The Huron Expositor, 1922-06-30, Page 8M .a.�.,}! e ! P.•- TWT' [U^ r. p1d1YSa1M, ore lase' declive. of dead .. +",a• •t•, i"" a +rr< ,,g�tes* at a ifo1Y►e . •11 , y 1 '�ljRrY'aµ0 allµ 7a�, AnnounceRieotl-+111!I . Shin" .,Tru- than wBe d riu8 lite"CerP "�b�t� t F AP# v .. L. ' inn dhity:.tiraek e- . i APiP 11I Ifs>R. Scat man, of we*esvlile, asutu wwee the Iain% Ntmee yease hams 8ave� Fv�tf1(i�iArs,of Veld. et. Gregulaa engagement ad! her t trlalat ----- �►-- - ,� r d breakage o Cbara >ifrk and' dlawtgtaadg1 Irene, to Mr. Howdulw= soil f Lacrosse.--t0lib`bon diabee:' k# Picn1e R't ee. adMira. this wce *0 hDmbd f his .............Hoe 4 gat a 48 de- wird• tlasg. . " Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, Of Sea. cislon over Set416oa'th oa the Recreation Lath ill. , „p Ittlaining WOnd and 111t'R. R. F1rwat.-,Ma'. W.aw UK SODA MSCUITS, Flesh forth, Ont., the meATMee to take Onoundis here on W'eduesday evening, dis7ses,, ��p oorw and Cable :M: 'I"• 4" returned Btwm'OtbA*1 .. . ............ Noe place July kith. but at that tkey didn't 'win the game, cloth' ajt kills, 20c per boat, Maas b11a' Amahibald and fiend, M'ts ---+---- Seaforth scoring a goW ire Nle final PAPER4 IG'I TES QiJa'i3 hYn hake, of TO&OntP, aril spendiav CY BISCUITS, special per Fellow of Toronto University. -On period. This goal was awarded by the hila'ialaws lilt the home Of W. hoist VjnUnd ........Vic Wedneaday of last week F. Lorne the g-4uarpire; but he was oven- � 1' PAPERAr--W bald., w,< include Mixed, Plartcy, Jame Hutchison, son of Mr, and MTs. V. D. 'ru'led by the referee, who, rat the time, PAPER. N KIL1Ug TABLE CLOTHS - .R f'[ Hutrhitson, of Seatbrth, was in- was not in a •poaitDon Nto Judge. The ""'"'�" ZURICH kt 'n: Fruit Biscuits, Qucaanvt Ban•. ��� �Qns $ formed that; he had been awhrd- game was the beat 'seen this season. 1 Ova as, Ginger pis, Lemon ed an A •Gbmd Sire. -Mr. Jryha+ Decker, Jr •Crisps and Honeymoon. Cookies. $800.UU Fellowship• Ats a Clinton have a Past aggressive Ldam, the well krnown horsea wt, has se Fellow of Toronto University rite will and are good stick bandleirs. On the liOORSTO $ SEAPORT$ cored .,tee of the best sires in th %7A. -Just as good as ever and no lecture to Medical and Arts students other hand the locals have im'pnloved ,fir Provincip irk Widower Peter 2.14%4 dearer. SpoeW 2 lbs, for ...$1.00 on Bio-Chtlmistry, while taking hip de- one hundred per pent. since :their last gree of M. A. in Qhemical research gaane here, and had �a -little Rina beat Willi he recently purchased from MI QOFFEE.-Our own special blend, per work, of the game en Wednesday evening. 1YI'cll�]lar A, ti two"children leave next b" him tatG(rhis, of nat'9osd, lend ru s ....40c r--- The Se'aforhh War have et to learn wok on a months' Rai• $e the � him et his Seem ees¢ here. las pound Y western els and Brdtis Colum- fail Mr. -Decker,sold a two Successful oaful Teacher.o The Toronto two main things in n not bey. One bleu This ya M'aa±s tint real holidayfi11y from dlis •hoarse fiat year aI ol SCRATCH FEED for Poultry, 8 lbs. Board of Education an the rex:ern- is that old spores can not be settled $705, and a: for ............ ........ .....25e mendatian of Ohief Inspoictor Cow- in froret of a• referee, And the other In fifteen yftM and we hope it will his stock have been money •mltkers. ley, has appointed Miss Nettie is, that games can not be won with be 'a most cnl yablc one.