The Huron Expositor, 1922-12-15, Page 4LEATHER GOODS Always useful, per- viceitble and,..niuch ap- ...predated. Hand Bags and Purses in the new-' est shades and styles, Wallets, bill ,fold and' card cases, min& 411,0- , collar' hags and Many.sether useful nov-, tcisis towii0 Ohutelli-.4 t 4-1 Umbarb--4 Mis-4 ;.4.4 C's • ; torterr-6 teriart-5„ 3.; yatitisau-s Eutobleon-8 ounnon-8 Carbert-8 peon% Book Store -8 htluter—Prineeea—.8 r Eros—Strand-8 Buggestiona—.1 Dtaetavlah-8 W., E. Kersrake-8 • o—Gravea' Wall Payer Store -8 new Othee--8 Corn -W. ht. Btewart---8 or Sale—James Sproat -8 eneerb-ekesation Arm. -8 THE *HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH, Friday, December 16th. Annual Meeting of W. M. S. -The annual meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Auxiliary was held in the school room of First Presbyterian church on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 12th_ There was a very good attend- ance considering the inclemency of the weather. The president, Mrs. Archibald, occupied the chair and conducted the- devotional part of the programme. The reports of the var- ious secretaries showed activity in all departments of the work. The secre- tary reported three life members dur- ing the year and a total auxiliary membership of 93, which is consider- ably less than last year, a number of the younger members baying joined the Barbara Kirkman Young Women's Auxiliary. The Supply Secretary re- ported $31.20 donated for an outfit for an Indian boy, which was shipped to Ahonsat; a donation for the Mc - branch was included in this amount. There are 15 Home Helpers contributing $26, and 78 subscribers to the Messenger, which is three less than last year. The election of of- ficers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. R. Archibald; 1st vice -President, Mrs. A. McQuaig; 2nd vice -President, Mrs. W. Freeman; Secretary, Mrs. James Watson; Treasurer, Mrs. T. S. Smith; assistant Treasurer, Mrs. J. G. Mullen; Messenger Secretary, Miss Robb; assistant, Miss McDermid ; Home Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. Neil Gillespie; assistant, Mrs. J. Cowan ; Supply Secretary, Mrs. J. Beattie; Press Secretary, Miss H. I. Graham; Library Secretaries, Miss Bethume and Miss Broadfoot; Strangers' Secre- tary, Mrs. C. Aberhart; Pianists, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull and Mrs., Coates; Convener of Social Com ittee, Mrs. J. Cowan; Committee, Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. R. Bell, Mrs. G. Dickson. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Following the programme a delicious tea was serv- ed by the ladies of the Social Com- -mittee. As the books do not close till the end of Decemizer, the Treasurer was unable to give ict full financial report. 'firl tik ,. . . nnce 1340 ,11 S I i . . eta ' ' Oq 1. ea 4" a billidala Veen age in tio, ted State MA the against it by the liquor interests. He scored the tior*Ied .Christian #es • America add Britain, who sent their missionaries toistdanize the heathen and perntitterbreweries to be built in these coup leasto debauch the natives. It would bring back 98 per cent., Dr. High -said, of the liquor business if wines and light beers were introduced, and conditions will be worse than when we had the saloons, for there will not be the same regula. Lions as in the time of the saloons. You saw a big headline in the papers, stating that the Wets had gained the victory in the United States. Don't believe it; it is a Yankee lie. This great cause is going on to victory and in many ways the prospects for pro- hibition are brighter than before. He hoped the States and Canada would fight together as they did in plunders against this common foe. The party was conducted by Rev. F. J. Oaten, DD., who gave some of his impres- sions of the convention in Toronto. On Sunday morning Dr. Kempbell and Dr. Oaten conducted the service in Egmondville; Dr. High, in the Presbyterian church, and Rev. N. F. Pascoe and Mr. Kackn, in the Metho- dist church. Temperance Rally. -A banquet, un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Societies of the Methodist and Pres- byterian churches, was held in the school room of the Methodist church on Saturday afternoon, December 9th, in honor of the visit to the town of four delegates from the conven- tion of the "World League Against Alcohol," held recently in Toronto, at which sixty-five different nations were represented. Mayor