The Huron Expositor, 1921-08-19, Page 1, • .• ieets,„(teeeseet v'•1 . 1 orrix yEAR s I wduiolitg 2801 j• , I of anufacturiers New Model. Coats For Women and Girls These are the choicest lot of Beautiful Coats ever landed in Seaforth. We have no hesitation about making this claim and we shall leave the rest to the public. •By taking the full range, we secured a real substantial discount on the price. This discount we pass on to our Customers and it means saving of $5.00 to $20.00 on each .Coat according to its price. Every woman will be interested in these. New Coats and we are always plesied-to show them. It is surprising the number of Coats we have sold already. The Styles are striking. This, along with the Easy Price, make quick sales. 15 to Buys a Fine Coat if you BUY NOW el4 The Greig Clothing Co. NEXT TO ABERIIWS DRUG STORE West Side Main Street rar•IlmErl•werrorr* For One Day Only Saturday, August 20th We will sell fresh crisp FRUIT BISCUITS and JAM -JAMS AT 20c per lb. Just the price of plain soda biscuits. Get your order in early as the supply, though generous, may not last all day. OUR BLACK TEA AT 3 POUNDS FOR $1 is a Wonder. If you have not yet tried it, better fall into the habit and be just, to yourself as well as generous to yourself, Mr. Customer, and try it. Customers from Wingham, Herman, Dublin, Mitchell and Stratford are buying this Tea of ours, and why not YOU? Regarding VINEGAR and SPICES, if you are particular about the quality of these you use for your pickles and sauces at this season, buy them from— . ' F. D. Hutchison The Cash Grocer. rar•IlmErl•werrorr* • e se's , • "e ' kg• CAr• 4•••,k- q°,` • ROt, b'..r07.74Xci,7j'::?.rAt.. 44 5"1.1", eetie `43((eioleiMeettke, , 1/.. LIAMVSTARY. LETTER , • • , • .fflioguiva ..people have a 'double thande in the welcoming line to -day "When batb.the new Governer -General ande Prime Aniter got back to Ottawa, ihriu.ltaneously: The Preinier waited over.in"Quebec for a few days 'to get the advantage of the refteet- ed•glory, since there was no eeeep- tion planned VW himself or the other Wanderer hif the • cabinet, Hon.C, C. Eallantine,;who is also back in OH tan* alter•a'strenuous summer spent id -England; # Kon. Hugh Guthrie, lifinister of Militia, is continuing to enjoy his holiday over there and is expected to arrive home about the time the gov- ernment is ready to issue veleta for him which preceded himand his fam- cording •to the law, should be 'held within the next few weeks and months. Canadians of all classes and creeds joined in the welcome to Lord Byng, of Vimy, who by his war record and his splendid leadership of the Can- adian soldiers overseas endeared •him- self to the splendid men of Canada's army. That the new governor-gen- eral will enhance his popularity the longer he. remains In Canada is as- sured for the information regarding hire which preceded him and his fam- ily to Canada has indicated 'that the authorities made a splendid selection when they chose him to represent the crown in the dominion. The now governor-general had ex- pressed his wishes that the welcom- ing ceremonies to be as simple as possible, for he Is khown to be very much averse to elaborate functions when he has anything to do with arranging them, and consequently the programme at Ottawa was kept down within .his wishes. The gov- ernment, however, despite the hard times, managed to spend a lot of money on useless and unnecessary Platforms and decorations, which af- ter an half-hour's use, are torn down again and thrown into the discard. against those responsible for_decorat- ing parliament hill for the needless expense they have incurred. The question of the day now in the political circles is Whether or not the government will decide on a full ses- sion for the passage of a redistribu- tion bill, or whether it will be dis- solution or the third course of hang- ing on until the last dog is hung and the last four thousand dollar in- demnity gathered in by the govern- ment supporters, many of whom know that this is their last time in Ottawa. The Premier must decide which of these three courses he will follow, shortly after his return. There are two °tunes in the cabinet and also two camps among the followers of the government outside. The mem- bers of parliament supporting the Government in the House are practi- cally all in favor of hanging through another year in the hope that there may be a swing in some direction which will give their party a little hope where at present none exists. The Premier is believed to be one of those who favor hanging- on until all possible glory is ended and it is expected that his decision will be in that direction. For one thing it must not be for- gotten that Mr, Meighen himself has to go to the country in Maniteba, and there is no part of the Dominion so insistent on redistribution before an election as is Manitoba. To go to the country without giving to that province representation based on the new census would be suicidal to whatever remaining hopes the Gov- ernment might have, and it is neces- sary, if at all possible, to elect the Premier in his own bailiwick. • There is one thing which may con- tribute to the government's decision to go to the country and give the people a say as to who shall govern them, and that is the fact that our customs revenue is falling away al- most in half during the last few months. Canadian people have stop- ped buying non -essentials, to some extent, at least, and the government is facing a bigger deficit than ever on its year's balance sheet, so that there is a reason there for going