The Huron Expositor, 1922-07-28, Page 740
en . r, . _ rY :I ,lug,g �� 4 Yrs} t`latayv 8trr �,(',°� hY
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JUDY'"28, 4 ewe 1�
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;:..r, n. lk: xstjM$t" Wfil9 M{,a m'�•:. � �f 'e dein1UIPP�s 8 ua':.ayi "Pl l h Y i �f'yy�ps
t...tswwe by'.1,9c t .a Ifbuttone, ae too t logr'tt}(n its j4 'dht#1 distill s
Is .-�� 'side since the lilt his ey* outlier �iiaM $e
L "
begin- Lute Medal'? -�- r IV 11 iso Qasad rortlo yadxip lira unKlrce rcWt�
u .. rr.. d so were Iran ? 'i."
at r,
Catarrh aataese reau res cone tp.+ lt: Y Ouad Ib?R.a 'done: 1s 9
P fAnla71
exit tt
Expected }}ll etesemen
The Corw Firdahawge?', ttoriat ea m�,nt I3ALL's CATAUATS o� thin 'diaafcbiirtl tol:Ailte MtLlCboa Lade, aepiildhtal tLiOpittgmaosn vVab WNdMis+ h
MF11)IC la a constitutional. remedy. ivat !to man6ibn vcu•>,iiiova nt7nars-,•-tya�i� flo¢mmed''in'ta'a bed o#'tN9irps'r khe, OW -A .':. A
r -OR "A11 fin'imked but the inside wo.k" Catarrhal Deafness Is caused bs• an. in- �i� 1
"Kitt ?o flamed condition of the mucous liping of tallUt6 Iw!h'de'e pa+�¢ypee w'uau:',i hent Cly;;'- 'tell a 4aaxftonre of 'fiowtma, """"3e ..tik}e _ r
y the Eusta Klan Tube. When thlo tube is. to n. and w,lsoae nasn�s sideboard, l7a rear � walled. with the --
r "APA finliWhed but the outside xvl+k." i inflamed you have a rum. ng gpuna or may ��q u z '
I= influence, waWld be rrP ine�biaxdlblo famgly siWvCo, w molded by a flow ��
Mists Feal'Ic la linked tilt. "Yiouu• wife
imperfect hearing, and erten it le ..hire- value to t }ter fnbwre uP tie ems porn- of botttlea of various ffii2es, a'ha¢�es l t r J <' X'•
I mean, you stupid f+elOorw.", It closed, Deafness Is'the,result. Ua sae #%
the inflammation can . be reduced, your ition. l and coliolm vaaious degmeea bf irUA- J c
v 4
A Novel Of Which He
"You, I know, She would haws. cone hesFin� mai be destroyed forever. As' date'wovOd }rove St the dory dor rvuebbed-®abhiness, boo-Irloalbairt'irsg I ;: v. '
`• I8 Not the Hero. • •with ane but .her d'resa dddm"t artt!ive H'''I'T'S CA ARRH MIIVICINE - acts
through the blood on the mucous sur- as the ap!peb his of these fin- Ithe priceless vintages Which 'the _p ip �"
'r'n 'fie•" ,�,, faces of the system, thus reducing the in- iaitclal anaugiva'tes Was the same that senior members of the Armin of Erreen. i 't4 �;•i � t�`! ,, I� " +
(Miss ,Fellleda law "Axid the flammation and restoring normal eendt- Miss Felicia ,had selected for her 'tea &• Co, Intended be sob boilers pia I';
in 'Pawls-buydng brie-a•Jrrac UCtroutaee fSea. Art Druggists. bo Ruth, anal' the crime at which tlhey f'rie'nds. <
yir V. J. Cheney &soar Teleaa, ohla avore to draw up thefir choice but two Finafl as •the dinner hour ap-
F. HOPKINSON SMITH end' ranking believe 'tlhe a studying
t laawcjd ecbure ander-- ,But I'm not go- 'hours sulbsegwent too 't'ha't 5n 'which �pr1eak3ted all thee' -was jets were ablaze; „ � 5 ifs
Jaktk, crushed olid bumi7!ated by his not at>Dy the aide'lig7lts In the main
itug ba answer another question. At- urtd(e's knavery, had r relit dlawne'teirs hal), and the overhead lantern which � d �'if.�'yi . i
- tendon! Miss, Felbdia ,Gnaywn at the "` '; * l tIN
TORONTO fardbueaul 'ihhat remfinds me of the and into the st$'eet Orad shed d� nayg Petm's baud y
bard" In this frame of mind the poor boy 'head, but the huuge class shamldealer 8��i� '1�
McLEOD ori ALLEN The doer la sbrapglitened her Itelliait school. Looks as if Bellini Bled,»1f�y11jlt][Cf���w}•�lgli+.
