The Huron Expositor, 1921-07-01, Page 5efe tl to yoUng g 4 n Saturday pV8 ye o Croakt 611 n Iftegan v>tho'had bee u ng the night, ddetded it,was „ out time to strike for home. . When aging along St. Gere street, -the dr r. • the auto evidently thought, ioV aIt'a, driver of renown and st4 ed, out ,.fo, show how much, speed 'tis in the machine. Several ears,, w passed on the road and when o ppooaanite the home of Mr. An- drew quhart One or two of the tires on theleft side of the car ex- ploded. Owing to the high speed at which they were travelling the blow- out caused the car to lurch or be 'drawn to one side. Before the man at the wheel could bring the car to a stop,- the auto left the road and after skinning the bark off a maple tree it''plunged into a large hydro pole .al Bost u'S front of Mr. August mitt's Nouse. How any of the occu- pants escaped with. their lives is a lnyeltery,-for the machine was batter- ed to a'coniplete wreck. The only in- juries sustained so far as known were several'minor cuts about the heads of two of the occupants and a more or less shaking up. The force -of the impact with the pole can be better ' imagined from the fact that said pole was shifted fully two inches in the ground. The crash of the collision 'awakened residents alogg -the street and in a short time quite a crwod 'gathered., In the face of so 'noany motor accidents, many of them proving fatal, it is •a wonder that drivers of cars cannot see the folly of speeding on the highway. -Sooner or later they will come to grief. Sev- eral eye witnesses of the accident on Saturday night are of the opinion, that the car was travelling anywhere from 35 to 40. miles an hour. FORTUNE IN RACE HORSES. A million dollars worth of blooded race horses, which were bought by A. K. Macomber, from the stables of the late W. K. Vanderbilt, arrived at New York on the United States mail liner -Old North, State, from London, in which special stalls had been built for them. The v^taction of $1,000,000 was given by Captain Theodore Sal- orsne, who had them in charge, and who said some of the forty-five horses -would be put up f6r sale next fall. In the Vanderbilt stables still remain 110 race horses, which will be sold by the estate. Among the best known of the new arrivals were Oversight, win- ner of the 230,000 franc race last year tat Longchanlps, France; Tehad, Win- ner of the French Derby in 1919; Brunada, winner of the Grand Prix in 1920; Maintenon, said to be worth more than all other three year old stallions lumped together, -and the 'War Star, son of Sunstar, at one time considered the greatest race :horse in England. - SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, June 30, 1921. Butter, per lb 20 to 22c Eggs, per dozen 30 to 31c Wheat, per 'bushel $1.35 Barley, per bushel 50c 'Flour,•tter cwt $5.55 Bran, per ton $26.00 Shorts, per ton $30.00 Potatoes, per bag 50c Oats, per bushel 35c Tiogs, per cwt $11.50 POULTRY MARKET Toronto, June 28. --Dresses' poultry- Sprint. chickens, 50 to 55c: roosters, 20 to 25e; fowl 25 to 20c; ducklings, 35 to 38c; old ducks, 15c: turkeys. 45 to 50c. Live Poultry—Spring chickens, 45 to 50e: roosters, 16c; fowl, 18 to 22c; ducklings, 85c • turkeys. 86 to 40e. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, June 23.—Cheevc. New, large, 175, to 18.je: twins, 18 to 19c; triplet, 18'/ to 19','sc; old large, 83 to 34c: do. twins, 28 1-2 to 04 1-2e; triplets. 34 1-2 to S5c; New Stilton. 20 to Sic. Batten—Fresh dairy, choice. 25 to 36c: 'creamery, prints, fresh, No. 1, 30 to 82c; cooking, 22 to 24c. Margarine) 22 to 24e. Eggs— 1, 38c; selects. 40 to 41c; car- ton, 42 5b 43.c. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, June 28. --Manitoba wheat—No. I Northern. $1,89%; No. 2 Northern. 91,06%; No. 3 Northern, 21.02'4; No. 4 wheat. 81.72% Manitoba Onts--No. C.W.. 49Yee: No. 3 C. W., 45sy,e; extra No. 1 feed, 45'.4c; No. 1 feed, 43%e; No. 2 feet', 43c. Manitoba barley—No. 3 C. W.. 78'4c: No. 4 C. W.. 75'ho: rejected, 6951_c; feed. G9t'.. All of the above in store. Fort William. American caro—No. 2 yellow, 770:. nominal, c.i.f. Bay Ports.' Ontario nate—No. 2 white. 