The Huron Expositor, 1922-06-09, Page 4is
atiegee-4 \„
. BUtefillie;b4a
nerastsreerreattle Dna.-5
tea Oceivaatioici-a ;
letitaseolin 7. Brawlers -8
Wise Wivee--Princess-4
Fire Eater -Strand -4
Fabrics -J. Rdastavialt-)4
ards-Thoroastou's Book Store -4
OtPoint Ranger -Sea Bea. -5
ilk for Sale..4oceph Mero-4
Vita Olaro-'Miss A. Goverilook-8
or Sale -J. iirody-S
Pox Sale -"Thoma.
Sweet Clover for Sale -Mw. P. Fish.4
SEAFORTH, Friday, June 9, 1922.
The annual meeting of the South
Huron Liberal Association, as cense-
tutted for Dcartirsion purposes, was
held 'in the Town Hall, Hensel', on
Tuesday afternoon last. Enthusiasm
aided by good weather anti roads,
brought out a large 'attendance, every
municipality in the riding 'being rep-
resented. Short addresses were giv-
en by Mr. Thomas McMillan, the
Liberal Standard Bearer at the last
election, and others, and organization
plans and other business was approv-
ed by ;the meeting,
Resolutions 'vs '"'is, e-spress-
lag confidence is es se Minister.
Rt. lion. W. L. a ea. nzie King, and
his Caireinet Ministers, and 'heartily
*approved the selection of Wellington
Hay as Leader of the Liberal Party
in Ontario.
AU the old officers were re-elected
for the ensuing year.
Mr. Editor: -Kindly permit me to
state that in ;the opinion of mlany of
our citizens an explanation is due the
public in reference to the apparen
disarrangement of the civic reception
accorded the visiting Ministers of the
Ontario Cabinet, during the Stratford-
Godirich Motor Hike, on Friday last
while en route through Seaforth to
the latter ;place, being scheduled to
take place at 9.45 a.m. It is desir-
able that it be understood that, the
Chamber of Commerce of Stratford
assumed the initiative of the Motor
Hike and communicated with the
Mayor and Secretary of the Board of
Trade here, stating that Premier
Drury, Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister of
Highways, Hon. Peter Smith, Provin-
cial Treasurer, F. Wellington Hay,
the Liberal Leader, and R. Home
Smith, Dominion Engineer, would ac-
company the hike, whereupon the
Council and Board of Trade decided
to give the distinguished visitors a
civic reception 'befitting the import-
ance of the occasion and suitable ar-
rangements were completed. Late in
the afternoon of Thursday, prior to
the date of the Motor Hike the Secre-
tary of the Chamber of Commerce in
Stratford telephoned to the Secretary
of the Board of Trade 'here, that the
Ontario Cabinet Ministers would not
accompany the hike on Friday morre
ing, consequently the civic function,
in so far as Seaforth was concerned,
was caneelled. However, on Friday
morning the 'biking motors, with oc-
cupants, arrived here on scheduled
time, unaccompanied by the Ontario
Ministers, but 'among the !hikers par-
ticipating wan Mr. F. Wellington Hay,
the Liberal Leader, and the situation
was explained to thins by the Secre-
tary of the Board of Trade 'here and
at once 'grasped the full significance
of the 'predicament of the Cabinet
Ministers and the town reception
officials and explained the Ministers'
position through being held up in a
night session over the passing of the
estimates by the Legislature and were
not informed by the Stratford Cham-
ber of Commerce that Seaforth was
giving the Ministers 'a reception.