mlig}ut ,have Laved herr. HeLio, Mhjo'C! had shipped at the 3PagnoOia irn tlhe piing in the middle ori the eati.wwp- 4 d,V fl
back, her face crinkliing with metal- What are you doing here all by your- ,hope dP ,find'i'ng GarrY, -who Inuet, he hsllatered dwa'witug rolom, as w44 as � �n+1
.Hent, self?" thought, -have deft Curinme at 'biome, the candleOWbna on the mantel with
''•Prosen'b!" .she ,replu,ed, drawing
(Continued from last 'week.) down etre tonmora aP her mouth. J,alek 'stood transfixed! and 'then retraced his steps to the their imi'ti'tileir 'wax candles and brass, the drive, mamnsfalls axe mdurlh ankle.- f � t ' ills
"Wiper did yr,:i leave }Dine? How dlomnr, atuger, ,humiliation over the clhrilb. He must eogpl:r'de aomaswh(ere wilclasF-evetyt}msug, iv $art, thatoould timid, orae tloolt at a time, rvosdng ,, t} sl,
den will stay? Can you cane expoo8dre .it ,was unheard, '!f the had 'und with Sloane one, and the young udd to the brkllEarucy of the occasion. I'abe t to find out if any of hila friends r . , v
But Jat'k 'stayed an. to d5nne.-you and Met4wrsaleh-man It known it by any Date in the ,not un a•LxFutort ,was .tlhe veiny ratan he want- AM thus, despite Gbue orderly way. in have ,had a nibble; scared at the Oremet I , l ,r•
This was the ,ratmasphere he 'had Wednrthday night?" I except Peter and h'imselrf) rualhed ed. (Garry had rid'E4rule-cl his udd- Which the miWtionaire's house was � dasWrbing echo -+then• tlhe fat, tooth �,11
for. this, boor was where I refuse to answer by advit� of oven• lvunv in hit concurrent waves. fashioned' idea's and had advised hint ruse, had developed a certain nervous I some wheeae looms .up ('green's /e/ O .., 1
longedIt Was his unAer, then, who had nab- pi � go. ✓✓
Peter lived, Here were the chains ha o unsoL Ass 'ba coming txr dinner, I 'to let ,hiimsehf go. Was the wi ng anxiety in the IMosit himself, the effec Madeuria this 'time), and in t
sat in, the boHere read, the oil iris he amt not going 'anywhere for a week bed young Gylbe,r•t! The Mu4Ctbn oust of Gllbeet'a fortune Ipant of the of which had not yet worn off, al- I But if fuller deacri#tkm of this �:1'y
he enjoyed. And
the we ll -dressed --then I am oam6m.g ,to you cru i Kitty Lode! He hand handled dozens of reps System? he asked (ri'mselB. though but a dew minutes would el- spetlal haat be amr!itted, titers is no , y, .
well-bred people, 'the 'lu,m how wtstdtsr it is Wednesday n' any other certlifinatea just as 'he 'had )handled As he hun�tod thmaugh the rooms, apse before the arrival bf the guests. I reason why 'Ghat of t'he bad'tero and
voiuea, the clusters dP roses, Irhe shad riiglht. 1Pow, 'Pater roots hiuv away. dozers of others, hardly gdantang at almost deserted at bhi:s hour, his eyes This was apparent in the case and the baited should be delft out of fine �Q.. t',ti
1 t'he names. He remembered over- seanclttin,g for his rfriend a new thhought fall of Blreen's 'hee9's, 'as he seesawed I narrative.
