The Huron Expositor, 1921-06-03, Page 5A r r"t t�`a .2:`ii82L igg$r ,per 440n.., e28 to 24e Butt,�k, pOr t t 29 tP 2$p Wheat, -.Pile ti tel,...,r,.,•:„$1,86 Ba4I'.ftp4 .per, tushol_ 60c Flotpfr per eiwt' $6.66' Bra r ton 13ho , per ton(. $80.00 liogai. per .ewt. $8,00 Oats, per bushel 850 Potatoes, per mag BIRTHS aroudh,-At the Private • Pavafoa Toronto. General Hospital, on Friday, May 20th, to Dr., and Mrs. S. S. Grouch (nee Mabel McFaul), a non. MoKhy,-In Wenatchee, Wmbiogam, n May 20tb. to Mr. and Mm, W. F. McKay, formerly of McKillop, ,a son, (Raymond William). Beard, -In Clinton Hospital, op May 17th, to r. and Mrs. Ememon Heard, of Bruce- fieldi:,a on. 4)ud,nore.-At Holmenville, on May Slat, to Mr.. pod Men. John Cudmere, a son. MARRIAGES Cole -McPhail: -0o' Saturddy, May 21st, at the Methodlat parsonage, Fullerton, by Rev. J. 12 Coiling, Mary McPhail, to Earl Fulton Cole, both of Rueeeldaie. DEATHS liairegor.-In McKillop, on May 26th, 1921, Archibald McGregor, sun of the late Alexander McGregor, aged 12 yearn and 6 months. Proctor. -At Holmoville, on May' 22nd, Joseph Proctor. In Ale 80th ear. Hayter. -In Stanley township, on May 18th, Joseph James Hayter, aged 70 ymm. James. --In Brussels, May lint, Alice Maud Brown, widow of the late Henry James, ged 49 yeum, 7 months nd 8 days. Sharpin.--In Wroxeter, on May 21st, Francis E., ,daughter of Mr. and Men. Ward Sharpie, aged 9 months. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re Eliza Jane Coleman Estate NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustees Act that all persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Jane Coleman. late f the Vrilage of Iietsall, in the County of Huron, idow, who died on the 12th day of April, 1921. are required to prove and file thern with Gitelman & Stonbury, Solicitors for the Executors on or before the 20th day of June, 1921, fter which' date the Exemturn will not he liable for ny claim then nut tiled. GLADMAN.& STANBIIRY/ Solicitors for Executors. llensall & Exeter. 2790-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re Agnes Smailacnmbe Estate NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all pemuns having claims against the estate of Agnes Smallovombe, lnto f the Village of Hennelt, in the County f Huron, widow, who died on the 17th day of February, 1921, are required to prove and file them with Gladman & Stanbury, Solieitors for the vldministramr on or be• fore the 20th day of June, 1921, for which date the Administrator will not be liable for any claim then nut file&. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitor. for Administrator. Henaall & Eerier. - 2790.8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Stututon in that behalf that all persona hav- ing claims against the estate of Robert H. C,ovenloek, late of the Town of Senforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 23rd f June, 1920. ere re- quired on or before the 20th June, 1921, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the un- dersigned, full particulars f their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security llf any). held by there. Fur- ther. tdke notice that after the said last mentioned date the enacts of the said de- ceased will he distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the cluins of which notice shall thin have been given. Dated the lath day of May, 1921. JOHN R. GOVENLOCK, Dr. JAS. S. HOG(:, 2790-3 Executors of said estate. IMPORTANT NOTICES WANTED.. TEAMS TO DRAW GRAVEL from Fotheringham's nit. Apply to FRANK LAYTON, Phone 14 on 614, Clin- ton. 2788-tf.• TEACHER WANTED. - WANTED EX- perienced teacher for School Section No. S, Egmndville. State quxfilleutons and salary. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Tuesday, June 14thb. W. J. Finnigan, Sec.-Treas., S. S. Nu. A. Eg- mondville. 