The Huron Expositor, 1922-10-06, Page 2Mi
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l,{et►>aio, �P1st; Stewart;
g o o R. I Il lace crit
et•ty� �tt9n t
` , • i�PENING ? �r !iu � years ala wm `` r~' ,�' � n W nix x•
1tg?fu: ,..!fntil7► 1F ' �'' !•...a'' +t-.-.,.:�..r,*.. J; UC e'F" �r'...a : r.
g yy
Btavirart, W, Johnston, gelding or Slly+'l, pBt;ra $; S, �,'Qp1{tt' Sf9YY+s1G, + li i,
Yeera old, A. ,Armstron ldt collft on of apples.. fall
'I�T� WITH _ 4. • - , ; : ,
4, or fi I year old H. H, Neeb- team Gas ton Res ar�S�hie winter, George Laithwaite,
r °j Q / /fit a Stirling- ' winter apples, 4 'varletlga,, 1
Wm. esker, H. Zlf. Neeb. tOt',u,� QI UI�q��B Robert !issuer' J. Ii. SCirjfn Bald HRsl,1i' kitlkt�)'; iIF
PercheronTwo-year old, Morton El- I gi
q^ ' x' r + rf` •''" Nott one, ear old Colin 'Cam bell; +�---" �"* wina,' H, Pen's ;. "F. gait; fill p
} r WIRE FENCING Y p u 'r a les Pp
u v foal, Ben Pearson, tJoe Foster. Fit 1I -A TIVFS C01flC13 It �P 4 varieties, bt;' urner, 4i4r 1 It $e 4` Ipll
Agricultural -$rood mare accom- .-- ---- Da rs; Mann apples F. Keegan, W�l 1p$ l ej
Wire Fencing is increasing in price �� SQU; " l paned by foal, foal not to be judged It k. generally recognised among Robert Turner; Spitzenfiurg J, $,'
r+ , every week, along with steel goads with mare, L. Scotchmere, William' flu Iraedical profession that Conti Stirling, F. Keegan; Northexn Spies I2 is daugerdinIll Better to to # , i8:
eF , of similar nature. We have a Keys; foal, Wm- Keys. L, Scotchmere; J. R, Sterling, W. McDool• Kin of nearest Br e."al of The Xoiaope sank a11d CI0 t It
or 'lulu tont ',dcfion o The p
number of bundles of 8 -wire, even l f Thompk(na, T. Brownell,' P. ISee n; a .xavinge account 'Where it wdl'1 be, dbpplpi0ly qgf�,
gelding or filly 3 Years old, H. Stein- Bossa{�, prgduees mon disease than a
spaced fence, i¢ arty Greenin J. Richardson, Bobo (Mone ma be dCp
bath; gelding or filly 2 years old, J. �' rt 6 y Y appait2d or . withdravlrit by mush:) '
R. Stirling. •flier one caws Constipation is ros- Turner; Ribston Pippins, 'J. Richard- „
rod rolls to dispose of at spring price, 44c a rod, cash Heavy Draught -Brood mare ac- ponalble, for atleast90%of the disease son,, F. Keegan; 20 Ounce Pippins, BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRICT:
compamed by foal, foal not to be in the world today -because ConatI John Stewart, G. Laithwaite; Wag- BraoeAeld SL �$rys +Kir)oton
judged with mare, Wm, McAllister & pallon is responsible for the Indlges• nets, R. Turner, F. Keegan; Golden Exeter Qiinign •rise'!! .. Zurich
Son, W, W. Wise- foal, William Me- tion and I)yspapata- the nervousness, Russets, J. R. Stirling, John Stewart;
1110 C�rq Allister &Son, W. W. Wise gelding �omnlaand RhaumatLsm-the Eo- Blenheim Pippins, G. n Stewart,
Strap ^- or filly 3 years old, Wm. iieAlliater Richardson; Snows, John Stewart, e, r ,;
&Son, W. W. Wise; gems and other skin troubles -the Greenslade; Ontarios, G. Greenslade,
gelding or filly Headaches and Backaches. F. Keegan- Wolfe' Rivor J. R. Stir -
2 years old, W. McAllister; gelding
Razors or filly 1 year old, W. W. Wise; team, Why to this? ling, W DteDooL
Robert Webster, C. Truemner. As you know, it is the duty of the VEGETABLES collection of fuschias, Mrs. Hewson; land after three -years of study in this
Roadsters -Gelding or filly 2 years bowels to Barry off the waste matter Early Cobblers, .-Thomas Cameron, , collection of pansies, Mrs. Dr. Me- country.