to the country and letting, someone else shoulder the responsibility of bring- ing the country out of the rut into which it has fallen. Indication's are not wanting either that the Government might try and shelve the difficulties of redistribution onto someone else. Objections to the census returns are coming in from various sources now, and the sugges- • tion is being handed out that if there are very many complaints the Gov- ernment may say the census returns • are so meddled up that it cannot base an honest redistribution bill upon them. That suggestion may not be worth anything but it is one way the Government can alibi out of a redis- tribution bill and still hold what few friends it may have in the Weet, where Bob Rogers still has his fingers on the pulse of the old party machine and • is ocrnsionelly pumping a little oxygen into it to keep it from abso- lute stagnation. Canada's representation at the League of Nations meeting at Geneva next month is causing some concern in cabinet circles just at present Sir •George Foster, the grand -daddy of ministers, bas acquir- ed a liking for these trips overseas, but so has • Big Minister Of Justice, and it transpires that while in this case it is not necenstury, so it is claim, ed, that more than one sninister should attend, they both want to go and they both intend to go if there is any chance. .It had been reported • that Sir George Perley would go in- stead of Poster and then another an -. NIT HURON to be held in 4 ia ark,Seaforth ON WEDNESDAY ust 31st AT 1.30 P.M. WHEN BM W. L Mackenzie King Leader of the Liberal Opposition Hon. Dr. Beland ex -Post Master General W. C. Kennedy M. P. For North Essex and other speakers will address the electors of ••• • Huron County. "GOD SAVE THE KING" EXECUTIVE HURON LIBERAI. ASSOCIATION. „ . nouncement NrIli to the effect that Perley and Doherty eould both be there. However, 'Sir (;.-.rge is tense - item, despite, (or beese-0 of) his .ad- vanced age, and he bad decided, it is claimed that he also 0 going. There is a merry row in tl..• ..abinet for the Premier to settle we he gets down to business, and it is pected to end in Sir George getting his way, since one minister's expenses in Europe mean nothing to the present admini- stration. - Sir Gorge. got his way last time by annomeing after cabinet 11«1 decided again his ging, that he hiel got his tickets and was ;tome anyway, and i- expected to settle the argument i'.ot way again, if necessary. The next few .1., see amne interest. government cire:,• election dates o: things to be de •i the matter of c. tion at the I3,0 ir Washington ,• Although Caned,' parently have n., this being a math ernment to make Premier and seine decided that they though they at int position of gloriti and that is anote a fall election, s,•• not be there and Mr. Meighen's dcring why he 1 -- at the council agent overseas tr glory away frem and credit Mr. responsible for th ference on disarm ent it appears tl... ier is there ni o' the capacity or will probably he ing Street whit ed which affect s and week, sliouid • g developments in There are bye - 1 a host of other led upon, and also .nada's representa- element conference November I 1 tit, - delegate will ap- -itatus there at all, • for Imperial Gov - the decisions, the of his cabinet have nust be there, even 1 somewhat in the d embassy clerks, •t• thing to hold off •e the Premier can - n Ottawa too. upporters are won - not given a place 'le, since his press ed to grab all the President Harding leighen with being calling of the con- ament, but at pres- if Canada's prem - 1 he will attend•in British attache and •onsulted by Down - 03' question is rais- Canada particular- ly. ALBERTA'S NEW FARMER - l' Ile; MIER There is net" ig brilliant or out- etanding about Herbert Greenfield, the premier -ca. of Alberta. He ,s the holder of 1. educational laurels; he knows 11(11, or nothing of the strife or the MI' Idds of big business; he is not versed in the. intricacies of legal debate; . for social standing he cares nothi..... But I shall be very much sure, sed if, as the fourth Premier of Alt ta, he does not rend- er as gond, if 1 ot better, service to the whole co,,o unity as that given by any of his p. cdecessors. Outside of fa, ning and local circles. few knew of 11.ebert Greenfield prior to the recent e.eetion. He was not even a candidtve for parliamentary honors; a seat nas now to be found for him. But le- was the unanimous choice of the fermer meinbers, nearly all of whom appeared in convention to pass on a lender; and to -day fie it; one of the most talked of men in Canadian public life; because of sur- mises as to just what the new legis- lature may de in radical reforms. The story of the boyhood days of the premierveleet is very brief and simple. There is little or nothing to -record. Born in a suburb of London, England, some fifty-two years ago, he received the usual public school edu- cation of a working class lad and be- gaitefwonk at an early age. From early boyhood he helped to contribute to the support of his home, and he had never dodged hard work or long hours. Coming to Canada when twenty- three years old, he settled at Weston. Ontario, and for some years worked as a hired man on farms in Bruce and Middlesex counties. In 1900 he married a young Canadian girl, Miss Elizabeth Harris, of Adelaide, Ont., and some six years later moved to Alberta, where he took up land at Westleck, which is west of Edmonton. Here he still has his hone. Surely an ordinary and uneventful life. Yes. But occasionally a very ordinary man is called on to