The Huron Expositor, 1921-01-28, Page 5rall.e11•117:4"d';',"";',.!!"',•,'"4i'',iq'' 111 •• 6 liNu •,( ,•'(",:04e116 SEAPORTS MARKETS I Seaforth, January 27, 1921. Wheat, per bushel 11.75 Oats, per bushel 45c Barley, per bushel Tfie Butter, per Ib. 45 to 413e Eggs, per dozen 65 to 68e Flour, per cwt 15.50 Bran, per ton 688.00 Shorts, per ton ;40.00 Potatoes, per bag 6E110 Hogs, per qwt 114.75 DAIRY MARKET Toronte, January 20. -'Cho, new lame 30 to 810; twine. 31 to 82.1 tripleta, 8134 to 82%. old, large. 82 to 86o; do.. twine, 32%, to 36%e. Itutter--Fresh dairy, choice, 49 to 60e; creumery, No. 1. 08 to 69e; fresh, 68 to 61c. Margarine- 82 to 86c. Eggs -No. 1, 74 to 76c; selects, 77 to 79c, new laid in cartons. 86 to eite. POULTRY MARKET Ihronto. January 26..-Dreesed Pouttry- EPrtlag chicken., 86 to 88e: roasters, 26 te 27c1 fowl, 38 to 30.: ducklings. 86e: turkey., 62 to 60e; squabs, doz., 86.60. Live Poultry ekning chickens. 28 to 30e; somber., 20c; fowl, 00 to 30c; ducklinge, 30c; turkeys, 46c. BEAN MARKET rorunto, January 26. -Beane Canadian. hand-pleled, buahel, 83.76 to 84,00; Primes, 88.00 to 12.60; Japans.. 8e: Ursine, Madamother California Limbal 12%c. GRAIN MARKET Termito, January 25. Manitoba Wheat - flu. 1 Northern, $1.931, ; No. 2 Northern. 32.901.,;14.. 3 Northern, 11.85Ik; No. 4 a heat, $1.78%. Manitoba Oat. No. 2 C.W.. 49%c; No. 5 C.W., 48t0e; extra No. 1 feed, 4",,,c; No. 1 feed. 43%e; No. 2 feed, 40%c. Manitoba Barley, No. 3 C. W„ 86%o; No. 4 C. W., 7234,..: rejected, 61%c: feed, 61%c. All of the above in nture at Fort William. American Corn 95c, nominal, track Toronto, thempt ehipment. Ontario Oata-No. 2 white 20 to 53c. Onterio Wheat •No. 2 winter. 11.90 le 32.00; Per cart lot; No. 2 Miring, 81.90 to 11.85, ehippiter. point*, according to freight Penn No. 2, nominal, 81.75 to $1.80. Barley 85 to 90c. according to freight. out- side. Buckwheat0No. 3, $1.00 to $1,05, nom- inal. Rye'- No, 3, $1.50 te 11.56. nominal, seconding to freights °tannic. Manitoba flour --510.90. Ontario floe, 98,50 bulk seaboard. Idillfeed- Delivered Montreal freight, hags, included: bran, per ton, *35 to $40; aborts, per ton, $40 to 842; good feed flour, 62.50 t.. 42.75 per bag. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Montreal, January 2;,. ---Cattle receipt's 1.629. Salm were plow and prime were es mated to be 50 to 75, lower on all clan of cattle sold up to 11 dm, Two eho fat cows averaging 1.605 pounds brought the top for cows; 16 rho'ce rows averagi 1,170 pounds brought 38.40, and heavy 1 broody bulk brought 38.50. 'rhe beet lo ef steers had not been sold at noon. GI, thick steers averaging 1.156 pounds we sold for 110.25, and light common sten down to 87,25, Quotation,,: Butcher etre medium, DI to .$2.71; common. 17 te 07.7 butcher betters+, choice. 10.10 to $9.50; mrd,,, 37 to 10, common, 00.50 to 87; buteher cow chuire. 17.50 to 38.10: medium. 15 to 17.0 eanners, 23.50 to 08.75; euttere $4 to 88.0 buten, bulb,. good, 07.55 to 08.50; coMmo 09 to 16.40. Calf rrteipts. 145. Coost veal calve. were firm. Quotation,; Good veal. 313 to 11,00, medium. 010 to 823: grim, 16. Sheep reeeipta, ate. Top Iambs. up to 117.50; bulk Id good lambs, 112; sheep, gen- erally 36. Quotattorg F:wm, 15 to 94.00; iambs, good, 917 to 912.80; common, 98 to 111.60. 'Me majority of the hogs entered ne re- ceipts were on cont met on former bargains Prima remained firm at 917,50. Quotations: Off -ear weights, nelects, 117.50; now,, 813.60. Bffaulo, Jec anuary 2*. -Cattle. reipts, 2 - 500; 25 to 50 cents, 'ewer Shipping stecre 35 to 99.75; butchers, $6.75 to $9.25 ; year. tinge $10 to 510.00; heifer's, 06 to 38.50: cowe, 02.60 to 17.00; bulls. 35 to 07; stock - ens and feetiere..-*5 to $7; fresh cows and springers, 545 to 1110, llogs• -Receipts, 1.800; steady •to 25 reek higher; heavy. 110.25: mixed, 110.25 3. $10.75 Yorkers, 110.75 to $11; light do., and Pigs. 011 to 511.25; roughs, 38.25 to 311.50; stags, 15.50 to 86.50. Sheep and Iambs- Receipts, 13,000 ; ateady; sheep 25 to 75 rent,, higher; locale, 36 to 111.26; yearlinga, $6 to 38.75; wethers. 