k- - old, William Decker, Robert Blair; in the system. If the bowel muscles C Truemner; early potatoes to be Kinnon, Lucy Woods; collection of The census decade; from 1910 to
COMPLETE WITH STRAP ~' ;, team, H. Steinbach; single roadster, are weak or the liver inactive, thea named, M. Rader, G. Greenslade; tuberous begonias, Mrs. Hewson; col- 1920, shows improvement in Amert-
AND 3 BLADES Dr. Whitely, John McKinley. this waste matter remains in the body Green Mountain, R. Turner, C. True, lection of ferns and foliage, begonias, can industries in one feature, at least,
-' Carriage -Single carriage horse, H. Inner; late potatoes to be named, R, W, P. Metcalf;, collection of geran- the employment of women in the
H. Neeb, J. A. Manson; best gentle- +rid poisons the blood. As a result, Turner, C. Truemner; marigolds, long iums, Mrs.'Hewson; collection of as- trades, such as carpentering, painting,
$1.00 Each mans outfit, Dr, Whitely, Dr. Woods; every organ In the body is poisoned red, E. & R. Snowden, C, Truemner; ters, W. F, Metcalf, Lucy Woods; paperhanging, etc. In 1920 therelad driver, Laura Alsworth, Miss b this waste. marigolds, y yyellow globe, T. Snowden, collection of Petunias, W. F, Metcalf; were only 731 women doing men's
Woods. Fruit-a-tives'• has been wonderfully R. Penhale; intermediate marigolds, collection of house plants, Mrs. Hew- work, 171 doing carpenter work, 468
CATTLE su«•essful in relieving Ston ash Troubles, M, Rader, W. Edighoffer; field car- son; collection of Colens, W; F. Met- hanging paper, 103 painters, glaziers
Grade. Cattle -Milch cow, Thomas !Nevous Troubles Liver Troubles, Kid- rots, M, Rader R. Penhale; table car- I calf, Mrs. Halliday; collection ,of and varnishers. There were six wo-
M Brownell, a H, Wise & Son; heifer rots, Mrs. P. blark, Mrs. ,J, Heard; gloxania, Lucy Woods;.4'varieties of
0 Cedar MOpS � Troubles, Skin Troubles and Blood table beets, A. E. Erwin, D. McKen- annuals, E. & R. Snowden, Luc men plasterers, seven atone masons.
1 year old, W. W. Wise, C. Rathwell; 7}oubies because Fruttatives" siiive Y three 'stone cutlers, '21 sheet metal
heifer calf, W. W: Wise, J. & R. Reid; Po zie; field turnips, Mrs. P. Clark- su- Woods- display of cosmos, Mrs, Hew- workers and tinsmiths and three
steer calf, Thomas Browriett; steer 2 ly and amp/wtically relieves Constipation. gar beets, C. Truemner, Wm. Edig- son, D. McKenzie; collection of zin- plumbers, In 1810 there were only
years old, E. 11. Wise & Son, W. W. "Fruit-a-tives" will always relieve hoffer; winter radish, J. A. Murray; nias, Mrs. Hewson, Ada Galbraith, 38 women car
Make yours Work with the fall salisf carpenters, but there were
Wase; steer 1 year old, C. Rathwell, Constipation, even though the Y. E. & R. Snowden, W. F. Met- FINE ARTS 381
calf; cabbage, G. Greenslade, J. A. painters, and 787 paperhangers.