ed candies, •their soft •rosy lkgltt Bald- I He's so puffed up witlh'hib Gold bfed,i hearing Stine roalk one day in which lopped into Otis head', and wfYh snith balk an'd' Yor3h urn the hearths iwg in I Old 'podonetl Purviante, of thus Coves -5 I •,
ing on the e'gg'shell cups and saucers he's �positivdly unbearable," Ikis ,oracle had taken part. Only a fomes that it bawled himn over into a the saltinabined (knowing rolomr with I speaks Club, for one -a big-paxwlcOted b ^-. �� r¢ ,
and silver senvk-e, and the lovely girl Ad[ this time Jack had been stand- 7J f
few dayv before he had sent a bundle chair, where Esc eat swrirug sbtaight .his coat bai'Is spread to the lifeless l mean who always wb're summer and / !VH '
dispensing all this ,hospitaliby and I ing beside, Rruth. He had heard the of Mulkbon cemtifica'bea to -the 'brans- in front orf hum. To-nrr;ht, he sud- grate, said' 'Broach the way he glanced ,winter a reasonably i;bhite waistcoat 1 I', r
oheer! Yes, (here 'he could five, star at the dbor and ,had, seen Holker fer office of the curn!pamy. dent reniemlbored, ,was the night of n at the .n irtior to see that and a sleazy necktiet•��suture in a loud i ,
breathe, enjoy life. Everything was join Miss Felicia, and while the talk Then a rtndl sbtntdk him fail In the the dinner his untie �,^us to give Pro his ee�ravlat •was ,prorpertly tied and that voice and dirupped 'rtia g's when he ` .,}�;j
vorth while and just as he had ex- between the bob 'lasted lhs Mad inter- Chest and :he e+'Mirveted to his finger wine business Priendle-'A Gold -Vino his collar did Hot ride up .in Yllte back. tallest. "Bit 'em off" his -faMnda � 1
petted' to find it. spersed .his talk to Ruth with ac- stir s. ,Had Ruth .heard?-aasdd' if s'he �I
When the throng grew 'thick about counts of the supper, and Gaemy's 'had hear 'would other underarta In Dannon;' his, aug had culled it. 4iva The only calm ,person in the es of said, as in did the end bl his cigars. 11 '•it
her table he 'le'f't Ruth's side, tadtiing getting the ring, to whibit was added d ndI cledks flamed again rill rm he 'thought was the exuwidow. 'With the eyes of He had, in honor of the occasion, so IF"
the boy's emrtlrusyssbkc brllntte to the iia -talk he 'had given bar his ,true than. these very men had helped in, a gm'ajor-genernd sweeping -the field on oonitrirved 'thlat, his black coact and a t2•
the opportunity to speak th Peter or sellf-his standard of honor -chis be. the Mwkbon swindle. To 5nteruvpt the eve of an vmporta it battle, she trousers mtaticOned this time, wOuSle his
amchibec. himself. "Trite greatest ci;�F/lk
Miss Felicia (he knew dew others), diefs in ,whfat was 'true and worth them', t h at their feast - or .had taken in, the d'ispositi'on of the shoestring Che had been replaced by a i �
r rran I 'have met yet," he said in his ho ug but he was back amain ,whenever the quuak, mpwlsive way. "We don't 'havin'g: Wrhern she knew all-rarld she even to miont.ion' rthe subject to Otis fuarritunq thte hang of the outttaiava whilte cravat. Balt the waistdoat was �J�chance offered. must ,Imrow-would she look upon (aim uncle whole the ifinxuer was in pro- and the ,pRatSng of thte cushions and ,al the old rpattern, and the bap button � �)W.%"Don't send ,me away again," he have any of them dawn our way. I asafraud'? Tha't'his u'nc'le dad beenpReaded when rhe camebaxk far the never sane ane --+nobody ov�sr did. Here gross was, of course, au¢ of irhe lwssm cbmlfarts S1Etel )tad alar. a'r- 'loose, as usual. The Cbdonml earned /accused of a shrewd stoop in ,the estion. He wouldr I toy where he ranged with her own hands the mass- Iris living -aid a very ao'mfotbable
bwent'ieth rums, and with so much he W'mes w'ilbh Mr. Or ysan. •I .hope 9u
you olid .)like him" Street di'd• nit invoke his aler4c a nbtiel, .was; dine alone, urrhess Garry came es of narcissus and jonquils on Utter one it was -by promoting various en -
meaning ,in 'Errs voice that she looked Ruth mat's a :movement ass ilf to but ,would she see the d'iffernnte? � and ripen when the last anon had mardtels, and had selected the exert terpa5sea-some oY them rather shady. ,
avid es It avis AN 'these rolohtgrbbs swaged through left his vmthc' pause me would have shade of yeWlaw tulips which rehired He lied also a gift for both starting
ah'1 lid
at him Mr'dh a -open ey .
not 'what he said -'she had been
start to, her feet. To sat still and
�k her best to her cups
his mind as be stood looking into her it out with ?aim. the dining-nobm table. It ,was to be and maintaining a lYoonn Most of
brought up on that kind ,of talk -it
he 'it, and pipe in-
and attend
and ;fit ,water and tiny ,wafers Hues
eyes, her hand .in his while he ¢made
adieux. He had d'eterminedi be-
Biffton was the only pian who dis- a "GoldMine Dinner," so Arthur had the Muktron stack awned by the Soutlh-
turbed his, salibude. BifTy was in fVbl told her, "and everything roust be in ern contingent had been floated by
-- - --
-- - — -
was the way said,
flection in his ,voice.
all) right dor men like Jack, but not
with dist5auguished mien (5ke Mr. Mor-
fore Mbnrtis fired the bomb which
shattered his rhopes, to ask if rite
e,ening dress -an en-rio-)us white harmony." hire. Anothter of his 'accomplish-'
in tarpon pore and a Thais seeing Perkins, aa4lro had en- rwenbs ,was his ability to lobe( cor-
"I have been di•tenaMy starving for
abmsbody Oil<e yott to taDk to;' Iia
Mbrrs he'd his (tend om• her ckaiv
d, his
might -see her again, an'd 'where, and
,if rohere cuuuld be found no ate fit-
catnuuo:, -his
, rc h ;;at .under His '•r,n. :Ie was tered, unexpectedly and caught Ther in Tacitly, with this eyes shut, any bottle :
"Stag," III- the art (lit is bad form for a hostess of Mad'eria frown anWbody's cellar, i
continued, drawingyou
a stool and
before she move 9t
she being mother-
'ting and pnst
.coked h a :s,id with a
he would stay ;end aeep him to strange flowers in soave houses- lied to his cr,ecqulit, it it said, he never i
settling- .himself determined) y
"Nb, m dear lac!• Et
y your y--y,ot•
I've been
less and Miss Fcrl'iMia but a chatlperon,
comlpamy. Jack didn't „•ant any tom- the bcit7'ea• does than),, she asked lar lied about ;the quality, be in good, bad
lvrit at all like his -,friend, of 'whom he
„For ane! Why, 'Mr. Breen, I'm
,please !Deep your Sean.
you 'Drum across the rooms
bo wni'te her a nate trivuting Iter to
'w" up through the Park with himm,
Tany�m'tainl not Bill -cost as- an indifferent bone: "And 'how many or abominabRe. i
y Billy
not any of tche y run;.; f4l-iow's are we ttt taus fir dinner, P,anhrins?" Next to firm •sen Mason, ,from Chi -
not a piece of breei she laughed.
and you niaOce tem pretty a rprleture
and so on into the open ,where she
who ,had asked him ah"ut Gilberts She knew, of course, having spent an cago-a Westerner who had made his
..,cents ecnvs .kink se much, How did000
you like hums dear Ruth?"
"Oh, I don't 'kn.vw." She knew, but
"I'm just grnl." He had begun
interest her -this brown -eyed young
as you are. Tea . �Nnt a drop;'
"O'h, but It ars ,so debhchous-and I
really belonged. AIUI this was given
fait What its ,,•,- was to be 'haus over x diagra m placing the o ,a sudden mise in real estate
to New York to
telllow who wore his heart on his
will give you the very biggest �p'iete
"p now. The best thing Par him was
to take 'his leave as quietly as pos-
and w
deet alone until e!evem "'ri:ic;, during gum• and wlbun .had raved
al len
ti -ince he would .t sanrethung "Fourteen, my wady." spend it: an out sp'okenti com•mon-
sleeve, socks 'her diallecrt and treated
of lemon that is leP.t."
'k'ble, without,commitlting'het to any-
which g'
to cat. °`Fauwtem!-really, quite a snta!l sense, p1lain man, rvAth yellow eye-
her as if she were a duchess.
"Na -not rot trap; and as to lemutn
thing-amytlhing wdvkch he de'.t 9"'
Dinner over, he hurr:,-d himself las affair." And with the air of one ac- bron':s, yellow 'head pat,th'y bald, and
The of a Model 81 Overland (name on request)
"You are aife,giv'in•g bread to, me,
'Miss MaclParlane," answered Ya.k
--that's rank poisorr to line. You
should have seen Mme 'hobbling around
she mirudd. repudl(ate as soon as she
she not 'know already
a chair in tine ,riflery and let his Valacei- anL1 pier file to Rept o ros in 'his red Pace blue speckled tune blast
Angry 1u• s of state, she swept out of icer dine to a premature a blast
Kitty and- 'No, Peter, he is not
a s,m.Ile. "I have only been here
six month;; I ant Brom the South,
with gout only laist week, and all
because somclody at a -reception or
-hovv undexira'b]e an arcquaintran,cc
can Breen, of Breen & Cit., was,
imam roam. as was, probt,Ruth's
i, mi
image still ha'un'ted ,him,. Hcrw retry the rosin, in pais mining rtays. Mason couldn't
f p
'I+he only time she be¢ray��d herseCf •tell the best Tiernan Maa'en•_:r. from
too." And then the billy ,po'u'red out
test, or some sump rp'Inguey aff'ai'r,
she ,w•as--haw racefu. sfie vtbved
her ae she lifted ,• cu, and i'was just before the arrivml of the carrarc-grocery sherry, and preferred
his hoart; te'Rlin•g ,her, as he 'had told
made me da•ink •a amass of lt,mamadv.
