The Huron Expositor, 1921-04-01, Page 8THE HURON EXPOSITOR ome CAN BE MADE TO 'radiate Brightness and Cheer if At le. tastefully decorated with ....wall r aper ✓ Our Stock is varied and includes the Newest Design of 21-inob • Papers. Estimates on Paper or paper and } work cheerfully given. ny Phone 62, SCOTT'S WALL PAPER STORE WE WANT EXPEitT DEALERS REMARKABLE opportunity for one high - grade deal- er in each territory , prefer- ably one who has a knowledge of farm conditions. The posi- tion is permanent and the work pleasant and profitable. Experience not essential— we train you. Exclusive terri- tory, liberal co-operation and excellent pay. To men of energy, ability and absolute integrity this position offers a valuable association, and one that is of real service to the community. Write us to -day. The Shinn Mfg. Co. of Canada Guelph - Ontario Secty. & Man., -. Yil. H. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) DISTRICT MATTERS G. W. V. A. Notre --Arrangements have been made to hold a euchre and dance on Thursday, April 7tk. On this occasion forty couples from Mc- Killop will be the opreed ppaonents of the w. Wrts. A ill follow, V. manic .being supplieddnbbyy the club orchestra. Euchre will com- mence at 8 pan, sharp and a very enjoyable evening is anticipated. THE HURO ventured to go against your expressed wishes, but even a wise man is liable to err. We ask you tol pardon our disobedience. We assure you that it is our profound regard for you that has prompted and moved us in this matter, and we have the conviction that there is no roan in or out of On- tario who will wear a pulpit gown more worthily, or who will set if off to better advantage than yourself. So We ask you, 55 minister of the Egmondville Presbyterian church, as our own minister, to accept this robe of office as a partial expression of the love and loyalty which we bear to you. We will nut attempt to set forth your gifts and graces further Died in the Weat. — Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mr. Wellington Barber, whish occurred at his home in Kil- larney, Manitoba, on Sunday last. Mr. Barber had not been iu good health for some time, but his death must have been sudden and unexpect- ed as his sister Mrs. G. M. Chesney had a letter from him the day before she left Seaforth fur her new home in Toronto. Mr. Barber was a fre- quent contributor to the colunuis of The Expositor. his last letter appear- ing early in January of this year. He was also a frequent contributor to the Winnipeg papers and his news and views of western life and affairs made most entertaining reading. JOHN HOOPER P. O- Box 355. W. H. ELLIOTT Phone 89. tha wo add thi yo lei we yo we 1 ye I sine uu go of Y. Y de er n to say that even the warm rds of praise found in presentation resaes fail to tell .how much we nk of you, so we will just leave u to imagine fur yourself in your sure hours what we could say if liked. Be it sufficient to remind u that this gown is of first class piing Material. It will last many A new line, just opened. (Old • ars in and many years out, and we English Grey Ware), no seconds. steely hope that your pastorate in To introduce this line, our prices ✓ midst will last as lung as the µill makg this a Big Lender. wn. So please take good care l _ The Stare that Leads in Lead - it." Violet Finnigan, President of ors—Crockery, Hosiery, Fancy P. S.; W. G. Strung, Secretary of China. P. S. E.; E. H. (lose, Prepi i BEATTIE BROS nt of choir; Mrs. E. H. Close, Se- etary of choir. The programme was fellows: Anthem, Praise Ya the • Choir ; quartette, The Mo - New all Paper Whet = , you intend to Paper one room your whole, house, it will pa you to inspect our WALL P • ' ER before buying. 