Through the efforts of Mr. Hay on
arriving at Goderich, where the
Ministers were met upon the incom-
ing of the C. P. R. train, arrange-
ments were completed whereby they
would remain in Seaforth on the re-
turn journey 'of highway inspection,
thus affording the opportunity of
carrying 'into effect the original in-
tention of giving the Ontario Mini-"
eters a suitable civic reception. As
may easily be conjectured many de-
tail of the morning reception went
nwry, for example, when the recep-
tion was declared off it was decided
to give the bouquets provided for the
Ministers, to the different churches
for distribution among the sick fell(
of their congregations, and before the
order could be countermanded one of
the bouquets was delivered, thus
causing shortage of liouquet s for
the visiting guests attending the re -
e aiion. In the hurry -bury of the
changed reception conditions a la-
mentable error was committe:1 which,
demands en explanation and this priv-
ilegiNi 'apology is. due Mr. J,,hn M.
'Govenlock, M.P.P., and his emistitu-
oats of Centre Huron, thailigh the
overnight in nil affording hen the
cape rein ity of 'addressing t he as-
sembiage of caizens preSent on the
occasion. It lis dent -stole fiat, it
should he distinctly understood that
the oversight was not due to political
bias in any conceivable manner what-
soever, as everybray knows that
Mayor Golding is 32nd degree Grit,
while the Secretary of the Board of
Trade is- 'Nuf seri! This explana-
tion is also due' to the Liberal Leader,
Me. F. Wellington Hay and Mr. Gov-
enloolc"s colleagues in the Legislature.
Had the error 'been committed on the
personality of any other than "the
people's John" it might not appear
too badly, but everybody sings "He's
a Jolly ‚flood 'Fellow," and we 'know
that even some of the old dyed...entire- ;
wool Tories' vote as they sing 'when'
our esteemed friend arid fellow 'townie '
man is eta the political running. A.
"reelsigearelefeerit Mr, W. Black, M.P.,
'Was teeetivid; etpleining fihat he was
-ennasetrielably absent through pressing
Jiame:rstrity duties and also a let -
a. se et
e0 the preterit en the torrese-
kin. It DeWitt he Mentioned that the
Ontario Ministers were delighted with
the reeeptioe received here, thus WS-
nifying that we are "A Jeek 'ehamp-
sen'e bairns" and by-gones are by-
Yours very sincerely,
Secy., Board of Trade.
Notes. ---During the absence of Mr.
Rivers, who is attending Conference,
Mr. Colin Campbell, of Stratford,
took the service here on Sunday kat
in the interest of the Lord's Day Al-
Flour, Feed cad Gabram
e -We have two
of Flour, dreed and Oats at the Seaforth Oat
Meal Male. Leave your order at the Mill
early. Alan a quantity of hard and colt ooal
for sale. C. G. Thompson. Seatorth.
Notee.--Rev, Father Stephen Eckert
from Milwaukee, called on friends
there 'while en his way to }Lesson,
that., Where he is giving a Mission
this week He is one of the Huron
old boys who has made a success of
'his undertaltings. - Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Daffy, from California, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs, John
Murray, motored to Niagara Falls
laet Tuesday to bake in the sights.
Before their departure to their home
'his motor car is serving the conveni-
ence of visiting all his former friends.
Notes. -Mise Bessie McGregor is
visiting in Clinton this week 'at the
borne of Mr. B. R. Higgina-Mrs.
Allan Douglass is 'visiting friends
here this week. -Mr. Harry Collins,
storekeeper of this village, 'has gone
to the London Sanitarium fur the
benefit of his health. His many
friends here hope to see him corn"
back fully restored -Rev, Mr and
Mrs. McIntosh started on their trip
to the West last Monday. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Peter Campbell,
of Stanley, as far an Moose Jaw, Rev,
J. E. Hogg will conduct divine ser-
vice next Sunday at three o'clock,
and Sunday School at two o'clock.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs, Neil Gilles-
pie and Mrs. McIntosh, if Seaforth,
were guests at the home of ;Mr. and
Mrs. Scott during the week. -Nearly
all the Cronearty conariegabion at-
tended the Roye' church anniversary
services on Sunday evening. -A, very
well attended and interesting meet-
ing of the W. M. S. was held at the
tame of Mrs. Thomas Oliver (last
week. -Mr. Will and Mr. John Ham-
ilton attended the funeral of their
uncle, Mr. James Hamilton, of Lon-
don, on Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Cullough spent the week end with the
latter's mother in Mitchell -Every-
one, who possibly can, old and young,
ehould attend the presentation of
"Ben Herr" in 'picture, sang and
story, given by Rev, .1. J. Lowe, of
Gait, on Friday evening, June 9th, in
Cromarty church.