--Wr. and _---�►---- LAUNO)RY SOAP SPECIAL. a As Mrs, J. H. Beat dawn, returned .alfter MANLEY nnatovnced last mock this Soap i Pes,istathkk, bo the Miur4tn of one ofpTo- two sell three mon on the aide lirthees. spending bhelr rhoncyrnuon nit Stone Ibarice the size of ordinary soap. Asgstaut in McNnrrrich, peat of To_ When they learn the they have the Lake. Mx, ,and'MTs.6e�o.rgesaiphave successful Rosa Dar@ay, after The Mali is GOOD, (one custom- Tonto's b}ti¢4yroamled public schools, material to head the district, butthey supcas'sfitl year of teaching, dilad be eirquality ' moved intro. stew home on Market This is a lendid send well -merited I�'e not going to win games until p1�'1'ng exercim�s last week_,^7Vte dp'q m says BETTER than ,ordinary promotion. they do. Street xe tautly purc.hlased from M1rg. tanuat$on class are having their eJt resmp), and lite price is just lDe, or _ W. 'Sleeth; 69tew.mak,ng extensive ire- ams .this week. 4Mrt•. G. A. 5111'%, Ma 3 :6W ........................25c pmovemeabs to, trh9 pn,perty.-,Rev. S. Women's. Auxiliary.-T.he re lar Fur sato - F -h milk. .Amply to John J. J. n D eveir oval resarat, Iuauis an, g^t rapper. 2840.1 11sl can, of'Egmondrillc, dtaa returned Frank Devereux were visitors in on TOILET SOAP SPECIALS, regular monthly meeting of the Women'S Far solo. -A sew of her for sale. Apply from R trip Co. Du.uth.-Mms. ff. J. .burg during the week - Mats. F 6e at 3 fior i0c, or 8 for .. ...$5c Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church ,, Jam. sprout Egmondvine. ams.] Hodgins land family, of Torarito, lame Eelaad is alt present visitingher sill A'NOTNER of size and quality of was held in the school room of the Lost. -On Tue,day. June 27th, a black Spending the Maples•. mit the harr4e of ter, Miss ret Dougherty, aadin{ory 10 -cent soaps for ... _Se church on lafternaon. The umbrella was Nutt In the Paebufft- Finder eye -Mise MairOan w i Tuesday Mr, sell Ma>a, 'L. T. Delaaac has returned firer Ohiaa president, Mrs Jamas Archibald, oc- ureses leave at The Expositor oatee. 2sya-1 dans Hrolailikodt, of Virginia, 'is spend- gr held r d tkibnt o Saturday being a Hdi• For sal-Socondhaad vtoyee d hinters, oattvaleScing in her former dtame.- day. !Ilia Store will be open late on cupied the phase. Mrs. G. T. 'ftr'rn- ;n mod revair. Apply to Max Walsh. Rail• irg a month with her cnrandmdthm, Rev. J. M. Deka who has bees ball and Mrs. J. ft. Gcnvenlaek read Wray street Seafortn. seas-ct Mrs. J. $. BaraadEout.-31r. and We. iQ7non p�aat few weeks, lot Friday Night selections from " Me Watch Tower, gat tm the ' ser aerie Prev�t in the sp¢rksng eamedr R. R. Roes and Miss Greta motored ,b, spend a iexV• d:ava witlh friends ii a paper oat Cowan was retard by Mrs. drama of a beautiful girl who knew all about to Paris and Galt for the week end., Seafos',tlh before he leaves for wester) until she t the unan who knew 11 K. 3L McLean, and a most interest- stunt wench. "Srmbodyb F -I" at the strand -Mrs. A. We`steo'tt, of Statatfbrd, is pests• Hay 'rnalkfng has been th F. D. Hutchison 1¢tg the Gecteral Oounoil Friday and Saturday. visiting vribh $rietuis in town, -Mr. order✓ of the day,,but :the unfavaf+a'bl meetrag at Glatt wets given by Miss H. one sucker man and one beach carpenter and .Mrs. Siegel, of Sttiatfard, and weather Hes dalused a great deal o I. Gntakaan for good Ontario millwork Plant within too Miss Si to the sweet dloyer, and apart T GROCER mu. of Toronto. Pectate runs rear ,puna, .Of Mitchell, spent huh- damage. plane 166. steady work aid good conditions. Anrwer day with 'Mr, and Mrs. S. Deem - Of it -had RNo be 'burned up as it cbul, Seaforth Highlanders' Rand. - At vio Box 157, Seaforth. 