The Huron Expositor, 1922-06-09, Page 8anding out liars THE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MAITRES ....••••••••••• handing out Dolto ur ight p aloant; ons these Oh most any ordinary Shoe we hand you back a Dollar or more from its reg- ular price. Should you buy more shoes we hand you back more Dollars. Your rebate is sure. ATTEND OUR GREAT SHOE SALE It will pay you well to do so,Aind you'll be surprised when you learn how many Dollars we are actually handing back. We're closing out our Spring and Summer Stock and every shoe must go. Sandals, Running Shoes, Outing Shoes, Oxfords Strap Slippers, House Shoes Every Pair of Shoes in our Store is on Sale at a Big Reduction in Price. -COME IN- TheCashShoeStore Opposite Expositor Office " 61" VARNISH The "spat that wears," wherever that may be in your home, is the place where "81" Floor Varnish -will prove its reeistance to the tramp of many fet. It is made in elear and colored, and put up in all standard size tins. SCOTT'S WALL PAPER STORE Phone 62. ce Sts, eife 1 • : I "i•TO_ll .9' 1.11 •••••'':";' :71 easy :1 it "If it isn't Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Film." Insist on the Film in the yellow box. E. UMBACH Phm. B. STRATFORD, ONT. WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. Announeement.-Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Arehibeld, of Seallorth, announce Ifhe engagement of their daughter, Aime, to Mr. E. C. Annetrong, BA., Hartford, Conn., son of H. J. Arm- strong, St. Marys, Oat., the marriage to take place the end of June. Successful Anniversary. - The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, of the Egmoridville aurae ceiebrated .their anniversary en Mon- day, May 28-th. Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Walton, .ereadwel to a -large audi- nce and the choir furniehed epecial music, ,braing assisted by Miss Etta McKay, of Kieen, whose beautiful siegarg delighted the audience. The suciety s o be emigre:tentd on their successfel anniversary. Winners In Speaking Centest.-The oral compositions given by the pupils of the Public School have .beee very successful this year. The class all ceck part and some excellent subjects were dealt with by the students. This is one branch of study that as neglected in teeny schools. The win- ners of the .medais, donated by the Principal, were: Girls', Ruth Jarrett; boys', Gerald Snowdon. We congrat- ulate our young friends on their success. Start Made on New Water System. -Work on the .pump house in connec- tion with the new waterworks -system to be installed in Seaforth, was com- menced this week. The weigh scales have been torn down, and until the new sealers have been ereted, the Can- ada Flax Mills scales ,will be used by the town. Mr. Eckert and his alien are now excavating where the scales were for the reservoir, which will be ender the pump house and dwelling. The new scales -will be north of the pump house and northwest of that the elevated tank will be erected. Successful Seaforth Students -The forlowing graduates from the Sea - teeth Callegiete Institute have suc- cessfully passed their examinatiena. at the different university examina- tions: School of Practical Science -- Harold Coates (Hon.), Alvin Oke, Howard Kerr, S. W. Archibald; First Year Medicine -William Aberhart, Harold Edwards; Arts, Mies Kathleen Burrows, Specialist .and B.A; Miss Marion Larlcin lead her class in -eland year Household Economics;Dentistry, Harvey BUTPOWS, Aubrey Crick, Everett Rvers, Russel Bristow, Garnet Chapinan, Edward lelerner. Lacrosse. -It looks very much as it the newly organized Lacrosse Club was going to put Seeforth again on the lacrosse .map. Judging by the enehueiasm displayed and the num- bers who are turning out for iprae- tice every night, the game is geing to be the mast ,ppular sport in town this season and deserves the hearty eupport of every citizen. The first .1u nior Championship game will be played on the Recreation Grounds on Wednesday evening reeve when SOki- frtil neet Mit:sleet. The Seatferte Highlanders Band will be in attend- anee tillt1 targe turn- out is assered. Egmondviile School. -The following as the report of Egmonilville School ler the nenith of My. The names ore in order df merit: Entrance Class --Charhe Sherwood, Rdy Wetlad. Jr. 1V.