36.10 to $7; amen, 82 to 86.25; mixed sheen, 16,25 to 16.50. Union Steck Yards, Toronto, January 25. ...Trading in cattle was fairly brisk this morning, and as the run wee fully a thouo. and head lighter then lest Monday, the pens were pretty well cleaned up by noon. Prices for all greden were steady with laet week', elem., but buyery showed no inclinations to Pay any more for better quality and there sem= to be no prospect of improvement s far as price is concernee One load of hut! cher steer. averaging 1,410 Me sold earl/ in the day by Corbett and Hall for G. O'Leary. Parkhill, brought $10.35 per cwt., but these were extra choice at their weight A few steers of the baby beef kind brought 110.10, and the United Farmers' Gowan: aold for John Scott, of Dublin, Ont., tw head averaging 760 tbs. for 311 per cwt. A good ,hare of the day'. run of cattle were of very fair quality, and these gold faat, but rough heavy cattle were hard to dispose of. The calf trade was brisk at prices steady with laat week, and a few good thick calves brought 17% cent,. per the A few to9 lambs brought 12% cents, but from 11% to 12 cents ruled for choice. Best handyweight sheep were steady at 7 cent. per pound, heavy sheep 5 to 6 tents, and collo 3 to 4 centa. Hoge sold to packer buyers at 815.25 per ewe, fed and watered. a few only going to outside buyers at 815.60, The receipts to -day were 2.824 cattle, 100 calves, 1,621 hogu, and 1,010 sheep and United Farmer -I' o -operative Co., Ltd., sold: 13utchers-2. 760 lbs. '011: 1, 680 lbe $10.50; 2, 1,020 tbs. MO: 1, 1,t, lbs. 110: 6, 840 the $9; 1, 920 lbs. g9: 2. 1,060 tbs. $9.75; 1, 1,000 tbs. 19; 2, 1,070 tbs. 19; 2. 730 Ms. $9: 3, 1,000 Me $8.75; 2, 820 tbs. 38.76: 1. 1,200 tbs. 18.75; 4, 020 lbs. 88.75; 1, 1,200 Ito. 18.75; 2, 920 Ise. 18.25; 1, 890 the $8; 4, 960 Itut. 88: 7, 860 Ma. 87.76: 2, 800 tbs.. 17.75; 3, 970 lbs. 17.75; 2. 820 Ms. 07.50; 6, 820 lbe 17.50: 1, 1,010 lbs. 85. Cows. --1, 1,220 lba. 88.50; 1, 1.170 lbs. $7; 1, 1,170 the 17.25; I, 1,180 tbs. VI; 2, 1,280 Ms, 86.25; 1, 1,020 Ms, 86.75; R. 1,190 Ms, 17.50; 1. 1,080 lb.. 18; 1, 860 tbs. 85: 1, 1,890 lbs. $7.50: I. 1.145 Ihti. 37; 2, 1,120 tbn. $6.25; 1, 1,170 Its. M.50; 7, 1.210 the *7.25: 1, 1,440 lbs. 0860; 1, 1.130 tbs. 86.10: 2, 1,060 lbs. 85; 1, 1.370 lbs. 90,25; 1. 920 lbs. 31.50: 1, 1.220 Ma. 08.50; 1. 1.170 lbs. 17.25; I. 1.180 lbs. $6; 1, 1.290 lbs. 06.15; L 1.020 lbs. 30,75; 1, 1.040 Tbs. 33.25; 1, RHO 11,,.. 93,29. Bu - llsI. 1,240 the. 87.00 ; I. 1,050 08a. 06.00; 1. 1,000 11,s. 87: 1, 1.000 $6.50.; 1, 070 NI. 15.50;I, 1.000 Tbs. 87: 1, 1,060 lb, .66; I. 1.020 Ms, ER, Lamb, - Choi.. 112 to 312.20: good, 011 41 811.50 enter/ion, $7 to 310. Sheep- -Choice 17; heavy 16 to $6: culls, SR to 84. Calves 1, 100 Ms, 117.60; 1, 200 Its. 817.50; clinics, calve, 817 to $17.50; good. 015 to $16; common, 119 to 114: strassere 06 to 87- (70,5.20 and Hall sold sold: Choire heavy Meer, 10 to 110.35; gond heavy ethers, 09 50 to 010: choice butchers. 89,20 b 941.50; Irmul hiitchrta, 9E75 to 19.25: trial/Pm hittrher. Sa to 80.00: common ',webers. 06.80 to 071'). choies, cows. 117.59 to 84; good rou, 67 to 47.50: medium mgrs. 10.50 to 87; mammon s'mvs, 84.90 to WM/ ; rennrra, $3.29 In 83.50 . heavy bull,. 07 to 87.00; laileher bolls. 86 M 17: choice sheep, 90.80 to 97.211; heavy ether.. 10.50 to 90; lambs, $11.50; rnlves, 114 in $17. Sold one bond 17 Moors. 24,790 the. nt 910.36. for G. O'Leary, Park Hill. i Harris Abattoir Co. Dunn and Leynck sold: 11,itsliV, 10. 1,150 050. 010.10, 20, 1.100 114s. 316, 2, 3.140 lbe. 610: 13, 319 70,,, 9111; 20. 1,230 Ms 010•75: A. 800 Me. Men: 22. Linn the 99.7!,, .1. 1100 The. 88.00: 22. 1.100 lbs. 19.76; 13, 950 Ms, 98.60; 2, 960 the, 99,30: 4, 1.090 lbe. *9: 15, 1.120 the 09 4, 1,540 the 39. 15. , 1.120 lbs. 19; R. 900 lb, $8.25; 9, AGO the. I SR: 2. 820 the 87: IR, 750 the $7.50: 1. 1,000 160. $8.00; 6. 1.114 Me 09; 4, 1,120 the 99.00. Cows- 1. 1.230 the 80,00; 1, 1,440 Its $9: I. 1.110 Ma. 90; I. 7.200 94.60: I. 1.330 15s. 1E60; 1, 1,940 lba. 98: 1, 1.050 13,,. 57(0: I, 1,050 the. $7.60: I. RIO Mo. 85. I 1.140 tbs. *7.50: 1, 1,000 Ma. 84, 3, 950 35,. $0, I, 960 Ric 114.00; 1, 1,220 Ms, 31; 3. 900 net. 93.50; 1. /20 tbn. 813.26; 1, 950 PM; 0, 008 113.. 80.50: I. 1.410 Ma. 18.50; l, 1,280 Me $7.50. Bulls 1 1,140 Ito. 17.25. F. Dunn gold for Dunn and Levuek-- Choice enlvele, 116 to 917; medium calves, to $18; common calves, *10 to $111: ice 511 ng at 0010 od re 00 re 0: 0: t. stso. 1110.1116 'AMIN S6 to 17; oresiese sates, m as i rosebush 19 th 144.4fts. MU& 110 ORAL 'X'he witret Choke heavy stem, 610.60 LAO; "WM hem steers, 119.20 to $10.00; buteheni' ObleteS4 39.00 to 49.75: do., Weed. $1.60 to ULM ; dee medium, $8.76 to 116.76; do., thronson. 