'We have designs suitable for every roomand our pricers are according to the quality of the goods. We can save you money un your WALL PAPER this sea - t3011. Thompson's BOOKSTORE - - SEAFORTH FirstQuality Graniteware The Easter Dance. The Easter Dance given by the G.W.V.A. in their Club Rooms on Tuesday evening was the most successful of the many good dances given by the Club during the past year, and their two hundred guests thoroughly enjoyed every min- ute of it. The hall was beautifully decorated and the music furnished by the Krug orchestra, of Kitchener, and the perfect fluor made the programme .,-em all the short. for many, although it was half past two before the last dance ended. This is the first time this orchestra has appeared in Sea - forth, but their music made an instant and decided hit.An�}celleentt �lunch h was served by er town guests and many 'clock. A bhome for the out Easter Easter holidays made the evening all the more enjoyable. Next week will find us in sur new *office, four doors north of :he Post Office, which will be open every even- ing and Saturday afternoon and evening, for the convenience of cus- tomers wishing' to inspect our Sam- ples of 1921 Wall Papers. We have several hundred artistic designs to select from and at reasonable prices. We do Painting, Paperhanging, Graining, Glazing and Hardwood Finishing, and when allowed to use our own judgment in regard to the material and methods, we stand back of our own work, and will stake it good if it goes wrong. HOOPER & ELLIOTT Painters and Decorators Seaforth .-: Ontario JUF.DALY Jeweler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ONT. WESTERN ECOMMERCIAL RI SCHOOL BF.ST Stratford, Ontario Our winter term commences Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and students may register in our Commer- cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and prac- tical, and we assist graduates to positions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. as 1. th M J M M n ord, by er of a Soldier, Miss McMillan, rs. Close, Messrs. (.'lose and Strong; ,lo, Joy Triumphant, Miss Gemmel; eading, by Mrs. Johnson; duet, onus, Savior, Pilate Me, Mr. and rs. Close; solo, In the Wilderness, r. E. VanEgmvnd; quartette, Lead i here.—Mra. Robert McIntosh, of stock and Kingston. — Miss Ethel Kindly Light, Messrs, Vxnggmond' Sarnia, and Mrs. Lillie and daughter. Hurn, of Ethel, is spending Easter ;lose Gerenlock and McGregor; ad- of Sturgeon Falls, are visiting their at the home of her parents, Mr, and rens by Rev. McLean; anthem, When mother, Mm. William Carnochan in Mrs. G. D. C. Hurn.—Mr. MacDonald, he hared 'turned again the Captivity, 11•uckersmith.—Hiss Gertrude Crich manager of the Dominion Bank, spent by choir; trio, In the Shadow of the spent Faster with her brother in l the week end in oriliia—Miss Dor- Mv(', , Messrs. VanEgmond, Close and IcCreror; quartette, Near to Thee. 1 Misses Knrohtel and Gemmel, Mrs- 1 spent Easter at their home here. Johnson and Close solo, The Gate of Miss Marion Larkin, of Toronto, is Mercy, "The Fair." Phone 129. ing school. in Toronto spent Easter with Mdes Fowler, fames' street.— Mr, D 11 Wilson, of the Bank of Commerce, Brantford, spent the 'week end at the home of hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson.ry` lick Hinehley, of the Galt Collegite a.. is spending the holidays at his home here.—Mr. Reg Reid, of Port Col- borne, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. J. F. id.—Mr. E. Umbaoll spent Good / Friday at hie home in Waterloo.—Mr. and Mrs. W. it. Plant and family are visiting at his home in Acton.—Mr. John VanEg- mond, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his mother in Egmond- villo.—Miss Nora and Master Jack Hudgins, of Toronto, are visit- ing at the home of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henderson. — Miss"' Minnie Merner, of the Toronto Conservatory of Mus- ic, is home for the holidays.—Miss Margaret Edge is home from the University for the holidays.—Miss Janet Hays, of Toronto, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Hays.— Miss Edith Govenlock, of Toronto, spent the holidays at •her home in McKillop:—Miss Ella Archibald, of Toronto. spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Archibald, James street.— Mr. Downey and Mr. Calder, of the Dominion Bank, spent Easter in To- ronto.—Miss Margaret Cuthill, of Toronto, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cuthill, • - at Winthrop.