-Evelecia Note John StrettIkr., Gr- dn McGonigle, Lloyd rennin Gladys Melee sr 11l -Laura Ford Spriggs, Alex. Finnigan, Winne fred Kruse Jr. III -Jeanette Finn gan, Clifford Riley, Leona Dupee, Frank Klie. Sr. II -Myrtle 01.11)9V, Winuifred Rily, .Tr. II -Raymond Note 'Rey McGenigle, Willie Miller, Evelyn Riley, Glen Hays, Marearet Strong, Willie Dupe, Sylvia Rney, Sr. Primer -Harold Finnigan, Irene Strong. .Tr. Prineer-Margaret Fin- igan. George Kuse, Vivian Teems - end, Elva Kruse, Palmer Combs, Jean Riley, Muriel Finnigan. Number en roll, 34; average attendance, 30.-A. M. Knechtel, Teacher. 41•I English Flax Expert Rere.„--M r . Oewaid J. Conley, of London, Eng- land, is in tow -n as the representative of the Britieh Flax Growers' Assdeice tine and aeting in conjunrtion with the Agriculturn! Department of the Dominion Government, and is at pres- nt en a toer of inspection end con- fereine with the Canadian flax erow- ers anti manufacturers, as to tee fu- ture of the flax bueiness in Caada. His varied and extended Icnowle.dge of flex growing and the manufactured eradiate in Irland, Belgium, Germany and Russia, admirab/y !adapts him to speak with authority :n-pon the sub- ject, and he states that the flax arrnwn in the vicinity of Seaforth, owing te its latitude end altitude is equal to the hest grade of fax grown in Russien-Siberia, Which enters inte the manufacture of the finest linens On Tuesday evening Mk. Cettlew met depetetion from the town council end Board of Trade and peominent SanVowel's, whiele no doubt, will he productive .of splendid results in :the growing and rianufardere of flax in this vicinity. Mr. Cattley is pleasine pesker and a fine type of the En -is' eidatlmen stud eveeseee ea pleasure with -the reception aecercled 14i duririg his visit te Seafortle Western Ontario's best Com- mercial School with Commer- Snorthand and Telegraphy departnients. We give indivd- etl intruction, ltence "ETAT- Owe standing is nut necen nary: Grathistes assisted to #01tidort. Get our free eas- ter* far rates and other pare Mears. D A. McLachlan, PrincipaL 4,; -=-- n-- --- Holy Name Rally. -The annual ne Holy Nemo Rally will this year be held in Seaterth, on Sunday, nine lien at three pm. POT the benefit of the uninformed, it might he steted the Holy Name is a Society in the Cabhelie Church, Whose sole object and aim is the furthering of every effort to give greater honor to God's Name, to combat perjury and blasphemy and to help overcome the 4- • 'hens of sue\ Name, which abuee -lo 91) !lamentably prevalent to -day The menement, from a very entail begin - eying, thee beco:me international in ehaeasster, so that every year, to every diocese, there it appointed one tiket- . day on which the members of * Soeiety parade to church 8.nd renew Cheer promisee to aid the 'wok of the Holy Name. Last year the eSociety pareded cin Dblin; this 708.1" Seaton is the appointed rally point, and it is expected some six or seven liundred will participate from the .parithes of Logan, Dubin, St. Columban and Clinton. The Seaforth Higinlanders will head the procession from Viktoria ark, followed by the visiting clergy and mentabere a the Society, to Se Janine Chn* vehere Rev. Father Stanley, Diocesan 'Directorof the Holy Name Socety, will address the mem- bers. This will be followed by Bene- dicton. The aim of the society is a truly Christian one, which ahould meet with approbation from every good citizen of the land, and it is hoped the weather -will be favorable for an even larger attendance than last year. Another ear of corn and a oar of Western °sibs just arrived. W. E. Kerslake, Sesi- forth. 