fill a leader's place. How came Herbert Greenfield to be premier -elect of Alberta? He had become prominent in U.F.O. circles. His sound judgment had been recognized long befere the elec- tion. His honesty of purpose and in- dependence were beyond question. On matters pertaining to rnunicipal af- fairs, he had gained some prominence. He is a past president of the Unioa of Alberta Municipalities, and was one of the first to advocate the for- mation of municipal hospital districts.' And then Mr, H. W. Wood, the presi- dent of the United Farmers of Al- berta, who have been largely respon- sible for the development of the farm- ers' movement in the province, refus- ed „the honor of leading his group in the new government. Why did Mr. Wood refuse the office of Premier? The reasons can be but conjectured by the public. He may have felt that Herbert Greenfield could fill the office better; that he could hold together the party to bet- ter advantage; that his selection would be the best in the interests of the ,people at large. Or he may have felt that as president of the United Farm- ers of Alberta, he hirneslf could wield a power even greater than that of the premier of the province, and . that virtually the dictation of affairs would remain in his hands, which is the opinion that has been expressed by the Hon. George Langley, of Saskat- chewan. But Herbert Greenfield is hardly the typelr,of man who would permit dietation -from another. He is an Eng- lishman, strong, independent. hon- est. He is a man with a mind of his teen, who will make his statements in his own way, despite opposition. While he is thoroughly democratic in his outlook and while he will consult his followers on all vital problems, he will act with independence. Mr. WOO -d, no leader nf the U. F. A. will probably never make Any at- „ho. "Aritet,o1 sos(1el ,041`41,,`,04Q,,,. What We Farmers can do to Improve Con di tions Hear the HON. MANNING DOHERTY Minieter of Agriculture and MR. W. E. BURNABY Pres. ident of the C.F.O. on TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 30 on the Glenn Jersey Stock farm, east of Heneall. Supper from 0 to 8 p.m. Admission, 25c; Supper, 23e. An Orchestra in attendance. r - ' . iete'e.• o ard wlV unileublmi Y bane/4 Yr:** 0,8 knitwIeop and e 40, `• euch,does not necessayio,Jg tafifoo,., - e',new premier ls aed "With grcitinettedioVtoaolfpruwpOillaeeintrssr,7nliefthelusdbhatungrou,....0; thi districts in the southern'peek, the province, and how far the legs Attire eh,ould guarantee the financing cif ir- gaiou projects; but it is mate to vrediet that the new administration will• grapple -with these and other platters of moment in a safe, sound and efficient manner. eeet( 111 .)". .MIDDLE SCHOOL AND 4UNIOR MATRICULATION RESULTS The following list contains the names of the candidates who ,have been successful at the middle School examination for entrance into the normal schools and the peas junior matriculation examination. Candi- dates writing the pass junior schol- arship examination for the Univers', ity of Toronto, McMaster University, Queen's University, or the Western. University, have been considered in the results. The candidate whose names are given. in the middle school normal entrance list have passed in all the subjects of the examination, which are as follows: English Literature, English Composition, British and Canadian History, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry, Physics and Chemistry. Latin or Art or Agricul- ture may be taken as a bonus subject. ' The candidates whose names are given in the pass junior matriculation list have obtained complete matricu- lation standing by passing in the 12 required examination papers, which are as follows: English Literature, English Composition, English and Canadian History, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, together with the four papers in any two of the follow- ing subjects: Experimental Science. (Physics and Chemistry,) French (Authors and ,C.ompesition,) German, (Authors and Composition), Greek, (Authors and Compositiono Spanish, (Authors and Composition.) In addition to the successful candi- dates whose names appear herewith, other candidate, are entitled to stand- ing on cortaikiubjects of the middle schoolnormAT-entrance examination or partial matriculation standing, or both, as the case may be. In the case of the middle school entrance ex- amination candidates may be given credit for all hut one subject under the old regulations, which allow one subject to be carried over as a sup-. nlement examination, or they may have credit for one or more subjects «nder the new regulations which al- low credit fpr each subject upon 'Mich fifty per cent. is obtained. In cos,` of the pass junior matricula- tion eeamination, candidates may he ewerdeil partial matrioulation stand- ing on eight, nine, ten, or eleven napem as the case may be. In order to romplete their standing. they re - :mire to re -write the remaining pa. (1(00 and obtain the standard indicat- e..I on their certificates. Furthermore, r tiler candidates for matriculation may have credit for one up to eleven papers under the new regulations. which allow credit for each paper up- on which fifty per cent. is obtained. Since the new regulations add con- siderably to the number of candi- dates receiving, partial credit, it is not practicable this year to publish any except those candidates obtain- ing eemplete middle selitted normal entrance or pass junior matriculation standing. This neeessary decision will also eliminate the names of those candidates matriculating into the faculty of applied science. In the case of the latter candidates, how- ever, their honor standing will be found in the henc1 matriculation re- sults as published. The partial standing awarded on all subjeetof the middle school normal entrance or pass junior nia- trieulation examination will he clear- ly indicated on the schedule of tha official certificatee or statements 0' parks which are being mailed t t4H-, principal. to whom rill candidates aro referred fer infermatien. 