E. H. Wise &Son; fat cow, heifer or has been chronic for tan, fifteen and Special prize by Mrs. Dr, Metcalf,
mud easter. An O CEDAR Murray, caulifloweMrs.r, Mrs, Halliday, Clark;
® q, steer, F.- H, Wise &Son, J. & R. Reid, twenty este. Thousands of fateful W. F. Metcalf; landscape, original, —'
Durham -Milch cow, E. H. Wise & Y y g Jaciobe celery,
CH Truemner, oil, W. F. Metcalf; still life, original,
MOP does it, as illustrated, $1.25 Son and 'end; heifer 2 years old, E. "sera proclaim "Piult-a-tives" the oil, W. F. Metcalf; landscape, origin -
H. Wise, J. & R. Reid; heifer one year IlreatestremedyforConstipationthat W, Edighoffer; watermelons, W.
s Y al, water color, Mrs, W. Ferguson,
4 oz. bottle O Cedar Polish, 25c old, R. M. Peck, W. 'vV. Wise; heifer the world haseverknown. Edighoffer, T. Snowden; citrons, T. Mrs. Howrie; fruit, original, water
calf, R. M. Peck, J. & R. Reid; bull boo a box, 6 fur 2.60, trial size 25c. Snowden, G. Greenslade; best pump-
color, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Howrie;
kin for table mss, G. Greenslade, e,
2 oz. bottle edar Polish 50c calf, R. M. Peck, E. H. Wise &Son. At dealers or sant postpaid by Fruit- flowers, original, water color, W. F.
Jersey -Milch cow, Mrs. Brandon, E. Erwin; best squash for table use,
James Johnston. a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. T. Cameron, M. Rader; largest pump- Metcalf, E. Talbot; pen mrd ink draw -
kin for feed, H. Penhale, G. Green- ing, Mrs. Howrie; drawing, crayon
SHEEP - Slade; largest squash for feed, J. A. or lead point, John Stewart, Lucy
Geo.A Sills*5011. J Leicester -Ram 2 shears or over, home-made white bread, John Stew- Murray, W. Edighoffer; large Eng- Wo`xls; water color painting on silk
E. H. Wise & Son, Wm. Stewart; ram art, E, & R. Snowden; loaf home made lish or satin, Mrs, Howrie, W. P. Metcalf;
A. potato onions, w Edighoffer, J. hand painted china, 2 pieces, Mrs.
lamb, W. McAllister &Son and '2nd; Graham bread, Mrs. A. E. Erwin, I A. Murray; 12 large white onions, W Howrie Mrs. (DrMcKinnon; ston-
ewe having raised Iambs in 1922 two Lucy Woods; loaf Boston brown F. Metcalf; large red onions, W. F. ilinon fabric, .) .) F. Metcalf.
shears or over, W. McAllister & Son, bread, John Stewart, E. & R. Snow- Metcalf, Mrs, J. Tough; yellow on- tg
William Stewart; shearling ewe, E. den; loaf nut bread made from bak- ions, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. P. Clark ; MANUFACTURES
& R. Snowden, W. W. Wise- ewe ing powder, E. & R. Snowden, Lucy large red tomatoes, G. Greenslade, W. Set single harness, Thos. Cameron,
lamb, E. & R. Snowden, W. McAllis- Woods; six buns, P. & R. Snowden, F. Metcalf; large yellow tomatoes, W. J. W, Tippet; set double harness, J.
ter & Son; wether lamb, W. McAllis- Lucy Woods; six baking powder tea F. Metcalf, E. & R. Snowden; peach W, .Tippet, Thomas .Cameron; skein
ter & Son and 2nd. biscuits, Lucy Woods, G. Jacobs; six tomatoes, Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. J. twisted yarn, Milne Rader skein
Lincolns -Ram, 2 shears or over- ginger hermits, K Keegan, G. Jacobs; Toms; largest head of sunflower, Mrs. woollen yarn, Milne Rader; 'best qt.
George Penhale, shearling ram, Geo. plate cookies, F. Keegan, E, and R. R. Geiger, J. Jambe; collection of jar soft soap, Thos. Brownett, Mrs.
Penhale; ram lamb, T. Snowden, G. Snowden; plain muffins, .John Stew- garden herbs, W. F. Metcalf, E, & R. A. Halliday; best 2 bars hard soap,
Penhale; ewe having raised lambs in art, Mrs, R. Geiger; scones, D. Me- Snowden; peppers, G. Greenslade, Lucy Woods, Mrs. (Dr.) McKinnon;
1922 two shears or over -T. Snow- Kenzie, John Stewart; meat loaf, Mrs. Ifewson; cucumbers, G. Green- corn husk door mat, Milne Rader,
den, G. Penhale; shearling cwe, T. Lucy Woods; apple pie, John Stewart, Slade, Mrs. A. Halliday; vegetable Thomas Brownett.