2843-1 Good Maid Wanted. Light house work. two In family, good WUff.. Mrs. Marla. Jon., Goderich Street, 2843-1 Wanted. -A few hands to help weed onions. Apply to S. F. Carron. 10.R. No 4. Sea - forth. 2843-1.1 For Sale. 'Te,, aores Sweet Cloverul.m.t ready to cut. Apply to Mrs. Peter isher, Rippe.. 2843-1 Volunteers WAPiali. Hu r0 II %at/Ilk/II WW1 01., camp at London on June 12.. Mantssa. tions to be mad, on Friday and Saturday at the Armores, Sea.forth. 2843.1 Mint For Sala -Commencing this week I will tell milk to anyone coming fur it, or oil/ •tetiver 0. twice doil. J.eph Mem, /4o1.8, Alain Street_ 2/433.1 F. Sale-lieven year 0/4 home, closed -In wagon and brand new harness, first -chew de- ivery outfitgoing out of business. Must Ise sold at oocv. Appty to J. Brody. Railroad 2843x1 Summer Class In Music. -Mins A. Coven - /pelt announc. that she will keep open her clans in piano during the simmer months. Studio, North Main Street Seaforth. Phone 182. 2893-1 House For Sale. -...•A good frame cottagg 7 rooms, electric lights, hard and soft water in the ho.e. Apply at The Expositor Of- fice. 2848-3 Bsin.. For Sale. -42500 cosh and curre Grocery. •Dund. St, London, with dwelling, uentral location. Sydney Smythe, Market Lane. 2843.1 Coal or Wood Rane, -Coed 'used range for sale at reasonable price. Excellent baker, in good ognslition ; has six 8-tn.ch lds, also water front and high shelf with warming closet 04/1 sh our store and examine 88111e. Reid Bros. 2843-3 For Sale. --A six.roont frame cottage, stu- ated one block south sand one block west of the Mgruonelville Presbyterian church. This cottage etands on half an 000 ef ground: LS electric lighted, and has hard and .ft water, and is in first-class condition. There are several fruit treesa variety of small fruit and a good barn and henhouse. For further partieulars apply on premiss., or la Mr. .Thomas 0 Loughln, R. R. No. 3, Seas forth P. 0. 289341 • Seaforth Golfers Win -The first inteteeub golf match took place en the Seaforth Course on Wednesdaye June 71h, when Goderieh sent down a -points, the int/iv-ideal results being as follows: um victorious by margin of three team of ten players. The local club R. M. Jonee......1 Me. Sheppard...0 W. E. Southgate. .0 C. Lloyd 1 J. C. Greg.... 1/2 G. Keel 1/2 • W. Rehnson.....1 R. Lloyd 0 II. R. Sharp ------1 A. J. McKay.0 G. D. Melteggart .1 Monterambeet, . 0 G. W.lerael 1 McLaughlin .0, 0. Neil.... 0 Donaldson .......1 T. Doddsl Welker 0 .1 G. Mullen K i Horan 616. 31elc arus For EveryOccasion We have Garde and Booklete for every omission: Birthday Aneiversary Sympathy Aclmowledgement of Sympathy Convahmeence Wedding Graduation Congratulations Birth Announcement Monate and Mee R. Veneta and tyro soe, ot Flit, alaign, were esin week tit the htore of.Mr, and Min P. Daley. -Rev, Roy Oebern, . of Lontiesboro, will preach at the mre ing service to the Methodiet church on 'Sunday next, and the pastor, Rev. E. W. Edwards will occupy his own pit ha the everning-Mr. Fabler hidey, of Hamilton, epent Sunday at his Imme bere.-Mr. nnd M. J. Q Mullen and Mee and Mrs. T. S. Smith were in London on Satutday.-Mr. Fred Larkin, of Windsor, spent a few days with his 'parents at the Manse. -Messrs. Milton and Eree Chesney, of Tronto, spent the week end with their mother here. -Mie. D. H. Stew- art av visiting with Goderich frends. W. II. Willis, al Winghai, and Mr. and Mr. Roy Willis, of Dungan non, repent Sunday rwebh their mother, MIs.