'r11o. cer title:Ace and statement s ef the rend: - elates whe wrote at :he University ef Toronto will he son: 1,, the regi.eror of thiitlust it ut ion rid the einilid concerned should apply to him for t reports in timid!. '11, 110 010 (1511,10 of (etch rend'. ,la 0 1 n, ii1.11, school normli! 1,,- ranee or co or Matriel1!,1- 11011 WIICI541 n1orlss IN111(1 fl') pion' to just ify an appeal have been reneeel hy the eppeal ex:tin- nier. Where such rt candidate has still failed, the statement of inerk, will be stamped as re -read find no furl her appeal will be allowed. Di all other Cases of failure, appeal- It i11 not he refused if submitted before September Ise and aecompanied bo the fen a$2. If made after Septem- ber lot, the fee is $5- - All candidates who failed nn the June middle school and pass junior matriculation examination, in whole or in pant Inc eligible to become candidates at t he supplement exam- ination beginning on Tuesday, Sep- tember 6th. All such are informed that forms of application, time- tables, and full information may be obtained from the regeletrar and se- cretary, University Matriculation Board, Parliament Buildings, Toron- to. Application to write on the sup- plemental examination must bo re- ceived not later than September let, accompanied by the prescribed fee. An additional fee of $lt will be elutrg. • „ .44 044 'Kelhke444,''.anda7thatt' a',PP Muat4be made le; theA „„..Le;ef .Bgsen yaW de Inn:eddimattidecholivol tragetwolitay - ,t tiens, on account of nit;t1'..T • " eervea their certificates: Registrar • and 'Secrete; Y. versify Matriculation _ minectiget,-6fTorto,AugustlSonucat1°n'lildaidrr, HURON- " • .".., • Middle School. Normal EatTalFiersgY J. A. Armstrong, (lion), M. Armstrong Men Armstrong, (Hon), H. D. Barton, M. Bell, W. Blaelewelleelin B.,E.Bolton,M.elpb ei:croefiti, (lion), Crozier, A. E. Dewar (Hon),.E. Uar-' war, M. T. Dalton, H. D. Damen c!".• E. Driver, A. Dale (lion), A. (Hon), J. E. Earls, E. J. Fear, Firrieon, M. F. Flynn, I. 1J, Probable A. E. Glenn, A. G. Hamilton (Hon). AI E. Hill, V. 0. Heywood, M. E. garth (lion). A. Haugh, M. Heinv (Hon), J. Hogg (Hol), L. Hocken • . (Hon), M. G. Johns, V. L Jones; M. • Johnston, L. James, M. M. Kuntz, G.. „ • Kerr (Hon), Grace Kerr (Hon), u. M. Kew, W. L. Lawson, M. Laing, 3. W. Lutton, M. Maunders (Hon), A. Mob/lath, C. J. A. Matheson ,(Hon)'. I M. Merner (lion), A. Mustard, C. ' M. MacKenzie, T. ..T. McCarthy (lion)e, R. McGonigle, E. McGrath, I. Her; Lellan, G. McPhee (Hon), G. Mae - Lean, E. Merner (Hon), L C. Mc • - Dowell, U. McLean, T. H. Mills, D. e=1. Nedigar, A. J. Nairn, M. I. Potter,, V. B. Pepper (Hon), M. A. Pentland,. A. M. Reynolds, M. E. Reyeraft (Hon), IF. Stewart M. Sillery, G. • Snowdon, S. Stanbury (Hon), M. e4t, Stewart (Hon),. A. Strang, 3. E. Thomson (Hon), R. Thompson (Hon),. A. Turnbull (tient, H. D. Taylor G. - Venner, J. Vanstone, M. Wiltonn ' Ilion,. L. S. Walker R. J. G. Wi)- son (Hon), A. G. Williamson, J. . Weis hm.paan.h. A. 'Armstrong, J. A. Armstrong, Junior Matriculation. M. Armstrong, C. Anderson, M. Bee- croft, W. Blackwell, H. D. Ball, • 0. L. Cooper, E. Campbell, H. D. Dan- . . eey, A. Dodds, A. Dale, J. E. Earls, M. M. Finleon, M. F. Flynn, A. Haugh, MEHogarth, 3, Hogg, J. L. Hogg, L. %Olsen; L. -Jetre4s, Ge. ,s seti Kerr, Grace Kerr, E. M. Kew, J. V. Lutton. M. Laing, C. M. Mackenzie, U. McLenn, T. H. Mills, I. C. Mc - newel!, T. J. McCarty, W. A. Mc - Math, C. J. A. Matheson, I. M. Mer- rier, A. Mustard„ E. Merner, G, Me. Phee, A. J. Nairn. D. X. Perrie, M. E. Royer:A, F. Stewart, S. Stanbury, M. Stewart, R. Thompson, A. Turn- bull, H. 1). Taylor, J. Vanstone, G. Venner, M. Wilton, 11. J. G. Wilson, L. S. Welker, A. G. Williamson, J. J. i We'iMiLe Schotrirr Ntir. m31 Entrance. .1. B. Aitchison. W. J. Ankentrmn, 11 E. Alin's, M. Al(es. J. Alp, N. S. Barr, W. J. Bushfield (lion), S. W. Blown, N. H. Barisdale, M. Beau- mont (Hen), H. H. Blakeman (Hon), B. K. 13ailey, T,. Blakeston (Hon), M. A. E. Crummer (Hon), D. Cameron ‘1.1-.111.111. l'le(. !;111s('‘('Ix(Hon),ion),B. W. D.LCiierluan,t- N. l Davlison, A. DeT.a Franier, M. K. Delterty, .T. F. Dufton (Hon), 0, Durkin, W. Elborn (Hon), J. A. Vinery (11 ,n), E. IL Erskine (Hon), E. (l, teeeart (Bon), R. C. Fuller, A. J. (Ilon). M. Ford. W. S. Gib - le 11. Hammond (Hon), 1ST. Han - 3. Bowel', F. McK. Irwin, W. H. Terdoe, R. T. Kidd, J. H. Kinkead, r. Kenteer, M. McGrath J. Melady, 31. MeTtityre (Hon), A. M. Mc - '1 1,1 111)111, .T. F. Malcolm (Hon), 11 y h. 1•7,,, 1. 131 a yin, rry. M. M. marine. F. T. Neilson. .3. Y. Nicol,' el. es. eneese t, D. E Oman (Hon), E. Pee, Reenick. 0. H. Seaman S';‘-1-ttii(,W ttanIT°nl.. 31. 0. 011.111:11.1:1'1,1)'SheS71.1751(07(14on (3100), 31. • ,1. )1 1 n Themesen (Hon), M. a Thome- 1, 11. Worz,-11, IT. M. Whaley, si G. Wilson (floe), W. 0. B. Woods M. Willi -11s. M. L. Worden, 11 P We•11 (11 E S. Whaley, If. 0. Watson(Hon, N. White, M. 1', W"helni. 11.