School Report. -The following is
the report of School Section No, 14,
Hay, for the month of May. Names
are in order of merit: Sr. Fourth -
Frances Pearce, Margaret' Johnston,
Olive Petty. Jr. Fourth -Hazel
Thomism, Clarence Smillie, Charles
Pearce, Florence Thontson, Norman
Alexander, Marie Dick, Andrew Bell.
Jr. Third -Marjorie Pearce, Isabel
Alexander, Olga Ball. Second. -Mil-
dred Johnston, Dorothy Thomson,
Mildred Smillie, Earl Dick, Jean Bell,
Gordon Troyer. Part I. -Arithmetic
only: Eva Pearce 110. Alex. McMur-
tee 97, Ethel ,Johnston 70, The best
spellers in the monthly spelling
matches were: Fourth, Frances
Pearce; Jr. Fourth, Florence Thom -
sun; Jr, Third, Isabel Alexander;
Second - Dorothy Thomson. -Etta
Jarrett, Teecher,
Flour. Feed and Oats.- -We have two ears
af Floor, Feed and Oats at the Seaforth Oat
Meal Mills. Leoer at the Mill
ave your rd
ely. Also u
a qantity of hard and soft coal
for so), C. G. Thompson. Seaforth.
Death of William Hanna. -it was a
painful &heck on Tuesday morning
ashen the news came.that Mr. William
Harem had passed away 'after an oper-
ation in the hospital at Buffalo. Mr.
Hanna left 'here last Wednesday and
was operated on Saturday, but failed
to rally ;and 'passed away. Monday.
The body was brought 'home on Wed-
nesday, and the funeral will be on
Friday at 2 p.m. from his late resi-
thrice, lot 22, concession 8, MeKillup,
interment in the Maitlandbank ceme-
tery. The late Mr. Hanna teas born
in Mcleillop forty-nine years ago and
has lived in this vicinity all his life.
He was :in industrious man and a
good ncighber, and 'had the respect of
ell with whom he came in contact. In
religion he wits. a Presbyterian. lie
was married about tweve years ago
to Mies Hart, daughter of Mr:Reu-
ben Hart Winthrop, who survives to-
gether with one daughter of win.'
years. The bereaved ones have the
sympathy of the community.
Tablet Unveiled. --A year ego Sun-
day the beautiful community hall was
( penal in IN., town, when the memor-
ial tablet, in honor of those who fell
In tile wnr, was unveilea. Suably
night the anniversary of that, occas-
ion took place in the hall and to show
that the interest. in bilis raffia; is not
en the wane, the ball was packed to
She doors for one of the most beauti-
ful services ever held.' This time a
tablet to those who went from this
section overseas, bearing about 150
names, was unveiled by Rev, Dr.
Fletcher, ex-moderater of the Presby-
terian church. The meeting took the
form of al union service, with W. B.
Hawkins acting as chairman. The
music seas led by a union choir of 50
voices. Rev. T. Te/ford was the first
speaker and his sermon was along the
line of the community spirit, as shown
in the 'building of the hall and the
groat good it Iliad already done in this
seetieln. Rev. W. H. Hawkins gave a
similar address and 11ev. eilr, Plebes -
I * 4
A' 4
'Tiitkek soldiera.
Canada had done at the front. 'He
then raised the fiag which covered the
tablet and showed a hematite:I work of
art by Mese Livingstone, who painted
the outline and R. M. McKay, who
wrote in the names,
Notes. -The Guild met last Friday
evening with a large attendance. The
next meeting will be on Sunday even-
ing, Juste 11th, when Miss Jean
Smith will have the topic -Misses
Rena and Lydia Ried were the guests
of the Misses Hamilton over the week
end.-Mias Bessie Cunningham, of
Auburn, is visiting with Miss Flor-
ence Williams.-Mlesers. Livermore
and Evans, of Clinton Collegiate,
spent the week end with Mk Keith
Hamilton. -Miss Janet lacVittle has
returned alter ;holidaying with Miss
Allier Moon -Mr. Noble Adams, of
Blyth, is visiting 4 the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Charles Pareons.-We
are pleased to see Mr. Ab. Taylor out
again atter his recent aocident.-11Liss
Mary Reid is visiting her brothers
here. -Miss Cora Fear, of Blyth, Vis-
ited lase week with Miss Jean Smith.
-We are sorry to state that Mr.
Robert Struith, Sr., is not in the best
of 'health at present.-efes, Thomas
Hill, of London, visited at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Mary Staples,
last week.
- -- ---
Plour. Feed and Oata. -We have two on
of Flour. Fred and Oats at the Sh O
Meal MiHs.Leave yarn' order ut the eta
early, Also aquantity of hard and soft
for sale. C. 0, Thompoon, Seaforth.
Valuable property for sale connisting o
a modern up-to-date home, electric lights
beautiful grounds, including four acres o
land, so,, acre in raspberries. Apply to
owner. Agnes McDaid.
Catholic Women's League.-TM4 C
W. L 'hod a meeting on Sunday it
the High Sehool. Mrs. .1, Deverux
President of the Seaforth branch, wa
present and 'spoke a few words o
encouragement to the sister society.
The meeting decided to save all
Catholic magazines and papers and
have them remelted to the West end
to the new districts in Ontario. Mrs
Joseph Nagle gave a short talk on
Da Vinci's original "Last Supper,'
and told of the work of this great
artist's constant work from 1491 to
1498, and of the picture being eurn
pletely renovated, 'bringing out Da
Vinci's work, in 1908. The meeting
also decided on a law -n social, and
the ladies promised to get busy pro.
paringfor it,
'Notes -Miss Ella Dorsey and Miss
O'Leary, of Seaforth, were' visitor
in Dublin on Sunday -Dr. Keyes,
dentist, has opened a pretty new
dental 'parlor in the L. J, Looby
bloek. The young men are pleased
to have an addition 'to 'their baseball
team -Mrs. Sam Murray is home
front London 'hospital. She is much
improved in ;health -Mr. end Mrs. J.
V. Ryan Sundayed Hibbert with
Mrs. N. Maloney. --There will be a
baseball match between Dublin and
Granton, in Dublin on Monday even-
ing. June 12th, at 5.30.-Kiaburn ii,' -
Dublin on Tuesday evening by
score of 1 to 0. The game was e
good exhibition of football, --On Mon-
day Fullerton baseball team defeated
our locals by a score of 17 'to 1. -
Mr. Joseph Nagle, of Haile -re is one
of the sneakers at the Hensall U. F.
W. 0, picnic On Saturday afternoon.
-Mr. Joseph Klinkhammer is 'home
egain.-Mrs, T. V. Ryan is visiting
in Buffalo with her sister, Miss Min-
nie Maloney.
New Yoe
*ravel brie •
he roe e% end e
entereeare 'plug up by leape, ti
.leettlifese4lee, John Andersen.evh0
ere WeEiraiteen to many here, and who
has been spending the Winter. months
her 'daughters In London and
Windeor, 'hae returned here again for
the summer With her daughter, Mins.
Joint Workraan, Many friends are
pleased to see Mrs. Anderson back
afintkierDd although site is in her Ned
Year, she is In the enjoyment of geed
health tad is looking forward to
spending the• summer in the country.
-Mr. T. N. Forsyth and Mr.: Bert
McKay are again at work after being
laid aside fee some time by Illness.
-We are pleased to note that MT.
WulMain Sproat, Who foe summon/the
has been laid 'aside, and who recently
was endergoine treatment in the
London hospital for the -wound in his
leg, is making good progress towards
recovery at his home 'here. Mr. Sproat
is always .pleat -ii to have a call from
his friends, as it shortens 'the hours
of confinement for him -Mrs. A. Mc-
Kenzie who ha:: 'been undergoing
meshes:l treatment in Toronto, is now
snaking a good recovery and hopes
to be home arse in a few days. -
Miss McKeneie. .f near Hayfield, is
visiting her blether, Mr. A. McKen-
zie. -Your correspondent was in
Seaforth for a few hours on Friday
last, the first time in four years. lie
also had the peasure of hearing the
big Parliamentary ;nen from Toronto,
re who were visitors to the town. lion.
Mr. Higgs,the great road builder,
gave a good address on Good Roads,
saying that the farmers of Ontario
could well afford to 'have good Toads
• and that money was of no consequence
r with the wealthy farmers of Ontario.
, -Rain is very such needed at the
present time in this vicinity. There
is an old sayiiig that, June rains fill
'the farmers' earns with corn and
s hay.
f --
mtVtinir ofall that are interested t,,theRoss Cemetery, will be held at the Rues
Cemetery on bfonday. June 12th, at 2 p.m.
West End Notes. -The farmers
here 'have commenced cutting sweet
cever.-Mrs. J. Caidmore, of Holmes -
eine, spent Sunday with Mrs. M.
Crale-Mr. G. Layton and Mx. F.
Layton, of Clinton, and Mrs. Flail
Pepper motored to Hamilton and
emelt a few days with their brother.
Mr. Charles hayton, of that city. -
The annual Flower Sunday Service
will be. held at Turner's church on
Sunday next.
Boundary Notes. -Miss Ryckman
has returned from visiting friends at
Elmira -Mrs. W. N. Glenn has been
spending a few days with 'her mother
in Loiraboro.-The U. F. 0. and U.
F. W. O. are having their picnic in
Mr. Dater's woods, west of Henna,
on Saturday afternoon, .Tune 10th. A.
good programme will be given, con
slating of addresses, games and a
baseball match. Everybody welcome.
Ladies bring baskets.
'School Report -The following is
the report for School Section No. 1,
Tackersmith, for May, The ;marks
are for general work and weekly ex-
aminations. Those whose names are
marked were present every (lay. The
totters are for conduce: A good; B,
fair; (t, Poor; D, very poor: Entre
fair; C, poor; D. ;tarp poor: -
Entra nee Class - *Beatrice Madge
.:19 A. Jr. Fourth---*Grnve Forrest,
Till A: "Vora Volland, 737 A; Joan
Medea 659 A; *Dora Pepper, 481 A;
Foster Pepper, 445 B. Sr. Third -
nee Walker, 542 A. Jr. Third-
' Ethel Clark. 543 A: "Evelyn Wilk -
Main. 494 A; *Glenn Bell, 489 A;
')live Welker, 394B; *Irene Volland,
23 A; 'Ella Pepper, 271 B; Nelson
Pfaff, 190 A. Secand Class---eMildeed
lairrest, 642 A; *Rthevl Pe.ivber, 579A;
'Stewart: Pepper. 422 A; Rosa Pep-
eer, 405 A; *Harold Parker, 382 Cl
Beatrice Valeria 2114 13; *Clarence
Valance 134 A. Jr.
