The Huron Expositor, 1922-06-16, Page 2DNBET'RDOFS ET PAROID ROOFING NEPONSIT TWIN SHINGLES 'Alli Itlucg11 ! �� � Dllliilil --'-•=�-..r Zvi _-cw�• ,,� ,ii1i'�'il HE R. E is a shingle that meets every requirement for roofing- homes. It is thoroughly we.itlier-proof, being made of the same materials as the famous Paroid Roofing. NERINSET TWIN SHINGLES They are more attractive In appearance than slate; they are, durable and fire -resisting; they are easy to lay and most economical in price. They are suitable for all residences. And you have your choice of two permanent colors. RED or GREEN -Slate Surfaced Nee..tet Paro:d Roofing Is recommended for fares buildings and factories. Sold by Lumber and Hardware Dealers. Green and Red Shingles, per square $7.50 Slate Covered Heavy Roofing, per square $3.60 Other Roofings, per square $2.00 UP Roofing Paint, per gallon $1.25 SEWER PIPE Sewer Pipe or Glazed Tile is the proper conveyance for Loose drains where there is a possibility of roots blocking the sewerage. 'Four- . inch sewer pipe, per foot 25c If building .get our Bulk Prices on Lime, Parietone, Gypna, Plaster Board and Building Materials. Geo. A. Sills & Sons The Question of Price Price seems the main consideration -but it is well to remember that some clothes are dear at any price, how- ever low. "Clothes of Quality" are a positive proof that Correct Styles, Fine Fabrics and First-class Tailoring can be ob- tained at reasonable (prices. Before you 'buy your new Suit, give us a call and look over our Samples and Styles. We can save you dollars and give you real value. Suits $20 Up at "My Wardrobe" Main S,t. Seaforth =■-0=■-•=11_11 esftaiusttf 31of el TORONTO The Only Hotel of its bind in Canada Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- ience. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.60 ; double room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, 50e. to 76c. Luncheon, 65e. Dinner, $1.00. Free taxi ,w -vice from train. and bones. Take Black and Matte Taxis only. Writs for booklet 240 JARVIS STREET - - TORONTO, ONT. THP, COUNTY. Cp.V TCIL The tCouncil miet in the Counei'i Chamber of the Court House, Gode- rich, oa Tuesday, June 61%, at 8 pm., pursuant to adjournment in January. Walden Trewarblra occupied the ohair. The roll was called and all the members were present. The Warden addressed the Council re the matters to come before the Conn -ii at *is meeting. The resignation of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, from the positions of Man- ager and Matron of the House of Refuge, was to be regretted, and the appointment of successors would en- gage the attention of the Council. The ether matters as to delegations that would be present and engage the attention of the Council. The question of whether the High- way System should be a county sys- tem as a whole or remain as at present a party system, or part town- ship and part county. The :position. of the county finan- cially would be discussed under the auditors' report. The question of amending the Hawker's By-law to bring it up to date. In conclusion he bespoke the sante co-operation of the Council this sea- son as in the January session. The following communications were read and referred to the several committees of counoil: 'From Parkhill Beard of Education re Huron's share of high sehool main- tenance 'fur 1921. -Referred to Edu- cation Committee. 'From the Clerk of West Waw- anosh including account re iiuron's :hare of certain drains. -Referred to Good Roads Commission. From t)le Reeve of McKillop, re expenditures of that tewnelhip on re- surfacing approaches to certain coun- ty bridgee.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. From Judge E. N. Lewis, request- ing the Council to place a lounge in This office. -,Referred to County Pro- perty Committee. From Treasurer of Wingham Hos- pital Beard, including copy of the latest Government report. -Filed. From W. W. Dunlop, Inspector of Pritaons, suggesting certain' changes and improvements. - 'Referred to County Property Coananktee. Correspondence .including letters faom Major Lawless, London; Lieut. Col. Combe, H. C. McLean and W. Brydone, re the matter of the dispos- al of and location of the 161st Bat- talion Band instruments. -Referred to County Property Committee. From Hon. R. H. Grant, Minister of Education, re a conference of the county representatives at Permito, with reference to educational mat- ters. -Referred to Education Com- mittee. Resolution of the County of Water- loo, asking the Government to assume the whole cost of Provincial High- ways -Referred to Special Committee. 'From W. A. McLean, Deputy Mini- ster of Highways, inclosing a state- ment of the expenditure on the high- way from Dublin to Goderich up to December 31st, 1921, and the distri- bution of the same as to construction and maintenance. The county's share or 20 per cent., is $15,3.90.34 and the total, $75,951.79; construetion, 671,- 983.81; 71;983.81; maintenance, .