The Huron Expositor, 1922-12-29, Page 3,
" W"M
1W&A1hyau41Ut!L11`; pre'r, 44. MAW
In t. NE
A, Aug
older. Who brOMMO= larox--�! moo tlaw Protestant Lop .,0 'WAS' '9041119
far the 56
V_ 't�a. 4 to the' 6136 a the great . a a En isp. land a Father Vaughan, in q,goice of
418 ent. The motlaje�beep,can be It IA. notabineges.410 etivefigure..,1ret he
ja ree6utly been InI by hand or tic0i With a halter While his,_*ork w*
command( Jalrdex,,!66, ar g The poOrOst.. undor bluil NORTMPN ONTARIO STILL X'10"
now 1 11991. 10 J
've ttlaight,' the.*- gatber red dol- _nutieii. This Is usually not Not in -of the intem,
qO,,V, tile Iamb
a soft, whi UM n & 'A I sea was- nearly necespiry for more titan two or three vions created euah_ a aerioaticin mf an invitation for the editors to, se- Now that winter has Igripp6d the North bal 1�#
said to be even better than otri.. 4
is orse became Maythir, company Father Vaughan
5 those in which #oAptigated upon
Testa by tht- Governincilit, ca LL -, eye. The transfer of iitm�s front 'id worldly %$$On. 'It We$' in boy 4o utie#y
14 " P.'. he tri to mount d its raid q than ever. Here is a typical scene--, a little w
'dr fjig� ulfiversitift prove t0t. d. Then he sprang up other can. be inside, at But eVd"b` =440, castigated tilem the slums that' worked., 'It was
new light Is on rior to, ten,oroi b is still.verY. they crowded to ldS church -as thdy a rainy night, and preleWed by an for th'e dittly 6upply-of food, for a lit, Tge, family. T411s Is I,
urns , With �pa
i birth or while t4c.lam
other and left town this
,011,lamps., It
It stems that if the clUPWns Young by foOling..,the ewe, who by might eirowd tD'CW_ vent aarden.' He lab r c ng a tall
amoke or noise, iT4 * i ierriest A a largely 6a thesenbe was po seusation0st. His. was tar. fix, and with the priest folio new home to replace the one destirtypd in the hij
n very much. in t Ahe Way depend wing
.mical, r�quirdd P outlaws th of satell to idenW her offspring. ringing, a little hand -bell, 916
-has b u be pursuing the h i hue but one Jamb, ittle war mother andL the eldildren, livp in an 61d shacir on the outskirts of
ice a tPly;fi. might easily e overtaken them S ould a, ewe 2 was fearless who)a he oftrided. Be- Precession wended Its t
�L , h 7 av e ' his, Lon&n sought to make tbrough streets and alleys.
and shot them, %lot he day old, and it: in 'desired to It
nson, 246 e, rub the twd him Many
fear inspired by the name of James her feed a second on pro women and children
Man offering ther -until' the3f have the He was to be foiW at Coiirt Pecep- few
that tlwy Were permitted to escape. lambe t6ge score had
..-c these new lamps on Some distance down the road and then test -the ewe's tions and in the,'Arawinii rooms of thus been collicted, Father Vaughan
or even give one met ancither-mah on horseback' k�o. He had the eu- stgrped, mounted a scrap box and
is's her Itimb and it is desired to have tree everywhere�-r, 13ritain bad np del vere'd a sermon. By this time
q�'first user in each locality WJiio
IP4.;n his beast they commandeered. Jes
introduce it. Write him own horse was caught latet and iden. her adopt'and feed suother one, such more -loyal sod d9ring the VW. 04 perhaps it couple of hundred bad
-to-day for particulars. Also ask him a bi. removing the skin
as Ids property.' cap be dow
)cestrion baiiadet;� staTent red, and in the driving sleet
to explain.bis agency propositign. The robbery a few days ago indi- from the ead lamb and placing such Tasi 4 was sent- round it her Vaughan preached to them
cates that in some respects the art On the Ok of the Iamb that.1t; to was made at a time when mam' felt 4 firlea �ermon as he would have
This must, that the Popp hdd,a I nin tow rd cached in Westminster. At the
of bank robbery has improved, while desired she should adopt. Or R.'r. ,
WHY PEOPLE -SLIP ON ICE in 9thers it has declined since the 0 'OT ughan close
f course, be done in a comparattvaly the Central PoWers. Fa a of it he told them notato kneel'
abort time; but cutting a slit in each ablicl warn d an on the muddy flagstones but many
James boys were its most,notable ex- s6lenardiv a
y robbers were corner of the pelt through which the io e V& and publicly warn
Why Is ice slippery? It is not its ponents. The later -da PV U ull� of them did. After this he took the
:8 1 legs of the living lamb may be pass- him and his king.