2790-2 NOTICE IS HEREBY oGIVEN WITH RE - card to a number road rapers be- longing to the Township of Tuckersmith, which have been borrowed or taken, but not returned. Parties please return. Re. nee offered for any infomation leading to whergoboute of name. By miler of Tuck- . eesmith Township Council. 2788-tf (''HESTER WHITE PIGS FOR SALE. Both sexes. I have 2 mng boats fit for service. Also a numbers of young sop's that ere beteg bred. Now is the time to Ret something good at very rensonablr Price as there are of imported stork purchas- ed from John C. Annesser, 'Tilbury. Ont, Also boar for service, and young pigs for sale of both sexes. ABRAHAM MCGILL. Senforth, Ont., It. R. No. 2; phone 6 on 61'1 Clinton. 2789-tf ,ESTRAY HEIFER. STRAYED F11OM THF, premise: of the undemignrvt. lot 19, Concession Hullett. nbout Moy 24th, n ten months' old red heifer with white feet nd ator on forehead, Any info relation lending to its reecvery please phnm' I I on 243. Sea - forth <rr address It. It. No. 2. Senforth. WILLIAM MASON. 2700.3 4-2 RA7 I, NOTICE. .- TBE REEVES OP - •ruekersmith and Ifihhert will he at. Me- Deeold's a rner, Phi miles north of Chisel - burst. on Monday June 6th. 1921. at two o'clock to let the jolt for drawing n quantity of grovel on the Boundary line between the townships if antiefnctory prices ran be ob- tained. 2790.1 'L ARM FOR SALE. FARM OF TWO HUN- ▪ dred acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches. schools and 'Collegiate. There ie n comfort- able brick cottage ith a cement kitchen; barn 100050 with stone ambling underneath for 6 horses, 70 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel atanehient and water before all stark: litter c rrier and feed carrier and two cement silos: driving .shed and pint - form settles. Watered by a rock ell and windmill. The form is well drained a d in a Tigh amt of c ltivation. •rhe crop Ls il the ground hoiso clay loam. immedi- ate ptawess,on. Apply to M. BEATON. R. R. 2, Senforth. Ont. . 2707-tf MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with steady work West -Angus Showcard Ser- vice, Church & Colborne. Sts. Toronto: n)5 win^-v"tn, OfW dttiMltthtt:4:4 1 OPPLtA . LORD MAN$PTELD Irape'•I�I16A71 (11898) hl . Vp : Z0, la, C,. ti.' H. 'Fanned Enrolment No. 1784 Tfortn 1 Will stand fpr 'the improvement of stock this ' '.Ammon, ata follows: Monday. --JW fl leave hie own stable, Hewok. wood, and gp to John Murray's, MOKIHopp, for Avon i thence be Anon Rosa', 10th Coil- ompiun, for' end hour; then to Ws own stable .for night. T4tsday.-To, Peter Undane°, Hallett, for noon; thenad to Owen Flynn'u, for night. Wedneedey. To Wm. 'Anderson's, Mc&UIoR .toy noon; then to his own stable for night. Thursday. -To Domipion Hotel, Dublin, for noon ; then to Jmeph Atkinson',, Hlfjbent, for night. Friday. -'To Martin Cur - tins, 104 mile, east f Seedorth, for noon; then to fila own stable for night Saturday. - 'rta Jadtes Flannigaa'o. Logan. for noon; then to his wn stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms. -To insure a foal, $10. hats Evans, Proprietor and Manager, • Beeobwood, 'Oat. COL. GRAHAM (12103) ' Approved Enrolment No. 1870 Form Al W W stand for the improvement of stock thts aeaaoa, ae follows; Monday, May'9th.-At noon will leave hb own stable In Egmondville and go north along the gravel rood to Grieves' bridge, then west to Joseph McFarland, for night. Tuesday. -Will go west 8%t miles to the Kinburn Road; then north to Bert Steven- non'n for noon ; then west 8%' miler and noeth 1st to Andrew FI no, for night. Wednoday.