• Robert Willis. -Miss Margaint Pinkney, of Stretford, was visiting with Seaforth emends this week. -Mr. Sam Walker motored to Buffalo this week from w:here be will sun with a we have had in many a day. Thompsonil BOOKSTORE SRAFORTH rotor is to be congratulated upon. the splendid results aehieved through his indefatigable energy in everything tending to advance the welfare of the congregation. The Bowling Tournment-The Sea - forth Lawn Bowling Club'e Annual Huron County Scotch lioubles Tourna- ment for the Merrier Trophy and a eonsoiation event -woe held on their lawn here on Wedesday, 32 rinks twang in pley, eepree•ning clubs from Exeter, Henall, God -h, Clinton and Rayfield, beside the 'aJs The weath- er was fine, but ho and the greens. were in perfect coal.n, which Made the competion keen. Laet year's win- ners, Messrs. Burro,: and W. G. Wil - is, met defeat in tle. seeond round at the hands of Haigh slid Best who in turrielost out in the finals to Creech and Heaman, of Extr, after a good game. 'Phe Exeter !ink were eight up enteting the second ',list end, which Seaforth took by lice shots, leaving them three down Coot .ng home, and it looked ear a time as if :he locals would aocomplesh as improeible feat as they • were lying live sore, when Creech drew in With his lee bowl and cut them omit of three, giving Exeter the trophy by one ahot. This is the third ririme that this far-famed Exeter rink have captured the elsimer trophy and it now becomes the: permanent plop- erty. The second ecere also went to Exeter, Messrs. Taman and Seldon winning out in the finals from Messrs. Rennie and Wthiteeirle Heneall. Local Briefs. -Reeves Parke, of SeaforthrMelsTaught. I) , of Tuker_ smith; McQuaid, of McKellop, and Armstrong, of Inullt. are in Gode- rce this week attending the June session of the County Council. -Mr. and MTS. H. Beechley rand daughter • HOTPOINT Ranges The visitors were entertained at the Quen's Hotel after the tnateh and hey expressed v ry high opinions of the acafo rth Golf Co u rs. The Golfer. -At a meeting of the members of the Seafdrth Gelf and Country Chlb, held ou Tucesday, the eel nese. he following fees were fi- y kill. 'Tied kind are appl i cable „ resi len s of Sefotn, Bayfield visitors and loeal eacests: Gentlemen Ladies Anneal 810 $i Nhotit-h I y 13 3 Daily fees 130- 50c Local guests may he tahen out by le:embers not exceeding three times withont chage. It was ele; dcide.d that the Srafteth Club become a ntereber cif the Canadian Gef Aa- sea)ion. -A group of members who enter - tined et the Seeforth Golf and Coun- try Club on Thursday, were Mrs. etu.riess Jones, !Mrs. Earle Bell end Miss Anna Bee, when four tables of Bridge were played. Mrs. (Dr.) ,Ines and Miss Holmes were the guests of honor. After the tea, which was served on the verandas, ttha guests played golf. -ArrangemOnts have been made with Mr. Sheppard/ the peefessional instructor of the Gricieieh'Golf Club, to visit Seaforth .peeirlically. Any ne-enbers wishing to „take lessons will plea -me apply to the Secretary for in- lemmaton. Are Now Lay Readers. -At the morning service in St. Thoma' church last Sunday, two of -the oldest members, Mr. F. Holmested end Mr. F. G. reveille had the 'honor of being made licensed Lay Readers of the Anglican Churoh. The rector, Rev. T. H. Brown said it gave him plea- -sue on Whit Sunday to present these two faithful members of the church with their certificates from the Bishop and spoke of the great work thee had heree done in the cepreh and of 'how the older leymen had sueh a wonderful influence upon ,the younger hymen, and of how much the -work ef the laymen meant to the church. Mr. Holmested is the oldest member of the congregation, being a failefill communcant. since 116e. Mr. Neolin became connected wieh ehe work ef the Sunday school in 1878 end served as teacher. librarian and secretary- treeiverer, end during the past quar- ter of a century as superintendent, wed it was in a measure due to such fnithful services by instilling in the minds the doctrines of the chureh that :many of the younger members, of the congregation exhibit lauch un- selfreh zeal .and affeetionate love for the services of t'he grand old church nf entliquity. The rector fIlTtileT TAfill- tioned ho.w much tee dkurch ;has been strengthened during the .past year by the