• Yeai e. F. S. Yates. Pees—Junior Matriculation. .T P. v•ehisell, W. 1. Ankenman, 11 W. .1 rmolield, N. H. 1 i 11 11...,ement, II. Ti. Blake-- • o ,1 31 13 ('ru winter, D. Camer- , . M. jL. F. nehm, (1. Durkin. .3. A. Emery, E. • E. C. Ewart. R. C. Ful - .1. Fisle-r, W. S. Gibson, P. E. 13. Bord m, R. Hills, M. A. T,, R. Hammond, M. Han- 10.MoK. Irwin, R. T. Kidd, .T. H. i );,•ari, 14. McGrath, J. M. McIntyre, S. 3. McDonald, A. M. McMaster, J. Melody, E. G. Mitchell, J. F. Malcolnr4 3 ;Viateheery, M. M. Murray, J. Y. Hi - F. T Neilson, D. E. Oman, R. D. Philip. R. Perk, R. A., Pierce, G. H. IL Seamen, 1141, Scobbie, H. Sylvester, .1. E. W. Sterling, M. 0. Thompson V. Thompson, L. R. Wenzel!, 11. 31. Whaley, M. G. Wilson, W. G. 31. Woods, M. Wiiliams, B. P. Wang E. S. Whaley, 31. G. Watson, K K. Welbeltn, M. Yeandle. e. , •rilivOrrt, ease •Sooner or Later you will come here for your Clothes —if you wait until later you'll wish you had come sooner. Tailor -Made Suits . *20 Up • "MY WARDROBE" MAIN STREET - - - SEAFORTII • e se's , • "e ' kg• CAr• 4•••,k- q°,` • ROt, b'..r07.74Xci,7j'::?.rAt.. 44 5"1.1", eetie `43((eioleiMeettke, , 1/.. LIAMVSTARY. LETTER , • • , • .fflioguiva ..people have a 'double thande in the welcoming line to -day "When batb.the new Governer -General ande Prime Aniter got back to Ottawa, ihriu.ltaneously: The Preinier waited over.in"Quebec for a few days 'to get the advantage of the refteet- ed•glory, since there was no eeeep- tion planned VW himself or the other Wanderer hif the • cabinet, Hon.C, C. Eallantine,;who is also back in OH tan* alter•a'strenuous summer spent id -England; # Kon. Hugh Guthrie, lifinister of Militia, is continuing to enjoy his holiday over there and is expected to arrive home about the time the gov- ernment is ready to issue veleta for him which preceded himand his fam- cording •to the law, should be 'held within the next few weeks and months. Canadians of all classes and creeds joined in the welcome to Lord Byng, of Vimy, who by his war record and his splendid leadership of the Can- adian soldiers overseas endeared •him- self to the splendid men of Canada's army. That the new governor-gen- eral will enhance his popularity the longer he. remains In Canada is as- sured for the information regarding hire which preceded him and his fam- ily to Canada has indicated 'that the authorities made a splendid selection when they chose him to represent the crown in the dominion. The now governor-general had ex- pressed his wishes that the welcom- ing ceremonies to be as simple as possible, for he Is khown to be very much averse to elaborate functions when he has anything to do with arranging them, and consequently the programme at Ottawa was kept down within .his wishes. The gov- ernment, however, despite the hard times, managed to spend a lot of money on useless and unnecessary Platforms and decorations, which af- ter an half-hour's use, are torn down again and thrown into the discard. against those responsible for_decorat- ing parliament hill for the needless expense they have incurred. The question of the day now in the political circles is Whether or not the government will decide on a full ses- sion for the passage of a redistribu- tion bill, or whether it will be dis- solution or the third course of hang- ing on until the last dog is hung and the last four thousand dollar in- demnity gathered in by the govern- ment supporters, many of whom know that this is their last time in Ottawa. The Premier must decide which of these three courses he will follow, shortly after his return. There are two °tunes in the cabinet and also two camps among the followers of the government outside. The mem- bers of parliament supporting the Government in the House are practi- cally all in favor of hanging through another year in the hope that there may be a swing in some direction which will give their party a little hope where at present none exists. The Premier is believed to be one of those who favor hanging- on until all possible glory is ended and it is expected that his decision will be in that direction. For one thing it must not be for- gotten that Mr, Meighen himself has to go to the country in Maniteba, and there is no part of the Dominion so insistent on redistribution before an election as is Manitoba. To go to the country without giving to that province representation based on the new census would be suicidal to whatever remaining hopes the Gov- ernment might have, and it is neces- sary, if at all possible, to elect the Premier in his own bailiwick. • There is one thing which may con- tribute to the government's decision to go to the country and give the people a say as to who shall govern them, and that is the fact that our customs revenue is falling away al- most in half during the last few months. Canadian people have stop- ped buying non -essentials, to some extent, at least, and the government is facing a bigger deficit than ever on its year's balance sheet, so that there is a reason there for going to the country and letting, someone else shoulder the responsibility of bring- ing the country out of the rut into which it has fallen. Indication's are not wanting either that the Government might try and shelve the difficulties of redistribution onto someone else. Objections to the census returns are coming in from various sources now, and the sugges- • tion is being handed out that if there are very many complaints the Gov- ernment may say the census returns • are so meddled up that it cannot base an honest redistribution bill upon them. That suggestion may not be worth anything but it is one way the Government can alibi out of a redis- tribution bill and still hold what few friends it may have in the Weet, where Bob