-Will proceed 11t( mile south and east 0% mil. to Malcolm Montgomery's for neon ; then east to kin own etahle for night. Thursday. --South 24 miles; then eoet two miles and one-half to Peter Melvor's, for noon; then north eve miles to John Lane's, for night. Friday. -West to the North Gravel Road and south to his own stable, where he win remain until Monday non. Terms to Insure a foal -$16. Dominick Reynolds, Proprietor and Manager. The, Premium Clydesdale Stallion 'BLACON'S SON i (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 6272 Form Al Terme to insure- .416. Monday --Will leave hie own stable, Bruee- field, and go west to the nd concession f Stanley, then north to John Butchard'a, for noon; then north mid wont to Ed. Glenn; Jr's., for night. Tuesday. --By way f Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperanie Hotel for noon ; then by way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClincheyo. for night Wedmodny. • By McClymont's tide road to the Par4 Linc, then south to Wm. Foster's. for noun; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Smnley, for the night. Thursday. ' 'v the Town Line. then to Kippen and south to George Glenn's, for nwn ; then by way of the London Road to his own stable, Brucefield, for night Friday ' To George Mctartney's, Mill Road, for noon ; then to McAdam's side road. and north to the '2nd eon ession H. R. S., Tuckemmith, then went to ,James Carnchan'n, for night Sat- urdny..-West by Broodfuot's bridge, then south to the Mill Road, to hie own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday r0oening. H. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. s • The Deeside Premium Horse M'AKWiRA (Imp.) No. 15279 Passed Enrolment Nu. 3267 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this sermon as follows: Monday.- Will leave his own stable, Sta n, and go west to Richard Sellery'o. for noon; south to the Cromarty Line, then eget to his own stable Poe night. Tuesday. -Will leave his. own otahle at n anti go south to James Bellantyne'o, Uohorne bmmdary, for nicht Wednesday. -South to the Thames Rood and west to the F,lieeville Line and south to Elimville to Jashun Johns', for noon; then south and east to William Brock's, for night Thursday. -South to the 10th concession and act three miles and north to William Thotnpann, Jr..'s. Lot 6, Concession 9, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Lino nd t to Taylor'a Hotel, Kirkten, for night. Frfdoy,-North to Mount Pleasant at Jasper Pridham's, for noon; then west a d north to John Hamiltbn'e, for night Saturday. -North to Hie 7t1, conces- and s mt to the Centre Road and south t ,t his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to insure -$in5. John Livingstone, Proprietor nd Manager, INVOLUCRE 121461 (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 854 Form 1 Will travel the following route this season: Monday. -will leave his 'own smile, Bruce - field, and proceed west to Varna at Sher- lock Keys'. for noon; then north into Code - rich Township to the Bayfield concession and est to A. A. Welsh's, for night. Tuesday. --- North by way f 6th ceneesaion to Porter's Hill ey George Vnndcrhurgo, for noon: then north to James McMillone, 6th concession, Goderieh Township, for night. Wednesday. - Hy ay of Jewel's C rners and Benmiller tp W. Hill's, for noon; then by way of Maitind cmtcession to Holm.vil le at Harry Sweet'a, for night. Thursday. --By way of 16th con- cession to A. Townsend's, for noenl then by way of Huron Road to Berry & Cameron's Carriage Shop, Clinton, for night. Friday. - South by way of the London Rond to his own stable, Brucefield, for noon; then west 1 Ka miles and south 1 F miles to 'John Murdock's for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Snturday, South 2tF miles, d est Ili miles to Robert Elgle'a, for noon; then by w•ay of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. 'rhe above route ill be continued through• nut tae season. health and weather per- mitting. Terms. --To insure, $15.00. William Berry, Proprietor. Passed Enrolment No. 5161 Form 1 Pure Bred Percheron Stallion MARSHALL GUEDO 8091 Will stand fm• the improvement of stock this s son ne follows: Monday -Will leave his 'own stable, Tot Concession 7. McKillop, enrl proceed to Senforth at the Royal liotl, for noon: then south to Jahn McElroy's, Tuekersmith, for night Tuesday.