W. H. Golding extended a civic welcome to the vis- itors and several citizens. Mr. F. T. Fowler, Mr. W. Hartry, Mr. F. S. Savauge and Mr. J. Finlayson gave short after-dinner speeches on the present system from the standpoint of education enforcement, business and industry. Following the banquet a mass meeting was held in the audi- torium of the church, at which Mr. W. Black, M.P., presided. Dr. Kemp - bell, of Rigs Latvia, chairman of the Anti -alcohol Society of the Baltic Provinces, was the first speaker on the programme. An interesting and rather remarkable feature of his ad- dress was t Ike fact that, although Dr. Kempbell is distinguished linguist, his acquaintat ce with English began only two months ago. Notwithstand- ing this he has acquired during his two weeks' visit to Canada, enough of the language to be able to con- verse well and to address a public meeting. Latavia, the country from which Dr. Kempbell comes, was the scene of the greatest conflict between the German and Russian forces in the World War, and, as a result, was devastated more than even Belgium. A movement against alcohol began there thirty years ago and many so- cieties were formed, but the Russian and German Governments owned all the stills and worked against it, but the national press favored the move- ment. The same spirit against alco- hol found expression in many of their large collections of folk songs. Mr. Ram of Formosa, who is now study- ing theology in New York, the next speaker, conveyed greetings from Formosa. He said that the darkness of the gist had been brightened by the light of Christianity brought to them through one of our Canadian heroes, the late Dr. G. L. McKay, of Forniosa. He paid a high tribute to his first teacher, Mrs. George McKay, formerly Miss Jean Ross, daughter of the late Rev. John Rose, of Bruce - field, who married a son of the famous missionary and is assisting - him in his missionary•work in For- mosa. He Said the social evil was much in evidence in Japan, but right- , ecitieriess will gain the victory, in the gnit. The power to destroy its power is in the hands of the churches. Rev. V. P.: Paseoe, B.A., B.D., reported that less progress had been made along the line of prohibition in Mexi- en) than til any other country, and the . - Work was marked. by much discour- agement becitte of the open saloons, dative Whiskey and drunkenness at ,itlir...yrifret. There were some encour- ` . i ngrirfeatures, however, one of which ','.ittlitthattlie Government was in favor Otieltibition, also the President and 0-61Yikv6f. his Cabinet, and be believes e willing ,to Support ELIMVILLE Sad Death. -The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson and daugh- ter in their very sad and sudden be- reavement in the death of George, the youngest eon, which took place on Saturday morning from meningitis, after a short illness of two days. He was a very popular young man in the prime of life and his passing is deeply regretted by his numerous friends. The floral tributes at the funeral on Monday were most beauti- ful and were carried by eleven inti- mate friends of the deceased. BRUCEFIELD Notes. -Mrs. W. D. McIntosh vis- ited friends in Toronto last week. - Miss Ida Taylor spent the week end at the home of her friend, Mrs. Lawrence Forrest -The Brucefield chopping mill has closed for the pres- ent and the Stanley Threshing Co. has opened a mill at Mr. Was. Mc- Kenzie's and will chop Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. This should prove a great convenience to the farmers. -Miss Mary Gibson is in Toronto this week end as a delegate - to the U.F.W.O. Convention.- The many friends of Mr. Wm, Murdock, formerly of Stanley, will be sorry to hear that he is very ill at the home of his daughter in St. Thomas. -Mr. Henry Horton has purchased Mr. Ed- gar Armstrong's farm, also his farm stock and implements, paying the sum of $13,000. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Horton and son to our com- munity. -Mr. Frank Aikerihead, Geo. and Walter Baird, Arthur McQueen, Thos. Baird and John McCowan at. - tended the stock show in Guelph this week Kelly Circle. -The December meet- ing of the Kelly Circle held in the basement of the church, proved to be one of the most interesting meetings, of the year. The regular work of the society was taken by Miss Jessie Aikenhead and the topic, "Home Mis- sions in the Maritime Provinces," taken by Mrs. George Baird, which proved very interesting as the home part of our mission work seems near- er to us. Another interesting item was the report of a very successful year financially by the treasurer. The total givings for the year amounted to $355.66, of which the sum of $331 will be sent -to the general fund. That gives us about $35 more than we had last year. This amount more than covers the amount allotted to us for our share of the deficit money. Our bazaar and chicken dinner held on December 1st was also a great suc- cess, and we are grateful to those who so kindly helped to make it so by their donations and work. The total proceeds amounted to $163. The officers were then elected for the coming year and are as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. (Rev.) McIntosh; President, Miss Kate McGregor; 1st vice President, Miss Edyth Bowey; 2nd vice President, Mrs. Hugh Aik- enhead; Secretary, Miss Margaret Aikenhead; Treasurer, Mrs. James Thomson; Mess. Sec., Miss Beth For- rest; Press Sec., Miss Aggie Beattie; Organists, Miss Ruth Caldwell and Miss Alice Rattenbury. The leaders for the January meeting will be Mrs. (Rev.) McIntosh and Mrs. Jack Wat- son. 419X Spray +41lrf/F front,' altaifiqritt erti 'were IA* 'chttesing a McBride Mearidet4.6, ,fiteHk_ *ward. Wi l‘ril and lia*retit$ 7P9- Litfrainer. He leaves Le.' 'mourn hie baa besides hie mother nit home, four brothami Joaeph. of %Arid Rupidfs). Minnesota; Paul, of Fork,e, Mbutellota; Henry, of Stephen, Minnesota; Louis, of Chiliwack, B.C.; four staters, Mra.' Charles DeFafrahier and -Mrs. W. E. Latirour, Stratford; 1141LF. E. Adams of Goderich, Mrs. Robt. -Douglas. of Saskatoon. All the brothers and sis- ters, except Louis, were at hit beside almost all day Sunday. He will be greatly missed by all, but mostly by his aged mother, as he was always; at home with her. • rt. , r t, ;.td '10 alAi0; ; 4Z 14;"'Ir"s,, omanommim.orimi,._ HIPPED Your accounts are now ready. We would like to have them eUttled before the end of the year. W. E. Butt. 2868-8 Annual Meeting -The annual busi- ness meeting of the W. M. S. was held in St. Andrew's school room on Wednesday afternoon. Encouraging reports were received from each of the several secretaries, showing pro- gress in every department. The Treasurer reported $300 up to date. After the business of the year was discharged, the following officers were elected: Hon, President, Mrs. Lundy; President, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson; 1st vice President, Mrs. W. W. Cooper; 2nd vice President, Mrs. I. Jarrott; 3rd vice President, Mrs. I. Moore; 9th vice President, Mrs. E. McKay; sec., Jean McLean; Treas., Mrs. James MuStard; Strangers' Sec., Mrs. T. Kyle; Press Sec., Mrs. J. Bowey; Library Sec., Jennie Chesney; Supply Sec., Mrs. J. B. McLean; Home Help- ers' Sec., Mrs. Monteith; Messenger Sec., Mrs. J. A. McGregor. Ladies' Aid Society -President, Mrs. Lundy; 1st vice Pres., Sarah Sinclair; 2nd vice Pres., Mrs. McCullie; 3rd vice Pres., Mrs. R. G. Elgie; 4th vice President, Mrs. J. B. McLean; 5th vice Pres., Mrs. William Sinclair. An interest- ing feature of the meeting was the introduction of the W.M.S. Banner, by Mrs. Mustard, and the presenta- tion of a life membership_ to Mrs. Mustard, from her mother, Mrs. A. McGregor. The social hour at the close was spent in a birthday party, to which the Home Helpers, as well as auxiliary members, had been in- vited. Each lady brought with her some old relic and interesting tales were related in connection with what had been handed down, in some cas- es, from great, great grandparents, dating back as early as the 17th cen- tury. Gauld Mission Band. -The annual open meeting of the Gauld Mission Band to which they invite all the mothers and fathers and friends of the band, was held last Friday even- ing. About 70 members of the Band were present and a ,goodly gathering of parents and friends. The Presi- dent, Mrs. Monteith, was in the chair. The usual programme was followed in the opening exercis,es, singing, the M. B. prayer, Scripture reading led by Olive Cooper. The Secretary, Erna Hyde, and the TreaSnrer, Jas. Mustard, gave reports of the year's work and the roll was called. It was found when everything was totalled up that the Gold side had won in the contest for attendance and mem- bership by- about three points. They' are expecting, any day now, to re- ceive notice of the day and hour when the treat from the '"Blues" will be forthcoming. The primary class of the