$3,967.93. -Filed. From Clerk of Hamilton, enclos- ing petition to Dominion Government for a return to municipalities of all fines ander the Criminal Code.-Ftied. From the Highways Department in - closing a statement of the amount of grant to the County, under the High- way System for 19!1, being $81,016.64 end distributed as follows: Provincial County Roads. Road construction $ 3,668.36 Bridges 5,223.54 Maintenance and repairs39,738,35 Special grants 2,336.68 EO BY FY TROUBLE Quieldle Bared By Short Treahneut 'grlih "FIRUITsA•TIV ES" • • spinn Nothing Else is Aspirin say "Bayer" Warning! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chanceaf Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" paekage which -contains directions worked out by' physicians during 21 Years and proved Safe by .millions for Voids, Headache, Earache, Toothache, rawest, Rheumatism, Neuritis, S.um- aod Pain. Made in Canada. drtggists eels Beyer Zablefe tr" 4._ Aspirin in handy tin-Anxea pi 12 tab- lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer tnantfacture, to assist the public against imitatibna, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be etes.ped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Co"rea: Ili ?1!$.•a ,§hs,.£ li Total approved $50,956.93 60'1 of the above $30,574.16 County Roads. Superintendence .... $ 4,406.80 Road construction 16,746.49 Bridges 2,605.99 Maintenance Machinery Special grants 81,428.69 4,041.98 16,842.25 Total approved $126,071.20 40% of above $60;428.48 Expenses re superintendent's con- ference, $35.01; 40 per cent. of same, $14. Receipts, $633.64. Total amount of grant, $81,016.64. -Filed. A copy of resolution of Oxford County Council opposing the act of the Provincial Legislature making it compulsory on county councils to em- ploy 'graduate Civil Engineers only, and' asking that the old alt, be re- stored, allowing them to employ any competent person to act as County Road Superintendent. -Referred to Special :Committee. Reply of the Attorney -General to the communication of this County Council with reference to the rcrn of fines under bite 0. T. A. to the Counties. -Filed. A return of the Clerk as to the distribution of the county grant of $4,800 made to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the County, and also the levy of each school for 1922, as follows: Share of County 84800 School Atten. grunt Levy Total Clinton C T. 15717 1097.60 7022.18 8129.70 Godericb C. T. 9758 681.69 8482.99 6148.59 Seeferth C. T. 20487 1480.75 8812.28 10242.98 Whneham 11.5. 12411 986.60 6154.29 7081.89 Exeter H. 5. 0858 853.55 4359.89 5012.94 94800.00 21811.10 28611.16 PILED. From the Department of Highways requesting copy of agreement between the county .and municipalities receiv- ing grants, also with reference to By-law No, 4, 1921, extending the Highway System in Hulett. -Filed. Request for information by High- ways Department regarding uniform settle of wages in the county. -Filed. Prom Mfrs. G. H. Johnston, of Varna eegnestin:g a grant to the public library of that village. -Referred to the Execative Committee. Recommendation of Educational Committee at January meeting that a :grant of $50 be made to the Trustees' Association of the eouwby-Fileld �, ,UtvCl:tr4i '':tk"i'#7 `'...i*1iy✓A: MADAM t.oLONua 170 CHAisri siN St., MoN•raaAL, P.Q. "I am writing to tell you that I owe ray life 0 "Fruit.a.tives". This fruit medicine relieved me when I had given up all hope of recovering my health. 01I suffered terribly from Kidney Trouble, Dyapepsta and Weakness. I had . these troubles fur years and all the medicine I took did not do me any good. "1 read about "Fruit -n Lives" and I tried them. After I had taken a few boxes, I was entirely relieved of the Kidney Trouble, and Dyspepsia, and had gained in streugth. "1 hope those who suffer with Sidney Trouble, Dyspepsia and Weakness will take "Fruit-a-tives" to recover their health". JEANNET'IE LALONDE. 50o a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealer's or sent postpaid by Fruit - a -rives Limited, Ottawa. Letters and bills from G. A. Glenn, of Kippen, Wan. Tait and J. Riley, re automobile accidents and claims for damages. --,Referred to Good Roads Commission. Applications for the positions of 'Manager and Matron of the House of Refuge from D. L. Bell, Kincardine; Edwin C. Case, Kippen; W. R. Esttall, Montreal; Torrance Galbraith, Lon- don; W. R. Lucas, Wisoonsin, U. S.; S. T. Plum, Brussels; 'Robert Rober- ton, Clinton; W. G. Wilson, Hensall. These were laid on the table. Prom D. A. Andrews, Clinton, ask- ing for a hearing on behalf of the Beekeepers' Association. -.Fried. Application from Mr. A. D. Suther- land, of Seaforth, for a grant to the hospital established in that town. - Referred to Executive Committee. Jailer Griffin presented his report, which was read and referred to the County Property Committee. Ex -Warden W. R. Elliott being present was asked to address the council. Mr. Elliott spoke of the pleasant days spent in the council during his years of service, and enon- plimented the Warden on his election to the honorable office. ,,. Ex -Warden McLellan, of Welling- ton, was present and was asked to address the council. MT. .MeLellan congratulated t le council ton their good roads, being, as be said, the best he had driven over. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Klopp that the County Clerk notify the County Solicitor to immediately have the matter of the back interest on county mortgages, especially that on No, 5, settled forthwith. -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Miller and Han- ley that this Council make a 'grant of '$15,000 to the town of Clinton to re- build that portion of road on the base line within the corporation, and also a portion of the Barfield road. -Sent Ito Good Roads Commission. On motion of Messrs. Webb and Erwin the Council adjourned until Wednesday morning. Wednesday. UJtder the head of Enquiries Mr. McQuaid spoke of the necessity of information to be laid on the table with regard to our standing op ex - gesllditures •to dahte on the Good Roads' and other bra'nolles' of work that the council might more llrteU gently ap- proaoh t'he1 •matter ' of levying the rates for 1922. M,-, MplRaughtan o k r of 'the ne- cessity for the same information• and the need for retrenchment in our ex'penditurea. Mr. Barker and the Warden also spoke of the need of such information. Mr, Smith brought up the matter as to the reeponsibility for removing a board fence on the county highway near the village of Hensall. Mr. Erwin, Provincial Engineer, who was present, stated that it was the re- spons'ib'ility of the county. Mr. Parke brought up tllle matter of dangerous turns, or juga, and places on the county highways and wanted to know what action had been taken in the matter. Mr. Patterson will he aequestrei to report on the same. Mr. McQuaid brought up the ,matter of the shortage of witness accom- modation .and suggested that the County Property Committee report at this meeting. Messrs. Rthertson, McQuaid, John- ston, Tipling and 'Spotten spoke of the discipline in force at elle county jail and the Property Committee was requested to report on the same. The .county Engineer's Report was presorted and .referred to the Good Roads Commission. Mr. Irwin, Provincial Engineer, ad- dressed .the council with reference, particularly to the work of township organisation and returns under the Highways Act and the importance of (proper plans and supervision ref 'bridge construction. Moved 'by F. J. McQuaid, seconded by W. H. Coates, that the sincere t hanks of this County Council is hereby tendered to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holman, for the splendid :banquet given in 'honor of the members of the County Council and officials, at their home in Goderieb, on Tuesday even- ing, June Gbh, 1922. -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Douglas ,that the resignation of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, as Manager and Matron, respectively, of the House of Refuge, be accepted aid that this council regret that Mr. and Mies. Reynolds have decided to take t his step of resigning their connection 'with the County Home. -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Douglas and Naylor, that a grant of $10 be made to each Woman's Institute in the County. -,Referred to Executive Com- mittee. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Klopp that the chairman of the Fin- ance Committee be instructed to get a statement of the different accounts, viz: Good Roads, Current Account and Sinking Fund Accounts at the present time, also the expenditure of these several `amounts to date, as a guide to said committee in striking ±fie county rate. -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Gallow and Moser that Mr. Charles Robertson be appointed on the Goderich Collegiate Beard for balance of term. -Referred to Education Committee. PAINS IN BACK AND SIDES Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Lindsay, Ontario. -"I used to have very bad pains in my back and sides and often was not fit to do my work. I tried many medi- cines before I be- gan to take yours. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound ad- vertised in the Toronto Globe' and now that 11 has helped me I recom- mend it to all of nay neighbors. I keep It in the house all the time and .take. It once In a while no mat- ter how well 1 feel. for one ounce of prevention is worth a pound of oure." -ELIZAnrrrlt CAMPBELL, 13 St. Paul St., Lindsay, Ontario. To do any kind of work -and you know there is much to be done -Is next to Imposeirfle If you are suffer- ing from some form of female trou- ble. It may cause your back to ache or a pain In your side; 11 may make you nervous and Irritable. You may be able to keep up and around, but YOB do not feel good. Lydia A. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is a medicine for women. It Is especially adapted to relieve the cause of these troubles, add restore ,clam to normal health. IIIIIIII IIrI III1I 111II I Ill1 II ll IIIIIIII IN I In IIIIIII The Molons Bank Il'o' INCORPORATED 1850 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches. The Maisons' Banks prides itself on the courtesy of all its officials. No matter how large or how' email the volume of your business with the Bark, you are al- ways assured a courteous and cordial reeeption. Deposits by mail given careful attention. BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRICT: Brucefield St. Mares ..Kirkton Exeter Clinton Hensall Zurich IIIIIIII 111 1111 III IIIIIIII II II IIII IIIIIIII Ile Thursday. chair. Under the head of Enquiries, in- troduced by Mr. McNaughton, some discussion took place as to the rate of interest charged and balance due on each County mortgage held. It was 'held that it would be wis- dom to close up all these overdue mortgagee as soon as possible. Mr. Robertson brought trp the ques- tion of the wages rate employed by each county patrolman. Moved b,y Messrs. Dodds and Fear that the members of the Mothers' Allowance Local Board be constituted as last year, viz: G. W.' Hoilman, 1 Goderich; A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Mme. (Dr.) Fowler, Clinton; Mrs. W. A. McKim, Goderich; Major R. S. Hays, Seaforth.-Carried. Moved by Miesars. Klopp and Mc- Naughton that Huron County Council memoralize all the County Councils of this Province to petition the pres- ent Government to remove the sale tax from tile used for drainage pus - poses. -Carried. Moved by Messrs. Johnston and Inglis that a grant of $100 be made to the Huron Country Trustee and Ratepayers' Association. -'Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Fear that the grant of $28,000 given to Wingiham, under by-law Ne. 5, be- ing too small, the amount be lin- creased to $51,000. -Referred to Good Roads Commission. Moved by Messrs. 'Douglas and ling that the County Property Co - mittee take into consideration tike advisability of 'painting the seats and ceiling of the council chantiber and redecorating the walls and securing new blinds, and have the work com- pleted this year, if poss ie. -Refer- red to County 'Property Committee. Mr, Collins raised the matter of supplying county officers with coal, light and water. It was held that there should be a limit set or that each county officer should be paid a straight salary and each officer sup- ply his own fuel, etc. Mr, H. J. MOEwan asked and was granted permission to address the Council, re the proposed Scenic High- way from Sarnia north through Gode- rich. Mr, McEwen submitted a draft resolution which he asked the council to adopt -The resolution was sent to the Special Committee. Moved by Messrs. Dodds and Mc- Naughton that Mr, and Mas. Rob- erton, of Clinton, be appointed Keeper and Matron, reselectively, , of the Huron County Home -The motion carried. The Executive Committee reported and the report was taken up in com- mittee of the whole with Mr. Rob- ertson in the chair. Moved by Messrs. Parke and Cal- low in amendment to clause 4, that the grant be $1,000. The motion was lost. The grant to the Trustee and Rate- payers' Association was struck out on motion of Messrs. Neeb and Tre- wartha. The report as amended` was then adopted. The Education Committee report was taken up with Mr. Neeb in the Moved by Messrs. Gallaw and Moser that whereas the amount of $10,000 granted by this council at the January session to the town of Gode- rich for the improvement of the con- necting link through the town of the Provincial County Highway from Amberley to Grand Bend, is insuf- ficient to complete the work, that the said grant be increased to $25,000. - Referred to Good Roads Commission. Mr. A. E. Erwin gave a very cor. dial invitation to the county council to hold their annual .picnic at Bay- field this year. Mr. Erwin moved, seconded by Mr. Parke, that the members of this council and their wives, hold their annual picnic at Bayfield this year, on Friday, June 23rd. Messrs. Tipling .and Spotten strong- ly advocated Wingham 'as the place for 'holding the picnic and moved an amendment to that effect. A vote being taken, Bayfield was chosen. The following deputations were pre- sent and presented their claims: - Huron Bee Keepers' Association; London Memorial Children's Hospital; Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associa- tion; Seaforth Hospital; Agricultural Societies of the County. These several deputations were as- sured of the consideration of the Council for their representations. Moved by Messrs. McNabb and Naylor, that the salary of the Keeper and Matron of the House of Refuge be 5600 and $400 respeotively.-Re- ferred to Executive Committee. Moved by Messrs. Parke and Arm- strong that the Memorial Hospital of the town of Seafertth be given the usual grant of $1,000 for maintenaice purposes. -Sent to Executive Com- mittee. Moved by Messrs. Hanley and Mil- ler that the Varna Library get the usual grant. -Sent to Executive Com- mittee. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Robertson that the Council go into committee of the Whole, to take up the matter of Equalization of the assessment of the different munici- palities of 'the county for the year 19Carried. In22.- committee of the'whoie it was. moved by Messrs. Armstrong and Mc- Quaid that the equalized assessed value of the County for the year be the same as it was in 1921. This motion was adopted, Jailer Griffin was present and was granted ..his request to explain cer- tain rumors regarding laxness of discipline, emphatically denying all rumors, but confirmed the report of the Inspector with reference to the lack ofproperarrangements fot the proper segregation of prisoners. Mr. Griffin ,invited the closest investiga- tion of the working of the jail. The statement of the blink deposits at .present date were as follows: General account - $9,124.67 Highway improvement 47,861.84 Coupon account 1336.50 Exchange account 8.60 Sinking Fund 26,154.06 General aceount 16,000.00 Highway improvement 5,000.00 $103,476.07 On motion of Messrs. Tipling and Fear the Council adjourned until A Thursday, A. n 1..14v.,t}Ila,,LA f 411.1'111. The report was adopted as read. The Special Committee report was taken up with Mr. Buchanan in the tihair. On motion of Mepstrs. Neeb and Douglas, clause one was struck out and the report was then adopted. The Road and Bridge Committee re- ported with Mr. Fear in the c5aair. The report was adopted. The County Property Committee report was taken up with Mr. Baeker in the chair. The report wes adopted. On motion of Messrs. Neeb and Parke the Council adjourned until Friday. Friday. • Mr, McNabb made a verbal report of the matter of the 161st Band in- struments in reply to a question from Dr. Galiow. In answer to an enquiry from Mr. Hanley, Chairman Beavers of the Good Roads Commission, also Messrs. Erwin and McNabb, gave an actwu'nt Continued on page 8. v es NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACHS Indigestion Disappears When the Blood Supply is Enriched. The urgent need of all who suffer from indigestion, and who find the ei stomach unable to perform its usual function, is a tonic to enrich the blood. Pain and distress after eating is the way the atoanach shows that it is (boo weak to !perform the work of digesting tthe food taken. In this condition some people foolishly resort to purga- tives, but .these only further aggra- vate the trouble. New strength is given weak stom- achs by Dr. Williams' Pink (Pills be- cause these pills enrioh and purify the blood supply. This is the natural process of .giving strength and tone to the stomach, and it accounts for the speedy relief in stomach disorders that follows the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The appetite revives, food can be taken without discomfort and the burden and pains of indigestion are dispelled. Mr. Wm. Johnson, a prominent business man of Lecpaille, N.S., bears testimony to the value of these pills in cases of this kind. He says: "I was atbaeked with indiges- tion accompanied by severe cramps in the stomach,m. I was prescribed for by the family docbor, but got very °L little benefit. Then I tried some of the advertised remedies but with no better result. Indeed my condition was growing worse. Then I 'read of the case of a man who praised Dr. Williams' Pink Pills whose condition was similar to my own, and I decided to try this medicine. The result, I think„was amazing as .the use of nix boxes restored me to my former good health. I can, therefore, warmly com- mend the use of this medicine for stomach troubles." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cgs. a box or six boxes for $2.50, front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ®i iLl$11ti ir1111 III ntl4 1111111 ie1 Item I 'Ela . .I : l i.....:�:� 1M11,;!�Illillll>IU dlA�wllrl►l�l !���I�lLi , 11111/1011 i11N 111;i �a�!I!�.1;111v17�1 1 OVIA J � 1:d iltt ii fn, ill Ivry 1u'it;I+e l� �I I �I I ' t ° iI I � 111 1'111111111(4f' `,�' r t til t 1!1111.11 11 1 I. .6ii'Uh�Ii� .�Il hlb� Ili i1,1P polo l�lt��:1 'L! i I ;I 11 �,I' !;';t;t�►iIIIt l i nr, il�� jl f l���I�' � t li{t los luh Ib 9iiiit ►iI (iI(Il�l_►:1I��1llI'J�llllff. T. A7NI 111x; PEERLESS LAWN FENCE gives this handsome appearance and adds real value and beauty to your property. Its endurance and strength make it economical to use. Your home takes on an atmosphere of prosperity and you enjoy a feeling of privacy. Comes in six styles nix heights and green or white finish. Sold by good dealers everywhere. Let us send you our handsome catalog about better fences. gates and steel poste. IANWELL.HOXIE WIRE FENCE COMPANY, Limited Hamilton. Ont., Winnipeg. Mee. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED 110011 LET ON POULTRY PROTECTION Peedefs Penes satisfy -the both 0'wt and beautify 1 § Itl.r.4&11pr .h', W,;,p A14,86 . -`e V p r r