Give it 'ho 'this aged old ggrnU;emau-
As t ,his uncle's share :in rase anis-
to way the ' her 'whcr. her mind rcvrrtcti W wh'is'key ,at any and all hours- and
nes 1 her was never assumed for
2 quarts of Imperial Polarine Oil Heavy (as recom-
Peter, how doncIlY ,he got sometimes
for some of his own kind; and 'haw
A wi'lll ,keep him awake. Hive,
er:u'a'e tnan:uvcti,un, rtlhere wets but one
thirug 'w du -tut find ou.t,, and from
tam,plros; and the anus „° her voihc�- .her daughter. what more,
the v
dear Pe,ber, so kind :,nd thought I "Thr Pontmans are :g,iving a bald ,tic instant that he coudd.
the young girl in the bate :hat and
kis own lips, if possible, ill the story
fol of 'him, sot careful ri:ct he should newt week, Arthur, and I want Cbs�n- Then came Hodges, the immarudatc-
leathers, who.haci terms in with Garry
Up tat this moment no word
,were true, ,and if so •fir •tell him ex •
be introduced, to this aril that person- i lie ,to go. Are you sure he is coon- ly 'dressed epicure -a rpale. clean -
his aunt's daughter; and bow he
in the Street, signing
been addressed to Jac+k, who stood
enutslide ,the rhalf Hkrcle waiting for
'nobly whait he thought of Blreen &
Co, the business in• w'hiuh they
t shaven, eye -glassed, sterilized kind of
and Miss Felicia! Wlha" a great lady ing."
i "`Don't 'worry, Kitty, Pontman's a man with ,a long neck' arid skinny
Hooker, ,and I do not bl'amte hien. One
himself was
chocks sill day which she .laughed
some sign u>,P •rc+oagm•i'rion Brom 'L'he
NN ere engaged, Peter's ad"ce was
she was; rand yet he w:is not a bit
afraid of her. What ,vuul'd they al•: ! coming; and so are the Colonel, 'and fingers, who boasted of shaving bwoea-
ed, saying in reply that nothing would
great m am; and a little disappointed
when runmre canes. .He did twit kn.r+s.
go ti, and, he ravished he covlld 'Po,llow
think of him- m'h.n fire facts of his Ci+olssbin, and Hodge;, and tlhe two ty-one d'ifferen't clarets stored away
his w'hic'h were served
give her groater pleasure than a big
Uhat one of Ox, great ,mean's flti!'ings
it, but hc,,e was a nia'bter in which
,honer When this
urtle's a ime ca.o,• r." their cats, and i Chktago direc'to'rs, and Mason, and a undor sidewalk
arts more. Fiveryhody^s coming, I tell to ordiruarcy guests, and five, specie!
bhern Mad' brindled the, button which
Rook -with plenty of blank checks-
she had 'newer had enough, and her
was his for ttin the n'ame's even
� K
his nvxs concerned.
,�ide orf the �m:aUter ones ,presented to
they mlust Dome er,oug •• a• )rata.•. What I
too, would Peter t::i,r.k of 'him for I yulu. Id Mv'laton Lode doesn't sit up vintages which he kept un rr lock
dear farther (had never had enough,
u'f those of ihis intimvau friends-
breaks as "Glad to sce
MT. Grayson. he -would eomnend him
breaking out c,;; h:< uncle, which fie and nuke notice uith •a new lease of and key, and which were only un -
still ta'.king to her -hasn't left .her
either. ,But he onti•tted aN mention
such yvu-I
remember you very well, and very
far his course of act'ittm. 'thin'k
that his own uruole s'hnilid be attused
finnuly intended ;,, d, as soon as the I ^.:ife after to-ndl,•iht, I1m a Dutchman. corked for the c+lec't, and who
an alive .before
Nor Run, there's the bell." ably rhe
of the faro bank and of gamblers
-such 'things not being ,proper for
,pleasanroly, and now rploase tel,) me
ybwr name," being a csmmnm neriine-
of ,a transea'ctibn of chis Ikrind--this
pixie (rand reached eleven?
fled shows
would he mince hi< words. That an The mteregod Seribe will spare the ' ini the next wine. Then, i'dilowed
lesser lights, as Nixon Leslie
her cans, espelcia;iy such kibble pink
once ,with the great archi'be•ct--ia fitil-
own uncle and a Breen.! Gould any- outrage of this kind r+add be reader the details incident upon the such
thing be more horrible! t These : and the other guests.