2818.2 Mrs. George Brownlee, Sr., miss vis- not be saved. -Mr. Thanae Muanls: ---- ---- lihe annual meeting of the Sdadorbit Flour, Feed and oats. -We have two can iting with Goderioh friends this week. weals a senile since the 22nd inat Highlalndear+s' Ba21d,.held in their norms of Flour• Food and oats at the seeforth oar -Miss 'Gertrude Cardno, of Milver- when him Meal Miss. Leave your order at the MID wife presented him with r JAMES WATSON nfter patactise on Tuesday evening, mrlx Also a quantity of hard and soft neat ton', is 'spending her holidays with her baby imy,_ t'ke Hollowing officers were elected:- for sale. C. G. Thompson. 8eaforth. parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Oardno. � MBIn Street - SeafOrth Ptrdaident Melvin M.Phee; 15t vice Pirnin --The Y. P. S. C. E. or ma Eg_ -Aiss Gerille Crich, of Po'e't Dai- CENTRALLI presidenit, B L. Box; aexretary and moadvate church aro holding that, picric in holistic, i`s, spending the holidays at Agent fOr Sin r Sewmg Mr. Pasroon Ch.nney's Grove, one-half mile her Mame ixere.-Mr. Con Eckant has Hhmboa°Qlavis- SsirUhsf>ury AnglicaN Michines. Dalton, L. Reid'. The bans south of the villas,, an Tuesday, July 4th. IVlachines, and eneral In- now numbers thirt}1-two membors.vmd Thera will be a football game, teem1 and returned tram an extended visit to Chuff was gay decorated for th is one of the finest musical or aniaa- -''her amusements for the ehiidren. A booth Delimit and Adimining cities, and re- marriage of Miss Vera A., daugirte 61i1RIIlse Agent. g or refrethmenta will be a the grounds. b}tat all industries on tits of Mr. and MTs. Fred D6vis, of Bid tions in Western Ontareo and in par- Everybody welsome and bring your bsaket ede, in their new uniflarmts, present For sole. -A aix-,Dore frame cottage, msitu- Ame¢•ipasr aide are u�gain ranWfig at p h, to Mr. Mervin H. Elston, o del an exceptionally fine appearance, aced one block south and one monk wt of full papa0 tg.--Mr, arid Mrs. D. Shana- C -t' wliddh took place on Wed _ the FamandvUl Presbyterian churn. Tbia han and No%. Leo Fartltrte shave re- cottage an stds on hn]P an sere ofground: turned ,&mm a' lt,,abant visi,'t with p nesday, June 2211d. The bride enter od the church vrah he'r faR.', am Barbara Kirkman A xiliary.-The June .meeting of the Barbara Kirk- is electrie lighted. and bas hard and son, walar' and 6 in first-class condition. There Toronto friends. Miss Marie Jordan rat task her Ince beneath an arch o p ram Auxiliary •Lary was held On Tuesday are acv fruit trees, n vriety of email seeompamied them hnme.