The Huron Expositor, 1921-02-11, Page 8• • •"Y..-:',.•••::•••0•1• i• • " • 110 e See. TEM st !Reductions R FEBRUARY er c. discount OFF ALL • spud Boya' Mitts, Cleves, and 1,11ttlete. ALSO ,Selita-Strings, Chimes arid Shaft PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL .:,..;....ttobeie--Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Zero. • Home Blankets ---J ute, Kersey, and :Wool. ;;. NSPECIAL REDUCTIONS, ON Club .1:f rigs, Trunks and Se.: Cases Broderick's Opposite Commercial II •:c1 WE WANT EXPERT DEA LE RS REMARKABLE o pport.mity for one high - grade deal- er in each territory ably one who has a kii,,,A,edge of farm conditions. The posi- tion is permanent and the work pleasant and pretitahle Eeperience net ,',o: .11 - we train you. Es.clusive terri- tory, liberal coeqe•rat4.44. and excellent pay. To men of energy, ab:y and absolute integrity this p..sition offers a valuable 00510.01 00, and one that is of real service to the community. Writ.. us to -day. The Shinn Mfg. ('o. of Canada Guelph • Ontario Secty. & Man., - W. H. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics • at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS TO PROSPECTIVE HOUSE BUYERS f sou are in the market to buy it house. I have had placed my hands for quick sale, a MO, desirable property on the south aide of Railway street. All modern conveniences. end about half en acre of land. Property day neia. Many friends will extend best witsbea for many happy returns. --dis the statement of the U. F. 0. meeting of last week. It said the re- cetpta from the stores were $62,000. This amount, however, was the gross receipt, for all the business of the ('o -operative ,Cts -Mr. John Merriam has disposed of his residence on Centre street to Mr. Webster, of Me- Killop. Mr. Morrison intends making lile home with his son in MeKillop.-- Mr. William Hartry and Mr. W. 1.). Hoag are in Toronto thin week at- tending the annual conventionof the Ontario Horticultural Association -- Miss Anna Bell spent the week end is in first class condition and w with friends n issiohary services in the Methodist church on Sunday next. --Mr. Con- signey'lias disposed of his restaurant to a firm in Mitehell.-Miss Jewett, of Port Huron, is a guest at the home uf Mr, Joseph Fewler, Huron Road, west. --Mr. le. S. Savauge was elected Hockev. Our boys have yet to te.- president of the Northern District of 1.4. reels,- a defeat this ...season. In the theOntario Jewellers' Association, second round herr Tuesday evening, which met in Stratford last week. Ile Weedeteek were obliged to take the was also appointed a delegate to the short end of a 4-2, score. Th, N.ti,,,,ut Convention, which meets in t about indicates the play, the Winnipeg this month. -M r. Walter tif opinion amongst the colt, is in Toronto this week. --Mrs. spectators being that thie home team Hig,ginbottion, of Auburn. is visiting (amid produce a much lietter brand of at the home ef Mrs. James Graves. - 1 •k. •4.• than they exhibited. The re- The Sunshine Mission Band will give 1'01'71 game tin Friday evening in Woodstock shoold be a humnier. I -B Mustard, L lit, R. . - Jr. L -W, McKenzie. ThT‘ettlarlted thus ) missed one or ammo. best openers for the FOR, HAND COLORING These are the month: Sr. IV -Lloyd Wor , We have a number of PICTURES Jr. IV -Helen Dinsdale, Elva And for HAND COLORING, in as- son, ties; Jr. III -John Anderson; Jr. sorted sizes, consisting of Heade, 11 -Marguerite McDonald; Sr. I.- Water Scenes, Views, Etc., These Blanche Alustard. Number on roll, cone in good stock, and are easy 24; average attendance, 21.-M. H. to color. McNain, Teacher. Priced at 6 cents and 10 cents each. Pictures Sr McKenzie, *B. IdurdoCh, Altrdoeb. Thompson's, SEAFORTH itt i W terloo -Rev Mr. sooKsToRE - stand inspeetion. 'rhis ia s genuine Richardson, of Petrolea, will conduct snap at the price. App y to JOHN RANKIN, Broker ain Street - - Seaforth. l' N otes.