-Ennt to Joseph Nagle's, for noon: then to Dublin at the Dominion Ilotel for' night. Wednesday. -To Joseph McQuaid's, for noon; then to W. Flanni- gano, Lot 2, 'Coneveaioe' 6, McKillop, for night. Thursday. -To Peter Htcknell'a, fon. noon; then to his wn stable for night. Friday. -To Henry Buerman'a, Logan, for noon; then to E. Ellison's, Lot 5, Concession 12, Logen, fnr night.. Saturday -To Andrew Patrick's for noon; thence to his own stable where he will remain until the following M nday morning. Terme.--814 to insure, pnynhle January 1, 1922. All ocddente to mares nt rink of owners. .T. Murray. Man.: Jon. Brewster. Prop. EMPEROR McKINNEY [16531 Approved Enrolment Nn. 4070 Form Al Th, Standard Bred Trotting Stallion will stand fora Life improvement of tock this season t 'hin, own stable, Lot S Concession 4, Tuckemmith, Mares from a rdistance will be met part of the way. Terms. -To insure, $15.00. Chdtles Riley, Proprietor. The Pore Bred Clydesdale Stallion RANTIN ROBIN No,, 21.08$ Passed Enrolment ,No.' x697 .:Form `}:, Will. stand'. tort the, imnroVenbe,it utY dbaale this season at his -own citable, Lot 84; Con-- cesaton 4, McKiilop, except Saturday after- noon tram, one to lis-o'elock, wen. firs -will:• be at the ..� y{�w1 $et i' Stablfm,. OSt4, ... Terrlla,�It to tenure. Perry Smlt4, Proprietor and Manager. 0 t4. I N Pr '<N7 �Dl'41me t .A[0., �if6' Q�gp�tzsed , L'pxrt 1 n yq�t WIU etttlfld for' henrili ogt s4 afrtrk -t4tk WTamdaY•-%Will leave- hlo�!liltn. stable, Heron ed three. miles' wort oLy,8eflforth, and go to (Sornmercll4 , oto, Q�kpn, for noon i then by way of uron R and Iloldteei isle tq Oscar Tebett e,. (or night. Wednesday. -- Hy ,way of S4sltland Cpnc'tseloa to John -unit's, for noon; tj1 o., to Beautifier and won Road to' Wilydot �lawfkee', for night. Thumday.-To •fhe 7th concession, Godericb Township to Fred Pickard',, for noon; then to William Vodden's, Telephone Road, for night. Friday. -By way , of Telephone Road to Fred Peppei s, for • noon; then to hie own stable, Huron Read, for night, where he will remain until' the following Tnasday morning. l G. W. Nott, Proprietor - TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the erection of a brick two- story house will be received by the under- pinned up to Tuesday, June 14th. Founda- tion built and brick od the ground. Tendert( ill also be received for the carpenter work, plumbing, heating and wiring, Tenders may include the whole, r may be separate for each department. Plano and upeoleca- tione may be peen on application. Lowest fie any tender not necessarily accepted. D. SHANAHAN. 2,789-8 Senforth. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. IN THE MATTER f Albert John Fortune. authorized assignor and The London & West- ern Treats Company, Authorized Trustee. 'there wilt be offered for le by public auction on Thursdny, the 16th day of June, 1921, at the hour of two o'clock in the af- ternoon. on the premises, the following valu- able fifty -acre farm: Being the west half of Lot number Five (6) In the First Conc.- aion H.R.S., of the Township of Tucker- mith In the County of Huron, containing Fifty Acres of land more or less. Thers re on the place o good frame house and burn, four good ells and an urthard. The piece is conveniently oituahxi as to markets, schools and churches, being only ne and a quarter mils from Senforth In which place there is the hest Collegiate Institute in the Province, Separate and Public schools, and Roman Catholic, Angli- can, Presbyterian and Methodist churches. TERMS OF SALE. -10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid n the day f sale and the balance within, two weeks theteafter. The farm will be offered fur sale subject to a mortgage and subject also to a reserved bid. For further particulate and conditions of vale apply to THE LONDON AND WESTERN TRUSTS Co., London, Ont., Author- ized Trustee, or to .1. M. BEST, Sea - forth, Ont., Solicitor for Trustee. 