66.00 to 16.60; butchers' Ceti, choke to 09301 do good 67.00 to $0.00; do.. common, $6.00 00 $0.00; botcher.' now, choice, $7.50 to $8.50; do., good. 18.26 0. 87.00: do., common. 64.00 to 46.00: feeders. beet. $7.76 to $8.76; do., 000 lbs., $7.28 Oo 08.25 do. 800 lbs. $15.76 00 46.75; d. oomnoon, $4.00 to 36.00; 'ere and cutters, $8.00 to $4.60; milkers, good to choice, 485.00 to $150: do., common and medium. 660 to 160; iambs. yearlings. 119.00 to $9.b9; do.. spring, 112.00 to 612.50; ealvea, good to choice, $16.00 to 1117.00; sheep $4.00 to 07.00; bogs, fed and watered. 115.25 to 115.60, do., vrehtbed oft care 116.50 to $15.75; do., f.o.b., 04.25 to 314.50; do., coulter Pointe, 1114-00 to 114.25. BIRTH'S Heywood.- ln Cobden*, on January Dith. to Mr. and Mn. Walley Heywood, a daughter. Butterso-At EonooOl, 00 Jarmary 736, to Mx. and Mrs. Harry Buttery. of 2068 Scares istreet, Regina, Seek., a .ow -Harry Frank- lin. McIntash.--In Morrie township. on January 2nd, to Mr. and Mr. John • McIntosh, a daughter- Mary Otive. MARRIAGES newei• -Smith. - At Willi. Presbyterian chard.. Clinton, on January 19th. by the Rev. J. Fs Hogg, Mary Katharine. daugh- ter of Mr. Donald Smith, 00 Edward Gor- den HoWite. a on of Mr. E, J. Howes, of Ste. 'mere... Qua tatvIel0on--8tovvil.-In Toronto, an January 12th, at Ossington street Baptist church. by Rev. O. M. Holme, Laura Steve)7. of Toronto. to Capt Hugh S. Davidson, of Goderich. DEATHS Dickson. In Seaforth, on January 23n4, Adam Lecleton, aged 72 years, 2 months and 7 days. Drown. In Hibbert. on January 10th, Gor- don Orloff Drown, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drown, agod 8 yea.., 8 months and 4 daYs. Graham.- In Bullets un January lith, Elithbeth Graham. of Clinton, aged 62 Yearn, Soireth.-- In Godarich, on January 20th, Franc. Marlton, relict of the late F. Srneetb, in her 112nd year. 'IMPORTANT NOTICES POR SALE --A QUANTITY 'OF 14-INC0! . Elm wood at the bush or tis•livered. Apply te JAMES SPROAT, Eginondville, Phene It, on 160. 277602 pSTRAY DOG.. eTRAYF-D ON TO TIIE premines of the undersigned, Lot 4, Con- coininc!,0,111i,7, dIZIlenthonwhhdiudar);,,,,, January 3015, and white tip on tail. Owner may have some on proving Property and peeing charges AtiNOLD COLCLOUGH, le R. No. 2. Sea. furth, 2772-3 FARMERS' A'TTEN'CION WE HAVE FOR kale al lItodi of cement tar Sizes 0, 1, 5 6. 7. and 8 inch: 10, 12, 14 and 16 Inch made to order. ywir order earl> and have them ready when toasted. It. '7(1)04' & SON, Seaforth. Phone 103, 2771,3 W0011 FOit SALE. "091 SALE 21 40121)0 of 16.incli first class Maple, Photo. 6 or 204. Seitiforth, or apply to •FOOtilati HACKWELI, Walton P. O. 27714,2 L)WRHAM 11111.1, FOR SALE. FOR SALE regiaters51 Durham Mill, 10 months old: odor, roan. This is o good inilivithd. Ate MY to W. C. SPROAT, No. 1. Kippen, or phone 2 on 79, Bennall Central. 2769,1 FOR SALE. -TWO COWS, ONE MILKING now, due to freshen May 10th, ono due to freshen February 17th. A/so cutter, huger and set 111:101e harness. Apply to ANDREW ARCHIBALD, Seaforth. Phone 44,e, 277102 sELL OIL, GREASE, PAINT, SPECIAL. ties. For immediate or IMMIller de - Hoerr. All or part time, Comminsion basis. Should have car or rig. Sample. free. Write for the attractive terms. RIVERSIDE REFINING CO., Cleveland. Ohio, 2772,1 . . FENDERS WANTED.-- TENDERS WANT- . ed for repair work on the McKillop Telephone System for the year 1921, by the year, tenders to be received by J. M. Gov- enlock up to February 50, 1921, and will be opened at Cho.. McGregor'. house. By order of the Board. J. M. GOVENLOCK, Retire - Lary. 2772-5 • ••- • - QHOR'PRORNS FOR SALE. -HERD IrEAD- .4 by Royalint ..e.-.1300113-,-. for Bale; 3 choice young buns ranging in age from 8 months up to 14 montha; 2 young cowe with calves et foot Prices re...enable. Write me. and, If postale. come and see me; 0 is worth while. JAMES HILL. R. R. No. 1, Staffs, Ont. 2769,8 MAPLE GROVE FARM. CHESTER '3. White Boar for service or for sale: also some choice young bean for sale that are from pedigreed stock at a right price. These pigs are stock by the largest boars of Annasaer of Tilbury, and .he has beam that weigh 1.500 pounds in nerviceable condition. A. MCGILL, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2771x3 ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Home Breeders' Club will be held In the Toon: Hall. Sea - forth, on Saturday, January 291.6, at 2.80 o'clook p.m. JAS. SNELL, D. F. MeGRECOR, Vie. -Pre,, 