Rogers still has his fingers on the pulse of the old party machine and • is ocrnsionelly pumping a little oxygen into it to keep it from abso- lute stagnation. Canada's representation at the League of Nations meeting at Geneva next month is causing some concern in cabinet circles just at present Sir •George Foster, the grand -daddy of ministers, bas acquir- ed a liking for these trips overseas, but so has • Big Minister Of Justice, and it transpires that while in this case it is not necenstury, so it is claim, ed, that more than one sninister should attend, they both want to go and they both intend to go if there is any chance. .It had been reported • that Sir George Perley would go in- stead of Poster and then another an -. NIT HURON to be held in 4 ia ark,Seaforth ON WEDNESDAY ust 31st AT 1.30 P.M. WHEN BM W. L Mackenzie King Leader of the Liberal Opposition Hon. Dr. Beland ex -Post Master General W. C. Kennedy M. P. For North Essex and other speakers will address the electors of ••• • Huron County. "GOD SAVE THE KING" EXECUTIVE HURON LIBERAI. ASSOCIATION. „ . nouncement NrIli to the effect that Perley and Doherty eould both be there. However, 'Sir (;.-.rge is tense - item, despite, (or beese-0 of) his .ad- vanced age, and he bad decided, it is claimed that he also 0 going. There is a merry row in tl..• ..abinet for the Premier to settle we he gets down to business, and it is pected to end in Sir George getting his way, since one minister's expenses in Europe mean nothing to the present admini- stration. - Sir Gorge. got his way last time by annomeing after cabinet 11«1 decided again his ging, that he hiel got his tickets and was ;tome anyway, and i- expected to settle the argument i'.ot way again, if necessary. The next few .1., see amne interest. government cire:,• election dates o: things to be de •i the matter of c. tion at the I3,0 ir Washington ,• Although Caned,' parently have n., this being a math ernment to make Premier and seine decided that they though they at int position of gloriti and that is anote a fall election, s,•• not be there and Mr. Meighen's dcring why he 1 -- at the council agent overseas tr glory away frem and credit Mr. responsible for th ference on disarm ent it appears tl... ier is there ni o' the capacity or will probably he ing Street whit ed which affect s and week, sliouid • g developments in There are bye - 1 a host of other led upon, and also .nada's representa- element conference November I 1 tit, - delegate will ap- -itatus there at all, • for Imperial Gov - the decisions, the of his cabinet have nust be there, even 1 somewhat in the d embassy clerks, •t• thing to hold off •e the Premier can - n Ottawa too. upporters are won - not given a place 'le, since his press ed to grab all the President Harding leighen with being calling of the con- ament, but at pres- if Canada's prem - 1 he will attend•in British attache and •onsulted by Down - 03' question is rais- Canada particular- ly. ALBERTA'S NEW FARMER - l' Ile; MIER There is net" ig brilliant or out- etanding about Herbert Greenfield, the premier -ca. of Alberta. He ,s the holder of 1. educational laurels; he knows 11(11, or nothing of the strife or the MI' Idds of big business; he is not versed in the. intricacies of legal debate; . for social standing he cares nothi..... But I shall be very much sure, sed if, as the fourth Premier of Alt ta, he does not rend- er as gond, if 1 ot better, service to the whole co,,o unity as that given by any of his p. cdecessors. Outside of fa, ning and local circles. few knew of 11.ebert Greenfield prior to the recent e.eetion. He was not even a candidtve for parliamentary honors; a seat nas now to be found for him. But le- was the unanimous choice of the fermer meinbers, nearly all of whom appeared in convention to pass on a lender; and to -day fie it; one of the most talked of men in Canadian public life; because of sur- mises as to just what the new legis- lature may de in radical reforms. The story of the boyhood days of the premierveleet is very brief and simple. There is little or nothing to -record. Born in a suburb of London, England, some fifty-two years ago, he received the usual public school edu- cation of a working class lad and be- gaitefwonk at an early age. From early boyhood he helped to contribute to the support of his home, and he had never dodged hard work or long hours. Coming to Canada when twenty- three years old, he settled at Weston. Ontario, and for some years worked as a hired man on farms in Bruce and Middlesex counties. In 1900 he married a young Canadian girl, Miss Elizabeth Harris, of Adelaide, Ont., and some six years later moved to Alberta, where he took up land at Westleck, which is west of Edmonton. Here he still has his hone. Surely an ordinary and uneventful life. Yes. But occasionally a very ordinary man is called on to fill a leader's place. How came Herbert Greenfield to be premier -elect of Alberta? He had become prominent in U.F.O. circles. His sound judgment had been recognized long befere the elec- tion. His honesty of purpose and in- dependence were beyond question. On matters pertaining to rnunicipal af- fairs, he had gained some prominence. He is a past president of the Unioa of Alberta Municipalities, and was one of the first to advocate the for- mation of municipal hospital districts.' And then Mr, H. W. Wood, the presi- dent of the United Farmers of Al- berta, who have been largely respon- sible for the development of the farm- ers' movement in the province, refus- ed „the honor of leading his group in the new government. Why