Snowden, C, Penhale, ewe lamb, T. J. R. Sterling; lemon pie, John Stew- Marrow, W, F. Metcalf, W. Edighof- For School Children -Best collec-
Snowden, G. Penhale; ewe lamb, Geo. art, G. Deters; plain baked beans, fer; Green Hubbard squash, H, Pen- tion of weeds to be mounted and nam -
Penhale and 2nd; wether lamb, T. Mrs. R. Geiger, Lucy Woods; most , hale, Mrs. Hewson; fellow Hubbard ed, Margaret Ferguson. 1
E. & R. Snowden. suitable and appetising cold lunch for squash, A. E. Erwin, Lucy Woods. JUDGES
Fine Snowden,oul-Ram 2 shears or over, one person, Lucy Woods, Mrs. A. E. LADIES' WORK Horses -J, McCluskey, Goderich; if Baby is Fat
Morton you See the name "Bayer" on tablets you J. A. Manson & Son; shearling ram, Erwin.
y y ' y Morton Elliott; ram lamb, F, Weekes Canned Goods -Canned fruits, F. Ladies' knitted sweater, wool, dies. W. J. Dickson, arterth,
and 2nd; ewe having raised lambs in crochet
Halliday, Lucy Woods; ladies' Cattle -W. Charters, Seaforth; J. J.
are not getting Aspirin at all g Keegan, W.
F, Metcalf; canned vege- crochet sweater, col, F. Keegan; Biggins, Clinton. Watch Well for chafing and
1922 two shears or over, Morton El- tables, W. F, Metcalf, F. Keegan;
• liott and 2nd; shearling ewe, J. A. pickles, Mrs, Ada Halliday, F. Kee- knitted cap and scarf, Mrs. Howrie, Sheep and Pigs -H. A. Snell, Clin- g
Manson and 2nd; ewe lamb J. A. an; 3 jelly and 3 marmalade in Mrs. R. Geiger; pair men's knitted ton; G. C. Pett yy,, Hensall.
g sox, coarse, F. Keegan, Mrs. Howrie; Poultry -N. W, Trewartha, Holmes- irritations of the skin. Many
Manson, Morton Elliott; wether lamb, glasses, F, Keegan, W. F. Metcalf; pair men's knitted soxfineJ. Stew- villa.
J. A. Manson; best fat sheep any catsups and meat sauces, Mrs. A. , , skin troubles will be avoided
(o breed, George Penhale, J. A, Manson Halliday, W. F. Metcalf; layer cake, art, Mrs. Howrie; pair men's woollen Dairy -A. T. Scott, Brucefiled;
&Son. G. Jambe, I':. & R. Snowden. mitts, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. S. Houston; James Connolly, Goderich. by careful washing with
HOGS GRAIN AND SEEDS pair ladies' knitted mitts, J. Stewart, Ladies' Work -Mrs. T. L. Williams,,
Mrs. S. Houston; pair ladies' bedroom Zurich; Mrs, W. T. King, Goderich.
Berkshire -Brood sow having litter- White Winter wheat, T. Snowden, slippers, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Howrie; Vegetables, Wm. Johnston, Zurich. I
p ed in 1922, J. A. Manson & Son, Thos. C. Truemner; red winter wheat, Milne baby's knitted jacket and bonnet, Mrs. Grain and Seeds -T. L. Williams, 13 9 s 0
so ` Snowden, sow littered in f922, Thos. Rader, G. Jacobs; spring wheat, Milne Halliday; baby's crochet jacket and Zurich.