2772-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, In the Matter of the Estate of Esther Moore, late of the Vilhere of sall, in the County of Heron, Spinster, Deceased - NOTICE 44 hereby given Pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all Demons hiv- ing etalom againet the &tate of the said FAther Moore, who died on or about the 10th day of December A. D., 1920, are required to need he Pont prepaid or deliver to (Badman & :Banbury. Solicitors for the Administrator, on or before the fourteenth day of February. A. D., 1921, their names. addressee and de- erriptions and partleulars of their claims and the nature of the necurity if any) hold by them duly certified. and that after the said slay the Administrator will proceed Isi distribute the assete '02 the deemeed among the prirtifISI entitIcel thereto, haring regard only to t.he claims of whieh they shall then hove notice. DATED this twenty-sixth day of Sanaa., A. II., 1921. CLADMAN It STANOURY. Hokell and Exeter. 2772-3 Roliritnrs far the Adminktrater. Re Michael Waters Estate ,CALt-5 IF YOU WANT • Your Hogs to go to market quick and tip the scales at top weight, you should feed some of our Hog Tankage with our well-balanced Hog Feed. We have some real selected Grain on hand. Try us with your next order, W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET ..PHONE '77 Notice 0004, 000et•00000 S. 001AIII8 * Funeral Diregter slid o Licensed Enthelmer o Undertaking, Parlor* O Beattie Block, (*Peelle The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's. O Flowers furnished on short ` notice. O Phone Night or Day 119 00 60 0000 <>c.o.° 100 0000 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 W. T. 'BOX & CO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral Directors 11. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished Mi short notiea Night Calla Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 (:). 4:, 0 0 0 o:p 0 0 4:1 R:9 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 A meeting of the United Farmers' Club es,. will be held Carnegk Hall un Wed- xtentlay evening, February 2nd, at o'clock rharp. A full attendance in requested, m order. will he taken for nerd and feed 0 rum, ete. Ladies especially invited. BERT IRWIN, 2772-1, Secretary-Tremmer, 0 NOTICE Notice io hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the membens of the Unborn. and - lidhert Mutual Are liwuranoe Gonsnapy will be held in the Town Han, Farquhar, on Monday, February 7, 1921. at 1 p.m, for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors anti Auditors for the past year and for the election of two Director, and two Auditors and for other business. The Direetnn., whose term of office extdres. bot who are ..ligible for rertlection, are Thite Ryan and lirock. WILLIAM A. TURNBULL, Secretary. Farquhar, January 6, 1921, 3777-2 Embalmer and Funeral Director Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short 0 flown, 0 Chargegroderate 0 Phone -Night or Day --192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF' 30 HEAD OF CHOICE Cattle Thomas Brown has been instrurt- i•il ,,.Il 1•Y PUblic auction ,th Lot 29, Concersion 6, 3101 Road. Tuckersmith. on Twerlity. February tht. 1921, at tine o'clock Ism Aare, the followi ng Cade Rol cow four years old, due March I7th; Roan cow rising 6 years, 43011. Starch 17th: Roan row rising 6 years, due March 42nd: cow four iesirs Edit, doe April 30th ; row aged 4 years. May 1 I th ; now rising El years, din. !gay 241.41, steers rising three yearn ohl ; ste.•ni ro.ing 2 years old; 2 dry cow.; two Jot heifers ming 2 yen* oh), 1 yea, ling calf. .rs,. whole will positively ..I.1 o ithout reserve the proprieters are over• stocked and short of feed. Terms- Ten months' enalit on approved joint not.. A discount of G per cent elf for canh. JOHN NICHOLSON & SON. Proprietors; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, 2772.1 1 taxEcuToits SALE OF VALUABLE FAR .3 farm st..•a•lt and implements. Under in structions from the Executor:, of the Kalifs Edward Drager. late of the Townah IP. tt SlrEillop. in the County et' Huron, farmer there will offered fur sale hy public atm - bon on the premises en Thunelny, the ithtl day of February, 1921, at ono o'clock p.m. h; Thrms, Brown, auctioneer, the valuaLl arra of the late Edward Drager, namely, th westerly three-quarters of lot number four i this Thirteenth Concession of the said Town ship, containing one hundred acres more Upon the uremia. are n frame house batik barn, drilled well, gond windmill, nerve are under cultivation. The property RituaM flit. miles from Brodhagen. Then will lac be offered for sale the following chattel.: Cattle I row 5 years old, due to calve March 114th: 1 cow 6 yearn old due to calve Mert.h 131at; 1 row 7 years old, due to calve April fith; 1 .w yearn uld, due to calve April 2715; 1 cow 4 years old, dm. to calve June 1115, and 1 cow 3 yearn old due to calve June 15th, yearlings, 2 winter rale., and calves, and 2 hogs, Horse.- 1 draft home I yenta obi, 1 draft horse 5 years old. 1 draft mare 7 years old, 1 mare 14 years old, due to foal June 27th. 'triple - mettle -1 Massey-Harrin binder 6 foot rut, 1 Manney-Flarrin mower 6 foot cut, 1 hay rake, 1 roller, I dine harrow, 1 set diamond ha, rows, 1 Dane hay loader, I Noxon seed drill 12 hose; 1 wagon, 1 wagon box, I hay reek, 1 atock rock. I tor, Immo,. 2 open buggies. 1 Clinton fanning rolll, I art platform ,,al 2000 Ms., 1 pea buncher, 1 pea harmett,, 1 stuffier, 1 turnip seeder. 1 slitter, 1 set hob sleighs, 1 pulp., 1 spring seat. 1 walking plow, No. 21: 1 hay mr, 4 pullem, 150 feet hay fork rope nearly new, 1 sugar kettle, 1 art double harness and other articles too numerous to, mention. Terms -On Chattels, all ntinIll of 810 and under, cash: over that amount 6 months' rredit approved joint notes with six per cont. discount allow - Ext MT 0OP tush on credit amounts. The Real Estate will bei sold aubiect to a reserveel bid and aloo subject to other conditions which will be made known on the slate of sale or may be had 0,1 application to the undersigned Solicitors. THOMPSON & RICHARDSON, Mitchell, Ontario, Solicitors for Henry Rapion 0,4 William Drafter, Executors; Thoman Brown, Auctioneer. 2770-3 86 • • THE BANKRUPTCY ACT' 1 In the Entate of Albert John Fortune, Authorised Aseigner. MAIL CONTRACT SFALFt) TENDERS, address,. to the Pont - muster Cenrtel, 041) be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 4th Mar.. 1921, fo, the conveyance 1100 Majnity5- Malls, on O Prepteed Contract for four yeti, eix err week. over Srtiforth No. 1 Racal Mail Route, f ran the Postrrog 4 r ..nersil Clamor, Print,t1 nntier containing furth •- .1 f ram tiEln as to l'I•nottlors, of propito.: Contract may I r mom and blank forms f if oniler may obtained at the Pont Oftiri a of Sea - forth. Esenenotille St. Column.. ciintain. ant at the offim. of the Post 0111r. I ',lector. CHAS E H. 19110: Post Ottios• I tier...I...ix Office, London. Org., 21st January, 1971 2772-0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEILER'S' GIVEN that Albert John Fortune, of the Township of Tucker- . smith, in the County of Huron and Province uf Ontario, Farmer, did, on the twenty - r artond day of January, 1921, make an auth- nrized aasignment to the undersigned. NOTICE IS FURTIrER GIVM3 that the first meeting of the creditors in the above entate will lie held at the office of J. M. Bolt Barrister, Seaforth, Ontario, on the ninth day of February. 1921, at two o'clock in the afternoon. TO ENTITLE YOU to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with the un• dersigned before the meeting in held. PROXIES to be nned at the meeting must he lodged with the undemigned prior there- to. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if 000 have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank proof of ouch claim must be filed with the under- signed within 20 dam from the date of the notice for from and after the expiration of the time fixed by subaec. 8 of bee. 87 of the said Art, we shall distribute the pr,, - reeds of the debtor's estate among the partite entitled thereto, having regani only to the claims of which we have then notice. Dated at London thio .26th day of Jan- uary. 1921. LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS Co., Ltd., Authorised Truett,. J. M. BEST. Seaforth, Oat., 2772.1 Solicitor for said Trustee. AITCTION SALE OF FARM. FARM STOCK, Implement, and Household EiTecte on I.ot (.nnceesion 14, Turkeromith, 3 mile* esot of Hensel!. on Wednesday, Fehrunt•y mile to commence at one sit:leek ahem. Horses I home rising' 4 years. 1 more tie- ing 5 yen], I narriago home 10 years old, Cattle• POW,. t, years old, due in March; I cow, 4 year. old, doe in March; 1 Cow, 3 }mirk old, due Inter; 3 steers 3 yeans. about ready to shin; :1 steers tieing 2 yearn • 1 'hear, rising .1. years. 4 spring calves.. Pigs 9 pigs 3 months '.34, I brood POW to far, rcw in April Poultry About 120 hent, and pullets, pair of ducks. Implements --Front Wood binder 6 fent cut with trucks. Deering mower 5 foot mit, 10 foot steel rake, 13 -hoe 1 ierrim: roorl as now a tiring tooth ,111 - Hyatt", I 0010 plow, 1 walking plow, .die •thimonil harrow 4-sertimis, I wagon mantle nem, W1101,1 hnit oriel stork rack, 1 gravel NEL 1 so sleighs, 1 land roller, 1 disr har- row, 2 ocutners. I pottier. 1 mining box. 1 I uggy, I oio 'r rood cart.. 1 wagon rack, I 14Iork co kb. 2 'woos cut 000.5 1 lawn 11. I - I ! s1,o.1 vow --erne 9 -inch tile, I :,oti pound rap:trill, anto No: I Clinton fan. .1.1, mill • 01 team hurtle, I -al •iitele to, mo, toolo nottur..1.,. a .1 oat,. it y of -t•iy.• wood. 1 too, oloene oenlee ant ontaloi, tratet tio o 1,0,41, 0 sbet to • trough, PP11111 ; • .. and hor, Deiee trornitirr 1 1 evien-sin tette I sn'a I '17.k .1113IIIII 1,91, 1 Oaist,wa ranee with irn1or 1 :oh noir tio t. 1 ,,.v,4,,,'n I fire sv- ingith he. Fe on Voi. 4,1, The eine • • . amee. ne,* . • bosh. , 00 fall ton ta1.111.,` • ordril Anil elowed On • In, rn. o n II n•• lino'. hore r1i1,1; net, eliee rem( rems,11 (loom tries boos, lEt om, ist thicken hoots, flows is 514s, 510.1.0.1, hi.isk Isms, .5ot:titling 11 sow, loll, nod teilet and hot air turner.. nnt ...1.1 06',i,,,0 to snie woe he sold hy 11,11, nortinn on riny of 'pin. Terme All ims of 510 end tinder, reeh ; over thot mount 12 months' relit will he given nn thnishing aPProvoil joint note., 4 per rent. for meth. Term,, 00 Fiirni, 20 Per cent Purchane prim on day nf nate: balanee reneged far. MRS. FRANK HORTON, Pro- rietrens; C. W. Rohinoon, Auctioneer; Frank mite. Clerk 2 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to 'The trustee Act- that all pernons having pinif,".4 ,,,fn -'t the estate of Michael Wnters, late of I h. t'ity of London. Gentleman. former!, r.f the Village of finblin, who died on the fifth day of Derember. 1920. are required to it prove and file them with Murphy & Gunn, e Rank of Throne., Chambers, London, on or. heftier the Fifteenth day .1 Meech. 1521, n after whjh date the Executors will not he f, liable for any claim not then filed, riff of MURPHY & GUNN. 277241 Solicitors fer Reeepters C • 77141 • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY II SYST'`M The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT. and CHICAGO. .iinexeclled Dining Car Service. Sleeping, cars on Night. 'Trains and Par] '15' Cars on prim'ipal/Day Trains. -- Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District. Passenger Agt.. Toronto. W. R. Plant . Agent Phone 4w Business for Sale Genera., Stork nisi Pix- ie ree MIR!tin gold al. • •nre, lho Pr.,prirl Ilt 3.00 rchased e , • tev here 1 good chance for t quick Pale. Apply to POSTMASTER Kippen - Ontario NOTICE Applications for the Clerkship of the Municipality of McKillop will be received by the Council of the said Municipality until the third day of February, 1921, when applications will be considered at 2 o'clock Pcn., at council meeting at the Carnegie Library Seaforth. M. MURDIE. January 17, 1921. 2771-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the mtate of Joseph Fisher, late of the Township of Tuekessmith, 00, the County of Huron. Gentleman, deceased_ • - NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the liuitute in that beinklf, that all Creditors and others having claims or demands ageinst the mime of the said Joseph Fisher. who died on or about the 20th day of December, 1920, are required on or before the 6th day of Febru- ary, 1921, to send by poet prepaid ur deliver to J. M. Beet. Seaforth Ontario: Solicitor for Joseph IL Fisher, Dwight M. Fisher and Louis T. Flakier, the Executory of the neid estate, full particulam of their claims. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the *aid Executors will pro- ceed to destributh the merle of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto hieing regard only to the claims of which they Shall then have notice, and the amid Executon shall nut Le liable for the bald assets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whort claim notice shall not have been reeeived by them at the time of such dintribution. J. M. BEST, Solicitor for the said Executor.. Deed at tieaforth. Ont., 14 1. 17 day of January. 1921 2770-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the, Matter of the Fetal, of Edwerd Drexel% 1010 ,1 the Township of McEntee. In the County of Huron. Farmer, deceased. The Creditors of the ebove name.d Edward Dower, who died on or about the sixth day ,1 November, 1920, art requests,/ on or • .,.• the Smenth day of February. 1921, to 01,.1 to the undersIgnri Solicitors for the 1 .1.• uteri. of the said Estate, full ,particulare id their . kink against hi. Ecitate, after 03.000 date the assets of the mod Estate will he distributed among the parties entitled therete, having retard only te those china of ,,t, ,,-1, notice has been recessed an above. Thin notice 30 given 00000,01 to Section 56 of -1 he Trustee Acts.' tinted lot Seaforth this 6th day of Janu- uury, 19_1. 1HOMPSON & RICHARDSON, of Mitchell, Ontario, O;691 Sanctions for the Executors. FARMS FOR SALE 1,,AltM 1.1)14 SALE. POlt 001.8.1 LOT 1,, Consession I. Turkersmith. containing 100 t14. ,,f 'ho.-' lam!. o'.•11 draincol and good „timestine tntle north of Kit/Pen. l'ot fin-ther tairto•ularii anttlY on the Premise, or 7 en 94 1,01161?: MOFFATT, Kipp,',,. Poot (Mao. 2770-20 FARM 14,1: ACitE tkel 403)1 1,1 inthrot }furor, CiltintY. kne miles north of Sea. 7. rth C T. It. stath.o. 01111 south of Waiteri 1'14, ..hool ant rhurch near. 3. I I ., 33 f• ht, large barn 044,00 feet Toni. :-Isitiltnic under- hcath -prow. 4,..11, windmill, wster- I^1. tank . fk11111:it-et:lances. For ;al. -Celan, aunty to I 111. .1 HOGG. Pr,,' - or It. fitiVENLOCk tteuforth. es- rtutors of Eidate or Oa. Inte R. H. Coven - 2771.c.: It ,1 1 iiR SA I et t7k 1ININC 100 Pen.'1 all .........1mid in ,11111,1,0111 W.I. .1raineti, end n;s,, 003 '''0', 4, 2 6.110.1 we:.• Pumped hy tis 11,1. farm a• rell 4. eased Mirk house, 0 krtge hank lawn and hose pen. ,.loo PRIM! dr, 100 hal 01114 11 cram, voltage, eta, atar for bred man n1'par10.- %ny men v tinting •hoice hone. mid With v en knee 4. tivso .0, a Dominion Higliwai which will 10' . ne of thai 1.,...1 when finished in Cert.!o, should get in touch with 1111.1 at onee. Essisessi,,,, iv.. '1,1, itheing. Atilt/111AM /111211.1.. 2771-tf FARM Ytilt eALE. l'OR SOLE arEsT half .1 the north, half or 1,ot 28, con. cmsion 13, oiwth half of Lot 2,, Concmakin 13, end n• ..th fifty of lot 5', Concomion IS, in the whin of containing in all 1t234,,,'",. These are co. the preminea n frame at, w foundation, frame home 22.91. •• ,th st foundation under the v 1,1, 1..'',',dri led well with indrn ill, l• ser.. rhotre fruit. The Property 5, 3 ,.,,WW H. the John McCallum l'arro, and is I Le milyo from t he ',liege of iViiiton. 1,,r f TM, Particular, apply to JOHN McDoNAI D. Walton, Ont. 7760-tf 'FARM FOR SALE.- 1.)')' 80. CONCESSION . 4, McKitlor. eontnining 9934, acme of good Irint. There Is 0 never•failing well at the barn with wind mill and large cement tank and riving through Mehl.. It ia ail seeded with the exception of 09 acres which is plowed. Thmo lo a good hank barn 48160 ith atone stabling underneath. Rim, a straw and hay shed 30,70, with hen and pig home inderneeth. There le 0 good brick house and kitchen on premiers, also hard end net errater In the home. The farm Is all fenced with wire and well drained with tile. School is nn the form, and is situated 8 miles from the town of Seaforth. Has telephone and rural mail delivery. Owner IA dedrous of selling on account of ill health. For fur- ther particulars aroto on lhr premiss sr whirr. JOHN 114,161 TION', lt. 0. Nr. 2, Fen-. 2762-1' 5000 3030 SA1.F7 - 1,krr 'a. 'EAST I101.1' L,1 :1 2, lo,, rishit, of 11to lant all to•re•11,14 toughed, 011111 seeded to lo,y and grass. *111 thts Sarnitwowl.,se, 1041, 0-roomod ,ith tone lawmpont nod •• icril, 1.4 furnace frone kitchi.n, • lw 1.: 5, • v 1,,,ms, a., h throw . honk b 574.0; fte.t, v ith • too fount, • .5 concrete thringhtmt. and • .sict 1.11051y house 10,16 reel. t11.1,e 0 fort 11,-. latiltinirs are all in ... • repair 'hi.. property is situated •,m Dublin. 7; miloa froni Seaforth. nols. rhurch arid Rth.' : 1, well reas...1 under trainesl, and has rural •. Inpl• oir mail 11.•lirtry. For further Emmirider mote to JOHN Is MURPHY. 101then, 0,0 it it, 2772,4 Tetrittt Ist/11 1.:91,1t. 1110 ACRF.S, 0,07" 12, 3 . • wo 6, in 311., Tewn.hin of Turker- ...,e,th from arinforth. /nitre from n•1 s. .1 Kinn+, ronernient to school end .-1•.,,., h G'. ecre. clenreet, rernelnder in matile 1,5-4 on this farm aro re,o+11,11 •=.1 ..rr in amt. -chum repel, herd rind oft - ..• , thc home. nn4 in stables: .4•,01• 1 le. • n Thif. Mem le 11 • , 1 't infer ,1 rained and tensed and met. 1,.1,. of cultice'ion. never havenat s...,• ...armed •This 1. In every Wit" n 0. 1 re. n orl farm. Also Lot 17, Cons...44,, I? in the Town:thin of 171h- bcrt. 300 'there ea Itern clearer'. odi iinterdrainrrl end frorefl, the rerns.nder is in 7.0 eine. manly 41,45. On the nrerneee 3.,n crointhrtnhle freme house n c ,-1 taro 10,90 with cteno stabling: c.sol A-.41 o•it h Th f n ern ie ell troilr.1 utotoi 00,1 in ennrli. 330,. haring been rr000rd ynre Mt,. eith- nted within 9 miles nf Hensel', nuerter of fren. There ti long dietheee telephone roe nee nn both farmn, also rural mail delivery. These farms .111 be anld 'together or aeparately to emit pnewhaser and on meson/dile terms. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor. on Lot LP, Concessive fl, Teekerornith, go Sestartei P. 0.. R. R. 12o. 4, or phone 14 on 181. Seaforth. THOMAS O. filibuLINOLAW, Preprtettot A Good Inireti THE money you sage earnS when deposited in du' Department, and both prim:1W Interest are safe and can le obtaff%. ed whenever required. Operi an account to -day. THE CANADIAN BANK' OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPrrAL . RESERVE FUND . . $15,=000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the members of the FURS WANTED McKillop Mutual Fire Ineurance Company will All kinds uf Raw Furs, delivered at be held in the day, bruary 401 Town921, lienat, Seaforth, okn Fri- the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest Fe, 1two o'cloep.m.. to receive the financial etatement and and,. Coo Price:4, tor', report, the electing of three Directors C. E HENDERSON, and two Auditors'. and other bunkum which might he remitter. al the meeting. The re- 2766-tf Licensed Boyer. tiring Directors ere K. 0. McCarty, D. McGregor and Malcolm MeEwen, who are . ligible for re-ethation. JAS. CONNOLLY, THOS. E. RAYS, ' President Secretary. 2770-4 11 un- terpC;Z:Right8-narceonclitlY raepreresentedliable agdonitarict,t for to 40L our well known Fruit and mental Trees, Shrubs, Etc. Good Pay -Exclusive terri- WE WANT i.omvskatable under 606 Acres of Nursery -Estab- lished 40 Years - Write for particulars to Agency DepartmettE PELHAM NURSERY C., 765-16 TORONTO, ONT. CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible service. Our gatherers will take care of your cream regularly the year round. Phone Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patronage. Clinton Creamery Limited. 2761-tf CLINTON - - - ONTARIO WE WANT EXPERT ' DEALERS REMARKABLE opportunity for one high - grade deal- er in each territory , prefer- ably one who has a knowledge of farm conditions. The pod - tion is permanent and the work pleasant and profitable. Experience not essential - we train you. Exclusive terri- tory', Iilrs1 co-operation and excellent pay. To men of energy, ability and absolute integrity this position offers a valuable association, and one that 9 of real service to th,. corr.rrimity. Write us to -day. .The Shinn Mfg. ('n. of Canada Guelph - Ontario Secty. & Man., - W. H. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics at the OraLirb., Agricultural (bllegc . ('7uelph.) 1 sit) To t„ -,,e A. WEEK at home ir, &oar spare time. In- crease pi:kr .on•ome at home in your Spare' 7.11,05 You can earn 610 to 150 ,sch week writing • show cardr 1,2 tome or qualify for a paying a good salary eaell ••••-eek. No canvas- sing or li.e.!.ng. We teach you how soipply you with steady work. Write to -day for full particulars. National Show t'ard School Ltd. Room 42, stAdelaide St. W., Torontb, • Canada. 2170-4 umnimmitimmiiimmilimminummommimmiimmoinnifficummumme ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN a 28 28 Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune!' Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to ••▪ • S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR. OFFICE. = NAME ADDRESS Date Born day of 41 Zikm year......„ Timillummilimmilimmiiiiimmumnimumniumumpromikanimminisinii. 28 28 28 28 Why Art Clothes? • koeauso 1hey have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. 'File all w'tml fabrics are splendidi-s. tailored anti trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate prico. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 "My Wardrobe " MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCS, SSAPORTIL • 7440