Band sang "Little Helpers," and gave an exercise entitled, "Ten Little Pennies. The intermediates gave two exercises, "Wen Sheen' and "Topsy Turvy Land" and all joined with them in the M. B. hymn, "The Whole Wide World for Jesus." The senior class sang "Go and Tell to Others." Mary McDonald presided at the or- gan. Instead of the usual lesson, Mrs. Lundy told a story, one that young and old might draw a lesson from. A very interesting part of the pro- gramme was the presentation of junior memberships to the following: Doreen Copper, Elva McGregor, Hazel Thompson, Jessie Finlayson, Florence Thompson, Edna McGregor, Grace Fairbairn, Jas. Mustard, Flora Sbuter. A very unusual and happy event of the Mission Band evening was the presentation of a life membership in the W.M.S. to Mrs. J. B. McLean by her children, and her mother at the same time making her the gift of a life member's pin, The contents of the M. B. barrels, together with the evening's open collection, amounted to $107.60. Young Peoples' Club. -The Young Peoples' Club meets this Friday night. The young men have full charge. They promise a good pro- gramme, including a debate and a fine lunch. The guests of honor on this occasion are their fathers. It is to be mainly a "Lad's and Dad's" night but all ;are heartily welcome. Died In Arden, Manitoba. -Word has come to hand announcing the death of Mrs. Hipwell, formerly known as Miss Katherine Acheson, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Samuel Acheson, who, for many years, was pastor here of St. Andrew's church. Mrs. Ilipwell spent many years of her ydRing life at the Manse and. was well known and greatly beloved, and many will be sorry to hear of her early death. As there are no particu- lars at hand, a full account of her late illness cannot be given.. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, two small children, one sister and two brothers, who will have the sympathy of many friends -here. Her funeral was held on December 4th. Notes. -Mrs. John Logan and son from the West, are here on a three months' visit to her brothers here, the Messrs. Kilpatrick Mrs. Logan's friends here wish her a pleasant visit among her many friends. -Our village merchants are brightening up their stores for the Christmas season by laying in a nice supply of Christmas goods and novelties. -Mr. John Doig and sons have erected a fine residence during the summer, which is now near completion, and will soon be in shape to, occupy. -Rev. Mr. Lundy and his Presbytery, Elder, Mr, James Finlayson, attended the Presbytery, DASH WOOD The Late Peter Durand. -The death of Mr. Peter Durand, of Drysdale, took place at the Stratford General Hospital on Sunday, December 3rd, at 6.20 p.m., following a very ,serious operation. He came to Stratford 8 weeks ago to look for treatment and was operated on which seemed at the time to be a very decided success, butt, other complications set in with above results. Deceased was born in the township of Stanley on the farm which is still occupied by his mother, and was one of the most widely known citizens of this section. His body was taken to Hensall on Monday and the funeral held on Wednesday from his home at Drysdale to Hayfield ceme- tery, and was attended by a large number of his friends. In religion he was a Presbyterian, and the fun- eral services were held by his pastor, Rev. Mr. Lundy, of Blake. Mr. Lundy had the pleasure of visiting the de- ceased before he died and he deliver- ed some of his messages given him by deceased to the people of 'his church and surroundings. The choir, of which deceased was long a mem- ber, sang at the funeral. The floral offerings were very large, consisting of, Broken Wheel from the brothers; Gates Ajar, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Be Laframier; pillow frcim Mr. and Mn. W. E. Latimer, Stratford; wreath from Mrs. F. Adams, Goderich; wreath from Mrs. R. Douglas, Sas- katoon; wreath from his nephews, Messrs. Jos„ Wm., Peter and Lawn- . 40,od- lnWto „...5Pth°14. "AI,' . u5°I. ; AFXSAL.11 'enttple of weeks40'110911141. ' btoved.--,4V0- le tt Mink? the engagement af Parlinert,e1 at lien and ,Aalnorcement.