—Miss Mary Curtin,. of • Miss A. Downey, of Mitchell, was Stratford, is spending the holidays visiting with friends in town over at her home here. — Miss Laing and Miss Craig, of the Col - the weeknspent r, Joe Sills, oPorte legiate Institute staff, are spending ( ulborne, spent taster at his home the holidays at their homes in Wood- Death of Mrs, Ross.—Jane Robson, widow of the late John Ross, of Brueefield• passed away at the home of her son, Dr. H. H. Ross, in Sea - forth on Monday morning last, in her 90th year. Mrs. Ross had not been in good health for some time, but previous to her last illness was a strong, capable woman, who held the love and esteem of many friends aside from her immediate family, for .her ntany excellent qualities. Mrs. Ross was horn in Yorkshire, Eng- land, but much of her married life was spent in Stanley township. Mr. Ross died about thirty years ago, but she is survived by a family of three sons and three daughters, Mrs. D. MeEwan, of Carberry, Manitoba; Mrs_ William Berry, Brucefield, and Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton, of Sault Ste. Marie, and A. Ross, of and DWinihaHm; Dr. r. D. Ross, Calgary, of Seaforth. The funeral was held from the home of Dr, Ross on Wed- nesday afternoon, the services being conducted by Dr. Larkin, and inter- ment was made in the family plot in Baird's cemetery. Toronto.—Mr, bred Faulkner and I ooh Wilson, of the School of Faculty,' Miss Lillian Faulkner, Of Windsor, I Toronto, is home for the Easter holi- i days.—Mrs. Partridge, of Terumo, is a guest at the parental hone of Mr. and Mrs, James Kerr—Mrs. John Miss Sproat; Duet, No Hope spending the holidays with her father, d hire VanEgmond, Mr. Mc• . Dr. F. H, Larkin.—Mr. J. M. Gowen - Be Knechtei, McKinley and son and Miss Jesslc Gregor; reading by Miss lock, M-p,p„ was home from Toronto Scow, of Winnipeg, are visiting at quartette, The Song of Horne, BiosM� over the -week end.—Mies Frances 1 the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Close, Mr. Close, Fowler, of Winnipeg, who is attend - A. D. Scott, Thornton Hall.—Miss McGregor; anthem, Bless. the Lord,' Edna Stewart spent Monday by the choir; God Save the King. Stratford friends.—Miss Susie To- 1veil left on Monday for St. Marys Tw•a Rooms to cont, lurn 'shd, or roomers -:.� O o WELL. after spending the past few weeks First quality graniteware. Hl 1 Y taken. Apply Exp,N,tur ome.- - sea this lin' I''_-__-- with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart.— Deg Beattie Iran. 27 l ''..::__-:,7:- ! AM - Miss Florence Thompson, of Toronto, is visiting at her home on John for Sale.—Airedale for P S��ADD Ya to .. Q gaud watch dog. a 2761x1 street.—Mr. and Mrs. J. dlactavish r U. HHomes. Seaturth. • . �� �t� and son, Ian, spent Good Friday Hied Homes For Sale: -Frio. moderate. with friends in Ingersoll.—Mr. and ranging from 91.60 t, $10. Come d ace , models. Andrew McLean Mrs. J. M. Wilsop, who have been Found. --On Grua s Marc 26 h aladi s' spending the winter with their daugh- n Snel sir what.e,n, Myrrh 26th, a laths:' tors in Owen Sound, returned to their tier.. rocs.. hat. Apply at The r:xprsiwr 278I-1 home here on Monday.—�Mr, andMrs. all modern James McGill, who have been spend - House For Sale. - An 8 -room house. with Stt Asituated one Jath. DO C ing some months with relatives in Stmt. Apply 1etun1J�,hn• xanl.in, Seaforth. ELECTRICALLY Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, returned Do yoq want some wiring done'.' is home this week. Both thoroughly en - MO sale._ D••minion square viae re ° joyed the visit to their old home.— Office. tretimr. ADvly w Mm. The C. Wood. there a broken circuit in your home , Mrs.George Hills, of Egmondville, High Stnet, Seaturth, or to Expositor om<e. 2mare that needs attention? Phone No. 19 ' spent Easter with relatives in To - gears For well Sale. -General e.purpose*, mare 5 ht years aid, well broken single. qCua be peen at W. I)uncana born, Victoria Square. AVDIy to Harvey Montgomery. Seaforth. 