40 to 420. Ontario wheat --No. 2 Winter, $1.50 to $1.57 nominal, per ear lot; No. 2 Spring, $1.43 to $1.45; nominal; No. 2 Gernc wheat nominal. shipping points, ach,r,ling to freight. Peas. - No. 2. nominal. Barley—Melting. 65 to, 75r according to freights outside. Buckwheat— No. '3 nominal. Rye—•No. 2, -$1.25, accord- ing to freights outside. Manitoba flour—First Patents, $10.50; second patents. 510, Toronto. Ontario flour -$7.45 bulk a hboard. Mill- Seed—Delivered, Montreal freight, hags in- cluded; bran, per ton, 820 to' $25: shorts, per 'ton, .524 to $27; gond feet, flour, $1.60 to $1.711 per hag. Hay—No. 1 per ton, $17 to $19; mixed, $8 to 510; straw. car lots• per ton, $10. BIRTHS •C wrtico. In Chatham, on June 21st, to Mr. and Mn, Dean Courtly,,, (nee Eva Sperling), a daughter. Neely.—Ab Bethesda Hospital, London, on June 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Neely, a ,on—John William. Chapman.—]n Goderich, on June 28th. to Mr. and Mtn. Langford Chapman, a son. Watt—In Hulled, on June 17th, to Mr. end Mrs. Robert R. Watt, a eon. Bray.—In Exeter. on June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Bray, a e 'roods.—In Goderich township on June '0th, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woods, a daughter. �� TEND ANTIC #'!� a FOR CON - Om et • the Clark Drain. ependem IR to dice iutdeta'igned by Ja1y 9th. D 1e.',1,Aiq R.BiS�i!fut Clerk, P,794 2 F. 0. NOTICE, TSE `Ddi1172IfI Y yr 'Meeting of the U F 0, will be held in Carnegie Hall on July 8th, 1821. EMIT IRWIN, Seoretarfy? eltneurer. 27944 FOR PAKTu13E SWILL TAKE A NUMBEtt. 6f'cattle In to grass. Apply. to T. 'J. ADAMS, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. Phend 2-110. 2794x1 FOR 8AIAL-45 ACRES OF CHOICE timothy hay on the. Geld, on Lot 19, Con- eeselon 8, McKillop. Apply to MRS. SUSAN ROSS, dr phone 18 on 240, Seaforth Central, or Dublin P. 0. 27044 1 irEACIiER WANTED FOR 8. S. No. 4, McEntlop, second class permanent cer- tificate. Apply ending salary. Appliea- bene will. be received by the undersigned up to July 28rd. ROBERT OIBSQN R. R. No. 5, Seaforth. 2794x4 7.1 BAi+E OF 84B$f- tAliNP , o0p behalf of tJte 1diteoptotp p estate 92 Robert, #taWta dteeesod, will ba ogered$yf�dr este by ppblle age. Y 1w.tOth day Off' July 1021 et the ' tout' of two M'o'och. in the afternoon, Mt i the: • eerr'e Hotel ' smfortb the fallowI •.prop 'amnelY The -'aced, golf of i+0i num r TweatySve-12t), .In the ninth ) concession of the Township .et McKillop, n the County of Hurbgg save and except loop than -,an acre thereof heretofore cold and conveyed, The Saki lands. are. Well fenced and *011 watered and them are, theson con- siderable oak, elm and ntalle timber and .4 good bearing orchard, and the -property b well sttjiated at Winthrop and convenient to churches, schools, eta Terme of Sale.— Twenty (20). per cent. dorm at tthe time of sale' and the balance within unity_ (00) days thereafter; when the,•putchg4esWI5 to he en. titled' to a cmrveyancu„fres fro alI encum- brances. Possession willgiven on the let of- December next, on the plry of the existing lease. The property '1111 be offered for sale subject to a reserved, bid. Further particulars and terms of nabs will be made known on the day of sale and may be oh; tallied in the meantime from 'the under - abroad. DatedatSeaforth the 29th day of Jpne,1921 IL S, BAYS Solicitor for John Bullard and George Eaton. Execu ro of said Estate: Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2704-8 TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. NO. 1, ' Usborne, Huron County, Protestant, duties to commence tteptember let. Apply, stating experience. qualifcptions and salaryexpect- ed—until July 26th.,. to PETER MOIR, Se- cretary, ,Heneall.- R. R., No. 1 2794-2 TEAN,HER. WANTED FOR 8. 8. NO. 18. p'1eKilinp,' (Rdkboro). holding permanent second -clam certificate. Duties to commence September 1st {Apply elating salary and tualiacatfona to. JOSEPH SCOTT, Secretary, Seaforth- P. 0., R. R. No. 2. 2195x5 BULL FOR SERVICE.—ROYAL RAMSDEN pure bred Shorthorn bulk Will take a limited number of oowa on Lot 25, Conces- sion 7, McKillop. Terms, SS for pure brads; $3for grades. JOSEPH BREWSTER. 2191-tf LOST.