r-� Rader; small white peas, C. Truem- bonnet, wool, Mrs. Howrie; baby's Fine Arts -Mrs. George Stewart, ��
111���i-`e•�` Yorkshire -Sow littered in 1922, E. ner, Milne Rader; six rowed barley, knitted bootRp
bootees, wool, Mrs. Houston, Goderich. .,
e &
. Snowden and 2nd. C. Truemner, G. Daters; two rowed Mrs. Howrie; embroidered collar and Plants and Flowers�MTS. George
OPc�A Red Pigs -Aged boar, T. Snowden; barley, R. Turner, E. & R. Snowden; cuff set, washable, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Stewart, Goderich. I .06,5f .56
-J 0Q p brood sow having littered in I922, T.white oats, Wm. Johnstone, R. Mc- Howrie; Tuxedo collar and cuff set, Baking -Mrs, Dr. McKinnon, Zur-
Snowden, J. A. Manson & Son; boar Linchey; alsike, Wm. Johnston; tim- 'washable, _111 -you Woods; pair day slips, ich• Mrs, J. Connolly, Goderich. ��� °+i4 �ou
o- littered in 1922 T. Snowden; sow lit- othy seed, C, Truemner; Wm, ,John- Mrs. Dr. McKinnon, G. Jacobe; Irish Manufactures - James Connolly,
tered in 1922, T. Snowden, J. A. Man- Ston; red clover seed, J. W. Reid; 6 crochet lace, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. R. Goderich; A. T. Scott, Brucefield,
son & Son; best boar any breed, T. ears ,yellow corn, A. E. Erwin, H. Geiger; fillet crochet lace, T. Cam, ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED - MONTAEAI
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets Of Snowden; best pair bacon hogs any Penhale; dent corn, E. & R. Snow- eron, Lucy Woods; fancy apron, Mrs.
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out t) breed, T. Snowden. den, G. Daters; sweet corn, William R. Geiger, T. Cameron; plain kitchen
h sicians during 22 ears and roved safe h millions for
p Y $ Y P Y
Pair Brahmas, cockerel and pullet,
Johnston, E. & R. Snowden; any other
variety, T. Snowden, G. Jacobe; field
apron, Mrs. R. Geiger, Mrs. A. E.
Erwin; eyelet aambroidery, Mrs. How -
One of the most successf 1 busi-
Colds Headache Rheumatism
T. Brandon; pair Plymouth Barred
beans, M. Rader, C. Truemner; col-
tie; Roman cut work, Mrs. Howrie,
ness women in New York citis Mrs.
hen, C P. Metcalf, James Johnston;
parr Campines, cockerel slid pullet,
Rocks, Colin Campbell; pair Plymouth
lection of grains in head, G. Jacobe,
W, F. Metcalf; hardanger embroidery,
tilward Wylde, who at the death of
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Barred Rocks cockerel and pullet-
F. Keegan;
W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. S. Houston; etch-
her husband tok over and became
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Colin Campbell, A. Armstrong; pair
ing or outline stitch, Mrs. S. Houston,
Mrs. Howrie; modern cross stitch,
president of the Elevator Supplies
Handy 'Bayer boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100-Dru�gista.
Rocks White, Thos, Bran-
don, T. Snowden; air Plymouth Rocks
P a'
Six bunches grapes, 1 variety, W.
F. Metcalf, Mrs. Hewson; collection
Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Houston; braiding,
company, with offices in Philadelphia,
Celveland, Chico a, Detroit and San
Aspirin to the trade marts (rnglatcred to Canada) of nue" Manufarture. of Mann-
S 1 thataNsp orna
White, cockerel and pullet, R, Black,
T. Snowden- pair White Wyandottes,
of grapes, W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. He
son; plate peaches, J. R. Stirling,
Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. J. Toms; drawn
work, G. Jacobe, Ada Galbraith; lunch
An experiment in international ed
toile nubile hiinsi IIsi
manufacture, to nn the a comvaov
will be stamped with their general trade mark, the ••Bayer Cross.••
Lucy Woods and 2nd; pair White
Wyandottes cockerel and pullet, Lucy
• U to the
or tea cloth, embroidered, W. F. Met-
calf, Luc Woods; lunch or tea cloth,
cation was begun three o
g years ago
when Dr. Rosalie Slaughter Morton,
i and had headaches.
Woods and 2nd; pair Silver Wyan-
crochet, G. Jacobe, Mrs. Howrie; lunch
or tea cloth, lace, W. F. Metcalf;
of New York, brought over from Ser -
-- - - -- -- - --
dottes, R. McLinchey; Pair Buff
Or hin ons, cockerel and
p gt pullet, G.
Deters and 2nd; pair White n
cockerel and R. McLincheythey,, W..
washable tea cosey, Ada Galbraith,
Lucy Woods; embroidered sofa Bush-
W. , S.
ion, WF: Metcalf -Mrs. SHouston;
iia 40 yids and boys to be entered
into the schools and colleges of the
United States. To say part of the
when you are kitchen nten�iis.