-'r he hard -tihes dance -last Friday evening was a de- eided success in every way. 'I'he cos- t u 71 1,0 worn were most appropriape for the occasion and afforded much amusement to the members. - The Challenge Euchre between lady anst gentlemen members was a brilliant' victory for the ladies. Somenof the meanest of the men say the fair sex used many sn.rns and -ignals, but the inat11e.7emeet disclaim, all knowledge et any other than Iloyies Rules. -Mon- day, February 14th, i5 Valentine Day; at the request of many of the 1111.111 - hers the Executive have decided to have dancing from 8.31, to 12 p in., the orchestra will proviM• music. The fee for this affair will be 50 cents a couple tor meinbers. McEntee Insurance Company. -The i f the McKillop Mu - annual meet ng teal Fire Insurance Company was held in the town hail. Seaforth, on Friday of last week and judging by the very small attendance, the policy FURS WANTED :holders must have every confidence in the President and Board of Directors in the management of the affairs of All kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at this thriving company. The auditors the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest report showed that in spite of some ' Cash Prices. very heavy losses during the year, G. F.. HENDERSON, that •the Company was 07 a sound con- 2766-tf Licensed Buyer. dition financially. The total receipts for the year amounteel to $21,079.74, and the expenditure,: to $11,817.80; leaving a cash balance in the hank of 59.261.88. The fire losses during the year amounted to 50,074.60. The number of policies in force at the end of the year were 2284, and the amount insured, 52,905,475. Against this the Company held premium notes to the amount of 5230,819.40. and the assessments amounted to $11,- 719.70. The President, Mr. James Connolly, of Goderich, the Vice -Presi- dent, Mr. James Evans. Beechwood, and the retiring directors, Messrs. R. G. McCartney, D. F. McGregor and Malcolm McF.v,.en were all unanimous- ly re-elected. At a meeting of the Directors held after the annual meet- ing, Mr. T. E. Hays was re-elected Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Hays was also appointed a delegate to at- tend the annual meeting of the Fire Underwriters' Association to be held ill Toronto on February 22nd and 23rd. Om attractive .chiltirens play let, !Modern Mother (loose," in the school 0 of the Presbyterian church en Monthly evening 111'01. The memberit of he Band have been practising in- dustriously for scittly weeks and 1 he play promises to be a huge 811CCCSS. - Sir J. I.. Kerr, Editor of the Clin- ton New Era, was a Seaforth visitor on Tuesday. Wood to Cut. 0..ai7 hardwood tre..., ur i-ald ce 011'' IlolIt On allures. I.. G. 7.,, titration' 274471 Scutrhern Wanted. Six first class ticutchent waiittal immediately ail St. Marr, IliKbeat W0700'. Apnl> to Box 1,55. Seaforth. 2771-1 Cord of Thunka.--"flie membeni of the Sea- l.rib ttititititt. Band to publicly thank all Oa., MI • gate their tai,et in 1., nasty the Band Benefit 111.11,44111. S1,1t.,i .0 behalf of the Band. Walter 1401 Pita . Scott. Ser. Notie, We are ctill r11IIIIi117 the butcher 010,1 i rear of corner idiire. 1111,1 will handle all koala of 7,,,.b and ritred meat, 441(704'e - made mutative, and brad cheese and choice ibory butt., Ntial 2168-11 J.F.DALY Jeweler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ONT. '4? -151971,47.e WESTERN ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL S( 144)01 Stratford, Ontario 'Our winter tern. commences Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and accidents may register in our Conem4r- cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Departments at any tinie. Our courses are thorough al..1 prac- tical, and we assist graduates to positions. Get r f rei. catalogue. 1). A. McLACHI. Principal. • • JAMES WATSON GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses f, -r sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars. ..s,=11111/11.1, Broadening Out Our Variety is "Broadening out" and we quote you the follow- ing lines at to-duy's lowest level: Table Oil Cloth, (54 in.)....58c yd. (.1111 ain Scrim 33e yd. Cretonne Otic yd. Linen Side Board Drapes - Special Assortment Crest. Castile Soap 6 for 25c Valentine Cards 3 for 5c Kev.pie Dolls 20e DEAL ANI) SAVE Auto l'aintitut. Now X, the time to hs,o Your rur ptiinteit and put in chat. for haring. 1 heti. had several yearn' experience and will yuaratitee you it lIrttzlieui job at a l'''7"- 0 Nirhol. liourge lielYt tlartute• 77111-11 Local Briefs. -Mr. Robert Bell and Me Earl Bell are in Columbus, Ohio, this week attending an exhibition of tractors being held in that city. -Mr. E. C. McClelland, Manager of the Do- minion Bank, at Fort Francis, was a guest this week at the parental home of Major and Mrs. R. S. Hays. -Mrs. M. Shea, of Mitchell, was a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Deem. -Miss Madge Stewart and Miss Alma Dalton are in Toronto this week attending the spring mil- linery openings. -Mr. Ray Carpenter ft on Monday to resume his posi- tion on the staff sef the Bark of Cemnierce at Niagara Falls, after spending the holidays at the home of his uncle, Mr. G. A. Sills. -Mr R. Muldrew of Brockville, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. 3. R. Scott and Mrs. Robert Scarlett Mekillop.--Miss Rutherford, of Mitchell, was week end guest at the home of Mrs. Chap- man, Goderich street. -Mr. Joe Sills, of Port Colborne, spent the weelt end nt his home here. -Mr, Scott Max- well. of Grairrich, visited friend.. in 1,"vri on Tuesday. -Mrs. Harry Little of Brantford, was visiting at the home of her father. Mr. George Brownlee. this week. --Mrs. G. M. Chesney and Mr. Earle Chesney were in Toronto this week. -Mrs. J. IL Miller, of Camp Ilimden, is visiting at :he par - (17101 home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie. -Miss Kate Eckert, of To- ronto, is visiting et the home of her perents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. - Miss Irene Carbett, of Toronto, is Nish ing at the home of her mother. - Mr Howard Hartry and daughter, of lorarlon, are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Dartry. Many Seaforth friends are pleased to see hint about again after 1 -de recent very serious illness. -Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barber are in Toronto SPECIAL THIS this 's'eek, where Mr. Barbare is un- dergoing medical treatment -W e A Bell Piano, need only two months, understand thee Mr. A. Davidson has owner leaving and will now sell for Ms rchased from Mr. Jas. Belittle Virest street adjoining the resi- BEATTIE BROS. "The Fair." Phone 129. H AY School Repdst.-Iihe following is the report of Sehool Section No. 14, Hay, for the month of January. Names are in order of meeit, based on regular attendance and• general efficiency: Fourth -Frances Pearce, Olive Petty. Third -Hazel Thomson, Clarence Surillie, Charles Pearce, Florence Thomson, Harry Brownlee, Marie Dick, Andrew 1341, Norman Alexander. Second -Isabel Alexan- der, Marjorie Pearce, Marion Walker, Olga Bell. First Class -Mildred Smillie, Earl Dick. Part IL -Dor- othy Thomson, Jean Bell, Gordon Troyer. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were:- Third -Harry Brownlee; Second - Marion Walker.. -Etta Jarrott, Teach- er. Reirhert, Marjorie Hart. School Reports -The following is the report of School Section No. 14, Stanley; Sr. IV.- L. Workman 62, 'I'. Harvey 48, W. Roes 36. Jr. IV. -- J. McKenzie 66, H. Disdale 58, 0, An- derson 44, E. Andereon 43, 0. Knight 13, °J. Mustard 39, G. Harvey 38. Jr. 111-.11. McClyniont 58, W. Mc- Lachlan 52, J. Anderson 43, J. Mc- Lachlan 39, D. Grassick 35. Jr. II.- M. McDonald, P. McKenzie, 11. Hyde. ilSIcK illop's New Clerk. -At the Feb- ruary meeting of the McKillop council held in Seaforth on Thursday of last week, Mr. John McNay was appoint - es. clerk of the township, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of. Mr. M. Murdie. Mr. Murdie has been :he Clerk for many years and he made Inost painstaking and obliging of- ficial, performing the arduous duties of the 011107 with great ability and precision, and the council and town- ship as A whole were very sorry to lose his services, but owing to ill health he felt he was compelled to relinquish office. Mr. McNay, the new Clerk, is a new man in the town- ship, but a good one, and will fill the position with credit to himself and benefit to the township. To Eliminate Scrub Bnils.-s-A. G. Farrow, of Oakville, C,ountY Director of the U. F. 0. in Halton. attended a meeting in the Department of .Agricultore office in Clinton on Fri- day last for the purpose of organiz- ing, the riding of South Huron in a campaign against the scrub and grade hull. Committees were appointed in each of the live townships, and meet- ings are being arranged for the near future. R. C. Procter. of Belgrave, W. D. Black, Seaforth, and C. F. McKenzie, B.S.A., Oakville, were present, and are to take an active part in the campaign. Messrs. Black and Procter are County Directors of the IL F. 0. in this county. It is hoped to have the south riding "cleaned up" on scrub bulls soon, when a start will be made in the ether ridings in the county., , Record Egg Production. - That Mayor W. H. Golding has made a suc- cess of other pastimes, besides run- ing the affairs of the town, seems to be proven by the following letter ,evhich appeared in a recent issue of the Toronto Globe: "Agricultural Editor: I noticed an article from Mr. J. S. Smith, of Brantford, in to -day's issue of The Globe, in which he thinks :he has established an egg -laying re- cord for the month of January. He claims to have 186 eggs from eight hens for the month. I have eight barred reek pullets that have laid a total of 206 eggs for' the month of January. Their ea', ' 0 for the month are as follows: - pullet laid 24, four laid 25 each; lailt 26 each and one laid 30. I don't know if this is a record or not, hut these pullets were all trap -nested and a complete record kept Wm. H. G-olding, Seaforth, Fob, 2nd, 1921. • WEEK DO IT ELECTRICALLY Relive me man 'fol. light and power, You need me every blessed hour. There is power in Electricity that serves the best purposes of humanity. It will wash and wring your clothes, do your ironing, clean and light your home, -in fact it is the BEST help you can possibly get. Are you satisfied with your Lighting? You will be if you use our White Mazdas, "THE LAMP BEAUTIFUL." REID MANLEY Notes.- The Edward Drager Estate :itiction sale held lu.St week, was slow tiCeitt1711 of the change of the markets. Mrs. Drager bought in the farm and intends to remain on it that e producers' goods have drop- withige help of her sons. It seems isee about 65 per eent„ while the consumer has still to pay about ten per cent. of the. former prices for most. of his cornModitics, and the mighty dollar is pinched quite hard. . -Mr. Thomas McKay made a busi- ness trip to London last week. -A jeint: meeting of the Directors of the 11. F. (1. Clubs surrounding Dublin, met there last Friday to consider the advisihility of purchasing Mr. Looby's creamery and running it as a joint stock company. -Mr. W. Manley was a visitor in Seaforth during the week. Prices Forced Down for quick clearance of Minter Goods ROS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES SERVICE rot-IoNE. 121 JEAFORTH.ONT CHISELHURST Notes. -Mrs. Frank Horton's sale of ferns stock and implements was well attended, it being the first sale in this district this winter. The bidding was brisk and some good prices were got for cattle and horses. Mrs. Horton has sold the farm to Mr. Albert Kersher, of Hay, the price being $8,000. -Mr. Philip Ityckman, of the West. is renewing acquaint- ances in -these parts. -A number of people attended the funeral o8 the late Mrs. Henry Flogger* who was P NCESS STAFFA School Report. -The 'following is the report of School Section No. 3, Hibbert. for the month of January. The names are in order of merit: - Sr. IV. -Ada Miller, Vera Leary, Flora McDonald, Allan McLellan, Jr. IV. --Frances Chilvers, Howard I.eary, Robbie Miller, Allan Vivian, Harvey liambley, Russell Worden. 111. -Verna Drake, Fraser Oliver, Clara Elliott, Henry Harburn, Sr. 11. -Leo Perry, Ada F,Iliott. Jr. II.- Marvis Drake, Cliff Miller, Robbie Vivian, Maggie Martin, Margaret Golding. Senior Primer -Margaret Drake, Mabel McDonald, Marvin Her - burn. Junior Primer -Edith Tuffin, Sylvia Tuffin.-H. Hay, Teacher. Notes. -The sale being conducted here by F. O'Brien & Son, general merchants, is drawing large crowds from long distances. -A large number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Hoggarth on Monday last. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mr. Hog - earth and son. -The W. M. S. met at Mr, Hotham's Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance. -Don't for- get the Epworth League Friday night, missionary topic. -Mr. George Tutlin has been awarded the contract for the concrete work on Mr. Leslie Williams' barn, Munro, to be built in the spring. !T! 1 NO PLAYING DOROTHY GISH in REMODELING HER HUSBAND -A Paramonnt-Artcraft Picture - Directed by Lillian Gish. She married a "gay dog" to make him a one woman man. These fam- ous sisters herewith present some brand new angles on the delicate art of training hubbies. BRING IBM!!! 2885, cash; or terms arrange . -well known here, and much sympathy dile piano was sold for $600 last dence of Mr. James Cowan, and in - is felt for the bereaved husband and • -stamen and is sure a chance to save tends erecting a home on it this, sone good money on a high elaag1 year. -The A. A. Cockburn Bargain 'SOIL ingirament, fully guaranteed by the Stores are °peeing in Seaforth on Company. Saturday of this week. They have STANLEY leased the store ir the Stephen's School Report. -The following is Ako one Square Plano, in good Block. -The many friends of Mrs. the report of School Section No. 7, shape, to go at $75.00, or will rent John Eckert, Sr., who is at prnsent Stanley, for the month of January: for a term of months. with her daughter, Mrs. .1. McMann,, Sr. IV. -Anna Love. Jr. TV. -Walker Huron Road, will be sorry to learn 1 Carlile, Emma Love, Mae Stelek, Vera Get busy and phone 6-616, or write that she is still in poor Wealth, but' Smith, Eileen Turner, William An - all hope to see her about again soon. I derson, Ted Welsh. Sr. IIL--Lawr- J. E. • IIUGILL -Mrs. J. T. Fell and two little sons, mice Reichert, Russel Consitt, Grace of Goderich, are vitgEtig at the'home ! Colentan, Edna Cochrane. Jr. M— aier. in ktianesPilonnigyildof Mr.knd1.rrterinkbel-i.e. - griar114rari Love, Clarence 1aysStI.Sr. irr; .hi;cte1eung7eiieftn tttoil MON., TUES., & WED. EUGENE O'BRIEN in HIS WIFE'S MONEY Does the balance of power lie where the bank roll is? See the result of this mating of Eastern butterfly and Western grub - worm, when a man makes his money by marrying it. A Story that will give red-blooded people something to think about! PRINCESS easterner: saves Egmondville thumb intend holding a Stelck, Elmer Turner, titge. Give me a taiaL1*"7131aarr3ae7W"nlav:.Prgt!I-taigTurn- , •I BOX-1r.111:1tephelefei erlaiCaileSrtI-- cerates ids Mtn birthday on Tema- I Brace Tine. Sr• Part- I4-ellerence 44 , , Strand • • VARNA (Too bate for Last Week.) Notes. -Quite a number of farmers around these parts have