of Edialock -1,426;218 feet of OROER FROM YOUR NEIGH00R1460101 GRC CCER':
t a t next time. I belong to a club that
mmditions. p redcedar'and 1;01#,6'/8 .feet of bad- ✓ ss
cam fir. -
k t ro ±
y y
F i 3�:r.0014
4.F• 4 .4,
..h ,:� ii...-'�1��,..1s���a:,♦`1:"A..4,�1C.Frir4�l{�.4'}k}..1.5f,�w�lJi:Z�I'L�r2:..i{Y,.::nf.,.uno.:.Nk,...,e.....::�.J;:�b.'•iw...::��'..'.%45'-.,.Fv.2S4...L,:....r...r...,s:..-..-r....-_.e.C.4....E':'"lF....,L,':IIS