did Mr. Wood refuse the office of Premier? The reasons can be but conjectured by the public. He may have felt that Herbert Greenfield could fill the office better; that he could hold together the party to bet- ter advantage; that his selection would be the best in the interests of the ,people at large. Or he may have felt that as president of the United Farm- ers of Alberta, he hirneslf could wield a power even greater than that of the premier of the province, and . that virtually the dictation of affairs would remain in his hands, which is the opinion that has been expressed by the Hon. George Langley, of Saskat- chewan. But Herbert Greenfield is hardly the typelr,of man who would permit dietation -from another. He is an Eng- lishman, strong, independent. hon- est. He is a man with a mind of his teen, who will make his statements in his own way, despite opposition. While he is thoroughly democratic in his outlook and while he will consult his followers on all vital problems, he will act with independence. Mr. WOO -d, no leader nf the U. F. A. will probably never make Any at- „ho. "Aritet,o1 sos(1el ,041`41,,`,04Q,,,. What We Farmers can do to Improve Con di tions Hear the HON. MANNING DOHERTY Minieter of Agriculture and MR. W. E. BURNABY Pres. ident of the C.F.O. on TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 30 on the Glenn Jersey Stock farm, east of Heneall. Supper from 0 to 8 p.m. Admission, 25c; Supper, 23e. An Orchestra in attendance. r - ' . iete'e.• o ard wlV unileublmi Y bane/4 Yr:** 0,8 knitwIeop and e 40, `• euch,does not necessayio,Jg tafifoo,., - e',new premier ls aed "With grcitinettedioVtoaolfpruwpOillaeeintrssr,7nliefthelusdbhatungrou,....0; thi districts in the southern'peek, the province, and how far the legs Attire eh,ould guarantee the financing cif ir- gaiou projects; but it is mate to vrediet that the new administration will• grapple -with these and other platters of moment in a safe, sound and efficient manner. eeet( 111 .)". .MIDDLE SCHOOL AND 4UNIOR MATRICULATION RESULTS The following list contains the names of the candidates who ,have been successful at the middle School examination for entrance into the normal schools and the peas junior matriculation examination. Candi- dates writing the pass junior schol- arship examination for the Univers', ity of Toronto, McMaster University, Queen's University, or the Western. University, have been considered in the results. The candidate whose names are given. in the middle school normal entrance list have passed in all the subjects of the examination, which are as follows: English Literature, English Composition, British and Canadian History, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry, Physics and Chemistry. Latin or Art or Agricul- ture may be taken as a bonus subject. ' The candidates whose names are given in the pass junior matriculation list have obtained complete matricu- lation standing by passing in the 12 required examination papers, which are as follows: English Literature, English Composition, English and Canadian History, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry, Latin Authors, Latin Composition, together with the four papers in any two of the follow- ing subjects: Experimental Science. (Physics and Chemistry,) French (Authors and ,C.ompesition,) German, (Authors and Composition), Greek, (Authors and Compositiono Spanish, (Authors and Composition.) In addition to the successful candi- dates whose names appear herewith, other candidate, are entitled to stand- ing on cortaikiubjects of the middle schoolnormAT-entrance examination or partial matriculation standing, or both, as the case may be. In the case of the middle school entrance ex- amination candidates may be given credit for all hut one subject under the old regulations, which allow one subject to be carried over as a sup-. nlement examination, or they may have credit for one or more subjects «nder the new regulations which al- low credit fpr each subject upon 'Mich fifty per cent. is obtained. In cos,` of the pass junior matricula- tion eeamination, candidates may he ewerdeil partial matrioulation stand- ing on eight, nine, ten, or eleven napem as the case may be. In order to romplete their standing. they re - :mire to re -write the remaining pa. (1(00 and obtain the standard indicat- e..I on their certificates. Furthermore, r tiler candidates for matriculation may have credit for one up to eleven papers under the new regulations. which allow credit for each paper up- on which fifty per cent. is obtained. Since the new regulations add con- siderably to the number of candi- dates receiving, partial credit, it is not practicable this year to publish any except those candidates obtain- ing eemplete middle selitted normal entrance or pass junior matriculation standing. This neeessary decision will also eliminate the names of those candidates matriculating into the faculty of applied science. In the case of the latter candidates, how- ever, their honor standing will be found in the henc1 matriculation re- sults as published. The partial standing awarded on all subjeetof the middle school normal entrance or pass junior nia- trieulation examination will he clear- ly indicated on the schedule of tha official certificatee or statements 0' parks which are being mailed t t4H-, principal. to whom rill candidates aro referred fer infermatien. 'r11o. cer title:Ace and statement s ef the rend: - elates whe wrote at :he University ef Toronto will he son: 1,, the regi.eror of thiitlust it ut ion rid the einilid concerned should apply to him for t reports in timid!. '11, 110 010 (1511,10 of (etch rend'. ,la 0 1 n, ii1.11, school normli! 