2778-tf U. F. O. The monthly meeting of the It. F. 0. x•111 Is. held in Care Ie Library b arydHal.l on April 6th at 8 p.m. SfullTatteuda i requested. Bert Irwin, and tell us your troubles, and we will respond at once to your call for help. Ready at all times to + Ef stimate your requirements Intelligently, and advise how to Do it Electrically. Be electrically happy Renting our APEX CLEANER, Overcomes the disagreeable part of Spring. housecleaning. Day Phone No. 19. Night Phone No. 121. ronto—Mrs, William Sclater spent Easter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. G. Kruse, in Galt.—Mr. Wal- 1 ter Cole, of Toronto, spent the week end here.—Mr. C. Aberhart was in Toronto this week.—The Methodist Sunday school held their annual en- tertainment on Friday evening last, when a splendid -programme was pro- vided by the scholars—Mr. J. F. 1 Ross is attending the Ontario Educa- tional Association meeting in Toronto this week --Mrs. W. H. Tretheway t.assed away at her home on Goderich street westcon Wednesday morning of • ter a short illness. The funeral was held from her late home on Thursday, interment being made in Stratford. —Miss Lena Gaetzmeyer, of Toronto, 1 spent the Easter holidays at the home of her mother.—Rev. J. M. Eckert, 1 of Hawthorne, N. Y., was here this week visiting his mother, who is seriously ill.—Miss Irene Carbett, of 1 Toronto, spent Easter with her mo- ther,—Mr. Rufus Winter, of Nelsoh, B. C., visited at his home here this week. -Capt. Kirbyson will call on the homes in Tuckersmith and Mc- Killop next week for the Self -Denial gifts in connection with the Salva- tion Army.—Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Box spent Easter at Mrs. Box's: home in Strathroy,' -tMias Belle Ballantynd, of Waterloo, is spending the 'holidays at the home of her father in Harpurhey, —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith were attending the diamond wedding an- niversary of his father and mother in Hullett on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnston are spending the week in London. Officers Elected.—At an executive meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Egmondville Church, the follow- ing officers were elected: President, Leslie McKay; 1st Vice -President, Bertha Chesney; 2nd Vice -President, Marion Gray; Recording Secretary, Will Eyre; corresponding secretary, William Strong; treasurer, Ivan Forsyth; organist, Pearl Strong; convenor assistants, Margaret Grieve and Margaret Weiland; programme committee, Ella Chesney, convenor, assistants, Violet Finnigan, Ross McGonigle; music committee, Violet Finnigan, convenor, assistants, Billie Chesney, Ivan Forsyth, Mrs. Ben Johnson; literary committee, Berthri Chesney, convenor, assistants, Gordon Carnochan, Susie Latimer;a socia l committee, Mrs. Kling, th, Will Strong, , Will Eyre, Will Strong, Chesney, Russel Coleman, Ross Mc- Gonigle, Leslie McKay, Ella Chesney, Mrs.igan, Sadie f(Rei.)nMcLeban, Mrs. Ben John- son, Mr. and Mrs. Close, Earl Van Egmond; look -out committee, Will Eyre, convenor, assistants, Ivan For- syth, Violet Finnigan; missionary committee, Ross McGonigle, convenor, assistants, Miss Gemmell, Mrs. Jas. McKay, James Brown. Our Phonographs and Pianos win the hearts of the people. If your 'home lacks either, or both, don't al- low it to exist any longer. Keep the right spirit in your home with good pnusic. And don't forget I can sup- ply you with the goods. I will save you from $15.00 to $60 on Phonographs of most any male, and -$5 to $150 on Pianos, and you Can't afford to buy till you see me and eolmpare them with others. Take h 11 b an mi en w is dfrtse Out as 1 have all my goods at h Mary Jamieson of Toronto, are my, home three miles west of Sea- thority and se a fair -m led man you ins scream. fetal, and 6 miles east ,of Clinton. will admit that sometimes at least, is spending the holidays at her home Adults 25c 8.16 p•m. Children lbc spending the bo who purchased Mr. J. E. ILL turnabout is fair Play. Several en North Main street.