—RED HEIFER, -ABOUT SEVEN months old. Mark on bottom of right ear. Any information leading to recovery of name will be euitably rewarded. and say one harboring same after this notice will be prosecuted. GARFIELD MCMICHAEL, Sea - forth, N. R. 2. Phone '4 on 816, Clinton. 2798-2 FARMS FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE ie hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persona hav- ing claims against the estate of Robert Hanna, late of the Towaahi$ _ of MsKtllop, In the County of Huron, retired farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 8th day of February. 1921, are required on or before the 21st day of July, 1921, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit ' and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the i parties entitled thereto, having regard only , to the claims of which notice shall then • have been given. Dated the 29th day of June, 1911. R. B. HAYS. 2794-3 Solicitor for Exeeutora, FARMS FOR SALE. — I HAVE SOME Choice farm$ for sale in the Townahipe of Ueboono and Hibbert, all well built and Improved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Oat 2858-tf EARM FOR SALE.—LOT 14, CONCESSION 4. Turkersmith. 135 norm cleared, 5 acres hush land. On the premises there are one brick house, 1 hank barn, driving abed. hay shed, hen house. The farm is well tile drain - rd and well fenced. Will sell with the crop. This is a fltst-clans farm and can be sold on reasonable terms. Two miles from Sea - forth on Bayfield Road. Apply to THOMAS LANE.. R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. Phone 5 oh 537. 2702x4 FARM FOR SALE.—', MILE SOUTH of Rnmeflrid. Lot 13. Cone veion 1, Stanley. 100 acres. There ore 011 the premises one good bank harts, implement house, straw shed, a good frame house, -8 good never -Call- in,' wens, windmill on one. The form IA well fenced and well drained. Rural mail and phone. This is one of the bmt farms in the township, end will he sold on reesonxble terms. Possession given in No- vember. Fur further particulars apply to DREW SWAN. Brucefleld, Oct. 2702-tf FARM FOR SALE. --100 ACRES, LOT 34, London tined In Township of Tucker - smith. one mile north of Rnmefeld. 91 acres cleared. remainder bush. There iv a grind frame home with herd and soft water and heated by furnace. also telephone. good barn 80258, silo. pig pen, hen house and drive shed. There are about 80 acres of spring crop and 8 acres of fall wheat. J acres of beans, 5 acres of corn, and 2 acre, of pota- toes. This in counted to he a Na. 1 farm. Will sell crop and n11 land. Immediate possession, or without crop and possession in fall. For further particulars - apply - to the proprietor, on Lot 34, London Road. AMOS CARTWRIGHT, Proprietor. 2792 -If PARM FOR SALE,.—FARM OF TWO HUN - teed acres adjoining the Town ef Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches. schools and Collegiate. There is a comfort- able brick• cottage with a cement kitchen: barn 100x56 with stone stabling underneath for 6 horses, 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions and water before all stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos; driving shed and Plat- form senlea. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and in n high stale of cultivation. The crop is ell in the ground --choice clay loam. Immedi- te possession. Apply to M. 13EATON• R. It 2, Seaforth, Ont1787-tf MARRIAGES Crich—Townshend.—At Trinity church, Pey- field, on. Jung 22nd, by the Rev. R. C. Pitta, Eleanor L., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Townshend. of Goderich township. to J. G. Nelson Crich, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Crich, of Tucicetemith. c Foote—Tbreasu0mp•c-In Clinton; on June 22nd, by Ree. • J. it , Hogg;. Margaret. -McDonald, yoongest daughter of Mn.'. and Mrs. -John . Torrance; to Mr. Game erguson Foote, of Port Arthur. Davos—Davis.—IsI Calgary,;,, Alta., on June 16th, '061. Evo,9 Greenwood Dovl'e, .C.M.G., of Ottawa, to,S, Bernice °Wen. daughter of Mr Alfred T. Slavic' M.L.A., of Calgary. forme y' of, GOde,rIch. "Y - - , DEATHS Airth.