The Huron Expositor, 1922-12-15, Page 1The Great Christmas Store
Shows It's Readiness
Brimful of Happy Suggestions for Christmas. Every-
body's Bazaar of Holiday Helpfulness and Economy.
The Greatest Values Ever Announced for Christmas
Every Department Competing to Offer the Most
Practical Gift at the Most Attractive Price.
We have hundreds of Prattic i Christmas Presents, not one re-
quiring an expenditure beyond,anybodys means. Gifts innumerable at
moderate prices are here -new, -bright, attractive, appropriate. No need
to puzzle over the Gift Problem. You will find on display here sugges-
tions that will settle your Christmas Problems satisfactorily to both
giver + and receiver.
For Women
and Girls
Silk Underwear $1.50 to $4.00
Boudoir Caps 25c to $1.50
Purses .25c to $5.00
Novelties 50c to $1.50
Collars 50c to $2.00
Centre Pieces 15c to $4.00
Dresser Covers $1.00 to $4.00
Lunch Cloths $1.25 to $3.50
Baby's Silk Robes $3.50. -�
Stpd. Wool -Blankets $2.50
Bootees -50c to $1.00
Infantees S0c ---
Bibs 30c to 75c
Embroidered Dresses,
Pillow Cases, Etc.
Gloves ..... 75c to $3.75
Handkerchiefs , 5c to $2.25
Silk.Seaifs $2.75 to $8.75
Fancy, Towels $1.50 to $3.00
Bath Mats ' $2.25 too- $8,00.
Linen Table Cloths..- :$5.00 to $ti506; .
Bed Spreads:::.:$$'3.00to $8.00
Comforters ... $4.75 to _$16.50
Men and Boys
House detje ' ii
her tithe, wi 't e 4
warthe, -Sq the c Jr,phdt : i the u .
here present except Mr. ekes, :qf,
BThe Warden,seed• the
PIuunell, With, regard 'toff business
ot the cession. �.. '
- Under the head of E ` lied, Mr.
Armstrong sponte with «renes t.4-
ote standing of the' de urea ger
Mr, Inglis brought up a matter of
expenditures on the Hi ways. Ex-
planation were in 11,Y Messrs.
Beavers and McNabb:. •
Metiers. Armstrong, 1
and Hauley.ieleo spoke,
to til \work:of the Boa
The following commit
read endreferred to tilt
mittees of council, as
1. Replies from the , Olerks • of
Grey and Perth Countiesto the letter
sent out by this counci;'xe the con-
solidation of jails -rPll ...
, 2. Replies from ibelfighways De-
partment re
e-partmentre the,request of the County
Council to have certa 'roads desig-
nated as Provincial County Reads.-
8. From the HigBhwayy. Department
with reference to Clause 11 of By-law
No, 18, 1920; refusing 'to snake the
change indicated Ffleit
4. • From the Highways'Department
approving the changes and extensions
to the Highway system. of the county
as contained in By-law -No, 4, 1922.
5. From the Highways Depart-
ment approving of County By-law
14, 1921, amending the,: Highways
system of the county. -)Filed.
6. Report of the Boiler Inspector
re the boiler at the Court House. -
7, From the Stratford Board of
Education notifying the county that
pupils from the countyattending the
Stratford Collegiate Institute will be
charged 100, per cent, of cost of
maintenance. -Referred to Education
Committee: "-
8. From Secretary of Clifford Con-
tinuation School Board enclosing the
cost of maintenance ''assessed the
county for pupils attending, the sum
being $575.30. -Referred to Educa-
tion Committee.
9. An acknowledgement of the re-
ceipt of the $500 grant or the county
to the London War Memorial Child-
ren's Hospital, -Filed.
10. From Dr. Alex. McKay, of
Toronto. Inspector of Prisops, noti-
fying the county that an ' 4r in
Council had been passed gran g 10c
per day per� inmate in the County
House of Refuge as. P000441:001 -grant
and asking for a- return Of
11. From the Department of Public
Highways, Motor Vehicles Branch,
requesting the views of the county
regarding certain amendments re-
quired to the act, -Referred to the
Special Committee.
12. Notice from Messrs. Jarvis &
Vining, Barristers, London, re a claim
of Charles B. Chapman, of London.
against the county for damages caus-
ed in an accident on the London Road
on the 17th of September. -Referred
.to Good Roads Commission.
13. A claim from W. Brydon, of
Clinton, claiming damages on behalf
fo William Cowan, of Clinton, re an I
obstruction left on the road between
Clinton and Londesboro.-Referred to
'Good Roads Commission.