moothness, that makes it so, for ice, two editors to an upstairs room
equ ped with a powerful motor car
As a matter of fact, is nearly k1ways walwIng round the corner for them.. ed, It is easy to keep the skin in Chelton Beach tells about a couple humble tenement, which he re.1nda
rather rough., A sheet of glass Is and they were artmd with rifles that place for a few days. Twin lambf of interviews he bad with Father and there cooked his supper with
fer-smoother and much harder, Ing that the t frequently do not get sufficleirt milk Vaughan when he was -sub-editor- his own hands, having bought the
but outranged anyth owns.
for best development, and again the on a London magazine. He ingredients at some of the little
:you, Would not be able to slide far on men who had been awakened 6y'the reporte
It. . explosion could muster. Wben lights strong lamb will get more than its went him to get a ChAstmas ser- shops on the way. The fare was
When tKou place the sole of your appeared at -a window the robbe,_ sbare. Close attention to necessary men. He found the famous Jesuit frugal, but Mr. Reach reports that
boot or e blade of a skate on the 1 on them, and thus to make such adJustment as will In the talk that followed it was one
tamed their rifles s are. engrossed in his breviary in his bare -
Ice the L)Tessura caused by your discouraged any further investigat- tire the lambs getting a fair all the ly furnished ofilee., Before him was ofthe finest he had ever listened to.
-Wei li lit smelting to ions. One citizen who a When lambs..axe not getting all - the most untidy
Fe milk that they need from their moth' desk he had ever
shot clumsily and heid in prisoner seen, littered vntn papers and books.
a a g ji�," they ere, provision should be -made to
JA t thin Alm of wa;;er until they were ready to depart. Their lul- He made known his mission add the
, *8 Way a the lamb. FAMOUS FIDDLES WORTH
le- formed L between boot tor skate) PlOment such 4y teaching t
marksmanship was undactlitedly, in t told him to write the sermon
to drink cows' milk from be Ue or =If. For hinitielf he was not FORTUNES
und' the surface of the iceTitle, ferfor to. that of the James boys. 1rhe N
1111m acts as, a lubricant which allows -latter. too on the occasion of robbing used to writing sermons and had no Paganini left his famous Guar -
3r foot to glide forward the Gaii�iin bank %rere loath to fire- faith in them. He said sennilits nerius violin, which he preferred to
ut effort on your on. the crowd that gathered outside When the lambs are two or three t to be preached hot and stiong several Strads in his possession, to
In the long. id - of the Arctic the bank. The modern robbers did weeks old they will start nibbling at ;;tghh the tongue -of a, man who be- his native city of Genoa. It has
"gions the cold so intense theif not hesitate to torn their guns' on grain, hay or gross. At this U340- lieved what he said, and not written been used only twice since his death.
the *pressure caused by, one's weight and only -.tbdr they should be encouraged to food at a desk by a man who was feeling Of course, this violin is almost
auZe 'ete, rvert by way of placing choice bits of 16"- his we
Is not sufficient *to irielt the surface nu Id -tt�d iong ragraPhs and com- priceless, and there'are others which
of the ice. scene ��out litatinIng committed der and grain in a small feed irodgh ... Yus"Reacta offered to make money would probably fail to buy.
-Explorers often report coming murder. where they can reach It without, be- shorthand notes of the sermon if he Ysaye's magnificent Strad was
acme sheets of Ice v4dch for this ThoUgh-their crime was committed' ing disturbed by the older sheep. would preach it, He was iiglreeable valued at $30,000. Once he left it un-
2vason-are hardly more sliPPM then at night 'they were Imisked. Th4 Bran. ground oats. cracked corn and to this, -,Ind. said -he would let the guarded in his dregsing-room at
an ordinary stolne-ilagged pavement. James boys , did not wear mAsks; oil eake.meal are very desirable con- writer know when he was4about to Petrograd, and when he returned— time
'ind,:their,operations were cot)dueted cqvti4tOs fortlambs. Fresh water and deliver it. 7JJwh it was explained to he had played on another instrument
as I a rule,. in AsTight. When %e al*Ais 0O*LvAIIW,*4A-th*,, 'him that the Mristmas numbers Of —it had vanished. He was terribly
HELP HELPLESS BLIND BABIES thdy'shOt to kil, but apparen y t , magaz ned were made up several perturbed at what proved to . - Ir I
shraft from silling spectators f grain to feed will depend lamelY weeks before Christmas, he gave the practical joke. Neow Yega& 0,
A Dominion Charter, without stock were not attacking them. At the open tile use that it in desireil'to general outline of what a Christmas It was Joachints opinion that the 1191tt
a make of the lambs. lAmbe for the sermon should be. The interviewer finest violin in the world is the one
subscription, was recently, obtained same time they did not hesitate Long Distarwe'
for thb estobilsliment'in the city Of. == thk anyone who "hot house lamb" trade require lib- said this was the very thing he want- known as the "Emperor's StrAdi-
"Md their plunder. eral grain le4dituff. while thO1100 for
*ftwa i9f a Heins, Nursery ROOM- e. ed and Father . -rughan - replied. varius" valued'at $50,000.