—tn Exeter, on Jane 1.484, ,Ann Swan, Bolict,,of the late James A4'rtb, aged 84 yearn And 9 monthe'ri'. McTag —in Clintoni on.Jftne 11th, Mar- garet widow of the late Malcolm MeT rt, in her 81st year. Prentle "r'wf h on- ([I5 -11th. Earle May et,r'-""bbldt0tl ceitte- dal: -Hugh Prorates, tee, in her 10th year, o the infant .r-,: WI.Wrol FARMS FOR SALE. -166 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, In the. Township of Tucker - smith, 8 mile, from Seaforth. 6 miles from Brucefleld and Kippett, convenient to school and church; 95 acres cleared, remainder In maple bash. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are in first-class repair; hard end soft water in the house and in stables: 2 wells. 1 having a windmill. This farm to thoroughly under drained and fenced and in a high state of cultivation. never having been heavily cropped. This is In every way a first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of Hib- bert. containing 150 sores; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly nnderdrnined and fenced, the remainder is in first chess maple bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame, house and good barn 48x6$ with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm Is n11 seeded to grass and is in excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little: situ- ated within 5 miles of Hensel'. quarter of mile from school. There Is long distance telephone connection en both forme, also rural mail delivery. Thine farms will be sold together or sepnrntely to cult purchaser and on reasonable terms. For farther par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, or Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 181. Seaforth THOMAS G. SHILLINC,LAW. Proprietor - Farmers' Picnic I The Brucefleld U. F. 0. and U. F. W. 0. Clubs purpose holding a picnic July 5th on Mr. McCartney's Farm 4th Concession of Stanley 112 miles south of Bannockburn The Hon. Peter Smith, Minister of Finance, and Mr. A. Hicks, M.P.P., am expected to be present as speakers Bring your lunch baskets with you. Ten will be provided. - The Sports Com2fitftee has arrang- ed1a progra$mgee 1' e ttrreP.O,e0. Evef37bOdy -Welcome Elizabelth A3k AiTA l3�' 1 Murray Gibson, Secy. U. F, 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes In that behalf that all persona ha,'. ing claims against the estate of Archibald McGregor, late of the Township Of. McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who, died on the 26th day of May, 1921, are required on or before the 14th day of July, 1921, to ,.end by poet, prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by . affidavit and the nature of the security fif any' held by them. Further take notice that after the said last last mentioned dote the assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated the lot day of June, 1921• R. 8. HAYS. 2793-3 Solicitor hoc Executors. The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service.. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand , Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf Money Makers Ci,AY DRAIN TILE Will open a kiln on Monday, June 20th, 1921. Sizes 3 to 6 inch, and sonic White Brick. New Tile and Brick and New Prices. Delivery made at Reasonable Rates, W. M Sproat It. R. No. 4, SF.AFORTH, Phone 9 on 136. me of Bargains SPECIAL - In fine Blue Chambray, full yard wi4th, 40 cents, 25for c LADIES' Bungalow Aprons. Regu- lar $1.00, 69c for i FINE VOILE Waists, new assortment. Regular $3.00, 1 for 95 .. WHITE LISLE Hose; real good value at per pair 35c • CHILDREN'S Overalls in Blue and White stripe. Sale - Price .00 Khaki $1.50, for BOYS' Shirts. Regular 1.35 BOYS' Real strong Leather Belts. Regular 75 cents, 50c for - CHILDREN'S Rompers with and without sleeves, from 1 year to 5 yrs. 75c and 69c LADIES' Envelope combination. Worth regular $1.7:11 35 for CHILDREN'S White Pique Dresses. Worth f1.5or 0, ; .. 1. 1 1 U MEN'S Fine Pure Silk Socks in all colors for 5c MEN'S Fine Black Cotton Sox, worth 50 cents for 29c Stock Issue Wanted A reliable brokerage house is in a position to underwrite an issui' of from $100,000 to $1,000,000 of an established and growing Canadian Corpora- tion. Communicate with us by wire or phone at our expense. Corporation R General Investments, Limited. • Investment Securities. 