Walker 168 A; Wesley Pepper. 30 C;
*Fussell Nver, 0 D. Sr. Primer -
*Rena Wilkinson, 413 A; *Sandy
Pepper, 192 C. Jr. Primer' -"Nelson
Pepper, 163 A; *Helen Pfaff, 161 B;
Emma Worm, 139 B; Douglas Stew-
art, 11B. Number en roll, 30; aver-
age attendance, 27.95.-I. Douglas,
A 'riveting of all that ere interetited in the
Re,, CelnefRry, he hold nt the Ross
Cemetery on Monday. 3une 12th, at 2 p.m,
Notes -Two bakers and one buteher
now come to the village to supply
life's. necessities bo our citizens. We
are now getting back to olden days
when two of each served; the wants of
the villagers. -To see the large num-
ber of cars and heavy motor tracers'
passing eltrough our village would
lead one to 'think that they were lie-
School By-law Defeated -elan Mon-
day Nat, June 5th, our ratepayers
were called upon to vote on the by-
law for the see tif e24,000 to build a
new public seesit and continuation,
or ihigh mama, in one building, but
owing to several factors that seemed
to work aged
st the by-law it was
defeated ;by a vete of 66 for and 110
against. The factor causing
the defeat of ta by-law was that it
was thought that it was yet a pretty
expensive time f. 'I' building a $24,000
building and 'hat by delaying the
building for a material 'would,
a, doubt, eost much less and that in
the meantime 'or public school could
be made to al ,wor the 'purposes for
ilitVh it is reaired for a compara-
tively small stelay. It is unfortu-
nate that at tt easonably fair cost a
combined pub-. sod high school can-
not be erected, :is the want of a con-
tinuation, or ::eh school will be felt
by many who have children in the
village, and by those in the
vicinity who Itsve been sending them
here far the ;ontinuation chase, and
we trust that is the not distant fu-
ture this wee will he overcona
without burcheing the ratepayers to
any large exent.
Briefs, -Mr and Mrs. C. A. Mc'
Conch and do water, Mildred, motor-
ed to Galt trod Guelph on Saturday
last, returnitig• the first of too week.
--Mrs Rae Joiins and litee son, of
Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Moir, of the Township of
Usberne,-eliss Florence Welsh, of
our village, is to sing at a concert in
the Presbyterian church at Setifortli
on Friday eveeing, the 9th.-Tlie
many friends of Rev, G. W. Rivers
will be pleased to learn that he has
accepted the invitation from the con-
gregation of Hensall and Chiselhurst
to remain for his third year. Mr.
, Rivers 'has been actively engaged dur-
ing his pastorate here in good ef-
fective work and is 'highly esteemed,
bath as a Minister of the Gospel and
a citizen, taking an 'active interest al-
ways in every 'good movement -Mrs.
J. W. Bonthron was in Waterloo re-
cently visiting her father, who is in
very poor 'health. Mr. Younglent was
a former resident of our village, en-
gaged in the 'beat 'and shoe business,
and highly respected, but hes been
in declining health for several years.
-We are pleased to learn that Mr
lj 11
hsgflt ae, dlitsnce on t e
aAdntl'uttef44? fine and 1111::/ntwdatt4o091illaddrt°-
melee material on the ground. -lb.
William Mureloeh and daughter, Mee
Mary Murdoch, are ependieg a, week
or eo with relativee, and friends in
ththeemvfilregaZiloos amtheyilleaVseasile to meet
residents'. Mr. Murdoch bee for the
past couple of 'years bees. making his
home with his daughter in St. Thomas
wild& hie dattgleter, Miss Mary, holds
a good position in a leading bank in
Winnipeg. -Mr. Mark Drysdalle Is
having the grounds of the dwelling
he purchased from Mr. 'William Shep-
herd nicely filled in, graded and level-
led and will soon have all the in-
terior refitted' end reneedelledee-Mise
Greta Lasnanie was in Exeter the first
of the week Visiting relatives•-Mns•
D. Urquhart spent Tuesday last in
London with 'her daughter,' Miss
Beatrice, who tiv there in the interests
of ;her health. -Mr. T. C. Joynt made
a business trip to Toronto the first
of this week -We were visited by a
number of gypsies on Tuesday noon
hist, butt High Constable Whitesides
thought it was not desirable for them
tel make an extended visit and urged
them to be up and going for other
parts. The women were Very esey I
attired and all the part/ of then,
rale in very up-to-date and expert-
s ie arse -Mr. and Mrs Dinalale
art tieing visited by that- daugater
friii Ca**. rine, who is very mindful.