�-Klndcvgartin, for i6 blind A knowled&'6f this fact made their breeding. or ardinVy markets should "Well, its yours. o away and -write Wh�n Sarasate's will was proved,
al and t deal easiet than be limited wltliin the bounds of pro- it." at he had bequeathed "Ring out the old—ringin the new I
under six years of age, free to all operatiom a grea it was found th
vince in the Dominion. would otherwise have been the case. fitible feedifig. WIth lambs for ex- But Mr. Reach stuck to his point $20,000 and a Strad to the conserva- "Ring out the false—ring in the trilel"
from any for The rifin hold one of the James' hibition, costs are sometimes Of as- At last Father Vaughan sighed s;;i toriea of Paris and Madrid respee-
So,far noKiong has been done --and so she rings Long Distarim
ra-tes. According boys, the Yet up IFY Da condary importance, and the grain
those poor unfortu ingers. or the hors, risign his seat, began to rum- tively.
feeding is Anore liberal than It is . g from litter On his desk. The Like many ol j
to reports received from the various knew *that be was facing a man who e in the ther Strads, one of
13rovincial authorities, there are at would kill him without compunction with the lambs of the breeding or interviewer thought that he was these had a romantic history. It was "Happy New Year" she calls to, dist=t
D In the Dominica. and that he wait extreme][Y-Oompetent market type. Lambs that are grain about to produce the ready-made said to have been'at one time in the 'hour.
present nearly 251, Ill reach 'sermon. Inste friends, -as midnight strikes the
Vhe late Sir Arthur Pearson, before In the use of a revolver. Since their led from the beginning w ad he dug up a bat- hands of a German blacksmith, to
bis death, chaimed that- "Sunshine day there have been robbers just as 'market weight six or eight wi*ks tered l6oking cigar, borrowed a whom it had been given by a
t Chorley Wood, England, ferocious, but hundreds of men have earlier than those not receivinc grain , inatch lit the cigar, and then sat traveler who could not pay for the Keep the Bell a -ringing through the yearl
!Zme-lien only home in the -Empire lost their lives because they. acted on until the commencement of the -fat- down to sketch on the backs of en- shoeing of his horse.
for Blind Babies."' It is hoped short, the presumption that the r6bber was tening period. When grain feeding velopes the sermon that was wanted. For years it hung on the wall of Heed the lesson business teaches:
ly to have the SECOND in Canada. merely a robber and not a murderer Is too liberal either before or after Before the editor left he had secured the blacksmith's house. One day a
weaning. the lambs wtll depend upon
urgently requir- Not in a, generation has any fbandit the promise of the sermon when he collector of violins came along. The Riches come to him who reaches
Vo this end money is gift. become as well known as the James the grain feeds, and not eat as much called again, and in return Father blacksmith asked him to buy the
4ad. Help us with your generous grass or other roughage as Is in keep- Out beyond the city gates.
'Lest we forget; Do it newt" Cheques It sNone of them has won a public Vaughan was promised a good smoke -blackened instrument, which I
able feeding. The
- e n that warned all those, who Ing with Profit 0 heque for the poor among whom he he did. Later he di covered its Take the line o
should be made payable to the Can feed must be de -
came in contact with hirn'that he amount of grain t labored. But when his chief editor v�orth. It is well to add that he did Telephone, and use Long Distance.
adian Blind Babies Home Associatiog.
- would kill on the slightest provoca- termined by the age of the lamb, the heard the result of the interview, he not -defraud the blacksmith.
Remittances will be promptly ackno* I purpose for which It is being rear -
ledged. tion. determined to go for the sermon him- Nearly twenty years ago $3,500
ad, and the coarse feeds available..
Y, Tress- Modern bandits have the advantage If. He had never seen a Jesuit was paid for a Strad which for years
Address J. P. McKINLE a means of escape, Grain feeding from the time that the se pportunity of talking was played by a strolling musician MISS L. M. McCORMACK, manager
vrer, or C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, of automobiles as W lambs begin to feed Is a profitable priest and the o
Cor. -Sec., 188 Dufferin Roid, Ottawa. a convenience that as not at the dis- to such a famous one was something in Londont A little earlier $5,000 was
. posal of those notorious bandits who practice it the amount of grain fed
2872-10. per day does not reduce the lamb's he would not miss for worlds. They paid for a fiddle which previously
at4in rity in the years got on famously together, perhaps had been knocked down at an aue-
_ed celeb follow- appetite for grfts and other coarse It we% bought I Every Bell Telephone is a Long DWance Station
ing.the American Civil War. They feeds. During the fattening Period because the editor was a North tion sale for $1.50.