—Mr. and Mrs• a at their home weeks ago you gave rather emphatic Chester McBride, of Hamilton, were MATINEE FRIDAY --3.80 p -m- Geddes' store, is taking possession Pone 6--816. t Easter guests at the home o4 Mr. this week. Mr, Geddes Is moving in - Rog 229: not beebou that a Pulpit house lately occupied by Men. In THIS leo drop not sought for you. head d hereit #e It Henry H. Wathali in "A Splendid Hazard.' from the novel by Harold MooGrnth,t tale of buried treasure, of�ghosts ndtt most Monday, adventure, 2781-1 Tuesday anti Wedntoday. Applicants for coming vaean<i°' Customs, Inland Revenue, Railway Mail, Postofflee, Inspectors, Dairy Produce, Immigration, Fac- tories; Weights and Measures, should get ready now. Particulars free. Canadian Civ- il Service Iruotitute, Box 096, Toronto. 2711155 House for Sale.—One and half ec , eight room house in good repair„good and oft lar. cement floor and cistern :a rd water M house: electric lighted: good garden. Immediate possession. Apply to Mrs. Wa t. Cale. Local Briefs.—Mr. R. M. Jones has purchased the residence on Goderich street west, at present occupied by him, from Mr. 11. Edge. The proper- ty has been leased by the different managers of the Dominion Bank here for a number of years.—Mrs. John visit- ing relatives.—Miss Beattie Gladys Thompson of Niagara Falls, spent uEaster llat her home here. n Stone and son, of Norwick, are visiting at the home of her parents, Another of Wally's unbeatable auto- %2EID ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES fr SERVICE ROS. ToriaNEE 121 S£AFORTH .ONT PRINCESS NOW PLAYING WALLACE REID in WHAT'S YOUR HURRY Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson, in Eg- mondville.--miss P. Cowan, of Pem- broke, is spending the holidays with her parents here.—Miss Nettie Peth- ick, of Toronto, is spending the holi- days at her home here.—Miss Dorothy Morson, of Toronto, and Miss Bain, Woodstock, are guests at the home anti Mrs. J. M. Best,—Mr. of mr. Warren Ament, of Detroit, spent ; ---- Easter at the parental home of Mr. I Egmondville Church Concert.—The and Mrs. W. Ament,—Mr. W. Mackay, Good • Friday concert in Egmondville barrister of Toronto, spent the week Presbyterian church was a grand end at the home of his mother.— success. success. The choir appeared in their Mrs. Williame Flettittand dthe home of newe gowns for the first appearance. .d Grimsbher parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hab- Tresented a striking sons kirk.—.Mrs. William Westcott is vis - The attendancecwas good considering of the inclemency of the eaweather. and a itS. Little.—Miss t the e Allen sister, �s programme, sum was realized. The S.the programme, consisting of sixteen Wetherell, formerly on were hoe on of 1 numbers, was carried out without the the Seaforth Collegiate, erel er the time-honored chairman, and one of Friday attending the fthe pleasing events of the evening late .Jura. Wm. Hartry—The Misses was the presentation of a pulpit robe McBride of Kiteliener, and Mr. Me - ho Rev. McLean. The address was Bride, a Toronto, were guests at the read by W. G. Strong and the pres- . home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bell.— entation made by E. H. Close. The ' Miss Gertrude Canino, of Milverton, following address accompanied the spent Easter with her parents here. presentation: "Dear Mr. McLean.— i —Mist M. W. Mackay is visiting We have a surprise to spring on you with friends in Toronto—Mr. Harold to -night. When we use the word Stark, of the Dominion Bank, St. "we,” it means the membeip of this Thomas, spent Easter with his mo - choir of the Egmondville Presbyterian ther in town.—Messrs. Harry and church and the Y. P. S. of C. E. who Wren Eyre, of Sarnia, spent the week have formed themselves Into one end at the home of their parents, Mr. harmonious whole to bring about this and Mrs. Silas Eyre, in Tuckeremith. THE MOLLYCODDLE" surprise. We need all the strength. ---Mr. Allen, formerly of the Dwain• It's new and original in story and Mrs. W. Tamblyn, Toronto, are courage and determination which this ion Bank staff here, spent Seger that has spending the holidays with Mrs. coalition movement gives, isobede the with friendsn in town.