1,,- ranee or co or Matriel1!,1- 11011 WIICI541 n1orlss IN111(1 fl') pion' to just ify an appeal have been reneeel hy the eppeal ex:tin- nier. Where such rt candidate has still failed, the statement of inerk, will be stamped as re -read find no furl her appeal will be allowed. Di all other Cases of failure, appeal- It i11 not he refused if submitted before September Ise and aecompanied bo the fen a$2. If made after Septem- ber lot, the fee is $5- - All candidates who failed nn the June middle school and pass junior matriculation examination, in whole or in pant Inc eligible to become candidates at t he supplement exam- ination beginning on Tuesday, Sep- tember 6th. All such are informed that forms of application, time- tables, and full information may be obtained from the regeletrar and se- cretary, University Matriculation Board, Parliament Buildings, Toron- to. Application to write on the sup- plemental examination must bo re- ceived not later than September let, accompanied by the prescribed fee. An additional fee of $lt will be elutrg. • „ .44 044 'Kelhke444,''.anda7thatt' a',PP Muat4be made le; theA „„..Le;ef .Bgsen yaW de Inn:eddimattidecholivol tragetwolitay - ,t tiens, on account of nit;t1'..T • " eervea their certificates: Registrar • and 'Secrete; Y. versify Matriculation _ minectiget,-6fTorto,AugustlSonucat1°n'lildaidrr, HURON- " • .".., • Middle School. Normal EatTalFiersgY J. A. Armstrong, (lion), M. Armstrong Men Armstrong, (Hon), H. D. Barton, M. Bell, W. Blaelewelleelin B.,E.Bolton,M.elpb ei:croefiti, (lion), Crozier, A. E. Dewar (Hon),.E. Uar-' war, M. T. Dalton, H. D. Damen c!".• E. Driver, A. Dale (lion), A. (Hon), J. E. Earls, E. J. Fear, Firrieon, M. F. Flynn, I. 1J, Probable A. E. Glenn, A. G. Hamilton (Hon). AI E. Hill, V. 0. Heywood, M. E. garth (lion). A. Haugh, M. Heinv (Hon), J. Hogg (Hol), L. Hocken • . (Hon), M. G. Johns, V. L Jones; M. • Johnston, L. James, M. M. Kuntz, G.. „ • Kerr (Hon), Grace Kerr (Hon), u. M. Kew, W. L. Lawson, M. Laing, 3. W. Lutton, M. Maunders (Hon), A. Mob/lath, C. J. A. Matheson ,(Hon)'. I M. Merner (lion), A. Mustard, C. ' M. MacKenzie, T. ..T. McCarthy (lion)e, R. McGonigle, E. McGrath, I. Her; Lellan, G. McPhee (Hon), G. Mae - Lean, E. Merner (Hon), L C. Mc • - Dowell, U. McLean, T. H. Mills, D. e=1. Nedigar, A. J. Nairn, M. I. Potter,, V. B. Pepper (Hon), M. A. Pentland,. A. M. Reynolds, M. E. Reyeraft (Hon), IF. Stewart M. Sillery, G. • Snowdon, S. Stanbury (Hon), M. e4t, Stewart (Hon),. A. Strang, 3. E. Thomson (Hon), R. Thompson (Hon),. A. Turnbull (tient, H. D. Taylor G. - Venner, J. Vanstone, M. Wiltonn ' Ilion,. L. S. Walker R. J. G. Wi)- son (Hon), A. G. Williamson, J. . Weis hm.paan.h. A. 'Armstrong, J. A. Armstrong, Junior Matriculation. M. Armstrong, C. Anderson, M. Bee- croft, W. Blackwell, H. D. Ball, • 0. L. Cooper, E. Campbell, H. D. Dan- . . eey, A. Dodds, A. Dale, J. E. Earls, M. M. Finleon, M. F. Flynn, A. Haugh, MEHogarth, 3, Hogg, J. L. Hogg, L. %Olsen; L. -Jetre4s, Ge. ,s seti Kerr, Grace Kerr, E. M. Kew, J. V. Lutton. M. Laing, C. M. Mackenzie, U. McLenn, T. H. Mills, I. C. Mc - newel!, T. J. McCarty, W. A. Mc - Math, C. J. A. Matheson, I. M. Mer- rier, A. Mustard„ E. Merner, G, Me. Phee, A. J. Nairn. D. X. Perrie, M. E. Royer:A, F. Stewart, S. Stanbury, M. Stewart, R. Thompson, A. Turn- bull, H. 1). Taylor, J. Vanstone, G. Venner, M. Wilton, 11. J. G. Wilson, L. S. Welker, A. G. Williamson, J. J. i We'iMiLe Schotrirr Ntir. m31 Entrance. .1. B. Aitchison. W. J. Ankentrmn, 11 E. Alin's, M. Al(es. J. Alp, N. S. Barr, W. J. Bushfield (lion), S. W. Blown, N. H. Barisdale, M. Beau- mont (Hen), H. H. Blakeman (Hon), B. K. 13ailey, T,. Blakeston (Hon), M. A. E. Crummer (Hon), D. Cameron ‘1.1-.111.111. l'le(. !;111s('‘('Ix(Hon),ion),B. W. D.LCiierluan,t- N. l Davlison, A. DeT.a Franier, M. K. Delterty, .T. F. Dufton (Hon), 0, Durkin, W. Elborn (Hon), J. A. Vinery (11 ,n), E. IL Erskine (Hon), E. (l, teeeart (Bon), R. C. Fuller, A. J. (Ilon). M. Ford. W. S. Gib - le 11. Hammond (Hon), 1ST. Han - 3. Bowel', F. McK. Irwin, W. H. Terdoe, R. T. Kidd, J. H. Kinkead, r. Kenteer, M. McGrath J. Melady, 31. MeTtityre (Hon), A. M. Mc - '1 1,1 111)111, .T. F. Malcolm (Hon), 11 y h. 1•7,,, 1. 131 a yin, rry. M. M. marine. F. T. Neilson. .3. Y. Nicol,' el. es. eneese t, D. E Oman (Hon), E. Pee, Reenick. 0. H. Seaman S';‘-1-ttii(,W ttanIT°nl.. 31. 0. 011.111:11.1:1'1,1)'SheS71.1751(07(14on (3100), 31. • ,1. )1 1 n Themesen (Hon), M. a Thome- 1, 11. Worz,-11, IT. M. Whaley, si G. Wilson (floe), W. 0. B. Woods M. Willi -11s. M. L. Worden, 11 P We•11 (11 E S. Whaley, If. 0. Watson(Hon, N. White, M. 1', W"helni. 11.• Yeai e. F. S. Yates. Pees—Junior Matriculation. .T P. v•ehisell, W. 1. Ankenman, 11 W. .1 rmolield, N. H. 1 i 11 11...,ement, II. Ti. Blake-- • o ,1 31 13 ('ru winter, D. Camer- , . M. jL. F. nehm, (1. Durkin. .3. A. Emery, E. • E. C. Ewart. R. C. Ful - .1. Fisle-r, W. S. Gibson, P. E. 13. Bord m, R. Hills, M. A. T,, R. Hammond, M. Han- 10.MoK. Irwin, R. T. Kidd, .T. H. i );,•ari, 14. McGrath, J. M. McIntyre, S. 3. McDonald, A. M. McMaster, J. Melody, E. G. Mitchell, J. F. Malcolnr4 3 ;Viateheery, M. M. Murray, J. Y. Hi - F. T Neilson, D. E. Oman, R. D. Philip. R. Perk, R. A., Pierce, G. H. IL Seamen, 1141, Scobbie, H. Sylvester, .1. E. W. Sterling, M. 0. Thompson V. Thompson, L. R. Wenzel!, 11. 31. Whaley, M. G. Wilson, W. G. 31. Woods, M. Wiiliams, B. P. Wang E. S. Whaley, 31. G. Watson, K K. Welbeltn, M. Yeandle. e. , •rilivOrrt, ease