2789-3 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in the Township of Tucker- amith. 2 miles from Senforth,. 5 miles from Brucefield nd Rlppen, convenient to school and churcha; 96 cres cleared, remainder in maple baa .. On thio form are excellent build- ings and re in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in ambles; 2 •Ils, 1 having a windmill. This farm ie thoroughly under drained and fenced and in a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a first class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of Hih- bert, containing 100 acres; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly u derdrained and fenced, the remainder to in first clave aple bush. On the premium to a comfortable frame house and good born 48x66 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm L all seeded to grnee and la in excellent condi- tion. having been cropped very little; situ- ated ithin 5 miles of Hensa 1, quarter of mile from school. There is long distance telephone conneotion - on both fertee, also rural mail delivery. These farme will he sold together or eparately to suit purchaser and on reasonable terms. For further par• tieams apply to the proprietor, on Lot i8, Concession 6, Tuckemmith, or Senforth P. O., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 181, Seafnrth THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. A 0 O O 0 0 O O O. O O 8. r',•Mo 6 3 i ;' and UndertAMII logs in , 4 Beatt a Block opposite The .4' Expositor O Re;lr,,Resldenca 4 Goderich St., 'opposite Dr. 0 Scott's, ” 1 O Flowers' furnished{ on short 0 notice: 0 Phone Night or pay 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T. BOR & CO. 0 O Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Directors 4 0 H. C: BO'S' 0 0 Holder.of Govetfiment 0 0 Diploma and License 0 0 Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short O 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0. Phone 175 Phone 48 0 0000000000 0000 0004 000000000 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 Em balms r and Fuser 1 a O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. O Charges Moderate O Phone -Night or Day -192 O 0 O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MEETING• OF HURON— COUNTY COUNCIL 'ITe Out neil of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet h, the Council t'hamber, Goderioh, at 8 o'clock ,a the of- t•rnouu of Tuesday, the 7th da. ,.f June. 1921. All accounts against the t•ou ntY cat be in the hands of the Clerk' not lavr than Monday preceding the meeting .,f Council. GEORGE W. HOLMAN. County t'lerk. 27119-2 Coderich, May 20th, 1921. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERMMITH, The Tuckemmith Council will meet sn Court of Revision n the Aseresm.au Roll at the c ncil chamber, Soafortk, h Satur- day, Mayu 25th, 1921, at one o'rl,,.•k. p.m. Appeals against the assessment n oo. he In the hands of the clerk on or before May 21st, 1921. D. F., MCGREGOR, 2717-3 Clerk. COURT OF -REVISION TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOI' The MCKilloe Council will meet ass a Court of Revision on the Ansesement Roll of the Municipality at the Carnegie ,;sibrnry Hall, Seafnrth, on Saturday, Mny th, at 10 v lock's n.m. By rder bf Council. JOHN McNAY, 2787.3 Clerk. t1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I:211111IIIt11111It11II IIII I IIIIIIIII I IIIIIlillllMg 21 For full information inquire at __ HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance—Town Clerk's Otiice. PUBL,-,,,C UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFOIITH E- Cook by Hydro Cheaper than Coal Oil, nnuinuIwniunnimrninu 