had sick horses. A bad cold or influenza seems to be the trouble. -Miss Opal Foster spent the week end at the parental roof, also Master Lorne Coleman. - The stork arrived at the Methodist Parsonage here and left a fine boy. - The many friends here of Miss Mary Reid, of Bayfield, will learn with re- gret of her illness. Miss Reid left on Monday morning for Detroit to undergo an operation. -Mr, Harvey Coleman, of the Parr Line/ left on Monday morning for . Bay City to visit friends. As Harvey don't often take a holiday, we bepeak for him a pleasant outing and a safe return. He will be accompanied home by his cousin, Miss Elsie C,oleman, who has been visiting friends over there dur- ing the past month. -Mr. Charles Hagan has disposed of his farm on the Parr Line to Mr. John Love, of Hills Green. Hagan Bros. will be much missed around here, having liv- ed here all their Iife.-Mr. Edward, Webster and wife of Alberta spent the past week visiting his cousins, Messrs. Harvey and Webster Turn- er, and Mrs. Frank Coleman and other friends on the Parr Linc. -A number around here are busily engaged cut' ting wood as this has been a grand winter for the job. NOW SHOWING/ - SUSPECTED! • Traced from that fatal room 13 to her home by the law! Confronted with the question, - "Were You in Room 15" when the fatal shot woe fired?" Flayed by her, conscience, grilled by the district attorney, hated by the husband ebe loved! Was she the woman in Room 18? Samuel Goldwyn Presents PAULINE FREDERICK THE WOMAN IN ROOM 13 ALSO Second last Chapter of 'THE THIRD Err This Theatre will be (dos- ed on Monday and Tuesday New Strand Every Garment Fully Guaranteed Buy when Prices are Down to the Lowest limit. A Good Garment Costs very Very little NOW Think of it 520, 322.50, 525 and 530 Apparel and Furs $14.9 5 ALSO $35, 54(1, 545 and 550 Apparel and Furs $25 WHILE THEY LAST Take Your Choice of any Ladies' Suit or Coat or 1 ress or Fur in the Store for $14.95 $20, $22.50, $25, and $30, Value Any Lactic sCoat or Suit or Dress or Fur in the Store for $25.00 $35, $40, $45 and $50, Values STORg, OFFBRING A CHANCE YOU CAN - SPECIAL SALE PRICES ALL OVER THE NOT WISELY MISS. GODERICH Sudden Death. -The death occurred suddenly on Monday at noon of Donald Neil McKenzie, a highly re- spected citizen. The deceased, who had been in the employment of Charles C. Lee for the past 10 years, was taking a load of coal to his 'house for delivery after dinner, and was seen to fall back on his rig on South Street', near the hospital. Two men, who were near, saw him fall and summoned Dr. Harold Taylor who was coming out df the hospital" They carried him into the hospital, but all efforts at resuscitation were 1 useless death having taken placein- stantly from heart failure. Mr. Mc- Kenzie, who was in his .74th year, was the son of Neil McKenzie, and ; was born in Ashfield, near Lochalsh,, where he was a prosperous farmer, until some twelve years ago when he removed to Goderich. In his younger days he was one of the big men of that country, both on account of his size and ability. Besides his father, who 10 in his 100th year and still very, active, Ms widow and two danghtere, Annie and Maud, of Detroit, and two I sons, Donald, of Spokane, and Neil, of Ashikld, survive. Rory McKenzie known as "Donald MacGregor," and the biggest man in the world, is a brother. Interment will take place , at Lbchalsh. 7E-111E- Dorenwend's BEAUTIFUL HAIR GOODS DISPLAY At QUEEN'S HOTEL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th will be of special interest to men and women in need of anything in hairgoods. OUR SPECIALTIES TRANSFORMATIONS, POMP-, ADOURS, SWITCHES for Ladies and TOUPEES and WIGS for Gentlemen. A visit to our show rooms will not obligate you to purchase. Appoint- ments arranged at residence if de- sired. DORENWEND'S Limited Head Office: 105 Yonge Street TORONTO.