—Mr. ami Mrs. ' e is also an act. of disobedience Richards and family, uta mobile comedy dramas. Picturized from the Saturday Even- ing Post story, "The Hippopotamus Parade." By Paramount-Artcraft e Specially booked for the Spring • Fair. SEE IT FRIDAY AFTERNOON Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday MARY MILES WINTER JENNY, in GOOD PRINCESS v • tra nd THUR., FRI., SAT Come on All Ye! Laugh Absorbers Fun Seekers Pep Enthusiasts Thrill Enjoyers, DOUG'S here with a new one! it's Speedy and happy full of love and suspense DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS CHISELHURST Notes.—The many friends of Mrs. Frank Ryckman will regret to hear that she is not enjoying the best of health, ,but hope that ere long she may be fully recovered—Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vennor are now settled on the farm and their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous life.--•1Fishing is now the sport of the day and the boys are enjoying a good time.—Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Ven - nor have taken up their residence in the village—Mules Mair is spending the Easter holidays with friends in Toronto.—Miss Jean Newell is at present staying with her sister, Mrs. McKaig. UNDOUBTEDLY YOU'LL ENJOY BUYING YOUR DRY GOODS AND READY-TO- WEAR APPAREL HERE AGAIN TRIS SPRING. Not alone because of thehigh qual- ity of our goods— Not alone because of the correctness of our styles— Not alone because of the lowness of our prices --- Not alone because of the excellence of our store service— Not alone because of the importance of our `sure satisfaction" guaran- tee— Not alone because of any one of 1 -hese features do customers decide to trade here— But because of the combination of them all. You are sure to find out that this is The Store that Satisfies. 4 7 OUR MILLINERY HIGHEST IN STYLE RAREST IN BEAUTY GREATEST IN VALUE - - - SEE FOR YOURSELF. FORDSON TRACTOR In LONDESBORO Notes.—The Pie Social given by the Women's Institute on Easter Monday was a success, the proceeds amount- ing to :MM.—The Orangemen will give a concert in the council hall on Friday evening. A good projframme is being prepared. Part of the pro- ceeds will go to the hall.—Mr. and Stratford, Leen ---far from anything 1 home of keen attempted before. Tamblyn Mr. and Mrs. Fingland rich this surpass and it requires a good deal of nerve are visiting at • e pare to disobey a man of your hr}ld and Mr. and Mrs. I. Modeland.—Mian size. Mush as we esteem you, much Mary Gillespie, of the St, Thomas as we bow to your authority, these Collegiate staff, is spending the holi- are times when we are not quite so days at her home here—Mrs, A. C. aubmissive—times, indeed, when we McLeod, h of sister,nd, spentT the wen insist that you shall ow to —M Jean Govenlrok of Goderich, in ALSO SHOWING "JIMMY AUBREY" as a policeman in "THE BACKYARD" and the things he does there are a spent a few days in Gode week. --Mrs. Bell has returned from a visit with Westfield friends.—Miss Bertha Brogden spent Easter holi- days with her parents—Mies Olvetta Brigham of Amherstburg, 18 home for the holidays.—.Misses Esther and gown nue ae 'e luaus the and Mrs. J. R. Archibald.—Miss Hazel New tran to the With some Winter, of Toronto, ill spending the Vie holidays at the home of her parents. $ $ewi g Maeb3ite1 drop lawn, an 1 ' . ,SaId price #80J10. fear and trembi#ng tits we . ha Y e 9<tif t6(in,. kW- r "_:lkl' ;J.t(r,h Power Farming These are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the farm is a necessity. A Fordson Tractor means more prosperity for the owner. Prosperity means increased production, the saving that comes from the use of a machine instead of horses; the release of sorpe drudgery for both man and wife. The Fordson Tractor is simple in design and sturdily constructed of the best know.. steel. It has the necessary power to perform every task an ordinary farmer has to do, and in addition is 9- eeptionally economical to operate. Call at Daly's Garage for further particulars. We have a num- ber of second-hand Fords for sale. J. F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Thomas A. Beattie, Salesman. rr 1