Ithough Lying at a Ions distance, to
visit her parents and sate: Mrs F.
Sitirtions.--Mrs. Brigham is ani has
eir tee past couple of weeks been
visiting leo relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
T no in as la rquitar and fratels.--Mr.
and Mrs. L. Leeper are spending a
week or so 'with relatives and friends
in St. ;Catharines. -The remains of
Mr. Duncan Wood, ;late of Tueker-
4mith, whose death we made mention
of in last week's issue, were interred
in Hensall Union Cemetery on Satur-
day last. Mr. Wood was very highly
tespected and much sympathy is felt
for the bereaved brothers and sisters.
-Miss Kompass, whose sad death
happened in London very recently,
while she was autoing with fiends
from Springbank to London, a car
wheel bursting and overturning the
auto, injuringla number and causing
the instant death of Miss Kompass.
She was a cousin of Miss S. Beaver,
of this village, and whom She had
met in London only a very short time
ego. -With the strong sun and heat
of the past week or to the crops are
coming on very rapidly, and fall
wheat is heading out, -.-'Mr. Thomas
Farquhar having engaged 'as courier
on Hensel) Rout No. 2 and giving very
good satisfaction, his place as care-
taker of the.bowling green has been
teken for the present by Mr. Edward
Sheffer, who only intends remaining
until a permanent caretaker is found.
-Rev. J. A. McConnell left here on
Tuesday morning .last for Winnipeg
to attend the General Assembly, be-
ing held 'there, Ma McConnell being
one of the representative 'ministers
of 'the Presbytery of Huron. On the
coming Sunday, the 11th, the services
in Carmel church will be conducted by
Rev. MT. Foote, of Exeter, in the
afternoon end evening, 'there being no
service on that Sunday in the morn-
ing, and on the following Sunday, the
lath, the services will be condueted
morning and evening by Rev. Mr.
Lundy, of St. Andrew's church, Kip -
pen, if Mr. McConnell is not home
in time to take Iris wore -Mr. F.
Kenning's and family, who 'have been
in New Ontario for the past 12 years,
intend 'locating in Hensall vicinity
and for the present are occupying Mr.
H. Dougall's dwelling, on the farm
he purchased -a -eine time ago from Mr.
William White. Mrs. Kennings is 1
daughter of Mr. John A. Mitchell, a
former resident of our village -The
U.F.W.O. intend holding a picnic in
Mr. Edward Datarla Grove, west of
the village, on Saturday afternoon,
June 10th. There will be a program
consisting of speeches, sports, races,
PCP. also ta baseball match between
the Boundary vs. Hensail, An invi-
tation is extended to other Clubs to
join this picnic, also 'to the public in
general, as everybody will be welcome
to come and bring their 'baskets. -
Mr. H. A. Mclewen, Mr. Wilson Berry
0 4'
es in
A 'pair of White Oxfords Or Para* t0 43140.0attr, :of course.
No wardrobe is complete witheut a pitlir. Of Wiiitel Wes for Slim-
mer wear. Wherever you 'go, you'll centairily aneretheineelevery
woman should be provided with a pair of pee- Weete,Oefereees ee
Pumps-ehey are so neat and dressy mad always 10
Our display of Cheese White Footbesear is attracting mat
attention among the fair sex. AR the latest styles are berseendeeee
at most moderate 'prices.
'Ladies' White Canvas twoestraip Pumps, white rubber olee, can-
vas covered Cuban heels. leee pair $2.90
Ladies' White Centres two-strae Pumps, leather soles, medium
lowireels. Per pair $2.90
Ladies' White Canvas buckle strap Pampawith low heels.