W. Wise; pair Rhoda Island Reds,
down pains, ao bad
tl ' I sometimes thought
crochet trimmed sofa cushion, Thos,
0 GJ b h d
' d
experiment is finished for four stud -
ants are returning to helprtheir home -
M `l.
cockerel and pullet, G. Deters; pair
Ancones, J. Johnston, W. F. Metcalf;
pair Antons, cockerel and pullet, W.
F. Metcalf; pair Campines, cock and
aeron, eco e, 4 mo stn an -
made handkerchiefs, Lucy Woods, Ada
Galbraith; tatting. Lucy Woods,, G.
Jacobe; pair curtains, hand made, G.
Jacobe, Mrs. R. Geiger; table
--- --=-
hen, C P. Metcalf, James Johnston;
parr Campines, cockerel slid pullet,
dOrOntO WOlnan CziVes
Mrs. S. Houston, Mra, R. Geiger; fillet
6� t p�� Fright
W. F. Metcalf; pair Black Minoreas,
Credit to Lydia E• Pinlcham s
crochet yoke, Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs.
�� •
far Trade Mark
cockerel and pullett, Beatty Broa.;
pair Houdans, D. McDonald; pair
Ve stable Compound
g ]P
(Dr.) McKinnon; pin cushion, wash-
able, Mrs, R. Geiger, Lucy Woods;
tt __Yu TT
$fJ1Lm You &7 K1tclwn Utensils
Houdans, cockerel and pullet, D. Mc-
Donald; pair any other variety fowl,
Toronto, Ontario --"I suffered with
embroidered centerpiece, bite, 1VIra.
Howrie, G. Jacobe; center iece, color -
"Nothing I Could Take Made Me Any Fatter."
Wo lid you hta ran of salmon if it
R, McLinchey; pair Pekin ducks, J.
and R. Snowden, J, A. Manson & Son;
Irregular periods, was weak and run
tI down, could not eat
99 ill ti
ed, W. F. Metcalf, Lucy Woods; em-
broidered dresser scarf, Mrs. Howrie;
• U to the
� Itl1 ilabe37 a b�' of ilotn•7 >�'!y
Pair Rouen Ducks, Thos, Snowden;
i and had headaches.
set of hand made bed linen, Lucy
time I was seventeen metafriendefmineoneda 81sieW.
p y,
I -believe that I the hardly
Gt=rt.ainip notI '�FfI be ,jtlBt as �7d
pair Toulouse Geese, Robert Blair;
, The worst symp-
�' � • tome were dragging-
Roods, Mrs, Howrie; 3 embroidered
towels, Mrs, Howrie; 3 crochet trim-
years old, was and I knew her. While she -
unhappy girl
most miserable and rlthat had never been as thin as 'I tuna, a,
when you are kitchen nten�iis.
pair any other variety geese, T. & R.
Snowden, Robert Blair; pair Bronze
down pains, ao bad
tl ' I sometimes thought
mad+ towels, Mrs. S. Houston, W. F.
ever ved. Honestly, I was a sight year or more ago she ran me a close'
I wag the most ungainly looking second, but when I her had
Isucha8e o�y articles of Rua-
mded Ware CanTi'Yg the SNP ttra
Turkeys, R. McLinchey; pair pigeons,
Dr. McKinnon, C. Bedour.
I would go crazy, .
and I seemed to be
etcalf; bath towel, Mrs. Howrie,
Ada Galbraith; 'ladies, underwear,
met she
creature you ever anw. I was thin taken on flesh and had developed
and scrawny -straight up and down. into a fine handsome girl with one of
��$.' jZ ie your gltdeglidrd =A your
guarantee of glla$ty. Ask for
smothering. I was
s In thls condition
strictly hand made, Lucy Woods, Mrs.
R. Geiger; man's cotton shirt, strict-
My height was five feet nine inches the prettiest figures f had ever seen
and I weighed exactly ninety-one and I asked her what had caused the big
Ten lbs. salt butter, John Stewart,
Mrs. R. Geiger; 5 lbs. in 1-1b. blocks,
for two or three
�� � yearn and could not
ly hand made, Mrs. S. Houston, Mrs.
R. Geiger; bedspread, crochet inset,
three quarter pounds. No matter clangs. She said Cnrnol. She told ..
whatkind otdothesI puton I looked me she hnd been taking it regularly '.