111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111G1111111M111111H11111111 IIMitnini 111111114• 1 Can i�ou feat I� ? SUITS Made to O��r�c�• For $20 Up NEW SAMPLES NOW IN. CALL AND SEE THEM. "MY WARDROBE" MAIN STRr)�ET - - - • • SEAFORTM B i'o'dises' Oti Thorobred Imi orted Stallions Theme two imported Clydesdale Stallions, Commodore 195961 (14688) and Cumberland Steel [22070] 1188091. which are recommend- ed In Form Al arid Premium, Commodore weighing over 1900 pounds, and Cumberland Steel a ton and twenty pounds. will stand for improvement of stock this season at T. J. Berry's Sale a fid exchange Stables HENSALL - - - - ONTARIO COMMODORE 696961 (14082) CUIMBERLAND STEEL • 1220701 (18309) To insure a foal 915, payable the first of January, 1922. JABOT 131391 (84214) The Percherun Ilorse Imported From France Form Al Terme to insure a foal, $12, M nday morning --Will leave his own stable and proceed west to the 2nd n - c ,don, then south 3% miles to Rodger Northcott'n, fur i ; then east 1 to miles• then oath by way of London Road to Hensall. Tuesday u ninx-East to Dan Brintnoll's lay wily oft lou ndary, for noon; then est and north to Chiselh unit, then west by Mel.mn•s corner and then to hin own stable. Wednesday morning. -East to 2nd concession, 'i'urkemmith, then north to Isaac Moords, fur noun; then est to Lon- don Road and south to HenselI for night Thursday -West to the 2nd concession, Ifay, and north to town line, then w rot to Hills Green; then soutah to Wilfred Weidow's, for noon; then n rt.h t, Wilson Carlisle's, for night. Friday. West to Blake at Elmer Thiel'.s, for nen; then west one mile and south 3% m[lo,s to 11th c emotion: then east 11' mil. kt Wm. •I'hiel'R fur nidht t to dayyn North to Zurich Ruth ssnd east is Jnhn hbrext's, for noun; then cost to his wn st,ble. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. FITS Stinson's home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No case should be considered hope- less, Free booklet. WILLIAM STINSON REMEDY Co. of Can- ada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 2785-50 Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf 9 1 a 0 a,s�1i1��y.AY. ,. 9i k lt} aasr� T The Double Track Route a. t Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Ageent or C. E. Hormling, District Passenger Agt., 'Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent Phone 4w. rt1 ° t' t ar2'C 25 11 ' ql r t('"•t J°V*:..;f .sI.F,.i.. .4'w„ii.; X +' �UP'CAPI1AL . 1. • $15' `t i OC ,,. D ' w $1�5, I C ia'f?l SEAFORTH BRANCH, J: G Mullen, Manage'r.', 1 J l L 00 Tires Below ,Cost Guaranteed Firsts • 30x3 1-2 Nobby Tread Tires ...$19.00 30x3 1-2 Grooved Tread Tires......$18.00 30x3 1-2 Dunlop Traction Tread Tires . $19.00 30x3 1-2 Royal Oak Tires $19.00 Over Stocked, so buy now.and save $4 to $5 on each Tire. J.F. i/ A LY Se f a r th AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER sr WHf ITE STAR LINE Brie .6/' e'A /v////iii iii Annual Low Fare Excursion GODERICH TO DETROIT AND RETURN The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound 68.00 I Staunch, Safe, Speedy, Comfortabe I $2.00 Round Trip I WILL LEAVE GODERICH � One Way l Tuesday, June 14th, 9,30 a.m, Arriving at Port Huron 2 p.01., Detroit 5.30 p.m. Returning, Raves Detroit Thursday, June 10th. 1.00 p.m. Detroit time. The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit your friends and see wonderful Detroit -big, busy, prosperous.. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Dining and lunch service aboard at moderate prices. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVEN- NING, JUNE 13th, 8,11 p.m. ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING IN STEAMERS B:1LL ROOM. 3!•e HOURS ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE HURON 50e. CHILDREN 2•5c. Last trip to Detroit, Fririay, .iur.e 17th, 9.371 a.m. 111�19111111199�a��IB11118� y. Packages 154 %s 1b'Ilns 85'