38 King St.- E. • - - - Toronto Phone Main 5016-7. NOTICE We are opening a is In of Plain Tile on Friday, June _l;h. We will carry in stock from 3',<, ,nch to 8 inch Tile at Reduced Price., We also de• liver tile. KRUSE BROS., R. R. N . 3, Seaforth. Phone 2 on 160. c> o<>O 000000000 o W. T. BOX &. CO. O Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Directors 0 O H..C. BOX 0 O Holder of Government 0 O Diploma and 1..cense 0 0 Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished ,n short 0 O notice. 0 0 Night Calls II s' Calls 0 0 Phone 175 ('hone 43 0 00000000r:, 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0000 0 S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer O Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office. Residence Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 O 0 O O O 0 O 0 0000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 000000000 0 Embalmer and Funeral Director ' Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaferth. Flowers furnished on short notice. Charges Moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 O O O O 0 0 O O 70 000000000 0000 rika p .,IF Froduea!?► P -f your f THE CANADIAN OF COMMERCE. PAID-UP CAPITAL - • $15,00(000 RESERVE FUND .$15.000.009; .t SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. • School of Commerce CLINTON AND GODERICH Owing to change in C. T. R. Time -table it will be necessary for us to re -open our GODERICH BRANCH. Students preferring to attend there may' make arrangements to do so. We give you a THOROUGH and PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE or TEACHER'S COURSE. and will arrange for students wishing SPECIAL COURSES This is the only school in this district in which EVERY mem- ber of the STAFF is a Normal Trained Teacher as well as a Com- mercial Graduate. BOOKKEEPING taught by BLISS SYSTEM of actual business. GOLD MEDAL has twice been awarded by the NEW YORK. . OFFICE of the Remington Typewriter. Co. - FOUR SPECIAL CERTIFICATES have been awarded -by the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT of the Underwood Typewriter Company. There is a well paid place waiting in the business world for you if you well lityourself for it. Think it over. Fall term opens Sept. 6th, 1921. For further information Phone 198 Clinton, or write— B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice- Prin. Compositors and Linotype Operators Permanent positions are now open for a few good Compositors and Linotype Operators to work on TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT. Compositors - - - $36.00 Linotype Operators - $36.00 Men or Women same wage. Hours 7.45 to 5.30. Saturday 7.45 to 12 noon. - Positions absolutely guaranteed to competent men or women for at least one year. Ideal working conditions and surroundings. Open shop. Transportation paid. Liberal allowance for transportation of family and furniture in case of married men. All applications confidential. Apply by wire or mail to Saturday Night Press • 73 Richmond Street West TORONTO. t Spec'l,1 Holiday Sale CANVAS i AS I' OOTWE AIR HOSE, UNDERWEAR :SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS, ETC. I.adies White Canvas Oxfords, reg. $3.25, for $2.50 ® L•adies White Canvas Oxfords, reg. $2.75 for $2.25 • I aches' White Canvas Ties, reg. $3. for $2.50 ® Misses' White Canvas Oxfords, reg. $2 for$1.50 ® (Child's White Canvas Oxfords, reg. $1.75 fol -$1.25 Men's White Running Shoes, reg. $2.50 for$2.00 Men's Brown Running Shoes, reg. $2.75 for$2.25 Ladies' Silk ankle and Lisle Hose, in black and White, regular 75 cents, for .45 Men's Fine Shirts, regular $3.25, for $2.50 Men's Fine Shirts, regular $2.50, for $2.00 Men's Balbriggan Underwear, reg. $1.00 for.75 - Men's Poros hnit Underwear, reg. $1.00 for.50 Men's Panama Hats, regular $3.00 for $2.00 SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL BOOTS AND SHOES 100 POUNDS GRANULATED SUGAR. (LIMITED), $10.00 Overalls, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 a pair. Eggs taken as Cash. We do not buy Sutter. Store closes at 6 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings E. A. McASH & SON, Varna 'M'�e 1 "i Rf4'14!x'. "'NQ 4 o:kRwm Li,• 1