�/N�� � +�/+� VW �
,John Stewart, Geo, Laithwaite; 5 lb,
seem to work I
Mrs, Ada Halliday; child's dress made
like a fright. I was chnusy and for the last three months and that
crock butter, John Stewart, Mrs. J.
tried ,all kinds of
had been treated by
from oil] garment, F, Keegan; wo-
awkward. I used to stand before the from the first week'o( inking ,. etre'
and study wy features I loon(!
Wu mand Waee'lEb a tilteOdaW ftm-
Heard; 1 ib. fancy print butter, l2rs.
R. Geiger, G. Jacobe; cottage cheese,
medicinea and
phystrians but received no benefit.
man's dress made from old garment,
Mrs. A. E. Erwin, J. Jacobe; sampler
glass ltnd' begun to put on flesh. ao ,
I had a good nose, good eyes and a enconrnged by wlint she Said that L
jpl lift9e gam. pgtguje
Lucy Woods, W. F. Metcalf half his
home -cured, smoked, John Stewart, E.
i round ane of your booklets and
felt. ineltned to try Lydia E. Pink-
shewing patch hemmed, F. Keegan;
darning on worn sox, John Stewart
good month, but my cheeks were couldn't got to the druggist fast'
y sunken and my face looked like a enou h. I bought a bottle and since
W 1 fsl6�Vy WAC ��' Pt�tl Ware
b a app -co" �Eted s� �
& R. Snowden- 8 lbs. home -cured be-
Compound. I To-
ham's the beat
calved the beet results from it and
F. Keegan; patched quilt, cotton Robt,
Turner, t,
skull with A piece of .parchmentcould titan I have been taking it regnge in
tatter. could Iieyo mater the in
9.7 and W. like hwWe lad 681L
con, smoked, Woods, E. and R,
Snowden; 2 lbs. home -rendered lard,
now I kaPp house and go out to work
and am liFe a new woman. 1 have
Mrs. R. Geiger; atciwd
g , p �
cloth, Mrs. A; Halliday, -Mrs.. Bran-
dooratretctake eanyBut greatest weigh
do or take merle me any fatter. Men me you ever saw. I now weigh 165,
rarely even glanced at Inc. When pounds and all' m frlends tell nie
John Stewart, G. Jacobe; air dressed
recommended your Vegetable Com-
don; goosedown comforter; Swine made
the did, the mere]
Y y y gave rife a what a wonderful flgnre.I have and L..
�1 �
chickens, R: McLinchey; heaviest doz.
pound to my friends and if thea,
Ada Galbraith M►s. Brhtidnp; braid-
Mrs, Houston, John Stew-
casual, amused or pitying look, an know that I am adndred ".
fp s
eggs white shell, C. Bedour,
Milne Rader; heaviest dozen hen's
facts will help some poor woman,
use them as you please." -Mas. J,
ed mat,
art; hooked mat F. $eegan, Mr9. $.
expression which I am sure meant, Carnol,da,sold by your, druggist,.
why is a being like that allowed at +and it you situ cdnsctentfousiyy say,
eggs, brown shell, L. Beatty, Milne
Rafter; best display
F. Psaerr, 387 King St., Wes;
Toronto, Ontario.
Houston- Yana made hand bag,
W. F..bfetcall', Mrs. W, Fergnson.
large?' I used to lie ewalte at night atter eon lave tried it, that it hasn't .
for hours et a time wondering
of bee products,
L. Beatty, W. McDool; quart strnined
Various forms or female weakness
why' ,done you any good, return the empty
there were so many biatttifni girls in. bottle 4o him slid he will refund yyour
the world 'I 'I
honey, Mrs. R. Geiger, L. castle• one
many times make work almost tn.
u lar e, Mrs. Hewson, Lu
Bone et, g car
and was eb hideous. money. 8 622 -
quart maple symp, F. Keegan, ftobt,
possible. Lydia H. Ptnkham's VetW
tattle Compound has helped tbo
bouquet, small, W. P. Met -
Tu home-made fudge, Mrs,
R Geiger, E. & R. Snowden; loaf
sands of women over ileac tfronblosl"
self Mrs. Hewson- collection of daft -
liar; W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Howrie;
'� 11A AC+$ phm a
800 it !
t'P�y+r Y,�l �bl)�
4'�S ��,�a 5,
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r Fri
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