:eheldx of ears, nestling and half hid-
in her beautiful hair.
'ing than noticed rboy'on m
Peter noticed the boys embarrass-
SO sudden was ,his dopawtu.e Bram
"is bad
ted on an unau,•rec i g ,man• ,vas Ryad arrival of the severed eats.
t' , ' ••`�• adfl
enough, but that it snuuld have taken d'inncrs are a•l alike: rhe annaunte- 1 Continued next week.
Rutin," she answen•erl wi't'h a snvhle.
,She had taken Morris's mea -wore and
There was no knuvwing how Ionto
men,t asci' touches! Morrriss are.
the rains -just "I must go now; I'm
stir grateful to you all Bur aak'ing me,
,lace in his own uw']l offie brain
P e fi rments by the bottler; the passing of !
ing• into disco,buto iris fa'ther's and'•the on •a wine -tray; the' �-
this absorbing cfmversat'idon mvi,g'ht
have rontimued (it head ado eadry apt_
"You remember MT. 'B•reen, don't
1-1'dhker. 'He was, at your sup-
and I've }vat such °good- Gold Ory
I cocktails
hes own good nantc•. was something i vnt!1 the 'bast roan
trmcted the attention of Muse Felicia)
,per that night -and ,,sat next to me."
-" that Masts Felicia lk,urni after'
,he could non rt'olerat,• for a moment. 'lues entered tlhe drtanv'irug-room; 'tilts JACK SPRATT COULD EAT
iss entered 6e
had not a great stir taken iplace at
Morris whirled qukekly and hcal'd out
It''m in asbon' dhnveut, turning to
Peter with:
g perfumtbo•ry tlalk-'the men who have • NO FAT
This he intended say;n. to Oris uncle
•w„ids; acav- I before hobnobbing instantly with A certain man of the name of Jack
t}ic door of t'he r>utside hail. Some
ln,dy was cerin upstairs; lir )fled
htis hand, all, his girmiousn^ss in his
�_vn .•
Why, what's the nvattet aribh the
in oto many p!'ain and so met
ing our bora wilt, his soul on fore, !each other, the host bearing the brunt' Sprott was in the unfortunate pos5-
come upstairs; .somebody that Peter
"Yes, cerUa.iniy. Ys,u Warn;: rt.he
bay • I wanted him to line witlh• us.
Did you say anything to hi,ml, Peter,
his mind' bent on inflammables, ex- I of the sits ens; the :saunter into the tion of being unable to get his in-
high.,pre-ssui--.anyithing in dining Rahe reading o�f cards, and �ternafl organs to perform. ,the art of
Motor Oils
was lavg."ning wibh--great, hearty
Mew h -s, which showed 'his delight;
g g
ring tb Mino'ttt of eoun•se. Very 7;lad
lw meet you algain-and wiper olid you
to hurt his feelings.
Pdter speak his head Morris, he
iplestilves, I -rooms,
the the `Here you are, Mr. ]'ot'tiAnd p cwnvent7ng the oily substance secret-
daft that oft inenior Breen Mr. Hodges. And ed under the skin, and in vat lois
very beRvBiBnl and very w(ralesome,
those things
som,cibody that made Miss Felicia
say his native was, Peter?” This is
knew, was the unonnhw dosis culprit,
solid body of the senior would night alongside
p Own,slrin, you are tion there some- nt'her parts of 'animal bodies, into the
h1low that into s ace --we
raise her head and .listen, a alight
breaking ,over :her face. Then Peter's
-the same 'bane of voice--clu,ite as if
Jt.ek ,were miles away,
but t'hfis was nut for his s'ister's or
at least, until he
WviI betake oursc'!v+- int (lis palanlad where"; the spreading of napkinsand substance of his own body.
On the other hand, she, who by
was tfhrust in the door:
"Bir'een-John. Breen," answered
could get an 'the eaat.t Pacts B'nr him-
Goulds t at't a
home, squaring of everybod,y's elbow as
•he dinner being :civ important one each, man d'rbps into this seat. Neither lawful wedlock, was the sharer of
doing all she CAN for you. Just
fiat a box of
"Here he is. Felicia. Cam's along,
Honker -I have been w+ondefin.g—"
Peter, putting •hii's 'arm• on Jack's
shoulder, to accentuatte mere clearly
"He is as sensitive as a ,plant," eon-
no erose had be, n spared. will 'the reader be bold of the var/ibus his name and estate, was in a dike
All- day long boy, in white aprons dishes or their wiroh r hick
Twith .mariner a
\t `
"Bgen u^rimd'ering w;Haj, gxter?
friendship dor ,the boy.
tined Peter; `she dioses all up at
animal o
had sprung ftnni canvas -covered pages have so far Ibsen filled with coact of animal flesh which consists
ar been
House, wats'bn be in'vi'ted• The Scribe
Es unable to say whether the d9stin-AAk
That I'd s'tity away a mu`n, longer
"All the bettor, Mr. John Breen-
times But ,he t genuine, and rite is
wagons, dived in Arthur Breen's d:i'ttle else beside oa'ting and drinlmng•, of muscle.
that, Copy of Tadi'bus yeit wriote me
aboulk. Rs it in Igkuod condition?"