Per pair - -$11 00
Ladies' White Canvas twoestrap Pumps witk patent 'leather trims
ming and low heels. Per pair $8.50
Ladies' White Canvas Oxfoeds, new Sport style, with patent
leather trimming ani low, flat heels. Per pair $3.50
Ladies' White Canvas 'buckle strap Pumps with patent leather,
trimming and law. heels. Per pair .. $3.90 "
Ladies' White Canvas Pumps, rubber soles, low flat heelsPer
White Slippers for Misses' and Children, in one and two -strap
styles, for $1.75 and $2.00
and Mr. Earl Miller motored from
Windsor and spent the week end here
witbetheir relatives and friends, 'who
were pleased to see them. Mr. WM.
R. Bell, also from Windsor, arrived
here on Sunday last, coming by train
to London and being met 'by auto
there and spending a couple of days
with his wife, Who is 'here on 'a visit,
and with 'his parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.
James A. Bell. -Miss Aggie Shirray,
of Goderioh, and formerly of this
village, is visiting her brother, Mr.
David Shirley, and relatives end
friends -Quite a number item the
%tillage motored to Kippen on Wednes-
day last to attend the Missionary
meeting 'held in St. Andrew's ahurch.
-Miss S. McDonell spent the past
week with her brothers here, return-
ing a few days ago to Exeter. -Mise
W. Meek, who has 'been in Georgia
State, for a number of months, is
home on a visit and gives a most
interesting account of life and the
people of that wonderful State -Mrs.
J, Meek on Friday afternoon very
pleasantly entertained a number of
'her lady -friends to a verandah party.
-Mrs. George Redden is and tuts 'been
suffering from a very sore finger,
which she accidentally injured a
couple of weeks or. so ago. -1111,r. J.
W. Ortwein has completed a neat and
up-to-date 'garage on, the property
he recently purcaased from Mr. Wan.
Buchanan at the east end of King
A. A. C
INT Bargain
Get The
Come to Cockburn's for a Square
Men's Pants 88
Ladies Skirts
1 2
per pair I each ,
Men's ITnderwear
AisICIMOY 21.2911.11ZINT111•31111111311k
Men's Outing Shirts
each.... .. $1.50
Ladies' Hose
Children's Hose
()Malls and Smocks
$1.10 $1.6S $1.88 Silk at $5.00 Serge at $8.00
A. A. Cockburn
C. E. AKINS, General Manager. J. W. Hart, Local Manager
Ladies' Dresses
We have in Stock
A Line of
Men's ";uits
Serges and Worsteds
At Low Prices
Finest Blue Serge
Finest Brown Serge
Brown and Blue Worsted
for... $27.50
Grey Worsted
We Sell for Less
sesseseesee,„,es essessesetealli igNit444.40,44,44A',1'
Enjoy the Summer in
Cool, Comfortable ,Footwear.
We are ready with a full line of:
White Canvas Shoes Play Sandals
White Canvas Strap Slippers Tennis Shoes
White Canvas Oxfords Running Shoes
Women's Strap Slippers Canvas Shoes
Women'g-Oxfoids Club Bags
Men's Oxfords Suit Cases
For Tired, Aching Feet
Try our Arch Support Dept.
A Perfect Fit Assured.
H. R. Scott - Seaforth
i ,
A. A. C
INT Bargain
Get The
Come to Cockburn's for a Square
Men's Pants 88
Ladies Skirts
1 2
per pair I each ,
Men's ITnderwear
AisICIMOY 21.2911.11ZINT111•31111111311k
Men's Outing Shirts
each.... .. $1.50
Ladies' Hose
Children's Hose
()Malls and Smocks
$1.10 $1.6S $1.88 Silk at $5.00 Serge at $8.00
A. A. Cockburn
C. E. AKINS, General Manager. J. W. Hart, Local Manager
Ladies' Dresses
We have in Stock
A Line of
Men's ";uits
Serges and Worsteds
At Low Prices
Finest Blue Serge
Finest Brown Serge
Brown and Blue Worsted
for... $27.50
Grey Worsted
We Sell for Less
sesseseesee,„,es essessesetealli igNit444.40,44,44A',1'