great interest that has been taken in the week by the, leen of the parbh, who !have taken the full eervice 'one Sunday evening every month. Tee Enjoy all the comforts ef ELECTRIC COOKING. Have us install a Hotpoint Ranee or Plate, aril have a CO6L. KITCHEN. FROM $23.00 UP Call .and see the New Hot- point Turnover Toaster. Reid Bros. Phone 19. NOW PLAYING The Lois Weber Production Too Wise Wives -A Paramount Speial- One does the things he KNOWS will please her huband. The other dees the things she believes SHOULD phase him. Were they right? or was either? A Picture dresse& in shimmering euxury and :glowing with the red blood of lif. Played by a perfectly selected Can. TifIS WEEK END. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday The Universally Popular BERT LYTELL in ALIAS LADY FINGERS ) naicess Stran Friday and Saturday HOOT GIBSON In the fiery drama of a man who fought his way through a blazing feud of the Giant Forests straight into the heurteof the girl who had hated him. "THE FIRE EATER" • ALSO One of those good 2 -reel Century Comedies "PLAYING POSSUM" Adults 16e 8.80 Children 10e -Come Upstaim 68 Comfort -- Strand Pretty Wash Fabrics for Cool Summer Diesses. The Biggest and Best howing party for a two weeks' trip to Duluth. Mr. Walker was one ref the &uccessful earididetee in the Buffalo Courier con- The Summer Wardrobe of Milady has every oppor-- test for Canadian and American Fere- -men, and the trip was organized by tunity to be more attractive than ever this year, for never that naper.-Mise Vera Dorrance, of Exeter, spent Sunday at her ,home in McKillop. --Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, were Wash Fabrics more stunningly beautiful. of Wingham, spent the week earl at tne 'home of Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chapman. -Mr. (Dr.) Mulligan, of Grand Forks, North Dakota, is visiting 'her motthr, Men. T. McQuaid, Goderich Street, West -Mr. J. R. McNabb and fam- ily, of Dungannon, spent Sunday with Mrs. Juihn McNab.-Mrs. A. C. Mc- Leod, of 'Landon, was visiting with friends in town this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Peteahoro, were guests this 'week at the home of Mr. and Willis, of Oakville, is visiting at the borne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W G Willie -Mr Kenneth Ament teller in the Bank of Commerce, is spending hie holidays with friends in Bad Axe, Michigan. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens and two sons, of De- troit, were guests at The Queen's last week. -Mrs. Robert Jarrett is visit- ing with friends in Hamitton-Mrs. S. Neely returned on Tuesday from Detroit -Miss Emily Deem, of To- ronto, is spending her holidays at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dern. -Mrs Roberts, of London, is the guest of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Smithers-Mies Muriel Willie and Miss Biechley left on Monday to visit with friends in Detrain -Mr. and MTS. Isaac Modelend spent Sunday with friends in Stratford. - Miss Pernlea Ball attended the graduation exercises of the Goderich ,Hospital last Friday. Her sister, Miss Ida Ball, was one of t'he gradruseing nurses. - Miss Belle Bullantyne, of Waterloo, spent Sunday ,at her home in Her- puehey.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennison end daughter, Miss Gretta, left on Tuesday for Moose Jaw. They will spend the summer in the Wese-Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Box and reles. E. L. Box left this week to speed Ole sum- mer in Bayfleld.-Mr. Melvin Scott and son left on Monda)n for their 'home 80 Edmonton. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie spent Sunday at the par- ental ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, James Street. -Mr. and Mrs. N. Siegel, of Stratford, e'ere week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Deene-Mr, and Mrs. C. Rolpb and family spent Sunday with Mitchell' friends. -Miss Nine Robb, of Wing - ham, spent Sunday at her lhome here. Rev. E. W. Edwards has! been elect- ed a delegate to the General Confer - nee of the Methodist church, to be ed.1 in Toronto in September.