Yh ;'Anter.
004041" Caatottioaiste
Known ;an: over the- world as
the two,' human Corkscre to
Will be at the
Read the ad. on Page Eight,
and' "BE THERE."
Neck Ties 50c to $1.25
Handkerchiefs 10c to 75c
Mufflers 75c to $3.00
Braces 25c to 75c
Gloves $1.50 to $3.00
Fancy Sox 50c to $1.25
Garters .•25c to 50c
Armbands 15c to 50c
Shirts ..: $1.35 to $3.00
Umbrellas $1.50 to $3.00 -
Bath Robes $12.00. to $14.50
Smoking Jackets .....$5.00 to $10.00
Pyjamas $2.50 to $5.00
Night Gowns $1.50 to $3.00
Sweater Coats $1.75 to -$8.00
Caps $1.25 to $2.25
All Photos taken on
and before December
20th will be finished
for Christmas.
covering fo,rr his office. -County Prop-
erty Committee.
Mr. C. A. Robertson, Reeve of Col-
borne, then gave an explanation re
that township's action regarding the
payment of the special levy assess-
ment on that township.
Mr. Armstrong discussed the mat-
ter of the distribution of the expen-
ditures under the Highways Act
among the different municipalities„
touching particularly on the claim set
up by the Reeve of Colborne.
14. The same from Dudley Holmes
of Wingham, on behalf of Mr. Gal-
braith, of Howick, claiming damages
re accident caused by a too narrow
road, -Referred to Road and Bridge
, Commission.
15. The same. from Mr. Brydone
on behalf of J. F. Elliott, of Oxford
Centre, claiming damages to car on
the Seaforth-Brussels Highway.
16. The same from John McNay,
claiming damages to car through an
obstruction left on highway north of
17. An appeal from W. H. Alder-
son, of Toronto, asking for a grant
to the fire sufferers of Northern On-
tario. -Referred to Executive Com-
18. From the Mothers' Allowance
Commission, of Toronto, enclosing
statement of the commission with the
county. -Filed.
19. , An application from the Dublin
Rural School Fair management for a
county grant. -Sent to Executive
20. A letter from Mrs. Knox and
family thanking the Council for their
kind expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.
21. From Sheriff Reynolds, notify-
ing the council of the appointment of i =
H. A. Tufford as Turnkey, vice John
Knox, deceased.
22. A claim from H. Dalrymple
re accident to motor car.
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Mc-
Naughton that a grant of $25 be
made to the Dublin. School Fair.- a
Referred to Executive Committee.
On motion of Messrs. Armstrong
and Jamieson that the Council adjourn
to, meet on Wednesday.
The matter was further discussed
by Messrs. McQuaid, McNabb, John-
ston, Neeb, Tipling and Douglas, all
taking up different phases of the
Mr. G. W. Elliott was then called on
and addressed the Council with ref-
erence to the work of the Children's
Shelter, giving a financial statement
as well.
The Clerk made a statement re-
garding the working of the Mothers'
Allowance Act.
Mr. J. C. Griffin's report of the
MrMorton Elli¢t't,. egc $'
Itgnley, requested heard,;
ia, certain statements rode
n h�s honer.
request was- .,,g�„r nted. and 7
Elliott made' a statement with Avg
ence to the sale of 'certain old plat
This was: replied to by County •Couu ••
cillos Hanley, and the matter drop"
Mr. Erwin asked for inform n
re the jail consolidation matter, w eh
was given by the Clerk.
Mr, Webb asked for information
regarding the salaries and expenses
in connection with the, County En-
gineer's office.
Mr. Spotten requested.informetion
re the pay of patrolmen.
The Warden replied, from 35c to
"50c per hour as the payments varied
under different conditions.
County Engineer Patterson stated'
that certain patrolmen had been
changed on enquiry into complaints
made, and that every step had been
taken to employ . comptent men.
Goaler Griffin was present and gave
an account of the working of the jail
and conditions there, speaking par-
ticularly of improvements made re-
cently and giving a very full account
of the work and how it was done and
by whom.
Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and
McNaughton, that the Engineer
furnish to the council, or to the
Reeves of the different municipalities
before nomination day, a statement
of the amount spent in the year 1922
in each municipality by each patrol-
man. -Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Dodds and Inglis
that the Mothers' Pension Board be
paid the sum of $150 to be divided as
the Executive Committee sees fit.
Moved by Messrs. Spotten and Por-
ter that they be paid $120, the Chair-
man to be paid $40 and the members
$20 each. -Both motions were sent to
Executive Committee.
Moved by Messrs. Armstrong and
Jamieson, granting $4 per 'head for
horses and cattle and $1.00 per head
for sheep and hogs to any person for
transportation purposes entering for
prizes at Guelph Winter Fair from
this county this year, -Sent to Execu-
tive Committee.
Moved by Messrs. Erwin and Porter
granting $500 to Children's Shelter.
-Sent to Executive Committee.
On motion of Messrs. Beavers and
Fear, the Council then adjourned until
A 'Christmas Entertainment,
under the auspices of First
Presbyterian Sunday School,
will be held in the
SCHOOL ROOM of the Church
Friday Evn'g, Dec. 22nd
at 7.30 p.m,
the warif.
oiu+vel3, ro Y .9
to road, )
then ren,u'r s Htpr
The mutter} of
cussed by Reevte'Dodds, of
'Mrs Dodds spoke partieylar
dangerous places, instgneing tb.
dangerous curve south o .
where no less then font^ arlor�
dents have occurred duig";
The report was :adopted gild
ed printed in the minutes. ,
The second report of the Go
Roads Commission was presented
the council with Mr. Coates. r the
chair. --The report was -adopted, The report of the committee, re,
office accommodation, was presented:':.
to the council, with Mr. E im in the'
chair. -The report was adopted,
The Education Committee was
taken up in committee with, Mr. Mil-
in the chair.-Thereport was.
adopted as read.
House of Refuge Committee
report was taken up in committee,
with Mr. Smith in the chair. -The re-
port was adopted.
On motion of Messrs. Parke and
Neeb the Connell then adjourned 'until
Friday morning.
Inspector Tom addressed the council
regarding the omission of vital sta-
tistics from the Assessment Roll from
the reports sent in by the Clerks of
the municipalities. He asked the
Reeves to speak to the Clerks and As-
sessors regarding the same.
The report of the officers and In-
spector of the House of Refuge was
laid on the table by Inspector Tor-
Mr. Beavers, Chairman of the Good
Roads Commission, gave an account
of the expenditures of the Commis-
sion for the following years: 1918,
5708.05; 1919, $1,725.96; 1920, $2.425;
1921, $774.30; 1::22, $517 75. This
statement was liberally applauded.
Mr. Parke brought up the matter of
the Report of the House of Refuge,
that it did not distinctly set forth the
different items of expenditure.
Replying to the question whether
inmates had been hired out, Mr. Tor-
rance said none had been hired out
the past year.
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Coates The Special Committee v -ported
that the Treasurer furnish this coon- and the report was taken up in coun-
cil with the figures of the total pay mittee with lVfr. Td' rte"ifi' t1f#' th1arr.
sheets paid the Good Roads Commis- The report was adopted,
Sion this year. -Carried. The Good Reads Commission report -
At this point in the session Mr. ed and th" report was taken up in
Amos Tipling stepped forward and' Committee with Mr. Coates in the
read a very appropriate address, chair. Tho renort was adop`s•d.
complimenting Warden Trewartha on The Executive •Committac'v report
his work during the past year and was taken up with Mr. D-arr in the
wishing him the best of health and choir
prosperity. Mr. Erwin then present- On motion of Messrs. 11,.a•-'•rs and
ed Mr. Trey en behalf of the Fear an ,,.•lt'lnn wan rands 1-' clause
county, with ;, headed cane as
a mark of appreciation and good wish-
es of his fellow councillors.
The Warden made a reply, thank-
ing the Council for their marks of
respect and good will and said he
would cherish them as valuable mem-
entoes of his recollections of the
pleasant days passed as a member of
the council with whom he had always
the most pleasant relations.
The business of the session was
then proceeded with and Mr. Torrance
News for Xmas
The announcement of reduced prices, as made in the Jewelry
line, will be welcome news indeed, as it means that your dollar
will buy much more than you anticipated if it is spent at this
store. The reduction will last through the entire Xmas. Season.
1'o make your shopping easier we have added many lines of novel-
ties as well, which greatly increase your choice of gift selections.