I could help after this dear lady
douiily glad to see you, now that I
better than Ymdse,
�bery and dived out again after de- and with reason, too, for have not all In whvch case,'as you carr doubtless
fill I
had arrived? . Ah, Miss Felicia!
knict your name. I110 try not to fore-
somet'iumes „
varivvb eatables, drinkable, ,the great things in life been begun clearly perceive, in ronjunrtion with
trvclu and tractors. ..
Just ars magnificent as young as
get it newt time. Breen! Breen!
" Well ,ithen, maybe Ruth (,as 'of -;Positing'
and LuookaR,les-an,nng thstn six pair river some teartable, carried on at each other, and unaided by any .tit
�f r
ever. Sti-ld ,got that Marie An'toinettte
Pe't'er, where htave I'hoard that name
fended Mrd," suggesbed Miss Felicia.
of redhteads, t'ut's sciddlles of mutton, ,lundheon, and completed between the side help, they were able with ease
� .�
look about you --,you ought .really-"
before? Breen--iwhere Me devil have
"No-4he courTdn't. Bnuth, wlhat have
fides such urucanny thdngs as must,- soup and the cordials? Sings, dvp- and Yacllkty to consume entirehy every
"Stop that nonsense, Halker, right
I- Oh, yes -'I've grit it now. Quite
you dbne be young Mr. Breen?"
roo,ms, truffles the 150.eey old of ibmtats'and statesmen have Lotugsinte ,particle of animal toot which hap -
away," she .cried advancing a step to
a tom, mom name, isn't it?"
tlakk amsvred' lair wi'Uh a lavggat that
The girl threw bank 'her head and
rvv(titJti had been tic, fled over to the agreed that for baiting a trap there .pened to be set before them, and by
]dice satllp, tan enlbree and drawing in over their ilongue every
greet :him.
,,But it's alb true, and—"
i•t was; 'there were nhrne duan a )tun-
, Nobhin g'
dilef, who was e>vprns]y enrgager�forc .its nothing a
the occa'si'ons and whose wihite cap- a coast, the whole moistened b9' a particle :leave the pieces of fiat thvina,
"Stop, I tell you; neve of your
dr ed in fire city fin- wasn't
offended at Morris forgetting his
"Well, he went off as if he had
front/ a That is no
to uobe 1'aaltins-"Gives a hair to flagon of honest wine. The bait on which their eatables were served
q financier or ill a sba'te entrtely fres from stain,
sugar-roated Pies. I am seventy i!f I
name and arR.ilted )vim 'bo wee in.
been slot ,gun..
hnuhd n from
the skvubltery whirl, reminded more varies when the promoter
t ncumbran'ce o•r alloy
+ am ar clay, and 7rtrrk it, 'anrl if it were
these furbelows I ,wbuld look
"Caned to (know it; wxuu0dn't Dike to
lake at , I s s Y•,
I have aeon of him. Perhaps I
of lome'bhan anything 'e 'ad seen since sets out to catich a nvouse, a ye e
. `-0
nut Torr
eigth. Now 'telill me about yourself
,think you were mixed• up in, the
swindle. You ought bo tivanlc Your
moire. I tried once, but I cruulid not
moire. Iflue looked ,after -him a duct
-- - --
-- - — -
and Kitty arid the bays, and whetlhsr
the Queen has =eat Ya r the Gold
stars, ,my dear fell'ow!, that you got
into adakuteobure ins'Gead of indxt
it him awe front you. His man -
g y
nor is really ,when die balks
Medal ye't, and if the big Lubrrary is
and he i:s so natural and tf, well bred;
finis(,ed, and—""But
I amu in—"
lvrit at all like his -,friend, of 'whom he
"Whew! what R cross examrin.ation'
Wait-11111drawurp a set of itpe'cifica-
tions and hand them in 'with a new
„yes, i knew-§inwith ith Hunt"
(sanothrem'imistrinlce of is defemtive menn-
nry) "land you couldn't be with a
..,cents ecnvs .kink se much, How did000
you like hums dear Ruth?"