have the advantage of knowing that nd could easily assume by a laborer who, a few days later, I
THE JAMES BROTHERS AND nowadays banks have far greater the quantity of grain fed per lam� Countryman a sold it to a dealer for $3,000. The I
$nine_ of cash on hand. Their re- should generally not exceed one and the dialect of the county that Father dealer eventually Parted with' it at
THEIR IMITATORS wards are greater, even if it is more a half pounds per day If the feeding Vaughan loved best of all England, a profit of $5,000.
is to be profitable. Good pasture for Lancashire is the most Catholl�
Gallatin,Missouri, got into the news- difficult to commit the crimes. On
-W few days ago after the other hand, modern criminals grass, cloyers, or rape should be sup-
liaper headlines plied liberally to all lambs Intended
an absence there from of more than have few sympathizers, eveept among
years. On :both occasions the the criminal classes. The James boys, for the ordinary market or breeding.
With hot house lambs, the obaree
however, were considered heroes by Italted, grains and milk are
3giblicity given Gallatin was due to food is 1
many people who were themselves
a crime committed there. In the let- friends in largely depended on for rapid gains.
not criminals. They had
ter'instance the criminals are as yet ntry in which, they causes of Failure in Lamb Feedins.
unknown. In 1869 they were the most all parts of the cou
Is, us of American bandits, namely. operated who would bide them, pro- 1, Ewes not properly fed during
me brothers. The vide them with fresh horses and pregnancy or after.
the James and Younger both bring them news of sheriffs and the 2. No supplementary feeds for the
same crime was committed in olice. The average man whom they lambs.
cases, namely the robbery of the be enk, P(ight meet in their flight, 3. Failtire to Properly dock and
'Xhere was shooting both times. Je se in
James committed one of his deliber- as likely to wish them well and throw alisr lambs.
e off ihe track' as to 4. No provisions against failure of
ate murders, Captain John W. Sheets a pursuing p as
Captain Sheet. was point them out to justice and see pastures.
bein his victim im e 5. No protection from other.stoek. -:7
6. Pastures infested with eggs or
te:0 On the vault. He refused, and in . kink I- in.- ri� to t - 1 0 5�_
andit shot him neatly through cst peo� le It crt e ro ny I III . larvae of stomach worm.
the' E are f6un to b or ire In I ie` us
the heert. In the. more recent case din Ind vid 7. Failure to dip and destroy ticks
hut nobody 'was 0
the, LIT I AIR PATROL SERVICE PROPOSED thighs and udder.
two or three people were wounded, inals. -ft -
killed. The boot S. Failure to clip wool from.iuner FINE CUT
securetby ailhes boys was onl Banff Alta.—A siar*Wof suitable 9. Using poor scrub stock. tax
-ihelr .- Imitators #J ave run aerodroine and landing sites in con- Reasons for success.
aeroplane 1. Proper care and liberal feeding
.'into many thousands. .One story is nection with iL proposed I
patrol in Banff and Kootenay Nation- to ewe and lamb.
-to the effect that Wooft in securi ementary feeding ample. A
plbnd�t� al Parks has been completed by the 2. SuPP1 iq,
ties was part of. the Acting Director of the Air Force and 3. Wool removed from vicinity of The best Fr lifte Cut Tobacco
the Inspector of. Canadian National udder.
Parks. An acrodrome site near Can. 4. Ticks destroyed or prevented.
5. Using good vigorous stock of
rAore in Banff National Park and eight or Rolhng
0 Your Own.
deiiiirable type.
other essential landing places were 6. Ample supply of green fomg*,
e two parks, as well as on
qselected in th -es- 7. Pastures and yards kept free of
egg"r larvae of stomach worms In, 15k per packet V21b. tin C3%J
a number of emergency and non
eeritial landirig grounds. Jurious to sheep and lambs.
WAh� t�e, opening of the Banff- S. Protection provided against NJ
WiMcmi6i motor highway across the OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL
Rockies :61id1he resulting increase nuisande.
9.Docking and altering performed
in traffie.thilough the parks the fire at proper time.—L. Stevenson, Sec.,
hazard -will be considerably enhanced Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto.
and it is 'bel Cl arnl*
mbut of sill ervwe
et in this Tomatoes ripen better when grown
trellis or stakes. They can be
OUS nature OfL s,t closer together in the rows them
the �ountry%h6r -, egular when allowed to spread over the -
warden bervide is handicap inj its
patrol work and the feasi WW", of.
aeroplanes in augmenting the ReMde.
P. has beew und4bir considerationoby tho Women seem to be devided into two
Department of the".1titel4or f some classes now—the high -brow and the
time. low�Mek,�Mngston Standard.