*-Aniteliri• tholeitt ' ' 4 if '1,1' Amelia Area% young.ealr daughter of the late and 'Eire, Duncan E. Tayloreof Hay Township, to -Mr. Wm. . Harvey, eldest aim of Mrs. W. D. Harvey, of London, the wedding to ;A eke this month. St,, Paul's Church. -A very inter - sting Meeting of the Mutual 'Int - roved** Society of St. Paul's .nglican church, took place on Mes- sy, Deb, 12th: The subject for the Mrs. 0. Goodwin gave a very In- teresting as "OChurch in Canada." teresting paper on the "Origin of the Anglican Church in Canada." The work arnobg the Eskintos and Indiana was taken by Mr. A. Sherry. Miss Mary Fee prepared a splendid paper on Indian Missions which Mrs. Jim Simpson read as Miss Fee had a very bad cold. Miss Eva Stone success- fully handled "Our Church in West- ern Canada." A duet by Mrs. T. Simpson and Mrs. Drummond was enjoyed. by all. On account of the stormy weather there was a very small attendance. Arrangements are being made for the Christmas enter- tainment which will be held on Tues- day. DeteMber 19th. School Report -The pupils of Hen - sail Continuation School had the fol- lowing examinations during Novem- ber: Form I., Algebra, Art, Botany and Latin; Form II., Latin, Physio-- graphy, Arithmetic and some wrote on Art, Subjects in brackets indi- cate the ones in which below 50% was obtained: Form I -Thelma Hudson, Evelyn Heffernan, Alma , Scruton, Lester Fisher, Elva Anderson, Gerald Farquhar, Olive Workman, Helen Boyle, Gretta Blackwell, Hattie Whiteside, Rosa Stone, Aldythe Eacrett and Allan Soldan equal, John Carmichael, Floyd Smith, Campbell Eyre (Mg.), Russel Broderick (Alg.), Lloyd Hoggarth (Alg.), Kathleen El- liott, (Art, Alg.), Glen Love, (Alg., Art), Vera Smith (Alg.), Mae Simp- son (Alg.). Form II -James Trapp, Helen Smith, Lucile Pybus, Mary Tremeer, Lloyd Workman, Jack Steacy, Laura McConnell, Gladys Luker (phys.), Jean McKenzie, Gil- bert Jarrott, Willie McLean, Fern McLean, James McDonald, Nora Fol lick, Bert Horton, Willie Bell, Rosa McLean (Art, Phys.), Bona Black- well, Luella Jarrott (Phys.), Mae Ingram -(Phys.), Albert Smith (Phys., Art, Arith.), Donald Hoggarth (Phys., Arith.).---4. L. Kerr, Teacher. Small Fire. -On TueisdaY evening last a hurried call by telephone was rung in to our Reeve, that the resi- dence of Mr. Wm, Pearce, a little northwest IA our village, had caught fire from the furnace. The Reeve quickly reSponded to the call giving the alarm Jo our villagers and ar- ranging for the sending out of our village equipment, while he and many more quickly got out to Mr. Pierce's when it was, found that the fire had originated from some green wood which his Sons had put on the top of the furnace to dry out a little. Be- fore they realized it, however, they had caught fire and communicated the same tothe floor and joist over the basement, where the furnace was, and had burnt quite a large hole in the .first floor of the dwelling. But 'through the good help of those pres- ent the fire ,wati got under control be- fore it had got between the parti- tions, and what threatened to be a very serious fire was happily quench- ed by a quick supply of water. Mr. Pearce and family are to be congratu- lated on the saving of their fine dwel- ling and they are indeed very thank- ful to their kind. -neighbors and friends for their very timely help. Briefs -Mrs. John Bolton, of near Luniley, is in Toronto this week at- tending as a delegate the U. F. 0. convention -Workmen are busily en- gaged preparing the ground for the open air rink on Mr. A. Murdock's lot -One evening recently about 20 of the girl friends of Miss Vera John- son met at the home of Miss Helen Smith, of this village, and presented her with a shower in the form of one- half dozen of silver knives and forks and afterwards lunch was served and a very pleasant evening spent. - A splendid Christmas entertainment, under the auspices of Carmel church Sunday school, will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, December 27th, when a splendid dia- logue will he a feature of the even- ing and also a fine %musical and liter- ary programme. This promises to be one of the best yet given. -Rev. Mr. Ross, of Hamilton, and who has been supplying for the Presbyterian con- gregation of Grand Bend for some time, conducted services in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday last morning and evening. He also preached in the afternoon at Union, one of the charges of the Rev, Mr. Hamilton, of Goderich.-A Cantatta entitled, "The Messiah's Coming," will be given by •the choir of Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday even- ing, December 24th, in which some forty voices will take part and which promises to be a great treat, as the choir has much more than a local reputation for splendid singing. -A birthday party for Miss Rands was held at the home of her brother, Levi, on Thursday evening, the 7th of De- cember, when a pleasant time was spent and Miss Rands was presented with a very fine cup and saucer.- Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Marshall left for their new home in 'Delhi a few days ago, where Mr. Marshall will be ac- countant in the Molsons Bank. Mr. Marshall very acceptably filled that position" for several years in the local Molsons Bank here, giving good service and will be missed by the patrons of the Bank. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will wish them all good success and plea- sure in their new home. Mrs. Mar- shall was a member of Cannel church choir and local secretary of the W. C.T.U., and will be missed by the choir and W.C.T.U. Mr. Bradehavr, of Calgary, Alta., is Mr. Marshall's successor and comes very highly re- commended, and with his wife an family are now residents of 'air de •*1 T. -W.-. after, quite an; tut - pleasant experience ate)" in ,Wind - tor. It anima thAt in eteindOirelf- the boat there at night ha was struck from behind by Borne assailants who had robbery in View) being hileelSelt senseless and robbed, we believe, some $50 and his witthh. -Whije at date of writing we have not 'all the particulars of Ban's experience, we believe the loss is about what we have given. He holds a good position at the Border City and it was doubtless known that he had money on his per- son. -Church and Sabbath school en- tertainments are now the order of, the day. -Our merchants are display- ing fine Christmas stocks. -The snow storms of this week)tave not yet made any eleighing, but we have bad con- siderable frost. -Mr, John Bonthron, of Moose Jaw, Sask. accompanied by his little daughter, Norma, are here visiting Mr. .Bon.thron's mother and relatives and friends. Mr. Bonthron is still ,conductor on the trains and is looking hale and hearty and was anxious to visit his mother, in par- ticular, who has been confined to her room through illness during the past year. -Rev, Arthur Sinclair, of Cen- tralia, will have charge of the ser- vices in the Hensall Methodist church next Sunday morning and at the sister congregation of Chisel- hurst, in the afternoon, and the pas- tor, the Rev. G. W. Rivers Will oc- cupy his own pulpit in the evening. -On Friday evening last the dance given in the town hall in aid of the new open air skating rink, and given under the auspices of the Hensall Board of Trade, was quite largely attended and netted the sum of $90 -The Choral Society of South Huron rendered "The Messiah" in the Evangelical Church at Crediton on Tuesday evening last. Quite a num- ber of car loads of the members from here attended and took splendid parts in the same. -Rev. G. W. Rivers, B.A., B.D., of Hensall, will. be assisting in the dedicatory services of the nevi church at Crediton next Sunday. -The Evangelistic services at Chiselhurst * Oa perk ol. reit„ 10.,.. STMAS , , ,,. • , all colsirs ant 4, e .erre;..1.7°,7,..M.-: le'''' St LI p p - ,- ; ,, tif:,,..fonrdegi,14140:7411;:pr 1,-0 5,, ,I,eather . Slippri -than last pitmen- . • • CHRISTMAS SPECIALS A-. 4 Women's Plaid Wool Felt Slippers with leather and felt; soles. Per Pair • ` Women's Plaid' Wool Felt Slippers with felt soles, leather Covered and leather heels: Per pair ........... :4145 Women's Black Felt Slippers with felt saris, leather, covered .and leather heels. Per_pair . . .......... . ,.....,...,$1..50 Women's Felt Kozy Slippers,_elk soles, 'padded insoles, all, colors. per ,pair . $1.10 t� $1.60 Men's Plaid Wool Felt Slippers with heels, Per pair 1.511 Men' ir Black Felt Slippers, felt soles, leather covered1.50 Men's 'Leather •SlipPers brown or black. Per pair $2.25 Make your selections now while the sizes are complete If sizes are not right, we'll exchange after Christmas. ; TELEPHONE 11 SEA FORTS 'OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL t closed on Wednesday evening. - The Chiselhurst S. S. entertainment will be held on Thursday evening, Dec. 21st. -Mr. Charles Kerr, of New !York, who spent several weeks here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Meek, has returned to his home. - A Chrislpas concert will be given by the pupils and young people of S. S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, on t'riday evening, December 22nd, commencing at 8 o'clock. A good programme is being prepared and there