"Oh, I don't 'kn.vw." She knew, but
0 X
plan of my life."
" n nothing of the 'kind!
You will d
beittc-r n,an--Ithe besot in lithe ,proles-
sign, really. Put talking Of some
she didn't intend ,d> 'troll anybody.
"Hes very shy and—"
You will draw up •R chair here, right
alongside o'r me, and tell me about
rcoundfrels of your na,mt-Breen &
Co„ 'bhe firm .is-aaiho, I 'hear, heave
"-a,td very young."
"Yes, perhaips."
The of a Model 81 Overland (name on request)
Kitty and- 'No, Peter, he is not
cheitted one of •my thierhts--young
"And very mnrdh of a gen'bleman,"
tells he recently made a 900 mile trip using only
going to be taken over and introduced
to Ruth for at ( five artinunes.
GAbert fine fe,llkrw-just married-
pem,tra'ded hinn'ts buy stim,e ,gold strick
bvdke in Pciten•, in a decided .bone. No
rine should misunderstand the boy if
2 quarts of Imperial Polarine Oil Heavy (as recom-
Peter has fallen in Rove with her,
-Mukton Lode, I think -they called
lie could 'help it.
mended on the Imperial Chart).
Hooker, ,and I do not bl'amte hien. One
] _and tubbed Mier of a61 he 'hots. He
Arga'in Ruth laugihEA. Neither of
. of these young fellaw>'s-there he is
must stop on his Ihoune I hear. And
bhern Mad' brindled the, button which
Big oil and gasoline mileage I8 just one of the many
still ta'.king to her -hasn't left .her
now, may 'dear Mise-" dime he turn-
ed w the young .gi'i-i.—"I reatily for-
;had rung up her syrmlpa'thy and ad-
advantages of using the proper ',,;rade of Imperial
.------- -
"Of course be is 'a gen'rnoman. He
Polarine Motor Oils in any car or truck. Consult
Rutin," she answen•erl wi't'h a snvhle.
,She had taken Morris's mea -wore and
rou!idm't be anyUhirng else. He is
•froMaryhrand, you Iminw."
the Chart.
)had al'roady begun ,tkt like him, as
n,aicn Jamk did.
Y-aMhss Ruth—Now, pdeas�G,
dear girl-, keep on being young and
Reference has been made in these
Motor Oils
Htveysa Rheumatism or Neuritis,
very beRvBiBnl and very w(ralesome,
those things
pages to R thin err 'G, be gfiven in the
!tmse Breen no variou ia„porctamk
Manufacturers and Marketers of imperial Poiarine and
Marleeterr in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. _
Sclatica, Lumbago? Now Is the
to get rid of it, Nature Is
fa,r you are every one of
and I ,know ymu'LI rfomgive me for
people, and ho which Ma. Peter Gray-
doing all she CAN for you. Just
fiat a box of
saying so when I tell you that I wave
two strapping young felilows Dor sone
;Mn, the honored friend :' die-
timlguimhed Prelsiden't 'of 'blue Cleaning
d L
\t `
help t6lagt along.
Tamp laton'a Rhei matie capsula
tad yyon will
who are almost odd enough to mta7ce
love is ,your. Camie, Peter•, show m,e
House, wats'bn be in'vi'ted• The Scribe
Es unable to say whether the d9stin-AAk
/ Made grade- ((
from �ovr Drogg,at
soon Ile fit and well againasest
that, Copy of Tadi'bus yeit wriote me
aboulk. Rs it in Igkuod condition?"
ga'ished Mir. Grayson rreceived an in-
vita'tilon or net. Breen ,may have
� �
e prfivo
1 for the proper ►ub-
ricationofall et..
of automobiles,
fill I
They were out bf J atk'ls hheaming now,
thought better of it, or Jack may have
it ;1-S
trvclu and tractors. ..
Monks adding,- "Fine tynpe of seubh-
ern beauty, Peter. Big degign, with
disurauraged S7t after er stquaint-
ante wt'fhn the mean who had de!1Ygh"
�f r
; -
Sold by E. Umbaci.
broad dfxtes everywhere. Good, boo-'
9orittltlhitng about het
ha'tlis soul as no w mean except his I
fiabl,ea lied ever dies -Abut em+Haixr i
� .�
In Walton b G. Neal
_ ._ Y W.
g as gold.
, . -. rt4, 1.
rine%u&-15��rl:A'M1!u�aiYtn",.:W6.reA•-:_.: .. �._.:.-:.�al1R.a.u.1: ' ... •Ga.