�Mr, and frPit sad a goad earn and henhopsa For Mrs. Armabron and 'Miss Rabertaon, further g sy and roses, from which wear, suspended a lea' Pen gee 'w'hi'te bell. Shy evening and proved a very interest- Ing one. Miss B. Campbell ve g g particulate apply on premises, fir to Mr. Thomas O'Loughlin, R. R. No. 8, Sea• of St. Marys, were recent guests at 'l'o'oked most charming in a •wedding very full and most internal forth P. O. 2843-t1 the home of Mr. crud Mm. Andrew gown of iTar'y satin and embroiderer elzaccat Che Provincial Council hell at Archibald. -'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas tuella veil caught up with omangi and Miss A. Bell gave a balk on Japan and showed many articles of Murof tilig MT ii Laird, Algoma, sere visit- Urbach -Stewart: A quiet but ting Mr. Mhrrluly's nwther, Mrs. Walt. blossoms. She ware a ow sage sage toque of orchids and valley fillies and cares interests from that country. Prayer pretty wedding was solemrlliz+ed •at Mvmtay and other friends here. It ed an, 'ivory Iyer book. The wed was taken by MTs. J. Sclater' and ithe First Presbyterian church Manse, 'by is thirty-eighrt years since Mr. Mur- ding maTch was played by Mnsf:Halwk Scripture lesson by Mss E. Mackay. Rev. F. H. Larkin, D.D., on Tuesday, Tory left Tn'ckersmich with his farther `27th, shaw, of Lucan. The ceremony was e During the service a pretty duet was June at 5.30 a.m., when Miss bo;r Algoma; opt 1,, still 'has many performed by Rev. Chas, 0. Pherrnill rendered the ]YIispr Murray and rendered Edna .Mise Stewart, second (laughter friends here who. w,rre pleased to see During the signing of the register and was much appreciated. of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stewart, of him again. -Mr, and Mrs. A. 'Hazen Miss Marlon Neil sang very sweet]} and with 'a full complement of Seeiforth, was united in marriage to and fami)y •knee spending the holidays "The Gorden of My Heart." The ash at Mr. D. Fell's'on Sundlay.-Mr. Arthur Mr. Elson Urbach, druggist of Chic with friends in, Sinrcoe.-Miss Jen- ers were Heber Davis and Fred Ela An Addition to the Queens. -Mr. town. Imlmediately after 'the cere- ]urns, of Toronto, Inas been engaged by 'bon. Followingthe ce'r'emony a re T. •Stephens this week started the mony the bridal party :said guests sat the Collegiate R40tute Borated, to fill ception was held sit the Thome of th( erection of a irart'ge, addirtion to the down to a dainty wedding breakfast thevacancy cru by the resigialkdon bride's parents. The groom's gift tc Queen's Hotel. The building will be at the 'home 'of the bride's parents, of Nlrsa Leung, oderns teacher.- the bride was a gold bar pin set witl 40x16, of brick, and one storey high, and afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Umbach Mir. John Tam who left for pearls; to the pianist and.soloist, gods and will be divided into two sample left on the early morning train far Cochrane,dhst spFing, has returned bar pins set with onyx and diamonds rooms, each having three large win- dows, two facing Main Toronto, Buffalo and Niagarra Falls, 'h'ere, and sintencL%, taking his family the bride travelling Mr, and Mrs. Distant deft by notch for Guelph on north street .in a navy blue and household effects to New Ontario and Midland. The bride and one in the rear. Although Mr, tricotine suit with sand hat and shortly. -Mr. E. Dineen has purchas- travelled in a navy trico:ti•ne suit with Stephens has a Large sample room in blouse, and carrying -a bouquet of red ed the residence of. Mss. E. McMurrav Chu black :hm't. his brick bLock, opposite the hotel, in 'roses. Both the bride and groan we in E andville. gqn ]1Qrs. McMu.,- in- _ y �, addition 20 those in the house, the well known and popular .member; of tends moving to Seafortll.-Yliss land toes and double soles, colors white, black, navy, grey, constantly increasing business at this ha., been him the younger set in Seaforth. On their Minnie Armsbrung, who has been at- t- return M.r. -and Mrs. Umbach: The Oakland mains popcrowding popular ,hotel will re. tending the Seafga'th Collegiate. left wards was presented wirbh a very fine for• some time, and the new addition side on Goderich Streot, west. on Thursday for ,her home in Tara. both fatir-cylinder, which leveraged a will relieve this. - - -Many f'itiends of Miss Bessie Me- GrandSweeps takes CHAALES.RAY Local Briefs, -There are 94 stud- Michael, of the Bank of Commerce Ontario Savings Office Opened.- eats uniting on the Entrance Exam- Staff,.will regret to -learn that she is Cup On Saturday morning, 24th inst., the inatiuns at the Collegiate institute seriously ill at her Thome in Harpur- local bramh of The Province of On- this weak. -The garden party under The Grand Sweepstakes Cup in Los tardc Savings Office was opened by the auspices of the Ladies of St. - - - - James' church, which wais advertised Angeles -Yosemite Economy contest, the highly prized trophy in this na. Mr. J. M. Govenlock, �M.P:P., for South Huron. Mr. Grvenlock turned the NOW PLAYING for Tuestlzty evening, had to be post- d'orsal'ly known yearly event, has been key iin the door and made the first poned owing to the rain. -The Twelth Lionel Barrymore awarded :to the Oakland 6-44, which 'the deposit which was taken by the Man- of .July is to be eelelviated in Seaforth - sc >red ]vgffimt average in the ailer, Mr. J. M. McMillan. The Mayor this year, and the local Orangemen guard todal of points. Oakland not and members of the town council, as are making big prepwrations for the iri only wron the grand sweepstlakes cuu well as is large r g representation of day. -Mer, and Mrs. E. C. CliambeI— Lain are spending their holidays with Boomerang Bill for all five classes, bust also the cu p for the class in which it was entered. citizens from the town and country, were present. For the present, the Clifford friends. -Mr, Ray Carpenter, Oakland's ton mileage average for office will be open to the ubllc fram P of ne Bank of Comm'er'ce, Dresden, -A Picture- the the 360 miles from Las Angeles to g 9.30 a.m, to 5 .p m. daily, except Wed- spent the week end a2 the home of Camp Curry was' 49.37. nesdmy afternoons w1hen it will close his uncle, Mr. G. A. Sills. -Mr. Earl He had won his name in a thou- Tom mi'leiage, its obtained by dividing at 12.30. The office will also be. opera Chesney, of Toronto, is spending his 04nd fightsbeciause ,fie always came the grass weight of the car in tons Saturday evenings from 7 to 9. - holidays wi6h this mother, Mrs. G. M. back for more! Chesney. -Mfrs. Snell and daughter, Bu't there came a day when .he quit by 360, the d'is'tlance travelled, and dividing by the number of gallons of Interesting Interestin Court Case. -The 'Clin- Miss Mlargaret, of Toronto, are spend- dead cold -and that was the biggestgasoline consumed. The gross weight g• • g g ton New Era of last weeks says:- ing the hrolidays with friends in Sea- fight of his, life! forth and vicinity. -Mr. W. Mains, of A soul starring story of a bad man's includes the full load of passengers, •th6r .baggage, the full gasoline tank "The case at Goderich Last week of Bert Illamilbon, was .a week, end guest at hove that was, finer ithan• any king's. and spare tires as well as the weight Fitzsimons vs. Johnson and the 'home of Mr. H. Edge. -Miss Alira A member of A 'cis Haremost of the car. -- arcdlrb d Walton was finished Thursdmy after- Archibald is visiting WWI Toronto theatrical family, , t o tis no finer Sixteen cars . made this run and .t .tura,-tive noon when the jury decided that their was no malice on the part of the de- fraerixls.-Miss. .Mary Edmonds, of , interpreter of eharactea'.rcles on stage thundered into such shine and mud in fir fendmnt. The Judge assessed the casts Agincourt, is spending the holidays 'at her hoaue here. -Miss Sadrie Hol- or shreen than Mr. i3aaayrrvore. - -_ a heavy radn�sRfomn which fell over Yosemite Valley that the officials de - ,VERY SPECIAL VALUE on 'Mer. Fitzsimons. Baau•nster J. M. Best, of SeaEarth, for the defence, is !ran, of Toronto, was visiting friendscided ill town this week. -Miss Ella Ryan, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to call the ev t off„ but the drivers insiste3 on the -Tun being fin - STRATFORD, ONT. reported to leave made the finest ad- dress to the jury that has been heard of Stratford, and Muss Anna Woods, of Toronto, the VIOLA .DANA fished. Mud and miourtryla ns combined 'hinder WINTER TERM FROM in this section for •many year's, and are spending holi- days at the homeof Mrs. T. McFall- in the Metro Comedy to the contest, which, was prim - arily to srhow economical mil Nage and JANUARY 3rd. stamps him as the man Por higher Position." Considerable interest was den, -Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stewart,of 'G,adshill, THERE ARE NO VILLAINS end'uilance under average touring Western Ontario's beat Com-* taken thmughout the County in the and Mils. Dr. Thompson werespeed, guests of Miss Hazel Thompson field. The Ipalpit in Fi�•t �Presbytem- slain ldhrtma will be ocowpied Mrc, Gilmrorce, Of Ri let drtrin' the � and with 'a full complement of mercial School milk Commer- clad, Shorthand and Telegraphy resubt of this ossa. Two Police Magi- stra'teg, Mr. Raid, of Goderich, and at Mr. D. Fell's'on Sundlay.-Mr. Arthur Prin cess In In winning the cup ire its Own class, departments. We give indrvd- I Mr. Andrews, of Clinton, and the Po•rterfreld, of Byron, Michigan, spent the week end at the home of his :par- signs. Price, $1.50 to $9. oompelted with six -cylinder cams ranging 'in price ftp to two thbu- ual instruction, hence Entre anee" standing is not neces- Cmwn Attorney, Mir. Seager, were witnesrses in the case. eats here. -The business places in Sear sand more'thlan its price. There were sary., Graduates assisted to garment is a little better than you'd expect at forth will be open all day on Wednes- the price. 90c to $5.00. six cans in thus class. pasitions: Get our free cata- logue for rates and other par s- Farewell to Capt. Edwards. - On day, July 12th. There will be no half 'holiday that day. --Mr. D. L. Hander- Strand,land American Wine. In addlt on bo its ,reeards, the Oak- . Tuesday evening last the Junior and son, of Chicago, is visilting at the car.m'ade an average of 29.38 D. A. McLachlan„ Senior Leagues farewedled their pae- tor, Rev. Capt. E. W. Edwards, who home offids 'sister, Mrs. W. R. Smith,miles -Miss Helen Dickson, -of Toronto, is -'a and Children Lightweight Wood Summer Underwear .................. ........... ......All Sizes. to the gallon of glasoline, which was the highest mileage of any six - Principal. go>cs tia Lisbowei on Thursday this spending a week with her mother, Monday, Tuesday„ Wednesday cylinder car and was only exceeded land toes and double soles, colors white, black, navy, grey, week. Doming the service Capt, Ed- Mrs. Arl¢m Dickson, before ricking a NECKWEAR by two others ciars in the contest, i . = novelties have tak- wards was presented wirbh a very fine summer course at school. -Mr. James Look Who's Here both fatir-cylinder, which leveraged a ?, y `' Crepe, Organdie, Pique and Soft gold Watch from -the oombiherl Senior and Jvm:iar LeJagues together with an Gilloviile, of Toronto, is spending theenaction ltolidmys with his M CHAALES.RAY of a mile per gallon Ware thl h k] A 7 �entYnlW', 1�y� �,a��y '.. l F ` ,1r+gVr,,NNi�t .1 t .��I 1 1, 'r 0,-1£'"",' �. l sil''and t end by . JiIIenl Girls! DON'T BE "LONESOME We pct you in correspondence 'address especi'aRy k ppleciative of ,his kind and fmithfu'l sier•vices with the Mrs. Neil Gillespie: Mrs. J. R. Hb_ in one of his comedy classics kirk was visiting with HenWall friends 1 " 8 AND �PvYLLIS" t a Oa and. Not a niechlarllcal adjustment was made :to the Oakllamd on this trip and .t .tura,-tive with TMEN'OH GIRIA rHAWA- Yu4V rERMAI+t; AMERICAN, young y f g people. On Freda o last week the Adult Bible G11sss rest their teacher and Patrtar at the of last week thMise Elizabeth. her Smith, who Itis been the gusset •ef her sister, Mea. -A First National- Attraction- W. E. Krerslake left examination showed no oil' used dem•- ing dile run to Camp Curry and bleak 'Only ° UNDERSKIRTS ttuw,v'ADi,Aid etc., of both sex- eta Who -are refined ckarm- 11111,c;to correspond for .home MT. T, Rands, and rafter .spending a ED laoror, preseMietl Capt. Edwards on Sakurday f»a Il� flaimly spdrkfes i4th'joyous fun New York. -Mr, and, Mrs. Jam ea,and skglarkrng, Pringle and Miss Mawgiaret Pringle, -a- 1L1sRlance of 720 miles. two pintsrof winter were needed, r I_ The awards were rdade- at Came: ,VERY SPECIAL VALUE r Sih enta or marriage, if suit- width a gold headed -umbrella and gold -ALSO - of Milwaukee, were guests at the Cnrty by Mrs..D: A curry, iaC i Striking creations that have all the kinks 4i R iFR CORRTr.SPOND- . , $1 per year; 4 f,trisly8(t�1 incly Iu,4 tie pin. Mea Edwards ada4o reaceived a Petry hands.wne ld't of soarmeived Silver from. her Philaatlhea Class of `MY"eduresdav home of Mrs. J. •H, BmadRoot this Mack Sennett's 2 Reel Comedy week. --Mea. T. Grieve, of E THE DUCK IIVNTERS" g'n1D�- We show a First Nsllianal Attraction vrille, had the mlisfort ire to fall And presence of a throaug bf flt 0 bllsri 1,000 indludii i otNcbbi b4 title �' ._4. Tkis day i$ JA?»N •Tl�arg rn8lita�- i (: t I'HfYPtYS at lace or fox doll the Sunday School ran last. The W. M. S. also presented Mrs. break her 'wrist on Monday fast.-FvmMonrpay, Tueoday, Wednesday Dr. F. H. Larkin (and family mire ALL SEATS ib CENTS 'Car ed in r4Uft la, by "the Mo6ar Campo' oi"•Cittni �ited; a BEAUTIFUL WAISTS .ratite Edwmrds wrath an electric y,nrnll and a apefiding u montrh's'holialays in Bay- 8.80 p.tn: girhsid�soty.ad GOrte)k111gibr8 a1.�'sYt> n,s FL$i&1SiNCll11 ISPII.L r G 6$ite',:$tcr h1iu ; silver sasses ale on Monday evening. WhvYe C>atpd to of er and kis family 3i�ave ptusatad to rotltlea' fields of, 9albror, field. The Ipalpit in Fi�•t �Presbytem- slain ldhrtma will be ocowpied Mrc, Gilmrorce, Of Ri let drtrin' the � 8d8,•tl/r t.# u `: . �r,t Cr+•14�rIiC S 41tery P8 gtsoa9 iwitlh the very best 1 nit bwln b5iandtr�s,--1D7tc, an'd 71�, AL N { ' c Y; k Atiti t AS it eL ORTH A 7 �entYnlW', 1�y� �,a��y '.. l F ` ,1r+gVr,,NNi�t .1 t .��I 1 1, 'r 0,-1£'"",' �. l sil''and t end by . the tf maul rderH {, Or> rl �y�1''C0T$.Ir h ,l - . ..1 LET US HE We have many New Things you wO;= _ � 3'rr • v � r, ' 4 J .t .tura,-tive .1 �►pecials I 1 SHADOW PROOF ° UNDERSKIRTS For Summer. Y � A Necessity With Wash.Dresses You need one beneath your Voile or Organdy Dress . ,VERY SPECIAL VALUE a _ AT $2.00 EACH HANDSOME DRESSES i Striking creations that have all the kinks of the latest fashion dictates. They are so very neat and effectively designed that you'll like them. Price, $1.65 to $35. BEAUTIFUL WAISTS White Lingerie and Silks, artistically tail- ored with laces and embroidery. A wide range to choose from. `- $1.50 to $12.00 WASH SKIRTS Rich fabrics, delightfully tailored into models of the latest styles and modish de- signs. Price, $1.50 to $9. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES A dandy lisle awaits your inspection. Every I garment is a little better than you'd expect at 1'at the price. 90c to $5.00. CORSETS j The foundation of the best figures -the se- cret of the best fitting gowns. The new long hips, low waisted models must be perfect to set properly. We take special pains in fitting you. Prices are $1.00 to $6.00. r Undergarments to keep yourselves arrd Children Cool hard Comfortable. Keep the heavy weight underwear you have for next fall and buy garments that are suitable for now. You can get everything you need in Underwear right in tbis Store. Women's Knitted Cotton Vests and Drawers ...... 30C to $1.50 Women's. Knitted Cotton Comlbina'tions . , ........ $1.00 to: $1.75 Children's Knitted Cotton Vests and rDmawens........ All Sizes. Women -'a and Children Lightweight Wood Summer Underwear .................. ........... ......All Sizes. White Muslin, Underwear -Skirts, Cosset Covers, Night Gowns, Drawers ......................Full Stock Ladies' Fibre Silk Hose, lisle top, extria, spliced heels and toes, double sole, colors black, white, grey, sky, navy and dark brown, 'Size 9 to 10, at per pair ..............50c to $1.25 IJadies',Pure Thread Salk hose, lisle getter top, extraspliced heel's land toes and double soles, colors white, black, navy, grey, brown, gold and chanipalgne.:Sizes 8% R,o 10. Praia' $1.25 -to, $3. Irresistible Bits of NECKWEAR The new Neckwear i . = novelties have tak- en many pleasing shapes that give graceful lines t o i suits and dresses. The fabrics` are Silk ?, y `' Crepe, Organdie, Pique and Soft / Wash Satins. �t L` ' PRICES 25c to $3 J, iM1 Acta h alts i t , t 91s•_,y„ #F� ''.. ,.., ",�, -.":. l� 5t; V :).7 :,,5 l tiF�i > ;, - , 4 i ..:. f.; i f•� '- ' ..- u.. ., � Fr 1'�' F 7.Mlr�r'..1+ [ •'r{r .^1 f r+'.., i'ti r...N. , d ,.. "•#: •q �y, }l ' ',u:l.`El`c'CIG.Fhert�l�'75r 4Y:�lw:a_;c,J,.4t'k M:�+'`.,:._..�r, a:x `.� r.4,.: r+�,• -..; �� ..:,.�A � . ..,� �.: ,+4 .-:L:'. .Ga•on,sr: �alll^1.;.Li°47Lr 1.9+eLe5;. ` .�''�... .. ._.. ,. •,b.,,._.,..lf, l