The Variety is unprecedented. The Quality is improved. The de-
signs are exceptionally fine, and the price is down. You will actually
save money by buying here. Let us suggest -and you note the
lower prices:
Diamond Ring $15.00 up
Suit Case Umbrella .$4.00 up
Pearl Bead, indestruct-
able $5.00 up
Pearl Bar Pin, solid gold, $4 up
Silver Bar Pin $1.50 up
Diamond Bar Pin....520.00 up
Pearl Necklet, solid gold, $4' up
Pearl Sunburst.... ..$12.00 up
Gold Lead Pencil $2.00 up
French Ivory Pieces ..50c to $9
Wrist Watch $16.00 up
Double Vision Glasses
ground in one piece...$12.00
Mantel Clock $7 09
Alarm Clock $2.00
th doz. Knives & Forks,
Silver $7.00
Casserole $7.00
Cut Glass Bowl $5.00
Dessert Set, Sugar & Cream, $2
Cut Glass Water Set -.$5.00
Bread Tray $5.00
Silver Tea Service ...$15.00
The following communications were
read and referred to the proper
standing committees:
A request from the Children's Shel-
ter management for an additional F.
grant of $600 to help that institution
in payment of accounts for balance
of the year. -Referred to Executive
A petition for a grant to Guelph 1M
Winter Fair. --Executive Committee.
A bill from the Township of Hay
with reference to 're „oval of a boy
to the Home for Fee .le Minded.-
Fine Umbrella... $5.00 up
16 Jewel Regina Watch, $15 up
16 Jewel Special in gold
Riled case $15.00 up
Signet Ring $3.00 up
Waterman Fountain
Pen .,... $2.50 up
Waterman Pen and Pencil
set $4.50 up
Military Brushes, ebony, $5 up
Ivory Shaving Set.,5.00 up
Ivory Clock $4.50 up
Watch Chain,
"Waldemar" .... $2.00 up
Waldemar Knife $2.00 up
14k. Pearl Tie Pin $2.50 up
And a host of other GIFTS THAT LAST,
all of which are positively guaranteed.
Fred S. Savauge
Jeweler & Optician.
I ..
From Saturday a.m. on we will have a nice Calendar for every Customer
Finance Committee. ,
An application from the Clerk of
_ s
the ,County Court for a. new floor
if 41P 'au* .1:.A ,nn + _,i.lWI �tRiX e ri�S w1� e
7. giving clerk Q i0 ur.' 'a work.
rendered Tr..ncurer in the absence
of Mr. I s". The report as :intend-
ed was th-•n adopted.
Mr. Irv.;', rr. ,' '''- s.1 1:;nr-a ---r, was
present : • 1 ' '!..-.! +•1 ','se the
Council. "s•.' ...n'ke. eh' 9y re-
garding ,a..e''s--s .. ,. .,.ls and
culverts 1',•,' •h:,.,..,11vn"h'n". ''o with
regard to " I:J'••r 'i:•h Mr.
Irwin show, .1 wa, Inc ex'tr't,'''•n to he
cents'•'Scil tsswin ,,,r •hat the
cost of si: •'• . 1')1, 'NOR were, three
times the! o ^:il:n• wo'•1, by contract
or day labor n" 51 09 to .^.Rc rvn• yard,
rests mile, and he urged strongly that
stofule labor ob ',,ld is- abolished.
It hod done good service and was
effective at one time, but «^)s at pres-
ent out of do'', and w^.steflrl urs di i
not supply the needs of present. travel.
He asked +hat the matter be thorough-
ly gone into with the ratepayers of
those township, where statute labor
still was used and endeavor to get
the people to abolish it as roo-, an
(Continued on page 3.)
School Report. -The following is
the report of School Section No. 7,
Stanley, for the month of November.
The names arc in order of merit: -
Sr. IV -Edna Cochrane, Grace Cole-
man, Lawrence Reichert. Jr. IV --
Gladys Stephenson, Earl Love, Muriel
Carlile, Dorothy Welch, Clarence
Stephenson Sr III. -Lottie Love,
Viola Stelck. Ebner Turner. Jr. i -
Ralph Turner. Martha Carlile, Mace
Love. ,Jr, iI-Clarence Reichert.. Pt -
II -Alvin Reickcrt, Gladys Coleman.
Part I. -Flossie Stelck, Ruse4l Welch.
-Ruby Taylor. Teacher. '
Breezes. -The extremely cold wea-
ther of Tuesday prevented many from
attending the bazaar at the town halt
and it was not as successful as would
otherwise have been. -Our well known
townsman, Thos. Cameron, passed his
76th birthday on Friday last, Decem-
ber 8th, and received congratulations
of many friends. He came here from
Nova Scotia and has been a resident
over 66 years, and for over 50 years
engaged in the work of harness mak-
ing. Mr. Cameron has always been
a lover of sport and some 40. years
ago cricket was the popular game,
and he was one of the leading players
having at different times been a
member of four cricket clubs. -The
public school concert has been post-
poned till the 21st and will be held
at the school at 2 p.m. -Mr. and Mrs.
Lnws6n, of Stratford, motored here
'i rw;i.LtiQ71n,