-Rov. D. W. J. Clarke, DD., of Westmunt, Mnteal, was on Wednesday elected ;! :donatr of the 481h Presbyterian General Assembly, being held at WInnipee. Dr. Clark, as a student, 'was for two slimmers asistant to the lato Dr. A. D. McDonald, of First Presbyte Han churc, Sear rth.---M isa Elizabeth Smith, a Ottawa, is a -guest ot the home of her siter Mrs. W. E. 1Kersiake-Mr. and Mrs. Patrick eribeirke, of Minneapolis, were visit - :!•g friends in town this week. Mr. ()'Rourke is another old Huron by who has made his mark M Uncle Sas dorersin.-Mrs. lilerris Johnson me baby and Mrs. Earl Jhnson, of Elint, Michigan, were guests at the home of Dr. F Harburn this week. M • M. lecem MecBeth, Editor of The Milverton Sun, was -a town vis- itor on Friday last. -Miss Nettie Armstrong, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Sills. -Mr. S. Little, who has been looking -after the Harpurhey Cemetery has .made a great improvement M the appearance ef the gmunds--Mr. Joseph Brownell, nt liartny, Mniteba, end Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brownell, of Woodlands, Ont., are visiting their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. end Mrs. Sidney Jacohn-Mr. J. Andereon, of New York, is visiting at the home of ins sister, Mrs. W. R, Smith. -Mr, and Mrs. Rehert Scarlett, of McKillop, were London visitors last week. -Mr. William Henry was in Ottawa last week attending a meeting of the Directors of the Ontario Horticultur- al Seciety.--Mr. .1. F. Ross was in Toronto on Saturlay.--Mr. .Ias. Love, of Egmandrille, left on Monday to .t.tend the meeting ef the General Assembly being held at Winnipe, as delegate Trolll Huron Tresbytery- Mr. F. S. Savage was railed to To - van to this seer' 11 t 0 the very ▪ rious illness of his trothere•-Mr. R. McBride, of Toront, was week end u g est at'Ilthe hsnieef Mr. Itobort Me. J. Docherty iif Fenondrille, teAS in Toronto on Tuesday attending the graduation exercises of the Wiest - ern Hospital whore her daughter', ViS0 191111, ILtS b'24, in training. - Miss Gertrude Canino, of Milverton, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P,, Cardno-Me, and Mee. E. H. Close were TOTOTI1/0 vis- itors this week -Mrs, J. Daley end Mrs A. Henderson, ef McKillop are visiting irt the home of Rev. D. Cars- well, in Toronto. -Mr. E. Umbaoe has opened his branch drug store in Bay- field for the summem. It will again be in charge of Mt. Russel Bristow. -Mr. Arthur Fathers, of Toronto, was in town this wek.-Mr. Mrs. N. C. Utile and Mrs. Lynne, of Bramp- ton were the week end gnests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Spencer, Janne Street. THEY ARE HERE IN PROFUSION: Imported Fancy Voiles, Beadora Voiles, Silk Finish Foulards; Fancy Ratine Skirting, Beadora Linen., Dotted Swiss Organdie; Plain Swiss, Organdie Pongee Mercerized Mulls and Repps, Stripe Drills, Canadian, American and Anderson's Scotch Ginghams, in Stripes, Checks, Plaids and Solid Color Tones; • Prints, Galateas, Drills, Inclian Head, Etc. Prices the Yard 25c to $1.75 The many persons who prefer Voiles on account of their superior laundering qualities, will be delighted with the unusual range of charming weaves and color com- binations they may choose from. It Is Here You'll Find The CELEBRATED D & A AND B and I CORSETS The New Dresses demand - a Corset of exceptional cot- rectness in design, a strong point in favor of ours. - PRICE RANGE $1 to $6 51. i111111tOi;i44' A Real • Bargain Chance New customers, as well as 014 ones, will be treated to a surprise if they, come to our store now. We lot of have picked out a special ODD WAISTS Suitable FOR HOME USE Values range from $1.25 to $4.00 You can take your pick for 75c Come Early and get a Bargaii. Mactavish '4: