The Huron Expositor, 1922-06-16, Page 3ti.
I' 1 L
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.m,'.,.,•.,•I•a 4'''SPC4 dtlaiv flog �i ;' , �' "` ° 1, •' an
1 ealsts;
Klee*a'{rC: reason@ble, VI' �tl�R� '� �� u
agreement Vette 'Mee With, Mr. are (lQ ' fir. Rower end It
Beelleatoa of Gashed ;Bends relee . felt 1711 It 'ie An potblxne
the «$2$y is to be'lniven the privilege: `time •so ae Y ofthe old
'for' Oen years of taking gravel'fmm, wooden brid$ei fid e41verts, which
the lake shore for ebbe earn of $200, hove ao long II?t' A menace to ente-
nte Eccleston 'agreeing to Baer a co- fie' and a scares' et' continual expense
anent road' from 'au near the w'ater's ;for mainitenpnagt:,''Q'lees and specifl-
edge on the west along the atreete cations Brave 'beele prepared for the
ave far east 's Boseenberry'a hotel, teeonstruchien igen large number of
or further if eumeient'funds are forth these, but no inetebraets have 'been
coming; no money' to be paid; by the awa'ided.'Q"(,
County until the cement road is tam- Ata estimate ' (fiche, requirements
Meted. for 1922 of the County Rued System
iia as follows:
leridge and culvert construc-
Ditching, widenieg- and hill
cutting a • • • • • 15,000
Repairs •to 'bridges and cult
, verts ,.. • • ....... 8,000
Resurfacing 110,000
Oiling 3,000
1 )ragging 4,000
Snow roads ' 800
Machinery and repoirs 4,000
Special grants 5,000
Superintendence ..... 4,000
SEAFORTH BRANCH R. M. JONES, Manager. Re claim of William Tait for col- Garvey'a bridge, recommend
Re claim of G. A. Glenn for acci-
dent to ear on London Read, north
" of Hensal•1, reeomnilend no action.
Ilse matter of advisory agricultural Re 'letter a Joseph Riley, 'asking
council as laid over from the January expenses for accidento to self on
session, we recommend •a committee tractor in the spring of 1921, :we re -
of five members be appointed, com- commend payment of $100 for the
Dosed of the following: • J. F. John- same•
elan, representing the county council; Re aceounts from West- Wawanosh
Oliver Turnbull, Brussels President for three municipal drains, -arneunt-
Huron County Breeders' Association; •ing to $709.90, we recommend pay -
E. Johnston, Gorrierepresenting bite mens when the work is completed ac-
Junibr Farmers' improvement As- cording to plans and specifications.
soeiation; W. H. Lobb, .representing Re Engineer's Report, we recom-
Dairying; Stephen Hoggarth, repre- trend the same be adopted with the
senting Horticulture.exception of the amount required for
We recommend the committee be resurfacing, wheoh we would reduce
paid $4 each per day and mileage, by $10,000.
meetings to be called by the chajr- We reeemrtend an assessment of
man. two mills for good roads purposes be
Re resolution of Oxford County, re made to raise the sum of $85,002.80
road superintendents, we recommend for the whale County.
no action. We recommend that the grant to
Re recommendation from Water- Goderich be $26,000; 'Wingham, $50,-
loo County, we reconmmnd no action. 000, and Clinton, $1,500. We further
Re request of H. J. A. McEwen, recommend that the Warden he auth-
asking for a Memorial to the Pro- orized to enter into agreements with
veinal Government requesting the - the towns of Wingham, Goderidh, Olin -
taking over the Lake Road on the ten and the village of Hensel], pro -
west of the county as a: Provincial viding for grants under sub -section
llighway, we recommend no action.— 7, of section 5, of the Highways Im-
B. W. F. Beavers, Chairman, provement Act, as follows:
Finance Committee: That an annual grant of $6,766 be
made to the town of Wingiham for
The Finance Committee reported as ten years and u special annual levy
follows: of 6.5 mills, or $3,940.16, be raised
Re Auditors' Report, we recommend for ten years.
That an annual grant of $3,055 be
made to the village of Hensall for
ten years, and a special annual levy
of 71a mills, or $1,8'78, be raised for
That an annual grant of $3,449.42
be made to the town of Godericb and
a special levy of 11, mills, or
$1,778.25, be raised for ten years.
That a grant oPr' $1,500 be grade to
the town of Clinton and a special
levy of Pa mills be raised this year.
Re oiling roads in the village of
Blyth and Bayfield, we recommend
the same regulations as apply to
police villages, that the village pay
40 per cent, of the cost.—B. W. F.
Beavers, Chairman.
Continued from page 2.
be the Good Roads Convention.
Mr, McNabb safe there was great
divergence of opinion regarding the
different phases of good roads con-
struction, but that could be expected.
On the whole, he maid, there was
much valuable discussion, but he
thought :the convention 'was not as
good as previous ones.
The Good Roads Commission report
was read with Mr. K•lopp in the chair.
The report was adopted as road.
The Finance Committee report was
taken up •with Mr. Miller in the
chair. The report was adopted.
The report of the House of Refuge
Com}✓iaittee was taken up with Mr.
Porter in the dhair. The report was
Mr. Seager, on request of the War-
den, went very fully into the duties
and perquisites of Police Magistrates.
Moved by Messrs. Tipling and
Dodds, that the Warden and Clerk
investigate the /natter of the response
batty of the county regarding the,
different officials in the Court House,
as to payment of office ..expenses and
providing an office, etc., and report at
next meeting of council-- iCarried.
Moved by Messrs. Douglas end Nay-
lor that the Warden, Clerk and Mr. that • the report be received and print -
Erwin be a committee to arrange ed in the minutes. With reference
programme for the county council to clause auditing quarterly, we do
picnic at Bayfield, on June 23rd.— not concur in the recommendation.
Carried. Re A•lexandrie for school keep of
Moved by Messrs. Parke and Neeb Donald McDonald, we recommend that
that this council recommend the En-' the Clerk look into the matter of
ginger look into the proposition of bow long they have been residents,
!having sharp turns and joge in
County Road, straightend out on
same and bring in •a report of the
estimated cost at the December meet-
Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Doug-
las that the Warden and Reeves
Robertson and Moser be a committee
to arrange for securing a room, or
office, in Goderic'h municipal building
for the Juvenile Court Judge, and
that the •present office occupied by
Mr. Reid and G. W. Elliott, be vacat-
Moved by Messrs. Armstrong and
Hanley that the special levies as per
the Special Committee's Report of
January, 1921, appointed to equalize
the highway levies and expenditures
of the county be levied this year.
Moved in amendment by Messrs.
Robertson and Moser that there be
no special levies upon municipalities
for 1922, as proposed by Committee
Report of January, 1921. The motion
carried. e
After singing the Nation Anthem,
the Council :adjourned to meet the
first Tuesday in December at 2.30 p.m.
Reports of Committees:
Roads and Bridges.
The report of the Road and Bridge
Committee was as follows:
Re account of repairing and gravel-
ling approaches of Gregg's Bridge in
the township of McKillop and Morris,
amounting to $25.65, we recommend
that this be paid.
We further recamimend that repairs
of minor importance 'to County
Bridges and their approadhes be at-
tended to by the County Engineer,
and that the engineer be hereby in-
structed to have these repairs ,made
as soon as possible.—A. H. Neeb,
House of Refuge. -
The House of Refuge Committee
reported as follows: ,
Re report from Provincial Inspector
of the Gounty House of Refuge, we
recommend that the report be ac-
cepted. We further recomnnend that
the Provincial Inspector advise our
Inspector, Mr. Torrance, to be present
at the County Home at any of his
inspections in the future, which will
enable shin to makea more definite
We recommend that Mr. Torrance
be impawered to clear up the Mc-
Donald affairs, also that with Mr.
Bredone have the Hutchinson estate
settled up and have the property sold
as soon as posailale.
We recommend that Reeve Robert-
son sell this property.—W. J. Spotton,
County Property.
The County Property report was as
We visited the 'Children's Shelter
and found five children in all and
and also the ,ages.
We recommend the printing account
be referred to the Clerk and Treasur-
er to be compared with tender before
payment is made.
We would recommend in buying
supplies for county offices that a lit-
tle economy be used by those pur-
chasing stationery, etc.
We recommend that clauses 5 and
6, in the Auditors' Report, be adhered
In order to raise the sum neces-
sary far county purposes, we recom-
mend that a rate of 3 mills on the
dollar be levied on the equalized
assessments of the county, and that
a by-law be passed giving effect to
the same.—W, H. Coates, Chairman.
Executive Committee.
TheExecutive Committee reported
as follows:
Re motion of Douglas and Naylor
re grant to Women's Institutes, we
recommend that same be made.
Re motion of McNabb and Naylor,
re House of Refuge officials' salaries,
we •recommend that the motion be
Re motion of Hanley and Miller, re
grant to Varna :Public Library, we
recommend grant be made.
Re motion of Parke end Armstrong,
re Seaforth Hospite], we recommend
that a. grant of $750 be given.
Re grant to London Memorial Hos-
pital, we recommend a grant of $500
be made.
Re request of Mr. Griffin for in-
crease •in salary, we recommend no
Re motion of Johnston and Ingles,
re grant to Trustees' Association, we
recommend grant be made, and that
the expenses of Mr. Laing and Mr.
Shillinglaw be also paid.
Re motion of Miller and Hanley
far $100 additional grant to Clinton
Spring Fair, we recommend that a
grant of $50 be made.—John Douglas,
Good Roads Commission -
The Good Roads Commission re-
porbed as follows:
The Committee :met at Clinton on
May 4th; -to consider the general plan
of work for the year.
A ,letter to the Chairman, from the
Clerk of Ashfield, asking that some
resurfacing be put on concessions 4
and 5 and 8 and 9, as nothing had
been done on these roads since they
were taken into the Good Roads"Sys-
tem, we recommend some work be
done there if funds are available,
The Committee decided to oil cer-
tain sections of county roads passing
through villages, where villages srtade
application end agreed to pay 40 per
cent. of the cost of the oil. The cost
of applying the roam oil with the dis-
tributor was about half the cost of
last year, besides the oil was spread
more evenly and a more satisfactory
Education Committee:
The Education Committee reported
as follows:
That the resignation of H. G. Mac-
Donell be accepted and that we re-
commend the appointment of Charles
Robertson to fill the vacancy as
o n Goderich Collegiate Institute
Wealso recommend that correspon-
dence, re Parkhill Board of Education
be referred back to same Board, as
we consider same not 'properly filled
We also recommend the appoint-
ment of the Warden as delegate to
Toronto on July 5th and 6th, to at-
tend conference, re secondary school
education, as our representative as
requested by Hon. R. H. Grant, Min-
ister of Education.—Alex. Smith,
County Engineer.
After an unusually severe spring
as affecting the roads, I am pleased
to report that most of the County
Highways are in as good condition as
can be expected. It is not possible
to maintain the roads as they exist
at present in suit a condition that
they will not became rutted and
muddy during a season in the spring,
but considering that this season pre-
vails for only a few weeks each
year, and that comparatively little
traffic uses the roads et that time,
the extra cost of constructing a road
that will withstand all conditions of
weather and temperature is not as
yet felt to be justified. An effort is
made, 'however, to :have 'all roads
trimmed and planed so that they are
in 8 smooth condition for the remain-
der of the year, when the traffic is
heavy and a smooth read is demand-
It is found that our roads construct-
ed of crushed gravel ‘are much more
efficient and withstand the wear of
traffic and the effects of the elements
niece better than ordinary gravels.
This is due to the interlocking tend-
ency of the angular particles of
which the crushed material is com-
posed, to•gcther with the excellent
binding effect secured by the stone
dust. :and screenings. Mor ver, a
muddy surface is not :produced dur-
ing wet weather as is the case when
the bonding material contains an ex-
cess of clay- Considering further
that the surface of the crushed gravel
road is composed of such material
as may be dragged smooth, the con-
jobin made. elintion is reached that such roads
everything :good order. We were The Committee met at Blyth on are much to be preferred for modern
pleased tosee :a piano in the Shelter, May 17th- It 'was decided to buy a traffic, to the water bound Macs -
a gift of Mr. McKay, of Godericb, ear of B. C. fir foe bridge flooring at dam, which le so difficult to maintain
We recomrruend new steps and repairs Wingham and Wroxeter. under heavy mein traffic without a
to •the roof of the Shelter, and also The matter of hedge fences was surface treatment of bituminous osa-
100 'feet of one-half inch hose. discussed and was left with the En- terials.
We visited the Jail and found every st terms On this account an attempt is be-
ing made to have our six crushing
plants running continuously through-
out the season, if possible, as themateria:] can most usually he placed
mt tlhe road at a much lower price
per yard than ordinary gravel, and
the superior road secured makes it '
desirable that as much crushed :gravel
should he produced as our equipment
'will handle -
A great deal of satisfaction in
many respects is derived from the
gravel pits purchased ay the County,
and sernrdint;ly three more pits have
been purdhaead' this year—one in
Howiek, one in Grey, and one in Os-
borne. The County now own seven
caved its
gmert to make the bepose
(thing neat and clean with one prts-
otter in the jail, and we recommend- sib le for removal where n sneer Pat -
The CAmnnitten, with Engineer Pat -
that he Ise removed to the House of
We recomhnend 100 feet of one-half
inch hose be purohased for the Reg- been repaired and resurfaced. We
istry Office. been
of the general plan of wid-
e_ examined the Court House and ening the roads, clearing .the water
recommend somre
e paiaas
be madeto , courses, placing fine gravel at the
the furnace and 120 feet of one half edges of the road to be drawn in by
finch hose be ipvrehased. a drag or small grader when awes -
tenon and Mr. Irwin, of the Tiles -
ways Department, Toronto, made a
survey of some of the roads that have
We recommend a new flag be par- sere and of making the approaches
to bridges wider, so as to snake travel
safer. We believe the crushed stone
or gravel is making a superior road
to the uncrushed, gravel, being more
uniform and responding better to the
use of the drag.
A number of culverts :and small
bridges shave been deft during tike
past year • an mneatktBadtwry state
chased for the Count House.
Re motion of Douglas and Tipling,
Mee recommend no action at present.
• Wle recommend that the phones in
the Clerks, Sheriff's, County En-
gineer's and Police Magistnalbe a office
be placed on single circuit as foumer-
ty.— 0ent McNabb, Chairman.
Anticipated subsidy from
the Provincial Gov. 80,000
Balance $93,800
Auditors' Report.
The report of the G+unt Auditors
was as follows:
Credit balance in banks,
January lst, 1921 •5111,732.74
Administration of Justir•• 9,08L48
Schools 43,969.72
County rates
Land tax
Canada Temperance
M iseell•aneous
Registry Office
Sale of odd plank
From Good Roads
Jury fund
Huron County Home
Total Receipts $788,725.92
Administration of Justice$11,939.62
Schools 85,344.94
Huron County Hanle 16,116.02•
County Property 3,568.22
Municipal Government 9,404.25
Goal 3,518.68
Printing, postage and sta-
Reads and bridges
School management
Mothers' Allowance
Good Roads
Debentures redeemed .. .. 39,000.00
Coupons and interest on
loans 21,795.41
Notes retired 350,000.00
Land tax 259.35
Jury fund 29.80
8 p •
Since the County of Huron assum-
ed the present system of Highways,
Special Committee. a great deal of maintenance work Cash in Bank
The Special committee reported as of repair account of high costs, has been done on the old bridges and
tulle : and this year It is necessary 'that culverts of the county, with a view Total
Total Expenditure ...$741,345.61
Total receipts. $788,725.92
Total expenditures... 741,345.61
Credit balance. $47,380.31
Outstanding cheques. 9,141A1
Cash in Bank $56,521.72
Huron County Home.
Expenditures $16,116.02
Receipts 7,159.05
Deficit $8,956.97
Credit balance in Bank
Unpaid county rates—•
Clinton 3,969.52
Goderich 8,251.08
Howick 3,000.00
Ilul'lett 4,911.80
Mortgages 16,360.00
Hay debentures 6,178.70
West Wawanosh deben1,765.28
Government subsidy for
Good Roads 84,036.64
Back interest on Mortgage
'No. 8 1,570.55
No. 28 200.25
No- 2 210.00
No. 3 240.00
Total Assets $4.78,080.13
The Debenture ledebtedness of the
Oounty of Huron it 'as follows:1
Per By-law No. 2, 1909, for 'bridge
debentures, $20,000, payable in 20
years at 4 per cent., half yearly. No
payments made-- $20,000.00.
Per By-law N.,. 0, 1915, for $60,000
for patriotic purposes for 10 years at'
5 per cent. inter, -at, payable half
yearly. On thi- Debenture $37,000
has been paid, Laving a balance of
Per Byelaw No 6, for $60,000 f u•
patriotic purpos' • for 'ten years at
5 per cent. int''•st, payable half
yearly. On this debenture 411,004)
has been paid, wing a balance of
Per By-law N • 2, 1917, far $120,-
120;000 for pi -Arlon,. purposes for ten
year§ at. 5.per ..t. interest, :payable
half yearly. On his debenture $35,-
500 has been pie, leaving a balance
of 484,60090.
Per By-law N•' 2, 1918,.for $96,000
for patrioticpnrpnses, payable in 5,
10 and 15 year- .11 5/ per cent., in-
terest: payable '.:.''E yearly. On this
debenture $7,000 has been paid,,leav-
ing a balance of .$89,000.00.
Total Debt of t' e County of Huron,
The equalized .assessment of the
County of Huron. as set for equaliza-
tion purposes, is 542,501,400.
Sinking Fund.
The Sinking Fund of the County of
Huron is 472,443 25, made up its fol-
Morbgage No. 1 32.100.00
Mortgage No. 2
Mortgage No. 3
Mortgage No. 4
Mortgage No. 3
Mortgage No. 2'
Hay Debentures . 6,178.70
West Wawanosh Deben-
tures 1,765.28
�tfirlHY'� 1t17it�'l.. .2, r°�nfik^r T ati
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Many people have discovered that 2 in .1 - Shoe Polishes are
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For the Pest List of New Uses for 2 in 1, We are Awarding Cash Prizes as Follows!
1st award $500.00—for the most acceptable list 20 Prizes of $15,00—for the next twenty
2nd " 300.00—for next best list 50 5.00—for the next fifty
3rd " 200.00—for third best list 50 " " 2.00—for the next fifty
10 FE:es of 25.00—for the next ten 100 " " 1.00—for the next 100 lists
Try to find new uses for any of the 2 in 1 Shoe Polishes, either black, tan, oxblood, or brown
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Write on one side of paper only. List uses according to colors.
Awards will be made according to decision of special committee,
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submitted to become our property. Address: 1411
Prize Editor,
Saa,�,,pv�sYo i
i.;u. Nxi hti3-s ffirr:.T.,..h,.;.c�Mt'i.?•,,.art-'. . i � '. ~Z.''.,.;t • n:iA". Uiii; ,Fn,'Xiigf.' :2'.
Beautiful Minaki
The wealth of that vast stretch of country in Northern Ontario. reaching over 750 miles from the boundary of the
Province of Quebec on thr east, to Manitoba on the west, and north from the Great Lakes to the pathless regions of James
Bay, is not confined to its minerals, its timber or its ,lay lands,
This country has matchless stretches, well worded and watered by chains of charming lakes and rivers, where game
fish are abundant and where the deer, the moose, and Nark hear freely roam. Civilization is gradually pushing the
frontier bath, and in the process creating new summer resorts farther and farther from the active centres of commerce,
where the tourist breaks his journey for a few days on his "Across Canada" tour, and the holiday seeker spends his
vacation. Thus the country capitalizes its scenery and sells it to the tourist.
Minaki, which derives its name from the Indian (Mee -Naw -Kee), meaning "Beautiful Country." Leone of the beauty
spots in this region. Minaki Station, on the Transcontinental line of the Canadian National Railways, is situated 114
miles east of Winnipeg, on the Winnipeg River, one of the great rivers of the North that drains the Lake of the Woods
chain of waterways into lake Winnipeg.
Minaki inn, a modern summer .hotel, is located in a beautiful park overlooking Sand Bay, and daring the pest fes
years many summer homes and clubs have been built in the vicinity, making a large summer colony,
Minaki is historic ground, as it was by wpy of Winnipeg River that Wolseley made his say to wasters Caesar
half a century ago, to auell the first Riel rising. '