will, no doubt, be a good attendance as the concerts from year to year are much enjoyed. The Gift Supremely Pleasing—The Quality Satisfying Chocolates in Fancy Packages First Thought Quality Selection French Ivory Gifts. French Ivory is paramount among Christmas Gifts. In this beautiful material many ideas are 'provided, suitable, adaptible and appreciable for novelty, utility or merely pleasure. We carry an ex- cellent line of French Ivory Gifts for Men, Women and Children. Single pieces or complete sets. Do not fail to place these articles on your gift list for the most satis- factory response and appreciation. Any Kind of a BRUSH Makes a GOOD GIFT An item of utility, yet doubly attractive through "good looks," a hair brush, tooth brush, hat brush, clothes brush or an assortment of them all; Military brushes; some brushes in cases, some without. Such as we -sell are the best qual- ity, shown in the finest assort- ment, and make excellent sugges- tions for Gifts td"be given. It will pay to see them; it will pay to buy them. Value Already Understood -A SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN , High up in the estimation of Gift Givers is the Fountain Pen. It is a possession rare to many but favored by everybody. Give a Swan Fountain Pen and you will give a gift that wilt be appreciat- ed. See our line of Popular Swan Pens, America's best, plain and ornamented, all of which make most excellent gifts. Prices are very fair -42.00 up to $6.00. One Great Demand Will Be For Pretty Boxed, PAPERS. When all other thoughts fail, Stationery answers the gift prob- lem. Remember Stationery. and you' will remember a gift to get that is satisfactory to everybody. You will express riur appreciation of the fine line of Stationery we are showing. We will appreciate an opportunity to show them to you. For everyday use and for gift purposes you are not going to beat them, no matter where you go. Papers in small boxes and large, plain and donSerative styles and the newest tints and textures. KODAKS MOST SATISFYING GIFTS FOR ALL 55 CHRISTMAS? Gifts For, SHAVERS ' Very, Very Useful VACUUM BOTTLES A genuine gift of utility, an article of ' usefulness. A plain Christmas? -A ''Quality HOT WATER BOTTLE The best purchases in Hot Water Bottles that we can offer you — A Nice TRAVELLING CASE — Any Man will ap- predate gifts of shay- ing materials, Safety substantial bottle,small are those that last the — A Travelling Case makes a nice gift, one containing a nice equip- Razors or blades, Soap, Brushes, Strops. These are men's goods pure and large sizes, for school' children, work- ers and travellers, big longest, wear the best, and cost the least, Good quality is the ment of boudoir needs, and simple and the man fellows for the car, only lapis on which we Different kinds for men who shaves cannot Lunch Kits, too. Place sell this article. Some - and for women. A good -deny their value and Vacuum Bottles o n thing that you want time to buy one for cannot fail to show his your gift list, they re- right now, or makes a your personal use, appreciation. fleet best character. good Gift for Mother, GIFTS PERFUMES ALL KINDS IMPORTED OF DOMESTIC The Christmas Complete with TOILET OUTFITS Feminine humanity finds it hard to exist with- out the modern toilet articles. With so many different things for daily use to improve and en- hance the apPearance, preserve cleanliness and to protect health, and men, too, have need for toilet goods. Toilet goods make excellent Xmas. Gifts and vey desirable for personal everday use. We specialize in this line, single pieces or outfits, everything conceivable, and suggest that early selection for beat choice ig advisable. Sin A CAMERA is a Welcome Gift A Camera ris a Gift that is reineMbered as of- ten as it is used. 'Give the youngsters a Camera in the favored box style which costs so little and operates so easily. Bigger Cameras for others. Beat Cameras in the country, All sizes at low- est pre-war prices. lox Brownies, $2.00 rip to $5:00 Folding Brownies, • $9.00.. rip Folding Kodaks, $7,00 ap Select Gifts Now and Have Them BOOKS Gifts That Last - Books fit in every- where and all the time With everybody as gifts. They are gifts that last and that are frequently - referred to. Give Books,, Nursery Books, NfiVile, Copyrightti, Ddlicrition- al 13601(1440M 'ethers. E. UMBACH Phm. B. Stationer and Druggist - Seaforth, Ontario • 7 - "r 43,1 to.A440*,-.440.,m tw,t, 4440i, 40i'44/. 4,00 -